Ollies Lost Innocence

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Mar 16, 2023


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This is a work of fiction.

Eddie woke up the next morning to find Ollie already dressed and sitting at his desk, typing away on his laptop. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his phone. "Hey sweetie," he said to his roommate. "Did you come home last night?"

Ollie turned around and blushed at Eddie. "No, Tyler dropped me off an hour ago. I'm catching up on my homework now." He turned back to his computer.

Wow, Eddie thought, he'd spent the whole night at Tyler's place? Ollie'd never done that before. He reached for his glasses and put them on, quickly noticing something off about Ollie's appearance.

"Erm, Ollie... What's with the bruises around your neck?" Eddie asked, pointing to the marks that were peeking out from under Ollie's collar.

Ollie hesitated for a moment before looking up at Eddie, lightly fingering his throat. "Oh, these? Um... Tyler just got a little rough last night. It's not a big deal," he replied quickly.

Eddie couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Not a big deal? Ollie, that doesn't look like something you should brush off so easily," he said, concern in his tone. "It looks like you were strangled!"

Ollie sighed and looked down at his hands, fidgeting with his fingers. "I know, I know. But it's just... part of the kink, you know? Tyler likes to be dominant and possessive in bed, and I like it when he takes control."

Eddie shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't understand why Ollie would allow someone to hurt him like that. "But what about your safety? What if something went wrong?" he asked.

Ollie shrugged nonchalantly. "Tyler knows what he's doing," he replied dismissively, as if convincing himself. "I was only unconscious for a minute."

"Erm, unconscious?!" Eddie exclaimed, alarmed. "Ollie, that's not okay! You could have been seriously hurt!"

Ollie shifted uncomfortably in his seat and avoided looking at Eddie. "Yeah, I know," he mumbled softly. "But it's fine now. Tyler took care of me."

Eddie shook his head incredulously. He couldn't believe how casual Ollie was being about this whole situation. "No, it's not fine!" he protested vehemently.

"Look," Ollie said firmly, trying to placate Eddie. "I appreciate your concern, really I do. But this is just part of our relationship dynamic."

Eddie wasn't convinced. "I don't care if it's part of your 'relationship dynamic' or not, Ollie. You can't keep putting yourself in danger like this," he argued.

Ollie sighed and looked down at his lap. "I know, I know. But I enjoy it," he admitted quietly.

Eddie frowned in frustration. He didn't understand why Ollie would willingly subject himself to such harm just for the sake of pleasure. "Can't you find other ways to explore your sexuality without risking your safety?" he suggested.

Ollie was quiet for a moment before brightening up with an idea. "Actually, I have an idea!" he exclaimed excitedly, standing up from his chair and moving to his closet.

"What is it?" Eddie asked cautiously, curious but also apprehensive about what Ollie might suggest next.

"I'll wear this!" Ollie declared triumphantly, waving around a red ascot.

"An ascot? What does that have to do with anything?" Eddie asked incredulously. Ollie didn't answer him, looking in the mirror as he tied it around his neck fashionably. He emerged from the closet and posed for his roommate. The ascot covered up the bruises running across his throat.

"Ta-da! Problem solved," Ollie said simply.

Eddie just stared at him. "An ascot is not going to solve anything, Ollie," he protested skeptically.

But Ollie just smiled broadly and struck a pose. "Oh come on, Eddie! Look at me!" he exclaimed, twirling around in his outfit. "I look like a young Marlon Brando!"

Eddie rolled his eyes at Ollie's silly claim but decided it was easier to play along than reason with him. He sighed resignedly and shook his head. "Okay fine, you look fabulous," he said sarcastically.

Ollie beamed with pleasure and sat back down at his desk. Eddie watched him for a moment before picking up his own laptop and starting to work on some assignments before his classes.

As they worked in silence, Eddie couldn't help but feel uneasy about Ollie's situation. As much as he wanted to protect Ollie from Tyler's toxic influence, he knew there was only so much he could do without hurting their own friendship. All he could do was hope that Ollie would come to realize how unhealthy their relationship truly was before it became too late. He made a mental note to keep an eye on things between them from now on, ready to step in if necessary. But for the time being, he decided it was best to let Ollie enjoy his ascot-protected bruises in peace.

Ollie sat in his freshman creative writing class, feeling a little distracted. He couldn't help but think about Eddie's concerns regarding his relationship with Tyler, and the bruises on his neck that he had to cover up with an ascot. He absentmindedly fingered the fabric as he listened to the professor talk about character development.

Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder. Ollie turned around to see Antoine Jessup behind him, smiling warmly.

"Hey Ollie," Antoine said softly. "Mind if I sit next to you?"

Ollie felt a slight flutter in his chest at Antoine's friendly approach. He remembered meeting him during their first week of classes and being struck by how cute and sexy he was. He was black--or biracial maybe, Ollie wasn't sure--with light skin, tight curly dark hair and striking blue eyes. He also looked like he hit the gym fairly often. But he also remembered that Antoine was straight, which made any early attraction Ollie'd had moot.

"Of course not," Ollie replied graciously, gesturing towards the empty seat beside him.

