On and Off the Road

By cal ritchie

Published on Nov 24, 2004


The daylight was almost gone when I heard people walking along the corridor so I jumped out of bed and quickly got myself ready for the party. I'd brought nothing special with me in the way of clothes because this was supposed to be a walking tour - remember?

I found a fairly fresh shirt in my rucksack and tied it at the front to look like a blouson, then I put on my cut-offs, giving my package a little pat for good luck. The ensemble looked pretty sexy I thought, as I stroked my butt and gave myself a final once-over in the mirror, then I slipped on some soft shoes and opened the door.

The voices and general hubbub seemed to be coming from a room down the way from me, so I turned off the light, closed the door then casually strolled down to check it out. The main bedroom light had been replaced by one of those red lights that you used to see at parties, where everyone looks slightly sinister until your eyes get used to the strange glow, and there was about a dozen people. One or two of them looked round as I entered, then Mac called me over to introduce me to some of his guests.

They were of varying ages, and obviously some of them had assumed that there was to be an air of fancy dress about the event because there were the usual gay icons: cowboys and Indians, construction workers, and one cute guy who was just about legal by my reckoning - slim but muscular and dressed in a skimpy Roman slave outfit, complete with blond curly hair, mini skirt and leg thongs. Our eyes met as we were introduced and he gave me a soft welcoming smile

Their ages seemed to range through the mid 20s thru to 40s and there wasn't a bad looker among them, with lots of long eye contact being made and I had a gut feeling that this could be quite a night. A hand gently stroked my ass and I turned to see the smiling face of a guy dressed as an Indian at my side, so I slid my arm round him as he offered me a drink. "Hi," he asked in a husky voice. "And who might you be?" "Introductions later," I replied, as he held my hand against his crotch. I could feel he was real hard and as I looked down I realised there was nothing beneath the loincloth he was wearing. His eyes followed my glance. "I really need to get laid," he said as he drained his glass, then he headed me towards the patio doors that led out to the communal leisure area of the motel.

We stood just outside the doors in the dying light of the warm evening and kissed. He was slightly shorter than me and apart from the rising loincloth, he just wore a waistcoat, and on his head a few feathers stuck into his long dark hair that had been pulled back into a ponytail. I ran my hands down his back as we stood there with one of his hands rested on my butt-cheeks. I reached under his loincloth to meet his thick-built rising cock.

I curled my fingers around it as he slipped one hand down inside my cut-offs, grasping my ever-ready prick and stroking it. I turned round to check if we were the first ones to start in on the sex, but there were already a few couples and trios on the bed in various stages of undress, so we moved further into the leisure area and he leaned back against the wall, stroking me inside the denim while I flicked his loincloth aside and masturbated him, pulling him towards me with every other stroke. He fumbled with my belt buckle, then unzipped me, and let the cut-offs drop. I kicked them aside and he pulled me to him, grasping my bulging prick with both hands and held it tightly between us.

He kissed me hard and wide and open-mouthed, moving his lips swiftly over mine and occasionally hitting my teeth with his, in his urgency, then his hands left my cock, hard up and straight between us, and ran both his fingers down my back to grip my butt cheeks and pull them apart - hard - and eagerly pressing his hands into my crack. All the time we were pressed tight against each other, then I pulled back and slid to my knees, letting his long cock bounce into my mouth, taking him all the way in as he pressed his hands hard against the top of my head.

He groaned above me as he fucked my lips.

He was already fast pouring pre-cum down my throat and I figured if he was going to fuck me then we ought to do it real soon so I rose to my feet, then moved next to him and bent forward, my hands supporting me against the wall. I spread my feet wide and watched him over my shoulder as he brought out a small tube of lube and cracked it into his hand.

It was then I discovered that my new lover wasn't interested in any of the niceties of buggery - he just spread my cheeks and pushed in - but I said nothing, just gritted my teeth and bit back the irritation at his carelessness, spread myself as wide as I could, so he could slide in, long and fast until he was pressed tight against my ass. It seemed that his overwhelming desire to get laid was taking priority over any attempts at tender lovemaking and I had to give my ass up to his thudding strokes that sent shivers of pain, mingled with a little natural joy, throughout my body as he fucked me.

