Once a Nerd

By Ryan White

Published on Aug 4, 2024




Here I go again, boys...I had an idea that I wanted to share and create a possible story out of, and I hope I did a good enough job.

I also threw a sex scene in, just for good measure too HAHA!

As with all my stories, your support means the world.

So, this is the first chapter...I had to set the scene and the storyline, so let me know if it has potential to carry on into further chapters, pretty please, with sugar on top? LOL.

Love always, Ryan


All teenage boys have sexual urges.

Some more than others, and of course some mature faster.

Some will give anything they can to just stick their hard boy cocks into the hottest girl in all their different schools.

Some would give their souls to just get to fucking first base with the girls that they have crushes on.

And then...

...there are those boys who are different from the rest of what society deems to be "normal".

Those boys who lay awake in the middle of the night and wondering just WHY something as huge and as confusing as this, was happening to them, and not to someone else.

Why THEY were the ones who gets excited, sexually inclined to bone up when they would think romantically about their own gender.

Those boys, deemed different and unnatural with what they were feelings towards their male counterparts, who dared not speak of their desires and their own feelings...who DARE not tell a single living soul about what they are going through, especially at times when they would see one of the more handsome boys at their school, and think...

...Damn, I wanna kiss him.


Jamie Donovan sighed as he finished his latest bout of typing that he did for an online LGBTQI newspaper that he helped to get started, proudly called Pulse, bravely named after the horrors that had occurred way back in 2016, because he knew that if he were to ever do this, there would be no other name for the publication.

As usual his eyes lit up as his Instagram alerted him that he had a notification, but alas...it wasn't directed at him. It very seldom was, someone who would comment or even give his posts as much as a like, because in the end, only a handful of kids at his high school even knew who he was.

He actually preferred it this way, it was simpler and easier to navigate his way though the nightmare that was high school, he thought once more, as he finally looked down, read said notification and saw that it was nothing but an alert that Jackal Reede had posted a picture on the popular app.

Opening up his Instagram, his cheeks slowly but surely turned into a fiery inferno of red, as he saw that Jackal had posted a selfie of himself which had to be taken RIGHT after finishing his gym session.

The incredibly handsome sixteen-year-old boy, who Jamie had known ever since they first had gotten to high school two years ago, was clearly flexing his impressive teenage abdominal muscles for all the teenage girls that so religiously followed him on social media, as well as showing off those biceps that he obviously worked hella hard for.

His sweaty black hair was mattered to the side of his face, but in Jamie's humble opinion, that only made the boy look even sexier than he already was in school, when he was wearing his school uniform. His crush, ever since he was fourteen years of age.

For two bloody years, he had down right lusted after this boy, like a hungry cat over a warm bucket of milk, but alas, it would never be possible, for a sheer mountain of reasons.

ONE...Eric "The Jackal" Reede, was as straight as they come.

TWO...James "Jamie" Donavan was as gay as a Pride Parade.

THREE...Jackal didn't even as much as know of Jamie's mere existence.

FOUR...Jackal was sexy and he knew it...he was also a first-class JERK to anyone what didn't fall under his posse at school.

Pretty sad, but unfortunately true though, as Jamie closed his Instagram and flipped over towards his WhatsApp account. He found the person that he was looking for right at the top of his contact list and quickly proceeded to type a message.

"You see what I see?" he texted, smiling at his phone when he did so.

Not even a minute later, he would not be blue-ticked, as Sasha immediately replied back to her favourite cousin.

"HELL YEAH! GOD! He's so fucking sexy; he makes my teeth hurt!"

Jamie giggled and quickly replied.

"You and me both! Are you gonna shoot your shot with him for the dance on Saturday night?"

Jamie bit his lip, and closed his eyes.

He knew JUST how much Sasha was attracted to Jackal, but the dude was so fucking initiable, it wasn't even remotely funny. He literally swapped girlfriends, the same manner as he probably changed his underwear, and the last thing that Jamie wanted was that his cousin would end up getting hurt in the process.

The mere fact that Sasha had a better chance alone, to actually GET a date or even a kiss from Jackal in the first place, way more than him, simply because she was a girl, was already a sharp knife to the middle of his stomach, but he would endure it for her. She was literally one of his only three, perhaps four friends in this world, and she fully accepted him for what and WHO he really was.

Jamie flipped his apps to once more check out Jackal's previous Instagram posts, sighing blissfully as he did so.

