On the Road Again

By Karen Langhorn

Published on Dec 2, 2023


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On the Road Again - Chapter Four By SubKaren92

At first I felt cold and clammy laying on the sheets soaked from my squirt. I understood Victoria was demonstrating her dominance over me and that is why I remained on that side of the bed without complaining. Honestly her spooning me had something to do with it too. Eventually I fell asleep. I must have had some erotic dreams because when I woke to the morning's first light coming through the hotel room window, I could tell my pussy was wet. Then I realized Victoria was still in my bed. We were both on our backs by this point, but her left hand was on my pussy. It was a wonderful way to wake up. I knew the train to St. Louis left every couple of hours so I was in no rush to end my trip. Victoria woke soon after and rolled over to give me a passionate kiss.

"I think we need to shower after last night," she said with a snicker.

"Can I pleasure you first?" I asked.

I saw her glance at the clock and her smile turned to a frown. "I don't think I have time. I want to eat breakfast with you and then I need to prepare you for your trip. Plus I have a client coming in at 9 so I need to get to the office."

As was my new custom, I didn't question her. She had me order room service breakfast and then we jumped into the shower together. Soaping each other up was a bit erotic, but our limited schedule meant no kneeling down to eat her pussy or spending any time suckling her nipples. We were both in robes when breakfast arrived. Before this trip I would have been embarrassed to greet the server naked under a robe, especially with another woman in the room. But that wasn't the case this morning. I bet the waiter had a hard on after he left.

I tried to steer the breakfast conversation toward what plans Victoria had to "prepare me" for my train ride, but she steadfastly refused to talk about it. After we finished eating, she had me put all my clothes except the white dress in my suitcase while she got dressed for work. She really liked how that dress fit me. As I zipped my suitcase shut, I realized I'd packed all my underwear and bras. I wondered if Victoria had another surprise for me or if I would be traveling commando. It turned out to be the latter. She did have one surprise though.

She took me back into the bathroom, and using the water pitcher that came with breakfast, poured water over my breasts. She then had me bend over the counter so she could pour some over my ass. She didn't tell me why and I was confused. I already felt like wearing that dress meant a continual walk of shame, but certainly she didn't mean for me to wear it wet. The cotton fabric was already starting to feel clingy as she grabbed the room's hair drying. She turned it on high and began drying the water she had spilled. She still didn't explain what she was doing. But soon my reflection in the mirror made her purpose clear. The dress began shrinking as it dried under the high heat. As my breasts began to become encased in the dress, I realized this was why she chose this dress in the first place.

The dress molded to my breasts and of course my nipples hardened from the eroticism of the situation. It didn't support me like a bra would, but it definitely showcased my boobs more than just having them free would have done. The drier it became, the tighter it fit and the more obvious my arousal became as my nipples looked and felt like high beams.

When she was satisfied, she switched to drying my ass. I realized immediately the back of my dress would shrink in the same way. I didn't say it, but I thought it made me look like a bimbo with an oversized butt. I suppose that was the purpose of the exercise. Then Victoria gave me more instructions.

"I looked it up and the train takes about five hours to get to St. Louis, right?" she asked.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied. "I need to be at the station about 45 minutes early, though, to check in."

"I am pretty slammed with clients today," she continued. "My appointments start at the top of the hour and run about 45 minutes. So by 50 minutes after the hour, I expect you to be in the bathroom with your legs spread and your fingers in your pussy. If there is a strong enough cell signal, I want you to call me on Facetime so I can watch. If not, just video yourself and you can send it to me later."

I knew the bathrooms on the train were larger than on an airplane, but they were not huge. They were big enough to masturbate in, however. "Are you going to let me cum?" I asked.

"Not at the beginning," she admitted. "But if you're a good girl, maybe by the time you cross the Mississippi."

So four and a half hours of teasing myself and then a rush to cum during the last fifteen minutes of the trip. Victoria was devious. But who am I kidding. If I edged four times (she didn't say to edge but I knew that was the goal), I'd be able to cum in seconds at the end of the ride. Well the ride wouldn't be boring. And since that train was frequently late due to freight train traffic on the lines, I might even get a fifth bathroom visit to torment myself. I was hardly surprised by her instructions. Then she gave me a few more.

