One Chance

By Allan Tavener

Published on Feb 13, 2016



ONE CHANCE A story by Allan Tavener

'Bollocks' Gary swore quietly to himself 'that's all I fucking need a red hot guy sitting opposite me'.

Across the room unaware of what effect he was having the object of Gary's attention was sitting relaxed in his chair, legs straight out listening to the people from a major employers HR team waffle on about what made a perfect CV and how to ace an interview.

The room was half-full maybe 20 people in it, everyone in the same boat, they'd just been in a cv workshop and basically had them ripped apart. Gary more than anyone else was bitter, he was older than virtually everyone else in the room, and he'd basically been told his cv was a turd and that no matter how much he polished and tweaked it, it would still be a turd, highly polished and moulded but a turd never the less, then the HR advisor had ripped it up and told Gary to start from scratch.

Gary, like everyone else, had been invited along too this industry day because of his ex-military background, he'd been doing well running his own business, married with two sons and a loving wife. When it had all come crashing down around him, the things he'd witnessed while serving in the Royal Navy had affected him more than he could ever have known, and he'd got angry with himself, his family, his workers and the world in general, taken to drinking a bottle of whisky a day, and muttering I'm not ill the Falklands was 33 years ago.

Eventually everyone had had enough and told him to sort his fucking self out, it was the shock he needed, the very next day he contacted Combat stress and a counsellor visited him in his home, they chatted long and hard one to one, and Gary came to realise that his every action stemmed from when he'd been sexually assaulted at 16 by four Royal Marines, it changed him he became introvert and started to come to the attention of his course leaders, they worried about him, but Gary rallied pushed the incident to the back of his mind and became the model sailor, excelling at everything he did, even though inside he felt dirt used and totally worthless.

The counsellor sat and listened for the best part of two hours and at the end they'd agreed an action plan, he was told the road wouldn't be easy, uncomfortable and intrusive at times, but he would help receive the help he so desperately needed.

At the start everything had returned to a relative normality, but Gary had, by talking about it released something in his brain, and, every night when he was trying to sleep his brain reminded him about Matt.

Gary had met Matt one night while out on a run ashore, he'd ended up at Joanna's a beyond seedy nightclub on Southsea seafront, trying to catch the eye of a bird so he could take her to a cheap hotel and unload his balls, that's all he wanted, he wasn't looking for love or a lifetime commitment, just a fanny to unload in, and to be honest he was getting fucking nowhere, even the pig ugly ones were keeping their legs closed tonight.

He downed his pint and started to order another when he heard a scouse accent next to him.

"Same again mate but keep your thumb outta the fucking thing this time" he called Gary looked over and laughed, the lad, obviously another matelot grinned back.

"Gotta watch these bastards you know"

"Do the impossible scouse get him to take the fucking water out too while you're at it"

All the matelots at the bar burst out laughing sharing the joke, the barman slammed Gary and the scouse lads, and bit back.

"We don't have to let you in here you know"

"Surprised we could get in mate the place is obviously heaving with civvies" Gay fired back, everyone at the bar looked around, wherever you looked the place was full, wall to wall matelots, bootnecks and wrens, only a few civilian girls were in every one else was forces.

"Just fucking watch it" the barman retorted and wandered off muttering to serve the other waiting thirsty revellers lining the sordid bar.

"I think you upset him "said the scouse lad to Gary "He even forgot to take the fucking money. Wanker." Again everyone round them laughed.

"Matt" he said thrusting his hand out.

"Gary" he answered," nice to meet you Matt"

They grabbed their cheap watered down Lager and wandered off chatting, often making each other roar with laughter, rounds were bought and consumed, and all too soon it was closing time, the lads went to the cloakroom grabbed their coats and walked out into the Hampshire night. Being early summer it wasn't cold just a slight chill in the air as they waited for taxi's back to their shore base, after forty minutes the queue had hardly moved.

"Fuck this" Said Matt" I'm gonna fucking walk back, be quicker"

"Fancy some company" Gary replied.

They started to walk, well ore of a drunken stumble if they were honest back towards Portsmouth, on the way they chatted about themselves, told each other their short life stories and gradually became firm friends, once back inside their base they exchanged mess deck details, ono mobile phones back then, and agreed to meet in two days' time in the ships company bar, for a few wets.

Over the following two years they became extremely good friends, doing everything together, visiting each other's homes and eventually falling for a pair of sisters, which they eventually married on the same day, early in 1978. Babies followed and by the time their first sea drafts arrived, everyone was great friends.

The last night before Gary left to join his ship, he and Matt met up in the ships company bar and enjoyed a night of reminiscences and banter, Matt presented Gary with a watch which had 'Forever Friends' engraved on the back, and the pair hugged hard in front of their comrades and wives, Gary in return presented Matt with a st Christopher's on a gold chain, and they hugged again. That night was over far too soon and each went home to their respective wives, Gary making love to Ruth his wife again as a going away present, and unbeknown to each other each was dreading being apart from his best mate.