Man, oh man...he could feel his balls tightening at the base of his scrotum as his eyes flickered over the numerous pictures on Jackal's account, Jackal smiling that shit-eating grin at whoever at the time, was his flavour for the week, when the photo was taken, and you would God damn swear the dude didn't own a shirt for days.

He was topless in nearly every photo on there, and his followers were now almost at a massive 9000 all containing teenage kids from all over the world, with his hash tagging the hell out of all his content.

Jamie smirked as he remembered how hard he fought against the idea, worrying what would happen if he would even give Jackal a follow on Insta in the first place, since Eric would probably wonder just who the hell he even was, but he did it anyway, and nothing came from it. With 9000 of them, Jackal probably couldn't even remember who liked his stuff, anyway.

Finally, the reply came through from Sasha.

"I dunno...I don't wanna get my fucking heart broken, and if I ask him and on the fucking MIRACLE chance that he says yes, that is totally gonna be what's gonna happen! He probably have a date already, anyway..."

Jamie swallowed and stood up from his desk, and walked over to his bed, where he laid down and logged into his Facebook account. He and Jackal weren't Facebook friends by any means, but that didn't stop him from sending the hot boy a request, which dutifully, wasn't accepted.

To Eric "Jackal" Reede, Jamie simply didn't exist, and maybe it was better this way. Sasha was the only person on this planet that knew that Jamie was even gay to begin with, and wrote for his online column under the pseudonym of "Lone Wolf" simply because that was the way that he saw himself. A nomad for sorts, happy to live through life under the blip of the radar.

All that he wanted to do, was finish school in two years and then get out of here, go to university or some place far, far away from here, so that he would forget about Jackal Reede once and for all. The dude was a real bully, he was a fucking asshole, but somehow those facts had refused to set in to Jamie's brain. He had real feelings for the dude, without even really knowing him in the first place, silently worshipping him, if only from afar.

Taking off his glasses, he placed them on his dressing table, before he got in his bed and dove underneath the covers as quickly as he could, in the middle of this icy cold South African winter. He got as comfortable as he did, before he took his phone in his hand and returned to Jackal's Instagram page.

God damn, he was horny.

He reached deep into his pajama trousers, and felt up his rock hard six-and-a-half-inch teenage boy cock.

A flight of feelings THRUSTED through him as he squeezed his penis to the point that it actually started to hurt. He left his right hand on his dick, and reached upwards with his left, and scanned the pictures before him. He scrolled down to where Jackal's holiday pictures were posted, a mere few months ago, when it was December.

Jackal shirtless, and wet inside some or other pool, when visiting family members for Christmas. He had his arm around some or other boy, definitely one of his posse that he always hung out with after school, one that Jamie didn't recognize.

But the mere fact that Jackal was THAT close to another boy...his arm around him...their two pairs of skins touching as they were...Jackal's beautiful smile, full of mischief and boyish charm...his jet-black hair falling over his forehead as it always did, perfect and shiny...

...he would fucking swear the kid got out of the shower in the mornings without even having to comb it or whatever...it was as he wanted it, without having to actually make an effort.

God, Eric "Jackal" Reede was sexy as hell.

Jamie started to slowly jack off his dick, rolling down his thick foreskin to the point where his cockhead actually came out to say hi, for the first time since he did the same thing last night. Also, to pictures of Jackal...it was always Jackal.

"Jesus..." he whispered as he scrolled further down the screen with his left hand, all the while still jacking off his hard cock to the sights that he was now seeing.

Picture after picture, smile after smile of the boy that he was so infatuated with, as he opened his mouth slightly, the feelings ripping through his sixteen-year-old body almost too much to actually take.

His dick felt like it was STEEL hard, and sunny shore warm underneath his touch. Jamie hissed as another picture came into his view, this time of Jackal striking a surfer's pose...wearing nothing more than a VERY tight-fitting blue speedo...

...his dick LUNGED inside of his hand, the speed of which he was masturbating doubled at once, as his lust for this boy increased, his soul desperately trying to CLIMB through that phone screen to actually GET to Jackal himself, was disturbing to say the least.

Not to Jamie.

His chest was actually close to heaving as he stared over and over at the photos of the boy wonder as if in sheer awe and boyish desire, the NEED to actually have sex with, and to be close to Eric Reede getting the best of him.

