One Night in Service

By Dede Andrews

Published on Mar 25, 2018


Please note this story is fiction and should be considered as such if you do not like its contents please do not read on. The events as presented are of such a content it may be illegal for you to read if so please do not read.Happy reading to all those that do.

One Night in Service Part 2 (A ticket to ride)

getting through the gate at the trainstation with a smile on my face that almost made me look sinister i was in shock and disbelief of what i had just done, but the urges and the internal workings of my mind allowed me to do little else but smile. i wanted to be alone with these thoughts, so walked as far along the platform as i could, boarding the last coach people were everywhere still it was the middle of March the tourists were starting to show in and around the area and things get a but hectic about then. Excitement brewed as the train moved onward i was on my way at last, at least the train would only be busy for next few stops and the rest of the way i would be free to sit in relative peace and let my mind wander over what i was about to do that weekend, snippets of my lusty friends messges bekkoning my cock to rise in my nappy forced me to find a seat where i could and fast. Looking towards the end of the train sweet release there was a family getting ready to disembark would be my salvation from the bulging nappy, one warning when i am horny i pee ALOT and it was starting to fill my nappy i would need to change soon but i knew he wanted a full nappy when we met and i couldn't disappoint my master checking my watch as i pushed down the train an hour left before i had to get off. i needed to get my mind off the urges and these thoughts, slumping into the seat nearest the window hoping the passing countryside would give me something else to think about. shoving my bag between my legs to have an excuse to hide the fact my nappy was getting so full i could not close my legs all the way if i wanted to. i watched several people board and disembark on the next stop before the countryside after quickly got me to thinking the rhythm of the train was kinda nice rocking me in my nappy my cock pushed against the outside it was almost like being wanked feeling good and strange at the same time, trying my best to hide my face biting my tongue to remove these thoughts, with the guy in the taxi before now the train and thoughts of this week end i was in torcher heaven against my will i was being abused by my own nappy and i couldn't get out of it the toilets on board were way too small to do anything. between this erection coming and gowning with the trains moves i knew i needed a distraction soon that's when it arrived in the form of a young lad about 19 or 20 must be near 6 ft tall not much muscle on him but his lapse attitude to dressing himself and not tucking in his shirt gave me the perfect angle across his pale skinned belly, taught and smooth his shallow belly button peaking through the next open layer between the buttons had my mind back in cab.

"Ticket.....p-Please" he stumbled to say as he could see my blatant stairs at him breaking my eyes away shaking it off i begun looking for my ticket, checking and patting each pocket in turn the nappy gave its hollow thud of its fullness as i patted my rear pockets and he heard and knew that sound, i could tell as he picked up his head in the side of my vision. By now i was frantically searching my pockets looking for it ignoring him getting mad at myself for losing the dam ticket,

"not again!" closing my eyes in disbelief i had lost the damn thing in all this commotion who was going to believe the old story of i did pay online but appear to have lost my ticket line, just then i felt his cold fingertips across the side of my ass i don't know what made me but i lifted it to the side as gesturing him to touch it. his face breaking into the only colour i could see on his skin as he pulled my printed ticket out from under my ass, in seconds our faces matched had i misunderstood, i did feel his hand hard enough to know he knew for certain i was wearing. not to mention the unmistakable bulge showing in his zipline of his pants, i had not judged it wrong i am sure i thought. giving myself a bit of space to relax i glanced back out from under my hands of shame covering my face at the print out to see one side was wet, i hurriedly run my hands over the back of my legs only to feel my fingers reach that familiar warm feeling to my pants. i had leaked there could be no worse thing i felt then this. in my trance i could feel no smaller than that moment he had witnessed me discovering i was wet through and it was my piss in his hand. I awaited the screams of horror like so many time before but they never came in fact i began to see he was unphased by it all he opened the page out reading the ticket carefully while taking the odd peak round the outside i was too blind to see at first relishing my every cringing moment he muttered the writing on the ticket. i could barely look up at him, he folded the ticket back up telling me

"i need to print you a new one but i can see you have paid online."

"thtthtth-thanks" a half frantic giggle left me after saying it, then i seen it for the first time a glint in his eye of the pure enjoyment he was taking over my pain it was written as plain as day is to night, and i had been falling for it i waited to get mad but it never came instead my breathing had changed to deep excitement and he could hear every breath. locking into his deep blue eyes i was locked in his control some how he glanced to one side, without my mind entering into the matter i was on my feet walking past the toilets and to the end cab i don't even know how i know that where we were going i just obediently followed. Reaching the end of the carriage i was unable to enter the cabin without a key or a code so i stopped close to the door where he stepped in so close behind me i could feel him through all my layers pushing me up against the door whispering sounds of sex as he pushed each phase of the key into the lock in line with my eyes. my knees felt a shudder of weakness at the same time he pushed up hard on me pinning my excited and extremely tormented cock against the door and my nappy. my feet three inches from the floor i dangled from his cock on the door i felt my nappy piss down each side of my leg i passed out from all the excitement as the door fell open i felt him catch me pushing me towards the control chair.

slumped ass out over the stool like chair and he had taken full advantage of my passed out state to grip and rub the back of my nappy, apparently having a good time of it to, as the more i came round the more i felt him squeeze bits of piss out the sides i jerked off his hands i could feel my pants were wet through, i bet my romper was to. kind of loosing where i was i went to get up and felt him there as he pushed me back down all i could do feeling still a little light headed was allow it, and somehow i knew i wanted it. his hand reached around my pants undoing them with the ease of a ticket swipe he undone my button and zip pushing me again with a strength that was so enduring onto the back of the chair, gripping my tops he lifted me in the air and pulled down my pants to my thys with the other i was not that heavy but he made me look even lighter. no words could convey how i felt hanging there by my romper and this guy was younger than me, my dick now shriveled against me as the nappy pressed hard extra runs leaking out and down my legs i felt like his baby. In one motion he grabbed the bottom of my nappy and he pulls it off me i knew master would be pissed if i was dry and i had peed all the drink away i had and wanted to pull off but he was strong and i wanted it more.