Next Morning Gary climbed on the 08.15 train bound for London then across to Chatham, where he was to join HMS Egeria an inshore survey boat, he'd be separated from both Matt and his wife and family for a while as the ship was due to leave on a round UK survey mission, for around the next six weeks, Gary dug deep into his reserves and made friends on-board with most of the small crew, he wrote home every week and what with his work and the runs ashore in strange ports the time passed surprisingly swiftly and all too soon, Gary was on his way to Portsmouth for a week's leave.

He knew he'd have to spend it all with his wife Matt was away at sea on Hms Fife, and according to his letters having a great time, while at home he did all that was expected of him, being the loving father and husband, but deep down he missed Matt and their easy friendship.

It was seven months before the two friends met up again, both their ships were visiting Rosyth and they went ashore and had a blast, Matt had a few days off and wanted away from the ship so had booked a small hotel to be able to entertain, it was here in the hotel bar that Gary met him on the second day, they sat drank, swapped sea stories and ate a hearty meal and it all seemed so natural when they went upstairs to Matts room.

Matt ushered Gary in, and as he turned back into the room Gary forced him back against the door and their lips met, parted to allow tongues to mingle, and sucked hard on each other's lips tongues and faces. It felt like hours but was mere minutes before they split apart and stepped away from the door.

"I've waited fucking ages for you to do that" Matt stated

Gary never missed a beat and reached across unbuttoning Matt's shirt pushing it back off his taut shoulders and lean hard body, he leant in tonguing Matt's nipples and heard the sharp intake of breath, as he licked, kissed and nipped the pert little nubs, with his hands he reached down undid Matt's belt and buttons and pushed his jeans and briefs down over his gorgeous well rounded firm butt, he swiftly knelt and took Matt's semi erect cock in his mouth swirling his tongue all around the head and sensitive glands, above him Matt groaned "oh my god I need that".

Matt reached down when his cock was painfully hard and kissed Gary long hard and deep while undressing him, then gently leading him to the bed laying down alongside him facing him.

"Where did you learn to suck cock like that" Matt asked

"I've never done that to or with anyone in my life, it just feels right with you"

"Would you be upset if I said I've been waiting for you to do that since we first met in Southsea"

"no' I've wanted to do it I just never had the courage till now" Gary answered

Matt didn't speak just slid down the bed and took Gary's flaccid cock in his mouth working it with his tongue and lips till it grew to its full 8", relaxing his throat muscles he took Gary deep into his throat. Gary grabbed his ankles and spun him and they settled into a 69, each sucking the others cocks, moaning with pleasure around the cocks deep in their throats, they stopped when each felt their orgasm about to hit.

"Fuck me Gary" Matt begged jumping off the bed and grabbing some KY Jelly from his bag.

"You sure" Gary asked

"Never been more sure of anything in my life" Matt answered as he generously coated Gary's cock with KY, before reaching round and smearing a good dollop between his cheeks, he went and knelt on the bed arse facing Gary and lowered his chest to the bed.

Carefully Gary climbed on the bed between Matt's legs, nudging them wider, before settling the head of his cock against the virgin bud of Matts arse, slowly gently he applied pressure and the head slid in past Matt's sphincter, causing him to yelp and draw in breath sharply, Gary froze "Want me to stop and come out"

"Don't you fucking dare, just take it slowly this is my first time, and I wanna enjoy it"

Slowly, with little rocking motions Gary worked more and more of his cock into his mate's arse and it wasn't long before his pubes were brushing against Matt's butt cheeks, Gary paused allowing Matt to adjust to his size before starting a gentle fucking motion, the feeling of a tight arse around his swollen cock was exquisite and he gradually picked up the pace , until he was slamming his full length in and out of Matt's arse, he felt Matts arse tighten around his cock and that was all it needed with a roar he unloaded his balls deep into his friends insides. He reached around to cuddle his oppo and was amazed to find his hands covered in his mates cum, the constant slamming on Matts prostate had made him cum without even touching himself.

They stayed like that for long minutes each getting their breath back Gary collapsed down onto Matt's back, their sweat mingling and cooling between them, unbid Gary's limp cock slipped out of the warm arse it had been housed in, and Matt felt cum sliding down his inner thighs, spent they collapsed sideways onto the bed and without untangling, lay cuddling, each deep in his own thoughts, before they dozed for an hour or so, still entwined.

Matt awoke first and the feel of his mate's warm body and semi hard cock laying against his back made him incredibly aroused and ready for a second innings, gently he pulled away and turned himself placing his mouth around Gary' warm still cum covered cock coaxing it back into full hardness, the attention soon woke Gary and they 69'ed again, before Matt attempted to place Gary's cock back inside him.

Gary pulled away and found the KY, generously greasing his arse, before facing Matt.

"Make love to me, show me how that feels?. Please!!" he laid down on his back.

