On the Down Low

By Mel Mac

Published on Jan 12, 2001


So this one takes place during Turn Around 16. I kinda did a cut and paste and stuff... hope you guys aren't too mad at me for it and stuff. (as I duck and hide from all of things people might throw at me for doing something so evil) Anyways... and I changed my e-mail address too cuz hotmail was just totally pissing me out. So now its vocal76@yahoo.com

Evil Disclaimer: "Oh god Josh!!!!!!"... um.... sorry... I don't know em really... "Josh... stay under the sheets honey... I don't want my readers seeing you..." really I don't know em... and if I did I'd keep em all to myself and be GREEDY! And if you're under 18 and reading this or u don't like homosexual material and stuff like that blah blah blah LEAVE NOW!!!!!!! With that said read and enjoy... "Josh you devil you... I love that thing you do with your..." =)

On the Down Low 3 ========================================================================

"I wish I could've slept in your arms last night." Justin greeted Mike with a smile as Mike's eyes fluttered open.

"But what would Josh and Marc think?" Mike smiled back. He yawned and stretched. "Thanks for letting me have the bed."

"No problem." Justin still stared at him wanting desperately to tell him that he could fall in love with him.

"The idiots awake yet?" Mike asked as he sat up.

"Nope." Justin sighed and stood up with Mike.

Mike wrapped his arms around Justin and pulled him in for a brief kiss. "You're one hot fuck, you know that?" He smiled and threw his pants on. He turned his back to Justin and bit at his lower lip, something he often did when he was nervous.

"You too." Justin frowned as soon as Mike turned his back to him. He had really wanted them to be more than just 'hot fucks' to each other.

"You hurting alot?" Mike came over and rubbed Justin's back lightly as Justin bent over to pick up his pants.

"Kind of... but I think I'll manage. I'll just be walking a little funny today. What about you? How are you feeling?" Justin stood up and looked Mike in the eyes. He smiled again.

"I think I'll be fine. A little sore, guess that happens when you go without dick for a while." He smiled and kissed Justin again. The kiss turned hot really fast and Mike soon found himself tweaking Justin's nipples with his teeth.

"Oh god... Mike... don't stop." Justin whimpered. He started to feel up Mike's body as Mike continued to work his way down.

"You want it?" Mike mumbled as he continued to lick his way down.

"Oh god yes... again..." Justin moaned.

They heard movement on the other side of JC's door and they both perked up.

"Fuck..." Mike mumbled as he stopped. Justin held him there for a second with his eyes closed.

"Shit..." Justin agreed as they heard the sound again. They threw their clothes on and sat on the bed.

Things quieted down and they found themselves making out again.

"We can't here Justin... Oh god I want you in me again." Mike had pushed Justin down on the bed and crawled on top of him. He started to kiss him hungrily.

"Where then?" Justin moaned as Mike latched onto his neck.

"The hotel?" Mike pulled up and smiled down at Justin.

"For reals? What if they decide to go there?" Justin smiled back. He looked up at Mike curiously.

"Well..." Mike rolled off and laid besdide Justin, both of their legs dangling over the edge of the bed.

"Well what?" Justin propped himself up on one elbow. He ran his free hand up and down Mike's body, slowly moving towards his crotch.

"Well..." Mike propped himself up also. He stopped Justin's hand and smiled. "What if they had no way of getting there and what if they had no way of getting into the room?"

Justin jumped up. "Josh left his keys downstairs. I'm gonna take his spare too. Um... do you have the room keys?" He hopped around the room as he struggled to throw on socks.

"And Marc's keys too." Mike smiled and got up. "You seem anxious for someone that's supposed to be hurting."

"Hurting for your cock to be in me again. Come on lets go." Justin smiled and Mike shook his head at him as he smiled too.

"You going in the clothes you wore yesterday?" Mike laughed a little at how anxious Justin was to hop in the sack again.

"Um... I'll just grab a change of clothes really quick and I'll get ready after we... you know..." Justin smiled mischievously as he began to toss some clothes into his gym bag.

"We should do something before we go though, for them I mean. Something sweet or something." Mike suggested.

"Hmmmmm..." Justin paused to think. "Um... how about we make them breakfast in bed?" He suggested.

"Sounds like a plan... um... can you cook?" Mike smiled and was ready to tease Justin.

"Yeah... much better than Josh can anyways." Justin giggled as he remembered the last time JC tried to cook.

"Cool... I can um... boil water... and um... cook rice... and um... I know how to use the microwave." Mike flashed him a cheesy grin as they rushed down the stairs.

