On the Down Low

By Mel Mac

Published on Jan 5, 2001


Okay... so this story takes place between Turn Around 15 and 16. It can be read as a stand alone story but makes a lot more sense when read with Turn Around. So either way... whatever tickles your fanny...

Evil Disclaimer: Nsync are my bestest bed buddies in the whole world. We have fat orgies everynight in my closet. And then the man comes and takes me and puts me back in my padded cell. Seriously though... I have no clue what they're sexual preference is and I don't really know them... well there was that one time that me and JC... you know... on the pool table... but he gave me a $50 to shut up so...

On the Down Low 2 ========================================================================

"I want you to fuck me." Justin turned to Mike as they lay side by side. Ten minutes had came and gone since he and Mike last had sex.

"And you said I'm demanding..." Mike rolled his eyes at Justin. "And I thought you said that you weren't sure if you wanted to do that." Mike smiled over at Justin.

"People are allowed to change their minds you know?" Justin rolled his eyes and smiled as he moved on top of Mike.

"Are you sure?" Mike asked as Justin leaned in to kiss him.

"Yes... I want you in me... I want to give myself to you... I want to feel all the pleasure that you felt... I want to experience it... I want you..." Justin kissed Mike between each phrase.

"Justin... its gonna hurt... alot..." Mike managed as Justin reached between them to stroke Mike slowly.

"I don't care... don't you want to fuck me? I thought I'd be every gay boy's wet dream." Justin smiled and attacked Mike's neck.

"You're so arrogant..." Mike pushed Justin off.

"I was just kidding." Justin stated, giggling a little. "How can I make it up to you?" Justin moved back over Mike and began trailing his tongue down Mike's body. He held Mike's wrists solidly off to the side.

"Justin..." Mike moaned as Justin took him in his mouth. He pulled off and flicked his tongue along the underside before taking as much of it in as he could.

Justin continued working his lips on Mike's cock. Mike struggled to free his hands. After a while Justin let them go and Mike began running his fingers through Justin's curls as Justin worked on him. Justin pulled off of him and trailed his tongue up his body. He bit at both nipples and began to slowly stroke Mike again.

"So... you gonna fuck me or what?" Justin smiled as he kissed Mike. He squeezed his hand around Mike's shaft and continued to stroke him hard.

"If you'll fucking stop stroking me... unless you want it to last like thirty seconds or something..." Mike reached down and stopped Justin's hand then pulled him into a fiery kiss.

"Sorry..." Justin moved his hands away from Mike's crotch and ran them up his body as they kissed again, tongues lapping at each other as they battled.

Mike broke the kiss and switched positions so he was on top. He kissed him again momentarily. Mike reached down and started to stroke Justin. He kissed him again.

"When was the last time you took a shit?" Mike asked Justin suddenly.

"Where'd that come from?" Justin asked giggling a little.

Mike kissed him. "Just answer the question." Mike kissed him again and continued stroking him.

"Yesterday... why?" Justin closed his eyes and moaned as Mike's hand continued to work on him.

"Did you wash down there when you took a shower?" Mike smiled and kissed him again. He ran his thumb over the tip spreading precum over the head before he began stroking again.

"Always..." Justin reached down to stroke Mike again but Mike slapped his hand away.

"Lay down on your stomach." Mike commanded.

"I'd really like to look in your eyes when you fuck me..." Justin stated as he propped himself up on one elbow.

"Just do it..." Mike rolled his eyes at Justin.

Reluctantly Justin complied. He crossed his arms in front of him and rested his chin on his hands. Mike got on top of him and began placing kisses across his shoulders. He ran his cock between Justin's ass cheeks as he did so.

"Just fuck me already..." Justin said dejectedly.

"Thought you wanted some foreplay..." Mike teased as he continued to run his cock along Justin's crack.

"Yeah whatever..." Justin spat out again.

Mike smiled and began kissing down Justin's back. He sucked hard on his lower back, making sure to leave a mark. He smiled as he continued kissing his way down. Justin just whistled on as if he was bored.

"You alright?" Mike smiled as he massaged Justin's ass cheeks.

