Open Sesame

Published on Jan 26, 2022


Open Sesame Chapter 4

Open Sesame

a fantasy

by Hank Horne


"We think we understand what you want for this `staff meeting,'" Jamal answered. "We have a day to prepare all of the people to meet you."

Part IV – Base Locale: Suburban Atlanta

The next morning, when Jamal told me everyone was assembled and waiting for us, we filed in as we would sit at the table: Hassan, Dildar, Majid, me, Jim and Scotty. As we entered, everyone stood and applauded for us. An equally big surprise was the T-shirts they were wearing – everyone had on a tie-dye shirt, utilizing the six colors of the rainbow. But they were not all identical. There was one predominate color (red, yellow, blue, orange, green, or purple), with the others used to a lesser extent. It would be perfect to have this as the theme for all the staff who interact with the public; bartenders, waiters, barbacks, busboys, etc. Mentally, I asked Jamal whose idea that was. He replied it was Arman's. `Thank you, Arman! Thank you very much! A brilliant idea!' I was beaming!

We sat at the table and as the applause died down, I spoke to the group. "Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you for your greeting and thank you for being a part of our tribute to the gay brotherhood who mean so much to those of us here on the platform. This is a new project which we hope to grow here in the Atlanta, Georgia, and Six Flags Over Georgia region. We want to raise another flag to join the ones already flying here, The Rainbow Flag. {Applause and feet stamping.} There will be several areas which we will focus on, but I'm sure you want to know what you will do and where you will live.

"That's why these other men are here with me. We oversee the company that runs this project and you will at some time encounter each of us. I am Grant Richards. This started out as my fantasy and has become real now. On the far end is Hassan Hassan who is responsible for personnel issues, the resort, and the golf course. {More applause and feet stamping.} Next to Hassan is his best friend, Dildar Fadel who will oversee the security of the entire complex. {Again, applause and feet stamping.} Those of you who work in that area will get to know him very well.

"Between Dildar and me is Majid Mustafa. {Applause and feet stamping.} We worked together and became — more — than best friends, if you know what I mean! (Laughter, whistling, applause and feet stamping.) Majid will be responsible for everything that goes on with the video and sound productions. He will be the Executive Producer, Director, Senior Cameraman and Senior Editor on all productions. He and I are also the owners of this company. We provide the money that will pay your salaries. {Applause and foot stamping.} So be nice to us! {More laughter, applause and foot stamping!}

"To my right is Jim Guthrie, who will oversee the entire Crystal Rainbow operation. {Applause and foot stamping.} He comes to us from the United States Department of State. He has contacts with every country in the world, except maybe North Korea, so don't piss him off or tempt him to send you home. In other words, kiss his ass or suck his cock every day and he'll be happy!" {Uproar laughter, whistling, applause and foot stamping.}

I looked over at Jim as he turned red as a beat. He looked at me and mouthed the word, `Bastard.' All the other guys at the table were laughing too. I leaned over to him, putting my arm around his neck, pulling him over to me and kissing his cheek. He tried to push me away, but I held on to him.

"The man to my far right is Scott Jonas. He is our Treasurer and is the one who signs your paychecks!" The entire audience stood, whistled and applauded. As the applause subsided, I continued, "That's one way to get on his good side! {Laughter.} Beside a financial whiz-kid, Scotty is also an accomplished gymnast and acrobat. He will be working with the performers to enhance their routines with some athletics beyond the expected performance. Just to kick things up a notch. Scotty, why don't you kick off what you have in mind?"

Scotty stood, then went into a gymnastic routine. The group went wild when he finished. He sat back down and explained his relationship to them. The rest of us did the same, so everyone would understand what they could expect from us and what we expect of them.

"One of the perks, or benefits, of being a part of this family is that we will take care of you every way possible. You will have time for yourselves and doing things that interest you, outside of the confines of the ranch here. You will need transportation to get you to and from your home here. So, with some limitations, each of you can select a two-seater sports car, or for a few who would prefer something else, you can choose a Jeep Wrangler Junior Sport." {Clapping and stomping and hollering.} "I said with limitations — no two can be exactly alike." {Murmurs of agreement from the group.}

"Now there are two guys whom we couldn't do without," I told them. "They have been with Majid and me from the beginning, and I must say they have worked their magic every step of the way. They are Persian, and I like to refer to them as our jinn." I looked over at them standing behind a curtain. "I see they have dressed the part today, too. They are Jamal and Arman. Come on out, guys!"

