Ollies Lost Innocence

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Feb 24, 2023


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This is a story of fiction.

It's back! Hope you like the update. Email if you have any thoughts on where these two go from here... it all seems a whole lot more complicated when Ollie isn't blissed out from getting destroyed.

P.S. I also have a story called "Tyler Shays' Conquests" that has one-shots of our... "tagonist"(?) Tyler Shays xx

A week after the mind-blowing, gender-bending sex, Ollie was sitting with Eddie at the dining hall. Ollie rocked an oversized black t-shirt featuring a big pride flag, tight black skinny jeans, and Converse high tops. He'd carefully applied a bit of eyeliner to accentuate his eyes, adding a touch of softness to his overall look. Ollie's expression radiated joy as he chatted animatedly with Eddie about the week. Eddie sported distressed jeans paired with a sporty blue sleeveless hoodie that showed off the lean definition of his arms and shoulders. A pair of Vans low-tops completed the laid-back yet stylish outfit. His brown curls were artfully messy and his green eyes sparkled with the eyeliner and pale orange and pink eye-shadow. They were both pretty-boys and they knew it.

Eddie took a bite of his wrap and glanced over at Ollie. "So sweetie, how have things been going between you and Tyler?" he asked hesitantly.

Ollie blushed and looked away for a moment before answering. He hadn't seen Tyler in person since that night, but he'd been sending the domineering older guy lots of photos and videos--and getting back plenty of images of his huge cock and instructions for other pics and vids. Texting with Tyler gave him a thrill that was only exceeded by being with him in person; but he didn't know how Tyler really felt about him.

"It's... complicated," he said slowly, unsure how much to say. He had thought about it quite a bit in the past week, but still wasn't sure what to make of their relationship or where it was headed.

Eddie half-heartedly laughed. "I don't know if I should be worried or happy for you," he said, looking concerned. "He seems like an intense guy."

Ollie smiled softly and nodded in agreement. "He is definitely intense," he agreed with a laugh, thinking back to Tyler dressing him up as a girl and taking control of him completely during their sex session. It had felt so good being possessed by such an alpha male; Tyler knew just what buttons to push that made Ollie melt with pleasure. But there were moments when Ollie wondered if it was all too much; did Tyler even really care about him? Or was this all some kind of game for him?

Still smiling, Ollie reached across the table to take Eddie's hand reassuringly in his own smaller one. "Don't worry," he said confidently, meeting his roommate's gaze directly now without fear or hesitation. "Tyler makes me feel safe--like nothing can touch me while I'm with him."

Ollie's eyes suddenly went wide as he spotted Tyler saunter into the dining commons. Their eyes locked and Ollie quickly snatched his hand back from Eddie, not wanting Tyler to get the wrong idea. His heart raced at the sight of the muscled man who had possessed him so fully and a full-body heat swept over him. Tyler narrowed his eyes and made his way towards their table. When he got close he barely acknowledged Eddie with a scowl before turning to look down at Ollie with an intense gaze.

"Hey," Tyler said in a low voice, taking a seat next to Ollie and wrapping an arm around the smaller man's waist possessively. "I've been thinking about you all day."

Ollie blushed and glanced up at Tyler shyly, feeling himself relax into the embrace despite the tension. He smiled softly as Tyler leaned down to press a gentle kiss against his forehead before nodding to Eddie.

"Who's this?" he asked, looking coldly at Eddie. It seemed like more of an order than a question.

Eddie cleared his throat nervously and shifted in his seat, not used to being ignored like this. "Um, I'm Eddie..." he said quickly, offering a strained smile. "Ollie's roommate. You must be Tyler; it's nice to meet you--I've heard a lot about you."

Tyler nodded slowly before turning back to Ollie. "Can I trust you around him?" He said firmly. Eddie flushed with anger, Tyler was talking about him like he wasn't here! And asking insulting questions like this...

Ollie put a hand on Tyler's arm and gave Eddie an apologetic look. "Yes, you can trust me," he said softly. "Eddie's my best friend--there's nothing like that between us."

Tyler's eyes burned fiercely as he stared into Ollie's, the intensity of his gaze sending a thrill through Ollie's body. He gripped Ollie's chin firmly in one hand and leaned in close to whisper, "You're mine." His voice was raw with emotion and conviction, leaving no room for doubt that this man belonged to him. "Not his."

Ollie felt his heart beat faster at the claim, though it both scared and excited him. He was overwhelmed by Tyler's possessiveness, but he couldn't deny that he liked the feeling of being wanted so fiercely. He's been worried Tyler didn't really care about him, but now he felt so desired and it felt good. Ollie eagerly nodded in agreement, hoping that Tyler could see how much he meant to him as well.

