Ollies Lost Innocence

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Apr 19, 2023


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Chapter 8 ____________________________

The next morning, Ollie woke up wrapped in Tyler's strong arms. He felt safe and protected, but also a little conflicted. As he lay there, enjoying the warmth of Tyler's body against his own, Ollie couldn't help but reflect on recent events. He thought about how neglected he had felt over the past week when Tyler didn't contact him at all, only to summon him suddenly, instructing him to dress as a trap. And then there was the unwanted threesome with Peter--something that still made him feel uncomfortable and violated even though he'd enjoyed Peter eating his hole as he'd sucked Tyler's cock. Looming over all of it was Tyler's dangerous obsession with possessing him, to the point of beating up someone just for talking to him...

Despite these concerns weighing heavily on his mind, Ollie still found himself drawn to Tyler's dominant nature and rough affections towards him. He wondered how healthy and sustainable it was in the long run but for now at least... It just felt good to be wanted so badly by someone like Tyler. He wasn't sure he even wanted to tell Eddie about what had happened with Peter... that would just complicate his relationship with his roommate--who was already trying to talk him into breaking things off with Tyler.

Tyler stirred beside him and pulled him closer into an embrace. "Good morning baby," he murmured sleepily before kissing Ollie gently on the back of the neck. Ollie smiled weakly and rolled to face him, meeting his gaze. He didn't know what the future held for them, but for now, he couldn't help but feel content in Tyler's arms.

"Good morning," Ollie replied softly before leaning in to kiss Tyler on the lips. As they kissed, Ollie felt a surge of desire and passion building inside him once again. Despite everything that had happened between them, he still wanted more... more of Tyler's touch, more of his dominance and roughness.

But as much as he craved it all, there was still a nagging sense of unease deep within him--a feeling that wouldn't go away no matter how hard he tried to ignore it. For now though... Ollie decided to push those thoughts aside and focus on enjoying this moment with Tyler while it lasted. As they cuddled together under the blankets, Ollie knew that things were far from perfect between them--but for right now at least--they could just be two people who loved each other intimately without any outside distractions or opinions getting in their way. He slipped back to sleep with those peaceful thoughts in mind.

A few hours later, he stirred awake again to the delicious smell of cooking wafting into his nose. He opened his eyes and saw that Tyler was nowhere in sight. Confused, he sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes sleepily. As he got out of bed and stretched himself, Ollie could hear soft humming coming from the direction of the kitchen. Curious, he slipped on the little blue panties he'd worn last night and walked over to investigate what was happening. He found Tyler standing at the stove in just a pair of gym shorts with a spatula in hand, flipping pancakes with ease while some bacon sizzled away in a pan nearby. The table was set for two people already--complete with freshly brewed coffee waiting in mugs.

"Good morning beautiful," Tyler said as soon as he noticed Ollie's presence.

Ollie smiled shyly, feeling affection wash over him seeing how domesticated this side of Tyler seemed to be; an almost entirely different person than when they were alone together exploring their fetishes. "Morning," Ollie replied softly before walking closer towards where Tyler stood by the stove. "What are you doing?"

"Cooking us breakfast," said Tyler cheerfully as if it wasn't something out of character for him to do. "I figured we needed some fuel after last night."

Ollie couldn't help but feel touched by this gesture from someone who just hours ago had been dominating him sexually almost like an object rather than human being capable of more nuanced emotions such as love or tenderness--yet here they were breaking bread together and sharing intimacy in a different way. He also knew that they needed to talk about what had been bothering him. He took a deep breath and decided to broach the subject.

"Tyler, can we talk?" Ollie asked tentatively as they sat down at the table to eat.

Tyler put a stack of pancakes and bacon on Ollie's plate and looked at him with a serious look on his face. "Of course you can, baby doll."

Ollie fidgeted nervously with his hands before speaking up. "I just... I don't know how to feel about last night."

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked gently as he sat down across from him.

"Well... I liked it," Ollie admitted quietly. "But I also felt uncomfortable with Peter being there without my permission..."

Tyler's expression softened as he listened to Ollie's concerns. "I understand, baby girl," he said softly. "I didn't plan for him to be there. But once I explained it to you, you seemed to really enjoy yourself."

"I know," Ollie replied with a small nod. "I-I did enjoy myself. It's just... it felt like things were out of control and I didn't know how to say no. And... you didn't explain anything to me until it was already happening."

Tyler reached across the table and took Ollie's hand in his own. "I'm sorry if I pushed too hard last night," he said sincerely. "Sometimes my desire for you gets the better of me. You turn me on so much lil Ollie."

Ollie smiled weakly at Tyler's words. He hadn't really gotten a commitment that something that wouldn't happen again, but he decided to continue on with what was troubling him more. "There is also something else..." He paused, unsure of how Tyler would react.

"Tell me," Tyler encouraged.

"It's about us... our relationship." Ollie began hesitantly before continuing earnestly; "What we do together feels good but...It's complicated."

Tyler looked confused by this statement so Ollie decided to elaborate further.

"I can't help feeling like all we are is sex," He explained carefully. "And the sex is great--SO great--but it doesn't feel sustainable in the long run. I felt really neglected last week when you didn't contact me at all," tears started welling up in Ollie's eyes. "And then you just texted for me to show up in the school girl outfit because you wanted to fuck me..." the tears started running down his face. "And I can't handle not knowing where we stand," he sobbed.

Tyler's expression softened even further as he watched the tears fall down Ollie's cheeks. He stood up from his chair and walked over to him, pulling him into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry baby," Tyler whispered softly as he held Ollie close. "I didn't know how you were feeling about it all." He had been cruel to Ollie for little reason, he knew that. His feelings for the kid were evolving. Tyler hadn't ever been a relationship person and he knew he was struggling with navigating this kid with his typical habits.

Ollie buried his face in Tyler's chest, taking comfort in the warmth of his embrace. "I just... I don't want to just be a sex toy... I mean... I like it... but I want more than just that."

Tyler hugged Ollie tightly as he listened intently. "I understand, baby doll," Tyler said softly. "And I want more with you too."

Ollie pulled back from the embrace to look at Tyler's face, wiping away his tears. "I don't know what that looks like though," he admitted with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Tyler brushed a strand of hair away from Ollie's face, looking deep into his eyes. "I guess it means taking the time to get to know each other outside of sex... going on dates, doing things together that aren't just about getting off. To be honest, I'm not the biggest expert on relationships--surprising I know."

Ollie smiled and laughed weakly at Tyler's words, feeling hopeful. "I'd like that," he said softly.

Tyler leaned in and kissed him deeply before pulling back with a mischievous grin on his face. "But don't worry lil Ollie," he whispered seductively as his hand traveled up Ollie's thigh towards the bulge forming in his panties--already indicating their resolve would be tested soon enough. "We'll still have plenty of hot sex."

Ollie laughed nervously before leaning forward and kissing Tyler again, feeling excited for what this new phase of their relationship might bring. Despite that commitment, the kiss quickly turned into something more as Tyler's hands explored Ollie's nearly naked body, running over his thighs and up towards the bulge in his panties. He quickly got fully charged with anticipation as Tyler pressed him back against the table, pulling away from their kiss just long enough to slide off his own shorts before leaning down to take Ollie's cute cock in his mouth. Ollie moaned softly at the sensation of Tyler's warm lips and tongue working over him. He reached out a hand to grip onto the edge of the table for support as pleasure coursed through every inch of his being. It felt so good... too good almost--especially after all that talking about taking things slower, but having Tyler giving pleasure to him like this while the stud's own cock was neglected in his shorts seemed like a meaningful gesture.