They walked on the platform dressed as they were when we met them, complete with the sheer harem style pants revealing their massive erections and `Prince Albert' rings. Everyone sat with their jaws dragging the floor. Jim and Scotty were in total shock. They looked at each other, then at me with a "What the fuck!?" expression. Of course, most of the audience had seen them at one time or another – just not in their Persian clothing or at their full size. After the initial shock subsided, the whole building went crazy with cheering, stamping feet, and applause. The two jinn came to the table and stood behind Maji and me, putting both hands on our shoulders, leaned over and kissed us on each cheek – face cheek, that is!

"These guys will continue their work in the background to make sure everything goes as planned. So, let's not have too many fuck-ups for them to straighten out. But they will help out in emergencies.

"Now let's break up into groups with our advisors here for what is expected of each of you."

We separated into the various sound stages for the next phase of explanation of what we wanted. The two jinn made a quiet exit.

* * * * * * *

For the next couple of weeks, everyone got settled in. The cooks made a variety of foods for everybody to sample and vote on which would be added to the menus at the Club, The Lodge (which we've started calling the resort) and palace (or castle – take your pick). The dancers worked on show routines to be used at 11:45 every night. Scotty worked with them to include more athleticism, both in the show and in their individual performances. The DJs put their play lists together for each dancer, and all the musicians recorded music for use in the club. The bartenders ordered the alcohol for all types of drinks, and beers from all parts of the world that could be served in Georgia. Servers practiced with the guys who ate at the restaurants daily, sampling the varieties of food offered. Maji and his production crews shot various short videos to get everyone comfortable in using the equipment, lighting and performing. We've pretty much settled on Crystal Video Productions, Crystal Rainbow Producers, and RWA Productions (Real Wrestling Action) as names we'll use for our video releases. The landscapers/gardeners worked the garden plots preparing for spring planting and mowing all the lawns around each of the buildings. The original landscapers had planted trees and shrubs around the acreage and fall flowers along the fence lines – and they looked good. Dildar worked with the Security staff on schedules, what to look for and how to interact with guests. Hassan had his Lodge front office guys, housekeeping, restaurant staff and the pool boys' role playing for the Thanksgiving weekend opening.

I went to my office in the castle and sent email, and formal `snail-mail' invitations to everyone who had helped us get this project going, including the various bankers we had worked with, GNN top people and field staff from Bagdad who knew both Maji and me. The architects would be with us also. I invited Greta and Robbie, Cal and Millie, and Howie to join us for Thanksgiving. They would stay with us in the castle.

I also made sure Jim and Howie would not get close to each other.

"Guthrie, my office ... now!" I left the message on his mobile phone and five minutes later he knocked on my open office door.

"You want to see me?" Jim asked.

"Yeah. Close the door." Jim closed the door and walked over to the desk with a puzzled look on his face. "Have a seat." I was being quite stern and forceful at this point — `the Grant Richards, hard-assed, network investigative news man.' He took a chair, with concern showing on his face. "Here is a list of the people who will be joining us for Thanksgiving weekend. I've indicated who will stay with us at the castle and who will stay at The Lodge. I need first class flight accommodations for all of these. Who will be traveling together, when they are to arrive and return to their point of origin. They will all be guests of the corporation for that weekend. Priority One for you is to make the arrangements with the airlines and limo service we've used before and have our standing purchase order authorization. Do you have any questions?"

"I don't believe so at this time. Is that all?" Jim asked, seemingly anxious to get the hell out of Dodge, or at least my office.

"No, that is not all," I replied as Jim sank back in his seat. "This — I want — To make — Perfectly clear. You — Are to interact with Howie as little — I repeat — as little as possible while he is here. When it is necessary to be sociable to him, you will treat him as if he ..."

"Was royalty?" Jim interrupted.

"No, not royalty, but royalty's Personal Representative. Use your thirty years of diplomatic experience when you are around Howie. He is our guest. He is my best friend. If you have a problem with that, then you can find a diplomatic way to solve it. Am — I — Clear?"

"Perfectly clear — Sir!"


"Am I free to leave now, Sir?"

I nodded. Jim stood and took his leave. I warned Jamal and Arman to keep them apart, one way or another, or make sure they behaved.