"Tonight or tomorrow, I am going to send you a list of toys and accessories I will need you to purchase if you want to continue your training."

She was still talking as if I would decide not to continue. Well she did say I had a lot to think about.

"You also need to improve your oral skills before you return. You were better last night, but before I vouch for your skills to pleasure my friends,, you need to improve. I know some people who know some people in Missouri. I will find you a couple of safe partners whom you can practice on."

Apparently I was going back to meeting strangers. That certainly worked well when I found Victoria, so I guess that could work. I definitely wanted her to be proud of my skills and practice makes perfect, so again, I didn't question her.

"To make it more exciting, like in the bar when you didn't know what to expect, I will not warn you about when it will happen. Anyone I send to you will identify themselves as a friend of your Mistress. They may use an acronym, FOYM. You are to obey them as you obey me. They will control your pain, pleasure and orgasms in my abscence. Don't worry, I won't interfere with your job schedule, but if I send somebody to you, they are to take priority over anything else. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress," I responded while a tingling began in my pussy. The thrill of a stranger knowing what I craved was exciting.

"You will keep me apprised of your work schedule so we can work around that. It is important you don't let your pussy interfere with your job. You have worked very hard to earn your success and I am proud of you for that. I will continue your training at night, mostly at your home, but not always. I think using a remote vibrator and finally making you cum in public would be fun."

I suppose that was inevitable at this point, I mean beyond a train bathroom if I pleased her today. As exciting as it was to have a stranger control the vibe last night, having a more discreet one buzzing me while I walked around a mall or shopped for food sounded exciting. I could picture myself sitting in a food court at the mall trying not to draw attention to myself as I came in front of everyone. I had not even considered something like that when I went to the bar, but now it sounded amazing.

I quickly agreed to all of Victoria's terms. She pulled me into a firm embrace and gave me a passionate kiss. She then turned to leave for work. I looked at the clock and then the train schedule. I had an hour and fifteen minutes until the next train and it was only about a ten minute walk to Union Station. I took a deep breath, checked the room to make sure I wasn't leaving anything besides a very messy bed, left a $20 bill as a tip for housekeeping and headed for the elevators.

Just like yesterday, I thought everybody I passed could tell I had turned into a kinky slut. The cool morning breeze blowing up my dress and against my naked pussy thrilled me, although the walk to Union Station was otherwise uneventful. As I checked in at Amtrak, I wished they had told me the train was full and I would have to wait for a later train. I imagined Victoria having me come to the office to pleasure her again. But alas, there were seats available. I sat down to wait for boarding trying not to show off my pussy to other passengers waiting in the lounge. I also sent a text message to my Mistress to confirm which train I was on, hoping she would decide I should reschedule. Instead, she told me to go to the bathroom and edge for the first time.

"I didn't realize your train would leave at 9:50am," her message began. "Obviously you can't start the trip in the bathroom. Go there now and make yourself drippy. It will be too crowded for you to call me for permission to cum, so when you're close to orgasming, take a short video showing your wet fingers and send it to me when you are done."

I squeezed my legs together when I read that message. I'd never used the bathrooms at the train station so I didn't know how busy they were or how noisy they might be to muffle the sounds of my masturbation. Union Station also has a commuter side for suburban trains coming and going from the city. I made the judgment call that those bathrooms would be busier, but also noisier so I decided that was a better choice. I also didn't want any other passengers on my train discovering my little secret. I admit sitting in the bathroom stall and rubbing my pussy was thrilling.

It didn't take long for my pussy to start dripping. That shouldn't be a surprise. But since the task was to edge, I slowly played with myself. I was in the stall almost too long as I noticed just in time that boarding was about to start. My edging skills were getting better as I had held myself at peak for a good 15 minutes while safely resisting the urge to take myself over the cliff. I followed Mistress' instructions and took a 5 second video showing my juices on my fingers and then took a pussy selfie for her as well. I knew that would show my excitement as well. I hurried out of the bathroom without washing my hands. If Victoria wanted me to be a dirty slut, I was happy to play along.