Antoine sat down smoothly and leaned over to whisper conspiratorially in Ollie's ear. "So can I ask you something?" he murmured.

Ollie turned towards him curiously. "Sure," he said tentatively.

Antoine grinned mischievously. "Are you wearing that ascot to hide a hickey or something?" he teased, gesturing towards the fabric around Ollie's neck.

Ollie blushed, feeling a little embarrassed. "It's not a hickey," he protested weakly. "Just a bruise."

Antoine chuckled softly and leaned back in his seat, looking at Ollie with interest. "So who gave it to you?" he asked curiously.

Ollie hesitated for a moment before deciding to be honest with Antoine. He trusted him enough to confide in him about Tyler, even if they were just acquaintances.

"It was my... boyfriend," Ollie replied slowly, testing out the word on his tongue.

"Boyfriend?!" Antoine exclaimed in surprise. "I didn't know you had one!"

"Yeah... It's complicated," Ollie said vaguely, not really wanting to go into details in class.

Antoine nodded understandingly and changed the subject back to writing. They chatted amicably about their latest assignments and brainstormed ideas for their next pieces. Antoine turned out to be more than just cute and sexy; he was also intelligent and creative, which made talking to him enjoyable for Ollie.

As the class went on, Ollie found himself getting more and more engrossed in the discussion with Antoine. They talked about writing techniques, character development, and different genres they enjoyed reading. Ollie felt like he had found a kindred spirit in Antoine, someone who shared his passion for storytelling.

They laughed together at some of their wilder ideas, both of them getting caught up in the excitement of creating new worlds and characters. Ollie couldn't remember the last time he had felt this energized by a conversation.

But as they continued to chat, he couldn't help but feel that something was missing. The memory of Tyler's possessiveness echoed in his mind like a warning bell: "You're mine."

It made him feel guilty for enjoying himself so much with Antoine when he knew how jealous Tyler could get if Ollie spent too much time with other people. But at the same time, he couldn't deny how good it felt to be connecting with someone who wasn't trying to control him or hurt him.

He pushed those thoughts aside for now though, not wanting to ruin the moment. Instead, he focused on talking to Antoine about their favorite authors and what inspired them to write.

"So what do you think makes a great story?" Antoine asked thoughtfully.

Ollie leaned back in his chair and considered the question for a moment before answering. "For me, I think it's all about emotional resonance," he said slowly. "If a story can make me feel something--whether it's joy or sadness or fear--it stays with me long after I've finished reading it."

Antoine nodded thoughtfully. "I totally get that," he said enthusiastically. "For me though... I guess I'm more interested in exploring themes that matter to me personally."

"Like what?" Ollie asked curiously.

Antoine shrugged sheepishly. "Well... sometimes race issues come up in my writing," he admitted softly. "Being biracial can be tough sometimes because you never really fit into either side completely. And the history of the one-drop rule is also interesting to explore."

Ollie nodded empathetically; as an openly gay man who didn't conform to traditional gender roles, there were times when Ollie also struggled with feeling out of place among mainstream society.

"I know exactly what you mean," Ollie replied gently. "Sometimes being different is hard... but it's also what makes us unique." He smiled warmly at Antoine then added playfully: "Besides we have our writing skills! That's a superpower!"

Antoine laughed and nodded in agreement. "I like the way you think," he said with a grin.

Ollie felt his cheeks warm at the compliment, feeling grateful for Antoine's easy going demeanor. He found himself wanting to spend more time with him, to explore their shared interests and get lost in conversation. But then Tyler's words echoed in his mind again: "You're mine."

The guilt and fear crept back into Ollie's thoughts, making him feel like he was cheating on Tyler somehow by enjoying himself with Antoine. He tried to push those feelings aside though, not wanting to ruin the moment between them.

Instead, he leaned forward and asked Antoine about some of his favorite books. They spent the rest of class discussing different authors and genres they enjoyed reading, laughing together as they reminisced about their childhood favorites.

Ollie and Antoine walked out of their creative writing class together, still chatting animatedly about the books they loved. They made their way towards the English Lit building where Ollie's next class was scheduled.

"So what are you up to now?" Antoine asked, his tone slightly flirty.

"I have a little break before my Shakespeare seminar," Ollie replied with a grin. "What about you?"

Antoine shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing much, just heading to the gym to get in a quick workout," he said, flexing his biceps for emphasis.

Ollie couldn't help but giggle at Antoine's show of strength. "Impressive," he teased playfully.

Antoine grinned back at him, obviously enjoying the banter between them. "Thanks!

Maybe you should join me sometime," he suggested, his tone still lighthearted but with a hint of flirtation.

Ollie felt his cheeks heat up at the suggestion. He hadn't been to a gym in ages, and the thought of working out alongside Antoine was both exciting and nerve-wracking. "I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment," he joked back.

Antoine laughed softly, obviously amused by Ollie's response. They reached the steps leading up to the English Lit building and stopped there.

"Well, it was great talking to you again," Antoine said sincerely, looking directly into Ollie's eyes.

"Yeah... same here," Ollie replied shyly, feeling suddenly self-conscious under Antoine's gaze.

