On the Road Again

By Karen Langhorn

Published on Nov 21, 2023


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On the Road Again - Chapter Three By SubKaren92

I was too far gone in my post orgasmic haze to comprehend what Victoria said. I watched her head toward the kitchen, but I couldn't move for several minutes. When I finally joined her, I saw two plates set on a small dinette table along with several cartons of Chinese food. There were two chairs pulled out one of which had a thin dildo attached to the chair with a suction cup. I assumed that was my chair. I started walking toward it when Victoria stopped me and told me to face her. I immediately did and she grabbed my left breast. She didn't squeeze it or play with my nipple unfortunately. Instead she took a marker I had not noticed in her right hand and drew a long straight line about three inches long down the top of my breast.

"Just so we don't lose track," she said. I didn't grasp at first she meant my orgasm count, but that had to be the purpose of the mark. I smiled. "Do you want me to sit down, Mistress?" I asked, trying to sound alluring.

"Yes, pet," she responded. I straddled the chair with the dildo. It wasn't wide enough to fill me, but it felt good nonetheless and the kink factor of sitting on it at dinner was off the chart. Victoria sat down on the other chair facing me. She served me a combination of food and before I could dig in she told me to spread my legs. As I did she lifted her right leg and put the tip of her boot against my pussy. She then started rocking it from side to side against my clit. I looked at her in deep appreciation for giving me this unique experience.

"You said you struggle to reach orgasm number two during your encounters," Mistress began our dinner conversation. While that is true, I never had a gorgeous woman teasing my clit with the tip of her boots right after she gave me a massive orgasm either. My arousal had dipped a bit after my climax, but it quickly started building again. I was eating dinner, but I was also bouncing slowly up and down on the dildo. I needed to lean forward to do that which had the wonderful side effect of pushing downward on her boot. By the end of dinner I was begging for permission to cum again.

"So I guess you lied when you said a second orgasm was difficult for you?" Victoria asked in a condescending tone.

Breathlessly I replayed, "No, Mistress. I mean it always has been, but with you it is different."

"Tonight I will be generous with your climaxes because I want you to learn about yourself, learn about me and reinforce that I can give you pleasure you have never experienced."

"Thank you Mistress," I replied. "Can I cum now?"

"You may, my beautiful slut," she said with pride.

There was that word again. It triggered me just like the last time she used it with me. Instantly I started cumming. No it wasn't as massive an orgasm like the last one, but what could be? Still it was a good one. If I am honest, it was probably as good as the kind I usually gave myself after one of my male partners had given up. It was just, by comparison to the two previous ones Victoria had been a part of, it was disappointing. I think she sensed what I was feeling because she commented that, "They can't all be screaming, squirting messes." I just chuckled, amazed and grateful that I'd had another orgasm in a matter of 20 minutes or so.

When I calmed down, Victoria once again grabbed my left breast and made a second line parallel to the first. "Clean up the dishes," she told me. "Then you can join me in the living room where you will learn how to pleasure me." That opportunity excited me so I hurriedly rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I was probably only alone in the kitchen for about two minutes, but I already missed being with my Mistress. I hurried out to the living room to begin my tutoring.

Victoria had put down a yoga mat near the window. She was also holding another suction cup dildo, although this one looked much wider than the one in the kitchen. I watched as she deftly slid it into her pussy. She gave herself a couple long, slow strokes with it. My pussy felt jealous, although I soon found out it didn't need to worry about missing out. Victoria pointed at me and curled a finger indicating I should join her. I walked over and she pulled the dildo out of her pussy and held it up facing my mouth. I didn't need to be told what she wanted me to do.

I kissed the tip of the dildo, savoring her flavor, and then went down on it sucking off her juices. The taste was wonderful as she had obviously been aroused by giving me a boot job at the kitchen table. She didn't have me suck the dildo for long. Perhaps ten seconds. She then walked to the window and licked the suction cup enough to affix it to the glass. I recognized that the height was appropriate for a girl backing up to it while on her hands and knees. Victoria then laid down on the yoga mat and spread her legs facing the dildo. She pointed to the floor between her legs and I quickly got in position on my hands and knees where I could lick her pussy.

