One Man,One Dream, One Lifetime

By Starfire

Published on Oct 24, 2003



This is a fictional story containing material, which may not be suitable for those under the age of 18. If you are under 18 or if you are offended by homosexual themes. This story is not for you. Any similarity between the story characters and real people is purely coincidental.

One man, One dream, One Lifetime

It was an early autumn morning. The wind was brisk. The sky was blue, and the lake was a mirror of beauty. Everything seemed to bring out the best in him. Josh was definitely a nature kind of guy. He loved the mountains, the scenery, being outdoors. He was a country boy by blood, but most of all by heart.

Josh was a hard working man. He stood right at six foot three. His hair was as dark as midnight, with eyes as blue as a cloudless summer sky. He had broad shoulders, with a muscular chest that was covered with the same dark hair that surrounded his handsome face. His body reflected the many years of hard work that had gotten him to where he was at that moment in time.

To most it appeared that Joshua Tyler Anderson, had everything that anyone could ever dream. He was handsome, owned his own farm, and had enough money to live as comfortably as he wished. There was only one thing that had eluded him. Josh had never known true love. He had never known the feeling of wanting to spend his entire life with someone that he loved more than life itself. Oh there had been dates. There had been parties where he had danced with lovely ladies of all walks of life. However, there was something within him that just longed for more. Surely there was more to life than just dancing, dating and work. Unfortunately, for Josh, it was something that he had yet to find.

He had lost his parents over five years ago when a drunk driver ran a stop sign, killing them instantly. Since then, he had given all his time to taking care of the farm that they had loved for so long. It was the place he had grown into a man. It was the place that held his childhood memories, and what memories they were. His only regret was that his parents never really got to know their son. In all his dances, and all his dates, Josh knew deep down that he wasn't like the other guys. As much as he loved his parents, he just couldn't bring himself to tell them that their only son was gay. Now, he would never have that opportunity. It's a decision that still haunts him to this day. For now, he had resolved to working on the farm and living his life alone. You see Josh's parents made sure that if anything ever happened to them, he would be taken care of for the rest of his life. So with no need of a nine to five job, he worked the farm and had made it into a very successful one. It was something he imagined his parents would have been proud to see.

On this particular day, all things had been set in order, and all jobs had been done. Josh had been invited to a party with some friends. Although he wasn't much of a party guy, he decided to go. The farm was his life, but at times it was a very lonely place. He felt it was time he got out of the house and had some fun for a change. His friends were laid back, but at times, a hand full. Dwayne, was an old friend from high school. He stood about six- feet tall with sandy colored hair, and blue eyes. His frame was rather slim, but well defined. Mike, was around six two with brown hair and green eyes. He kept a neatly trimmed beard and mustache, with a build similar to that of Josh. These days it was rare for the guys to get some time to go out and have some fun together. Dwayne stayed busy working in the family business with his Dad, and Mike was a successful partner in a local law firm.

When evening arrived, the guys hooked up and headed out to the party. This was an event being thrown by a friend of Mike. He had graciously invited Mike and a few of his friends down for a little cook out and a few drinks. When the guys arrived, it turned out to be quite a little crowd that had gathered. Mike greeted his friend and introduced him to the guys. Paul was a surgeon at a nearby hospital. He had taken a little time off from work, to relax, have some fun and get away from it all for a while. He and Mike had met some time ago when their lives intertwined due to a legal matter that Mike was working on at the time. They hit it off and soon became good friends. Paul encouraged the guys to mingle and get to know everyone. Before long, everyone was having a good time, dancing, talking, just a little of everything. Josh found himself out on the balcony just getting a little air, as he watched old and new friends moving about the area. He smiled as he watched Mike and Dwayne line dancing with Paul and some of his friends. He was thinking to himself what a couple of cards his friends were, and how they seemed to fit right in with Paul and his friends. At that moment he was shaken from his thoughts by a sound behind him.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know anyone was out here." A voice said from behind him.

Josh turned to see a man standing there, with a beer in his hand. He seemed a bit nervous, as if he didn't really know what to do. It was at that moment that Josh noticed he was also an incredibly handsome man. He stood about six three, with dark hair, and eyes that just seemed to catch the light around him. His smile was warm and his body appeared to be well defined.

"It's okay. I was just taking in a little air." Josh said, turning towards the man.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude." The man responded.

"No not at all, come on over." Josh said, motioning the man to him.

"Thanks, I sort of needed a little air myself. I'm Tom Tanner." He said, as he stretched out his hand to Josh.