They stood there awkwardly for a moment before Antoine leaned forward slightly towards him. "Hey... can I ask you something?" he murmured softly.

Ollie felt his heart skip a beat at the proximity between them; they were so close now that their breaths mingled together in the chilly autumn air. "Sure..." he managed to say despite feeling tongue-tied all of sudden

"Do you want to grab coffee or something sometime? Maybe talk more about writing or just hang out?" Antoine asked tentatively.

Ollie blinked in surprise; had this straight guy just asked him on a date?

As Ollie was considering Antoine's question, Tyler suddenly appeared out of nowhere and pushed his classmate hard. "What do you think you're doing, fucker?" he growled menacingly.

Antoine stumbled back a few steps before regaining his balance, looking at Tyler in confusion. "Yo, what the fuck is your problem man?" he asked angrily.

Tyler glared at Antoine with hostility. "You are," he spat out coldly.

Antoine frowned in disbelief. He had no idea who Tyler was or why he was being so aggressive towards him; he thought he recognized him from the gym but they'd never interacted with each other.

"Bro, what the fuck? I'm just having a conversation with my friend," Antoine protested defensively, gesturing to Ollie.

Tyler stepped closer to them and glared at Antoine threateningly. "Ollie is mine," he declared possessively, glaring daggers at the younger student standing defiantly before him. "Don't get any ideas."

Antoine felt his own anger rising up within him as well now. "First of all man... who the fuck even says that kind of thing? And second..." He paused for a moment then continued more forcefully: "...I didn't realize people like you still existed! You know... those self-centered assholes who think they can control others by force or intimidation!"

Ollie watched nervously from behind them as the tension escalated between his boyfriend and his classmate. Antoine could see how uncomfortable it made Ollie feel but refused to back down nevertheless

"You don't own anyone, bro--whoever the fuck you are!" he said firmly. "Especially not someone like Ollie. He can make his own choices, talk to whoever he wants."

Tyler's eyes narrowed dangerously at Antoine's words, and before anyone could react, he punched him hard in the face. The force of the blow sent Antoine reeling backwards onto the pavement.

Ollie gasped in horror as Tyler towered over the fallen student. "He did choose," Tyler spat out coldly. "He chose me."

Antoine groaned weakly from where he lay on the ground, holding his bleeding nose with one hand while trying to get up with the other.

But Tyler wasn't done yet. He leaned down and grabbed Antoine by the collar of his shirt, pulling him up to his feet before shoving him back against the wall.

"Listen here, tough guy," Tyler growled menacingly into Antoine's face. "Ollie is mine, and nobody messes with what belongs to me."

Ollie's heart was pounding in his chest as he watched Tyler's violent outburst. He felt sick to his stomach at the sight of Antoine being attacked like that, and angry with himself for not doing more to stand up to Tyler. But, Tyler was just doing what he thought was right to protect their relationship, right? Sure, this was going way too far, but it was sort of flattering to have someone be so passionate about him.

As Ollie's mind raced, a group of students rushed over, attracted by the commotion. They quickly intervened and separated Tyler from Antoine.

"Hey man, what the hell is your problem?" one of them demanded angrily at Tyler while checking on Antoine's injuries. Tyler scowled darkly but didn't reply. Instead he turned towards Ollie and gave him a long look before walking away.

"I'm counting on seeing you later, twink," he called back over his shoulder.

Ollie shivered involuntarily at Tyler's words, feeling a mix of fear and excitement. He knew he should feel disgusted by Tyler's possessiveness and violence, but at the moment all he could think about was how much his boyfriend wanted him. His mind wandered to what Antoine had said. Was Tyler just using force and intimidation to control him? Sort of... but he was also tender and sweet when he needed to be, and Ollie liked his aggressive, possessive side most of the time.

As Antoine was being helped up by some other students, Ollie rushed over to check on him. "Um... are you okay?" he asked anxiously.

Antoine winced as he touched his sore nose gingerly with one hand. "Yeah... I'll be fine," he said weakly.

"I'm so sorry about that," Ollie apologized earnestly, looking guilty for what had happened to Antoine because of his relationship with Tyler.

Antoine raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief. "Dude, was that your fucking boyfriend?" he asked incredulously.

Ollie's cheeks flushed red as he nodded sheepishly, feeling ashamed by Tyler's behavior towards Antoine and unsure how to explain it away without making excuses for him.

"Yeah... I know it was totally uncalled for," Ollie said apologetically. "But sometimes Tyler can get really possessive."

"Fuck man..." Antoine muttered, shaking his head disapprovingly before pausing a moment then continuing more firmly. "Listen bro, you shouldn't let anyone treat you like that." He paused again before adding emphatically: "It's not healthy!"

Ollie felt a mix of emotions wash over him at Antoine's words; part of him felt grateful for the support but another part felt defensive on behalf of Tyler who could be so kind and loving when they were alone together.

"It's just a kind of complicated relationship..." Ollie began hesitantly trying to defend himself.

