On the Road Again

By Karen Langhorn

Published on Nov 12, 2023


One the Road Again - Chapter Two By SubKaren92

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Heather's boutique was obviously a high end shop. The front showroom was a combination of lingerie and dresses, skirts and blouses. I let my hands roam over the silky material of a camisole but I didn't look at the price. I think I was scared to look. Heather kept walking toward the back of the store and turned back to look at me.

"I keep the kind of stuff Victoria likes back here," she said. "Come with me."

I scurried to catch up to her. "I appreciate you opening early for me," I told her.

"Victoria is a very good client and apparently has high hopes for you," she told me. I wondered how much information Victoria had shared about me with this alluring woman. I also wondered if Heather shared Victoria's interests.

She brought me into a room in the back of her shop that had floor to ceiling mirrors on two sides and several racks of clothes, mostly leather and a few other materials I didn't recognize. They were all black.

"Take off your clothes, Gwen, so I can measure you. You can put them on that chair," Heather told me pointing to a chair in the corner. It didn't sound like a command like Victoria would have used. She sounded like she really just wanted to take my measurements. Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. I quickly disrobed. I was sure she meant I should take off my underwear as well even though she was not specific.

Heather was methodical in taking my measurements. She did complain that her assistant wasn't there to write down the numbers, but she didn't come in until 10. I wasn't embarrassed standing naked in front of Heather, but I wonder if being in front of two unknown women would have been different. No matter. Heather was efficient and asked me for my shoe size instead of measuring my feet. She said her shoe selection was a bit limited right then but she would try to find me something. "Give me a few minutes and I'll be right back," she said before leaving the room. Now I felt a bit self conscious. Standing naked in front of the mirrors reminded me of how unplanned this trip was ending. Fortunately Heather did not take too long. I suppose Victoria had already specified what I was to wear and Heather just needed to get the right sizes.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" she asked. "You might want to before you get dressed."

Weird. But sure. That sort of made sense. Heather escorted me out of the room and to a small, but thankfully clean, bathroom. I just peed. She was waiting for me back in the dressing room.

"OK. Let's get started with your lingerie," she told me.

Normally it takes me trying on many bras until I find one that fits correctly. Even if the size is supposedly right, I struggle to find the right one. Heather walked up with a leather bra (I'd never worn one before) and had me slide my arms through the straps. She then cupped my breasts as she made sure the bra sat correctly. My nipples immediately reacted to her touch. And speaking of my nipples, it was a good thing they got hard, because the bra had reinforced circular cutouts allowing my nipples to poke through. At first I didn't understand. But as she hooked the straps pulling the bra tightly around my form, I got it. First off, the bra seemed a little undersized. At least undersized from what I would choose. However that fact lifted my breasts and formed a deeper cleavage than I am accustomed to having. Oh, and the cutouts force my nipples and a bit of areola to pop through the front. No matter what kind of top I wore, my girls would be on display.

Next up was a leather thong. This was not difficult to step into, but I quickly realized it was different from any panty I had ever bought. First off, because it was leather it was firm. That wasn't particularly problematic, although I was concerned it would not absorb any juices if Victoria decided to tease me. I'd never particularly worried about that until yesterday. Second, the thong strap disengaged from the waistband. I didn't understand why until Heather snaked it between my legs and split my crack with it. It was like a g-string only much stronger. As she clipped to the waistband, I heard a click. She then tugged the side straps and they didn't move a millimeter. It was only then I noticed a hard protrusion in the front of the panty nestled firmly against my clit. I took a deep breath as I realized what that meant. I reached around and felt where the strap clipped to the waistband.

"Don't worry Gwen," Heather said. "Victoria has the key."

I suppose that is why she wanted me to go to the bathroom first. This thong wasn't coming off until Victoria took it off, at least two and a half hours from now. As I took a step, part of a twirl I made to look at the bra and thong from different angles in the mirror, I realized the purpose of the protrusion nestled on my clit. You might think I should have realized its purpose immediately. Subconsciously I probably did. But when I moved and my clit rubbed against it, my conscious mind realized walking was going to be pure torture. Correction. Not being allowed to cum was going to be torture.

Heather briefly left again and returned with a pair of thigh high stockings she tossed to me and told me to put on. She left again, this time returning with a white cotton dress and a pair of white pumps.

"I'm sorry these are only three inches high. They are the only one's I have in white and your size."

I had noticed most of the shop had black clothes so I wondered why Victoria wanted me in white. It couldn't be because she thought I was virginal. It didn't matter. The dress was perfect for my curves without being obscenely tight. My nipples pressing against it were a bit obscene, especially since I was concerned the weave wasn't tight enough to keep them from poking through. The length was to my mid thigh and covered the tops of my stockings. It rode up when I sat down, the stocking tops would be uncovered, but at least if I was standing, I would be properly covered. The shoes fit fine and I was happy there was only a three inch heel as I didn't usually wear anything higher.

