Olly Helps Liam

By Chunky Chains

Published on Jul 16, 2015


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behaviour of the actual person.

A cheer went up as Simon Webbe blew the 20th load of the night into Zayn, who by this point was utterly knackered. As Simon removed his cock and stood up, Zayn grabbed the overflowing ashtray from his chest and gingerly got off the sofa, his legs cramping a bit from how long he'd been in the same position.

"Right guys" he said, "I'm done."

Some of the guys muttered in discontent, but most of them were done in as well. The sky outside was starting to get light, and they'd all been fucking one another for hours. Harry Styles had just finished up banging another load into Olly, while Sam Callahan was coming to the end of an unexpected mini-gangbang that had ensued when he'd taken a moment to lie down on the other sofa for a rest.

The only action still going on was over on the dining table, where Louis was on his back getting ploughed by Scott Bruton. The 1D singer had now completely submitted to the rest of them, and Olly no longer needed to keep the boy in his place.

Some of the guys started to gather up their clothes, whilst a few had fallen asleep on chairs around the room while still naked. Olly was feeling a bit more energetic, so opened himself another beer and lit up a cigarette, before wandering off to the kitchen in pursuit of Harry Styles, who he'd seen go in there just moments earlier.

"Hey mate" Olly said, finding Harry on his knees rummaging around under the sink.

"Hey" Harry replied from inside the cupboard. "You fancy helping me clean up?"

"Don't you have someone for that?" asked Olly.

"Not for wiping up 5 gallons of cum from my carpets, no" replied Harry.

"Haha" laughed Olly. "Suppose not."

Harry eventually backed away from the cupboard clutching some cloths and a bottle of detergent, which he handed up to Olly before standing up himself.

"You might want to wait until some of them are gone" Olly suggested. "They might not be done yet."

Harry didn't reply, but took the stuff out of Olly's hands and put them by the sink. He then disappeared into the utility room, returning with a bucket.

"Nearly went arse over tit in there" he said. "Dougie and Matt soaked the joint."

"Hehe" said Olly.

Olly watched Harry padding around the kitchen grabbing bits of kitchen towel, a jug and other things he had clearly decided he needed for a spot of cleaning.

"So, er, mate" Olly began, "about tonight."

"What about it?" asked Harry, looking up at him.

"Well" said Olly, pausing briefly. "Things changed a bit. You know, for you guys."

"You mean Liam and Niall?" asked Harry.

"Yeah" said Olly, "and Tommy."

"Oh. Yeah. Right. I guess they did" Harry said.

"What's gonna happen?" Olly asked him.

"I dunno" replied Harry. "I guess the lovebirds will do their thing, and Lou and I will do ours."

"What is yours though?" asked Olly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean, are you and Tommy going to be, you know, carrying on as normal?"

"You mean am I going be fucking him from now on?" asked Harry, looking pointedly at Olly.


Harry sighed. "I dunno. Probably not. Lou was always the one who started things off with Zayn and Liam. Sort of pushed things, you know? I doubt he's gonna be so eager if it's his arse that's now in play."

"Would you want to anyway?" asked Olly.

Harry stayed silent for a while, looking out of the window as the garden started to get lighter.

"No, I don't think so" he eventually said. "Lou can be a bit much on his own."

"That's one way of putting it" Olly said.

Harry turned to Olly and looked at him quizzically.

"What did you say to him earlier?"

"Nothing" sighed Olly, looking away. "It doesn't matter. Just needed to get him to understand a few things."

Harry stared at Olly, before turning back to the sink to pick up the bits he'd put out. "OK, well, whatever" he said. "Truth be told, I reckon we're all gonna be taking a break from this soon anyway."

"What do you mean?" asked Olly.

"A break. From the band."

"Oh, right" said Olly. "So the rumours are true."

"Yeah" said Harry. "Since Zayn left we've all been finding it less fun."

"Fair enough, no point in doing this if it ain't fun" Olly said. "What will you do?"

Harry turned back around and smiled at Olly. "I dunno. How's the solo life?"

"Haha" laughed Olly. "Much like it is for you guys, but without the bandmates to fuck."