"Dude! There is nothing complicated about someone assaulting another person like this!" Antoine interrupted sharply before sighing deeply in frustration. "Look man--I get it, relationships are complicated. But this? This isn't okay," Antoine said firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Ollie nodded slowly in agreement, feeling guilty and ashamed by Tyler's behavior towards Antoine. He knew down that what had happened was wrong but he couldn't help the conflicted feelings he felt about Tyler.

"I know... I'm sorry," Ollie muttered weakly.

Antoine placed a hand on Ollie's shoulder, offering him some comfort. "Hey man, don't apologize to me," he said gently. "Just... take care of yourself and be careful around that guy."

Ollie nodded, feeling touched by Antoine's concern for his well-being. "Thanks... I will," he promised earnestly.

As he walked away from the scene of the altercation, Ollie couldn't help but feel conflicted about his relationship with Tyler. On one hand, he loved how possessive Tyler could be towards him; it made him feel wanted and desired in a way that was hard to resist. But on the other hand, what Tyler had just done was unacceptable.

Ollie realized that he needed to have a serious talk with Tyler about his behavior and set some boundaries--and he wanted to do it before he was alone with him in his apartment. He checked his phone. Fuck! His next class was starting in ten minutes... Fuck it, he thought. This was more important. Ollie set off in the direction Tyler had walked away in; he had no idea what he was going to say or do, but he knew he needed to confront him about the way he'd acted.

Ollie pulled out his phone and quickly typed out a message to Eddie, feeling anxious about what had just happened with Tyler.

"Hey, are you busy? I need to talk to you," he texted urgently.

He hit send and glanced up, scanning the crowds of students milling around him. That was when he saw Tyler walking ahead of him, moving towards the fitness center with purposeful strides.

Ollie's heart skipped a beat at the sight of his boyfriend; part of him wanted nothing more than to run into Tyler's arms and forget all about Antoine and their altercation. But another part knew that he needed to confront Tyler about what had happened--and set some boundaries for their relationship going forward.

Ollie approached Tyler from behind, feeling a mix of nervousness and anger as he caught up to him. His phone in his hand lit up with an incoming Facetime from Eddie, but Ollie silenced it. He needed to focus.

"Hey!" He called out. "What the fuck was that?" His voice shook slightly with emotion--he wasn't used to this.

Tyler turned around at the sound of Ollie's voice, his expression darkening when he saw the younger student standing before him. "What are you talking about?" he asked, as several people walking nearby stopped to look.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Ollie said firmly, glaring at Tyler with frustration and anger. "You just attacked Antoine for no reason!"

Tyler shrugged nonchalantly as if it were no big deal. "He was getting too close to what's mine," he replied matter-of-factly.

"That's bullshit!" Ollie snapped back angrily, surprised at his own assertiveness. "I can talk to whoever I want! You don't own me like that."

"I do own you," Tyler retorted possessively, grabbing onto Ollie's arm tightly and pulling him closer towards him so they were nearly nose-to-nose. "And don't forget it."

Ollie felt a shiver run down his spine at Tyler's words; part of him loved how dominant and possessive Tyler could be but another part knew that this wasn't healthy behavior in any relationship--maybe in the bedroom, where he'd learned about so many kinks, but not out in the world!

"No... no one owns anyone else like property" He pushed against Tyler's grip on his arm trying to free himself from it but failing miserably given how much larger than himself Tyler was. He was self-conscious of the people who had stopped and were watching them.

Tyler smirked, impressed by Ollie's newfound confidence. "Good on you for learning to stand up for yourself, little Ollie," he said approvingly.

Ollie faltered for a moment, surprised at Tyler's change of tone. He glared at him defiantly, still trying to free himself from Tyler's grip. "Let go of me," he demanded firmly.

Tyler finally released his hold on Ollie and took a step back, eyeing the younger student with interest. "Okay... let's talk," he said calmly before grabbing onto Ollie's hand and pulling him towards the closest building.

Ollie followed Tyler, feeling a mix of trepidation and excitement at the thought of finally having a serious conversation with him about their relationship--for the first time. They ducked into an empty classroom, and Tyler closed the door behind them.

"So what's up, cutie-pie?" he asked coolly, leaning against one of the desks.

Ollie took a deep breath before looking directly into Tyler's eyes. "I can't have you doing things like that," he said firmly but hesitantly. "What happened back there... It was too much."

Tyler raised an eyebrow at Ollie's words. "Too much?" Tyler paused as if waiting for Ollie to explain more.

"I mean that I'm not your property," he replied earnestly, taking another step closer towards him despite feeling unsure how this would go down between them. "And you can't go after other people just because they're talking to me!

Tyler chuckled softly as if amused by Ollies' naivety but also impressed by his newfound assertiveness. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the desk more fully now.

"You're right," he conceded smoothly after several long moments passed between them as if considering what to say next. "You're not my property... you're something far more valuable than that."

Ollie frowned slightly in confusion--what did that even mean?

"What I am trying to say is... well... you know how important you are to me, don't you, baby?" Tyler continued while stepping closer toward Olllie again until they were almost touching once more. "You're my everything, Ollie."