We finished up just as Heather's assistant was arriving and the shop was opening. I had expected the entire experience to be more sexual than it was, but finishing this task got me closer to seeing Victoria again, so I had that going for me. I sent her a text that we were done and Heather suggested I send her a picture. I gave Heather my phone and she snapped a couple of shots from different angles. I felt like a model. Victoria responded affirmatively and gave me an address and office suite number while reminding me to arrive exactly at noon. I thanked Heather and paid for my new outfit. It was more expensive than I would have bought normally for myself, but I didn't mind as it was going to get me into Victoria's office. While paying I was temporarily distracted by the thong doing what it was designed to do. That distractio continued as I walked about 40 feet from the counter to the curb. I didn't see any cabs so I ordered an Uber back to the hotel. I had a little time to kill.

Normally I would have taken a walk to kill time, but the thong made that risky. I was worried that if I walked around I would force myself to cum. But you know what? Sitting around my hotel room didn't make those feelings go away. I ended up pacing back and forth and even rubbed my nipples through my dress. The only saving grace was when I had to stop and catch my breath, I didn't look out of place since I was alone. I looked up the address of Victoria's office and saw that it wasn't far from my firm's office. That was a problem. A, it was too close to take a cab. I'd have to walk. Slowly. B, I ran the risk of seeing somebody I knew. I think that worried me more than cumming while I walked down the street.

Victoria didn't send any more messages. I watched the clock and tried not to rip off the dress and somehow get the thong off. I figured it was a 5 minute walk to her office. I left at 11:30 to give myself extra time to stop if I needed to quell my arousal. But as I walked out of the hotel lobby, feeling like everybody could tell what was happening under my dress, a wonderful thing happened. Much like last night when my desire to please Victoria suddenly gave me the emotional strength not to climax, it happened again. Not all at once mind you. I was taking tiny steps to minimize the friction on my clit. I was sure I was going to lose the battle and cum in front of the other people walking between buildings. But just as I was reaching my peak, my mind found a peacefulness like it had last night and told me I was going to make it. I could feel my juices squishing against the firm thong and I could smell my arousal. But I didn't think I wouldn't be able to control myself. It was a wonderful feeling.

I was able to cover the short distance quicker than I anticipated. In my mind, I even looked normal, although my nipples gave me away. I hurried past our building while praying nobody I knew would see me. I made it safely. I ended up in front of Victoria's building 15 minutes early. I didn't know the layout of the inside, so I stood out front trying to calm my beating heart and cool the fire in my pussy. Yeah, that didn't work so well. It was an older building and thankfully there was no guard I had to talk to before I reached the elevators. Up I went. I wasn't sure if Victoria worked at a big company where I would have to talk to a receptionist. As I entered the elevator lobby, I saw there were two hallways leading in opposite directions and the office suites looked fairly small like they might be just for small companies. I found her suite. There were two doors close to each other, but on one door was the lettering Victoria Andersson, Psychologist. She had not told me what she did for a living, but it made sense that she was a psychologist given how she had basically interviewed me in the bar and then told me all my inner secrets when we had phone sex. When I had phone sex, I mused. I didn't know if she got off during our conversation.

I was a bit distracted when I suddenly remembered I wasn't supposed to go in until her assistant left for lunch. I hurried down the hall away from the elevators and hid around the corner to the stairs. I'm not sure what I was feeling as I peeked around the corner looking for someone to leave the office. A few minutes later the door with the lettering opened and a professionally dressed older woman (early 40s?) came out and headed toward the elevator. As soon as she turned into the elevator bank I hurried back to Victoria's office and went inside. There was a desk, a couch and another door, which was open. I moved to that door. Victoria was sitting at a desk and there was a chaise lounger, another couch and another closed door. She put her fingers to her lips and then waved me in.

She had a monitor on her desk that showed a camera in her reception room and another view of what must have been a second office accessed via the other door. As I approached the desk she softly said the other office was a place for her patients to collect themselves if necessary before leaving. I looked at the monitor and there was a woman sitting on the couch in that office.

Victoria whispered again, "I like that dress on you. Were you a good girl this morning?"

I obviously had followed her instructions to buy the clothes so I assumed she meant did I cum without permission. Taking a cue from her low volume I whispered back, "Yes, Mistress, but it was very difficult."

Fortunately the woman in the other room stood up and walked out of the door into the hallway.

"Good, she's gone." Victoria said in her normal husky voice. "So, you didn't cum. That's good. How much effort would it take me to make you climax? You smell like you need it."

"Honestly, Mistress," I replied. "Much like last night I'm pretty desperate to cum. I didn't think I'd make it walking over here, but then I had a clarity in my brain that let me hold off climaxing in order to please you. But it wouldn't take much if you told me to cum right now. I could probably just rock back and forth in this dastardly thong and orgasm. Who designed this thing?" I wasn't expecting an answer, but it wouldn't have surprised me either if she knew.

"You're learning faster than most women," she told me. I took that as a complement. "I did promise you would get your pussy licked as a reward for being good last night. But I get mine first."