Most times despite the urgency - or frantic need - to get their prick up into me, my lovers display some basic lovemaking skills, most times mainly to prove that it's not just a fuck. Others times it's more like rape and I've slugged guys before now who've hurt me, or tried to drive me against my will. This guy was just this side of the line so I let him be because his prick felt good inside me, and I knew that I'd have some real good lovin' before the night was over - long after this young brave had collapsed in a corner with an drained dick.

He gasped against me and hammered at me, grunting and groaning, his breath rasping like gravel.

Then he came.

Fast and furious - just like his screwing - and plenty of it, making me I wince as he tore out of my ass, spraying me and the whole area with the remains of his jizz. I'd turned as soon as his cock was free of me and stood watching him pant and gasp like some sort of athlete having gone through the marathon tape, as he bent over with his cock pumping his jizz onto the ground, and trying to catch his breath.

"Th- thanks!" he panted, not looking up. I pulled up my cut-offs, ignoring the stream of cum lava that poured from me, and zippered myself. "My pleasure." The irony was lost on him, and I didn't really give a shit as I walked past him and came back indoors to join the throng.

The sweet smell of dope was on the air as I walked through the bedroom, wishing I'd had some tissues to wipe away his spunk from my ass, and then I bumped into a naked Mac, who cupped my balls and offered me a joint or a fuck. I chose the joint, but said I'd take a rain check on the fuck. I'd not done any weed for a few years but I was real pissed off, and the cum was now leaking down the insides of my legs, so I inhaled deeply and slowly hissed it out between my clenched teeth as headed for the motel bathroom.

There was a couple already in there who I startled as I entered - a young guy whose cock was playing hockey with his pal's tonsils - and locked the door of the cubicle while I did the necessary with some paper. I emerged feeling a little better and - literally - light-headed.

That was some good shit Mac had given me I thought, mumbling to myself as I weaved my way along the corridor back to the main bedroom and listening to a drum that was playing a slow, insistent solo and insinuating itself into my brain. Combined with the after-effects of the joint it wrapped me in a soft duvet of pleasure as I wafted through the various writhing couples in the room. I waved to Mac - I guess I assumed it was Mac - and several guys waved back, while a strong smell of male sweat and spunk rose to greet my nose.

I was just about to sit on the bed when a muscled arm wrapped itself around me from behind.

"Hey, I told you I'd see you later!"

That dumb voice from the booze store murmured in my ear. I turned and saw that his great expanse of muscle-builder chest was bare then I looked down and saw that he was totally naked with a big boner.

And my cock leapt as I took in the gorgeously sculpted body, tanned and bulging, with those big brown nipples.

"Wanna come play?"

He grinned, his eyes flashing as he spoke then without waiting for a reply, he swept me up in his arms and carried me like a bride across the threshold towards the other end of the bed that looked miles away in the distance where it seemed like there was a space but too far for me to see clearly. The ceiling patterns swirled above us as he carried me along, while my brain couldn't seem to register whether or not I should protest so I decided not to, as he swept me past a small group of guys who all smiled kindly as we went by.

All I could be really sure of was that my cock was real hard and pressed tight against the zipper of my damp cut-offs.

Then a falling sensation and I realised that he'd flung me down onto my back on the bed and I heard me say something some way off, but it got lost in the muffled voices of the people in the room. I think I laughed a lot at something real funny but I didn't know what it was, and all the time that drum kept on throbbing - not too loud but there all the same - in the hazy background. My eyes had become accustomed to the red light by now and some part of my blanketed brain said I really wanted to roll over and go to sleep but my ass told me it wanted to be fucked, and here was this big naked guy who seemed to want to do it.