"I am going to teach you the proper way to eat me. You are to just keep the tip of that dildo inside of you. Do not rock back on its length until you make me cum. That will be your reward for doing a good job. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress," I replied. I wiggled my butt trying to find the dildo. This window was facing North so I didn't know if anybody in the building next to us could see us. I had to reach back to hold the dildo firmly enough to insert the tip into my pussy. This one was much fatter than the one I rode in the kitchen and I prayed I would please Victoria and she would let me rock back and fuck it. But I knew I had to earn that pleasure. I then leaned down and took a tentative lick of her slit. It took all my willpower not to rock back and impale myself on the dildo. True to her promise, she began instructing me.

Victoria first told me about a series of foreplay techniques, although they would be wasted on her as she was already aroused and ready for me to get to the main course. She specified that I needed to learn and practice them for future encounters, but for now, we could skip them. She then told me about the pancake technique.

"Keep your tongue flat and pointed down toward your chin," she began. Flat and wide and don't move your tongue. Move your entire head making contact from the bottom of the vagina upward until you reach the top of the clit. Then break contact and repeat. I did my best to get it right and I could tell Victoria was enjoying it. She added that I should go slowly and use the minimum amount of pressure necessary to make my partner cum. In my mind, I questioned how I would know how much pressure that would be, although in the moment, I didn't question her teaching.

"When you are more experienced, you will learn when to be fast, when to be normal, when to go slow and when to go agonizingly slow to tease her," Victoria added. "Although if you tease me, you will not like my response."

I wasn't trying to tease her. I was trying to find the right pace to make her cum. That was my only goal. Well, that and getting to slide down the full dildo as a reward. Victoria's pussy juice was flowing on my tongue. I took that as a good sign that I was getting better. At some point, she grabbed my head, holding it still so I couldn't move my tongue.

"That was close," she said. "You almost sent me over the edge. But I want to teach you about the vortex."

I was pleased to hear she had almost cum. Yes I enjoyed the pleasure she gave me, but in my soul I needed to be able to please her as well. Actually that was more important to me. She taught me that the vortex was a series of techniques designed around sucking a woman's clitoris. Basically you wet your lips and make an O sized appropriately for the size of your partner's clit. I had not noticed before, but Victoria's clit was significantly larger and more pronounced than mine. I didn't know if that made her more sensitive, but I did my best to capture her clit on the first attempt. I think I did good because she told me about four variations.

"The constant vortex," she began, "is the easiest so start there. Apply a constant level of suction until you need to breathe. Then break contact, take a breath and do it again. You can make many women cum this way, especially if you performed your foreplay and the pancake properly."

I started out this way. She continued to give me instructions, but there were mews and moans in between her comments. I took that as a good sign.

"The rhythmic vortex works great if you have music on in the background. You suck her and release the pressure rhythmically. You can set the tempo, slow, fast or to the beat of a song, but listen to what her body tells you and gauge what she prefers. The main take away from all these techniques is to match what she needs at any particular time. Her preferred method will change based on what she's feeling, so you need to be proficient in all of them."

The rhythmic vortex made sense. I had a boyfriend do that once. It was one of the few times I came with a man. Victoria also told me about the hard vortex, basically sucking in quickly with a strong pressure and slowly releasing it and the licking vortex, which I quickly determined was her favorite. Under her instruction, I sucked in her clit firmly and held it there, similar to the constant vortex, but while latched on, I used my tongue to flick her clit. I determined this was her favorite because probably 15 seconds after I started it, she started to orgasm. I felt very proud of myself and made a mental note to memorize these techniques. With guys it is easy. Suck and lick their cock until either they squirt or they fuck you. Women are far more complex.

Victoria was bucking against my face as she rode her climax pony. That forced me a bit further down on the dildo. I liked that, although I did worry she might get mad. Then I realized she wouldn't be noticing anything I did at that moment. I held my position kneeling before her pussy until she calmed down. She then ruffled my hair and said thank you.

"That was pussy eating 101," she told me. "Your reward is to fuck yourself while you begin pussy eating 202." I didn't have to be told twice. I rocked back impaling myself on the phallus. I then rocked forward, enjoying the feeling of the dildo sliding out of me, putting my tongue back in the pancake and loving the taste of her post-orgasmic pussy. She warned me to give her clit some time to recover before diving back in and to just lap at her folds. I understood that from my own experiences. Victoria added several new techniques. I wondered if there would be a test. This time since I was fucking myself, I wasn't as sure I'd be able to memorize them. Would it be weird to ask later for her to repeat her lesson so I could take notes?