I remember her telling me I would have my pussy licked as a reward, but I didn't remember her saying I could climax. Still, as amped up as I was, I think it was preordained that I would have another thrashing orgasm if she ate my pussy. I watched lustfully as Victoria unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She wasn't wearing panties and her pussy looked wet already. I wondered if that was in anticipation of my arrival or a byproduct of the woman who left. It didn't really matter. She told me to turn around and put my hands behind my back. I then remembered last night her telling me she intended to bind me. The cool metal click of a set of handcuffs immobilized my arms and sent a new gush of juice against the thong. She then spun me around and pinched my nipples before she spun me around again and lifted my dress up over my butt. I bent forward, thrusting my ass against her.

"Not yet, my pet," she said teasingly. "I get mine first." She then backed away and I turned as she hopped up on her desk and spread her legs. "On your knees, slut, and service me," she ordered. It was an order I was happy to obey.

Victoria knew I'd never licked a pussy before, but I gave it my best effort. It was much tastier than I anticipated. I also loved that she held my head in place. It was a very possessive act and it filled my soul with warmth. Alas she seemed to be in a hurry because before she climaxed, she lifted my head up and told me I needed practice. I'd failed, but she told me not to worry about it. We were on the clock before her next client would arrive. She also told me she would give me more practice later. That made me feel better. She had me stand so she could remove the handcuffs. Then she told me to strip.

"Normally I would have you do it slowly and more erotically," she told me. "But unfortunately, time is not our friend right now. Just put your dress on the couch and take off the bra. I'll get your panty's key."

I definitely didn't feel sexy stripping off my clothes in such a perfunctory manner, but I was happy I didn't have to wait until tonight to see Victoria again. Heck, after our phone sex session last night I wasn't sure I'd see her again at all. I presented myself to her wearing just the locked thong, stockings and heels. She told me to hold my hands behind my head while she knelt down and unlocked the thong. I knew my arousal scent was strong. When I get excited, you'll know. But I had not thought about how Victoria would react to having her nose so close to my pussy. I was a bit embarrassed when she said, "Oh my. My slut is excited." Of course I was. That was the purpose of this thong. And although I was uncomfortable with being called a slut, I couldn't really argue as I was standing naked in the office of a woman I'd only met once and then for about two hours.

Victoria didn't touch my pussy and thankfully didn't rub my clit. While I'd put my need to climax behind me walking to her office, if she touched me, I think I would have failed to wait for permission to cum. She told me to lay down on the chaise lounge. I knew that is where her patients sat. I wondered how many women had been in this position. I also thought about how I squirted last night. If I did that again, the chaise would be soaked before her next client arrived. Weird things were running through my mind, especially when she started to wrap leather cuffs around my wrists.

She pulled my arms above the top of the chaise and affixed them to what I assume was a chain on the back. This was the first time I was restrained where I couldn't move. It kind of felt like laying on my bed last night, although now it was real. I pulled my wrists testing the bonds. I had some movement, but not much. She then cuffed my ankles. She then told me to spread my legs and put my feet on the floor. This time a chain went under the chaise forcing me to keep my legs spread open. I was now at her mercy and prayed she wasn't kidding when she told me my reward was getting my pussy licked.

Her final preparation for me was a blindfold. Now with the room dark, it felt much more like my hotel room last night. It was just as quiet. All I could hear was my heartbeat pounding. Then I felt her hot breath on my ear like she had done at the bar. "I have to get something from the other office. Give me a moment." As if I had a choice but to wait for her.

I heard the door open. Soon after I felt her weight on the end of the chaise. Had she retrieved a dildo or vibrator to fuck me? I hoped so. Then I felt her warm breath blowing along my slick folds. "Oh yes, Mistress," I groaned. Before I felt her tongue, I felt her finger softly run along my slit, but not inside. It felt different than last night, but then again, I was a different person now. After a few teasing circuits along my pussy, I finally felt her tongue lick the length of my slit from bottom to top and then across my engorged clit. I thrust my hips upward as much as the chains would allow. It wasn't much, but I assumed Victoria would appreciate me trying to force my pussy against her mouth. Then the most shocking thing occurred. I felt hot breath on my ear again while the tongue was still just grazing my slit. "You're not the only one being rewarded here, pet," the lust filled voice spoke into my ear. Instantly I struggled against my bonds as I realized Victoria wasn't the person eating me. Or should I say teasing me since she really had not started pleasuring me with as much gusto as I had tried to give my Mistress.

"The woman between your legs is my friend, Mary," Victoria explained. "She's not submissive like you, but she does do some favors for me in exchange for me fucking her on occasion. Her husband isn't very good in bed so when her needs reach a certain point, I help her out. I was going to take care of you myself, but she needs a good screwing, so I told her I would help her if she ate your pussy."

"Um," I stammered. "I don't know what to say." My arousal buzz dropped precipitously by the revelation that Victoria wasn't the woman between my legs.