"Hi Tom, I'm Josh Anderson." He replied, taking his hand in his own.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Josh." Tom said, with a bright smile.

"Same here, Tom." Josh said, returning the smile.

"It's a nice night isn't it?" Tom said, a bleak attempt at conversation.

"Yeah, it is." Josh answered, returning his attention to his line- dancing friends.

"Will you look at that bunch?" Tom said, shaking his head and smiling.

"Yeah, they're something else aren't they?" Josh said, with a slight laugh.

"They are that." Tom said, with a short laugh of his own. "So, are you a friend of Paul's? He asked, taking another drink from his beer.

"Well, actually I'm a friend of a friend." Josh said, thinking how odd that sounded to him.

"Oh, okay I don't know Paul that well myself. We just met a few weeks ago, and he invited me down. To be honest I don't normally go to things like this." Tom said, looking out over the crowd.

"I know how you feel. I don't normally go to these kinds of things either. It was an opportunity for me to hang with a couple of buddies of mine. So, I thought why not?" Josh said, looking out as his friends who seemed to be having a wonderful time.

"I see. So, where are your friends?" Tom asked, being genuinely curious.

"That would be Heckle and Jeckle." Josh said, pointing to the men dancing next to Paul.

"Ah yes, I've seen them around. They're quite interesting." Tom said, giving Josh a knowing smile.

"Interesting doesn't even begin to cover it." Josh said, laughing once again.

Both men settled into a moment of laughing and talking. For some reason each of them seemed a little more at ease. They talked about this and that for a while just sort of getting to know each other a bit. It turned out that Tom had a small farm that he too had inherited. However, his came from his grandfather. It was a humble place where he spent a lot of his time. He had a couple of horses and some sheep, but nothing very extravagant. His parents had passed on a few years ago, and he was alone in the world. The more they talked the more they found in common. It seemed as if they had known each other forever.

"So, tell me Tom. Do you enjoy working on the farm?" Josh asked, his curiosity peaked by the common ground.

"Yeah, I love being outside and working with the animals and stuff." Tom answered, with a sparkle in his eye.

" I know how you feel. There's just something about being out there in the fresh air, surrounded by nature and all of her gifts." Josh said, his true heart revealed in only a few words.

"Yeah, it's work sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I keep in shape, and I enjoy what I do. What more can I ask?" Tom said, with a smile towards Josh.

"Hey, I need another drink. Would you like another while I'm at it?" Josh asked, turning to head downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm about ready for another one, if you don't mind?" Tom said, finishing the last of what he had.

"Here, I'll take that for you. No sense in both of us making a trip." Josh said, reaching out to take Tom's beer bottle.

As Josh raised his hand for the bottle, he looked back at his friends still having a high old time with Paul. When he turned back to Tom his hand gently caressed Tom's hand almost missing the beer bottle altogether.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't watching what I was doing." Josh said, his eyes locking with Tom's.

"That's quite alright." Tom said, his eyes still fixed on Josh.

For one moment in time, It was as if something had stopped all movement, or conversation between them. As Josh looked into Tom's eyes, he thought he recognized something. It both startled him, and filled him with curiosity.

"Umm, I'll be right back." Josh said, slightly fumbling his words as he made his way from Tom.

"What the hell just happened up there?" Josh thought to himself.

It was only a touch. There was no motive behind it. There was no hidden agenda. However, with just one touch Josh had uncovered a whole other feeling, for his new found friend. He struggled within himself to put it far, far behind him. As he walked into the room to find a couple more beers, he just couldn't get it out of his head.

"Oh this is just plain stupid." He thought to himself. "It was just an innocent touch. There's nothing wrong with that."

Josh made his way back out around the dancing crowd. As he passed through he looked up to where he and Tom had been standing. Sure enough, there he was watching him. Tom's face held an almost angelic expression. Josh shook his thoughts realizing that he had been staring at Tom.

He made his way back to the balcony and handed Tom the freshly opened bottle of beer.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it." Tom said, taking the bottle from Josh's hand.

"You're more than welcome." Josh said, his voice covering any evidence of his previous thinking.

"Josh, did you drive down here?" Tom asked, glancing toward him.

"No, I came with my friends." "Why?" He asked, looking in Tom's direction.

"Would you like to get out of here for a while?" Tom asked.

"Get out of here? Where would we go?" Josh asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Well, my farm is just up the road a little ways. Let's go there and get away from all of this for a while." Tom said, resting his elbow on the balcony railing.