She taught me about the under pressure, a variation of the pancake I could do while she was still recovering and how to edge her, by doing something else pleasurable like kissing her inner thighs when I sensed she was close to climaxing to let her cool down a bit before resuming. I certainly understood that one based on the last day's experiences, but again she warned me not to do that to her. I wondered why she was teaching me this unless she planned on me doing it to other women. I put that thought out of my mind as I was concentrating more on the feeling of the dildo I was enjoying. In fact, I was quickly reaching orgasm number three. I did my best to get Victoria off again before I came. I used the under pressure and the licking vortex. I could tell she quickly was reaching another plateau, but so was I and I had to break contact with her pussy to beg for my own release. Surprisingly she gave me permission and immediately my pussy clamped down on the dildo and my endorphins began to flow. Again, it wasn't the massive release as I had when I had been teased all afternoon, but it was stronger than my kitchen cum.

Victoria rolled off the mat without her own second climax as I lay spent on the floor. She returned with a glass of water for me. I sat back up and took the glass thanking her for the kind gesture and apologizing for not being skilled enough to make her cum again. She was kind about it and told me not to worry. "I have many more techniques to teach you. You will get another chance to please me soon." I smiled at that and wasn't surprised when she grabbed my breast again and made a third line. She then went into her bedroom, at least I assumed as much, and returned with a video camera and a mirror.

"Sit up on the couch," she told me. "Have you ever looked at your sex while masturbating or having intercourse?" she asked. I had to reply no.

"Your ass looked amazing reflected in the window as you fucked yourself," she told me. I'd forgotten I was putting on a show.

"I want you to play with your pussy and tease your nipples," she told me. "I'll hold the mirror so you can watch yourself."

Victoria held the mirror so I could see my pussy. It was already showing signs of abuse from my first three orgasms, but I wasn't about to stop now. I started rubbing my clit with vigor and pinched my left nipple. Victoria had opened my eyes to the pleasure of a bit of pain and even though I had just cum, my clit welcomed the attention of my finger. Here I was shocked that I'd had three orgasms, working on my fourth and applying very firm pressure with my fingers to achieve that result. I was watching myself in the mirror. That was a new turn on. I hardly noticed that Victoria was holding the video camera in her other hand. Within minutes the video recorded me asking for permission to cum. It wasn't begging, at least not like before. I felt like I could cum, but I wasn't desperate to cum yet. I would have been fine if she said no. But again, she surprised me and gave me permission when I first asked. Victoria said she was proud of my first porno and that her friends would love it. I didn't really hear her as I was busy cumming. She did immediately marked my breast with a fourth line and said "She meant it." I didn't understand what she was referring to, but I didn't want to admit that so I stayed quiet.

We both took a break after that until she told me it was time for the pussy eating 303 class. I didn't get the reward of fucking a dildo for fingering myself as she taught me the proper way to finger her while licking her clit and how to find her g-spot. My reward was a faceful of cum as she squirted on me. I also got to rub myself to orgasm number five. This time I had to do it standing, facing the window and leaning forward with my legs spread. Victoria told me I had to be ready to display myself and put on a show when ordered. I couldn't see her but I'm pretty sure she was recording me again.

This orgasm took the longest. In fact I only came because I was fantasizing about Victoria touching herself while looking at me. I admit I considered faking this orgasm because it was taking so long, but I knew Victoria would know I did that. I didn't want to risk any punishment so I kept rubbing my clit until a small, but real, orgasm flowed through me. Victoria was ready with the marker to draw a diagonal line through the four vertical marks on my left breast.

"You're halfway there," she said proudly. "If the coin had been heads we would have been done."

I smiled weakly. The last two orgasms really were not that great. How was I going to cum five more times? I didn't have long to ponder the great mystery of my night. It was time for my pussy eating 404 lesson, stimulating the g-spot externally by applying pressure to her mons pubis instead of with a finger inside her pussy and using both hands to stimulate her g-spot (both methods) and asshole at the same time.