Safely on the train, I found my seat, near the end of the car by the bathroom for convenience sake. I now had an hour to rest and let my body calm down. That timing coincided with the time it takes to get out of the city and past Joliet, IL. I watched the city pass the large windows while I replayed the last two days in my mind. Thinking about Victoria and how she had so easily mastered me meant the rest and calm down part of the plan didn't work out so well. When 10:45 rolled around I got up and headed to the bathroom. At least this one would be private.

I hitched up my dress and sat on the toilet seat. I sent a text to Victoria asking if her client had left. Then I started masturbating. A few minutes later my phone chirped with a Facetime alert. I quickly answered, my heart warmed by the smile on Victoria's face. My fingers were dancing on my clit and I am sure my face displayed the lust I felt. I'm sure Victoria could sense my submission to her as I played with myself. She had me lower the phone so she could watch my fingers. I didn't feel like I was about to cum. Although I was very aroused and my fingers were making the squishing sounds of a happy pussy, I felt in control enough to just do as she requested and make her happy. At about 10:55 she told me her next client was in the outer office so I could stop. After she hung up, I stood up, smoothed out my dress and this time, washed my hands. I also looked forward to doing this again in less than an hour.

Conversation two, from just outside Bloomington, IL, was similar to conversation one, although this time I had to masturbate through the stop of the train. I could hear people walking past the bathroom as they either got off the train or joined us. I tried to quiet, but I wasn't sure if I succeeded. Edge number three took place near Springfield, IL, again during the stop. I'm sure I looked flushed as I exited the bathroom just after the train started moving again. It was definitely getting harder to stop touching myself before I came. I was thankful that nobody had the seat next to me as the four edging sessions were really starting to get to me. I could smell my arousal but hopefully nobody else had noticed.

Ten minutes later I had finally started to calm down when I noticed a woman walk into our car at the far end. She was walking slowly and looking at the other passengers and then her phone. She seemed out of place. I gauged that she was about my age or a year or two older. She had on a tailored blue dress and had dark hair cut in a bob style. I couldn't figure out why she kept looking at the other passengers. She passed several open seats so it was clear she wasn't looking for a place to sit. When she reached my row, she looked at me and then at her phone again. Then looked down at me with a smile.

"Hello Gwen," she said. "Is this seat taken?" She then turned her phone around and I saw a picture of me from last night when I was on my hands and knees and rutting on the dildo attached to the window.

"Um, no," I replied. Then sounding more like a question, I added, "Please join me?"

The woman sat down next to me and shook my hand. "My name is Julie," she announced. "Victoria told me you need more practice."

She then quickly looked around to determine nobody had taken notice of us and slid her hand up my dress. She quickly made an assessment as to my state of arousal. "Victoria said you were a wet one," she continued. "Come with me back to my private bedroom."

I watched as she stood up and continued past the bathroom. She had not identified herself as a friend, but it was obvious she was part of Victoria's game. I quickly stood up and moved to the aisle to follow her. I felt like a puppy dog trying to keep up with her as she now walked quickly through the next car and finally stopped about half way through the car with the private bedrooms. She opened the door and went inside. I don't know if you've ever been in an Amtrak bedroom, but they are not huge. But it does have a couch and just enough room for a slut to get on her knees. Once I was inside, Julie had me lock the door. Then she raised the hem of her dress, sat down on the couch and spread her legs. I was not surprised to see that she didn't have underwear on or that her pussy looked wet already. I quickly dropped to my knees.

We were an hour and 45 minutes outside of St. Louis and I didn't see out the window for the first hour and a half. The floor was hardly comfortable on my knees, but it didn't matter. Julie seemed appreciative of my efforts to make her cum and connected to Victoria at the proper time. She was very complementary as she told Victoria I was doing well. She even came while Victoria watched me lap at Julie's pussy like someone who found an oasis in the desert.

Victoria told Julie she could play with me if she wanted, but not to let me cum until the final call. I was worried I wouldn't make it that long if she started fingering me. (Un)fortunately she just preferred that I kept pleasuring her for the next 45 minutes and three additional orgasms. She finally did have me stand when she was satisfied and told me to put my hands on the window and lean forward. Then I felt her lifting my dress.