* * * * * * *

I think I was hyper the week leading up to Thanksgiving. All that was going on, and Jamal sensed that I needed some relief. It seems he talked with Majid about a night for just the two of us at a private beach on St. Maarten in the Caribbean. One moment, I was in my office at the castle and the next I was standing, naked in a strange room facing Maji, who was also naked.

Two hot young guys came in the room with trays of food and wines – they each were wearing just a loin cloth. They served the steaks, potatoes, green bean casserole, and the best Merlot I've ever tasted, then stood back as we started to eat.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked Maji.

"You need to release some tension. You've been uptight for the last month," he replied. "So, Jamal and Arman arranged this get-away for us before the grand opening."

"What's with these cutie-pies standing there, looking at us?"

"They are both going to get their first experience with man-to-man intercourse while we enjoy their show and our steak." Maji nodded to them and they started to fondle each other.

We were sitting so we could simultaneously enjoy our filets and watch them experience a once-in-a-lifetime occasion.

As they got more and more into each other, their loin covering tented more and more. Their hands caressed their backs, rubbing down to their teenage bubble buttocks, spreading them and massaging their private opening between. Their tongues delved into their mouths and as far as possible, vying for the depths of their oral passion. Their faces moved to the other's neck, with tongue laving from shoulder to ear, then giving deserved attention to the sensitive ministrations of the ear. Soon they moved back to servicing their mouths, when one started working his way down to the chest and dark nipples, waiting to be caressed by the desired tongue. Across to the other nipple, begging for its needed attention, on down the firm abdomen which had yet to develop into the ripped washboard of a more mature man.

Maji and I looked at each other briefly, smiling, blowing kisses to each other. Then taking another bite of the delicious meal, turned back to the two lovers who would soon be leaving their teen years behind. We could tell they were anxious to get to the main course of their feast together.

The young man, who was on his knees, had taken the object of his desire about half way to the base and was slowly working his way to reaching their goals of full oral penetration. The next trek down the shining shaft took him all the way. He held his prize tenderly while sucking with his throat and rolling his tongue around the fully engorged Tube of Love. As he pulled off the glistening tube, his lover pulled him to his feet. It was his turn to pleasure his lover with full oral attention.

Following the example previously set, a repeat performance gave Maji and me even more reason to enjoy our sumptuous dinner. By this time, we were ready for our dinner-dessert, a large slice of almond cheesecake on crushed Oreo crust, topped with raspberry drizzle. After-dinner dessert for us would cum later.

Our entertainers had progressed to lying in a 69 position on a chaise longue, encouraging mutual stimulation of their manhood and digital penetration, stretching their anal openings for future use. Apparently, each had previously been using dildos because they did not seem to be in any rectal pain with four fingers stretching them. One of them pulled out of the other's mouth, indicating he was about to come, so they both rested a minute or so before preparing for true anal penetration.

They turned in the same direction, returning to their kissing and caresses. Soon they were ready; one lay on his back, manhood reaching skyward; the other standing over him, ready to descend on the waiting obelisk. Slowly he enveloped the waiting prize, then paused as he adjusted to the invasion he had surmounted. They smiled as they leaned toward each other, then kissed tenderly. They were ready to continue. Working together, they separated and melded in unison. It seemed to be the ultimate dance, as they rhythmically moved together.

Then they separated, reversing positions, and the fucker became the fuckee and the fuckee became the fucker. They continued their dance of love, their dance of fulfillment, their dance of ecstasy. And only Maji and I were witness to this marriage of two beautiful lives.

They seemed to be nearing their climax, when they separated again. One lay with his shoulders on the floor, hips on the chaise longue, and his legs over his head. The partner straddled him to insert his manhood into the waiting love-chute and leaned over the chaise. Then came the impossible. The one on the floor took hold of his own enormous cock and slid it into his lover's waiting hole. They were going to fuck each other at the same time.

It only took a few minutes and they both seemed to orgasm simultaneously, both shuddering as they came into their lover's waiting orifice. Maji and I involuntarily shot our loads all over ourselves as we watched the impossible, ultimate expression of love.

"Did you see what I just saw?" I asked him.

"I don't believe what I think I saw," he replied. "I'd like to see Dil and Scotty try that."