Tyler continued to suck on Ollie's cock, taking him deeper into his mouth with each passing moment. His tongue swirled around the head of his cock before moving down towards the base as he expertly worked his way up and down. As he continued to suck his cock, Tyler's free hand trailed down towards the peachy globes of Ollie's ass. He gripped onto them firmly before pulling them apart to expose his tight pink hole. Ollie gasped at the sudden sensation of Tyler's fingers on that tender and flexible spot from last night. He felt a tingle shoot up his spine as he realized what Tyler was about to do next. Tyler added some saliva into the mix as he slid one finger inside Ollie's puckered hole, eliciting a moan from him. His long digit moved in and out slowly and gently until he began pumping faster, sliding another finger inside causing even more intense sensations within Ollie's body making him squirm slightly against the table top as Tyler kept sucking his hard cock.

"Fuck," groaned Ollie in ecstasy as pleasure coursed through every inch of his being. Tyler continued to finger Ollie's hole, his fingers moving in and out of him with increasing speed as he sucked on the head of his cock. He knew just how to work Ollie's body, bringing him right up to the edge before pulling back slightly. Ollie was lost in a sea of pleasure as Tyler worked over his sensitive spots. His moans grew louder until they were almost bordering on screams. "Ty... please..." he begged for more.

Tyler could feel Ollie's body tensing up beneath him, his muscles clenching around his fingers as he worked them in and out of the tight hole. He knew that Ollie was close to cumming but he wasn't quite ready for it yet. He pulled back from sucking on Ollie's cock, standing up straight and pulling down his shorts, his huge dick swinging in front of him. "I'm going to fuck you now," Tyler growled lowly as he grabbed a bottle of coconut oil from the counter. Ollie just nodded, already feeling so turned on. His tender hole throbbed with anticipation at the thought of Tyler filling him up once again so soon after last night's efforts.

Tyler poured some oil onto his hand before rubbing it over the head of his massive cock and Ollie's pink hole. The sensation sent shivers down Ollie's spine as he felt his hole twitch with anticipation. He pulled his knees up to give his lover better access. Tyler gripped onto his hips firmly and pushed forward into him--his huge cock sliding deep inside with ease due to last night's preparations leaving him slicker than usual--eliciting a loud moan from both of them. The plates and silverware on the table rattled with each thrust as Tyler started to fuck Ollie in earnest. "You're so hot, baby," Tyler grunted as he pounded into Ollie. "I always want to be inside you."

Ollie could only moan in response as the pleasure built up inside him once again. He felt like he was being consumed by ecstasy, his mind and body completely lost in the sensations of Tyler's massive cock filling him up. Tyler continued to thrust hard and deep into Ollie's tight hole, hitting all the right spots with each movement. He knew just how to work his lover's body for maximum pleasure.

As they fucked harder and faster, Tyler leaned down to kiss Ollie deeply on the lips before pulling back slightly. "You're mine," he growled possessively against his neck before biting down gently on the sensitive skin there.

Ollie gasped from the sensation and it only made him more turned on. He was completely lost to the sensations coursing through his body as they fucked with increasing intensity. "Yours," Ollie moaned in response, feeling a rush of submission wash over him as he gave himself over completely to Tyler.

As they continued to fuck, Tyler leaned over and grabbed the bottle of maple syrup from the table. He unscrewed the cap and drizzled it over Ollie's chest before licking it off with his tongue.

Ollie gasped at the new sensation, feeling a mix of pleasure and surprise as Tyler's warm mouth moved over his sensitive skin. "Oh my god," he moaned out loud as he felt Tyler suck on one of his nipples, making him shiver with delight. Ollie squirmed under Tyler's touch, feeling completely overwhelmed by all the sensations coursing through him. The combination of pleasure from getting fucked so hard combined with this unexpected food play made everything feel even more intense than usual.

Tyler continued to lick and suck on Ollie's chest, while his hand reached for his cock once again. He wrapped his hand around it as he continued to fuck him hard and fast. Ollie felt like he was going to explode from all the pleasure coursing through him. He could feel himself getting close to cumming once again but Tyler seemed determined to draw it out for as long as possible.

"Please," he begged, feeling desperate for release. Tyler grinned wickedly before leaning down to kiss Ollie hard on the lips, his tongue moving roughly against his.

"Cum for me baby," he growled lowly against his mouth as he continued to thrust long, deep strokes inside him.

Ollie felt like fireworks were going off inside him as pleasure consumed every inch of his being. He screamed out Tyler's name as he came hard all over his stomach and chest. Tyler kept fucking Ollie through his orgasm until finally, with one last deep thrust, he filled him up with his own hot load. They both collapsed onto the table in a mess of sweat, cum, maple syrup, and coconut oil, panting heavily from their intense encounter.

"Fuck," Ollie said softly after a moment had passed by while they lay there, catching their breath. "That was amazing."

Tyler chuckled softly against his neck before leaning up slightly. "I told you lil Ollie," he said confidently. "When we're together like this... nothing else exists."

As they lay there catching their breaths, Ollie's head fell back against the table as he looked up at the ceiling. He was still reeling from the intensity of what had just happened between them. "I love you," Ollie said softly, surprising himself with his own words and gasping when he realized he'd said it.

Tyler's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly composed himself and leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips. "I love you too, baby," Tyler said sincerely as he pulled away from their kiss. Ollie smiled warmly up at Tyler, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. He may not have known exactly what this relationship meant for them both yet or even where it was going--but for now--he felt happy being with Tyler like this.

After their intense sexual encounter, Ollie and Tyler took a shower together. The warm water felt good against their skin, washing away the stickiness of maple syrup and sweat. They kissed under the stream of water, enjoying each other's company. After they finished getting dressed, Ollie gathered up the school girl outfit and headed back to his dorm room wearing the skirt and blouse, while looking like a boy.

As Ollie walked back to his dorm room, he felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was still riding the high from his intense sexual encounter with Tyler and feeling loved after they exchanged "I love you's." But on the other hand, he couldn't shake off the discomfort from the encounter with Peter and how Tyler's obsession with him could escalate into violence towards others. When he entered his dorm room, Eddie was sitting on his bed, scrolling through his phone. As soon as he saw Ollie walk in wearing the school girl outfit, he raised an eyebrow.

"You forgot to bring boy clothes to change into, huh?" he said jokingly.

Ollie giggled softly and sat down next to Eddie. "Yeah, something like that," he replied with a small smile.

Eddie looked at Ollie closely. "How was your night with Tyler?" he asked, leadingly.

Ollie took a deep breath before answering. "It was intense," he said, still processing everything that had happened between him and Tyler.

Eddie looked concerned now. "What do you mean by intense?" he asked, his voice softening.

Ollie hesitated before replying. He didn't want to worry Eddie or make him think poorly of Tyler. But at the same time, he needed someone to talk to about what was going on in his relationship with Tyler.

"We had sex... a lot of it," Ollie finally admitted, feeling embarrassed as his cheeks turned pink.

Eddie nodded knowingly. "I figured," he said with a small smile. "But how do you feel about it?"

Ollie took another deep breath before answering, trying to sort out his thoughts and feelings. "It's complicated," he finally said with a sigh.

Eddie gave him an encouraging look. "You can tell me anything, sweetie," he said gently.

Ollie took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking. "I love him, Eddie," he finally blurted out, looking down at his hands.

