One Thousand Men

By John the Artist

Published on Feb 18, 2021


This is the fictional memoir of a gay man, told in the first person. The memoir began with the series C'est La Vie!, which covers the years 1970-1997. This series covers the year the narrator turns 40, 1998, and launches an ambitious project to have sex with 1000 men that year. Some of the stories in this series are based on actual experiences, usually embellished a lot, as well as completely fictional ones. They depict sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read them. These are my stories. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy them, let me know at Please Contribute to and keep this wonderful resource going!

In the last chapter I told about how on Sunday I went to the Steamworks in Berkeley again, had three appointments for the escort service on Monday, Tuesday gave a talk at the museum, and Wednesday had three escort calls. The last one was with a beautiful 19 year-old young man of Vietnamese heritage for whom I was his first gay sex experience. Remembering my own sex tutor when I was 20, Jason, I stayed with him for several hours teaching him m4m techniques, and returning my share of the session's fee to him. We finished by making a date for the next Wednesday.

One Thousand Men: 1998 MORE TUTORING

The week flew by. I talked with the new gallery in San Francisco, and set up a tentative one-man show for the next year. I kept going out to Pt. Reyes and other places in Marin County, and even farther north a bit to paint, and I discovered some places down the coast that were of interest, where I did some studies, such as Pescadero Beach.

Every couple of days I did three to five appointments for the escort service including a couple of overnights. I guess you could say that they were routine. I don't really mean boring: I enjoyed most of the appointments, even if the guys were not memorable in any way. Most of them were nice, and really happy to get together with me. It was great to be paid for something that I would have done with most of them free!

On Sunday, after my encounter with Thanh, I got a call from the escort service for a regular client who wanted to book me. They said, "This guy really needs discretion. He is pretty famous, and if it gets out what he is doing, it could be a problem with him. You will understand when you meet him."

I said, "No problem. I can keep a secret, and the client calls the shots."

They said, "Great. It may be an hour, but if he is really into you, it could be the night. Are you OK with that?"

I said, "Sure, I guess, at least if he is not just into tying me up that long," (followed by a chuckle).

"No, he's pretty vanilla, but you might be a bit surprised anyway," they said, somewhat mysteriously.

I went to the appointment, around 6 pm, at a penthouse in a beautiful building that commanded a view of both the bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. I rang the bell, and when the door opened, there stood a baseball player whose face was everywhere. Of course I knew who he was, and I don't even follow the game that much.

His apartment was gorgeous: high above everything else in the area, and with a 180-degree view of the city. He offered me a beer and I accepted, since he was drinking one. The game that afternoon had ended around 4:30, so it was not long after he got home.

We talked a little and then headed to the bedroom. When he stripped he revealed a really fantastic body. A lot of ball players have a lot of extra weight on them, but not him. He was a little shorter than me, maybe a five to ten pounds heavier, and it was all muscle.

And when we started to get it on, all he wanted was to suck me and be fucked. In the next three hours, I fucked him five times, and he came three times. He was a total bottom, sucking me skillfully, and wanting to be fucked in almost every imaginable position. I fucked him standing up on the balcony of his condo after it got dark, looking out on the twinkling boats on the bay as I pounded his ass to his appreciative moans. I was with him about four hours, and he tipped me more than the fee. I couldn't believe it.

The next Wednesday I got together with Thanh again. We went out for dinner, and then went back to his house and made love. We did pretty much what we had done the first time, consolidating and honing his skills. He was more relaxed and less nervous this time, and we did a lot of laughing and talking. He took a more aggressive role, and gave me a pretty good blow-job, progressing nicely from his lesson a week before.

We had a discussion about meeting other gay guys his age. He was still mystified about how to do it. So I gave him a lesson on cruising: how to look at a guy to let him know you're interested, without giving too much away. How to hold his gaze if he looked back and some subtle ways of indicating your interest: a hand on the chest, a casual "adjustment" of your package, licking your lips and so on. And then a few lines you could use if he responded.