The two boys – hell, no, they are men, and hot men at that – started to remove the serving trays and asked if we required anything else this evening. Maji and I shook our heads.

"You have provided beyond our expectations. Thank you for your services," I replied.

"We shall see you tomorrow morning with your breakfast." Then they left us alone.

Maji and I were already in bed, snuggling, so we stayed that way for a while. As we began to get sleepy, we got up to shower and take care of nightly personal care of ourselves.

Back in bed, we rehashed what had happened this evening. That got us worked up for another intimate session with each other. None of the fancy, show performance, but simple one-on-one mutual love. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, we were awakened by a knocking on the door, then its opening to reveal our two servers with breakfast. They sat the trays on the table. The food looked incredible; Gouda, Edam, and Maasdammer cheeses, strawberries on toast, several types of ham, appelstroop to pour over the toast, and coffee. We used the bathroom then returned to breakfast. Our servers stood to the side as we ate. We tried to make conversation with them, but apparently, they were very limited in understanding much of the languages we speak. My German is close enough to Dutch that I should understand some of their language.

After breakfast, Maji and I stretched out on the bed again. We were still naked, and the two guys removed their loin-cloths. They crawled between our legs and began to service our cocks. I must say, they're damned great cocksuckers! I would bet they practiced all night long. Maji and I were hard in seconds. They proceeded to use the same methods they used on each other the night before. Maji and I leaned in to each other for a prolonged kiss during our ministrations and slightly turned toward each other. Our servers took advantage of that, turning us on our sides, then wrapping their arms around us, rubbed their own cocks against our vulnerable rear openings. The more they rubbed us, the more they produced pre-cum, thus making their entry more accessible.

It wasn't a long time, with the two of them working us from the rear, Maji and I working with them from the front, both down below and above at the face level. The four of us were ready. The two boys – men – came within us first, triggering our own release. We all lay on the bed for a long time. The young natives withdrew from us, gathered up the remains of breakfast and left.

We lay in each other's arms and napped.

When we awoke, Maji and I were in our own bed, and coated in our own cum. More was seeping from our rectums.

"Morning, you smokin' hot handsome hunk," I said softly, as the love of my life opened his eyes. "Did you dream what I dreamed?"

"Am I supposed to know what you dreamed?" was his smartass reply.

"Yeah, `cause you were in on it," I retorted.

"It was no dream. Last night really happened. I hope you feel relaxed now. I think you came at least a dozen times during the `dream.'"

"Dream or no dream, I am totally relaxed when I'm in your arms and have your baby-makers in me, on me, all over me. Like that old song says,

With someone like you a pal good and true
I'd like to leave it all behind and go and find
A place that's known to God alone just a spot we could call our own
We'll find perfect peace where joys never cease
Somewhere beneath the starry skies
We'll build a sweet little nest somewhere out in the west
And let the rest of the world go by.

"And let the rest of the world go by."

"Wow! That's pretty damned relaxed. Just what doctor Jamal Lowhangers prescribed. And if I haven't told you — your Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Dick Haymes would have been looking for jobs if you had been singing back in their day."

Somewhere out in the ether, we heard laughter.

Maji and I emerged from our cocoon about noon, in time for lunch. Jim was at the palace trying to learn why we were incommunicado. For a change, I was very calm, relaxed and taking everything, and everyone in stride. FUCK IT ALL!!!

"Have lunch with us, Jim, and we'll talk about who will be here this weekend," I urged him.

"What the fuck's going on with him?" Jim asked Maji.

"He's had a therapy session that works better than Valium," Maji told him. "Maybe we can talk over lunch, if you just don't get your bowels in an uproar. Angel, what's for lunch?" I asked the cook on duty.

"I have turkey and ham club sandwiches ready to serve," he replied.

"And you gentlemen?" Angel asked.

"Sounds good to me," Jim replied.

"Make that three," Maji added. "And I'll have Coke to drink."

"It's Atlanta. What else?" Jim added

I gave the cook a double thumbs-up. "Same here!"

We sat at the casual dining table, while he served us.

"Who's going to be here tomorrow and for Thanksgiving Day?" I asked Jim.

"Senator and Mrs. Staunton – and their son, your sister and her fiancé, the two bankers from Switzerland, the two from the Bahamas, and the two from the Grand Caymans, along with Mr. Witherspoon and Miss LeFevre. Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins will arrive on Friday. The architects are already at The Lodge. The local politicians will be here for the day on Saturday through the show that night only."