Tyler cupped Ollie's face tenderly with one hand and smiled down at him before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I'm never letting you go," he murmured against Ollie's mouth before pulling away slightly to look into his eyes again. "I'm not letting anyone take you away from me."

Eddie watched the exchange between Tyler and Ollie with concern. Tyler's possessive display made Eddie uneasy; he knew all too well how controlling relationships could be and didn't want to see Ollie get hurt. His eyes flicked between them as Ollie seemed to get more and more lost as Tyler's dominant energy overcame him.

He cleared his throat nervously, drawing both of their attention away from each other. "Um," he said hesitantly, not sure if now was the right time to ask this question. "Ollie, you okay? You still with it?" He looked back and forth between them with uncertainty as they both stared back.

Tyler's face darkened as he looked at Eddie, his jaw clenching with annoyance at the interruption. He grabbed Ollie's wrist and glared at Eddie, wanting to make it clear that this was none of his business.

"What did you say?" Tyler growled dangerously, narrowing his eyes in warning. His voice held a menacing edge that made even Ollie shiver slightly.

Eddie swallowed hard, feeling suddenly very vulnerable with Tyler looming over him like this. "I... I just wanted to check in with Ollie," he said, not sure what else to say.

Tyler snorted derisively and released Ollie's chin before standing up abruptly - towering over both of them now as he looked down on them menacingly. "This is none of your business."

Eddie stood up, not backing down in the face of Tyler's intimidation. Though he was much slimmer than Tyler, Eddie was still taller--and he used every inch of it to look right back at the other man without fear.

"I'm looking out for my friend," Eddie said firmly, his voice strong and steady despite his racing heart. "It's absolutely my business." He looked directly into Tyler's eyes as he spoke, not wanting to show any sign of weakness or submission.

"He doesn't need you looking out for him, he has me now," Tyler said, clenching and unclenching his fists.

"Maybe he needs someone to watch out for you," Eddie said back, bitingly. Tyler growled in response and clenched his jaw.

Ollie's heart was pounding as he watched the confrontation between Tyler and Eddie. He knew that his roommate had only meant well, but he also understood Tyler's possessiveness--it could be overwhelming at times, but he didn't hate it... He shifted nervously in his seat, wanting to intervene but unsure if Tyler would let him.

Finally, mustering up all of his courage, Ollie stood and put a hand on Tyler's arm. "Hey," he said gently but firmly, looking from one to the other with an expression that betrayed both fear and resolve. "This isn't necessary." Then he looked back at Eddie with a pleading look in his eyes, silently begging for understanding without words. "I'm fine. I'm great!" He said.

Eddie pulled his eyes away from Tyler's glare and looked at Ollie, sighing. He gave a slight nod before looking back to Tyler, putting his hands on the table in front of him. "I'm sorry," he said, though his voice still held a hint of challenge. "I just care a lot about Ollie and want him to be in a safe situation."

Tyler's expression softened, if only slightly, as he too looked down at Ollie. He ran a hand through his hair before nodding and looking back at Eddie. "I get you," he said quietly, though there was still an edge of warning in his voice. "But Ollie's safe. He's feeling great. This is what he wants." He wrapped his arm around the younger man next to him. "This is between me and him... it's none of your business."

Eddie narrowed his eyes, still holding suspicion within them. Maybe Tyler meant well, but he didn't want to see Ollie get hurt. Even though he felt like he owed his friend to trust him enough to work this out on his own, Eddie still felt compelled to stand up for him and himself. "Anything that might hurt the people I care about is my business," he said firmly, staring back at Tyler undeterred by the other man's intimidating bulk. Ollie desperately looked from Tyler to Eddie, his eyes beseeching them both to understand. He felt torn between the two of them; he needed Tyler's strength and protection but also wanted Eddie's support and friendship.

"Eddie is just my best friend," Ollie said to Tyler pleadingly, blushing slightly as he spoke. "There's nothing remotely sexual or romantic between us--I promise." He glanced down at Tyler's hand clutching his wrist before looking back up into Tyler's eyes with a pleading look of his own. Tyler seemed to soften a fraction at this declaration; his grip on Ollie loosened slightly as he looked at him.

Eddie smiled slightly at Ollie's statement. He knew that his friend was desperate to diffuse this confrontation, so he decided to lean into it. "I'm a bottom anyway," he joked, trying to lighten the mood as he looked at Tyler with an easy-going expression. "So Ollie and I aren't even compatible in bed." Tyler looked towards Eddie and offered a small smirk.