"Don't worry, Mary," Victoria said. "She'll warm back up quickly." How did she know how I felt? I didn't say anything. "She'll flood your mouth quickly," Victoria said with confidence. "But remember, you don't cum before she does." I smiled knowing that I wasn't the only one with restrictions on our climaxes. "Oh, and don't think you just get to cum when you want Gwen. You still need permission."

Mary moaned into my pussy and I felt her press forward against me. I couldn't see it, but I could picture Victoria wielding a strap-on and mounting her from behind. I was now in the unique position of trying to hold back my orgasm in a competition with Mary holding back hers. Victoria was right that soon my arousal would reappear with a vengeance. Mary was much more skilled than I was at eating pussy. I suppose she had lots of practice with Victoria. Soon I was squirming against my bonds as I heard Victoria fucking Mary with great passion. Every thrust drove Mary against me and every thrust squished her juices on Mistress' cock. I was moaning, Mary was moaning, although muffled by my pussy, and Mistress was alternating between cheering us on with a series of derogatory phrases and names and reminding us not to orgasm.

I was the first to beg for permission to cum. Mary didn't, although her oral ministrations had mostly stopped and my stimulation was pretty much just riding her face as Mistress pounded her from behind. I had a vision in my mind about what they looked like as the sounds of fucking echoed off the wall.

"Please Mistress," I repeated over and over. "I need to cum. May I please cum?"

I imagined her smiling at me as she looked down over Mary's body writhing on her strap-on. Finally Victoria relented. Oh she didn't just tell me to cum. That would be too easy. Instead she said, "Ten." I knew what that meant based on our experience last night. Each number was accompanied by two, what I can only assume were savage thrusts, based on Mary's reaction.

"Nine," she said. This time Mary begged for permission to cum, but none was given.

For all the world to see, it seemed like Mary was Victoria's submissive. Like me, she must have been struggling not to cum. Like me, she must have wanted to be a good girl. Maybe Victoria threatened to punish her for climaxing too soon.

"Eight." I let out a shriek as Mary's chin slid across my clit.

The rest was a blur. Much like last night, I began having an out of body experience where I was floating above my body and watching the carnal scene like a live porno. My own struggle to hold back my orgasm subsided, although my body knew its release was imminent. I was on the precipice, but waiting for my Mistress to grant her approval. It was an amazing feeling, one I still didn't understand, but I wasn't worrying about it. With my other partners, I would have to actively think of fantasies to try and cum, mostly without success. But with Victoria, I just had to let her play my body like a fine instrument and my orgasm would flow on her command.

You won't be surprised to know we both came simultaneously and at the proper time when the countdown reached zero. While I was wrecked and happy to be lying down, Mary seemed invigorated and got up, thanking Victoria (not Mistress) for the great fuck. "I have to get back to work babe," she said. "Call me next time you need to break in a new girl."

I heard the door open and shut moments later. In my mind, Mary had walked in, raised her skirt, bent over to eat my pussy, got screwed, stood up while pulling down her skirt and left. A fine lunch break, to be sure, but I had more important things on my mind. I opened my mouth to ask Victoria what was next, but I felt the head of her strap-on being pushed into my mouth. I have sucked enough cock to know what she wanted. Mary's flavor coated the shaft and I enjoyed the treat. She tasted different from Victoria. Not better, but different. I anticipated Victoria wanted me to clean her toy and I did the best I could, although she pulled it out of my mouth just 30 seconds or so later.

"Please fuck me, Mistress," I told her without feeling embarrassed.

"I have a client coming in," she announced. "We have to get you cleaned up and out of here."

Of course I hoped she was going to keep me for the afternoon. When she added, "If you're interested, I have tonight free," I told her of course I was interested. She took off my blindfold and then released me from my bonds.

"Just put your dress on and go to the bathroom down the hall. I'll tidy up here," she told me.

I felt like a dirty slut without my bra or panties, even if both were kinky in their own right. I found the bathroom and did my business. I was sure Victoria was going to make me walk around in those terrible (or wonderful) panties while she worked this afternoon. Since I'd just cum, hopefully it would be a little easier. When I got back to Victoria's office, however, both garments were missing from the couch and Victoria was holding what looked like a leather belt.

"Lift your dress, pet," she said with a surprising amount of warmth. I did as she asked.

She then handed me the belt. "Hold this," she said. I got to look at it and saw that the belt also had a strap that I assumed went between the legs. It obviously wasn't a locking panty like I had been wearing, but it was similar and I saw a locking mechanism on the back, but there was no teasing nub in the front. Thank God for small favors, I thought. Perhaps I thought too soon.

"Bend over the back of the couch," my Mistress commanded. I obeyed.

"If you want to serve me tonight, I want you at least as horny as you were this morning," she told me with pride. I kind of smiled, although I was a bit worried as well. I guess my relief on Mary's face would be short lived. Then I felt her rubbing my ass.

"I remember you told me you had never had anything in your ass before," she said remembering our conversation yesterday. I then felt a cool gel drip between my ass cheeks.

"Don't worry. This is a small plug to get you started," she continued as if that would be reassuring.

Maybe it was small, but it felt big to me.