"Don't tell me you're a lost cause like JC." Justin laughed with him.

"Hey! I'm not a lost cause!" Mike feigned hurt as they entered the kitchen.

"You're gonna need to marry some guy that can cook for you or you'll be stuck eating fast food for the rest of your life." Justin laughed again. He ruffled Mike's hair a little as they started to pull food from the fridge.

"Any tips on where I can find a hottie like that?" Mike shot back.

He caught Justin off guard with his comment. Justin could only look up and stare at him. He couldn't really think of anything to say but he really wanted to tell him that he could easily fall in love with him if they could come clean and say what they both wanted.

Mike noticed Justin's blank stare and spoke up. "Um... I guess we should get cooking then." He smiled and moved to the sink to wash his hands.

Justin watched Mike saunter to the sink then pulled himself together and joined him. Then they both started cooking. When they finished they carried the two trays of food up to JC's room. Mike rapped on the door lightly.

"Are you guys decent? Can we come in? Can we watch?" Justin and Mike called out and giggled.

"Yeah... come in." JC smiled down at Marc as they both sat up on the bed.

They walked in carrying the two trays of food. JC made a move to get up but Mike motioned for him to stay where he was. He smiled and he and Justin both set the trays in front of Marc and JC.

"Whats all this?" Marc asked the two of them.

"Well... we took the liberty of making your lazy asses breakfast in bed even though its almost quarter til one. So I guess you can call it lunch." Mike said matter-of-factly. He smiled at Marc.

"So are you guys okay? I mean... you guys work things out?" Justin asked them nosily.

JC looked at Marc with questioning eyes. Marc placed his hand in JC's and intertwined their fingers again and smiled.

"Um... well... we still have some talking to do but..." JC had started to say.

"...but I think everythings gonna be okay between us." Marc finished and stared into JC's eyes and smiled.

"Awwwwwww... how sweet." Justin and Mike cooed before falling victim to a fit of giggles.

"Well, we'll leave you two to eat and um... talk... cough cough fuck... cough cough..." Justin joked and burst into a small fit of laughter with Mike.

JC threw a pillow at him for being so blatant. "Just get out you dumbass." He smiled at the both of them and then turned to face Marc. He smiled at the sight of his smiling face.

"Fine... since you won't let us watch..." Justin joked back and turned to leave.

"Cuz there won't be anything to watch... we're gonna take things slow... so there..." JC stuck his tongue out at Justin teasingly.

Justin and Mike rolled their eyes at them and started for the door.

"Um... is something wrong? You guys are both like limping and stuff." Marc brought their akward steps to everyone's attention.

"Um... we... um..." Mike started to stutter as he looked over to Justin.

"Um.... we fell asleep on the couch... um... last night while we were talking and stuff... yeah..." Justin shot in. He stuttered a little as well then gave Mike a look.

"Yeah... well not both of us falling asleep on the couch... I mean... I was in the um... recliner... yeah... the recliner and yeah... the TV... and um... it was uncomfortable and stuff." Mike finshed up as he gave Justin another look.

"Okay..." JC agreed with them but gave them a strange look.

"Thats what you guys get for falling asleep on the couch without a pillow." Marc said as he snuggled up to JC. "See... this is my pillow." He hugged JC tightly and pressed his cheek against his chest.

"And this is my teddy bear." JC said as he returned Marc's embrace.

"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew gross... not even a day yet and you guys are already beyond disgusting." Justin shot out as he and Mike both ran from the room limping and giggling. Mike managed to shut the door behind them as Marc hurled a pillow at them.

Once they were clear of the door and down the stairs they tried to control their giggling. Justin plopped down on the couch and Mike sat next to him.

"Do... do you think they know... or suspect us... I mean... last night we were ready to kill each other." Justin eased his arm over Mike's shoulder hesitantly.

Mike leaned in and wrapped his arms around Justin affectionately. He rested his head on Justin's chest. "I don't think so... Marc can be an airhead sometimes. And I take it Josh can be the same way?" He asked hoping it was so.

"Yeah... you know... if they decide to come down right now and see us like this they might think we're together or something." Justin said nervously. He wouldn't have minded them actually getting together but he really thought Mike just wanted to have sex with him.

"Yeah, huh?" Mike pulled away and got up and sat on the recliner.

Justin frowned and picked up the remote and flipped the TV on. He didn't notice Mike's slight frown as well.

"Um... so... you wanna go still?" Mike asked wiggling his eyebrow's suggestively.

"Sure... um... lemme get my keys." Justin walked up the stairs to his room. He stared at himself in the mirror contemplating what to do about Mike.