"Fuck Jackal...you're so fucking hot..." he whispered over and over, softly as to not wake his parents...I meant, heaven forbid...before he scrolled down even further, and found yet more pictures of the boy that he LUSTED after with everything that he had inside him.

By now, his steel hard teenage boy cock was like velvet, inside the palm of his hand, his foreskin skidding over his flaring cockhead and piss slit, almost invisible to the naked eye, with the speed that Jamie was going.

"Fuck...oh my God...fuck me, Jackal...fuck my ass with your big dick..." he whispered, before suddenly throwing his phone to the side, and closing his eyes.

Immediately, he could see Jackal on top of him, naked and hard as he always had wanted him to be, and in his mind the hunk of a handsome dude was right THERE...fucking the living shit out of him, as real as ever he wanted it to be. He could SMELL the Jackal on top of him, grinding that huge ass seven-inch fuck machine that Sasha had overheard so many girls chatting about directly into his virgin boy ass, much like a sheer miner pandering for gold.

In his mind's eye, Eric's ripped six pack abs were sweating more and more with every stroke, his dick felt like molten lava spurting through his tight hole as his imagination reached total fever pitch. The Jackal's tongue was hanging out by now, as it always happened whenever Jamie would fantasize about the two of the in bed together.

The Jackal sped up, true to his nickname, and Jamie could almost...ALMOST feel his big boy balls banging against every inch of his asshole as he took his prey to Pound Town, heading back for seconds, if possible.

Much too soon, all alone in the reality of his bedroom, Jamie felt his orgasm approaching. His breath quickened instantly, his chest was heaving like wildfire, his dick felt like the biggest fuck instrument in the world right then, as he whispered out Eric's name once more.

Spurt after spurt of virile, teenage boy protein BURST out of Jamie's flaring cockhead the very moment that the image of the sexy Eric "Jackal" Reede popped inside his mind.

He tried his best to keep his noises down to a minimum, as to not awaken his very, religious parents, to the point of allowing his cum to blast all over the show, scattering the milky fluids across the bedding...onto the wallpaper next to him...landing in silvery bits and parts on various places across his body, as he was drenched in his own bodily ball juice.

Finally opening his eyes, he smirked slightly as he saw what he had done, and not for the first time...it was only the Jackal that could get him to climax such as this.

Picking up his phone, tired as he was, he had to see Eric for one final time, if only on screen.

His heart trembled as he stared at the handsome teenage boy, one of who he shared many classes with, but he doubted if they had ever as much as shared a passing glance. People like the Jackal tended NOT to mix or notice people like Jamie.

"I wish you could be my forever...Eric..." he whispered, before his eyes finally gave in the totality of his tiredness, the dried cum on his chest and lower abdomen, all but forgotten.


"Dad, come on, I'm gonna be late as hell!"

"Don't say THAT word in my presence ever again, James Donovan, you hear me? We will get there, when we damn well get there!"

Oh, so "hell" was not acceptable to his father, but on the other hand "damn well" was?

Fuck my life, Jamie thought in complete and utter contempt.

He wanted so badly to see his maths teacher early this morning, before classes started, to try and find out if he could do anything for extra credit on his final exam for this term. He normally had an average of 94% for his school work, but then out of all the illnesses that he could have gotten last month, he had been diagnosed with a bout of Covid.

Fuck knows, he thought that fucking horror had been evaporated from this earth, but no...and that meant TEN DAYS in isolation, in which three of them, he couldn't write exams for his remaining subjects. Home Economics and Business Sciences has been long sorted out, but he still hasn't gotten to chat with his maths teacher...

...and now thanks to his father and his wretched job, they were late to school. Class started well over fifteen minutes ago.


"SILENCE! James, don't you realise how important my job is? If I can't provide for you and your mother, what the hell would you two even live on?"

Jamie rolled his eyes as he sat back impatiently in the passenger seat.

"Well Dad, Mom did offer to go and find a job, you know that, but you wouldn't allow her..."

"Damn right, I can't allow that! James, one thing you need to realise about being a proud Mesopotamian Jew, is that the MAN needs to provide for his family, whilst the woman needs to know her place and stay at home to look at the house and the kids. It's been THAT way for generations and it will continue for generations to come! So, I'm sorry, my boy, but if there is a problem at my job, it MUST take preference, okay? Now get out of here, you're nearly TWENTY minutes late!" he shouted, as they FINALLY drove past the school.