Gripping my cut-offs with his strong hands he unzipped me and pulled them off me, then he ripped open my shirt and spread me out. I could dimly see my hard cock rising and swaying as he crawled onto the bed and spread his body over mine with our faces real close. Then he entwined his fingers in mine, stretched out our linked hands and kissed me hot on the lips.

Despite my confused brain being fuzzed and full of warm fog I gave myself up to him as his tongue lashed in my open mouth against mine, then he rose, and with our hands still outstretched and linked, he lowered his face to my chest and licked my nipples with his enormous, wet tongue, something that was guaranteed to make me horny, drugged or not. His large, leaking cock dragged along my stomach as he moved against me and I parted my thighs by way of invitation though I could recall no instruction to my brain to do it.

He kindly accepted and I sprawled on my back, arms wide and my whore's thighs spread, while I could sense that he was pouring something into the palm of his hand and then spreading his two hands together.

I think I was still smiling inanely as he placed his hands on my knees and spread me wider.

And that was when my body blew up like a hot air balloon.

There was no pain, just an enormous wave of satisfaction and bliss as a tsunami rolled over my senses and a gun barrel slid up at some point below where I could now feel nothing. My fevered mind imagined that I must have weighed a ton because whatever I'd eaten had completely filled me, and thus I need never eat again and then he was above me, holding himself upright with those big muscular arms. I raised my hands way above and towards him and linked them round his neck, pulling him down to me as we kissed again, and then our bodies moved together and I got the sensation of being pushed up the bed by something.

I knew full well that I was being fucked by a great cock but it was as a simple fact, and not because I could actually feel any cock. I knew that his width had stretched my sphincter until it must have been screaming for mercy - though I'd never have heard it above the drumbeat - and that I had metres of him wandering around my deepest depths but I supposed that my brain had shut off that area so that I wouldn't get scared

(my brain really didn't know much about me, did it?).

I was only aware of a slight stinging sensation to indicate that there was any part of him inside me and I hoped that the effects of the joint were wearing off because I really wanted to be totally aware of my muscleman's cock penetrating me.

He moved down my body a little and then the massive object shifted within me as he slowly pulled out, dragging the inner walls of my asshole with him, before plunging in deep again, and this time the tip of his cock touched the back of my throat.

I was sure of it.

I was sure that if I could somehow get a mirror I'd see the uncut cockhead peering at me from just behind my tonsils.

He moved again and drew me down the bed with him as again he pulled me inside out and then back again, making his arms quiver slightly on either side of my head as he moved. I tried to focus on them, fascinated by the railroad tracks of heavy veins that lined them and aware, dimly, that all the various noises around me were quietening and shifting - except for the drumbeat - and now he seemed to be making a guttural animal noise as we dragged back and forth on the bed, and as I stared at one of his arms, I became aware that there were other limbs - knees - on either side of us and behind my head - and the only sound now was of the drumbeat, because the roomful of guests had stopped making any noise.

I gazed up through Mary Jane's eyes, vaguely aware of faces looking down and - nearer to me than the faces - large cocks and moving hands on them. I reached up both hands and they slid up between wet, spread thighs as my fingers entered bodies that were hot and sweaty.

Or was it sweat?

I didn't care.

My muscleman was plowing me good now and we had audience participation here, all stroking themselves in time with my guy's thrusts, and I kept thinking where was the guy in the Indian outfit? Why wasn't he here to see how it (I) should be done?

Muscleman groaned loudly and I jumped as the hot sting of his sweat dripped onto my chest and throat while he picked up the tempo and I saw through hazy eyes that the hands above me stroked their cocks faster. And now there were groans and sighs coming from above and those wet, hot asses were clenching tight on my fingers as they all hurried to where they wouldn't be able to stop. I pressed my head back deep into the bedclothes and thought I laughed out loud but no sound came - nothing could be heard over that drum beat and I thought of Hal saying that there was no room service.

So who'd be clearing up all this spunk?

Maybe I was supposed to eat it all.

I laughed again.

Clenching and unclenching my eyelids I tried to focus on the activity and I stretched out my thighs wide and high and I could feel the banging of his balls against my butt as he rode me into the final furlong.