Eddie was surprised but tried not to react too much. He placed a comforting hand on Ollie's shoulder. "And does Tyler love you back?" he asked gently.

Ollie hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. "He said it back this morning... after we had sex on the table..."

Eddie raised an eyebrow. "On the table?" he repeated, looking slightly bemused.

Ollie blushed deeply at the memory. "Yeah... it was intense," he admitted, feeling a mix of embarrassment and arousal just thinking about it.

Eddie smiled a little at Ollie's flustered response. "Do you believe him? That he loves you, I mean."

Ollie sighed and looked up at Eddie. "I want to believe him," he said softly, "but sometimes I feel like all we have is sex. We talked about it though, so I feel a little better about it now."

Eddie wrapped his arm around his roomie. He wanted to be supportive of Ollie, but didn't want to come across as interfering too much. "Anything else?" he asked gently.

Ollie hesitated for a moment before deciding to tell Eddie about the encounter with Peter. He trusted his friend and needed someone to talk to about it.

"Something did happen last night," Ollie said, looking down at his hands nervously.

Eddie gave him an encouraging nod. "What?"

Ollie took a deep breath before continuing. "While Tyler and I were... you know... fooling around, there was a knock on the door," he explained slowly. "It was one of Tyler's friends, Peter." Eddie frowned slightly in concern, sensing that this story wasn't going to end well. "We invited him in and I'm in this school girl uniform. Tyler had me give him head in front of Peter... and then he had Peter eat out my ass while I sucked him off," Ollie admitted hesitantly, feeling embarrassed even as he spoke the words aloud. "It-It seemed more like a power thing between them than it being about me."

Eddie's face turned serious as he listened to Ollie's story. "Did you want to do that?" he asked gently.

Ollie shook his head slowly. "No, not really... I didn't know Peter," he admitted. "But Tyler was in control and I... I just went along with it."

Eddie looked at him sympathetically. "I'm sorry, Ollie," he said softly. "That sounds really uncomfortable and non-consensual."

Ollie nodded slowly, feeling validated by Eddie's words of support. "It felt good," he whispered. "But I wish we had communicated about it somehow before it happened.

"Overall, how do you feel about another guy being there?" Eddie probed gently.

Ollie took a deep breath before answering. "I don't know, Eddie," he said honestly. "I dunno, I mean... no one has ever touched me like that except Tyler... it's not like Peter forced himself on me... it was almost like Ty was forcing me onto Peter... it was a weird dynamic. I wonder what their history is... I just wish I'd had more of a say in what was going on."

Eddie listened carefully to Ollie's words, sensing the confusion and conflict in his friend's voice. "It's okay to have conflicting feelings about what happened," he said gently. "But it might be a good idea to talk to Tyler about how you're feeling, especially since this is all new for you."

Ollie nodded. "I did. A little. We actually had a pretty good talk this morning before... before we fucked on the kitchen table," he blushed.

Eddie smiled a little at Ollie's blush, feeling relieved that they were able to talk things out. "At least he made you breakfast?" he joked and they both laughed. "But just remember," he said, getting serious again. "If anything ever makes you feel uncomfortable or non-consensual, it's okay to say no and set your boundaries."

Ollie nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for Eddie's advice and support. "Thanks, bae," he said softly. "I really appreciate you being here for me."

Eddie smiled warmly at his friend. "Of course, sweetie," he replied with a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder. "You know all of my issues with Tyler already, so I won't tell them to you again," he said diplomatically. "I think you need to be careful and I'm worried about you... But I'll be here if you want to talk more. And if you ever need anything."

Ollie nodded in understanding, feeling grateful for Eddie's concern. "I know," he said softly. "And I appreciate it. So much."

They sat there in comfortable silence for a few moments, Ollie feeling lighter having shared his concerns with someone who cared about him. He knew that his relationship with Tyler was complicated and intense, but at least now he felt like he had someone to talk to when things got too overwhelming.

With a small smile, he looked over at Eddie. "So... how was your night?" he asked.

Eddie grinned, happy to change the subject. "It was good," he said enthusiastically. "I went out with some theater people and we ended up at this karaoke bar."

Ollie's eyes lit up in excitement. "That sounds like so much fun!" he exclaimed.

Eddie nodded eagerly. "It was! We sang all sorts of songs... from Disney to Beyonce. You would have died." He chuckled at the memory before adding, "And I may have had a little too much to drink..."

Ollie laughed. Eddie was weirdly proud of his fake ID and using it to get drinks at bars. "Did you meet anyone cute?"

Eddie shook his head ruefully. "Nope, just me and my drunk self," he replied with a grin.

They chatted for a few more minutes about Eddie's night out before Ollie decided it was time for him to get dressed in something less conspicuous than the school girl outfit. As he changed into jeans and a t-shirt, Ollie couldn't help but feel grateful for Eddie's support and friendship. Despite everything going on between him and Tyler, it felt good knowing that there was someone who cared about him unconditionally.

Since then, Tyler had been more attentive to Ollie, replying to his texts, meeting him for lunch or dinner, even walking him to class sometimes. It was actually starting to feel like he was in a real relationship and it made Ollie happy even though Tyler still exhibited the same intense possessive tendencies that he'd had before. At least now it felt like he actually cared for him. He hadn't hurt Ollie again like with the choking and he hadn't beat anyone up. Winning. Eddie clearly still had his reservations, but he'd stopped probing as much about Tyler since Ollie seemed to be consistently happy.

About a week into this new phase of Ollie's relationship with Tyler he was sitting cross-legged on his bed while Eddie sat in front of him, applying blush to his cheeks. They were doing makeup, chatting and laughing about Eddie's upcoming theater performance when there was a knock at the door.

Eddie got up to answer it, expecting maybe one of their hall-mates. But when he opened the door, he froze as Tyler stood before him with a smug grin on his face. "Hey boys," Tyler said nonchalantly as he sauntered into their room confidently.

Ollie looked up from his makeup mirror surprised, but he smiled. Tyler never came over to their room! Ollie always had to go to him. Ollie felt like Tyler was actually taking his concerns about feeling neglected seriously! "Oh h-hey, Ty!" he said with tempered excitement.

"What are you doing here?" Eddie asked, trying to keep his tone neutral, obviously less excited to see Tyler in his living space uninvited.

Tyler shrugged. "Just thought I'd drop by and see what my lil Ollie is up to," he said casually.

Ollie blushed at the pet name, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Tyler used it when they were alone plenty of times before, but never in front of Eddie. "We're just doing makeup," Ollie said simply as he gestured towards the various palettes and brushes scattered on his bedspread.

Tyler raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so you're the big makeup artist, huh?" he said, thinking of the stunning mugs Ollie sometimes showed up to his apartment wearing.

Eddie scoffed at the compliment. "We're just having some fun," he replied, his tone a bit sharper than intended.

Tyler ignored Eddie's tone and walked over to Ollie's bed, sitting down beside him. "Can I watch?" he asked playfully as he reached out to touch Ollie's cheek, who was nervously pressing his made-up lips together. "You look good in that shade, babe," Tyler commented as he leaned down to give him a kiss, which Ollie eagerly leaned into.

Eddie rolled his eyes and turned away, not wanting to witness any more of their PDA. The kiss wasn't very long though; Tyler soon broke it and smiled at the devoted look left behind on Ollie's face. "So, can I watch you guys?" he asked again.

Eddie hesitated, not sure if he wanted Tyler intruding on their time. But Ollie looked up at him with pleading eyes, silently asking him to allow it. "Sure," Eddie finally relented with a sigh as he started to pin Ollie's hair out of his face. "Just don't get in the way."