"Push against it and you'll open up," she instructed. I tried, she was insistent pushing firmly, and pop, in it went. I grunted. "Perfect," she added as my ass snapped around the smaller stem.

I wiggled my ass trying to get accustomed to the invader. I also wanted to give Victoria a bit of a show. She responded by putting her hand between my legs and rubbing my pussy. I moaned.

"Don't worry," she said, this time as more of a taunt. "I didn't forget about your slut hole."

"My what hole?" I thought in a panic. I stopped wiggling and Victoria's fingers spread my pussy lips. I thought maybe she was going to put in another remote vibrator. But instead I felt a cold metal ball pushing inside my pussy. Then a second one joined it. "Hold still," she said. I didn't dare move.

Next she took the belt that I had dropped on the couch. She wrapped it around my waist and then slid the strap as I had anticipated between my legs and secured it.

"This serves two purposes," she told me. "First it holds those balls and the plug in. Second, it acts as a chastity belt so you can't rub your clit."

I didn't think of it in those terms, but in a way that was worse than the panties because I probably could have gotten myself off when I was wearing them by rubbing myself against something hard. This belt was very firm and strapped very tightly against me so I probably couldn't get any friction against my happy spot. At least I wouldn't be rubbing my clit with every step.

"Stand up and pull your dress down," Victoria commanded. As I did, I took a step to steady myself and I felt the balls move in my pussy. I looked at Victoria as if to say, "Are they supposed to do that?" Her smile told me they were. I straightened my dress and I could feel my nipples rubbing against the course material. I could tell that, even without the bra, my nipples were going to stay hard.

"You said you wanted to visit the Art Institute," Victoria pronounced. "I want you to walk down there and enjoy the exhibits. You won't draw attention to yourself if you need to stand in place for a while to avoid orgasming. I might have a friend or two keeping tabs on you, so don't think you can sneak into a corner and make yourself cum."

I have to admit, Victoria was a planner. First my shopping trip, then the rendezvous in her office and now this. "Of course Mistress," I replied. "I won't cum without permission."

I said the words I knew she wanted me to say, but I didn't know if they were 100% true. I'd never been plugged or worn balls in my pussy. I was sure they would tease me like the leather panties had, but I hoped I could handle them.

Almost as an afterthought, Victoria went back to her desk, opened the drawer and pulled out a short black strap. She walked back to me and told me to lift my hair before putting the strap around my neck and clipping it shut. It was very snug, but not uncomfortable.

Victoria then spun me around, pulled me into a tight embrace and gave me a very passionate kiss.

"That choker will let anybody in the lifestyle know what you are. Do not remove it. If you can handle this task, I will give you a night to remember tonight," she promised. "Now get out of here. Use the left door as my client will be here any moment. I will text you instructions later."

And just like that I was dismissed and Victoria went back into therapist mode. As I walked out of the second office into the hallway, I saw a man walking into the main office. He glanced at me and I wondered if he thought I was just a normal patient. As I took two steps toward the elevator the balls shifted and reminded me that nothing since the bar last night was normal. I took a couple of full steps, something I didn't dare do with the panties on and I found I could handle the motion of the balls, but that the plug rubbed me in, shall we say, a very nice way.

As I exited the building out onto the sidewalk, I determined that full steps turned me on from the plug and that shorter steps made the balls dance in a pleasurable way. They also moved haphazardly with full steps. Basically I couldn't predict when they might hit a nerve and send a pleasure shock through me. I headed up Adams Street toward the Art Institute. The hustle and bustle of the city meant people were around me, but my sluttiness was hidden, except for the choker. And that was a turn-on. I did wonder if anybody noticed it. Some people, both men and women, looked at me, but I couldn't tell if they suspected something or just thought I was attractive. It didn't matter. Each step I took reminded me of Victoria and my nipples rubbing against my dress drove my arousal higher.

I made it to the Art Institute without incident, other than a growing need to climax again. It wasn't as immediate as the panties and bra had dictated, but I was definitely aroused. I looked around to see if I could identify one of Victoria's spies, but nobody seemed to be following me. I set myself to the task of wandering the wonderful exhibits, something I really wanted to do. But the growing need between my legs began to make that more difficult. While my build to near peak arousal was slower this time, it was nonetheless strong and distracting. As Mistress had predicted, within an hour or so, I had to stop to admire a picture without moving to avoid orgasming. I imagined her spies watching me and knowing whenever I stopped for a minute or two knowing the reason.

Soon just walking from one room to another was enough to put me on edge. I kept looking at my phone to see what time it was and to wait for Mistress' message giving me instructions. I didn't know how many clients she had this afternoon. For all I knew, she had some tonight as well. I knew the Art Institute was open until 8 on Thursdays. I prayed she didn't make me wait that long. Of course she could send me instructions to meet her just about anywhere and at any time. I then began to worry about being able to go to the bathroom. I didn't need to go yet, but if she made me wait until 8, I was going to get very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, about 5:15 I got a text from her. "Meet me on the Art Institute front steps in 15 minutes or head back to your hotel and go home tomorrow."