Justin picked at his nails exagerrating his boredom. "Yeah... I'm fine... what about you..." Justin shot out dejectedly.

Mike smiled at how childish Justin was acting. Then he did it. He spread Justin's cheeks apart and licked all the way up his crack. He smiled evilly as Justin immediately gasped, gripped the sheets, and arched his back up.

"Ohhhh god..." Justin moaned as Mike did it again. Mike just smiled.

"Are you sure you're doing okay?" Mike smiled again. He reached beneath Justin and began to stroke him. He then started swirling his tongue around Justin's hole.

"Ohhhhhhh yeah..." Justin lay his head on the bed, pressing his cheek against the sheets. He clawed at the sheets as Mike began working his fingers in while he rimmed him.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" Justin hissed as Mike continued swirling his tongue on Justin's virgin rosebud. Mike spread his cheeks apart and just kept drawing circles with his tongue.

"Oh god..." Justin whimpered as Mike continued. Mike stroked Justin faster bringing him close to the edge.

"Mike..." Justin whimpered.

Mike pulled off and trailed his tongue all the way up from Justin's ass to the back of his neck. He turned Justin's face and kissed him again.

"It might be better if I lay down and you sit on it..." Mike rolled Justin over and then lay on top of him.

"No... I... I... I want to be on the bottom the whole time..." Justin pleaded. "Oh god... where'd you learn to do that?" He kissed Mike again.

"I've had practice..." Mike leaned to kiss him again. He spat on his palm and stroked his own dick.

"Are you sure you still want to do this man?" Mike paused as he aimed his head at Justin's hole.

"Oh god yes... if it'll feel anything like that..." Justin ran his hands up and down Mike's torso as he stared into his eyes.

Mike pressed his head to Justin's hole. "Okay... push down... kinda like if you're gonna take a dump." Mike commanded.

Justin complied. Mike's head slipped in. Justin closed his eyes as he felt the first wave of pain hit him. He inhaled sharply. Mike steadied himself over Justin and waited.

"You okay? You don't have to do this..." Mike tried to sound reassuring.

"D... d... does it always hurt this much?" Justin managed to ask. His eyes remained shut and he breathed slowly to calm himself down.

"The first few times..." Mike leaned down and kissed him. He wiped away a tear that formed at the corner of Justin's right eye.

"Is... is it gonna feel better?" Justin asked, eyes still closed.

"Eventually... are you sure you're okay?" Mike asked again. He kissed him again, gently.

"Mike... go ahead... you can... I think I'm ready..." Justin shut his eyes hard.

Mike inched himself in a little.

"Ohhhh god..." Justin almost screamed.

"I'm pulling out... we're not gonna do this..." Mike moved to pull himself out of Justin.

Justin wrapped his legs around Mike's waist and held him there. "No... I want this... please Mike... just... just let me adjust to it..."

"Justin... I don't want to hurt you... if you're not ready... its okay..." Mike said warmly. He looked down at Justin who had opened his eyes.

"I want this... Mike... please..." Justin continued to plead. He pulled him down to kiss him.

Mike inched in a little more causing Justin to scream into their kiss. Mike nuzzled his face to Justin's neck as Justin tried to breathe calmly.

"I can still pull out Justin... we don't have to." Mike said tenderly.

"No... I want you to do this..." Justin had closed his eyes again. His breathing had evened out a bit so Mike pushed in a little further. He whimpered and tried to muffle his cry.

"Keep going... I want you all the way in..." Justin said. He had turned his face away from Mike to hide the pain.

"We're almost there okay." Mike turned Justin's face towards his own. He stared into his eyes caringly and wiped the thin sheen of sweat off of Justin's brow. He pushed in again until he was all the way in. Justin whimpered again.

"I'm in... god you don't know how fucking good you feel Justin..." Mike closed his eyes and kissed Justin.

They continued kissing as Justin adjusted to the feeling of being filled with another man.

"Fuck me..." Justin said as Mike began kissing at Justin's neck.

Mike pulled almost all the way out and plunged back in slowly. At first Justin hissed in pain. Then in pleasure as Mike brushed up against his prostate.