Tyler chuckled at Eddie's snarky remark but didn't say anything else as he watched the two freshmen work on each other's faces. He glanced at the TV, noticing the Paramount ads. "Whatcha watching?" he asked.

Eddie glanced at the TV, which was playing a rerun of "RuPaul's Drag Race." "Just some 'Drag Race'," he said with a shrug. "We like to watch it for inspiration."

Tyler snorted. "Makes sense. I've never seen it."

Ollie's eyes widened in disbelief, and he turned towards Tyler with a look of shock on his face. "You've never seen 'Drag Race'?" he said incredulously. "How is that even possible?"

Tyler shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't know, it's just not really my thing."

Eddie rolled his eyes again at Tyler's dismissiveness. Drag culture was an important part of queer history and representation, but he didn't feel like explaining that to Tyler right now.

"Well, we love it," Eddie said firmly as he sat back down next to Ollie. "It celebrates self-expression and creativity which are things we value."

"Yeah," Ollie agreed eagerly. "And the queens are so fierce! I am totally making you watch it sometime. Or maybe just Trixie and Katya on UNHhhh"

Tyler chuckled, shaking his head. "You guys are too much. I don't even know what you just said." He leaned back on the bed and quietly watched as Eddie continued to apply makeup to Ollie's face, half watching them and half watching drag queens on the TV. "You're really good at that, you know," Tyler said to Eddie after a few minutes.

Eddie looked up, surprised. "Thanks," he said with a small smile. "I've been doing makeup since like seventh grade. Theater boy," he said as an explanation.

Tyler nodded in approval. "You could probably make some good money doing it professionally."

Eddie felt his heart flutter at the thought of being able to pursue makeup artistry as a career. Maybe as a backup if the Broadway break never panned out. "Thanks for saying that," he said gratefully, genuinely surprised by Tyler's kind words.

Ollie smiled warmly at Eddie, glad to see him getting recognition for his talents. "Yeah, you'd be amazing at it, bae" Ollie chimed in. "I love when Eddie does my makeup."

Tyler chuckled again, shaking his head as he watched the two of them interact. "You guys are so cute together," Tyler said with a smirk. "Almost makes me jealous."

Eddie rolled his eyes at Tyler's comment, sensing the possessiveness in his tone. He didn't want to start anything with him, so he just kept quiet and continued doing Ollie's makeup. But Ollie decided to speak up.

"Tyler, you know that Eddie and I are just friends," Ollie said firmly. "We love each other as friends, but it's not romantic."

Tyler raised an eyebrow at Ollie's statement, his eyes narrowing slightly. But then he smiled again and leaned over to give Ollie another quick kiss. "I know that, babe," Tyler said as he looked into his eyes with a mixture of affection and possessiveness. "I like seeing my two favorite boys together."

Eddie couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable at Tyler's comment. One of his `favorite boys'? As far as Eddie knew, Tyler didn't even like him that much because he took time away from Ollie's devotion to him. Regardless, Tyler had become increasingly possessive of Ollie, and Eddie didn't want to be caught up in that net too. "Uh, thanks, I guess?" Eddie said awkwardly as he tried to focus on doing Ollie's eyeliner.

Ollie noticed the tension in the room and decided to change the subject. "Hey Ty, there's another campus queer mixer coming up on Friday..." he said, trailing off.

Tyler's expression shifted slightly at the mention of the queer mixer. The last such event had been the one that led to him and Ollie hooking up... On one hand, he was happy that Ollie had a community on campus where he could be himself and make new friends. But on the other hand, Tyler didn't like the idea of Ollie being around other guys who might try to hit on him or take his attention away from Tyler.

"Oh yeah?" he said casually as he watched Eddie finish up Ollie's eyeliner. "Looking to meet some more guys?" he asked with a slight edge.

Ollie felt a sinking feeling in his stomach at Tyler's comment. He knew that Tyler was possessive, but he didn't want to sacrifice his own social life just to please him. "No... I mean... it's just a mixer," Ollie said hesitantly. He needed to salvage this quickly. "I was hoping that you'd come with me and Eddie."

Tyler's expression softened slightly at Ollie's request. "Of course, babe," he said with a smile as he reached over to give Ollie another quick kiss. "I'll come with you guys."

Eddie felt relieved that Tyler had agreed to come along. He didn't want there to be any tension, and having Tyler there would make things easier--hopefully he wouldn't be suspicious of what happened if he was actually there too... as long as he didn't assault anyone, that is... "That's great," he said with a polite smile. "It'll be fun to have you there."

Tyler nodded in agreement, but Ollie could tell that something was still bothering him. "Is everything okay?" Ollie asked softly as he looked up at Tyler with concern. Eddie turned Ollie's face back towards him to keep applying makeup.

Tyler hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up. "I just don't want anyone else hitting on my boy," he admitted, his eyes darkening slightly.

Ollie felt a flutter of fear and excitement mixed together in his stomach. He loved the possessive side of Tyler, but sometimes it scared him too. His mind flashed to when Tyler had attacked Antoine on campus for talking with him. He didn't want things at the party to get out of hand or become dangerous. "I promise I won't let anyone get the wrong idea," Ollie said softly as he reached over to take Tyler's hand. "You know I only have eyes for you."

Tyler smiled again at Ollie's words, feeling reassured by his devotion. But then he turned towards Eddie and gave him a warning look. "And you better not let anyone touch my boy either," Tyler added firmly.

Eddie rolled his eyes again at the possessiveness in Tyler's tone but decided not to engage further--there was no point arguing when it came down to someone who already had an established mindset like that. "Don't worry about me," he said dismissively as he finished up the last touches on Ollie's makeup. "I'm sure we'll all have each other's backs." He capped his makeup pen as punctuation. "There love, you're all done," he said to his roommate.

Tyler nodded and admired Ollie's finished mug. It wasn't like full drag, but his eyes and lips were fully done and Eddie had slightly contoured his cheeks. "You look beautiful, babe," Tyler said with a smile as he leaned in for another kiss.

Ollie blushed at the compliment and returned the kiss eagerly. As Tyler pulled away from the kiss, Ollie noticed that he still seemed uneasy. He decided to try and address it directly. "It'll be okay, Ty," he said reassuringly. "I know you just want to protect me."

Tyler smiled again at Ollie's words, feeling reassured by his devotion. But then he turned towards Eddie and gave him a warning look. "Good," Tyler said firmly as he stood up from the bed. "Because I won't hesitate to take care of anyone who messes with my boys."

Eddie rolled his eyes yet again. "Please do not extend your umbrella of possession to me," he said dramatically. "Some of us ARE looking for men to flirt with."

Tyler chuckled at Eddie's comment, his expression softening slightly. "Fine, fine," he said with a smirk. "I won't interfere with your game." He then turned to Ollie, reaching out his hand. "Come on, babe. Let's get going."

Ollie looked up at Tyler with confusion. "Going where?" he asked, unsure of what Tyler was talking about. They hadn't made any plans.

Tyler raised an eyebrow at Ollie's question, surprised that he didn't know what was going on. "I thought we would head back to my place," Tyler said as he pulled Ollie up from the bed. "You look so damn good, I just need to... look at you for a while longer."

Ollie blushed at Tyler's words, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He loved the way that Tyler looked at him--like he was the only person in the world--but sometimes it could be overwhelming. He hesitated for a moment, looking over at Eddie with uncertainty. They had planned to hang out tonight and watch `Drag Race' reruns together, but the idea of spending a passionate night with Tyler was too tempting to turn down.