I took a deep breath and started heading for the exit. Slowly. I had the anticipation of seeing Victoria to add to the dual action of the balls and plug, and while I had been maintaining my level of arousal, I didn't want to risk moving too quickly. I also didn't want to move too slowly. I was quite a way from the front entrance and the museum was busy, so I figured it might take a full 15 minutes to get out to the street.

As I exited the building, I saw Victoria standing at the bottom of the entrance steps. She was looking at her watch. I had not checked the time so I wasn't sure if I made her deadline. I hurried down the stairs faster than I should have, resulting in me having to freeze and bend forward a bit when I reached her to prevent myself from cumming. I figured she would appreciate that.

"You're a minute late," she told me. "But you're so damn cute, I think I can let it slide this time."

I didn't want to be thought of as cute. I wanted her to think I was sexy. But I also didn't want to think about her giving up on me because I was a minute late.

"Thank you, Mistress," I said, still struggling not to move.

"Stand up straight, pet," she told me. I slowly did.

"It looks like the balls have had their desired effect," she said proudly. "If you serve me well tonight, I will give you the relief you desire. As I recall, you wanted me to fuck you."

"Yes, Mistress," I replied. "That would be amazing." I answered with a firm voice and a confident tone. It was then I remembered we were on a street corner as I realized people were passing us and I'm sure some people heard our conversation as a couple walking by both turned to look at me. I weakly smiled.

"My condo is not far from here," Victoria said. "As I recall from our conversation yesterday, most of your partners left you to finish for yourself and your best partner only got you off twice."

I couldn't believe she was sharing my intimate secrets in public.

"Tonight we will set a new standard for making your slut hole gush," she added.

Now I was getting embarrassed. She told me to pick a number between three and five. Jokingly I picked five trying to call her bluff. Even the time I came twice was a struggle to reach number two. Victoria stopped a man who was about to cross the street and asked to borrow a coin. I think he had heard our conversation because he handed over a quarter without asking why.

"Heads means five," she said. "Tails mean we multiply by two."

We both watched as she flipped the quarter, caught it in her right hand and then flipped it over against the back of her left hand. She held her hand over the coin and then shielded the coin so I couldn't see it but the man could. They both smiled and then she handed the quarter back to him.

"I don't suppose you need any help?" the man asked.

"Not tonight, but thanks for volunteering," Victoria replied. Then he looked at me.

"Have fun," he said before turning and crossing the street.

"What's the verdict?" I asked.

"Let's just say when I send you back to your hotel, you're going to be tired, sore and worn out," was her smiling reply.

It must have been tails, I mused.

Victoria put her arm around the small of my back and led me South on Michigan Avenue. If you saw us, we looked like a normal lesbian couple, although I felt her hand was showing possession. We walked maybe six blocks until we crossed the street in front of a high rise condo building where a doorman opened the door and greeted Victoria by name. They expressed pleasantries and she informed him that she would be having dinner delivered and to let them up. He said he would and we went inside.

Once we were in the elevator, Victoria went into Mistress mode pinning my wrists against the wall and kissing me aggressively. She then backed off but continued to hold my wrist firmly against the wall. I looked over her shoulder and saw a security camera.

"Don't worry about that. They've seen much worse. You're going to be my good slut slave tonight, aren't you?" she said firmly.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied. I wanted to add that as long as she made me cum, I would do anything she asked. But she already knew that and after all, had promised me more orgasms than I had ever experienced in a single night. I must admit I was a bit concerned with what she would do in the privacy of her home, but I also knew I needed this. If I had gone back to the hotel, I could have gotten myself off in a matter of minutes, or seconds, but I'd always have wondered what I had missed.

The elevator doors opened and she led me down the hallway, only now her hand was under my dress and she was playing with the plug. I didn't think I was ready to be fucked in the ass, but I also knew what I thought on the subject didn't matter. I just hoped she would let me cum quickly. We walked to the end of the hall and she pulled out a key.

"Take your dress off," she commanded. I knew we would be standing here until I complied. I looked up to see if there was another security camera. The answer was yes. Well, they already had footage of us in the elevator so I guess it didn't matter. I pulled up my dress and handed it to Victoria. She said nothing, but her smile told me she was pleased. At least she didn't take the belt off and show off my wet pussy. She unlocked the door and ushered me inside.

Her condo was absolutely neat and tidy. I expected nothing less from what I knew about her. It was also tastefully appointed. I kind of thought it might have more of a dungeon motif, but it was well fashioned and modernly designed. Because she was on a corner, she had views both East over the lake and North up Michigan Avenue. I hated to think how much more expensive this condo would be compared to mine in St. Louis. Her HOA was probably more than my mortgage.

After setting down her bag, Victoria came over to me and said, "Let's get that belt off you and the plug out."