"Look, I'm sorry if I overreacted," he said sincerely, though there was still a hint of possessiveness in his voice and he clutched Ollie around the waist making it clear that Ollie belonged to him now and only him. "But I care about this little runt--more than anything else--so it makes me a little crazy when I think someone might be taking him away from me."

Ollie smiled up at Tyler, feeling his heart swell with love and gratitude. He knew that Tyler was trying to protect him; it made him feel safe and cherished.

"Nobody is trying to take me away from you," Ollie said softly, squeezing Tyler's hand reassuringly as he spoke. "Eddie is just my best friend--I promise."

Eddie nodded in agreement before giving them both an understanding smile. "Look, I'm not going anywhere," he said. "Ollie is my roommate and my best friend. That's not going to change. But I am glad that you two have each other; it makes me happy knowing Ollie has someone who cares about him so much." Eddie had decided to be conciliatory, but inside he was still really nervous about Tyler's behavior, though it clearly wasn't a good time to bring that up.

Tyler looked at Eddie and then back at Ollie, his expression softened when he looked at those big blue eyes. "Okay," he said simply, before leaning in to press a gentle kiss against Ollie's forehead. He pulled away after a few moments and smiled at the smaller man. "I've gotta go," he said, capturing Ollie's gaze with his own; "You're coming over later." It wasn't a request, Eddie noted. Ollie nodded and Tyler walked away, not a glance or a word directed at Eddie. Ollie turned back to his roommate with a relieved sigh and smiled softly.

"See? Everything's fine."

Eddie also watched Tyler walk away, his confident, unbothered gait parting the crowded dining hall around him. He felt a mix of relief and apprehension now that the big senior was gone. He waited until he was out of sight before turning back to Ollie with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I overstepped," he said gently, reaching out to take Ollie's hand in his own. "I just want you to be safe and happy--that's all."

Ollie smiled at Eddie reassuringly and squeezed his hand in response. "It's okay," he said softly, looking into Eddie's eyes with understanding. "I know you only have my best interest at heart... I appreciate it." He paused for a moment before continuing quietly, "Tyler is... intense but I think it could work between us; he's really into me." Ollie was blushing as he looked down at his plate in embarrassment. Eddie looked at his roommate; Ollie seemed totally oblivious to the red flags Tyler was waving and he was too smitten to hear any concerns. He'd have to keep a close watch, Eddie thought as they finished their lunch.

That evening Ollie nervously made his way to Tyler's apartment. His heart raced in anticipation of the night ahead, but he couldn't help but worry about what had happened between Tyler and Eddie earlier that day. He knew there was more Eddie had wanted to say--to both Tyler and himself--but he just didn't understand the connection that was growing between them. He tried not to think about it too much as he knocked on the door; all he wanted was Tyler, and to give himself to him totally and completely. The door soon opened and Tyler stood there with his arms crossed across his chest and an intense look in his eyes that sent shivers down Ollie's spine.

"I'm glad you came," said Tyler in a deep voice as their eyes met. He didn't step forward and touch his face. His face didn't soften. He just turned and walked into the apartment.

Ollie swallowed hard, his heart fluttering in his chest. He wanted to reach out and touch Tyler, but he was too scared; Tyler's intense gaze seemed to be saying more than words ever could. He followed him into the apartment, not daring to speak until they got inside. Tyler stopped in the middle of the living room, still not saying anything. Ollie had no idea what was going through Tyler's mind, but he could sense that something was off. He nervously shifted his weight from one foot to another as he waited for Tyler to speak.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Tyler finally spoke up. His voice was low and serious; there was a hint of anger in it too. "Twink," he said firmly, "I didn't like the way that bitch spoke to me today and I don't like the way you supported him over me."

Ollie gulped, not sure what to say. Is that what he'd done? He'd just wanted to diffuse the tension between Tyler and his roommate! Should he apologize? He wasn't even sure what for! Tyler's gaze seemed so intense and his words had an edge of possessiveness that made Ollie feel vulnerable. He just stood there in silence, waiting for Tyler's next move.

He stepped closer, looming over him and looked him directly in the eye with an intensity that took his breath away. "I want us to have a real connection, little twink--but we can't have that if you misbehave." he continued quietly; coldly. "You've been a brat today." Ollie hadn't expected this. He thought he'd been so sweet today! But he nodded slowly, not wanting to argue.

Tyler slowly reached for Ollie's face and caressed his cheek gently before suddenly slapping him across the face. Ollie gasped, but didn't speak or move to tend to his cheek. "I'm going to make sure you understand that I won't tolerate any more of this behavior," he said in a low voice. "You're mine, and I expect you to show me respect."