Harry laughed. "Yeah, right! From what I hear you get plenty of action up that slutty arse of yours!"

Olly smiled and winked at Harry, before going over to him and embracing him in an unexpected hug.

"What's this for?" Harry asked.

"Ah, shut up and take the hug mate" Olly replied.

They broke apart when they heard a loud yelp from Louis.

"Told ya" said Olly. "Someone's still got some energy."

Olly pulled away from Harry, and turned to start walking away.

"Mate" said Harry, "wait a sec."

"Yeah?" said Olly, turning back around."

Harry fixed him with a gaze for a few moments.

"What is it?" asked Olly.

"Don't you ever want something more than, well, this?" Harry asked him.

"More than what?" he replied.

"More than meaningless fuck after meaningless fuck."

Olly stared at Harry, and then looked down.

"Yeah, sometimes" he said quietly.

"Judd?" Harry asked.

Olly looked up at him, and then nodded.

"Thought so" Harry said, giving Olly a warm smile.

"The fucker's married" said Olly, looking down again.

"And a bottom" said Harry.

"That too" said Olly. "But..." He tailed off.

"...but so what" said Harry. "This will sound as corny as shit, but you love with your heart, not your arse."

Olly gave a little laugh, and looked back up at Harry.

"I'm fucked, aren't I?" he said. "A slutty bottom in love with another slutty bottom who just happens to be married."

This time Harry stepped forward and embraced Olly, holding him tightly while Olly rested his head on his friend's shoulder and sighed.

"You should tell him how you feel" Harry said.

Olly pulled away. "You've got to be kidding?!" he barked.

"You should" said Harry. "You might be surprised what he says."

"Or he might get all weird and not speak to me again" said Olly.

"Either way you'd be able to move on" Harry replied.

"Jesus mate, you've be watching too much Oprah" Olly said, a sad smile on his face.

"Haha" said Harry. "Maybe. But all I know is that for a married man, Judd spends a lot of his time having sex with men. I don't think he's a done deal yet."

"I'm not a homewrecker" Olly said quietly. "And I don't think him liking cock means he would want to be with me."

"No, maybe not" said Harry, "but you may as well find out. It might make him think about things if he knows how you feel."

Olly stayed quiet, and Harry hugged him a bit tighter.

"House full of loved up queerboys" Harry eventually said, smiling.

Olly chuckled, then pulled back and wiped his nose on his arm, a few tears showing in his eyes. "Must be the water" he said. "You've given us all love potion or something."

"Love potion maybe" Harry replied, "but it ain't in the water! You're all just drunk on cum I reckon."

Olly laughed, and then walked over to the counter to get a tissue. He cleaned up his eyes and nose a bit more, and then turned back to Harry.

"Shall we get started on that cleaning?"

"Sounds good" Harry replied, smiling at him. "Lou can mop up anything more that gets spilled."

With that, they wandered back into the lounge, cloths in hand, ready to wipe all trace of the night off Harry's living room furniture and floor.



One Direction did eventually take a break after their tour was finished, but rather than announcing it to the world they just slipped away from the limelight without any fanfare.

Zayn's solo career got underway shortly afterwards, with his music taking the inevitable journey into R&B. The album was well received and commercially successful, giving Zayn the opportunity to break into a whole new market of friends and fans. His leisure time did not change too drastically though, except now his gangbang nights featured more American hip-hop artists and producers than British boy band members.

Liam and Niall took some time away to work out their new relationship together, choosing to escape to an old rectory that Niall had bought on one of the western Irish islands so that they could escape the glare of the media. In time, Niall began to write songs for Liam, which eventually became the basis for Payne's first solo album. Commercially successful and critically lauded, the pared-down album spoke of longing, lust, love and salvation. On one track Liam sang of "the man always at my side, but never mine", confirming to the world that he was gay. With 'N. Horan' credited on every track, it didn't take long for the connection to be made, and as the album landed in the Top 10, Niall and Liam released a statement confirming their relationship.

Harry Styles took a break from music, landing a role in a gritty film about domestic abuse of male partners by women that earned him recognition at the Cannes Film Festival. This opened the door to many more acting roles, and in time he shed his image as a Mick Jagger wannabe. His sexual encounters with men fizzled away, and he eventually got into a long-term relationship with a French actress.