"That would be the Governor of Georgia, the Mayor of Atlanta, the two Senators from Georgia, the Congressmen from the local districts ..."

"With their spouses. City councilors and county commissioners, some with spouses and some alone, from the surrounding municipalities may come either Friday or Saturday during the day for a photo-op," Jim clarified.

"That reminds me – Maji do you have cameramen scheduled to video and shoot stills ...?" Maji was nodding his head continuously.

"We're covered all the way," Maji added. "We'll have our own people shooting all weekend, plus there probably will be coverage from The Journal-Constitution, The Business Chronical, and who knows what other papers. There will be TV coverage, probably from WSB, WALB. I imagine the FOX stations will want to play us up for our sinful, radical, Muslim leanings. And we'll be ready for them."

"Everyone will wear the tie-dye shirts and either shorts or slacks," Jim confirmed.

"And all the dancers will only strip to tie-dye speedos," I added. "They will mostly do the song and dance routines with some of the acrobatic and gymnastic parts Scotty has been working on with them. I love the opening number they've worked up. `Stouthearted Men.' All the routines will be from standard music catalogs. None of the `I'm too sexy' crap yet, and no nudity yet!"

"The big studio is set up like an Austrian grand hall, with the mirrors and everything," Maji said. "An ensemble of our musicians will perform live and some dancers will be dressed formally, dancing in there when the tour and news people are there. They will do some of the lifts and jumps, depending on the music. It's all semi-classical stuff. I think they'll have some John Philip Sousa pieces tossed in somewhere."

"I contacted Wesley Chenault who the is archivist at the Kenan Research Center at the Atlanta History Center," Jim commented.  "He's the curator for The Unspoken Past: Atlanta Lesbian and Gay History, 1940–1970. It's an exhibit funded by the Georgia Humanities Council, and he's a member of the Local Arrangements Committee. He gave me the names and phone numbers of the LGBT leaders here in the Atlanta area — including the founders of Emory University's Gay And Lesbian Alumni organization. So, I think we've got our asses covered – at least, I hope so," Jim commented.

"As long as there is no nudity or overt lewdness, we're good," I offered. "And we're going to keep it this way for the next year."

"Yeah, midnight New Years, then all hell breaks loose!" Maji joked.

"Almost. We'll see how far we go when that time comes," I said.

* * * * * * *

Cal, Aunt Millie, Howie, Greta and Robbie all flew down from Washington on the same flight. Jim had gotten their First-Class tickets together since they all are fluent in AMSLAN, having known Greta since she was a baby. He arranged for the limo to bring them from the airport to the ranch. He also arranged all the guests' flights from everywhere in the world, and limo service from Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. The architects and the bankers are staying at the resort and will arrive at varied times. Jeff and Jennine will stay with us at the `castle' too. Harvey and Bev Allen, and Dan and Ginger Hopkins will fly in on Friday from Reagan National together. Jim has done an incredible job putting all this together in a short time. The company has gotten a limo for our own use, but we haven't put the logo on it yet. It's scheduled to get the paint job the first week of December. The company cars/SUVs came from local dealerships and will get logos added when we can arrange it. The temporary tags are still on them.

Dildar stationed himself with the Security team at the entrance to the ranch, since he knows everyone and so he could let me know they had arrived. Hassan was at the resort, so he could welcome those scheduled to go there. Security had a list of where to direct everyone, and a map of the complex to give the drivers.

"Grant, the Senator and his party are on their way to you," Dil told me by mobile phone.

"Thanks, Dil." I was very excited to see my family again, although it had only been a month that I was away. They were just as excited to see me, this time on location.

I was standing on the front veranda when the limo pulled under the portico. Howie sat up front with the driver, Greta and Robbie were in the middle row and Cal and Millie were in the back. The driver opened the doors on his side for Robbie and Millie, while I got the door for Greta, and Cal got his own door. Three of our houseboys followed me out to get the luggage. Igor is Russian, Sumate is Thai, and Umar is from Ethiopia. I got big hugs from all our guests, and before taking everyone inside, shook hands with the driver and gave him a C-note as a tip. Of course, everyone was impressed with the palace, especially when they got inside to see the `tropical rainforest,' as Howie called the pool area. I had emailed everyone to bring swimsuits because they could use the indoor pool and hot tub.

