Ollies Lost Innocence

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Jan 23, 2023


Ollie Anderson nervously adjusted his shirt, trying to make sure it was perfectly smooth and neat. He had taken extra care getting ready for the LGBT mixer tonight; he wanted to look his best in a snug black tee, dark skinny jeans with bright red converse sneakers that were accented by a colorful scarf draped around his neck, and some subtle eyeliner and mascara. His heart raced as he walked through the doors of the campus social hall, filled with young queer people from all walks of campus life - artists, dancers, musicians, athletes and academics alike. Ollie's petite 5'6" frame stood out amongst the crowd; his soft brown hair falling around his face in an emo-style cut and bright blue eyes taking in all that was happening around him. He fidgeted with a strand of hair as he made eye contact with some of the other attendees; they were smiling at him warmly and encouragingly, making him feel more comfortable than before. Some of these men were so hot, making him aroused but also very bashful due to his near total lack of experience with relationships or sexual contact with other men--he was still a virgin after all!

As Ollie ventured further into the room, exploring its different nooks and crannies - each one a world full of possibilities - he felt something slowly loosening up within him: acceptance for who he is inside and out without any fear or shame. He had a great time attending dance lessons where he learned how to vogue like a pro, making beaded bracelets that showcased messages about self-love & pride in rainbow colors over glasses of punch provided by volunteers , talking about music production (his favorite hobby) over games of Jenga & cards plus writing stories about love & loss on old typewriters provided by volunteers . At the end of the night, Ollie left with a sense of pride and accomplishment despite not having met anyone special or having any hot make-out sessions yet . He had still managed to have fun showing himself off to the crowd while understanding that he didn't need validation from others to enjoy life on his own terms. As he walked home through the cool autumn air feeling more confident than ever before -- ready to take on anything college could throw at him -- Ollie knew that no matter what happened next would be an adventure worth taking part in!

Tyler Shays stood at the edge of the social hall, watching as people bustled around him. At 5'10" he wasn't particularly tall, but he carried himself with such confidence that it made him seem taller. His muscular physique was more than impressive; his remarkably defined shoulders, arms and rippling abs were a sight to behold. Tyler's deep brown eyes seemed to almost hypnotically draw gazes from everyone in the room towards him. He had been feeling a bit buzzed since arriving at the LGBT mixer, which only seemed to increase his already high libido. As Tyler looked over the crowd of young queer people who were all having such an amazing time, one particular person caught his eye: a petite twink with soft brown hair falling around his face in an emo-style cut and bright blue eyes that sparkled with innocence. Ollie Anderson was slender and delicate looking - Tyler could tell just by looking at him that he held some kind of secret pleasure within himself that Tyler wanted to uncover.

As Tyler watched Ollie explore different areas of the social hall, he felt himself growing more and more aroused. His cock was chubbing up in his jeans as thoughts of what it would be like to ravage this petite twink drove him wilder by the second. He wanted nothing more than to take Ollie away from this room and have his way with him until they both collapsed in exhaustion; no other thought mattered now except for getting closer to this boy who had captivated him so completely in such a short amount of time. When Tyler saw Ollie head out for the night, he grabbed his jacket without hesitation and hurriedly followed after him into the night air outside. His desire for Ollie consumed everything else; there was no turning back now - he needed this boy before the night was through one way or another...

Ollie didn't notice anything at first. He was too lost in his own thoughts, walking in a daze as he made his way back to the dorm. But then, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed someone else walking behind him. It wasn't unusual to see other people out late at night but there was something about this particular person that caught Ollie's attention. He glanced behind himself and saw a figure with broad shoulders and an athletic build. The man had brown hair and seemed to be staring intently on Ollie, making him feel both uncomfortable and intrigued all at once. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, Ollie quickened his pace; so did the stranger. He was definitely following him. Ollie started to feel a little afraid, but at the same time he couldn't help but be curious about who this person was and why they were following him. Ollie was starting to panic when the stranger was suddenly beside him. He spoke.

"Hey there, little twink," he said in a voice that sent shivers down Ollie's spine. He stopped walking and slowly turned to face the man, his heart pounding as he tried to make out his features in the dark. The man stepped forward until Ollie could make out his face - he recognized him as someone who had been at the party earlier that night. The man's expression was intense as he stared at the petite freshman. "I've been watching you all night. I couldn't let you just walk away, cutie." He reached out and brushed Ollie's cheek with his thumb in a surprisingly gentle gesture. "You're too beautiful not to follow home," he said softly, his gaze never leaving Ollie's face. Ollie felt his heart racing as the man stepped closer, their faces just inches apart now.