I proudly wore a second shower of squirt as Victoria obviously enjoyed my new skills. I felt like a drowned rat as my hair was getting matted down from her juices. After that orgasm I was rewarded with her finally fucking me with her strap-on. We started with me riding her cowgirl while she sat on the couch. I love being on top and I quickly was aroused to the point of nearing orgasm. I asked nicely, but this time I didn't get permission right away. That was fine. I was riding an arousal high again and I knew my eventual orgasm would be much better than the last two if I waited. I asked again about a minute later, this time with more urgency, and again the answer was no. Another minute and more urgency. I got the impression Victoria was setting me up to fail so she had an excuse to punish me. Soon I was begging again continually. I knew she liked that.

I thought she would finally let me cum, but instead she told me to dismount. I was afraid she decided to edge me. Instead she told me to get on my knees on the couch and bend forward. When she pressed the fake cock into me from behind, it felt bigger. I howled from the pleasure. She started fucking me and spanking me at the same time. "Please Mistress can I cum!" I shouted. I was going to cum. The only question was if I would have permission. She responded by fucking me harder. It was primal and it was savage. Her spanks were also harder. These were not the love spanks she gave me early.

"Cum my slave," she hissed. I was expecting her to say slut as a term of endearment, but slave worked too as it triggered my release and a loud sloppy orgasm. No squirt, but a lot of juice nonetheless and multiple screams of passion. Still Victoria kept fucking me. She pounded me straight through my orgasm. Each slap of her hand on my ass sent a lightning bolt of pleasure straight to my clit. I had barely left the peak of orgasm number six when she buried the dildo deep inside of me, grabbed my hips and pulled me to the floor. As I slumped down, the dildo pulled out of my pussy and I rolled over on my back as my body continued quivering.

"Keep those legs spread whore," Victoria hissed. Another demeaning term, another wave of pleasure coursing through my body. I spread my legs like I'd done for so many strangers on my trips, only this time I expected to really enjoy myself. No, that's not quite right. I always expected to enjoy myself and usually did. But this time I expected Victoria to be the best fuck I'd ever had. She mounted me like the confident lover she was, burying the strap-on deep in my pussy.

So here is my review of getting fucked by a strap-on, especially by someone who knows how to use it. It's amazing. First off, she doesn't cum too soon before I can climax. I suppose if she wanted to tease me she could have stopped, but at least tonight, that wasn't her plan and I was grateful. But more importantly, when she did me in the missionary position, it was way better than having a guy do it. Guys may not understand that their cock, by itself, while pleasurable, probably isn't going to make a woman climax. It's his hips rocking our pelvic bone which stimulates our clits that does the trick. Unfortunately, most guys don't get the motion right. I'm not blaming them. They do what feels good to them. It's just why I invariably have to finish myself. But with Victoria it was different. Not only did she understand how she needed to impact me more than penetrate me to bring me pleasure, the front of her harness seemed to increase the clitoral friction as she slammed into me over and over again. I'm sure she understood exactly what she was doing as she towered over me in complete control.

I didn't even have to ask permission to cum again. She hissed at me to cum after maybe her seventh stroke since mounting me and I responded on stroke nine. But still she kept fucking me. I lost track of how many strokes she pounded into me as I rode through my orgasm. My clit was hypersensitive, as yours would be after seven orgasms, but still Victoria kept fucking me. I finally calmed slightly from my climax, but Victoria was relenting promising to fuck number eight out of me before she stopped. I am ashamed to say it didn't take that long and I didn't make her work for it. My entire body was constricting and quivering, but still she kept pounding me until I finally had to scream, "No more!"

Victoria seemed happy and pulled the dildo from my well used pussy. I laid on the floor. She returned with the marker and made three lines on my right breast. Then she knelt by my head and fed me the strap-on to clean. I enjoyed that way more than any blowjob I had ever given. Satisfied I had cleaned all my juices off her toy, she stood back up and walked out of the room. I stayed on the floor due to a combination of not being given instructions to follow her and basically being worn out from her fucking me. I understood why Mary would do anything to get Victoria to fuck her. I felt the same way. Admittedly that made me a bit nervous as I wasn't sure what Victoria would demand of me. But I also had to admit, I couldn't think of any demand that I would deny her.

She came back a few minutes later without the dildo. I was both happy and sad. She stood over me and offered me her hand. When I grabbed it, she helped me up. She then brought me back to the couch and sat me down. She then joined me by sitting next to me and putting her arm around my shoulders.