The fabric had started to stretch out again after Victoria's hair dryer incident, so Julie was able to easily lift it and expose my butt. She gave me a firm spank and asked me if I enjoyed when Victoria did that. I answered truthfully and she gave me another one. I wiggled my butt to encourage her to continue, but instead she slid her fingers back across my pussy, but she didn't finger fuck me. I heard her step back and then heard Victoria's voice on Julie's phone.

"Was she good to you, my friend?" was the question my Mistress asked.

"Yes, but I agree she needs practice," was the reply from Julie. "She's pretty primed to cum. Do you want to show her mercy?"

"Did you notice the marks on her tits?" Victoria asked.

"No," Julie said. "I just exposed her cute ass. Take your dress off, Gwen," she ordered. I quickly lifted it over my head and turned to face her.

"What's that?" Julie asked. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to respond but Victoria answered.

"That was last night's orgasm count, although I might have missed a couple. Go ahead and get her off if you want to watch. Otherwise you can make her wait."

I looked at Julie pleading with my eyes. She turned the phone so Victoria could see my expression.

"Yeah, she used that desperate expression last night too," my Mistress explained. "She'll beg you if you ask."

"We'll be in the station soon. Maybe I'll make her beg later. Spin around again, Gwen, and bend over."

I turned to face the window again, bent forward so I was supporting myself with my hands and stuck my ass out toward this woman I had met just two hours ago. Then I remembered I was naked and on display for anyone watching the train go by. When she slid a dildo into my pussy, that thought left my head and a moan left my mouth.

"You have about five minutes if you want to cum," Julie exclaimed. "I'll spank you because I have heard how much that excites you and you can rub your clit if you want."

"If I want?" I mused. Julie was obviously a joker. I pushed back onto the dildo. Unlike at Victoria's where I had to do the work, Julie pushed the dildo in deeper with her left hand while she smacked my ass with her right. "Fuuuccckkk," I cried out. The second time I yelled, "Yeeessss!" I had not considered how sound proof these bedrooms might be. I only cared about the pleasure I was receiving.

This continued for several minutes. I orgasmed as the train crossed the Mississippi river and slumped down onto the floor again. I didn't squirt, but I had a good endorphin rush and when Julie had me clean the dildo, I have to admit I tasted good. My dress was wrinkled when I put it back on. I definitely looked like I'd just been fucked as I walked off the train and went to baggage claim. But I didn't care. I was high on life.

Julie split a cab with me back to my townhouse. She said she had four hours until her train back to Springfield and that Victoria wanted her to check out my place and to take me shopping for supplies. I was pretty sure she didn't mean food. As we sat in the back of the cab I spread my legs in case she wanted to finger me, but she didn't. As we pulled up to my townhouse, she asked if I lived alone and I confirmed that I did. She said that was good as it would make my training easier. As we were walking to the front door, my neighbor, Susan, walked out of her townhouse. Susan was a cute 22 year old who lived next to me with her boyfriend. Did I just say she was cute? I don't remember thinking that before. Introductions were made and Susan didn't seem concerned how I knew Julie. She probably thought she was a work associate. I did notice Julie looking Susan up and down in a predatory fashion. Susan had never struck me as bisexual, but then again, I wasn't either until two days ago.

I own a modest townhouse. Just two bedrooms upstairs with two full baths, a combo living room / dining room on the main floor, a modest kitchen and a half bath. Downstairs was an unfinished basement. I used the basement for storage and there was a utility room with a washer and dryer plus the furnace and water heater. There was also a folded up ping pong table left by the previous owners. I'd never opened it in the three years I lived here. It was an end unit, which I liked, since I only shared a common wall with Susan and they were usually pretty quiet.

It didn't take long to tour the upstairs. I had quipped that nothing much ever happened in the bedroom. Julie commented that it was "too bad." Julie also told me to get "all your toys" out of their hiding places. I was a bit embarrassed that all meant just my AA battery powered vibrator. After what I had used with Victoria, my collection was definitely sad. Whether Julie was disappointed, she didn't say. I knew I was going toy shopping online after she left.