He knew this was wrong - he had no idea who this man was. He wanted to run away but he was too scared to move, or even speak. His mind raced with all the possible scenarios of what could happen next and none of them seemed good. Suddenly strong hands were on him, exploring his body without any consent given. Ollie gasped in shock as he ran his hands over Ollie's chest and stomach, before slowly sliding down to the waistband of his jeans. He tried to push away but it only made Tyler grip tighter, pressing himself against Ollie until he was completely immobilized by fear.

"Don't worry," he whispered into Ollie's ear. "I'm not gonna hurt you." But despite his words, Ollie knew that this wasn't a situation that he could control - he was completely at Tyler's mercy now and all he could do was wait for things to play out however they were going to play out.

Ollie felt like he was going to faint as the stranger pulled him off the street and into a nearby alleyway. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that it felt like it was going to burst from his chest. The alleyway was dark and deserted. There were only some spotlights on the buildings and the shadows made it seem almost surreal. He led Ollie further back until they reached the side of an old apartment building. He pushed Ollie up against the wall and held him there with one arm while he used his other hand to slide his fingertips along Ollie's face, tracing the outline of his jawline before cupping his cheek gently in his palm. He leaned down, bringing their faces close together until their lips were just inches apart.

"I don't want you to be scared," He said softly, staring into Ollie's eyes intently as if trying to will away all of Ollie's fear with just a glance. "You're gonna learn so much from me tonight." He leaned in closer and Ollie felt his breath on his lips before the stranger finally pressed their mouths together. Ollie was too stunned to move - he couldn't believe what was happening. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to process the sensations that were coursing through him as the man explored his mouth with a hunger Ollie had never experienced before. Ollie felt his fear start to ease away as the man kissed him, his lips soft and gentle against Ollie's. He slowly allowed himself to sink into the moment, forgetting all of his worries and letting himself get lost in the passion and electricity of the kiss. But then suddenly hands were on him, exploring his body with an urgency that made Ollie gasp in surprise. His hands moved quickly, sliding up Ollie's back before finally coming to rest on either side of his ass.

Through the thin fabric of Ollie's jeans, he could feel him squeeze and grope roughly at his ass - it was a stark contrast from the tenderness of moments ago and it brought all of Ollie's fears rushing back to the surface. He tried to pull away but the man held him tightly against the wall with one arm as he continued to explore him with his free hand. A lump formed in Ollie's throat as tears pricked at the corner of his eyes - he was scared and confused but he couldn't make himself speak or move from where he stood pinned against the wall by this mysterious stranger who seemed intent on taking something from him that he wasn't sure he even wanted to give away yet. The stranger leaned in and trailed hot kisses down Ollie's neck, making him shiver. He moved from one side of his neck to the other as he sucked and nibbled gently, sending pulses of desire coursing through Ollie's body. His lips then traveled up to Ollie's ears, where he took his time licking and teasing before finally moving back down to Ollie's jawline. Ollie felt himself melting into the man's mouth as he continued to explore his body with gentle touches and tender words.

"You're so beautiful," Tyler murmured, sending a wave of warmth through Ollie that was both comforting and exciting all at once. But then he started to move lower again, this time focusing on the area just below Ollie's earlobe - a sensitive spot that made him gasp in surprise when he touched it lightly with his tongue. He felt himself trembling as hands ran along Ollie's sides before finally coming to rest on either side of his ass. The stranger squeezed and fondled roughly which made Ollie moan despite himself; it felt strangely good even though a part of him knew it wasn't right. But all thoughts were lost in an instant when he grabbed onto both cheeks firmly before pushing forward against Ollie until their bodies were pressed tightly together from chest-to-hips.

He could feel every inch of the man against him now - hard muscles flexing beneath taut skin and... holy fuck... was that his cock?! It was huge and rock-hard, pressing into Ollie's stomach through their clothes. He couldn't believe it - he'd heard stories about guys like this but never actually encountered one before now! It felt so big compared to Ollie's own 4" member which suddenly seemed minuscule in comparison. His face heated up with embarrassment at the thought but then the man started to move again and all thoughts were lost in an instant as the older student began rotating his hips, grinding his hot bulge into Ollie's body and filling his mouth with his tongue. Ollie felt the man take his hand and guide it towards the bulge in his pants. He gasped as he felt the impressive size of it beneath his fingertips - holy shit, it must be at least 9 inches! And here he was, touching it with his own hand! His heart was pounding wildly in his chest as the man continued to grind against him, pushing Ollie's body back against the wall with every thrust. The stranger moved Ollie's hand up and down along the length of him as he continued to kiss him deeply. His breathing grew more ragged with each pass until finally Ollie started to move his hand on instinct. The man moaned with pleasure as Ollie stroked him through the denim and his movements became more frantic. And then suddenly the stranger pulled away from Ollie, letting out a long sigh of pleasure as he did so.