As my romper poppers gave way i fall now nappyless back down on to the chair my bare ass exposed glistening from damp piss which had not been soaked into my nappy he bent down sniffing my ass and licking my check it sent that weakening pulse through my body i gave in i wanted everything he had he parted my checks examining my hole which was still a little open from the cab driver playing with it seeing that he spat over my hole using his fingers to keep me open i waited for what seemed a lifetime, there, i felt it hit my hole as i pushed my ass out ward and moaned, arching my back into a perfect position to breed it required me to force my face against the wall a little, after all it was a small space we had to play in. i heard his zip open i wanted to see what i was about to ride, but before i could turn my head he locked his arm against my head pinning it to the wall, using his foot to kick away my feet i fell back down directly onto the head of his cock with a merceryless entry he had penetrated me, i was a frozen deer in on his head light. slowly drawing out a little then finishing his entry to his balls, he was hard and excited my legs tried to maneuver to take the pressure from my hole as best as i could but he was bigger than i had thought and i was already pinned i could feel the sting i had not been penetrated in 5 years like this, tears are in the corner of my eyes by this point now weeping over my cheek, with the first wave he watched it roll down my cheek letting me know how much he was enjoying my pain he drove me harder. i waited to feel myself split, it never happened he just drove wave after wave and punished my ass. the tears had built into a stream down each cheek, he played with me until my legs started to sag as i could no longer hold them in place. my hole was a cock filled sloppy mess, i was by now a slut at best and i was loving every minute, what was i going i thought maybe knowing i was going to serve one man made me rebel but i was at heart choosing to play the safe game for so long now the box was open i didn't want to even think of closing it.

he had slowed to a steady pace again and had picked up my bag looking through it using my back as a table i felt as if nothing was out of bounds for him yet every fiber of me wanted to say stop. Somehow then yet again i had to cry out "oh my god" he drove balls deep discovering my lube drawing back away from me as he lined the top of his cock dripping the lube onto my crack i felt it run around and onto him. Shutting the lid once more chucking it back in my bag dropping it back to the cabin floor, he trust back against me there was an amazing feeling the cooling sensation of the lube as it hit my stinging swelling hole made me twitch like never before wow i thought. i was more than weak, yet i was in heaven trapped owned by this guy's cock and i freaking loved it, i moaned like a little boy over his favorite toy being broken, whimpering slightly louder as each time my hole cooled drawn and punished again and again, he did not seem to mind he drove on still watching and listening to me as he did.

was this onslaught to end i thought at least the lube had turned this to a pleasurable experience for me as i could feel my heartbeat pulsing in my swollen hole which would twitch and cause my ass to jerk then he used his pubic hair to tickle my hole churning his dick inside me like a butter maid rubbing my prostate periodically made me wild i wiggled like a child being tickled with pulses of excitement but he would not let me cum. The smells where intoxicating his coat and freshly washed clothes now filled the air as he began to sweat adding to the aroma of my piss, ass and lube. He stopped completely two beeps came from a panel behind him and somehow i knew this is where i was going to get it and boi did i. He picked up the a mic from beside the door throwing his nad over my face and mouth began his announcement we were pulling into the last station and we all needed to disembark the train, i have to admit i could not hear it all as, as he started pounding me with the power and speed of a race horse out the gate, he rammed me harder and harder. He had just stopped talking and released the mic when trapped air and bubbles of lube leaked from my ass forming a large drip i could see he look down to see it. it looked like cum and he really lost it driving as deep as he could leaving the seat floating in the air from his cock for the second time he let go of several large loads of cum with each pulse i felt my ass rise and fall with his cock the warm liquid inside calmed me like a drug i tingled once more and shuddered as the cold of no nappy rushed through me he laughed. pulling out caused my ass to pop lick a sucker leaving a window, i could see him picking up my nappy as i spun on the stool for a moment's respite which was not to last as he grabbed me by the cock and lifted me straight up and pushed the wet nappy back in place pulling around me and the disposal tags to re secure it round me, before bending down to my bag and withdrawing a second nappy and placing it under me, taking his keys to pierce the plastic wrapping of the nappy i was wearing then placing the second one over nice and tight so it would almost certainly began to squeeze the first. thinking we was searching under me for my romper i lifted my ass slightly which gave him the manoeuvring room to flip me, pulling both of my nappies back towards him he ordered me to hold them open. As i took hold i felt the first stream of the hottest piss i have ever felt as it ran around my ass at hit my torchered hole i was at least for that moment in time a school girl in lust for her crush the noises i made could only be made by there way but here i was making them. it seemed like a stream of hot chilly was running through my nappy and my balls where several ways deep in his piss and mine as it leaked into the second nappy, when he was satisfied he had done his job he let me go for the last time.

i wanted to worship this cock that had made me its whore but he was staring to close his pants and all i got was a peak all i know is if i would have seen it before i never would have thought my ass could take it.

"the floor heater should have dried your pants by now pull them up last stop 2 mins away," handing me my ticket back he swiped the piss soaked side under his nose tasting it a few times as he did raising his eyebrow before returning it with a smile, closing my bag i could see him putting something in his number i thought i could see he didn't take anything so what they hey. even if my master was shit to me for these next two days the journey alone was worth it i felt like a slut my belly grumble the taste of cum swirling at the back of my throat and all this moaning had me thirsty no matter lunch with master before the real meet begins i thought.

Next: Chapter 3

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