They loved being able to look through the aquarium with its variety of tropical fish. I showed them to the elevator behind the grand staircase. Their luggage was already in their rooms when they got to them.

About an hour later, Dil called up from Security to let me know Jeff and Jennine were on their way up. He also told me that several of the other guests had arrived at the resort. And about a half hour later, I got a call from Hassan that the bankers had arrived and were settled into their rooms. I reminded him to have them and the architects at the palace by 5:30 for cocktails and a general meet-and-greet. It's all casual this weekend. Wearing neckties is a bigger sin than being gay! I'm sure it was some guy named "Satan" who invented those chokers!

We were all working on our first drinks in the sunroom, adjacent to the ballroom and dining room, when I saw the cars coming up the driveway. I excused myself from the guests, nodded to Maji to join me, and told the group of guys who were making up the combo to play easy-listening music until dinner to start performing. Maji and I greeted everyone at the front door. The new arrivals filled up the ballroom nicely. They found the bar set up at the opposite end from the combo, and everyone started mingling. Millie, Greta and Jennine were the only women in the group of men. Lucky them!

I got a message from Jamal that he and Arman had everything under control with Howie and Jim and for me to just relax and enjoy the party. He concluded by saying, "Have a drink on me!" Thanks, I needed that! Over the next hour, the six of us who make up the Board of Directors got around to speaking with everyone there. Jamal was true to his word. Jim greeted Howie just as he did everyone else. They did not take a long time to talk and Jim moved on after being polite and cordial to him. Majid, Dildar, Hassan and Scotty chatted with Greta and Robbie. Millie was surprised to see them signing like old friends. From the short time that Scotty stayed with us, he had picked up a lot of signs and did an admirable job talking with the couple. The two sometimes had to spell words for him, but he made them feel important. I'm very proud of him!

A few minutes later, I got a shocker myself. I was talking with Greta and Robbie when a hunky young redhead came up to me. Dylan is very good at floral arranging and has made several suggestions about the décor in the house which were very astute. He also cares for the plants in the `tropical rainforest.' When he approached me, I acknowledged his presence, and he signed that dinner was ready to be served while he spoke the words for everyone. I had no idea he could sign. I asked him how he learned, and he told me his parents were deaf and he's been signing all his life. Some signs are different in Scotland than America, but Greta and Robbie could understand him. I thanked him, both orally and signed. I put my arm around his shoulder, pulling him to me and whispered that we would talk later. Then I announced that the group would adjourn to the dining room where everyone would find their souvenir place cards for tonight's dinner.

The Staunton family, Greta, Robbie and I were at the same table, with Aunt Millie and Greta on either side of me. Dylan was our server, so everyone was very comfortable. Majid was at a table with Jeff, Jennine, two of the bankers and an architect, while Jim and Hassan sat with four architects and Scotty and Dildar sat with four bankers. There will be a grand shuffle for breakfast and Thanksgiving dinner. A string quartet performed during the meal. Most of the music for the evening was easy-listening arrangements of mostly 20th century show tunes and hit parade toppers – only a few of the centuries old classics.

Chef Emile prepared an outstanding Thanksgiving Eve dinner. Fresh citrus fruit was at the table when we arrived, along with a round slice of Iceberg lettuce lying on a drizzle of Thousand Island dressing, fresh chopped chives, diced celery, slivers of radishes, then a dollop of Roquefort dressing and chunks of the Roquefort cheese on top. When the fruit cups were cleared from the table, Chef rolled in a carving cart with three crowns of Lamb Pilaf, to applause from the diners, which he then carved. The servers brought in the plates with servings of succotash and roasted Brussel sprouts Parmesan. Chef served the lamb and rice, then the plates were delivered to the various tables. For dessert, Pastry Chef Kato prepared a berry mousse that was beautiful and delicious, even after all the other food. Our sommelier, Vinicio, selected excellent wines to pair with the lamb and the dessert. When we finished eating, I sent word to Emile that I would like the entire kitchen staff to come in, so we could express our appreciation. They did a magnificent job on the premier dinner party. They'll have something to live up to from now on.