Ollie nodded, feeling a mixture of fear and excitement. His cheek burned where Tyler had slapped him. He had never been treated like this before; it was both exhilarating and terrifying. He didn't even know what misbehavior Tyler was talking about. He'd thought their encounter at lunch worked out okay! He stood there in silence, as Tyler's words echoed through his mind. He was scared and aroused at the same time; he wanted to ask questions or talk back but he knew that would only make things worse.

Tyler stepped back and looked Ollie up and down before speaking again. "Now," he said in a low voice, "I want you to take off all your clothes." Ollie hesitated for a moment before slowly starting to undress himself; his hands shaking as he removed each item of clothing one by one until he was completely nude. He kept his eyes on the ground, not daring to look up at Tyler or meet his gaze.

Once Ollie was naked, Tyler stepped closer again and ran his fingers lightly over the younger man's body; tracing circles around his nipples which made them stand out hard against the soft skin of his chest. His touch felt like fire against Ollie's skin as Tyler continued exploring every inch of him with care and precision; teasing him mercilessly until Ollies moaned softly in pleasure despite himself.

Suddenly Tyler smacked both of Ollie's ass cheeks hard with an open palm causing him to yelp out loud in pain mixed with surprise. The sensation sent shockwaves throughout Ollie's body making it tingle from head-to-toe with arousal even though the pain had been intense too. Tyler sat on the couch and yanked Ollie over to him. He draped him over his lap with his little bubble butt up in the air. "What are you doing?" He finally asked after managing to catch his breath under Tyler's onslaught

Tyler smirked knowingly and spanked his ass again. SMACK. Ollie squeaked.

"You know why I'm punishing you don't you?" SMACK. It hurt.

"You were disrespectful earlier today with that bitch friend of yours" SMACK. Ollie's ass was burning. Disrespectful? How? He didn't understand!

"You think I didn't see you holding hands with that little shit when I walked in?" SMACK. Tears streamed down Ollie's face; he and Eddie held hands all the time, they were just friends!

"You should have shown me more respect by not interrupting while I was talking to him." SMACK. Ollie had just been trying to have everyone get along. He groaned in pain.

"And then you supported him, someone who has no respect for what we have together." SMACK. Tyler paused, letting his words sink in and the pain linger on Ollie's reddened cheeks. Ollie panted heavily, not daring to speak. Tyler's power over him was like heavy gravity; he couldn't move, couldn't speak, could barely breathe.

Tyler spoke up again, rubbing his hand over Ollie's stinging bum. "I'm going to show you just how serious I am about making sure that never happens again." Tyler spanked Ollie harder than ever leaving little red marks all across his smooth buttocks.

Ollie's ass was on fire as Tyler continued to spank him with more and more intensity. He could feel the pain rippling across his skin, but he also couldn't deny that it felt strangely good too. He didn't fully understand Tyler's inexorable anger--clearly he'd done something very wrong--but somewhere inside his mind, he loved that Tyler cared about him enough to punish him like this. His whole body tingled with pleasure and pain as Tyler kept spanking his ass over and over again; each slap causing a shockwave coursing through Ollie's veins.

"What do you have to say for yourself, bitch-ass twink?" Tyler demanded. Somewhere in his head, Ollie registered that Tyler hadn't called him by his name since he'd arrived. Just degrading variations on the "little twink" nickname that he'd used on the night he'd stolen Ollie's virginity. It was part of the punishment, he thought. `I disrespected him so he's disrespecting me.'

"I-I'm sorry," he stuttered. SMACK. Tyler slapped him again across the ass. It was like a hot iron was burning him. "I'm s-so so s-sorry," he said again. SMACK. Ollie repeated his apology like a mantra as Tyler spanked him. He rubbed circles into his cheeks in between each smack, alternating between tenderness and domineering punishment.

As much as he wanted the punishment to stop, Ollie soon noticed how hard his cock had become in response to Tyler's onslaught. He tried not to think about it; he didn't want Tyler to know just how aroused he had gotten from the spanking, but the evidence was right there. Ollie couldn't stop from rubbing himself against the cloth of Tyler's sweatpants.

Tyler must have noticed because suddenly he stopped spanking and stood Ollie up, looking at him with an amused expression on his face. "I see you're enjoying this," he said in a low voice before reaching out and slapping his small dick with the back of his hand. Ollie flinched and Tyler grabbed ahold of Ollie's balls tightly in his hand. Ollie gasped at the sensation; it felt so wrong and yet so good all at once. Tyler squeezed harder, making Ollie moan out loud in pleasure as his little cock twitched with each movement of Tyler's hand. "You fucking like that, don't you, twink slut," said Tyler knowingly before releasing his grip suddenly and standing up again.