"Ohhhhh god..." Justin moaned.

"You okay?" Mike stopped and looked Justin in the eyes.

"Yeah... that... oh god..." Justin shut his eyes and threw his head back as Mike nudged his prostate again.

"Like that?" Mike asked him as he continued.

"Yesssssssss... oh god... like that... right... right there... oh fuck Mike..." Justin moaned out as Mike nudged yet again.

Justin whimpered yet again as Mike plowed into him. They started kissing but ended up getting sloppy seeing that Justin couldn't concentrate on it for more than a few seconds.

"Are... are you always this good?" Justin moaned again. He had wrapped his legs around Mike's waist again as Mike fucked him.

"No... sometimes I'm better..." Mike smiled evilly as he rammed himself into Justin hard, earning a yelp of pleasure as he did so.

"Fuck Mike... I'm gonna... shit... you're gonna make me... fuck Mike... I'm almost..." Justin managed between shortened breaths and grunts.

"I'm... I'm almost there Justin... shit... you're... oh god..." Mike answered back in a strangled moan.

"I'm... oh god Mike... I'm..." Justin moaned loudly as his body tensed up and shuddered beneath Mike's. He felt the first arc of hot cum shoot out landing in a white ribbon going from his chest to his cheek. He shot another volley as he moaned again. This one hit Mike's chest then dripped down. Another one landed across his stomach.

"Justin..." Mike cried out as he felt Justin's ass clamp down on his cock. He emptied himself inside Justin. He felt something hot and wet hit his chest then run down. He collapsed on top of Justin, Justin's cum smearing between them.

"Fuck... oh god... never thought it would..." Justin managed as Mike slipped out of him. Mike licked the cum off of Justin's face then kissed him.

"Mmmmmm... kind of salty..." Justin smiled and giggled as he pulled Mike down for another kiss.

"I can't believe you let me be your first..." Mike lay on top of Justin and ran his fingers through his hair. He nuzzled his face into Justin's shoulder as they both tried to slow their breathing.

"I'm glad you were... god you felt so good in me Mike..." Justin rubbed Mike's back tenderly.

"You know... if we don't get cleaned up soon we're gonna be stuck like this when your spunk decides to dry." Mike joked as he kissed Justin again.

"You want to go first or should I go first?" Justin asked. He gently caressed Mike's cheek as Mike pulled himself up.

"We can go together..." Mike suggested shyly as he sat up.

"Are you sure we'd ever come out?" Justin smiled back as he too sat up.

"Hmmmm..." Mike paused to think. "Now that's a thought..." He smiled mischievously over to Justin.

"Ow..." Justin stood up uncomfortably. "Could you maybe bring the shower to me or something."

"Here, get on my back... I'll piggy back you." Mike smiled and hunched over. Justin jumped on his back and kissed his cheek.

"You're too sweet you know?" He wrapped his arms and his legs around Mike as Mike made his way down the hall.

"Um... towels?" Mike paused to ask.

"Um... linen closet... at the end of the hall." Justin told him. He rested his temple against Mike's.

"And bathroom?" Mike paused again after pulling 2 towels out.

"Right by my room." Justin giggled and shifted behind Mike.

Mike made his way into bathroom. He threw both towels on the counter and turned the shower on and waited for the water to warm up. Justin remained on his back the whole time.

"You're pretty strong for someone your size." Justin kissed Mike's cheek again. Mike tried to turn his head to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you always this horny?" Mike giggled as he reached behind him to squeeze Justin's erection which had been poking at his back since the linen closet.

"Ow!" Justin cried out. "That hurt..." He giggled too and placed another kiss on Mike's cheek.

"Just answer the question dangit." Mike giggled again.

"Only when I'm around sexy asian guys." He turned Mike's face towards his own and planted a kiss on his mouth. His erection throbbed against Mike's back.

"What? Do you really want a round three or what?" Mike giggled as Justin hopped off his back. They both stepped into the shower.

"Maybe... but I'll save it for later." Justin smiled as he let the hot water cascade down his body.