After dinner, everyone mingled and got to know each other. The limo and cars arrived to take those staying at The Lodge back, and those of us staying at the palace, went up to our rooms. I made sure Robbie and Greta knew where everything was, and I would be available to them for anything they needed. Jamal confirmed to me that he and Arman would be `on duty' all night for them. Maji and I were so tired, we slept very well that night.

Thanksgiving morning, the `room-service' guys delivered thermal carafes of coffee and hot water to brew tea with mugs, cream and sweeteners to each of the occupied rooms. They let everyone know that breakfast would be a buffet in the dining room at 9:00 o'clock. Angel was responsible for breakfast and he had everything from eggs, meats, freshly made rolls, and F.R.O.G. jam (that's fig, red raspberry, orange peel, and ginger – OMG, is it good!?). The guys brought coffee around for us and had tea available. His staff got a round of applause after breakfast.

We took a tour of the palace and visited with each other. I invited Dylan to join us, so Greta and Robbie could get to know him better. Around noon, I suggested we inaugurate the indoor `tropical rainforest.' Dylan is one of the lifeguards for the facility and Ryan is another. He is from Australia and is part of the Security team, assigned to the `castle,' so we have two hot, hunky lifeguards in their rainbow tie-dyed Speedos to enjoy.

For a sixty-plus woman, Aunt Millie is well preserved. Seeing her in a swimsuit, one would not guess her to be that old. Jennine is one hot chick and is stunning in her two-piece. Greta is quite attractive – after all she is my sister – and fills out a one-piece swimsuit very nicely. Cal — is Cal. Overweight, but not excessively obese. Howie is a hunky, firm, well-built man. He would turn heads at the beach anytime. Robbie is still in wrestling shape and works on staying that way regularly. Greta is marrying one smoking stud! And Jeff, in a short-cut swimsuit, could curl my toes anytime! I'd give him a romp in the hay in a heartbeat. But he only has eyes for Jennine. But I still like the view from here. Oh, to get him in a locker room or gym shower. Yum-yum!

Cal was the only one who did not get in the pool. The rest of us enjoyed splashing around. I called everyone's attention to the fish swimming at the one end of the pool and indicated where the steps leading to the hot-tub were at the other. We all dipped underwater to watch the fish, then one-by-one came up for air. Jennine and Jeff swam down to the far end to climb out and go up to the tub. When they got in the tub, Jennine called out, "How are you doing down there?" as she and Jeff waved to us. Then they sat for a soothing soak.

The two scorching lifeguards were standing on the same side, chatting with each other while keeping watch on the rest of us in the pool. They are quite a contrast to each other. Ryan is tall, with an incredible body and tanned skin, black hair and the bluest eyes. OMG, I've never seen any man any prettier than Ryan. I want to eat every bit of him, from head to toe. Next to him, Dylan is a couple of inches shorter, also built like a brick shithouse. He has the palest skin I've seen on anyone, and the freckles are as sexy as hell! It's no wonder I'm so attracted to ginger men, and women.

Then I get a glimpse of Maji walking into the pool area, wearing a yellow bikini, and I nearly released a load in my suit from overload of hot, sexy men. Maji's dark, Arab skin, his magnificent build, just the right amount of fur on his chest and trailing down into his suit, and his incredible smile. I couldn't hold it back any longer and lost it there in the pool. Fortunately, it stayed inside my suit until I could get over to the side near a circulation outlet. I make sure it all is drawn through the cleaning/recycling system.

When I turned around, Howie was looking at me, then he glanced up to the three men at poolside and back to me, and signed, `Did you?' I blushed and nodded. He closed his eyes, and just shook his head slowly. I ducked underwater and swam toward the aquarium. When I surfaced, I turned toward my guests. Millie, Greta and Robbie were on the far side of the pool talking with Cal, who had his feet splashing in the water. Howie was talking with Maji and the lifeguards. Jeff and Jennine were on their way down from the hot-tub.

Howie may have suggested that Dylan join the signing group because he walked tentatively over to them, sat on the side, then slowly slid into the water. Robbie immediately started a conversation with him, while Greta continued chatting with Cal and Millie. Seeing Robbie and Dylan taking to each other made me feel good. Dylan was becoming more relaxed in his company, as before he was `just a servant' for us. Robbie was making the young redhead more comfortable as a potential friend.

I swam up to Jeff and Jennine, and we got into a conversation when Maji joined us in the water. He blurted out the question, "When are you two going to tie the knot?"