The first cock splashed its load down onto me, and I opened my mouth wide as another and another followed it, and I caught some in my open mouth and wondered why their aim wasn't better and then the world all went to hell because muscleman gave an almighty heave and my guts exploded.

I gagged and gulped and cried out as more and more spunk rained down on me, hot and heavy while my lover heaved into me, filling me with his juice while the audience applauded with a mass money shot. I writhed under the liquid onslaught, aware that my ass was emptying as muscleman pulled out of me, as through the milky hail I could just about see him holding his great cock in one hand, hosing me.

A shriek filled the air that I eventually pinned down as coming from me, as I thrashed on the bed, arching my back and running my hands up and down my body, wiping and smearing the cum all over me, as still the spunk fell. Then I stretched my hands out behind my head as I gave myself up to it, trying to imagine a picture of how I looked covered in cum and thinking I have to get a film of this sometime.

Slowly the last one shuffled from the bed, and I rolled over, drooling sperm from my body onto the bedclothes and seeing, as if through a lace curtain, and relieved that I'd seemed to have regained most of my senses though I had a hell of a headache.

I staggered from the bed, while guys slapped me on the back and one or two kissed me as I went by, and headed for the shower, scooping the cum from my body like I was sloughing skin. Someone reached into the shower and turned on the faucet and I realised it was Hal. "Great show there, Mike," he said quietly. "How are you feeling?" "No problem," I murmured. "No problem." I stood under the hot shower, feeling the slicky jizz slide from me and watched it as it circled lazily down the drain as I idly soaped myself.

My ass was a little sore but apart from that I felt exhilarated.

Muscleman leaned in, stroking his dripping cock. "You're a good fuck, pal," he said. Praise indeed from someone who says fuck-all!

I turned off the faucet as Mac handed me in a large towel and I dried myself, then stepped out of the shower. Mac kissed me hard on the lips and I returned the kiss, then I loosely knotted the towel round my waist and walked out to the drinks table. As I did so, I noticed the cute blond guy in the Roman slave outfit who raised his glass to me and winked.

I flung my hair back and smoothed it with both hands, then I walked over to him. He handed me a scotch rocks.

"You seem like a guy who'd appreciate a drink," he said in a pleasantly soft voice as I took the glass and a healthy swig from it. "Please God tell me you're 18," I said, looking him deep in the eyes. He laughed. "19," came the reply. "Why?" "Don't pretend you don't know," I growled as I drained the glass and reached for another. "You're a bit late to take my virginity," he smiled as he spoke. "Though I was hoping you'd make a move before the evening was over." I waved towards the heavily stained bed. "As you can see, I was rather occupied." "With the guy with the muscles" he went on. "That's some cock he's got." "Never mind him for the moment," I replied. "My room is along the corridor. What d'you say we take a couple of drinks along there?"

He picked up a couple of glasses. "I'd say go right ahead and I'll follow."

My room was an oasis of sanity compared to the main party room. He sat on the bed as I switched on the table lamp behind him then closed the drapes and he leaned back on one arm, giving me a seductive sideways look as he sipped from his glass. I came and sat next to him and he half-turned to me, then reached behind me to place the glass on the bedside table. His arm came round me and his eyes closed as I kissed him on the lips, nibbling and pecking at each other gently as his hand rested on my thigh.

He pulled my towel up until he could reach beneath it then I felt the blessedly cool touch of his hand on my stiffening cock.

I loosened the costume from his shoulder allowing my eyes to drink in his lithe, muscular body as his hand worked on my prick, then I slipped my fingers down his ridged stomach and under the tunic where his erection strained up to greet me. We slowly fell back onto the bed, kissing and fondling like a couple of school kid lovers and running our hands over each other, and then he tugged at the knot of my towel. I raised my butt so he could pull it away from under me while I fumbled with his tunic, which I eventually tore from him and threw into the corner.