Seriously, it would have been so much better if his Dad just drove past and threw him out.

Jamie so badly wanted to remind his father that HE was the whole entire reason that he was TWENTY minutes late for school, but thought better of it. When his father was in such a mood, it was way better than just to leave his ass the hell alone. Rushing through the parking area and dashing inside of the school as quick as his legs would allow him, and he sighed.

Fucking hell, he was exhausted.

He was NOT the fastest teenage boy that you would ever meet, or the fittest, by any means. Sure, he wasn't fat, but his lanky, tall SKINNY ass wouldn't' have done the job either. He took a few deep breaths, before he grabbed his bag and rushed up the steps, taking them twice at a time, turning the corner which led to the class that he so badly wanted to get to...

...only to BUMP and crash land into another teenage boy who was on his way in the opposite direction.

That would have still been fine...if not for the fact that it was Kai White of all people, that he nearly ran over, and also not because Kai had a full 500ml bottle of Coke in his hands, one of which he had JUST unscrewed and was JUST about to take a sip, when Jamie had rushed so quickly around the corner of the school corridor.

Anyone have an idea what Coke does when its contents get shaken about numerous times?

Yep, you guessed it.

The near entirety of the bottle spattered all over poor Jamie's school uniform as Kai allowed the bottle to completely spin out of his control, ruining his clothes effective immediately, but the sweet, black goodness didn't stop there, it was also spattered all over his hair, as well as his trousers, and once more on the floor.

And JUST as Jamie wanted to get the hell OUT of the way and spare himself even MORE humiliation...

...he slipped in the Coke spatter that was lashed about on the floor.

Hitting the ground at breakneck speed was embarrassing enough, but to do it in front of Kai White, was worse than he could have ever dreamed of.

You see, the Jackal, along with Kai and another friend of theirs called Beast, or Parker Haywood as he was christened in real life...now together, they were well known as the Jackal Trio, who tormented anyone who wasn't in their popular crew.

Proper old school bullying that, but both Beast and the Jackal's families were frequent donors to the school, and don't thick the two teens wasn't aware of that fact. They threw it in various teacher's faces more often than not.

Trying to get up as quick as possible, with the sticky, slippery liquid stuck on his shoes, wasn't the best idea either, as try as he might, Jamie just kept on slipping time back down time and again, with each and every try. He saw Kai dramatically roll his eyes and reluctantly lean forward to help him up, and whilst it took a couple of tries, Jamie was finally back onto solid dry ground in a few seconds.

But Jesus Christ, at what cost?

Jamie's eyes widened in sheer shock horror as he saw the state of his school uniform, groaning inwardly as he saw the numerous Coke stains, coupled with the sand and dirt that had been lodged underneath his shoes at the time, smudged and smeared all over the floor, much like an apartment complex blown apart by a gale-forced tornado.

"You fucking owe me a Coke, Nerd!" Kai nastily blasted out, pushing poor Jamie out of the way and made his way down the stairs where he was headed to.

Jamie sighed and shook his head, his entire face as red as a overripe tomato.

Kai White was one of the Jackal Trio...and therefore a boy that he didn't wanna mess around with, figuratively of course. He ran his sticky fingers through his hair, as he willed his heart rate to slow down.

Kai wasn't as film star handsome as the Jackal, but he wasn't exactly fugly either. His spiky, blond hair always neatly styled and in place, sun-burned skin all over from all the time he spent outdoors...

...and now that he thought of it, the kid had legs like tree trunks, from playing soccer for the school team for several years.

Jamie shuddered...he had to get to class, but he couldn't go like THIS?

Standing in the middle of one of the school corridors with what felt like a boner coming on, in thinking about Kai White naked, wasn't a good either, in the slightest.

"Fuck..." he whispered, before he made his way to class, still dripping wet in some places.

There was an immediate buzz the very moment that he entered the room, followed by a sheer ripple of laughter than quickly escalated through the entire class, as the Maths teacher stood aside from what he was explaining in the board, and turned to Jamie with a heavy frown etched across his face.

"Mr. Donovan, you will not attend my class like this, so get yourself changed, right now! I don't care into what you change, but you will damage school property with those," he said as strictly as humanly possible, eliciting yet another flutter of laughter straight from Jamie's peers.