"I promised you two more orgasms tonight," Victoria said. "Can you handle it?"

"Um, I would like a short break first," I replied. "But yes. Even more if you'll allow it."

"I think I'm creating a nymphomaniac," she said with a smile.

"I've never had orgasms like you give me," I told her. "I want more."

"If you decide to continue past tonight, I will make you addicted to cumming. You will do anything for an orgasm," she said. "But let's cuddle for a few minutes first and let you calm down."

I had said I needed a break, so I leaned against her and slid sideways until my head was in her lap. Her arousal scent was much different from mine, although I must say I liked it. Victoria started to stroke my head. I felt like her pet. I liked it. We sat on the couch for a little while. My arousal began to fade, somewhat, at least with respect to feeling like I would cum if she touched my clit again. What didn't fade was my attraction to Victoria and how she played my body like a fine instrument. I had not particularly thought of what it would mean to continue past tonight, after all I lived six hours away, but Victoria made it sound like she wanted our relationship, or whatever this was, to continue. That gave me a warm feeling.

After about 10 minutes, Victoria told me to stand up and grab the handcuffs we had left in the kitchen. I joyfully sprinted out of the living room and grabbed them as quickly as I could. As I handed them to her, she told me to turn around and put my arms behind my back. This time I wasn't as shocked as the first time. I still tugged on them enjoying the feeling of losing control. Victoria then escorted me back to the couch and told me to kneel in front of it. I was not surprised when she sat on the couch and spread her legs in front of me.

"Let's see how well you learned your lessons," she said while pulling my head down to her pussy. I loved the wet feeling against my tongue. Like me, her arousal had only faded but not dissipated during our break. It was difficult for me to remember all she had taught me as my own pussy was flooding with juice. I was more focused on my ninth orgasm instead of pleasing her, but she reminded me that I wouldn't be cumming again if I didn't make her cum first.

"I don't want to fail to give you ten orgasms," she told me. "But your training is more important. If I have to, I will just tease you the rest of the night."

That sounded terrible to me, so I fought to put my own needs to the back of my mind and concentrate on the task at hand. It took me longer than before, probably because I didn't have the use of my fingers or because Victoria was able to control herself to make me struggle. But eventually I was rewarded with a juicy splash as she came again. "Oh, that was nice," she told me. "Maybe I should let you bring me off again."

"I would love to, Mistress," I replied. "But can I cum again first?"

"I think that can be arranged," she said. "Stand up. I want to show you something."

It was a bit of a struggle to stand up without the use of my hands for balance, but I managed. Victoria then walked toward what I thought was her bedroom. But we passed it and went to another room down the hall.

"This is actually the master bedroom," she exclaimed with pride. "But I have reimagined it."

She flicked on the light as we went inside. It was her playroom or more precisely, her dungeon.

"I have friends with houses that have dedicated their entire basements for activities such as ours, but this is the best I can do," she said almost apologetically. I was still impressed.

There was a chaise lounge, similar to the one I had been bound to in her office, except this one did not have to hide its dual purpose. It also had hooks in the ceiling above it. There was also a big wooden X. I didn't know what that was for, but it also had hooks on it so I could guess it was for binding a sub. On one wall was a large area of pegboard with hooks holding all manner of sex toys, bindings, floggers and many things I did not grasp their purpose. There was also a large cabinet of drawers.

"If you return, you will learn about these items," my Mistress told me. I felt a wave of pleasure flow through my body. She obviously wanted me to return. "But for tonight, we just need a couple."

I watched as she took off the wall something that looked like a leather belt, but it didn't seem to be like what I'd worn earlier to the museum. She also opened one of the cabinet drawers. I saw a selection of butt plugs, arranged in increasing widths. She took out one that was wider than the one I wore earlier and a tube of lube that was also in that drawer. I felt my ass clench at the thought of being stretched wider than before. She then opened another drawer that contained many vibrators. She pulled out one with a large ball on the top. After last night's sexting, I did a little research and I recognized this as a Hitachi Wand, although it didn't have a power cable. I guess it was a battery powered knock off. Whatever it was, I imagined it buzzing my clit and my wetness increased in anticipation.

"Back to the living room," she told me. "Stand by the East window."