He looked at Ollie with a satisfied smirk on his face and whispered, "It's time to learn something new." With that, the man unzipped his jeans and stepped back, allowing the panting Ollie to take in his form. Ollie's eyes widened as he took in the sight before him. The stranger was even more beautiful than he had thought - his muscular form rippling beneath the moonlight - and then there was that cock! It was huge and incredibly impressive, rising from its nest of dark curls with a proudness that made Ollie both intimidated and aroused at the same time. He found himself unable to look away, mesmerized by not only its size but also by its smoothness. It glistened slightly in the faint light, beckoning to be touched. The man stepped forward again and brought his lips to Ollie's ear before whispering "Touch it" in a husky voice that sent shivers down Ollie's spine.

He felt a strange heat begin to spread through his body as he hesitantly reached out towards the stranger's cock. His fingertips brushed against the velvety skin lightly, exploring every inch of it until finally coming to rest on top of its head where they traced circles around it softly. The man let out an appreciative moan which encouraged Ollie to explore further still; his hands moved up and down along its length as if they had minds of their own as he continued to stroke it gently yet firmly. His heart raced wildly as this was completely new for him yet strangely felt right. Ollie couldn't believe it - his hand barely wrapped around the man's huge cock. He felt a strange sense of awe and admiration as he continued to stroke the velvety skin with gentle, tentative movements. His heart raced as he explored every inch of it, feeling its power and strength beneath his fingertips.

"You like that dick, little twink?" The stranger said, rubbing Ollie's cheek with his thumb. Ollie reluctantly tore his eyes away from the cock and looked up at the man. The thumb moved to Ollie's lips, tracing them as he said, "It's gonna be between these pretty lips in a minute." Ollie's heart was pounding wildly in his chest as he stared at the huge cock before him. He had never been so close to something like this and he felt a strange combination of fear and desire coursing through him. His throat went dry as the reality of what was about to happen began sinking in -- he was going to have to put that thing in his mouth! He looked up at the stranger, who seemed unfazed by Ollie's hesitation, before looking back down at the impressive appendage in his hand; he couldn't believe it was real - surely no man had this kind of size and strength? The thought made Ollie feel incredibly small and insignificant, but he pushed aside his fear as the man began to move closer. He felt the stranger's hand on his chin, gently lifting it up until their eyes met.

"It's ok," He said softly, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You're gonna do great." Ollie could see something else in those dark eyes - an understanding of what Ollie was feeling; it was almost like he could see right through him. He felt himself relax a little as the man smiled encouragingly and nodded towards his lap. Ollie took a deep breath before slowly lowering his head towards it - he had never put anything this big in his mouth before! His lips brushed against the shaft lightly and he shivered as the man's fingers ran through his hair. The stranger's breathing grew ragged as Ollie continued to explore, gently teasing the head before finally taking it fully into his mouth. The cock head filled his mouth, the first one ever to breach his lips, and it tasted surprisingly good. Ollie felt a strange sense of awe and wonder as he explored the stranger's cock for the first time. He tentatively ran his tongue along its length, feeling its smoothness against his lips. It was so much bigger than anything he'd ever touched before and it made him feel small yet strangely powerful all at once. But as he tried to take more of it into his mouth, his throat started to constrict and he felt himself gag.

The stranger let out a gentle chuckle and pulled back slightly, allowing Ollie to catch his breath. He smiled apologetically, embarrassed at the reaction but grateful for the stranger's understanding. The man's fingers moved up to cradle Ollie's chin as he encouraged him on, coaxing him with encouraging words and soft touches that made Ollie feel like he could conquer anything - even this! He took another deep breath before trying again; this time going slower while savoring every inch of the cock in his mouth. He kept gagging about halfway down the huge cock, but the stranger simply laughed and praised him for his efforts, making Ollie feel even more confident as he continued to explore.

"Breath through your nose and relax, little twink," the man said, putting his hands in Ollie's hair. "Brace yourself, sexy." The man began to force his huge cock deeper into Ollie's throat, pushing past any resistance and ignoring the boy's desperate grasping and pushing hands on his legs. He seemed determined to make sure that every inch of him was swallowed by the petite twink, no matter how much it made Ollie gag and gurgle in protest. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the man reached his limit; he was hilted inside of Ollie's throat, their eyes meeting as he let out a long sigh of pleasure. "You just needed a push, little twink," he said down to Ollie. "You're a natural cocksucker."