Tyler shifted his hand lower, palm up and smacking the wrinkled skin of Ollie's ballsack over and over again. The sensations were intense; a sharp but steady ache in the pit of his stomach. It felt like pure torture but also strangely good at the same time. Ollie gasped out loud in both pain and pleasure as Tyler kept hitting him harder and harder until he was sure he must be bruised from all this punishment.

Despite all this, Ollie stayed rock hard throughout; no matter how red his ass cheeks got, or how much his sack ached nothing seemed to make any difference to the state of arousal that had taken over his body since he first stepped foot into Tyler's apartment that night. He kept muttering apologies, head bowed low and eyes closed as his hair fell into his face. It didn't matter anymore what he did or didn't do. Tyler was unhappy and Ollie had to make it better. He was desperate for more even though there was a part of him that screamed for mercy.

Finally Tyler stopped his abuse and stood up, looming over the twink. He put his hand on Ollie's chin and lifted it; the smaller boy's hair falling out of his face as he tipped his head up. His big blue eyes were red and wet with tears and his lip trembling as he met Tyler's hard gaze. When Tyler spoke, he was surprisingly quiet. "What did you come here for, little twink?"

Ollie blinked at the question. Why had he come here? Wasn't it obvious? He spoke assuredly. "I wanted to see you. Be with you. Tyler I-I like you."

Tyler swatted Ollie's ass from the side."Try again, twink. What did you come here for?" He gripped Ollie's cheeks, still staring into his eyes. Ollie glanced around, searching for the words, for the right answer. Why had he come here? What he'd said was true! He did like being with Tyler. What else? Why else had he always come here before? His eyes widened.

"I... I came here for-for your big cock. For the way it makes me feel. For the way it makes me cum." He looked back into Tyler's deep brown eyes with a pleading expression. Was that what he'd wanted him to say?

Tyler slapped his little cock and Ollie flinched as it bobbed from side to side before returning to its rock-hard position pointing up between them. "You're warmer, little twink, but you still don't get it," Tyler said with a disappointed sigh. He narrowed his eyes and looked into Ollie's soul. "What did you come here for?"

Ollie was starting to wrack his brain again when he refocused on Tyler's eyes. Those dark pools of infinite shades of brown. There were flecks of bronze, copper, and gold in those eyes; flecks that you could only see when you were this close. Tyler had let Ollie get this close again and again. No--wait. Tyler hadn't let Ollie do anything. Finally it clicked in Ollie's head. His wide, scared blue eyes softened as he melted into Tyler's gaze. He inhaled slowly and blushed as he parted his lips to answer.

"I came here because you told me to--because I'm yours," he said simply. Tyler's face finally softened and he let go of Ollie's cheeks, tapping them lightly.

"Damn right you are, little Ollie." He leaned down and kissed him fully on the lips. Ollie moaned into his mouth and dared to reach for him for the first time, his hands grasping Tyler's strong arms as he desperately kissed him back. After a long moment Tyler broke the kiss, a small string of saliva connecting their lips for a brief second before it disappeared. "And don't you forget it."

Ollie smiled as Tyler gently scooped him up in his arms, his hands gingerly handling the boy's abused ass. He kissed Ollie again and the naked twink wrapped his arms and legs around him as Tyler walked them to the bedroom. He lay him delicately on the bed and fetched a bottle of cream. "Get on your stomach. I'm going to take care of your ass. This salve will help," he said, gesturing to the bottle.

As Ollie rolled over, Tyler began stripping off his clothing. Ollie was--as always--awestruck by the sight of Tyler's muscular body; he had a certain confidence and power that always left Ollie weak with want. As Tyler slid off his sweatpants, Ollie's eyes traced down to Tyler's huge cock, half-hard and bobbing around as he walked back to the bed. Tyler sat on the bed next to Ollie's head and reached over Ollie's body to gently trail his fingertips over his abused cheeks. He squeezed a generous portion of the cooling lotion onto his red, burning skin and began to gently rub it in. It felt like heaven against his skin that was so tender from being spanked raw earlier.

Ollie moaned into the muscly flesh of Tyler's thigh as he tended to his inflamed ass. Tyler's hands felt so good on him. Despite his aggression earlier, all Ollie could think about was how good Tyler was making him feel; gently administering the lotion to his tender buttocks. He wanted to make Tyler feel good too; intentionally or not, he'd made Tyler upset today and he wanted nothing more than to mend it. He turned his head on Ollie's leg and opened his eyes--there it was--Tyler's cock, slowly getting hard, no doubt due to having his hands on Ollie's tight little butt.