Ollie felt his heart skip a beat at Tyler's words; part of him wanted to believe that they were true but another part knew that he couldn't ignore the problematic behavior he had just witnessed from Tyler.

"I know... but what you did back there was wrong," Ollie said firmly, trying to stay focused on the issue at hand despite feeling distracted by Tyler's charm and charisma.

Tyler sighed deeply before looking directly into Ollie's eyes. "Look... I'm sorry about hitting that guy," he said apologetically. "I shouldn't have let my jealousy get in the way like that."

Ollie nodded slowly, still unsure how much she should trust this apology.

"And I promise it won't happen again," Tyler continued more forcefully now as if trying to reassure Ollie further. "But you need to understand something here..." He paused. You belong with me--not anyone else."

Ollie shuddered involuntarily as he heard those words coming out of Tyler's mouth; it made him feel both desired and protected all at once. But deep down inside, a small voice told him this wasn't okay--no matter how appealing being someone's prized possession sounded sometimes.

"I do want to be with you..." Ollie began hesitantly before trailing off with uncertainty.

"Good." Tylor interrupted, stepping closer toward him once again so their bodies were almost touching. "I know you do," he continued in a low, seductive voice. "And I promise to take care of you, always."

Ollie felt his resolve begin to crumble under Tyler's intense gaze and persuasive words. Maybe he was overreacting? But then Eddie's and Antoine's voices echoed through his mind again warning him about the dangers of this possessive behavior.

"I... I'm not sure it's that simple, Tyler," he stuttered.

Tyler stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on Ollie's cheek, his touch sending shivers down his spine despite his uncertainty.

"Don't worry," he whispered softly, before pressing a tender kiss onto his forehead.

Ollie felt a wave of emotions wash over him. He was frightened by Tyler's possessive words and actions but also strangely touched--knowing that he had someone who wanted him so fiercely. He looked up at Tyler with teary eyes and smiled softly before stretching up to kiss his lips gently.

Tyler responded to Ollie's kiss eagerly, his hands roaming over the younger man's body possessively. For a moment, Ollie lost himself in the sensation of Tyler's touch and forgot all about their conversation.

But then he came back to reality with a jolt as Tyler pushed him down onto one of the desks roughly. "I want you so badly," he growled into Ollie's ear before kissing him hard on the mouth again.

Ollie felt conflicted as Tyler pulled at his clothes and began groping him aggressively; part of him was turned on by this display of dominance but another part knew that what they were doing wasn't right--not when there were still unresolved issues between them.

"Wait... stop," he gasped out, pushing against Tyler's chest weakly even as desire coursed through his veins like fire. "We need to talk more about this."

Tyler paused for a moment, looking at Ollie with an odd expression on his face.

"We can talk more later," he muttered, kissing Ollie's neck as he slipped his hands down the back of Ollie's tight jeans. He groped his round little butt, making him gasp from the sensations.

Ollie moaned softly as Tyler's hands explored his body, feeling a mixture of pleasure and guilt. He knew that they needed to talk more about their relationship but it was hard to resist the intense physical and emotional attraction he felt towards Tyler. He felt himself surrendering to Tyler's touch as he continued to kiss and grope him aggressively. His mind was clouded with desire, and he found it hard to resist the pull of Tyler's dominant personality.

"Let me show you how much I care about you, little Ollie," he said, lifting him up in the air by his ass and placing him on a table in the middle of the dark classroom.

Ollie felt his body responding eagerly to Tyler's words, despite knowing that he needed to set some boundaries with him. He moaned softly as Tyler continued to kiss and touch him, feeling a mix of pleasure and guilt. Tyler ran his hands through Ollie's soft hair, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. He tasted like heaven and Ollie couldn't resist exploring every inch of Tyler's mouth with his tongue.

Ollie moaned softly as he felt Tyler's lips moving against his own, feeling a wave of pleasure wash over him. He knew that he needed to talk more with Tyler about their relationship and set some boundaries but in this moment it was hard to think about anything other than how good it felt to be wanted so fiercely by someone. As they kissed passionately on top of the desk, Ollie pushed aside any feelings of guilt or uncertainty and gave into the intense physical attraction between them. It was easier than thinking too deeply about difficult conversations.

As Tyler pulled back from the kiss, he could see the desire burning in Ollie's eyes. He knew that he had him right where he wanted him. Without a word, he began to strip off his sweatshirt and muscle shirt, revealing his sculpted muscles to Ollie once again. His abs were perfectly defined, and his biceps bulged as he flexed them.

Ollie felt himself growing weak at the sight of Tyler's chiseled physique; Even though he'd seen Tyler's body plenty of times, it always affected him. He couldn't resist him when he was like this--so powerful and dominant.

Tyler leaned in to kiss Ollie again, his muscular arms enveloping him. As they kissed passionately, Tyler began to strip off Ollie's zip-up hoodie and t-shirt.

Ollie's smooth pale skin glistened in the dim light and Tyler ran his hands over the twink's chest and stomach, feeling a jolt of electricity at the touch of his soft skin.

As they broke apart from their kiss once more, Tyler whispered into Ollie's ear. "You are so beautiful," he said, trailing kisses along his neck and collarbone. Ollie shuddered as Tyler's lips touched his skin, sending a wave of pleasure through his body. He felt himself growing more and more aroused by the second.