I found his leg thongs a turn on so I left him with those, but apart from that we lay in the half-light, naked and horny. He rested his head on one hand, lay on his side and looked coolly at me. "So, are you having a good time, Mike?" he asked quietly. I suddenly remembered his name from Mac's introduction. "The best, Lee."

"You seemed so expert at taking it up the ass that I was rather hoping you might like to give it as well," he went on. "I'm nothing if not an all-rounder," I said, smiling and thanking the heavens that at last I'd get to fuck this beautiful creature. He rolled over onto his back and stroked his cock as I rose and leant over him, then I cupped his cock and balls with one hand while I slowly two finger-fucked him.

He closed his eyes and moved against my hand while I stroked him gently. "I really do need some hard loving, Mike," he murmured, holding his hard prick and rapidly masturbating, so I gently withdrew my fingers and reached for some lube from the drawer as he moved himself further onto the bed, and gave myself a generous greasing.

Then I knelt between his open thighs, meeting his steady gaze, as he rolled back and raised his hips from the bed, giving me easy access to his anus. I moved in closer, nudging against his puckered ring with my cockhead, watching as his hands made a fist in the bedclothes while I drove into him, slowly and tenderly. My length slid smoothly all the way into his dark interior, stretching his anus walls as his body gladly accepted me.

I paused as soon as I had my balls against his butt, and he gave me a warm smile as he lay there holding his drooling erection while I pressed against his raised thighs and I was about to pull out, when

"No, no - stay there a moment," he cried and I obliged, as he stroked himself and grabbed his balls to fondle and letting his fingers flutter against my cock. He licked the fingers of his other hand and massaged the saliva into his nipples, first one, then the other, his eyes closed as if his mind was far away, then he wrapped his legs around me

I was now deep inside him and my warm cock stretched high up into his belly.

"OK," he whispered.

I started to pull out then his legs pulled me back in, and thus we moved for a while, then I rolled over onto my side and fucked him hard while his hand was down between us as we kissed and writhed against each other. He rolled over onto his back again and let me continue to drive into him, and all the time his breathing was becoming harsher and more forced and the muscles in his neck corded cords with the strain as I built up the pace, slapping against his body as I screwed into him. His legs waved slackly on either side of my body as I regained control of our lovemaking, then his hands left his cock and reached up to embrace me, his eyes tight shut as we pressed and struggled against each other's bodies as the tension mounted.

From deep down I felt that first delicious tingle as my cum roiled and boiled within me, urging me on to my climax, beads of sweat trickling down my spine, itching and tickling as they moved. Once again he took charge of his own climax as I felt his hand rubbing against my belly, splashing pre-cum over his chest.

I rode ahead now, mouth set and shoulders hunched and he rose to meet my every stroke, thrashing his naked ass against the bedclothes. I lolled my head forward, and through my sweat-misted eyes saw that his curly hair was now totally dishevelled and beads of perspiration covered his forehead.

Nothing was going to stop us now as I went into cum-mode, slapping my balls against his open ass as we both rode the wave.

He came first.

Jerking up at me and crying out as the white spray rose from below to spatter on his chest and face, he held the spurting cock level with his belly as though not wanting to share the wealth, and that was when

I found that there was just no way to stop and

like a shower hitting me from a passing vehicle going through a pool of water, making my goosefleshes skin crawl and writhe, I pumped my spunk into him.

The shock of the heat from my cum made him scramble up the bed on his back as though trying to escape from we but we were joined at his ass and there was no way he could avoid the onslaught as I continued to fill him with my tribute, his legs kicking the bedclothes on each side of me as he peaked and peaked again before and slowly starting to come down.

I pulled out of him and staggered back, still pulsing over the bed, my streaked cock spewing and spitting as I gripped it tightly and fell alongside him on the bed. He reached over and held my shaft as the spunk poured down over his fingers and covered them in a heady concoction of my juice and his inner essence, while his chest rose and fell rapidly and he could hardly keep his eyes open because of the sweat pouring into them.

Outside the room, the cries of orgasms and the creaking and banging of fuckladen beds against the walls acted as a lullaby as we both drifted into sleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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