But I said that a sure-fire way of meeting other guys on campus was the GLBT center. I said that everyone there would have the same thing in mind: how to find people like themselves. I also asked him about coming out to his parents and his girlfriend. He was really hesitant about that, and expressed concern that his parents might react very negatively, even disown him.

I asked, "Do they love you/"

"Of course," he replied.

"Well why would they want to cut you off then? It would be terribly painful for them."

He asked, "How did it go with your parents?

I said, "Well, you have to remember that was twenty years ago, and the world was much less gay-aware then. A lot of people thought that being gay was a choice that they could change, not something you were born with, and my parents were that way too. Initially, they were in denial, and kept suggesting things that they thought would make me change to being straight. I finally got through to them that I really couldn't help my orientation, and that I was comfortable with it. Also, that I loved them a lot, needed their love and guidance, and would be really devastated if they were not available to me. Eventually, they came around, and since then have even supported me by marching in gay pride parades and talking to the parents of friends who were less sympathetic with their sons. It was much better than living in the closet would have been. I think that if you talk to some of the other kids at the GLBT center who have come out, they may have some pointers on how to approach your parents."

"And what about my girlfriend?" he said.

"Well, my guess is that she knows already, so you will only be confirming things with her. There is no reason that you cannot be friends still, if you really like each other. You need to make her know that there is nothing that she has done, and that you really like her and want to be friends. Maybe she will take it OK and maybe not, but it is not fair to string her along. She would find out anyway eventually.

He sighed. Clearly, he was not looking forward to any of this, but I still think that I had taken a weight off his shoulders.

I said, "I have an idea: would you like to go to the Steamworks with me on Sunday afternoon?"

"What's the Steamworks?" he asked. His naivetŽ continued to amaze me.

I said, "It's a club in Berkeley where men go to have sex with other men. There are communal showers and steam rooms, a big hot tub, private rooms with beds and gay porn playing on TVs, a large video lounge with porn, and an area with blow-job platforms and places that guys hook up anonymously. It can really be a lot of fun to have sex with lots of different guys who are all there for sex. It's unabashed sex without any judgment involved. A guy with your body will have all the other guys he can handle. I can be your guide and show you the ropes, but I think you will get into enjoying yourself really quickly."

He asked me a lot of questions, about safe sex, was it clean?, would he seem too inexperienced?, what did he need to bring?, etc., and I answered them all and said there was no need to be afraid: everyone there was looking for the same thing, not a long-term boyfriend or the love of their life.

So we set it up and the next Sunday, I picked him up at three, and before four we were checking in. He got a membership and a locker, and by luck, there was a room for me. I told him that he could share the room with me and we could work it out so that we could take turns there. I showed him around, stopping into the steam room, and sitting in the Jacuzzi for a little, where another young man came on to him. I winked at him, slipped him the room key, and a few minutes later, saw them climb out of the hot tub, with their cocks erect and head down the hall to my room. I whispered to him that I would meet him in the video lounge when he was done.

Fifteen minutes later, he showed up in the lounge with a smile on his face. He told me that he had made out with the other guy and ended up sucking him to completion. He was very proud of himself, since this was the first guy he had had sex with other than me. We both went to the maze area and stood on the platform where guys in the pit below sucked our cocks. I made out with him while we were being sucked, and whispered, "Don't cum here. Save it for a while and you won't regret it."

A little while later, we split up, and I said, "I will probably be in the room for the next 45 minutes or so. If you need anything, just knock in a rhythm like Beethoven's 5th." He clearly understood that, and we went our separate ways.

I went back to the room and sat on the bed stroking myself, and quickly had a hot guy asking if he could come in. We sucked each other for a while and did some making out, and then parted. Several other guys came in, and I fucked two of them and sucked three more. I did not want to cum yet, and so held off, even though two of my partners climaxed with me.