I was relieved she wanted to remove the plug. She didn't mention the balls, but I assumed she meant them too. She removed the strap and I felt odd without it. In a way, it represented safety as my lady parts were protected. She wiggled the plug a bit and then tugged. I would later learn how easy such a small plug was to insert and remove, although at that moment, it felt very large as I had to stretch to let it pop free. Victoria handed it to me and told me to hold it. That seemed strange.

She then knelt down and told me to lift my right foot. She took off my shoe and then rolled down my stockings. She then repeated the process on my left leg. I was left holding the smelly plug, still wearing the choker symbolizing my submission to Victoria and still stuffed with the metal balls.

"Go into the bathroom and wash the plug," she instructed. "Don't let the balls slide out or I'll have to punish you."

I took a couple full steps toward what looked like a hallway where I assumed the bathroom was located. As I did, I felt the balls shift. Instinctively I clamped down with my pussy muscles, but my pussy was too wet and I basically shot the lower one out. The sound of it bouncing on the wood floor was something I will never forget. It wasn't that loud, but to me it was deafening.

"Somebody is wet," Mistress said with a snicker. "You better take out the other one and wash both with the plug, you dumb slut."

Victoria didn't seem upset. I think she was pretending. She was probably thankful that I gave her an excuse to punish me, not that she needed one. I resumed heading toward the bathroom while Victoria took out her cell phone and began a call. I couldn't hear who she was talking to as I washed the toys. She probably was placing a dinner order, although in my brain fog of arousal, I fantasized about her calling Mary or a different friend to come over tonight and use me. The urge to masturbate was very strong, but I resisted. I'd held back this long. I wanted to please Victoria and not cum until she gave me permission. When I returned to the living room, Victoria was gone. I looked in the kitchen, but she was not there either. I just went to the window to admire the view. I wasn't concerned with anybody seeing me. I didn't have long to wait.

I knew Victoria entered the room from the sound of her heels clicking on the floor. Since she had taken off my shoes, my movements were quiet. I turned to look at her and she had shed her professional clothes and was now wearing, well, I guess they were still professional but now her profession was dominatrix. She wore a black corset that pushed her exposed breasts up, tightened her already small waist and left her pussy exposed. My mouth watered in anticipation of getting a second chance at making her cum with my tongue. This time we wouldn't need to hurry. She was also wearing leather thigh high boots with what looked like a four-inch heel. I'm pretty confident she saw the look of lust on my face.

"Come over behind the couch, little one," she told me as she walked behind the couch that was positioned opposite the front door. I quickly followed her. "Bend over the back," she added when I got there. I quickly did, feeling very exposed. She ran a finger up the length of my slit. I doubt she was surprised when it came back wet.

"You claim to have been a good girl and not cum since you left my office. Is that correct?" she asked.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied. "I wanted to," then I paused, "desperately. But I wanted to obey you more."

"I believe you," she continued. To this day, I don't know if she had any spies watching me at the museum, but I didn't have to worry because I told the truth. She then began to rub my butt.

"Unfortunately you dropped one of the balls," she said as a pronouncement.

"I'm sorry Mistress," I told her. "It won't happen again."

"As wet as you get when you're excited, I wouldn't make promises you can't keep," she informed me. Then she smacked my right buttock. It stung, but not too bad. I knew she had not spanked me as hard as she could. I leaned forward a bit, more from the shock instead of the pain. Then she spanked my left cheek, this time with a bit more force, but still not too bad. That one made me yelp a bit.

"If you don't start counting your strokes, your punishment will never end," she said. I was glad she told me since I had no idea counting was a requirement. She spanked my right cheek again and again it was a little bit harder than the last one.

"Three, Mistress," I said, a bit too proudly and a bit sarcastically.

"One," she said. "We always start at one." She smacked my left cheek with the firmest swat yet.

I almost said "Two," but I caught myself and cautiously said, "One?"

"Correct. How many do you think you have earned?" she asked. Before I could answer, another spank.

"Two," I cried out. Then there was a brief pause so I tried to focus on her question. "Um, as many as you determine are necessary to correct my behavior?"

I wasn't sure where that reply came from. It just popped into my brain. It seemed to please Victoria.

Spanks three, four, five and six came in rapid succession with just enough time between for me to call out their number. They also were the firmest swats yet and really stung. I also felt my skin warming and I wondered if my ass was turning red. Seven, eight, nine and ten followed and then Victoria ran her finger along my pussy again.

"As I expected," she told me, "You're even wetter. You must like this."

"I like any time you touch me," I confessed.

"That won't always be true," she responded. "But for tonight, I'm going to keep the pain to a minimum until you learn to love it."

That sounded ominous. How could somebody enjoy or even love pain? I mean, I did like her finger touching my sex and the spanks weren't really hard enough to hurt much, but love pain? She continued to spank me, although at a much slower pace, perhaps 10-15 seconds between swats where she teased my pussy more and even scooped some of my juices to spread on my asshole. I was definitely favoring the spanking compared to inserting the plug again, although I do remember wiggling a little when she touched my back door so that probably wasn't the vibe I was giving off. I think we made it to 30 spanks before there was a knock at the door. I started to stand up to go and hide in the kitchen.