"Eddie... I'm sorry," Ollie said softly as he looked between him and Tyler. "Can we raincheck on our `Drag Race' night? I just... really want to be alone with Ty right now."

Eddie sighed, feeling disappointed but not surprised by Ollie's decision. He knew that it was hard for Ollie to resist Tyler's charms when he was in one of these moods. "It's okay, sweetie," he said with a small smile as he began packing up his makeup kit. "Don't worry about me--I'll find something else to do."

Ollie felt guilty for bailing on their plans but also relieved that Eddie seemed understanding. He turned towards Tyler again and smiled gratefully. "Okay," Ollie said softly as he leaned in for another kiss. "Let me grab a few things..." he turned back to his roommate. "I promise I'll make it up to you, Ed."

Eddie waved off Ollie's apology with a small smile. "It's fine, really," he said as he finished packing up his things. "You two have fun."

Eddie watched Ollie pack up some things and couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the easy way that Ollie seemed to prioritize him over Eddie. He knew that it wasn't fair to be jealous--Ollie had made his choice--but he still couldn't shake the feeling.

"Thanks, Ed," Tyler said curtly as he leaned down to grab his bag from beside the door. "And don't be mad if I ruin this amazing makeup job," he joked, not-so-subtly hinting at his plans for Ollie tonight.

Eddie rolled his eyes yet again, feeling a mix of annoyance and concern for Ollie. He didn't want Tyler to hurt him or take advantage of him, but he also knew that it wasn't his place to interfere in their relationship. "I won't be mad," Eddie said with a small smile as he stood up from the bed. "Just make sure you take care of my bestie."

Tyler smirked at Eddie's comment, sensing the underlying tension between them. "Don't worry about me taking care of my boy," Tyler said confidently as he wrapped an arm around Ollie's waist. "He'll be begging for more by the time I'm done with him."

Ollie blushed deeply at Tyler's words but couldn't help feeling excited at the promise underneath them. "Let's go then," he said giggling as he grabbed his own bag and followed behind Tyler towards the door.

As soon as they left, Eddie flopped down onto his bed with a sigh. He felt emotionally drained after being caught up in their relationship. He knew that things would never go back to the way they were before Tyler--and part of him mourned that--but he also knew that it was important for Ollie to explore himself sexually and figure out what made him happy. Yet another part of him couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling about Tyler's possessiveness over Ollie--and how it seemed like it would only continue in the future. "I hope you know what you're doing, love," he said out loud to his absent roommate, looking up at the ceiling, hoping that Ollie would be safe and happy tonight.

As they walked from the dorm to Tyler's apartment, Ollie felt a sense of comfort and safety with Tyler holding his hand. It was something that had become routine for them, especially when they were in public spaces where other people could potentially hit on Ollie. Tyler held Ollie's hand easily, intertwining their fingers as they walked down the street. He loved feeling the smallness of Ollie's hand in his own--it made him feel even more protective over him than he already did.

Ollie looked up at him with adoration, taking in every detail of his handsome face--the way his hair fell into his eyes just slightly, how defined and muscular his arms looked under his shirt sleeves... He thought about what would happen once they got back to Tyler's apartment--how passionate and intense their lovemaking would be tonight... Despite everything else going on around them--the noise from cars driving by or students chattering--they both seemed lost in each other's orbit as if nothing could touch or break them apart. Ollie didn't notice the occasional glances he got from others looking at his made-up face or the possessive grip that Tyler had on his hand. All he could focus on was the warmth of Tyler's skin against his own, and how much he loved being in this moment with him.

As they walked towards Tyler's apartment, Ollie couldn't help but tease him a little bit. "It's funny that Drag Race isn't really your thing," he said with a small smile as he glanced up at Tyler.

Tyler raised an eyebrow in confusion at Ollie's comment. "What do you mean?" he asked curiously.

"Well, you seem to love boys in makeup so much," Ollie replied playfully as he gestured to his own face--which was still perfectly made-up thanks to Eddie. "I just figured the show would be right up your alley."

Tyler chuckled at Ollie's teasing, amused by his sassy sense of humor. He squeezed Ollie's hand tightly before responding. "I don't need a TV show to appreciate the beauty of makeup on a boy," he said with a smirk. "Especially not when I have my very own femboi right here."

Ollie blushed at Tyler's words, feeling both flattered and embarrassed by his affectionate nickname. He loved how Tyler could make him feel so special and desired--like no one else in the world mattered except for them.

Tyler leaned down and pressed his lips against Ollie's forehead, kissing him gently before pulling away again. "But if you really want me to watch Drag Race with you, I will," he added with a smile.

Ollie grinned at Tyler, feeling grateful for his willingness to compromise--even if it was just something as small as watching RuPaul's competition show together. "That would be fun," he said happily as they continued walking.

Ollie took a deep breath, trying to summon the courage to bring up something that had been on his mind for a while now, but they never got to truly talk about. "Hey Ty," he said softly as they continued walking towards Tyler's apartment. "Can we talk about something?"

Tyler turned towards Ollie, sensing the seriousness in his tone. "Of course, babe," he said gently as he wrapped an arm around Ollie's shoulders.

Ollie felt comforted by Tyler's embrace but also nervous about what was coming next. He took another deep breath before continuing. "I... I wanted to thank you for agreeing to come with us to the mixer on Friday," he said hesitantly.

Tyler smiled down at him reassuringly, still not quite sure where this conversation was going yet. But he loved when Ollie expressed gratitude and appreciation. "It'll be fun," he replied easily as they reached his building and made their way inside. But instead of following him directly upstairs right away, Ollie stopped in the lobby and pulled Tyler back towards him with a serious expression on his face. He let go of Ty's hand momentarily so that both hands were free: one holding onto his messenger bag strap; the other rubbing nervously over one forearm.

"That actually leads me into what I wanted to talk about," Ollie said hesitantly, looking up at Tyler with a mix of fear and determination. "I... I want to be able to go out without feeling like I have to be attached to your hip all the time."

Tyler's expression shifted slightly as he listened to Ollie speak. He was used to things going his way without question--but he also was always impressed when Ollie actually stood up for himself. It made for a confusing set of emotions competing for control inside him. "What do you mean?" Tyler asked carefully as he stepped closer to Ollie.

"I mean..."Ollie trailed off before taking another deep breath. "I just want to be able to have my own social life outside of our relationship. Like going out with Eddie or doing different activities..."

Tyler felt a twinge of jealousy at the thought of anyone else spending time with his boy but tried not to let it show on his face too much. Instead, he took a step forward so they were close enough that their noses almost touched. "But why would you need anyone else when you already have me?" His voice was teasing but it had taken on an edge now--a possessive tone laced through every word.

Ollie could feel the power radiating off of Tyler, and it made him nervous. He knew that he loved Tyler and wanted to be with him, but he also didn't want to lose his sense of self in their relationship. "It's not about needing anyone else," Ollie said softly as he looked up into Tyler's eyes. "It's just... I don't want to feel like I'm always dependent on you for my social life. I want to be able to have my own experiences and make new friends too." He hesitated before adding, "And I trust you enough that I know we can still be together while also having our individual lives."

Tyler looked at Ollie for a long moment, trying to process his words, trying his best not to let his jealousy consume him. He knew that in the past he'd played games with Ollie's heart by having such strong possessive expectations while also neglecting the twink. But he'd grown to care about Ollie enough to work at being a more conventional boyfriend, but that had only made him feel even more of a need to protect him. He knew that other guys could immediately pick up on the subby vibes this beautiful twink gave off and wanted to be sure no one could steal him away. Finally, he let out a deep sigh and nodded his head slowly. "Okay," he said softly as he leaned in to press a kiss against Ollie's forehead. "I understand where you're coming from."

