Olympia Studio

Published on Jan 9, 2021


Olympia Studio By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com.

The Olympia Studio was originally an artist studio located two blocks west of Washington Square in Manhattan. It later became a photographic studio for Sergio Montagne. He might have been successful if he hadn't gambled. I got the building at a sheriff's sale that included several other buildings. I quickly sold off the other buildings, but the studio wasn't particularly desirable.

My friend, Dunstan Delaney, told me he was interested. He owned the American rights to something called a Kinetiscope. It was a new French camera that could take multiple images on along tape of film. It was sort of a glorified Peep Show but with much higher quality images and much longer. Unlike a peep show, the Kinetiscope could be shown on a small thing he called a projector. It was small enough to be shown at home. Dunstan was a born salesman and I let him use the studio until I had a better offer.

Dunstan was an old friend. His mother was the cook in my parent's home, Dunstan and I played together. as we got older the play included some naughty bits. I guessed they were naughty, but they were so enjoyable they seemed more risqué than bad.

I went to college and after my father's death, I inherited his business and a fortune. Dunstan was busy doing things and we stayed in touch. I am a bit aloof and have a hard time making new friends. Dunstan had no such problems. Our risqué play continued. He eventually introduced me to several of his friends who enjoyed the same play.

All of his friends seemed to like me. My manly parts are large, and that attracted them, as a playmate or an inspiration. He took some pictures of me and his friend Rollo. We were wrestling nude and Rollo sucked my cock as a reward for winning. Dunstan told me he was just testing the Kinetiscope.

I liked Dunstan, but I knew he was not always strictly truthful. He had shown it to several other friends, and they bought copies of it for $50.00, an amazing cost, and then rented them a projector. I had been wearing a party mask so no one could recognize me. I was annoyed, but Dunstan had the gift of gab.

I am an unimaginative man. I run my business the way my father did. Dunstan was imaginative and clever. Some of his idea were failures, but other were successes. The Kinetiscope was a success. Motion picture shows were all the rage. A moving picture you could watch in private was new. Dunstan knew it would be ideal for special subjects. These special subjects were not of interest to everyone, but New York was a huge city.

A few men saw the wrestling match, and they loved it. Nothing was ever advertised but word of mouth was adequate. Dunstan was known in those circles and was known as a good sport and a generous fellow.

There was another aspect of the business I hadn't considered. A number of men wanted to appear in productions. Some would pay to be filmed with their special friends and companions. Some wanted to be filmed with anonymous men they didn't know. They would wear masks so the potential for blackmail or exposure was minimal.

I became a favorite masked man. Dunstan said my privates has some alure and were big enough to be easily captured on film. Of course, I thought that was ridiculous. I need to mention an unworthy aspect of my personality. I had no ability to resist temptation. Dunstan and I shared that weakness.

As I said my life is conventional and ordinary. It is bland, and the only bright spots in my life were interludes with Dunstan. While his life is more exciting than mine, our connection is much more than just exciting and pleasurable. I don't say no to sex.

I had other advantages. I was moderately well known. I would be a worried about exposure as they. That, combined with my large cock, was attractive to most of Dunstan's customers. Dunstan told me I was a gentleman fucker. I was polite, and while I was gentle, I also got my organ as deep as it could go. One man had told him that while taking my cock wasn't easy, he felt honored to have me in him. He felt doubly honored when my semen flooded the deep recesses of his body.

Dunstan made two masks for me. One covered the upper part of my head but did not cover my mouth. That was good for sucking men's cocks. The second mask covered my entire face. This was perfect for rear entry sex.

My first planned filming was with a public official of some sort. He had seen the movie and liked it. Dunstan told me that he wanted to do it but was uneasy. He asked if I would meet with him before the filming. Of course, I said yes. The filming was to be in Saturday afternoon, so we met at my house the night before.

He introduced himself as Ed. He was a solid, beefy man of about forty years. We had coffee and talked. He told me he had urges and had periodically acted on them. "I was deeply ashamed I do what I do, but the pleasure I felt doing it was greater than anything I have ever experienced," he said.

"I don't think of myself as a very sexual man," I said. "If I told you that I am not very sexual unless I am sexually engaged, would you understand?"

Ed laughed heartly. "That's exactly my problem. I hate it until I love it," he replied. "I don't want to like it, but I do."

"Once I get excited it seems so natural, but it still seems odd when I'm not excited," I said. "I'm not sure you can be a semi-virgin. Three inches of cock in your mouth or up your ass and you've lost your virginity. It's exactly the same with six of seven inches."

"I'm not sure I've been with seven inches," Ed replied. "I need to warn you, sometimes I can't control my orgasm."