At those words, Ollie felt something click inside him - a newfound confidence that seemed to have sprouted from within as he felt the huge cock throbbing down his throat and his nose buried in the man's musky bush. The stranger began to thrust his huge cock in and out of Ollie's throat, pushing him further and further until his gag reflect was exhausted. Ollie felt like he was going to be sick but the man seemed determined to keep going, making him feel even more humiliated as he heard him call him a "slutty twink" and a "cocksucking whore." He could feel drool dripping from his chin as the man kept fucking his face, while tears and mucus ran from his eyes and nose. He felt completely violated yet strangely aroused - the sensations washing over him were overwhelming yet oddly pleasurable. The man suddenly pulled out of Ollie's throat, leaving the petite twink gasping for air and trembling from the intensity of what had just happened. He felt a strange sense of emptiness that made him want to cry but he held back his tears as he looked up at the stranger with a mix of confusion and fear in his eyes.

The man stood Ollie up and practically ripped down the boy's jeans. Ollie gasped as he felt the cool night air hit his skin as the man pulled down his jeans, exposing his petite cock to the open air. The man's eyes widened a little in surprise at the sight of it and he let out a low whistle before leaning in closer to get a better look. He ran his finger along Ollie's length gently, making him shiver with pleasure as he marveled at its size; in comparison to his own huge cock, it was small - yet still beautiful. "My God," He murmured, tracing circles around its head with one finger. "Look at this pretty little dick." The stranger then moved back up and pressed their cocks together, making Ollie gasp as he felt the sheer size difference between them. His entire body trembled from both fear and arousal as he felt every pulse of the man's cock against his own.

The man pulled away from Ollie and stood up, his eyes filled with a strange mixture of admiration and desire. He leaned forward and whispered into Ollie's ear, "I have so much more to teach you". Ollie felt a strange thrill of excitement course through him as the man grabbed his hand and spun him around, pushing his body against the cold brick of the building. He felt the man's hands on his hips as he pressed himself up against Ollie's back. His hot breath was in Ollie's ear as he said, "Let me show you what real pleasure feels like," massaging his ass and drawing his hips back so his cheeks slightly spread.

"Beautiful," the man said as he began tracing soft circles around Ollie's tight pink rosebud with one finger. Ollie closed his eyes and moaned softly at the sensation; no one had ever touched him there except himself. The man moved down lower with his lips, pressing soft kisses along Ollie's ass before finally settling between his cheeks with a hot tongue that teased and tantalized its way into every crevice. Every lick sent waves of pleasure coursing through Ollie's body until finally coming to settle deep in his belly - this was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before! He felt himself relax into it completely, letting out an involuntary moan as he begged for more. The stranger complied eagerly; licking and sucking harder on Ollie's virgin hole until he thought he would come from just this alone. After what felt like ages the man pulled away leaving behind a wet trail of saliva that ran down from between Ollie's cheeks all the way down to pool at his feet.

Ollie opened his eyes slowly, still dazed from what had just happened. The man's hot breath was still on Ollie's skin as he licked his fingers and rubbed them against Ollie's wet hole. He felt the man slip one finger inside of him, then two; stretching his virgin ass until he thought he would break apart from the pressure. Ollie gasped as a wave of intense pleasure rushed through him, seemingly coming from all directions at once. The heat in his belly began to climb higher and higher until it seemed like it would consume him, making every muscle in his body tense up with anticipation. He moaned out loud when the man added a third finger to the mix, pushing deeper into him before curling it ever so slightly towards his prostate. The sensation was overwhelming - he could feel his little cock dripping with arousal as sensations exploded throughout his entire body; tingles ran down from his scalp to toes and back up again - this feeling was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before!

Ollie felt a wave of disappointment wash over him as the man withdrew his hand from between his cheeks. His body was still tingling with pleasure and he longed for it to continue, but he knew that all good things must come to an end eventually. The man produced a small bottle of lube from his jeans pocket and proceeded to slick up his enormous cock with it. Ollie watched in awe as the thick liquid slowly coated every inch of the man's shaft, wondering what would happen next. He couldn't help but feel a little scared at the prospect; this was much bigger than anything he'd ever experienced before! He gulped nervously, hoping that whatever happened next wouldn't be too overwhelming for him. The man grabbed Ollie's hips and pulled him closer until their bodies were pressed tightly together; Ollie could feel every inch of the hot shaft slotted between his cheeks, pressing against his tight hole and it made him shiver with anticipation. The man pulled back and positioned his cock on the boy's pink hole and began to slowly push himself inside, teasing Ollie's tight entrance with little thrusts in and out.