Josh thought about this for a moment and the chance to get to know his friend a little better. After a short time of soul searching, he decided why not? In a matter of minutes he found himself sitting in a pick up truck and heading down the road. He stopped only long enough to tell his friends where he was going.

It wasn't a long trip to the farm, just as Tom had said. They pulled into a driveway running between two open pastures. Josh caught a silhouette of horses as they passed. Tom pulled up into an open area just beyond a barn. To the left Josh could see the house.

"Well, this is my little corner of the world." Tom said, holding out his arms as a matter of expression.

"It looks like a nice place, from what I can see of it." Josh said, looking out at what he could see in the moonlight.

"Would you like another beer?" Tom asked, as he fumbled for his house key.

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks." Josh said, unsure of what to do.

"I'll get us a couple more and then maybe we can just go for a walk or something." Tom said, examining Josh's face for approval.

"Sure that sounds like a plan to me." Josh said, as he followed.

The guys made their way to the house and Josh walked across the front porch just looking out around him. He was caught up in his own thoughts and didn't even realize that Tom was waiting for him to come inside.

"You coming?" Tom asked, as he held the door.

"What? Oh, that's okay. I'll just wait out here for you if that's alright." Josh answered.

"Suit yourself." Tom said, as he closed the screen door and went in search of a couple of beers.

Josh felt as if he were home, staring out at his surroundings. This was his sort of place and it appeared that he and Tom would soon become the best of friends. Before he knew it, Tom was standing next to him beer in hand and offering him his.

"You okay? You seemed a million miles from here for a minute." Tom asked, feeling concerned.

"Oh, I'm fine. I was just thinking." Josh answered, a bit embarrassed at being caught for the second time.

"What ya thinking about?" Tom asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"I was just thinking how much I feel at ease here. It's a lot like being at home." Josh said, looking at his new friend.

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment." Tom said, smiling at him.

Josh smiled back and they were on their way. They walked out around the edge of the farm. It was well lit with the moon being so full in the sky. The stars seemed to dance around them as they walked and talked. Josh felt a cool breeze blow across his face as he caught the moon's reflection in a nearby pond. He couldn't help but think how beautiful it looked. He found himself wondering how it all looked in the light of day.

Josh couldn't tell if it was the moonlight, or the beer that he'd drank, but he found himself incredibly attracted to Tom Tanner. Every once in a while when he thought Tom wasn't looking he would steal a quick glance at him as they walked.

"Hey, let's go over here for a minute. There's something I want you to see." Tom said, taking hold of Josh's arm.

"Why? What's over here?" Josh asked, as he walked closely beside Tom.

"Look." Tom said, pointing towards a clearing in the trees.

"Oh my God!" Josh exclaimed, as he looked out into quite possibly one of the most beautiful images he'd ever seen.

Just beyond the clearing the trees opened up into a scene that one would most likely expect to see on a post card. He stood on a hill that overlooked the lake he himself lived beside. He could see the mountains and the moon as it reflected in the lake, along with the star filled sky. It was so beautiful that it almost took his breath away. As he gazed into the glory before him, he almost forgot where he was. He took a step, and began to stumble. In a moment he was brought back to reality as he struggled to regain his balance.

"Whoa there buddy." Tom said, as he pulled him tight against his body to keep him from falling.

"Oh jeez, I'm sorry." Josh said, as his arms went around Tom's shoulders.

At that moment everything stood still. Josh looked up and found himself face to face with Tom. He stood there almost mesmerized by the handsome man in front of him.

"That's okay." Tom said, his voice lowered just a bit.

It was as if an invisible force was drawing them toward each other. Their eyes fastened upon one another. Just as it seemed the inevitable was to happen, a flash of fear went through Josh.

"Oh shit!" He said his fear gripping him. "What the hell am I doing?" He said, pulling himself from Tom's arms.

"I'm sorry, Tom." Josh said, as he turned from him, looking out over the moon lit lake.

Josh was so embarrassed. He felt that he'd made a major mistake in his new found friendship. He was certain that Tom would hate him now.

"It's okay, Josh." Tom said, as he came to stand behind him.

"Okay?" Josh asked, unbelieving of what he'd just heard. "We almost," He said, his voice trailing off into the open air.

"Yes, we did." "Would that have been so bad?" Tom asked, placing his hand on Josh's shoulder.

"What?" Josh asked, being totally taken back.