"I can assure you that no one has that power," I said. "I often enjoy tasting a man's seed. I like the taste of the fluids a man oozes or spurts. It can be tasty and swallowing it less messy. Would you like to have practice session?"

Ed nodded. "I think that would be good. There is a world of difference between talking and doing."

We went up stairs to my bedroom. We took off our clothe. As we stood naked, I saw that Ed was much more muscular than I expected and had a hairy chest.

"What do we do now?" Ed asked.

"Well, we already shook hands," I said as I dropped to my knees and took the tip of his foreskin into my mouth. He moaned.

I worked my tongue into the pucker searching fore his knob. His cock was rapidly getting hard, so my tongue made contact. I then pushed the foreskin back and wrapped my lips around his cock head. Seconds later, my lips immediately enveloped all six and a half inches of his cock. It was a mouthful.

While it wasn't unusually long, it was thick. His balls were huge and productive. I alternated swallowing the entire cock and caressing his knob with my tongue.

Ed was moaning and shivering as I sucked him. Once and a while he whispered, "It's too much," but I didn't think he was sincere. I had sucked several cocks before, and when the flow of cock juices increased, I pulled away. I didn't want him to shoot off too soon.

"Do I have to suck you now?" he asked.

"I am not your school master telling you what to do," I replied. That was the right thing to say. Ed dropped to his knees and took a long look at my cock.

"My Lord, it's big!" he said.

"Don't worry, all cocks work alike," I said. He laughed, and a few seconds later his lips were on my cock. I think he waited to see if my cock would bite him. When it didn't, he went to work. I had the feeling that in matters non-sexual he was a vigorous man. After the initial hesitation he clearly wanted to take all of my cock. He got more than many men did, and he clearly enjoyed it.

During a rest period he told me he had been in the Navy and had some experiences there.

"I assume they were not as delicate as they might have been," I said.

"That would be one way to say it. It's strange. I still think about it," he replied. "Dunstan said you were into that sort of thing."

"Dunstan calls it entertaining on the back porch," I said. "It can be painful at first, but if it's a good fit, it is good. Some men like a quick thrust and an even quicker orgasm. I like to take my time. I am as gentle as I can be with a cock like mine."

"Do men enjoy it?" he asked.

"Most do," I replied. "One of my friends told me he had a problem having a man's organ in his most private place. That place was untouched, and he thought he would feel that he had been violated."

"Did he overcome his fears?"

Ed nodded. "I think his virgin days were ancient history. I lost control it was so good. He later told me his ass loved sperm baths." He was next to me on the bed and was fully erect. I coated his cock with oil and then sat on his organ. It was a first for him and he loved it.

Ed's ass was a prefect fit for my cock and it rang all the celestial chimes that reside in unexpected places in his body. He shot off as I sprayed him with my seed.

He was eager to repeat the experience the next day. If anything, the camera recording the experience enhanced and intensified his enjoyment. Dunstan was able to record Ed's seed spurting from his cock. He then captures my sperm drooling from Ed's ass. I think this this was the first time this had been done on a moving film.

Of course, there is no way to know if this were true. It was all secret and no one but the few who saw it could tell any one outside the fraternity. It sold well, very well. While many had experienced man sex, for the first time they could watch it and repeat it as many times as they wished.

I attended a few of the viewings. These were in private houses or apartments. All the men who attended were excited by the images. I was surprised at some of the reactions. A few of the men were unaware that their partners might enjoy the experience of being fucked. Some saw fucking as a punishment, others as an initiation ritual. They had no idea that it could be pleasurable for the bottom or that taking their time, building up to an orgasm could be pleasurable for both.

This was a revelation for many. At several of the viewings, one or two men lingered. Most were intimate friends of the host. The host later told me the men had all benefited from the show. The sexual interludes were longer, and the orgasms were more intense and pleasurable.

A month later I was be at the studio again doing a "medical demonstration" with a doctor and two other men. The doctor was retired man, Dr. Miller. The other men were Toby, the wrestler from the first production and Martin, a thirty-year-old artist model. Had hired a photographer Bobby and he was there too. He was perhaps twenty-five-years-old, and quite skilled. All of the men were in good condition, muscular and fit.

As before, we met at my house the night before to get to know each other. Dunstan joined us. When Dunstan said he would be there I knew it wasn't going to be all conversation. He wanted to meet someone. That someone was Martin, the model. I had never met Dr. Miller or Toby, although I had seen Toby. In the first movie, he had been a wild man. That was all an act. He was a calm, mellow man, friendly and polite.

