Online Friend at Waterpark

By Dude Sweet

Published on Aug 9, 2003



Well you know how when you are chatting online and you think you are talking to a kid your age, but you know it's probably some old guy pretending to be a kid? Also know how you are never, ever supposed to give out personal information like your last name or address or anything? Right? Ok that's all cool, and I understand it.

Now, I had been chatting with a kid named Brian14teXas for about a month and he said he was coming to California with his rents for vacation. Now we had swapped G rated pics, but you never really know if that really is the guy or a picture he stole from somewhere?

I wasn't allowed to meet people in real life that I met over the Internet, but I talked my dad into taking me to Raging Waters the day he was supposed to be there. I made sure we got there before it opened so I wouldn't miss him. I waited inside the gate. My dad had gone inside to chill in the water. I had seen a bunch of Brian's pictures and was watching every kid that came in. I sort of pretended I was a secret agent looking for a spy. Ok, it's stupid, but I had to stay alert.

"Evan?" I hear from a short kid beside me. I look down. It's Brian! I can tell. He looks exactly like his picture. I just didn't know he was a shorty.

"You Brian?" I say. Duh, if it looks like him, and he recognized me from my pictures, that was a really stupid question.

"Yeah." He has a goofy, happy smile and I realize that I got a goofy, happy smile to.

We stand there looking at each other for a minute. His mom finally says "You know him, Brian?"

"Yeah, uh, he used to go to my school. Two years ago." He lies. I nod my head agreeing with him. I am surprised that his voice is still changing. I mean I am 15, so mine is changed, but even when I was 14 it was done being funny. But I didn't really care. He was a cool internet friend. And gay too. See I wasn't out of the closet so had never done anything before. I was so excited. He was too, I think he had a boner. Seeing his bump, made me get one too.

"Oh, that's nice dear," she tells him. Then to me, "Do you know where the lockers are for our stuff?"

"Sure follow me." Darn, he is already in his shorts. They stuff some of their junk in and I show here where the laying down places are for the old peeps. But I am so excited to be with Brian. He's real. He looks just like his pictures. He likes me and I like him already. AND HE'S GAY!

As we walk away from her he says, "Your bigger than I thought." He notices my hairy armpits. "And you got hair."

"Yeah." I don't want to say he's a shorty, so I say, "Do you have hair?"

He raises his arm in the air. "Not yet."

I smile and say "I don't mean there." He realizes what I said and busts up laughing. He looks around.

"Where's the bathroom?" We walk fast, almost run to the bathroom. We stand next to each other at the urinals. We both hesitate, I don't know why. I pull mine out first, already a boner. He does his and we stand there, facing the urinals in case somebody comes in looking at each others boners. He is so yummy looking. I can't think of anything to say, I am so happy. He doesn't say anything either. We just stand and look.

I want to touch it. I want to jack it. I want to suck it. I want to do everything to it. Someone comes in and we pull up our shorts over our boners, flush, liked we peed, and walk out grinning at each other.

"What do you want to do now?" I ask him.

"You know what I want to do," he says. Yeah, he wants to do to me what I want to do to him.

"Yeah, me too. How about my dads car?"

"Ok." As we get close to my dad I tell him to wait there, so my dad doesn't get suspicious.

"Dad can I have the keys? I want to put my watch in the car."

He's not suspicious and gives me the keys without asking any questions. We get our hands stamped and go out to my dads car. It's hotter than hell in the car, so I turn it on and blast the air conditioner.

We are sitting in the front seat cooling off and not sure what to do next. He looks around and pulls his shorts down, letting his boner pop out. I do the same. We are so stupid just sitting there, our boners sticking out. Neither one of us has had and experiences before other than jacking off.

"Can I touch it?" he asks. I nod and he scoots closer. I put my hand around his and he grabs mine. Well I almost shoot my sperm right when he touches it. I jack his a little. He jacks mine only a little and in 10 seconds I sperm. I can't help it, I was so horny. He hangs onto it while I now get serious about jacking his. He comes quickly. We were both too horny to get into it. A car comes and we freak out, pulling up our shorts over our spermy dicks. We both laugh as we get out of the car and walk back to the water park.

We hold hands. Did I grab his hand, or did he grab mine? I don't know. I just know that holding hands is way cooler than I thought it would be. I have never held hands with another boy and I like it, more maybe even than holding his dick. When we get out of the parking lot, we stop holding hands and get in line for a ride. We talk. It's cool hearing his voice after only seeing his typed words for so long.

I give the keys to my dad as he notices my friend with me. Oh, shit, also I still have my watch on. He sees it. I am so stupid. I feel back about lying to my dad. He knows I'm gay and like boys, I should have just told him the truth. He doesn't bust me. We go. Thanks dad.

As we stand in lines and go on rides, we almost always are touching each other. We both like being in contact with each other. But we are careful so nobody thinks we are gay or anything. We don't want to get beat up.

"Want to pee again?" he asks. Not really, but I want to see him again.

"Yeah." Once again we stand next to each other, but this time, he pees. I was never into pee or anything, but his was fun watching his come out. I just stood there with my boner out so he could look at it. A kid comes in so we both just stand closer to the urinals so he can't see us. He goes into a stall to pee. We put our boners away and go out.

He has to check in with his mom so I go with him. They go to lunch. I go to my dad, eat a fast lunch with him and hook back up with Brian. He can't swim for 30 minutes after lunch his mom says, so we go back to my dad.

"Brian can't swim or go on rides for 30 minutes. Can we sit in the car and turn on the air conditioning?" Ok, I know my dads not stupid, but I can't say can I have they keys to go and jack in the car with my friend? Yes!

When we get there and turn on the air I say "Let's get in the back seat, there's more room." We do. We are still so stupid we don't know how to start anything.

"Can I suck you?" he asks. Yeah! I pull mine down and my boner pops out. "I haven't done this before, so tell me if I'm doing it right." Well I never had my dick sucked before, but I figured there was no bad way to do it. Suddenly his mouth is on my dick! I think I am in heaven. I like the feeling, I like watching him, I like everything. I make noises so he can enjoy me enjoying it. I come. It's awesome. He drinks it all. I relax.

He pulls his head up. "Was it good?" Fucking A it was good.

"Your turn," I tell him, changing positions to get at his. I pull his down and put my mouth on it. It's yummy. I never did it before either, but it's not to hard to figure out. Yum, I love it when he comes. Then we both just sit there and enjoy being together.

It's been more than 30 minutes, so holding hands, we go back. I give my dad the keys and we spend the afternoon on all the rides and standing in line together. The best ride is the Black Hole cause its dark and he would grab my dick for the hole ride.

Then it was time to go. We hugged in front of our rents and both got tears in our eyes. Well at least we had some cool stuff to talk about next time we got online. Yum!

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