Jamie sighed and turned backwards, before he...once more...slid across the floor with Coke juices still stuck on his shoes and ended up flat on his face for a second time that morning.

If the class had been loud and boisterous before, they were pure parallactic now, as the teacher angrily closed his laptop and crossed his arms.

"DETENTION. ALL OF YOU!" came the thunderous announcement, silencing every in mere seconds.

Jamie's eyes closed tight from where he laid...he had NEVER received detention before.

Fucking hell, this just wasn't his day.


Two days later, and the tension at home was palpable.

To Jamie's very strict parents, the mere fact that he had been any where near a detention room, was a total shame and a solid, black clad on their good family name, and as much as Jamie tried to explain to his parents, especially his father, that it wasn't quite his fault, the less they were willing to listen.

"It's because you don't have any MALE friends whatsoever, and who's fault is that, James? I cannot understand for the life of me, why you aren't into sports, such as ALL the men in our family are? Where the hell did we FAIL with you?" came merely one of several cheap shots directed at him, to which he had zero to none reply.

As Jamie entered the cafeteria, he saw that Sasha had gotten a table for them at the back of the establishment, which he was very grateful for. There was an inter-school soccer tournament going on at the moment, and since Freedom High was the hosts for this thing, there were literally hungry ass kids everywhere you tended to look.

"Sash! Sorry, I got held up in Maths, again!"

Sasha winked at her cousin and handed him his soda. Jamie narrowed his eyes, as he thought the twinkle in Sasha's eyes were a little over the top, before that twinkle evolved in a full-blown smile.

"Okay, out with it, what did you do to the soda?" he asked, his eyes giving her one of his notorious death stares.

Sasha looked for all and sundry as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. Complete innocence personified.

"Nothing. Why don't you open it and taste it?" she said, as sweet as pie.

"Fuck that, you did something to this piece of crap, I ain't falling for this a second time. Here, you have it," Jamie said with an angry smirk, pushing the soda towards his cousin.

Sasha simply shrugged her shoulders...before taking the God damn can of Coke and opening it with any sort of troubles, taking a huge sip, smacking her lips for the FULL effect.

"You bitch..." Jamie whispered, nearly making Sasha choke on her Coke.

"Not my fault you wouldn't believe I did nothing to it! COME ON, I had to taunt you just a little bit after the other day...Oh, look...incoming!" she turned her laughter into an immediate whisper as Jamie turned around in time to see the Jackal Trio of Beast, Kai and of course, the one and only Jackal himself, enter the cafeteria, much to his own chagrin.

"I don't like that guy," he whispered towards Sasha, who had already started to eat her chicken mayo sandwich and added fries, before he unrolled his own cheese burger, taking a huge ass bite of the meaty wonder meal.

"Who? I thought you were...you know...crazy about...the Jackal..." Sasha said, whispering the final two words of her sentence.

Jamie swallowed and shook his head.

"Not him! That...that idiot that he calls a friend! Kai or whatever he's called!"

Sasha's eyes lit up as she looked at the Trio who was now busy shoving already waiting kids that had been queued up for several minutes, OUT of the line they had been patiently were standing in, and taking their place without so much as a conscience.

No one dared talk back to the Jackal and his buddies. It was...just the way things were around here.

"Oh, you mean the Bananas in Pajamas? B-One and B-Two right there next to Mr. Dream Boat Jackal?" she continued to taunt her cousin.

"Shut up, Sass! It's because of that...blond fucker that I had to do detention for the first time in my life, yesterday! And now Mr. Clinton wants to see me after lunch too, and probably to let me HAVE it over missing Maths the other day because I had a bottle of Coke thrown all over me."

"But I don't get it, you can totally afford to miss a class, you're like the Valedictorian of our grade!"

Jamie sighed and placed down his burger.

"You know it's MORE than that, Sass! I wanna get OUT of Freedom, the moment when I graduate! I wanna look my dad straight in the eyes and tell him that he can take his religious sanctimonious crap and SHOVE it down the fucking toilet!"

He blew out some air before he continued.

"I can't do that when he's still got pay stuff for me and whilst I'm still living at home with him...no, I wanna get an education and get a job and FUCK OUT from this town for good...you know I'm afraid to tell him or my mom that I'm...you know..."

"Gay?" Sasha softly finished his sentence, reaching out and taking Jamie's hand urgently inside her own.

"You know I'll never tell anyone..." she whispered and her heart shattered when she saw how close to tears Jamie really was.