"Look Josh. I don't want to make you uncomfortable, and I'm sorry if I have." "It's just that I think you're very attractive and I really like you." "I was sort of hoping that you felt the same way." Tom said, keeping his hand on Josh's shoulder.

Josh was stunned. Sure earlier he noticed Tom watching him but he thought that he was imagining things. He turned to face him. Once again he came face to face with one of the most beautiful men he'd ever seen.

"You mean, you're," Josh said, not being able to quite find the right words.

"Yeah," Tom said, feeling a terrible uncertainty in his stomach.

"Really?" Josh asked, as if it was some kind of joke or something.

"Really," Tom answered. "I'm sorry, Josh. I've obviously made you uncomfortable."

"No," Josh said, trying to get his thoughts in order.

"No?" Tom asked.

"It's just that I didn't know." Josh said, his eyes trying to focus on Tom's features but falling short.

"Well, I guess we should head on back." Tom said, as he glancing towards the ground, as he turned to go.

"No, let's stay a while longer." Josh said, taking hold of Tom's arm.

Tom turned to see Josh looking at him with an unsure smile. He wasn't completely confident, but he had his hopes. He moved towards Josh once more as he felt the weight of Josh's hand on his chest.

"Are you sure?" Tom asked, examining Josh's face for signs of some sort.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Josh said, as he drew closer.

As they stood gazing into each other's eyes, the same force that held them once before took hold of them again. Slowly they found the separation between them disappearing. Before they realized it, they found themselves barely inches apart. With one final look into each other's eyes, their lips met for the first time. It was as if the energy of the moon ran through their veins. A power beyond anything they had ever known merged at that moment. Their kiss deepened as the passion they felt ignited within them.

Slowly, they began to remove their shirts, taking time between each to once again taste each other. Before long their clothes were on the ground scattered just neatly enough to supply a place to pursue their ever growing need for one another. Josh was amazed at the well- defined body before him. As they found themselves lying on their discarded clothes wrapped in each other's arms, he ran his hand across the hairy muscular chest pressed against him.

Josh and Tom were equally endowed and very well matched in body. They wrestled with each other, kissing, touching, and caressing. It was as if the whole world has stopped, and the very angels of heaven smiled down upon them. They made love with endless stamina exploring every part of each other. Josh found himself staring into the starry sky as he felt Tom's massive tool sliding in and out of his tight ass. He felt, as if he would explode, from the powerful emotions he was experiencing. He could hear Tom breathing heavily as he plunged himself into Josh's body over and over again. Josh closed his eyes as his hands ran down the sweat soaked back of his newfound lover. He could feel the muscles ripple with each powerful thrust.

Tom stared down into the face of his lover. He could see the pleasure he was giving him. He could feel the pressure rising within him. He knew that he would not be able to hold back for long. He could feel Josh's arms wrapped around him holding him, caressing him, touching him. In a matter of moments, he could feel himself swelling. In a cry of pleasure and relief, he felt the explosion as he released himself deep inside of Josh.

Josh felt the pressure against his prostate as Tom exploded within him. He felt his thickness inside him. As he heard Tom cry out, he could no longer contain his passion. At that very moment he released his seed. As it spilled across his chest and his stomach, his body convulsed in unbelievable pleasure.

Tom collapsed onto Josh's chest sealing their union with his sweat and Josh's seed. Josh held him as they began their slow descent from the heights of ecstasy. Josh slowly stroked Tom's hair, as he nestled into the crevice of his neck. Josh could feel the hot breath on his neck as Tom began to regain his normal rhythm of breathing.

"That was amazing." Tom said, his voice muffled by Josh's neck.

"It was that, and then some." Josh said, with a slight laugh.

Tom found his motor skills once more as he raised himself on his arms. He stared into Josh's eyes for a moment. Then, he lowered his lips to meet those of his new lover. It wasn't a passionate kiss but one of tenderness and caring.

Josh returned his kiss with like feelings. In all of his life, he had never experienced such a connection with another individual. Could it be that he had finally found what he had been looking for so long? He didn't know. What he did know, was this moment in time, this man, this place, it all felt right.

Josh and Tom stayed in each other's arms lying naked under the moon and the stars. They felt the cool breeze blow across their bodies. Each of them thinking what a magical evening it had been. As they drifted off to sleep, if only for a while, Josh couldn't help but think, one man, one dream, one lifetime.

The End

Thanks for taking time to read my story. I hope that you enjoyed it. You can send any comments you may have to Much Luv to Ya!!!!.................Starfire

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