Tyler pulled back for a moment to look at Ollie with darkened eyes, desire written all over his face. "Take off your pants," he growled softly.

With shaky hands, he unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down over his slim hips along with his briefs. His cock sprang free from its confines; already rock-hard with arousal. Tyler licked his lips hungrily at the sight, stepping forward, reaching around him to grab onto Ollie's ass once more.

"Fuck... you're so hot," he muttered under breath, rubbing up against him provocatively. Ollie moaned softly as he felt himself getting lost in the sensations--Tyler's touch was always so intense and overwhelming all at once--and with his ass still tender from the brutal spanking the night before, he couldn't stop himself from gasping and whining from Tyler's ministrations.

Tyler's eyes flicked down to the ascot that was still wrapped around Ollie's neck. He smirked as he caught sight of it, feeling a sense of satisfaction at how hot and submissive Ollie looked wearing it. Without warning, he reached out and tugged on one end of the ascot, causing it to unravel from around Ollie's neck. As the fabric fell aside, Tyler gasped audibly when he saw the bruises that marred the delicate skin on his throat.

For a moment, Tyler felt a pang of guilt as he remembered just how rough he had been with Ollie the night before. But then, the guilt was replaced by a sense of possessiveness and protectiveness as he realized that Ollie was his--body and soul. Tyler stepped closer to him, running his fingers over the bruises on his neck gently.

"You're mine," he muttered in a low voice, feeling a rush of arousal at how vulnerable and submissive Ollie looked with those marks on his skin. "No one else is allowed to touch you like this."

Ollie shivered under Tyler's touch but didn't pull away from him; part of him loved being owned so completely by someone as powerful and dominant as Tyler despite knowing deep down that it was unhealthy.

"I'm yours," he whispered back obediently before leaning in for another kiss.

Tyler's hands moved down to Ollie's hips as he spun him around so that his back was facing him. He pressed his bulge tightly against Ollie's naked ass, feeling his heat through his sweatpants. Tyler leaned in and began kissing and nibbling on the nape of Ollie's neck, sending shivers down his spine. The twink moaned softly as Tyler's lips moved down to his shoulder blades, leaving a trail of hot kisses in their wake.

Tyler's hands moved over Ollie's hips and down to his round little butt. He squeezed it gently, feeling its plumpness under his fingertips with a groan of desire.

"Fuck... you're so sexy," Tyler growled into Ollie's ear before biting down on the lobe gently. "I could just eat you up."

Ollie moaned softly at the sensation; he loved being dominated by Tyler in this way, but part of him also felt embarrassed about how much he was enjoying it, in spite of all that had happened earlier. Nonetheless, he pushed back against Tyler eagerly as if wanting more.

Tyler ran his fingers through Ollie's soft hair and kissed him around his ears and along where his hair met his neck.

"You want me to devour your sweet little ass, baby?" he asked huskily while gently kneading his ass. "Say please."

Ollie blushed deeply at the request--partly out of embarrassment but mostly from arousal that coursed through every vein in his body. He nodded shyly before leaning forward, planting his elbows on the table in front of him and presenting himself willingly for his dominant man.

"Please... do it," he breathed out shakily. Without another word, Tyler kissed his way down Ollie's back and down to his ass cheeks. He couldn't resist admiring Ollie's sexy little ass as the boy leaned forward, presenting himself to him willingly. He ran his hands over the smooth, round cheeks of Ollie's butt and squeezed gently before leaning in to kiss each cheek with a low growl.

"Mmm... look at this delicious boy pussy," Tyler muttered under his breath as he spread Ollie's cheeks open slightly, revealing the tight hole that was still pink and swollen from their intense play last night. "So tight even after what I did to it last night."

Ollie moaned softly as he felt Tyler licking around the rim of his asshole teasingly before pushing his tongue inside slowly but insistently. Tyler devoured that delicious boy pussy, his tongue exploring every inch of the tight hole with an almost insatiable hunger. He licked and prodded at it relentlessly, making Ollie moan and writhe in front of him. The feeling of Tyler's warm tongue on his most intimate area was almost too much to bear. As Tyler continued to feast on him, Ollie began pushing back against his face eagerly as if wanting more--more pleasure, more intensity...just more.

"Fuck... oh my god," he gasped out between ragged breaths as Tyler flicked his tongue over a particularly sensitive spot deep inside of him. "I can't take this..."

But then suddenly, without warning or explanation ,Tyler pulled away from him abruptly causing Ollie to feel confused and left high and dry.

"What happened?" asked Ollie panting heavily, still trying to catch up with why he had stopped.

"It's okay baby... turn around," he heard Tyler say.

Ollie turned around to face him and gasped as he saw the sight before him. Tyler had pulled down his sweatpants and underwear, revealing his long, thick, hard cock that was jutting out from between his legs, slick with lube that Tyler had produced from his bag as he lazily jerked its length.

Ollie felt a shiver run down his spine as he remembered how that monstrous thing had been inside him last night; how it had been inside him a number of times--each time making him cum like crazy.