The East windows faced Lake Michigan so I didn't worry about being seen. Not that being seen would have stopped me now, but it was one less thing to worry about. Victoria spun me to face the glass and then had me bend forward thrusting my butt out. It was time for the plug. To my shame, I have to admit it wasn't that bad going in. Victoria seemed surprised, gave me a spank and said, "You're a natural anal queen." I did know if she was joking and that certainly wasn't a description I wanted to believe of myself. But the plug did feel good. Next she steadied me and had me step into the leather belt. She started pulling it up, but before she got it up to my waist, she unsnapped a clip and wrapped it around the head of the vibrator. Then she pulled it all the way up and tightened it around my waist. It didn't take me long to realize the head of the vibrator was positioned against my clit. With my wrists cuffed, there was no escape from it.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Victoria said as she hurried back to the playroom. I couldn't imagine what else I needed. I'm sure she didn't really forget. I'm sure her performance was just for my benefit as I tried to think about what was about to happen. She quickly returned with a thick leather collar with a D-ring in the front and a pair of nipple clamps that were chained together. After putting the collar on me, she pushed one of the clamps through the D-Ring.

"These are light weight clamps to get you started," she told me as she pinched my already hard right nipple and attached the clamp. I squirmed and she told me to relax. I was worried that these were "starter" clamps as it already hurt. My left nipple was similarly clamped and then she disappeared back into the playroom again. I was trying to focus on the full feeling in my ass instead of the sharp pain on my nipples. I wasn't worried about what else she might bring back. I thought maybe it would be a gag to keep me quiet, but instead she returned with a blindfold that quickly eliminated my sight.

"OK pet," Victoria began instructing me as she spun me around so I wasn't facing the window. "For number nine, you are wearing the Lovense remote version of a Hitachi Wand. I am going to send a control link to a friend of mine. She loves teasing bound women. I don't know how long she will make you wait to climax. You have permission to cum whenever you want and as many times as she will let you. I will be sharing video of your struggles with her. Feel free to beg her for your orgasm. I have seen her be rewarding to a begging slave, but also very difficult. I don't know what kind of day she had today or if she will be generous."

I felt Victoria touch the vibrator and it briefly sprung to life. Then I heard her bring a chair over in front of me and her tapping on the phone. Seconds later the vibrator sprung to life again, this time stronger and for many seconds. I moaned. Its speed decreased. There I was, bound, blindfolded and my pleasure being controlled by a stranger. And she knew what she was doing. The speed of the vibrator continued to vary and she brought my arousal up and down. She didn't seem interested in making me cum quickly. I could hear Victoria masturbating as she watched and I assumed held her phone so my tormenter could watch and hear me. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of hearing me beg to cum, but you know I couldn't hold out for long.

"Make her wait until I finish," I heard Victoria say. "She knows I cum first."

I could only imagine what Victoria looked like as she diddled herself while she watched me. Apparently my own pleasure was linked to her getting herself off. I knew that could take a while. My mystery controller continued to edge me. In one way it was glorious. In another it was maddening. But since I'd already confessed that Victoria gave me the best orgasms in my life, I could hardly complain that she was about to do it again, even if a friend was helping..

How long did I whimper and beg for release? Honestly I couldn't say. Victoria's own moans of pleasure certainly made me want to cum even harder. Eventually instead of begging my controller for my own orgasm, I began begging Victoria to cum for me. Whether that was what she was waiting for or I surprised her, I don't know. But that comment seemed to trigger her and as she loudly climaxed, the vibe turned on full power and stayed there. Thankfully I had already received permission to cum because I exploded. I fell back against the glass as my body shook and I convulsed. But the vibe didn't turn down. My controller was apparently enjoying watching me consumed with pleasure. Waves of orgasm flowed like water over my body. My strong initial climax gave way to a series of smaller aftershock climaxes. They were not distinct orgasms, per say, but one long, continuous climax that eventually left me as a quivering mess laying on the floor. The vibe was still on, but my body was orgasmed out, at least as far as the continuous climax was concerned. I lay on the floor trying to catch my breath, but every 30-45 seconds or so, I would clinch again as a mini-cum hit me.