Louis Tomlinson became true tabloid fodder as his bandmates forged new careers away from One Direction. Initially gaining a reputation for his drunken antics outside nightclubs, he soon started to be dogged by rumours of drug addiction. His final fall from grace occurred when he was photographed leaving a gay sex club in Bangkok, and he was arrested at Sydney Airport shortly afterwards when customs officers found a small amount of cocaine in the lining of his suitcase. Incarcerated on the other side of the world for a short stint, his talents as a bottom came in useful as the other inmates took a liking to him. When eventually freed, he returned to the UK and disappeared from public life, although stories of his ongoing run-ins with the law continued to circulate on social media and the inner pages of the tabloids.

Sam Callahan's initiation as a bottom at the party gave him the courage to pursue a career in gay porn, after it became clear he was never going to make it in music. Impressed by his audition tapes, Corbin Fisher snapped him up for their new UK-based production house, and he was became regarded as one of the industry's most popular cumdumps.

Despite the promises he made to his friend, Tom Parker was unable to keep from telling his former bandmates about Max's turn as a bottom for multiple men at the party. This prompted the band to get back together for a new album, just so that Jay and Siva could make use of Max for a few months while they promoted and toured the record. Max was unable to shed his sense of humiliation when he was being fucked, until he met Cheyenne Jackson at a Glee cast reunion. Something about the American actor had an effect on Max, and it wasn't long before they had struck up a clandestine relationship. Max was finally outed to the media when he was seen with Cheyenne in West Hollywood on the day that the actor's divorce from Jason Landau became public.

Olly Murs, meanwhile, left the party feeling strange. He had enjoyed himself immensely, but his conversation with Harry Styles at the end of the night had rattled him a bit. Was he wrong about Harry Judd? Would the hunky drummer actually be interested in something more with him? Could he even bring himself to talk to the man he secretly loved about the way he felt? Fortunately for Olly, some of the internal battles he was having were solved for him when Harry and his wife separated, with her filing for divorce shortly afterwards. Olly took the opportunity to be there for his friend, offering him one of his spare bedrooms when Harry had to move out of his own house. It was meant to be a temporary thing, but Harry never left. As he picked up the pieces of his life, he found in Olly something that had been missing the whole time during his marriage, and the evenings of sexual release they sometimes shared together in their bachelor pad eventually became a lot more to both of them. They never had the big deep talk about their feelings or the night of heartfelt confessions that Olly had sometimes wished for, but instead just gradually merged their dreams and plans for the future until it was obvious they were partners.

Olly's career continued to thrive, and Harry happily flitted between occasional McFly/McBusted projects, drumming for Olly on tour, and managing his own emerging career as a TV presenter. They still liked to play with others, and regularly hosted sex parties so that they could both indulge their slutty bottom natures, but in private their lovemaking was passionate, versatile and heartfelt. The longer they were together, the more they came to crave this sort of sex than anything involving others, and in time the sex parties just came to an end. On Olly's 35th birthday, Harry proposed to him by going down on one knee in the kitchen, and a year later they released a single wedding photo to the press to confirm what everyone on social media had been gossiping about for months.

One day in July 2025, Olly received a card in the post. He initially ignored it while he and Harry faced up to the daily battle to get their adopted kids dressed, but later on when his husband had left with the kids for the school run he picked up the card and opened it. The front cover was just a simple picture of a seashore in twilight, but inside was a second card that he immediately recognised as a wedding invitation. It was for Liam and Niall's upcoming nuptials in a castle near Cork, which Olly already had in his diary. However, the original card had a handwritten note:

Dear Olly,

Did you know that it's been ten years since that last big party at Styles's house?

You helped me out that night, and gave me and Niall a chance to see what we meant

to each other. I don't know if we would have ever managed to get here without you

stepping in that night to take some of the heat off me.

I owe to you a big part of my happiness, and I will never forget what you did for

me back then. I will be forever grateful that I have you as a friend.

With love, always

Your friend, Liam


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