"You were taking a while... um... thought I might come up and help you find your keys and stuff." Mike stood in the doorway looking at Justin.

"Um... yeah... um... I got em. You wanna go say bye to the idiots or what?" Justin smiled over to Mike.

"Yeah..." Mike followed Justin to JC's door. They opened it slowly not bothering to knock. JC and Marc sat on the bed kissing.

"Oooooooooh.... kissy kissy...." Justin and Mike called out from the door.

JC and Marc shot up from the sound and whirled around embarassed. They both blushed as they looked on at their watching friends.

"Will you pervs get out... this isn't a free show damnit!" JC smiled at them.

"Anyways..." Justin rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna show Mike Orlando since someone can't keep his lips off of his best friend." Marc was about to say something when Justin silenced him. "Um... nope... you two stay here and talk... and you guys can have the house to yourselves... and if you have hot monkey sex on the kitchen table make sure you don't nut on the table and... oh yeah... my camcorder is on the coffee table... make sure you use up both tapes." Justin and Mike burst into laughter as they took off down the stairs and out of the house.

The minute they got into the hotel room they were all over each other. Clothes were shed and in no time they were standing in the center of the room butt naked, kissing, hardons pressed between their bodies.

"Oh god I want you Justin." Mike moaned as Justin lifted him up. Mike wrapped his legs around Justin's waist. Justin's dick poked at his hole.

Justin moved over to the bed. He laid Mike down and began to grind their crotches together slowly as he kissed him.

"We can't..." Mike moaned as Justin worked on his neck.

Justin pulled away slightly. "But... I thought..." He looked lost and toyed with.

"Not on the bed." Mike smiled up at him. "They'll know for sure if we do it on the bed." He wrapped his legs around Justin's waist again and Justin picked him up.

"Where then?" Justin managed between kisses.

"Put me down." Mike told him, looking into his blue eyes. Justin complied. Mike pushed him back slowly as he kissed at his chest. Justin felt his legs hit something and Mike pushed him down into a chair. He knelt before him and started to stroke him slowly.

"Oh god!" Justin threw his head back and gripped the armrests as Mike engulfed his cock. His hand found Mike's head and he began to run it through his hair as he moaned at the sensations.

Mike pulled off and stared Justin in the eyes. "You like that?" He licked up Justin's shaft then stroked slowly, earning a moan and gasp from Justin. "You like that?"

"God yes..." Justin gripped the armrests again as Mike locked his lips around Justin's cock and sucked hard. Mike stopped and stood up.

"You want this?" He asked Justin as he placed Justin's hands on his ass.

"Yeah... But I want this more..." Justin said as he began licking at Mike's dick. He sat hunched forward on his chair so he could better service Mike. Justin inserted a finger into Mike's ass as he worked on his member.

"Fuck... Justin... you're... fuck... you're getting too... too... fuck... you're getting too g... g... good at this." He managed as he finally was able to pull Justin off of him.

Justin leaned back and smiled. "Really? You think so?" He pulled Mike down a little and kissed him.

"I'd swear you're related to Hoover or Eureka or something. God. Are you sure you're new to this?" Mike smiled evilly.

"I learned it from watching you." Justin set his legs up on either each of the armrests exposing his ass. "Fuck me Mike... I want you to fuck me like this. Now... I want you to fuck me now." Justin commanded. He pulled Mike on top of him.

Mike slipped in and starting working his way in and out awkardly. He'd never done it on a chair that way.

"Oh god I want this. Fuck me Mike." Justin moaned. He closed his eyes and laid his head on the back of the chair. Mike had his eyes closed as he pounded into Justin.

"JUSTIN!!!!" Mike called out loudly among moans as he unloaded himself inside Justin.

Justin felt his own body tense up as he was drawn over the edge. He came all over the both of them wildly screaming out Mike's name over and over.

Mike collapsed ontop of him. They caught up on their breathing between kisses laying awkardly in the chair.

"Oh god you're good Mike." Justin managed as he pulled Mike down on top of him and held him there.

"Same to you." Mike draped his arms around Justin's neck, locking his hands behind his head. Justin rested his chin on the top of Mike's head as they came down from their high. "God what I wouldn't give to do this everyday..." Mike trailed off hoping Justin would pick up.

"If only you didn't have to go back to Diego..." Justin answered back. He bit at his lower lip nervously as he spoke. He was partially glad that Mike didn't look up to see him.

"Yeah but I have school and stuff and family over there and stuff and..." Mike was biting at his lower lip too.