"Don't you dare move or we will start over at zero and I won't be so soft with you," she scolded me. I bent back over, humiliated that my exposed reddened ass was facing the door. I turned my head to see her putting on a robe that had been hanging by the door. Of course her kinky attire would not be displayed. She put her hand on the doorknob then added another instruction. "Reach behind yourself, grab your asscheeks and spread them."

My hands might have blocked the view of how red my ass was, but spreading my cheeks to display my dripping pussy and asshole was far more humiliating. But of course, I did it because Victoria had commanded it. I was falling further down her rabbit hole.

I couldn't see if the person delivering our food was shocked at what they saw. No words were exchanged. I don't know if the delivery person was a man or a woman. For all I knew, this wasn't the first time they saw someone bent over Victoria's couch when making a delivery. I half expected Victoria to offer my pussy as a tip. I was ready to hear a zipper being pulled down and feel a cock push into me. But she didn't. I heard the door shut and was able to turn my head enough to see her carry a bag into the kitchen. I remained bent over the couch and with my cheeks spread. When she returned, she walked behind me and I felt her finger rubbing my pussy.

"You have a lot to learn tonight Gwen," she announced. "But I am hungry so we are going to eat first." Before I could respond she pushed a finger inside of me. "You have been a good girl today so I am going to grant you a reward." She began fucking me slowly with her finger. It wasn't so much pleasure but the promise of pleasure that made me coo. "Stand up and turn around," she commanded as she removed her finger. I quickly did and faced her. She pushed two fingers into my and began rubbing my clit with her thumb. My coo became a moan. But almost as soon as she started, she stopped to take off her robe and hang it back up by the door. When she turned and faced me, my mouth watered.

"Normally I would have you make me cum before I allow you to orgasm. But I know I've teased you a lot this afternoon, so I am going to make an exception." It sounded weird to hear her talking so matter-of-factly about giving me a climax. As I told you, the guys I was with rarely made me climax, let alone spoke of it like a foregone conclusion. Of course none of them teased me for hours either. Foreplay to them was usually fumbling with my boobs while taking their pants off. Victoria resumed fingering me. I wasn't sure how to respond, so I just leaned my head back in pleasure as her knowing fingers began to work their magic.

"I wasn't kidding when I told you how many orgasms I expect for you tonight. If all goes well, that number will be a low estimate." I felt my pussy muscles clamp down on her fingers as the thought of cumming that much flowed through my body.

"Women know how to make women cum," Victoria told me. "Even though you're inexperienced, I just need to release your instinct and you will become an expert pussy pleaser. You will get a lot of practice tonight and in the future."

Victoria began working her fingers with more speed and focus. I say focus as I have finger-fucked myself with quick motions, but had never felt an orgasm build so quickly. I was staring at her with lust filled eyes while she responded with a look of satisfaction knowing she had complete control over me and what I was feeling. In near record time, I was struggling not to cum. I didn't beg her for permission because her facial expressions told me she knew the fight I was having. Unlike earlier today when I felt confident I could control my needs, this was different. The toys she had me wear, while stimulating, were not the same as looking into her eyes and seeing a predatory vision looking back at me. She was testing me and I was determined not to fail her. But that quickly became very difficult. My pussy was spasming as if I was cumming, but really it was just trying to clamp down on her fingers to make them stop, at least until she spoke the magic words. When she started snickering to herself, I knew she could tell what my body's response meant. I'm sure I'm not the first woman she had brought to this state of complete dependence on her. I was strong enough not to beg verbally, but I was pleading with my eyes. I had the thought that she wanted me to fail so she would have another excuse to punish me and I was just moments away from accepting that fate.

Was that really her plan or was she so in tune with my needs that she wanted to demonstrate her mastery of me? I'm not sure, but just as my mind determined I couldn't take any more no matter what the consequences would be, she spoke the words. "Cum for me pet," was her simple statement and I exploded.

To say I had a massive orgasm would be an understatement. I don't recall my pussy ever clamping down with as much force and that includes my squirting episode last night. I howled and my entire body shook and spasmed. I leaned back against the couch to keep from falling as Victoria switched from using her thumb on my clit to using her left hand and rubbing it forcefully back and forth. This kept my climax going. The room was starting to spin. My body was reflexively acting on its own as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through my body. I don't know how long my orgasm lasted before I finally calmed down enough to focus on the huge smile on my Mistress' face. She was still rubbing my clit, but slower now. As she did, I had several aftershocks rocket through my body. Victoria seemed to understand just how much I could handle without collapsing. She let my body cool slowly and eventually stopped rubbing me as my aftershocks became less frequent and weaker. She removed her fingers from my pussy and licked my juices off them. She seemed to like my taste. I was a babbling mess trying to thank her. I tried to speak the words, but I don't think I was inteligible. She seemed to understand and even had a look of pride on her face for reducing me to an incoherent mess.

"After dinner I am going to teach you how to please me," she told me. "Once you learn how to eat pussy like a champion, you'll never be lonely."

Next: Chapter 3

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