Ollie propped himself up on his elbows and leaned in towards Tyler's cock, which was resting on his thigh, lightly twitching and throbbing as it hardened. It was too heavy to stand up on its own in this position and Tyler's tasty foreskin still mostly covered the head, which was just peeking out, shiny with precum. He latched his lips onto Tyler's cockhead, sucking and licking around the foreskin. He savored the sweet taste of precum as it pooled in his mouth. His tongue pressed firmly against the head of Tyler's hardening manhood, exploring every nook and cranny before pulling away to let out a soft hum of pleasure that seemed to reverberate through both their bodies.

Tyler groaned at Ollie's efforts; he knew what this meant for them. As he continued slowly kneading lotion into Ollie's ass while watching him suckle on him hungrily, Tyler felt a shock of desire course through his body. He could feel himself getting even harder, the veins bulging in his foreskin as Ollie pulled away for air and then latched back onto him again. He moved a hand to grip Tyler's huge cock as he sucked it. He felt a thrill of pleasure and power rush through him as his fingers curled around the shaft; feeling its size, girth, and hardness in his grasp. The burning tenderness in Ollie's ass began dissipating with each gentle massage from Tyler's hands. Ollies hips started rolling into the bed beneath him and into the touch of Tyler's hands on his skin above him. His mouth never left Tyler's hardness; taking it all in hungrily while moaning like a slut.

Tyler removed his hands from Ollie's soothed ass and leaned back on the bed, groaning deeply as he watched the petite twink continue to suck him hungrily. His eyes were closed in pleasure as he felt every wet stroke of Ollie's tongue around his shaft. Ollie repositioned himself between Tyler's legs and began bobbing up and down on the cock. His lips were wrapped around the shaft as he licked, kissed, sucked it all in. He took his time to explore each inch of the hardening member before taking it all in with a deep throaty swallow that sent shivers through both their bodies. Ollie continued moving up and down; slurping wetly as he felt Tyler's escalating pleasure course through him like an electric current.

Tyler loved seeing Ollie so desperate to please him; it was a reminder of why they were together and how much power Tyler had over his little twink. He watched as Ollie moved up and down, taking every inch of him in with such incredible enthusiasm. 'This boy is mine,' he thought possessively. For the first time in forever, Tyler's interest was being held by one twink. He hadn't fucked anyone else since he'd first taken Ollie in the ally. Ollie was his project; his obsession. His grip tightened around the sheets beneath them as he felt pleasure course through his entire body, from head to toe as he thought about how devoted this twink was to pleasing him.

Ollie impaled his throat on Tyler's cock, taking it all in with a deep and audible swallow. He felt the thick head of Tyler's shaft in his throat as he took him deeper and deeper. His nose was pressed into Tyler's bush and he could smell his musk, which only intensified their pleasure further. He held himself there for a long moment, thinking about how Tyler used to need to force him to do so--now he could do it all on his own. He pulled off slowly, leaving behind a thick sticky mess of drool and spit that glistened on Tyler's cock. Tyler groaned loudly as Ollie pulled away; unable to contain himself. The sight before them was something out of an erotic film--the twink lay there between Tyler's legs covered in saliva while still hungrily looking up at him with those big blue eyes filled with desire for more. Fuck this kid was so beautiful, Tyler thought; so addicted to him and his cock.

Tyler kneeled up over Ollie, his eyes blazing with intensity as he reached forward and grabbed a handful of Ollie's emo hair. He tugged it hard, causing the twink to gasp before Tyler shoved his cock back into his throat; thrusting himself eagerly against the tight walls of flesh that surrounded him. Ollie gasped at the sudden forcefulness but soon found himself melting into it--the feeling was exquisite...better than doing it by himself. Tyler had a way of making him feel so wanted; like the only thing that mattered was pleasing Tyler and his huge cock. Ollie's hand found its way to Tyler's hard ass, gripping it tightly as he allowed himself to be taken fully.

Tyler let out deep, throaty groans as he felt Ollie's tight throat walls around him, pulling on him and squeezing each thrust with intensity. His grip tightened in Ollie's hair as he increased his pace, becoming more possessive and rough with each thrust forward--this was HIS twink now--and nothing else mattered but making sure that both of them got their fill tonight. Ollie's gulps and gurgles sounded so erotic--his entire body was shaking while still desperately trying to keep up with Tyler's movements. His hands moved all over Tyler's strong body--holding onto any part of skin they could find just so they could stay connected amidst such raw pleasure.