Touring the main floor didn't take much longer. Julie took some pictures for Victoria, although I'm not sure why. When we got downstairs and to the washing machine, Julie told me to take off my dress. "I think you've slutted around in that long enough," she opined. Into the washer it went leaving me naked before her. She quizzed me about having sat on the washer during the spin cycle. I had not. I had not even thought of that, but I knew I would be imagining it now. As we walked back toward the stairs, Julie commented about the ping pong table. I said I'd never played. She asked if they left paddles. I couldn't imagine her wanting to actually play, but I grabbed the paddles I had put into a box. Julie held the paddle and examined it. "This will do," she said. "Let's go back up to the living room." I followed behind her, confused about her plan. OK, I was still naive, but her plan was perfectly obvious when she sat on the couch and told me to lay across her lap.

She put her left hand on the small of my back and guided me to scoot around to get into position with my clit pressed against her knee bone. Then she told me Victoria had told her I liked getting spanked, just as the first blow with the paddle struck my right butt cheek. The sting was much more painful than Victoria's hand had been last night. I shouted out, "Ouch!" Julie didn't seem concerned. She struck me again. This time wasn't as shocking, but I still cried out in pain. What I didn't do was anything to stop her. When she hit my left butt cheek, it wasn't as firm, probably because of her arm position, and it gave me a chance to wiggle against her knee a bit. That was nice.

The smacks were loud, my tears and shrieks were real, but so was the warmth spreading to my pussy. Riding her knee felt good and eventually she did slide a finger into my boiling furnace. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of making me beg to cum from her spanking. Whether she would have fingered me better instead of beating my ass if I had, we'll never know. She did start hitting me harder. I think she was testing my willpower. I was determined to win. At some point she put down the paddle, wrapped her left hand around my neck and started finger fucking me instead of just teasing me.

"Just say the words," she cooed. She didn't tell me what words, but I knew what she meant.

"No," I hissed defiantly.

She let go of my neck and reached below me to grab a nipple and pinched it.

"I know you're a good girl," she said with a level of sweetness in her tone. "But Victoria said no orgasm without begging."

That wasn't exactly what she said, but I wasn't going to get into a semantics argument. I shook my head. In my mind, I was thinking "I only cum for Mistress Victoria" but when Julie stopped finger fucking me and told me to raise my butt, she went for the kill by rubbing my clit. I moaned. She was now rubbing my nipple instead of pinching it. You know the effect that has on me. She also wasn't being gentle with how she stimulated my clit. I was about to lose control when there was a knock on my door. Julie immediately stopped. "Get upstairs and get some clothes on," she said. "I'll take care of this."

I jumped up and headed toward the stairs. I turned my head to see Julie heading toward the door. I was near the top of the steps when I heard Susan's voice. She was inquiring about the screams she heard. Julie deftly claimed it was a horror movie she had been watching on TV and that I was upstairs showering. I hurried into the bathroom, turned on the shower and wet my hair. The cold water killed whatever arousal buzz I had. Susan coming over to check on me was definitely not sexy. I hastily threw on a robe and left my wet hair a mess on purpose and headed back downstairs. Susan's look told me she wasn't convinced, but my appearance in a robe helped the shower story hold. It was sweet for Susan to check on my wellbeing. I remember thinking again that she looked cute. I could feel my arousal starting to return. I wonder what she would have thought if I showed her how red Julie had made my ass. I was probably lucky that she said she had to get dinner ready for her boyfriend and left. Julie told me to put on a clean dress since we had to go shopping.

I went back upstairs, shed the robe and ran a brush through my hair. I then went into my bedroom. I grabbed a pair of panties, but then I realized Julie had only told me to wear a dress. Victoria had taught me to always follow instructions specifically so I assumed Julie meant no underwear. If she didn't, going commando was exciting anyway. I found a short (mid thigh) lightweight dress and slipped it on. My nipples were clearly visible. They seem to be perpetually hard these days. I took a deep breath and went back downstairs. Julie seemed to approve. She told me to turn around, lift my dress and show her my ass.

"The coloring is very nice," Julie said. I blushed. Then she stood up and walked toward the door. When I joined her she reached under the front of my dress and rubbed my pussy. She didn't say anything, but I am sure she was happy that I was still wet from her spanking and fingering. We walked outside to my car. I got in the driver's seat and asked her where we were going.

"Have you ever been to Patricia's on Gravois Street?" she asked.

"I've driven by it, but I have never gone in," I responded wondering how she knew about an adult store in St. Louis.

"Today you'll go in," she said without committing whether she would join me. "I have been to the one in Springfield. I think you'll like it."