Ollie felt relieved at Tyler's understanding, but also a bit apprehensive. He knew that it would take time for Tyler to adjust to this new dynamic in their relationship. "Do you really mean that?" he asked softly as he looked up at Tyler with hope in his eyes.

Tyler nodded again, more firmly this time. "Yes," he said firmly. "I want you to be happy, babe."

Ollie smiled gratefully at Tyler, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He knew that this wasn't easy for Tyler to say. "Thank you," he said softly as he leaned up to give him a quick kiss on the lips. "I love you."

Tyler smiled down at Ollie, feeling his heart swell with affection for him. He pulled Ollie in for a tight embrace. "I love you too, lil Ollie" he whispered into his ear before grabbing his hand again and leading him up to his third floor apartment. "But just remember," he said as they climbed; "You're mine... And if anyone tries hitting on my boy... They'll regret it."

Ollie felt a shiver run down his spine at Tyler's possessive words. He loved feeling wanted and protected by Tyler, but he also knew that there needed to be a balance between possession and freedom in their relationship. He squeezed Tyler's hand tightly as they reached his apartment door. "I know," he said softly as they stopped outside the door. He looked up at Tyler. "But you're mine, too. We belong to each other."

Tyler looked down at Ollie and felt a sense of pride wash over him. He loved how possessive his boy was becoming--somehow it made Tyler feel even more dominant and protective. "You're right," he said with a smirk as he leaned down to kiss Ollie's lips hungrily. "We belong to each other."

Ollie moaned softly into the kiss, feeling desire begin to pool low in his stomach. He knew that their conversation had been important, but right now Tyler's touch was everything.

Tyler opened the door to his apartment and pulled Ollie inside with him, kicking it closed behind them before pressing him up against it for another heated kiss. As they kissed passionately, Tyler's hands roamed all over Ollie's body--tracing along the curves of his waistline and slipping beneath his shirt to caress every inch of smooth skin he could reach. Ollie whimpered into Tyler's mouth as he ran his hands up and down Tyler's muscular arms. They continued making out enthusiastically while slowly undressing each other until they were both naked except for their underwear.

"God, you're so beautiful," Tyler murmured appreciatively as he took in every inch of Ollies' smooth, pale skin and pretty face. His hands wandered over all those delicate curves that made up this little twink's body--he especially loved how soft yet firm Ollie's cute bottom felt beneath his fingers--before finally stroking along the fun-sized length of Ollies' cock through the fabric of his briefs.

Ollie moaned again at Tyler's touch, feeling himself getting harder by the second underneath Ty's skilled ministrations."Mmm... Tyler," he breathed out between kisses; "I need you."

Tyler smirked as he pulled back slightly to look at Ollie. "You always need me, baby," he said teasingly before leaning in for another kiss.

Ollie giggled softly against Tyler's lips, feeling a sense of happiness wash over him. He loved being with Tyler and felt like nothing else in the world mattered when they were together. As their kiss grew more heated Tyler effortlessly picked Ollie up under the thighs and carried him to the bed. He laid Ollie down gently before crawling on top of him, pressing their bare chests together as they kissed passionately. Their hands roamed all over each other's bodies, exploring every inch of skin and eliciting soft moans from both parties. Tyler trailed kisses down Ollie's neck before moving lower to take one of his nipples into his mouth.

Ollie gasped at the sensation, arching his back slightly as he felt pleasure surge through him. "Oh god... Ty," he moaned out softly.

Tyler grinned against Ollie's skin before switching to the other nipple and giving it equal attention. His fingers traced along Ollies' inner thighs teasingly, making Ollie squirm and moan with need.

"Please... Ty," Ollie begged, feeling an arousal that was becoming almost unbearable.

Tyler pulled back from Ollie's body, making him keen with need. He looked down at the horny twink with a devilish smirk. "Do you trust me?" he asked, his voice low and husky.

Ollie looked up at Tyler hesitantly, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through him. He trusted Tyler--but there was always an element of danger when it came to their sexual play.

"Yes," he said softly, despite his nerves.

Tyler grinned triumphantly at Ollie's answer before walking to his closet. When he returned he was holding a collection of braided red ropes.

"What are those?" he asked nervously as he looked them over.

"They're shibari ropes," Tyler explained casually as if this were nothing unusual. "I'm going to use them on you."

Ollies' eyes widened slightly at Ty's words; while excited for whatever adventure lay ahead--he'd never allowed himself such exposure or vulnerability during sex before either. But deep down, something about being completely vulnerable like this also appealed strongly to his submissive nature.

"T-Tie me up?" he asked tentatively and Tyler nodded his head slowly. Ollie thought for a moment. He always loved how Tyler took control and this was a way of him taking even more... "O-Okay," he said softly, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through him.

Tyler grinned down at Ollie, feeling a sense of pride wash over him. He loved how willing and submissive his boy was for him in all things sexual--even when he was becoming more assertive in other ways. "Good boy," he murmured appreciatively. He picked up one of the ropes and began to expertly braid it around Ollie's wrists, securing them together behind his back with a rigged chest harness. He then slipped off Ollie's underwear and used more rope to tie Ollie's thighs to his shins, keeping his legs in a bent position.

Ollie squirmed a little as Tyler finished tying him up, feeling totally secured and under Tyler's control. "What are you gonna do?" he asked finally when he couldn't take the suspense any longer.

Tyler didn't answer immediately but pulled him up into a kneeling position, his ass resting on his bound ankles, his cock pointing out in front of him. Then Tyler walked over to his dresser drawer and pulled out a black silk blindfold. "This is going to heighten your senses," he explained as he gently placed the blindfold over Ollie's eyes. "Trust me, babe."

Ollie felt a shiver run down his spine at Tyler's words and he flexed his hands behind his back. He nodded his head and Tyler smiled at him before wrapping the folded fabric around his head.

As soon as the blindfold was on, Ollie became more aware of his other senses. He could feel the air on his skin, hear every rustle of fabric as Tyler moved around the room and smell a faint scent that he knew was from Tyler's cologne. Suddenly he felt something warm and wet against his chest--Tyler's mouth tracing circles around one nipple before switching to the other. Ollie moaned softly, arching into Tyler's touch even though there wasn't really anywhere for him to go.

"God... Ty," he breathed out heavily as pleasure surged through him. Tyler continued to tease Ollie's nipples with his mouth, alternating between gentle licks and harsh bites. Ollie squirmed beneath him, feeling pleasure build up inside of him.

Without warning he felt fingers ghost over his cock with torturously light touches. Ollie moaned loudly in response, feeling sensations that were almost too intense. As if sensing how close he was getting Tyler suddenly stopped touching him altogether causing Ollie's body to arch forward involuntarily in frustration. He couldn't see anything because of the blindfold but could hear Tyler moving around--and wondered what was happening next?

Then... there was a sharp smack on his ass! Ollie gasped at the sudden pain as another slap landed against his other cheek followed by several more blows in rapid succession until everything became a blur of sensation--the ropes digging into skin; the sting from each hit; Tyler's breath hot against one earlobe then the other...

"Fuck," Ollie panted out weakly--his own voice sounding strange and unfamiliar even to himself.