Tears streamed down Ollie's face as Tyler shoved himself into his throat. He was so desperate for Tyler; for the feeling of being owned, possessed by this man who had taken his innocence and showed him things he'd never even imagined. His small hands held onto Tyler's muscular ass, gripping it tightly and opening his throat to meet every deep thrust. As Tyler continued to pound into Ollie's throat, thick strings of spit were now swinging from his chin, dripping onto the bed sheets below; his whole face was wet with tears and saliva. He looked so unbelievably sexy like this, Tyler though; a naughty little slut being taken by his man.

The obscene sounds coming from Ollie's throat got sloppier by the second. Hearing Ollie's throat making wet gurgling sounds was incredibly erotic--the way he moaned into Tyler's cock as it filled him up; the sloppy gulps and gurgles that escaped his throat as he swallowed again and again. It all drove Tyler wild with desire. He thought about how just weeks ago, Ollie had been an innocent; an inexperienced waif of a kid who faced the world with wide eyes and a naive positivity. Now--thanks to Tyler--he was a slut in the making; an eager bottom that he could take to his limits and beyond.

Tyler pulled out of Ollie's throat and the twink gasped, breathing deeply as his face flushed with pleasure. The drool dripping down his chin made him look so sloppy. Tyler reached forward and wiped away the mess before kissing him deeply. He leaned in close to his ear, whispering huskily: "What do you want my little slut? Tell me...tell me what you need from me right now."

Ollie reached and took hold of Tyler's dripping, rock hard cock. His eyes were glassy and unfocused as he looked up at his dom with a mixture of adoration and desire. His voice was soft and dreamy as he answered: "I want to make you feel good. I just want to please you--all of it, all the time." His grip tightened around Tyler's shaft; his hand moving up and down slowly, drawing out a low moan from Tyler's lips. Ollie looked at him with such devotion in his eyes that it sent shivers through Tyler's body. He leaned forward to kiss the twink passionately; pushing him back onto the bed as he did so.

"Do you know what would please me, baby?" Tyler asked, looming over the twink with his arms braced on either side of him. He stared down into Ollie's beautiful eyes, hooded with lust.

When Ollie replied, his voice was throaty from the throat-fucking. "Please," he begged in a low rasp. "Fuck me." His eyes were half closed as his hands moved up and down Tyler's shaft, eagerly drawing out more moans of pleasure from him. He licked his lips before continuing; "I've been keeping myself prepped for you--all week I've been teasing my hole. Please fill me up; I don't need any prep today. I'm yours, Tyler."

Tyler felt a thrill of pleasure course through him at hearing Ollie's words. His eyes remained fixed on the twink beneath him, his arousal intensifying as he stared down into those begging blue eyes. He felt an overwhelming sense of possession and pride wash over him--his little slut was so eager to give himself up to Tyler completely; prepping for hours just in anticipation of this moment. Tyler was overcome with the desire to own Ollie; to make him his completely, both in mind and body. He leaned forward and kissed Ollie deeply, their tongues dancing hungrily as Tyler's hands moved all over his body. His grip tightened around the twink's slim waist before he pulled away slightly--his eyes still blazing with intensity as he stared into Ollie's face. "Say it again," he growled possessively.

Ollie smiled up at Tyler dreamily; nodding slowly before repeating those words back to him: "I'm yours... all of me is yours." Tyler felt his heart swell with pleasure and pride. His twink was all his now; he could take him however he wanted--and that was exactly what Tyler intended to do. He'd punished him today, not because of anything specific about his bitchy roommate or his interruptions--that was all an act--he'd done it to break Ollie down even more; to push him past his limits and make him give himself over fully to Tyler. He groaned deeply as the realization of just how much power he had over Ollie hit him full force. He poured copious amounts of lube on his cock and spread even more on Ollie's still tender ass as he thought about how much this little fucker belonged to him now; every inch of his body ready and willing for whatever Tyler wanted.

Tyler finally slid his enormous, nine inch, bottle thick cock inside Ollie's tight little hole. He was greeted with a loud gasp from the twink; followed by an even louder moan as Tyler began to thrust himself in and out of him slowly. The feeling of being so deeply filled felt like heaven for Ollie--he looked up at the masculine form thrusting into his body; he saw the lust and desire on Tyler's angular face. His body quivered beneath him as pleasure coursed through his body; each thrust more intense than the last until he was practically screaming with delight and overstimulation.

After Tyler had been fucking into Ollie for a while the twink was still screaming with pleasure. It was incredibly arousing to hear his little slut make such loud noises, but Tyler wanted him to shut up--at least for a bit. He wanted some control over this situation; he wanted Ollie to remain quiet and obedient as he pounded into him relentlessly. He reached down with his hands and wrapped them around Ollie's slender throat. Tyler squeezed just enough to make Ollie stop and take notice; his eyes widening as he felt Tyler's grip around his neck. He looked up into Tyler's intense gaze, feeling a thrill of pleasure course through him despite the new and threatening sensation.