After I was done with the sixth guy, Thanh appeared at the door with a big smile on his face. He came in and closed the door. "Guess what happened?" he said.

"Well, something," I said, "but clearly it was hot, right?"

"Yeah," he said. "I was going by this room, and there was a guy lying on his bed. He was a really hot black man, older than me, and with a beautifully body. I have always thought about being with a black man, so I was really excited. He asked me to come in, and I did, and pretty soon we were making out. He really liked my body, and kept telling me how big and beautiful my cock was. He sucked me, and I sucked him and then I asked him to lie on his stomach, like I did with you, and I was rubbing my cock between his buns like you showed me, and he was really turned on and moaning loudly. And then he asked me to fuck him. Well, I didn't really know what to do, because I had not done that before, but he helped me out by turning over, and putting a condom on me. He put a lot of lube on my cock and on his ass, and then he pulled me into his arms and moved his legs wide apart and pulled them up. I felt his hand around my cock and he guided me to his ass, and told me to push in slowly. I did and it was unbelievably wonderful. I didn't know that anything could feel that good. It was almost as good as the first time you sucked me."

"Fuck-virgin no more!" I said. "Congratulations!" though I was a bit sorry that I had not had the honor of being the first guy he fucked.

"He was really passionate and pushed his ass up and down while I was plunging in and out of him," Thanh said, "and if felt so good that I just couldn't make it last that long. I felt bad, but I was so excited that I came earlier than I wanted to. My partner didn't seem to mind though. He asked me to come back later and do it again."

I said, "I wasn't going to introduce you to fucking for a while longer. A lot of guys are a little weirded out by the idea before they do it. It seems so unnatural to put your cock where shit comes out. I really was surprised the first time I did it, that my partner was so clean. I later learned that he had douched himself out before coming to the party we were at. It was a great first experience." I took him in my arms and kissed him and said, "I'd love it if you could do with me what you did with him."

By now, we had developed a rapport together. He melted naturally into my arms and we started kissing and caressing. He was very quickly hard again--and I could remember that at that age my hard-ons came quickly and easily, and could often not be suppressed when I did not want them. He fucked me, not like an expert yet, but he was learning very rapidly. I loved his youthful energy and the wonderful look of ecstasy on his face as he pounded me with my legs over his shoulders.

The afternoon melted into the evening, during which time Thanh hooked up with another eight guys, and I got it on with another ten. At about nine, he showed up at my door, looking tired and happy. "Time to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think I've had enough for now," he said, smiling happily at me.

So, we got dressed, jumped in the car, and headed to Chinatown for dinner, then I dropped him home after making a date to get together in a few days.

The rest of April went quickly: I gave talks about my show and participated in a panel for the museum where my exhibition was; I took as many calls from the escort service as I could; I went out to Marin County to see my college friend and paint, as well as down the coast toward Santa Cruz, doing more oil sketches at both locations: I talked more to my new SF gallery about the show they wanted me to do next year.

I met Thanh a few more times, and was happy to see him so relaxed and bright. He actually told his girlfriend that he is gay, but would like to stay friends, and after a heart-to-heart talk, she understood and said that, yes, she would like to remain friends. He was well on the road to coming out to his parents, who would be back from Vietnam in mid-May. I went to the Steamworks in Berkeley a few more times, and got together with Angel and another of the escorts from the agency for a couple of hot nights together.

I had to be out of my sublet before May first, when the primary tenant was due back. I regretfully said goodbye to the escort service and the guys I had gotten to know there. I packed up the paintings and drawings I had done and shipped them to Philly. I kept out a small painting as a thank-you gift to the man who had sublet the apartment to me. I got together with the museum people one more time for lunch, and thanked them for all they had done for me.

But before leaving northern California, I would spend a long weekend in the wine country at a "Yoga and Passion Retreat" that I had been accepted at.

Next: Chapter 31

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