I'd never gone into an adult store. I got my vibe online. When I drove past this store before I had been curious. It looked more upscale than the ones along the interstate and the window says "Where fun and fantasy meet." Parking was a bit of a challenge and I had to park on a side street two blocks away. I was disappointed when Julie told me she would wait in the car.

"Victoria told me you enjoyed riding her suction cup dildo, so buy one of those. Also get a better vibrator. They make rechargeable small wands that are waterproof so you can use them in the tub or shower. You'll love it. Get one of those too and look at the plugs. I know Victoria wants you trained so she can fuck your ass next time you see her, but she might want to pick it out so if you don't see one your like, don't worry about it. If anything else strikes your fancy, feel free to add to that list."

Buying a dildo and vibe was enough to make me nervous. Adding a plug was definitely out of my comfort zone. I started to get out of the car when Julie added, "Ask the cashier for help picking out your toys. I need to get back to the train so try to only take 15 minutes."

My face turned bright red. Humiliation zone 100%.

I tried to calm down as I walked back to the store, but my heart was still pounding when I went inside. There was a woman about my age behind the counter. She smiled warmly and welcomed me. I tried to smile back and said, "Thank you." I then quickly looked around trying to figure out where the toys were. "Do you need help?" the clerk asked. I took a deep breath. "Actually yes," I said shakily. "I'm looking for a new vibe and I've never been here before."

"No problem," she said. I expected her to walk around the counter and point me in the right direction, but instead she tapped on her headset and called somebody else. "Client needs a vibe," she said. Then she pointed to a back corner of the store. "Chelsea will meet you back there," she said. If I was in a regular store, everything would seem normal. But given what I was shopping for, my humiliation at the woman being so open about my needs made me flush again. I made my way in the direction she had pointed. I met an older woman, Chelsea, near a display case of vibrators.

"Hi," was all she said until I replied, "Hi," also.

"What kind of vibrator are you looking for?" she asked professionally.

The encounter felt surreal. "Um, a rechargeable one that is waterproof," I replied.

"I'm afraid we only carry one model of those," she responded. "Honestly, it's cheaply made and won't last long if you use it every day, but at least it doesn't cost much." She then showed it to me. I didn't have any frame of reference whether it was good or bad so I just said I would take it. When she asked if I needed anything else, I softly said, "A dildo." She wasn't embarrassed at all. I can't say the same. She showed me a different case. They had plenty to choose from, but only a couple had suction cup bases. I picked one that looked about the same size as Victoria's. Her's fit me perfectly so that's what I wanted for myself.

Again Chelsea asked if there was anything else. I looked at my phone to see how long I had been inside before answering, "A plug." I was more confident saying that than I had been asking for the dildo.

"Of course," she replied. "Our plugs are over here," she said, pointing away from the dildo display. I followed her knowing I only had a couple of minutes. They had a wide variety both in material and size. I knew I'd never be able to make a decision quick enough so I just said, "I'll have to come back for one. I'm in a bit of a hurry." Chelsea responded, "I bet you are," indicating she thought I needed to use the toys right away. Part of me agreed with her. My embarrassment was waning and my arousal was starting to build. I hurried back to the counter and made my purchase. Thankfully they gave me a generic bag for my walk back to the car.

"Right on time," Julie said as I sat back behind the driver's seat. I took a moment to catch my breath before handing her the bag. "I'll have to come back when I have more time," I told her as I started the car. She pulled out her phone and dialed a number. When she started talking I realized she was talking to Victoria. I could only hear her side of the conversation, but I had a good idea about what Victoria was saying.

"Yeah, she bought a nice dildo and a new vibe."

"No, she didn't get a plug."

"I'll go back and get one when I have more time," I said, trying to join the conversation.

"She's your slut. What do you think?"

I wasn't sure what that was in reference to, but Julie responded, "OK, I'll check."

Then, although I was already driving toward the station, she reached under my dress and touched my pussy.

"Yeah, she's wet. Surprise, surprise."

I don't know what Victoria said, but I hoped she was proud of me.

"We have a couple minutes before I need to be at the station. Can I make her cum for being a good sport about her spanking?"

That prospect excited me. The next response of, "No worries. You can always have her tonight."