Ollie felt the man's huge cock pressing against his tight entrance, making him shudder with anticipation. He moaned softly as the man teased him with little thrusts in and out, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through his body with each movement. His breath was coming in short gasps as he tried to adjust to the sensation of having something so much bigger than himself inside of him. The teasing continued until Ollie felt himself growing more and more aroused; he was almost begging for the man to finally push all the way into his tight hole. The man seemed to sense this desperation and obliged, pushing forward slowly, making Ollie gasp as inch after inch slid inside of his hole, snatching away his virginity until he finally buried himself to the hilt in one swift motion - making Ollie gasp out loud in shock as all of his nerves lit up like fireworks under the immense pressure. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to focus on breathing steadily as he adjusted to this new sensation; it felt amazing yet overwhelming all at once! He could feel every inch of the man's enormous cock filling him completely as the cock was held in his ass, throbbing as Ollie's hole adapted to the invasion.

The man began to move his hips slowly, thrusting in and out of Ollie with gentle but firm movements. The pressure built up inside of him, until it was almost unbearable - yet it felt so good that Ollie didn't want it to stop! He could feel every last inch sliding in and out of his tight hole and he gasped with pleasure as it rubbed against sensitive spots deep within him that had never been touched before. Despite being scared, Ollie couldn't help but moan louder each time the man went deeper; waves of pleasure coursed through his body like an electric current that made everything around them fade away into nothingness except for their passion-filled fucking. Ollie felt his prostate light up over and over again with each thrust, sending waves of pleasure crashing through his entire body. His clothed upper body was being pressed into the hard brick of the building but he didn't care. He was so close to the edge that he wanted to jerk his cock off to release some of the tension - but before he could even move his hand, the man slapped it away.

The man's voice was low and stern as he said, "You don't cum until I let you cum, little slut". Ollie gasped at the words; they made him feel both scared and aroused at the same time. He felt his skin heat up as the man continued to thrust into him, pounding away at his tight ass until Ollie thought he would go mad from pleasure. Ollie felt his body trembling as the man's huge cock kept sinking in and out of his hole, driving him onto the tips of his toes with each thrust. He gasped as he felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge, unable to control his own reactions anymore.

The stranger began to talk dirty, saying things like "Take it all, twink slut", "You were made for this" and "Show me how much you want it". Ollie's mind started to break apart as he heard these words; eyes rolling back into his head, tongue lolling out of his mouth as a line of drool dripped off of it. All he could think about was more cock - more pleasure - more intensity. Ollie felt himself being pushed over the edge, his body trembling and shaking as pleasure ran through it like a wave. He closed his eyes tight and moaned out loud as he felt himself reaching the peak of pleasure; it was unlike anything he had ever experienced before! His ass spasmed around the man's huge cock, milking it for every last sensation as Ollie experienced his first ever anal orgasm - something that rocked his mind, body and soul with intense waves of pleasure.

He could feel himself slowly coming back down to earth. Holy fuck! What the fuck just happened? His cock was still stubbornly rock-hard, dripping precum onto the ground beneath him in desperation for release. Had he not just cum? Oblivious to Ollie's confusion, the man kept pounding him mercilessly, chasing his own orgasm as his balls tightened below his cock. Ollie succumbed to the sensations once again as his prostate was abused, moaning like a whore as his smooth, white ass was ravaged by this sexual demon.

Finally, when Ollie felt like he was going to explode from the intensity of it all, the man grabbed a handful of his hair. He pulled back sharply so Ollie's head was next to his mouth and said in a low growl "Now you can cum - let it all out for me". Ollie moaned loudly as he grabbed hold of his leaky cock, pumping it furiously until jets of cum shot out onto the brick wall in front of him. He felt his body trembling as he was overcome with pleasure and his ass clenched around the man's cock, sending him into his own orgasm and filling Ollie's insides with his hot cum.

They lay there for a moment, both panting heavily from the intensity of the experience, before finally collapsing onto the ground in a sweaty heap. Ollie was still trembling from the pleasure and shock of it all; he had just experienced something completely new and amazing - something that changed him forever.

The man finally pulled out of Ollie and collapsed onto the ground next to him. They both lay there for a few minutes, panting heavily as they tried to catch their breath. When the man finally spoke, his voice was filled with admiration and awe; "You were amazing, little twink," he said softly as he brushed a stray strand of hair away from Ollie's face.

He leaned in close and kissed him tenderly on the forehead before saying, "I'm so proud of you." He smiled at Ollie's dazed expression before helping him up off the ground. He helped Ollie get his pants back on, making sure that all the buttons were done up properly.

"Now get home safely, little twink," he said gently as he stepped back and started to walk away. "You never know who's out on the street this late at night."

Next: Chapter 2

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