"It looks so amazing," Ollie breathed out softly.

Tyler smirked as he saw the look on Ollie's face; he loved knowing that he had such an effect on him.

"You want this big dick again, little Ollie?" Tyler asked huskily while stroking it slowly with one hand. "You want me to fuck you until you lose yourself?"

Ollie felt his cock twitch involuntarily at the words; part of him was terrified by how intense their encounters were but another part couldn't resist wanting more of what Tyler could give him.

"I... I don't know," Ollie stammered hesitantly even though deep down inside all he wanted was for Tyler to take control once more.

"Well, let me help you decide then."

Tyler took Ollie's hand and pressed it against his hard cock. Ollie hesitated for a moment but then began stroking Tyler's cock tentatively, feeling the heat and hardness of it under his fingers.

"That feels good, baby," Tyler murmured softly as Ollie continued to stroke his cock with increasing confidence. "I love feeling your soft hands on me like this."

Ollie blushed deeply at the compliment as all of his uncertainties were washed away by his lust.

"I... I want you so badly," he confessed shyly, looking up into Tyler's dark brown eyes for reassurance.

Tyler leaned down and kissed him gently before pulling back slightly to look at him again.

"I want you too, baby boy. I want to fill up that delicious boy pussy and remind you why you're mine."

Ollie moaned softly at the words, feeling his heart racing with anticipation. He felt a wave of desire wash over him as Tyler lifted him up onto the table once more and lifted his legs up to reveal his puckered hole.

Tyler leaned in and began kissing Ollie's inner thighs teasingly before moving closer to where he was most sensitive. He teased Ollie for a few moments by licking around the rim of his asshole again, making him squirm with pleasure before standing up and pressing the head of his engorged cock against him.

Ollie gasped loudly as he felt Tyler's cock slowly but insistently entering him again; it was so big that it made him feel stretched to the limit--at times almost too much for little femboi like himself--but also bringing waves of intense pleasure as it sank inexorably into his guts. His hands gripped tightly onto the edge of the table as he cried out from each deep penetration into his tight boy pussy.

"Fuck... you feel amazing," Tyler muttered between ragged breaths as he started to thrust into Ollie's willing body. "I love fucking you like this, baby boy."

Ollie could barely keep up--his mind was completely lost in sensation--as they fucked passionately on top of that desk.

Ollie's sensitive, tender hole throbbed with pleasure and pain as Tyler's thick cock pounded into him relentlessly. He had been wrecked last night by the same monster that was inside him now; but still, he couldn't resist wanting more of it.

He moaned out loudly in ecstasy as Tyler filled him up so completely--the heat and tightness of his body making the experience even more intense.

"Oh... oh god," Ollie gasped out between ragged breaths. "You feel so good inside me...so big."

"Fuck yeah... you're so tight baby," Tyler growled while loving the sound of his hips smacking against Ollie's willing little ass cheeks. "I love feeling your hot little boy-cunt clenching around my cock like this."

Ollie whimpered softly from both pleasure and pain--every inch that entered made him cry out in ecstasy--but yet also ached for something deeper, something only Tyler could give him: a sense of belonging and possession over his very being.

"Please fill me up more...more!" he begged almost frantically, as if unable to control himself anymore.

Tyler smirked at how desperate Ollie seemed to be; he knew exactly what buttons to push when it came to his submissive little twink.

"Who do you belong to, baby?" Tyler asked huskily while continuing to pound into him relentlessly.

"I... I belong to you," Ollie moaned out obediently, feeling a rush of pleasure at the words. "Only you."

"That's right," Tyler growled before leaning forward and biting down on Ollie's neck possessively. "You're all mine--body and soul."

Ollie cried out softly as he felt Tyler bite down on his skin; it was both painful yet also incredibly arousing at the same time. He could feel himself getting lost in sensation again--unable or unwilling to resist what they had built between them.

Tyler bit and sucked marks into Ollie's neck, avoiding the bruises from the previous night--those had been a mistake and one that he didn't plan to make again.

As Tyler continued to thrust into Ollie's tight little hole, he couldn't help but admire the way that his body was responding to him. It was like they were in perfect sync with each other; every movement of Tyler's hips eliciting a moan or gasp from Ollie.

"You're so fucking hot," Tyler muttered under his breath as he leaned down and kissed Ollie passionately on the lips. "I could fuck you all day and never get tired."

Ollie whimpered softly at the words while wrapping his arms around Tyler's neck, pulling him closer for another kiss. He loved feeling this kind of intimacy with someone--even if it was only temporary--because it made him feel alive in a way that nothing else had ever done before.

"More...please give me more," he begged almost desperately as if needing something deeper than just physical pleasure.

Tyler smirked again, knowing exactly what it meant when Ollie begged like this--he wanted a sense of belonging and ownership over himself--to be dominated completely by someone who understood what being submissive really meant; which is why no matter how much pain or discomfort or guilt there might have been between them last night--or this morning--it didn't seem to matter now because they both knew deep down inside that their connection wasn't going anywhere anytime soon... perhaps not ever...