"Shit, Jamie, if you wanna cry, this is so not the place..." Sasha started so say, before her eyes flickered to something...or someone who was swiftly coming up behind Jamie.

Jamie frowned and turned his head to where Sasha was staring at, only to come face to face with the object of his, oh so forbidden dreams.

He swallowed...seeing the one and only Eric aka The Jackal Reede standing before him, knowing the humongous crush that he had on the dude, knowing that he thought about Jackal fucking him numerous times...

...to actually be THIS close to him...so much so that he could TOUCH him if he wanted to...

"Hey Nerd...you're in our seat. Make like a tree and leave," Jackal stated in his loud voice, before his two sidekicks, Kai and Beast snickered behind his back.

Sasha gently cleared her throat before looking questing at Jamie for some kind of reply, but at that very moment, you might have been better asking help from the cat.

Jamie couldn't stop staring at this...handsome, UBER SEXY kid before him...even if he was now, literally chasing them away from their own table in order to get his way.

"Uhm...Sorry, Eric, but we were sitting here LONG before you guys were even in here..." Sasha carefully said.

Jackal smirked at her, before he turned towards both Kai and Beast for assistance.

"Show these two losers whose boss around here, yeah?" he said to them as nastily as he could, before Jamie was suddenly SNAPPED out of his blind stupor.

He watched in horror, as majority of the kids in the cafeteria had by now realized just what was going on, and had started to record the entire spectacle on their phones, as first Beast, actually LIFTED Sasha out of her seat and placed her carefully next to the table, completely taking what she had been eating and tossing in inside of her hands, messing up her school blouse with the messy, saucy remains of her sandwich.

Laughter of the highest order ensued through out the building and when Kai rounded the table in order to do the same actions to Jamie, no doubt, it was the latter who quickly jumped up from his chair, not caring that his hamburger was still on the table, halfway eaten, as he swallowed, determined to not have the same damning experience as his unfortunate cousin.

"What a clever nerd, right boys? The little puppy knows his place!" Jackal cried out, with more streams, mixes of laughter coming from the masses.

Sasha grabbed her stuff, before she wiped away her tears and stormed out of the cafeteria, meanwhile Kai turned towards Jamie and smirked at him as he did so.

"You might wanna follow your cousin, pal...before something REALLY bad happens to you, okay?" he said in a slow, moving voice, his eyes digging into Jamie's at every turning second.

Jamie took one last look at Kai White, before his eyes flickered over towards Jackal.

God, he was so sexy...

...Fucking hell, Jamie, now wasn't the time!?

"Its alright...I'll go..." he said quietly, before he grabbed his backpack and swung it over his shoulder, before also leaving the scene of the so-called crime.

"ITS ALRIGHT...I'll GO!!! LOSER!" Jackal viciously mocked his words, followed by even more shouts, various shrieks of laughter as Jamie turned around and saw that the Jackal picked up the rest of his unneatened burger and wolfed it down, with both Kai and Best losing their shit beside him as he was doing so.

Why did I have to go and fall for the biggest jack ass on this planet...he wondered sadly as he trodden on alone, towards his locker.


"Alright, that is the end of the lesson, please don't forget about the quiz on Monday, guys! It counts towards the end of your total grade!" Mr. Clinton, the Maths teacher announced as the final bell rang that very same afternoon.

It was Friday, and as always before a weekend, a sheer RELIEF was found shining across the entire school ground as the kids knew what followed was two days of ultimate bliss and relaxation before they had to return again on the Monday like little lambs to their slaughter.

Jamie packed up his things, before he felt a sharp, fast stinging feeling around his right ear.

He turned around and saw that Kai and Beast were packing up their stuff, but both idiots had smiles forming in the corners of their mouths.

Jamie sighed and turned back around to finish packing...what would it possibly help in confronting them?

Another sting on his ear, this time much more severe than the previous one, had him stunned, before he heard the giggles behind him...oh, what a surprise, it was Kai, this whole time.

"Oh, Mr. Donavan and Mr. White, could you both please see me for just a minute? There is something that I need to discuss with you," came the orders from Mr. Clinton, from the front of the class.

"Whoooooooo" came the taunts from the kids surrounding them, waiting to leave the classroom, to which Kai simply reached upwards with his hand and showed them all the finger.