"Well... it looks like little Justin is ready for round three..." Mike reached down and started to stroke Justin again.

"Mike... no... just leave it... for reals... 'little' Justin can come out to play again later or something." He kissed Mike again.

"You sure?" Mike asked. He held Justin's dick in his hand and stopped stroking.

"Yeah... I'm sure." Justin smiled then placed his hand on Mike's. He pulled it away from his crotch and brought it up to his lips and gently placed a kiss on it.

They lathered each other up and generally made a game of the whole showering experience. Mike reached for the shampoo.

"Here... let me... I've always wanted to do this with another guy." Justin smiled and took the shampoo from Mike. He poured some into his hand and started to massage Mike's scalp.

Mike leaned back against Justin as Justin started rinse his hair out. Justin wrapped his arms around Mike as they stood under the water.

"So... when are you going back?" Justin asked hesitantly.

"I have to be back by Sunday." Mike frowned a little.

"So... um... what... um... what is..." Justin stuttered.

"Um... here... let me do your hair." Mike switched positions. He reached up and lathered Justin's curls and gently massaged Justin's scalp much like Justin had done to him earlier.

"Thanks." Justin closed his eyes and let thoughts swim through his head.

"So.. whats this? You were asking? Um... I dunno... whatever you want it to be I guess Justin... but... from the looks of it... I dunno... I'm getting the feeling that you're not ready to commit... and stuff..." Mike bit at his lower lip as he continued massaging Justin's scalp.

"Its... Its not that... I'm... I'm just... I dunno... I like what we did... how it felt... and god your so fucking fine Mike... its..." Justin paused to think.

"So you just used me then... for sex?" Mike continued to bite at his lip nervously. He rinsed the shampoo from Justin's hair.

Justin turned around to face Mike. He wrapped his arms around Mike. Mike rested his head against Justin's chest.

"Not like that... I mean... I don't know you... thats all... and... shit... I don't want you to think that I'm always like that... that I'm some gay horny boyband member thats gonna go out and fuck every fanboy out there..." Justin closed his eyes and prayed that Mike wouldn't be hurt.

"Hey... its cool... I mean... I guess its just like sex... um... no strings attached and stuff..." Mike kissed at Justin's chest then reached up to kiss his lips.

"Did you really have to quote the album?" Justin rolled his eyes. "Look... if you want it to be more... then I guess... it could be more..." He stared into Mike's eyes.

"Its up to you Justin... I'm letting you call the shots on this... if you want to deal with everything thats gonna separate us... thats cool... but if you just want to be FTF thats cool too... I'm not gonna hold it against you... but god... your so... I dunno... its just you..." Mike started to lose himself as he stared into Justin's eyes.

"FTF? Whats that?" Justin broke their trance.

"Um... FTF... you know... Friends That Fuck..." Mike smiled back.

"Gosh Mike... I... I..." Justin was a little surprised at Mike's suggestion.

"I mean... I leave in a few days... I don't mind the whole thing about what we did... how we just got together and fucked... yeah... and I know I just tried to lay the guilt trip on you for 'using me' but... honestly... I'm not all too sure if I'm ready for another serious relationship right now... especially with someone I don't really know too well... and... and it looks like you're in the same boat..." Mike tried his best to sound convincing. He didn't really mind too much that he and Justin could end up being fuck friends but he had been hoping for more.

"Um... I guess FTF it is then?" Justin pulled Mike close to him and shut the water off. He was willing to actually take the time to get to know Mike but from what he was hearing it didn't really seem like Mike wanted the same thing.

"Come on... lets get dried and dressed and all that good stuff." Justin smiled as he led Mike out of the shower and back to his room.


So hmmmmmm.... FTF I guess... and I still have a bit more to go with this story. But really... how do you guys like it so far? I'm sorry for turning it into like this total smut fest... but... well... you know the title... and reading the other part of this story... and... so it kind of fits in... but I promise that it will get toned down a bit... well... as soon as Mike goes back to cali... going back to cali... to cali... to cali... he's goin back to cali... naw... I don't think so... hehehe... peace and adobo grease! vocal76@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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