Tyler chuckled darkly as he heard those "fucks" fall like music from soft lips above him. He turned Ollie's head so that their mouths collided--their tongues battling as they kissed passionately once again. As they kissed hungrily Ollie felt fingers slip between his legs and behind his ball sack, pressing and massaging into his taint, teasing his prostate from the outside and causing electric jolts throughout every inch of his body... It wasn't long before he felt himself approaching the edge. His breaths became ragged as pleasure surged through him.

"Ty... I'm gonna..." he stammered, but suddenly the pressure on his body was gone. Nothing touched him now except the ropes that bound him. He growled in frustration as he felt his cock throb between his legs and he heard Tyler chuckle darkly somewhere in front of him.

"Don't worry, baby," he heard Tyler say. "I'm not done with you yet." Ollie whimpered in response, feeling both frustrated and aroused as he waited for whatever was coming next.

He felt gentle hands on his shoulders and hips and he was guided down from the upright kneeling position until his face and chest were flush against the bed. His arms were tied behind his back so they couldn't give him any support and his legs were still bound in a kneeling position. He felt incredibly vulnerable and whorish with his cheek pressed into the comforter and his ass on full display in the air. It wasn't long before he felt fingertips tracing over his buttocks, making him shiver as goosebumps bloomed across his body. He whimpered as Tyler's fingers teased closer and closer to the tightness in his ass crack and he arched his back to put himself even more on display for his man.

Suddenly he felt something warm and wet against his hole--Tyler's tongue tracing around it before slipping inside. Ollie moaned loudly at the sensation, feeling pleasure build up inside him once again.

"Oh fuck," he breathed out heavily as Tyler ate him out expertly. His body trembled beneath him with every lapping flick of his tongue over his tight little pucker; his cock pulsing with need even though it wasn't being touched at all.

Tyler continued to tease Ollie's hole with his tongue, alternating between gentle licks and harsher thrusts. Ollie moaned loudly in response, feeling sensations that were almost too intense. It wasn't long before he felt himself approaching the edge once again. He gasped for breath as pleasure surged through him, feeling like a coil was winding tighter and tighter inside of him. He started to tremble again and shudder from the feelings but once again the stimulation suddenly vanished, leaving his spit-soaked hole twitching in the air. He heard himself groan again with frustration and need; "Please, Ty," he begged softly. "Don't stop."

He heard Tyler chuckle again and suddenly felt a slick finger slip inside him, quickly followed by another. He gasped as he felt them scissor them gently in his hole, preparing his body for something bigger. Ollie heard the pop of a lube cap and felt the cold slick pour onto his ass as Tyler continued to finger him. He knew what was coming next, he had been waiting for it all night. This was it--Tyler was finally going to fuck him. But suddenly, Ollie felt something different--a cool smooth hardness pressing against his hole instead of the velvety warmth of Tyler's big cock. "What...?" he started to say, but before he could finish his thought Tyler pushed the object inside of him.

Ollie gasped in surprise as he realized it was the butt plug. "Oh god," Ollie moaned out softly as the plug stretched him out. It was so thick and when Tyler pushed it all the way in it filled him up completely--a heaviness in his gut. Ollie could almost feel Tyler's smile as he squirmed against the ropes from the sensation inside him.

"It's been a while since you took this," Tyler's voice said above him as hands rubbed over Ollie's shining cheeks. He moaned loudly in response, feeling pleasure surge through him. The plug felt amazing--stretching out his tight hole and spreading his walls, making everything else more sensitive.

"It feels... oh god," he panted out weakly as Tyler's fingers teased around the base of the plug and rubbed against his taint with gentle circular motions that made him whimper uncontrollably with need.

Suddenly Tyler pulled away from him, leaving only silence behind for several long moments. Ollie could hear his heartbeat and feel how his hole throbbed in time with it, stretched around the butt plug filling him. He finally heard a shuffling sound and then sensed something familiar in front of his nose--the musky smell of Tyler's cock. He moaned softly at the scent, feeling his mouth water with desire.

"Open up, baby," he heard Tyler say huskily as he felt the large, wet cockhead rub against his lips.

His face still pressed sideways into the bed, Ollie eagerly opened his mouth and allowed Tyler to push inside. He moaned around it, feeling pleasure building inside him once again. He sucked on the head of Tyler's thick dick with enthusiasm before slowly feeling more and more of it being fed into his mouth.

He heard Tyler groan above him, enjoying the feeling of Ollie's hot wet mouth wrapped tightly around his shaft. "Fuck... you're so good at this," he murmured appreciatively as he tangled a hand in Ollie's hair to hold him steady while fucking that pretty face without mercy.

Ollies' eyes watered slightly from the force but still he enjoyed every moment--enjoying how dominant Ty was being over him; not just controlling his body but also using it for his own pleasure... As they continued like this their breathing grew heavier until finally Tyler pulled out of Ollie's throat; he gasped and panted heavily for breath. He felt Tyler smear some thick throat spit onto Ollie's cheek with his dick and once again felt nothing as Tyler withdrew. Without needing to be told, Ollie obediently kept himself in his position--still quivering from the butt plug that filled him up--waiting for Tyler to do something else to his body.

Tyler walked around the bed, admiring Ollie's bound and blindfolded form from all angles. He loved how beautiful his boy looked like this--completely exposed and at his mercy. He climbed onto the bed behind Ollie and ran a hand down his back, testing the ropes around his arms and feeling the shivers that he caused as he traced over each vertebrae. "You're doing so good for me, baby boy," he whispered, leaning down Ollie's ear and nipping at it lightly with his teeth. Ollie moaned softly in response; completely lost in Tyler's control over him. Tyler kissed along Ollies' spine before tracing lower until he reached the base of the plug nestled between those gorgeous cheeks trembling with need.

"Do you want me to take this out?" Tyler asked huskily, his breath hot against Ollie's skin.

Ollie gasped at the sensation, feeling pleasure surge through him. "Yes... please," he whimpered softly.

Tyler chuckled darkly before gripping the base of the plug and slowly pulling it out. Ollie groaned loudly as he felt himself being stretched out again as the thickest part of the plug was pulled out of his hole. Once the plug was removed, Tyler admired Ollie's gaping hole, struggling to close itself as it twitched under Tyler's gaze. He ran a hand over that ass, feeling the heat radiating off of it. "You're so beautiful, baby," he murmured appreciatively before leaning down and running his tongue around the rim of Ollie's hole.

Ollie moaned loudly into the comforter, feeling pleasure shoot through him once again. His body was on fire with need and he couldn't wait for Tyler to take him completely. He tried to squirm and shuffle, but the ropes held him fast.

Tyler pulled away from Ollie's hole and moved to his ear, whispering huskily. "Tell me what you need, baby," he said softly.

Ollie shuddered at the sound of Tyler's voice in his ear, feeling a wave of pleasure wash over him. He thought for a moment before finally answering.

"I need you inside me... please," he whispered back, his voice trembling with desire.

Tyler grinned triumphantly at Ollie's answer before reaching for the lube once again. He slicked up his cock generously before moving behind Ollie and positioning himself between those beautiful cheeks.

He leaned over Ollie's bound form--his hands resting on either side of him as he lined up against that twitching hole--still slightly agape from being stretched out by the plug.

"Are you ready for this?" Tyler asked softly, his cock hovering over Ollie's ass.

"Yes..." the smaller boy breathed out heavily from deep within himself; body quivering in anticipation beneath Tyler's larger frame just waiting to be filled completely again.

With no further warning or preamble--Tyler pushed forward inexorably, piercing his twink's hole and sliding inside until every last inch of his monster cock was buried deep--his hips pressing flush against Ollie's ass.