"Turn over then"

"No do it this way I want to watch your face as you make love to me"

Matt gently lifted Gary's legs forcing them back, his cock seemingly of its own accord finding its way to nestling between the cheeks of his virgin best friends arse, as the head penetrated Gary arched his back screaming "Fuck, fuck, fuck that hurts"

Matt went to pull out but Gary reached round and held the back of his thighs with his hands, forcing him even deeper inside, as more slipped in the pain gave way to an immense pleasure and the feeling of wanting to ditch a giant turd from his arse, but Gary moaned and screwed his eyes shut, before totally relaxing allowing the intruder to slide all the way inside him, resting there Matt leaned over and kissed his friend deeply, sucking tongues all the time maintaining his full cock inside Gary, then he gently slowly started to fuck him short strokes then long deep full length ones giving him all he had, they fucked long and hard, Matt pounding Gary' arse and rubbing his prostate on every stroke, forcing Gary to breathe ever shorter breaths as he got close to his second orgasm of the night, Matt wasn't far behind him and they built it up eventually Cumming together in a loud noisy orgasm, Matt deep inside his lover, Gary liberally coating their collective chests and abs with his load, again they laid together basking in the afterglow of good sex, until Matts cock slipped out of Gary's arse, and cum leaked out and down onto the bed.

Reluctantly they both got up and headed to the shower here they got to know each other's body even better, before washing and drying each other dressing and heading down to the restaurant for a meal, which they both hungrily devoured, before heading back to Matt's room for more sex and exploration, late into the night before they eventually slept the deep dream free sleep of lovers.

Next morning, they had sex again before Gary dressed and headed back to his ship, aglow with his new found happiness with Matt, for Gary the day dragged by until he could get ashore again for another night of love making and wild abandon with Matt at the hotel, and in his eyes the second night was better more natural than the first as each slipped into the role he preferred in bed, which for Gary was on Top giving his lover all 8" long hard and deep, they made love all night, learning with every passing session, in fact one hour before he threw the rope to the dockyard worker to allow the ship to leave its berth, he'd been throwing his third load of the night into Matt's tortured bottom.

When they'd parted they'd agreed to write to each other but keeping it discrete, hey had careers and wives to protect, and for the whole of the next year before they met and made love again they wrote to each other and stayed celibate, each happy to be the only one they wanted, that first night of sex after a year they both came as feasibly possible to drowning each other with cum.

The affair continued through the next 2years when they were both drafted to the same Portsmouth shore base, meeting for sex as often as they could behind their wives' backs, looking back years later Gary was heard to say it was the best 2 years of his life so far, but like everything else in life all good things come to an end.

In 1982 Argentina invaded the Falklands and Mrs Thatcher assembled a task force of Navy, auxiliary and requisitioned civilian ships to sail away and take them back, no-one expected to fight but they trained as if it was real, and all too soon it was. The conflict was the last short sharp conventional war, the lovers drafted to different ships were aware of the damage but not who'd been a casualty of war, so it wasn't until the journey home, at a brief stop at Ascension Island that Gary was summoned to the padre's cabin to be handed his last letter to Matt returned unopened as his lover had sadly been killed in action and buried at sea.

Gary stood at the news and thanked the Padre, he shed not a tear as he walked away from the cabin, but felt that inside him something had died along with Matt, the days moulded into weeks until eventually the big homecoming, Gary took part and whooped and cheered with everyone else, glad to be home alive when so many others had perished, or were horribly injured, but the joy and laughter never reached his eyes or his heart, they were empty dead as the lover he'd lost.

Gary's wife threw a big homecoming party and his family and few friends were there, and as expected he cried, not as everyone thought out of happiness, but for his now dead lover, for many a long month he couldn't face Matt's wife, not out of cruelty but because the eldest son looked so much like his late father, and made excuses to be working or out with his kids when she called round, all the while the guilt racked his body he was alive and his lover was dead, he saw no way forward and left the Navy 10 months after the triumphant return.

Setting up his own catering business, using his discharge money, his training as a chef, and the good will of friends he built it up working 75 to 80 hour weeks, his hitherto social drinking turned into secret drinking, he secreted bottles of whisky in every conceivable place so if one was found he had another available, his moods changed and he kept pushing the hours growing ever more distant from his wife, often sleeping on a cot in his office rather than go home and share the marital bed.

The days turned to weeks, months, years, and finally decades and now here he was sitting in an office talking to a psychologist, telling her everything missing nothing out, every wart, bump and mishap was divulged, how he loved his daughter with all his heart but at the wedding had wanted to fuck her new husband's brains out, the sordid one night stands, anonymous gropes and sex in saunas when away on business. Over the weeks no stone was left unturned, until eventually his problem had a name PTSD.

He was given a treatment plan which he'd been following faithfully till now here he was staring across a room at a stranger's crotch.

He smiled to himself, across the room the stranger smiled back, in his daydream about the past Gary had missed all the discussion, and the session was at an end they all got up to file out and unintentionally Gary found himself side by side with the stranger and a HR expert.

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