Jamie pursed his lips...he didn't like what was happening around here for one moment. He had never been one of the more popular kids at school, nor did he ever wanna be, that was just the kind of person that he was, but he had also never been one of the bullied kids before, until he had run into Kai two days ago.

It was simple...the Jackal Trio left him alone before, because they were hardly aware he was even there in the first place.

Now it seemed, they had it IN for him, and not in a good way.

Jamie rolled his eyes as he thought what his father would say if he knew his son was getting bullied...

Probably something like,

"Well, it's your own fault, isn't it, James? What did you expect when you always keep to yourself, always wanting to be alone? You did this to yourself! Suck it up and be a MAN!"

Urgh...telling his parents what was happening now was SO not an option.

He took a deep breath...only two more years...only two more years...he whispered to himself, before Mr. Clinton signaled both him and Kai to step forward and address him.

"Okay, boys, here is the deal. Kai, you have been failing Maths since the beginning of this year. As you very well know, if you fail Maths, you fail your entire grade. And technically, I can prohibit you from playing any more soccer matches until you get your grades up, you realise that?"

"Pro...pro what?" Kai asked, confusion written all over his youthful face.

"It means Mr. Clinton can stop you from playing any soccer matches..." Jamie started to answer without even thinking.

"Did I fucking ask YOU, Nerd?" came the rancid response.

"Boys...can we be grown ups now?" Mr. Clinton sighed, before he took out a file and turned towards Jamie.

"Now, Jamie...I see that you volunteered to do extra credit work because of those ten days you had to isolate because of Covid...?"

"Yes, why?" Jamie answered, before he turned his head as Kai snickered out loud.

"Covid...yeah right it's called the fucking flu, Nerd, keep up," he murmured, earning himself a death stare from Mr. Clinton.

"As I said...you were willing to make up for those lost days...now here is the perfect opportunity!"

Kai turned towards Jamie, and Jamie frowned up at his teacher, before Mr. Clinton shook his head and connected the rest of the dots for his two students.

"Kai, you need a tutor in Maths. Jamie, you need extra credit to up your SAT scores. Match made in heaven, right?"

Jamie stood back in complete and utter shock, as he realised just what Mr. Clinton actually meant.

"You mean...you actually mean that I have got to TUTOR...HIM?"

"What? Hell no!" Kai jumped in, his brain finally registering what was staring him in the face this whole time.

Mr. Clinton shrugged his shoulders and walked back behind his desk, and started to put his things away as methodically as only a Maths teacher could.

"Well, Jamie...before those ten days you were a dead certainty to finish Grade ten at the top of the class and how hard you have worked to achieve it...and as for YOU, I was serious, Kai, when I said that I would forbid you in playing sports for this school if you continue to fail my class. Maths unfortunately, is one of those subjects which you are NOT allowed to fail. So, unless you two can come up with another plan, my hands are tied," he finished his sentence and motioned for the both of them to get out of his class.

Outside, Kai stopped as the two boys were walking down the staircase down to the entrance, before he turned around and looked Jamie dead in the eye.

"Who even ARE you? Until the other day, I've literally never even SEEN you in my life? And now you're fucking RUINING it, so thanks a lot, Nerd!" he spat out as evilly as he could.

Jamie swallowed, and normally he would have just walked away...God knows he wasn't one for fighting or for conflict, but this was way too much.

Combine that, with the total and utter humiliation he and Sasha suffered at lunch time, and he was done.


There was no way in fucking hell, that he was gonna allow this idiot to mistreat him any bloody further.

"You...you really think all this, that this is my idea of fun? How am I supposed to tutor you, when you're already so far behind? Is like, playing soccer all you fucking care about? You wanna do THAT for a living someday?"

Kai smiled nastily, as he reached up with his index finger and proceeded to POKE Jamie in his chest, as hard as he could.

"Oh, he fucking SPEAKS! I started to think you were brain dead as well as a fucking useless nerd! Look here...what's your name again...?"

"JAMIE...IT'S JAMIE! Get that in your head!"

"Not even worth it...yeah, I'm gonna call you nerd."

Jamie sighed.

Kai wasn't finished.

"Look, here's what we're gonna do...there is NO way I'm missing soccer because of this. You are just gonna HAVE to do my homework for me, every single day and that's that. Or do I have to show you what will happen if you don't agree to this?"

Jamie flinched.

His dad would FREAK if he knew how easily he was willing to just...agree and have Kai finally leave him alone.