"Yeah..." Justin said quietly. He couldn't think of anyway he could keep Mike there with him in Florida.

Mike looked up and kissed Justin. "You want another go?" He smiled at Justin.

"At?" Justin looked at him curiously.

Mike kissed him again, this time with more tongue. "I want you to fuck me... I fucked you... I want you to fuck me..."

"Horny b... horny devil..." Justin smiled. He almost slipped but remember his and Mike's conversation from earlier.

"You gonna fuck me or what?" Mike started grinding his ass against Justin's hardening member.

"How bad do you want it?" Justin tried teasing.

Mike brought Justin's legs down and straddled him. He slipped Justin into himself and began riding him.

"Fuck Mike..." Justin moaned out as Mike's ass swallowed his cock.

"Yeah... fuck me..." Mike smiled back as he rode him.

Justin got frustrated that he couldn't buck up into Mike the way he wanted to from their uncomfortable position on the chair. "Fuck... this isn't working..." Justin steadied Mike and stopped him from bouncing further.

"What isn't?" Mike asked curiously.

"What we're doing..." Justin looked Mike dead on in the eyes hoping he'd even remotely pick anything up. Mike stared back a little hurt.

"I mean... in the chair... its not working... I... I can't move from where I am... can't have you doing all the work." Justin smiled nervously as Mike moved off of him and they both stood up.

Mike smiled and took Justin by the hand. "The floor..." He laid down on the carpet and spread his legs beckoning Justin to lay down on top of him.

"No... like this." Justin flipped Mike over. "On all fours... it'll be... um... kinky..."

Mike smiled back and listened to Justin. Justin moved behind him and slipped himself in. In no time he was grabbing onto Mike's hips and pounding into him.

"Fuck..." Mike moaned out.

"You want this?" Justin asked him as he slowly slid out teasingly.

"Yeah... give it to me..." Mike pleaded hornily.

"Tell me..." Justin leaned down and kissed the back of Mike's neck. "Tell me how bad you want it..." He growled sexily into Mike's ear causing him to shiver.

"I want you to fuck me Justin... fuck my ass Justin..." Mike whimpered as Justin shoved hard on his prostate.

Justin pounded back in causing Mike to yelp and moan. He gripped at the carpet as Justin hit it from the back. Justin started getting into it. He slapped Mike's ass gently earning a yelp from Mike. He did it again and quickened the pace.

"How bad Mike?" He asked as he teased him again.

"I want it Justin... fuck..." He hissed as Justin slid in hard again.

"How bad?" Justin continued to tease.

"Justin... fuck me please..." Mike begged.

Justin smiled and pounded into Mike again. He slapped his ass a few more times as he slowly came close. He felt his body tense up and he tried to hold it back. He pounded into Mike harder and smacked his ass again.

"SINONG TATAY MO!!" Justin cried out as he started to cum, spanking Mike's ass hard.

Mike fell over on his side convulsing in laughter as Justin sprayed him down with his seed.

"OH MY GOD! I can't believe you just fucking said that!" Mike continued to spasm in laughter.

"What?" Justin asked confused almost forgetting his own orgasm. He finished emptying himself all over Mike.

Mike took Justin by the hand and led him to the bathroom. He turned on the shower. He was still laughing lightly when the water warmed up and they both walked in.

"What?????" Justin asked embarrassed. He had started to blush.

"You..." Mike pulled him in and kissed him. "You're so fucking corny I can't believe you said that... oh god... but I'm glad you did cuz you were hitting it real good and if I wouldn't have started laughing I would came all over the carpet."

"But what was so funny?" Justin asked still curious.

"I honestly don't know anyone that would say 'Whose yo daddy' much less say it in tagalog when they're having sex... I thought that was like hella porno or something..." Mike burst into laughter again as he lathered up Justin's back.

Justin smiled back at Mike and started to lather him up too.


So... um yeah... still a little smutty... and I promise... just um stick with this for a while... for all ya'll that didn't notice I changed my e-mail address and stuff... Um also... don't worry... Turn Around is still going on and I'll post chap 17 up soon for that... okay yeah... 'Sinong Tatay mo' literally translates to who's your daddy in tagalog... oh yeah... and for extra laughs for all of you that have napster try to find this file called fobgirl.mp3 and if you really need me translate it for you I will... its hella funny if you get listen to it... oh yeah... and if you guys read my other story: Dirty Mind Games... listen to that mp3 and then go back and reread the epilogue... hehehehe... you'll see what I mean... hehehe... anyways... so new e-mail addy peace and adobo grease! vocal76@yahoo.com

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