Julie hung up the call. I was disappointed that she apparently didn't get permission to play with me, but we were short on time. I also wanted to get home to charge the vibe. Using it in the tub or shower sounded interesting. But then, Julie pointed to a car wash we were about to pass and told me to pull in. It was the kind of car wash where you stay in your car. Once inside, she told me to hike up my dress. Then she began to rub my clit.

"You've got about two and a half minutes to cum if you can," she told me. "I suggest you rub your nipples and I will play with your clit."

Realistically I didn't think I could make it that fast, the kink value of doing it in a car wash notwithstanding, but I did as she asked and started rubbing my nipples through my dress. She began to finger fuck me with one hand and rub my clit with the other. She was basically trying to force me to cum, but I need a bit more build up. So although she got me nice and juicy and my nipples were very hard, having an orgasm was out of the question before my car exited. I think the kid toweling off the car noticed Julie pulling her fingers out from under my dress. I'm sure he saw her hold them in front of my mouth and my licking them clean. I knew I would be thinking about that while I masturbated later. He probably would too.

When we arrived back at the station, Julie thanked me for a lovely afternoon and said if I wanted to come to Springfield to practice eating her pussy, I was welcome at any time. I told her that was up to Victoria, but that I was up for it. "Maybe we can go to your Patricia's and you can help me pick out some toys," I told her. She agreed, kissed me on the lips and hopped out of my car. I guess my trip was officially over.

I drove back to my townhouse excited to charge my new vibrator. I also wanted to look at my butt in the mirror to see if Julie had bruised me. I was so rushed when Susan interrupted us earlier that I had forgotten to look. I also wanted to call Victoria and see if she had any instructions for me or hopefully wanted to direct me playing with myself. When I got home I took my new toys upstairs, plugged in the vibe, washed the dildo and took off my dress. I felt more at ease being naked rather than being clothed as I was thinking about my next sexual adventure. I looked in my full length dressing mirror at my ass. It still had some pink, but no bruises and it didn't feel tender to the touch. Then, as a feeling of sauciness came over me, I took a picture of it and sent a text to Victoria. I captioned it, "The color from Julie has faded. Should I make it red for you?"

Taunting your Mistress might not be the best idea, but I still needed to cum as Susan had interrupted my climax and the length of the car wash wasn't enough. Then I got another idea and mounted my new dildo to the mirror at fucking height. I knelt down facing it and took a picture of my reflection with my mouth open. That message I captioned, "I wish you were wearing this."

When Victoria didn't respond right away, I assumed she was with a client. It wasn't 5pm yet, although I didn't know how late she worked on Friday. She probably was going out tonight, but hopefully we could play first. Now I had to wait. I was hungry, so I went down to my kitchen, but I had not left much food in the house since I had gone out of town. I decided to order a pizza. Even though Mistress Victoria would have exposed me to the delivery driver, I wasn't ready to do that myself, so I went back upstairs and got my robe. I still felt kinky opening the door wearing nothing underneath my robe, although I wasn't exposed.

After I ate dinner, I sat on the couch watching TV with my legs spread and my robe open. Obviously there was nobody there to see me, but I pretended Victoria had commanded me to expose myself to her friends. I also held my phone ready to answer her call or reply to her text message. I thought back to being in high school and waiting for a boy to call. The primary difference was then I wasn't ready to do any sexual task requested of me. About an hour later she finally sent a one word text message. "Nice."

She didn't say, "Nice ass," or "Suck my dick," or "I can't wait to fuck you too," Just, "Nice." And then there was nothing more. No messages and no phone call. I was very disappointed. I watched a movie on TV, although I couldn't tell you which one because I was doing a slow burn wondering why Victoria had not called. I did lazily play with my pussy, although not enough to really arouse me. It was little more than a distraction. The longer it went without a real response from Victoria, the more upset I got. I knew I shouldn't be mad. We had not made plans for tonight so she wasn't technically blowing me off, but I figured she would want to hear details of the train ride and what Julie and I did afterwards. By 9pm I was bored with the movie and bored sitting around waiting for a call that might not come. I decided to go take a shower and then call it an early night. I was pretty tired after the last two nights.