"Fuck... Ty," he breathed out heavily as pleasure surged through him once again--the stretching and filling; the pulsing heat of Tyler's body inside his own.

Tyler began to thrust into Ollie with long, slow strokes. Each movement pushed him deep inside his boy's little hole. Ollie moaned loudly in response as Tyler continued to pound into him relentlessly. His arms were bound behind his back so he couldn't move or touch himself, but Tyler was giving him everything he needed. Tyler leaned down over Ollie's bound form, his body hovering just above him as he continued to thrust inside of him. He pressed his lips against Ollie's neck and began to suck and bite at the tender skin there, leaving a trail of marks that would last for days. Ollie moaned and grit his teeth, feeling pleasure build up inside of him once again. His own cock was throbbing with need but he was completely at Tyler's mercy.

Ollie was lost in a world of sensation. His body quivered with pleasure as Tyler continued to thrust into him relentlessly. He could feel the ropes digging into his skin and hear the sound of their skin slapping together. But he still couldn't see; Tyler had tied the blindfold well. As Tyler thrust into him again and again Ollie felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge with each passing moment. He wanted nothing more than for Tyler to push him right over that edge--to make him cum hard onto the bed beneath him.

"Oh fuck Tyler, fuck me! Fuck me!" he cried out, desperate to touch his cock but totally unable in his bindings.

Tyler seemed to sense just how close Ollie was getting because suddenly he leaned back on his haunches--pulling Ollies hips up off the bed until their bodies were almost parallel to one another--Ollie's bound arms and back flush against Tyler's ripped chest as Tyler wrapped an arm around him for support. He began slamming up into that needy ass even harder and faster.

Ollie screamed out loud--a guttural cry of pleasure--as Tyler's huge cock abused his prostate over and over again. The pleasure was almost too much to bear, but he couldn't stop himself from begging for more. "Oh god, Ty! Please don't stop--I'm so close!" he gasped out.

Tyler just grunted in response and continued to pound into him relentlessly. Ollie's body shook with each thrust; his muscles tensing and relaxing as the waves of pleasure intensified. Ollie felt the pleasure building up inside him like a volcano ready to erupt. He could feel it surging through his body, threatening to overwhelm him completely. And then suddenly it happened; he came hard without his cock even being touched--cum exploding out onto Tyler's bed in front of him in hot, sticky waves.

"Oh god... oh god..." Ollie moaned as he shook with pleasure. His whole body seemed to convulse around Tyler's cock as he rode out the intense orgasm that had been building up for so long.

Tyler continued to pound into Ollie, riding out every last wave of his boy's climax until finally he too couldn't hold back any longer. With a loud grunt, he came deep inside of Ollie's tight hole--filling him up completely with his seed. Afterwards they both collapsed onto the bed in a sweaty heap; Tyler still buried deep inside of Ollie as they caught their breaths and basked in the afterglow of an intense sexual encounter.

"That was amazing," Tyler finally said softly, pulling out slowly and then rolling over to lay beside Ollie on the bed. "You were so fucking hot."

Ollie just smiled weakly--he felt like he had been thoroughly used but at least it had been for something that brought them both pleasure. He felt Tyler running his hands over the knots that bound the ropes to his body.

"You okay?" Tyler asked softly, his voice filled with concern as he untied the ropes to free Ollie's arms from behind him.

Ollie nodded weakly in response to Tyler's question, still feeling a little dazed from the intensity of his orgasm. He was surprised when he felt Tyler remove his blindfold; the sudden burst of light made him squint.

"Better?" Tyler asked softly as he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss against Ollie's forehead.

"Yeah," Ollie replied weakly, blinking rapidly to adjust his eyesight. "That was... intense."

Tyler chuckled before pulling Ollie close and wrapping an arm around him protectively for a few moments before returning to the ropes to free his wrists and then moving on to his legs. As Tyler worked on the ropes, Ollie took a deep breath and tried to come back down to earth. He was still feeling the aftershocks of his intense orgasm but he knew that soon they would fade away. When Tyler had finally freed him completely from the restraints, Ollie stretched out his limbs gratefully before curling up against Tyler's side once again.

"You know I love you, right?" Tyler said softly as he stroked Ollie's hair.

Ollie smiled up at him, feeling his heart swell with affection for the man who had just given him so much pleasure. "I love you too," he whispered back softly.

Tyler kept stroking Ollie's sweaty hair, feeling full of adoration for this little twink in his arms. He felt a surge of possession in that moment--like he wanted to keep him all to himself forever. "And you know you're mine, right?" Tyler whispered softly into Ollie's ear, his voice filled with desire.

Ollie nuzzled deeper into Tyler's chest and let out a contented sigh. "Mmhm," he murmured in response. "And you're mine."

Tyler couldn't help but smile at Ollie's words. He loved the way that little femboi was so devoted to him--willing to do anything just to please him. "Good," he said, his voice low and possessive as he held Ollie tight against his chest. "Because I'm not letting you go anytime soon."

Ollie smiled up at Tyler with a look of pure adoration in his eyes. He knew that their relationship was unconventional and even dangerous--but he didn't care. As long as he had Tyler by his side, everything else seemed inconsequential. "I don't want you to," Ollie whispered softly before pressing a gentle kiss against Tyler's chest.

They lay there for a few more minutes before Tyler pulled away to get up and clean himself off in the bathroom. Ollie watched as he left the room, feeling a sense of emptiness wash over him now that their intense sexual encounter was over. He caught a look at himself in Tyler's full-length mirror across the room. His skin was flushed and his hair was tousled from the intense experience. He could see marks on his neck where Tyler had bitten and sucked on his skin, but he didn't mind--they were a reminder of the pleasure they had shared. His makeup was smudged and he looked a mess--he looked well-fucked. Ollie smiled to himself as he laid back on the bed, feeling content and satisfied.

When Tyler returned, Ollie was still lying on the bed, feeling a little sore but also incredibly content. He watched as Tyler moved around the room, gathering up towels and balms to tend to him. Tyler approached him with a gentle smile on his face and began tending to Ollie's needs without hesitation. He used wet-wipes to clean the ruined makeup from Ollie's face before applying soothing balms where the ropes had rubbed against his skin too harshly. As he worked tenderly over Ollie's body, making sure that every last bit of discomfort was taken care of--Ollie felt himself falling even more under Tyler's spell. The way he was tending to him made it easy for Ollie to feel almost completely devoted towards Ty in return.

"Tyler?" he said softly, looking up at him with shining eyes.

"Yeah?" Tyler replied, pausing in his ministrations to look down at Ollie.

"I just... I really appreciate everything you're doing for me right now. Taking care of me like this," Ollie said softly, feeling a flush rise to his cheeks.

Tyler's expression softened as he looked down at Ollie. "Of course, baby," he said softly. "I will always take care of what's mine."

Ollie smiled weakly before snuggling up against Tyler once again, feeling safe and protected in his arms. As they lay there together in silence for a few moments longer, Ollie felt himself slowly drifting off to sleep--feeling more content and satisfied than he had ever felt before.He knew that their relationship was unconventional; one that many would frown upon or consider dangerous--but for him it just seemed right. His mind felt good about their conversation today and his body felt more than satisfied from Tyler's expert use. As he drifted off to sleep in Tyler's arms, Ollie couldn't help but feel grateful for the intensity and passion that Tyler brought into his life. Despite all of their differences and unconventional practices, he felt closer to him than ever before.

Next: Chapter 9

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