Finally the vibe turned off minutes later. As I slowly came back down to Earth, I wondered if the controller had been masturbating and tormenting me on the floor finally got her off. It didn't matter. I earned a ninth check mark, although I argued I probably should get another five or six. Victoria laughed and called me "greedy." She also told me not to worry. She wasn't going to lose this challenge. I told her I needed a lot of time to recover first. She told me not to worry and that we could take another break. When she took off the blindfold I saw her smiling with pride.

Victoria left the room, although this time she did go to her bedroom not the playroom. I stayed on the floor. She returned dressed like she had been at her office and carrying an overnight bag. She helped me up and unclipped the nipple clamps. I had kind of forgotten about them since my focus was on my pussy. In truth, they didn't hurt that bad, but when the blood began to flow back into my points, that hurt and I gave out a little whimper. She then removed the collar and spun me around to pull out the plug. I'd kind of forgotten about that too. I guess she was right that I was turning into a nymphomaniac just worrying about my climax. She needed more effort to remove the plug and she did to put it in. I think the anticipation of pleasure helped her insert it. Finally she uncuffed me and handed me the plug to go and clean.

When I returned, she marked my ninth orgasm, handed me all of the toys and told me to return them to the playroom. I was then to return and get dressed. She still owed me one orgasm and I didn't like the thought of going out. But go out we did. Walking out into the cool night air in my new white dress, sans panties or a bra started to get me excited again. Victoria had her bag, but I didn't know what was in it. I wondered if we were going back to the bar. It would be fitting if my last orgasm happened where I first fantasized about her making me cum. But as we got in the cab, I heard Victoria tell the driver the name of my hotel. That was a surprise.

As we drove, she kept her hand on my left knee, but didn't slide it under my dress. She would have found my pussy was coming to life again. We walked through the hotel lobby and to the elevator bank. I expected her to kiss me or push me against the wall like she had done in her building, but she didn't. Once on my floor, she put her hand on my butt and we walked to my room. Once inside she ordered me to strip. That was an order I was happy to complete. Once I was naked, she had me undress her. I put all our clothes neatly in the closet. She then ordered me to strip the bedding down to the mattress pad.

"You need to get me off again to earn your final orgasm," she told me. "You may use your fingers and any method you think I would enjoy."

Mistress then lay down on the bed and spread her legs. I think she didn't try not to cum this time because I brought her off within five minutes using my tongue and fingers. I tried not to look proud of myself, but I kind of was. She then had me lay on the bed, only this time my head was away from the headboard and toward the foot.

"Lay on the right side," she commanded, "and spread your legs with one off the bed."

That was easy enough, although I wasn't sure why she had me do it. She went to her bag. I couldn't really see what she was getting. I did finally briefly see a curved vibrator as she straddled my head and dropped her dripping pussy onto my mouth. That was a new experience for me. I couldn't use any of my new found techniques on her. She basically was just rubbing herself back and forth on my mouth. That didn't matter though as she leaned forward and I heard the vibrator turn on. With her tongue dancing on my clit, I felt her slide the vibrator inside of me. And the curve I saw? That meant it found my g-spot easily. I was really getting to enjoy when she did that. I'd never tried to stimulate my g-spot on my own and the guys I'd been with couldn't find that spot with a roadmap. But Victoria sure knew how to do it.

I couldn't beg her for permission to cum since my mouth was sealed against her pussy. When she stopped licking me and started rubbing my clit with great velocity I knew that was meant to bring around orgasm number 10 (or 15) of the night. The vibe was doing its job and I felt my orgasm building and I was sure I was going to squirt again. Again it wasn't my biggest orgasm of the night, but it was a good one and it was wet. Once again I felt like a sprinkler. Afterwards Victoria dismounted from my face, grabbed the marker and drew a diagonal line across the four marks on my right breast. I was still breathing hard and trying to recover. She told me to spin around and that we were going to go to bed. I didn't realize immediately that meant my sleeping on a drenched pillow and cold wet sheets. At first I was mad, but as she crawled into bed next to me, all was forgiven. She stayed on the mostly dry side, but we did spoon and I felt safe in her arms.

"Tomorrow I am sending you home," she told me as we drifted off to sleep. "You have a lot to think about and learn before you make an informed decision to continue serving me."

I just lay there listening to our hearts beating as she held me tightly. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else, but I suppose she was right. A long distance Domme/sub relationship would be difficult and I had my career to worry about too. But for the moment, I was happier than I'd ever been.

Next: Chapter 4

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