Dr. Miller suggested that we get nude, so we could not be surprised at the filming. My bedroom has an attached study so there was more than enough room for five men. Dunstan and Bobby stripped too. The actors were more comfortable when everyone was nude on the set. Toby, Miller, and I were hairy men, Martin, Dunstan, and Bobby were smooth. All of the cocks were large or exceptionally large. Large cocks were easy to film.

When meeting new men for sex, most of the men I had met were shy at first. As far as I could tell, no one in this group was uneasy or shy.

Apparently, the film was Dr. Miller's idea. He felt that men didn't know how to enjoy sex and were too timid to explore. He made an opening statement.

"Is it not strange that while we are born nude, and every other living creature on earth is nude, we are the only creates that wear clothes and regard nudity as a vice," Miller said in a deep voice. "We also know that every advanced creature on earth reproduces sexually. We are the only ones who regard it as sinful. We and monkeys have hands within range of our genitals. We can manipulate them and play with them. Anyone who has visited monkeys in the zoo, knows monkeys are unashamed of their play."

"I am quite convinced while we are taught to be ashamed of sex except in limited situations, that is not natural. Sex is a basic part of life. It is a beautiful part of life."

"Most animals can reproduce only once a year; mankind can reproduce for most of the year. Childbirth often damages a woman, and continuous pregnancy would soon kill most at an early age." Miller continued. "I believe that men who enjoy sex with other men are a blessing." He paused. "You may have noticed that our genitals are always nearby and handy?" We all laughed. "Men having sex with other men is a good thing, not evil."

"Since it is a good thing, I feel we have an obligation to do it well an make it as pleasurable as possible," he continued. "That is why we are here. I want a demonstration on the most pleasurable and enjoyable ways for men to enjoy themselves."

"I must make a confession," he added. "I enjoy man sex. I assume you have the same feelings. I see you naked and proud. There is no one here who I would not enjoy sexually. I want to know if you feel the same way? Would you have a problem having sex with anyone here?"

"Everyone here looks good to me," Toby said. "I like it all." All of us murmured agreement.

"I have a second question," Miller said. "Good sex mean orgasms and sperm. I admit that I love the creamy goo straight from the balls. Do any of you have a problem with licking it up or swallowing it?"

"It's the food of the gods," Dunstan said. The man laughed.

Toby was next to me. "I like to share," he whispered. "I saw your show. You were good."

"Yours was the first I saw," I said.

He reached over and fondled my cock and ball. "I'm a big boy but you have it where it counts," he said. I dropped to my knees and sucked his organ. Five minutes later we were on a bed. I was sucking him, and he was sucking me. He had no problem taking my entire cock. His was a bit smaller than mine but he was leaking like Niagara Falls. His sex juices were almost intoxicating.

We were the center of attention. This surprised me until a realized that most man-to-man sex was fast. You wanted to achieve an orgasm as quickly as possible. There was no time to savor the sex juices, or to tongue massage a cock head.

A little later we broke apart. Dr. Miller came to me and replaced Toby sucking my cock. martin was all but worshiping Toby's cock. Toby was manly and I think Martin liked that. As I was thinking about the other men, my cock fell in love with Miller's mouth. While Miller was older than me, he was a superb cock sucker. His studies of male sex were not purely theoretical. Dunstan was with Martin.

Bobby was wandering around taking pictures. He was erect too. Miller and I took a break to make Bobby feel that he was a member of the group. Bobby was a true professional and imaginative too. While we were sucking him, he aimed the camera down and recorded his cock vanishing in our mouths.

While I had been in a group of nude men before, I had never been a group of sexually engaged men. In the back of my mind, I thought that I should be shocked. In the front of my mind, I was thinking that there were six cocks I might get to suck and six asses I might fuck. I felt liberated, I was with men who thought and wanted what I wanted and felt the way I felt. It was beautiful.

I spent the next half hour slowly working my cock in to Toby's ass. I had his legs on my shoulders, so while there were some rough spots. I could see that his cock never lost his erection. Once it was all in, he relaxed, and I slowly pumped. During my slow entry I located his prostate. I made sure I returned to it when he needed a boost.

I am a generous man, so I let Martin and Dunstan take turns. Dunstan shot off in him. Toby liked that. Went Dunstan pulled out, I fucked Toby for ten more minutes. By then Miller and Bobby wanted it, so they entered him. Bobby shot off as soon as his cock head touched Toby's hole. He pushed his load in and then I returned. I had hoped to have a long session, but as I pushed Bobby's load in deep, I shot off. That pushed Toby over the edge. Miller was close enough to take every drop of the wrestler's cock caviar. It was lovely.

Next: Chapter 2

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