But no...this was wrong.

There was no way he could allow Kai do just WALK over him like this.

Not anymore.

"Even if I do that, Kai, I can't physically write your exams for you, can I? What are you gonna do when the paper is right in front of you in December...call on me for help in front of everyone too?"

Kai sighed and clenched both of his fists, in what seemed like a sure-fire defeat.

"I cannot BELIEVE this is even HAPPENING!" he shouted, just as a BMW stormed in from the parking lot and stopped right next to Kai, almost knocking Jamie over with the speed in which hit was going.

"Yo Kai! Get in! Why are you wasting your time with that loser?"

Fuck...not now.

Please, not him, not now.

Jamie stood back a little as Jackal got out of his car, and walked menacingly over towards him, looking him up and down like he was some sort of deviant pervert.

"Jesus Christ...glasses, long, mousy hair...you dress like something out of the nineties and...Jesus, are those braces? Fucking hell, you really are a God damn nerd!" Jackal sneered, walking backwards and placing his arm around Kai for good measure.

"You're into nerds now?" he asked, cackling a deep laugh after he was done.

"Fuck off! He has to tutor me from next week, I'm totally failing Maths and that fucker Clinton threatened to ban me from playing soccer, so no, Eric! I'm not fucking okay!" he moaned towards his buddy, running his fingers through his hair in complete frustration.

The sad thing was...as Jamie inwardly groaned, was that Jackal looked sexier than ever, right now. His school shirt was tucked out of his trousers, his tie was hanging loose around his neck, and his jet-black hair was all over the place, as the wind must have blown through it in the drive over here.

He never wanted to believe he had genuine FEELINGS for the Jackal, but he now knew, that was the case.

He had to go and fall for the biggest asswipe he had ever met, and all because the dude had looks going for him...forget about any personality.

"Dude...seriously...look at him. It can't be so bad, can it? Come on, we're going to drown our week away! I know a place who will sell us some beer, cheap as well! You coming, Nerd?" Jackal asked, his eyes now firmly on Jamie.


Wait, what?

Jamie started to open his mouth to reply to what was said...totally missing out on the fact that they were messing with him.

"Really? You honestly thought I would even LET you into my car? Get lost, Nerd!" Jackal cried with laughter, and although Kai didn't join in as much as he would have thought he would, Jamie did feel a smidgeon of pain when the boy he was supposed to be tutoring in Maths returned to his normal state.

Kai patted Jackal on his back, before he placed both of his hands firmly inside the pockets of his trousers, walking slowly towards Jamie, sighing miserably as he reached him.

"Look...I suppose we gotta do this, okay...I ain't giving up playing soccer for nothing and no one. And...if I fucking fail, I'll fucking never heard the end of it from my folks...so when can I come over?"

Jamie blinked a few times, his eyes flickering to the sexy ass Jackal, before returning his attention to Kai.

"I'm...I'm open all week, so..."

"Yeah, no shit surprise there!" Jackal blasted from his car, attempting to fist bumping Kai as he did so, but this time, his buddy shockingly left him hanging.

"Eric, for real man...I got myself into this mess, lemme get myself OUT of it, okay?" Kai shouted back, before shaking his head at Jamie.

"Whatever...Monday, okay with you? Let's just get this over and done with..."

Jamie frowned.

"Dude...it's gonna take way more than just one session..."

Kai rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, don't fucking remind me. You better have me getting full marks by the end of next week, that's all I'm saying here," he murmured, taking one last look at Jamie, before getting into Jackal's car and together they sped off into out of the school's parking lot.

Jamie stared at them for a long while, before he suddenly, and his eyes lit up as he did so.

Kai and Jackal were friends...best friends, as everyone knew.

If he spent some time tutoring Kai, he would probably see Jackal more and more...

...and even if the boy insulted him and degraded him and thought of him as nothing more than a useless, brainy nerd...

...perhaps when he succeeds in getting Kai's grades up, Jackal would think more of him, than just being...well, a nerd.


Eric was straight. Jackal, was straight.

But right now...his crush on the dude, was so bad that he would fucking settle in just being AROUND the guy, he felt.

He knew that he had it bad...but he couldn't help it.

He honestly could not.



If you have read my content before, you know how I start a story. I set the scene in the first chapter, with a plan in mind, and it steam rollers from there on HAHA!

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