I relaxed with a nice hot shower. Toward the end, I thought about testing the waterproof feature of my new vibe, but I decided to try it out in bed first in case I ruined it in the shower. Yes, the analytical side of personality won out. It was close to 9:30 by the time I was dried and ready for bed. I had my phone on my bedside table charger, a necessity of my job, and I put my headset down next to it. I then got in bed with my new dildo and vibe. I knew I couldn't masturbate to orgasm without Victoria's permission or without her releasing me from serving her. Oh God, did I really think that would happen and was the reason she had not called? No, get a hold of yourself. She's probably just out with friends. Or maybe she was out looking to find someone to replace me who lived nearby and could serve her properly. Stop being negative, I told myself. Then I heard a strange sound through my bedroom wall. Susan and her boyfriend were obviously hooking up.

I should have explained earlier. Like most apartments and townhomes, you can hear your neighbors. Normally it's just music or the TV if it's turned up too loud or something making a loud noise when it's tipped over. But this time it was Susan moaning. That was unusual. I'd heard a few soft sounds of them in the throes of passion before, but this was much louder. It sounded like he was really giving it to her. During drunken girl talk when he was out of town Susan had confessed to me that he wasn't a great lover. But tonight, they sounded different. Between her moans and the bed rocking against the wall, I knew she was having a good time. I felt a little jealous, but at the same time happy for her. My fingers drifted down to my pussy and I was already starting to lubricate. Just then my phone rang.

Victoria always seemed to have great timing. She couldn't have known about my neighbors or that I'd already started to masturbate. I confessed the latter and told her about the former. She seemed amused and asked if I had my new toys. I told her I did. I also told her my pussy was starting to respond to my touch and that hearing her voice definitely helped. She seemed to be mulling over her response when I heard through the wall a cry of passion and the phrase, "Spank me daddy." Could Susan be into spanking or was she just curious when she came to check on me this afternoon. I quickly told Victoria about the change in their demeanor. "Turn on your vibe" was her response.

I put on my headset so I could hear my Mistress in one ear and Susan and her boyfriend in the other. As directed, my new vibe was on and pressed against my pussy. It was much more powerful than my old one, although I didn't know how long the battery would last. Victoria had me describing what I heard next door and what I was feeling between my legs. She warned me not to cum until my neighbor did. That could be problematic because like me, Susan had told me that she usually had to finish herself after her boyfriend fell asleep. She probably did that in the bathroom because I never heard her masturbate. That meant I wouldn't be allowed to cum. But for the moment, I let the vibe do its work. Susan sounded like this time she would finish. I was rooting for her.

At some point, she told her boyfriend to stop spanking her and to "Just fuck the shit out of me." I was glad she was yelling in passion because I could report her dialog clearly to my Mistress. She told me to pick up my dildo and give it a good break in. My pussy was what was going to be broken in, not the dildo, but I didn't correct her. I was ready to fuck it.

I'm sure my own moans were loud enough for Susan and her boyfriend to hear, although based on the sounds they were making, they were too focused on each other to notice I'd joined them through the wall. I lost track of what Victoria was saying. My focus was on my own pleasure, aided by my neighbor's passionate exclamations.

Finally Susan reached her zenith. I'd been on edge for several minutes. I told Victoria that my neighbor had cum and asked if I could as well. She hemmed and hawed, I'm sure for my benefit to give me just a little doubt as to whether she would say yes, and finally started a countdown from 20. Of course I was well versed in how that game was played. Now though, it had the added benefit of my slamming the dildo into myself on each number. By ten Victoria declared that we would have to find someone to help with this part. My mind was spinning, just like it had done in Chicago. Was she talking about herself or finding someone down here? I don't know. But it didn't matter. The thought of a beautiful woman laying on top of me driving the dildo in and out of me was wonderful. So was holding the vibe on my clit while I fucked myself.

In the end, I didn't squirt and make a mess of my bed. But I screamed in pleasure loud enough to wake the dead and now Susan would know I'd listened to them. Later I would worry about how to deal with her, but in the moment, I only felt joy for not being rejected by Mistress Victoria. By the time I came down from my orgasm, the call had disconnected. I didn't worry about it. We could talk tomorrow and I was worn out and ready to sleep, perchance to dream.

Next: Chapter 5

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