"I'm gonna choke you until you cum from that pretty little dick, baby," Tyler growled hungrily. His grip tightened as he increased his pace, banging into Ollie's tight hole until it felt like they were becoming one being; their bodies melding together in a state of pure pleasure and ecstasy. Tyler looked down at the twink beneath him; watching intently as his eyes rolled back in pleasure and his body quivered with delight--it was even better than he had imagined.

Tyler pounded into Ollie's tight hole with a wild intensity, his powerful thrusts sending shockwaves of pleasure through the twink's body. His grip around Ollie's throat was strong and controlled; he tightened it almost imperceptibly when he pushed deep inside him before loosening it just enough to let the boy take in some air--just enough so that Ollie wouldn't pass out from lack of oxygen but still remain on the brink.

The sensation was unbearable for both of them as Tyler continued to drive himself deeper and deeper inside him; their bodies melding together perfectly as they moved in perfect harmony. The power dynamic between them made every thrust even more intense--Tyler felt more dominant than ever as his hands held onto Ollie's neck while pounding relentlessly into his tight ass. He looked down at the twink beneath him; watching intently as his eyes rolled back in pleasure and blissful wheezing gasps escaped from between his lips as he was choked by Tyler's firm grasp on either side of his head.

Ollie writhed under Tyler, feeling like he had no control over himself anymore--it felt amazing! Every time Tyler released pressure slightly, letting a small amount of air into his lungs, allowing him just enough breath to stay conscious before tightening again until all sound stopped completely except for those of Tyler's cock squelching in and out of his ass...the sensations were overwhelming! It brought him closer and closer to orgasm each time without fail; his body quivering and shaking as Tyler drove him wild with pleasure.

Tyler felt his orgasm building up inside him as he continued to pound into Ollie's tight ass. His grip tightened around the twink's throat and he grunted loudly in pleasure, unable to contain himself any longer. Ollie's face was bright red; veins bulging from beneath his skin as Tyler kept a firm grasp on his neck--his eyes half-open, barely aware at this point. The sensation was too intense for words; every muscle in his body seemed to be trembling uncontrollably. Then Tyler released one last powerful thrust before filling Ollie with pulse after pulse of hot cum. Tyler panted and kept the pressure of his cock on the boy's prostate and his hands on his throat; that's when an incredible jolt of pleasure filled Ollie like never before.

His body began to spasm beneath Tyler as the pleasure swept over him; his hands were clenched on Tyler's wrists and drool dripped from between his lips. He was desperate for air--his lungs aching, burning with need--but he couldn't escape the grip of Tyler's strong hands around either side of his throat. Ollie clawed desperately at them, trying to pry himself away; but Tyler didn't relent and he felt himself slipping toward unconsciousness. The tension built up inside him until finally; all that remained was pure unadulterated bliss. His body quaked uncontrollably and his back arched off the bed as an enormous load spewed forth from within, coating his stomach and chest in hot cum. All sense of control left Ollie's body and suddenly everything went black.

Ollie slowly opened his eyes, feeling a strange mix of exhaustion and elation. His body felt heavy yet strangely euphoric; he had no idea how long he'd been out for. Tyler leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips before pulling away slightly.

"Welcome back," he said in a soft voice, with just a hint of concern. "How are you feeling?"

Ollie smiled up at him sleepily; his eyes half closed from exhaustion but filled with love for this man who had taken control of his body so effortlessly. He reached up to stroke Tyler's face tenderly before answering. "I feel amazing... I'm so glad I could please you, Tyler" The sound of his croaking and raspy voice caught him off-guard, but he welcomed the feeling; it was a reminder of what he'd done with Tyler. Ollie felt an unfamiliar sense of power and confidence wash over him--he'd been able to surrender himself completely to Tyler, trusting him implicitly with his pleasure.

Tyler grinned, his eyes twinkling with affection. He leaned down again to kiss Ollie passionately; thrusting his tongue deep into the twink's mouth before pulling away slowly. "You did good, baby," he said with adoration, stroking Ollie's hair tenderly as he looked down at him.

Ollie felt a warm wave of satisfaction fill him up inside as Tyler lay next to him, holding him softly against his warm muscles. He felt safe and loved; his body still buzzing from the intense pleasure he'd experienced. He closed his eyes, enjoying this moment of intimacy with Tyler before finally drifting off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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