"Never forget, little Ollie," Tyler said between gritted teeth as he thrust into his twink. "You're mine. You're not Eddie's. You're not Antoine's. You're not any other man's. You're mine." Tyler had always had a possessive streak, but never had it manifested so powerfully after he'd had his way with whatever twink he was fucking. Something about Ollie had captured him--binding him to the twink just as tightly as he was forcing the twink to bind to him.

Ollie whimpered softly as he felt Tyler's words sink in; part of him was scared by how possessive and dominant Tyler could be, but another part loved being owned so completely. He moaned out loudly as Tyler continued to thrust into him relentlessly, the pleasure building inside of him with every passing moment.

"Yes...yes...I'm yours," Ollie moaned out almost deliriously as he felt his body being taken over by pleasure. "Only yours."

Tyler's grip on him tightened as he continued to pound into Ollie's tight, warm hole with an intensity that was almost overwhelming.

"Good boy," Tyler growled between gritted teeth. "That's what I like to hear." He leaned down and kissed him roughly again before picking up the pace even more, feeling himself getting close to the edge.

Ollie cried out loudly as he felt the orgasm building inside of him; it was so intense that he could barely think straight anymore. His hands gripped tightly onto Tyler's shoulders while his head fell back in ecstasy.

"I'm gonna cum... oh god," he gasped out shakily, feeling like all of his nerves were on fire from how good it felt.

"Yes baby...cum for me," Tyler muttered under breath while continuing to fuck him. "Show me that hot load."

Ollie moaned out loudly as he finally let go, feeling the explosive release wash over him in waves. He came hard--his cum splattering onto Tyler's chest and abs while his whole body spasmed with pleasure.

Tyler groaned deeply at the sight of Ollie coming undone beneath him; it was like watching a beautiful work of art being created right before his eyes. He continued to thrust into Ollie relentlessly until he too reached his own climax, filling up that delicious boy pussy with hot ropes of cum.

They both collapsed onto each other in exhaustion, panting heavily from their intense session. But even as they lay there together basking in the afterglow, neither one could deny the sense of connection between them--that inexplicable pull towards each other that kept drawing them back for more... again and again...

Ollie lay on the table top of the empty classroom as Tyler tossed him his clothes. He checked his phone and saw over a half dozen missed calls from Eddie and at least as many texts. Shit, he thought. He had urgently contacted his roommate just before talking with Tyler... the realization brought him back to before the delicious impromptu sex session. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creep back over him. He had enjoyed their encounter as much as ever--but at the same time, he knew that something still wasn't quite right.

He felt like he'd been controlled by Tyler--manipulated into dropping the conversation. And yet--despite all of this--he found himself unable to resist the pull towards his dominant man. His thoughts drifted back to what had happened earlier today and how violent Tyler had become when seeing his classmate even talking to him. It made him wonder how on earth he was going to be able to set boundaries with someone who seemed so intent on owning every part of his body--and soul--for himself alone.

But then again... did Ollie really want those boundaries? Part of him craved the intensity--the feeling of belonging and possession--that came from submitting completely to someone like Tyler... All this swirled around inside Ollie's head until finally, he spoke up hesitantly.

"Tyler..." he said softly, unsure of how Tyler would react.

"What is it, baby?" Tyler asked as he pulled his clothes back on.

Ollie propped himself up on his elbows. "Earlier, when you said you were sorry for hitting Antoine and that you wouldn't do anything like that again... did you really mean it?"

Tyler sighed deeply, knowing exactly what Ollie was getting at.

"I meant it when I said that I was sorry for hitting Antoine," Tyler replied firmly. "I know that wasn't right and I shouldn't have done it."

Ollie nodded slowly, feeling a sense of relief wash over him; he had been worried about how possessive Tyler could be but hearing this made him feel better somehow.

"But...?" he prompted hesitantly, sensing that there was more to the story.

"But nothing," Tyler said softly, walking over to run his fingers through Ollie's hair. "I just don't want you talking to other guys like that again--it makes me jealous."

Ollie felt a shiver run down his spine as he heard the words; part of him did crave being owned so completely by someone like Tyler but another part wanted to find some kind of balance between them--some way of having boundaries without losing all their intensity together.

"Tyler..." he began again softly. "Can we talk about setting some boundaries? Like... not going too far with the possessiveness or jealousy? I mean... I have to be able to talk to people and live my life."

Tyler looked at him thoughtfully for a moment before nodding slowly in agreement.

"Yeah... yeah I guess we can do that, little Ollie," he replied finally after taking several moments to think things through carefully. "But only if you promise me one thing."

"What is it?" asked Ollie curiously while looking up into his man's eyes.

"That you'll always be mine," Tyler replied firmly. "That you'll never leave me or look for someone else."

Ollie felt a sense of fear and excitement wash over him at the words; it was like he was being given a choice between two different paths--one leading towards freedom, while the other led into bondage. But even as he struggled with his own desires, Ollie knew that there was only one real answer--because deep down inside...he wanted to belong completely to Tyler.

"I promise," Ollie said softly while pulling Tyler in for a kiss. "I'm yours."

Next: Chapter 6

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