"What makes you think we're ready for that?" Jeff asked.

"Give me a break, Witherspoon. You two have been obvious to me since Grant joined the team. Maybe I just learned what to look for once we found each other."

"I wasn't going to bring up the subject, but I've also noticed how you two act around each other. Just like Maji and me," I added.

"We're not that bad, are we?" Jennine asked, sarcastically.

"Who else has brought up the subject?" I asked. "And when are you going to start wearing the required diamond?"

"I have it in the room and I usually wear it away from GNN people." Jennine answered. "We try to keep everything professional between us at work."

"What profession is that?" Maji asked. He should have expected what came next. Jennine gave him a hard shove, knocking him off balance and underwater. He came up spluttering and laughing.

Ryan was in the water, heading for us as soon as Maji started to lose his balance. He grabbed Maji around the chest and arms to help him up. Now we had everyone's attention.

"You deserved that, Mustafa," Jeff commented. "Maybe you'll learn not to talk about my girl like that. She can defend herself. I'm just here to back her up against someone she can't handle."

"Oohh! I heard that!" I said.

At this point, Cal hollered to us, "Is that clock right? Have we missed the Falcons kick-off?"

"That's one way to break up a party," Millie observed, as Howie and Dylan helped Cal up off the deck.

We went to our rooms, dressed then came back down to watch the game in the library. The ladies went out to the Sunroom, where Vinicio served them tea. I took commercial breaks to check on them, but Vinny was on top of everything.

After Atlanta trounced Detroit 27 to 7, we all got ready for dinner. The guys from the resort arrived and we sat down to an incredible, traditional Thanksgiving meal – turkey (of course), yam casserole, asparagus with cheese sauce, green bean casserole, cornbread with chestnut dressing, loaded mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, homemade biscuits and rolls, cranberry gelatin–fruits–chopped nuts salad, pumpkin pie, Georgia pecan pie, and my grandmother's recipe grated apple pie.

I had whispered to Dylan that everyone at our table should get the apple pie. Greta took one bite of her slice and hit me hard on my arm. She signed "Grandma" while saying the word and pointing to the pie. I nodded with a smirk on my face, and she burst into tears. I reached over to hold her as she sobbed into my chest. I was teary also. Aunt Millie signed to Robbie while telling everyone else that it was our grandmother's recipe which had caused Greta's reaction.

The Americans were thoroughly impressed, and the foreigners were in total disbelief. Those of us who sampled everything were glad for the Kistler California Chardonnay to help it process properly. Vinicio had ordered two cases of the 2000 vintage, which he kept chilled in the basement. Naturally, the kitchen staff got a round of applause for the memorable meal.

* * * * * * *

Thanksgiving evening, we inaugurated the Crystal Rainbow Club. All our guests were given commemorative rainbow wristbands to identify them as charter members of the club. Marcus Goldberg and Evan Tyner were waiting in the parking lot when the rest of us arrived. The designers who had worked with us on decorating the apartments and all the other buildings arrived soon after. Marcus and Evan hooked up with Myron Finkelstein, and Jim joined their group. By 8:30, we had a very good showing for the premier performance on the stage.

About 9:00, the lights in the main part of the club dimmed and two spotlights lit the side parts of the stage where two male couples stepped into the lights, dressed in black pants and shirts open to the waist. The music began playing a tango, and the dancers performed a magnificent example of the Latin American dance. At the end of that number, the music changed to a jazzy, show-stopping tap piece and another couple danced to the middle of the stage for an incredible tap routine. When that performance ended, two more couples, in black tights and rainbow tank-tops, came on stage, performing The Hustle. The audience showed their appreciation for the opening acts.

When that ended, the full stage lights brightened, the DJ played the opening chorus number. Six dancers came on singing and Rockettes-style chorus-line dancing to "There's No Business Like Show Business." 2 When the song finished, the emcee for the evening introduced the performers and welcomed the guests. Dylan sat on the floor of the stage, legs hanging over the edge, interpreting for Greta and Robbie.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to The Crystal Rainbow. I am Viktor and I'll be your tour guide this evening. This is a male review, similar to the infamous Chippendales. Don't worry, we're not going that far – I said, `similar to.' We've got more singing with our dancing and less stripping. Sorry, ladies. This will be PG-13 rated tonight. If you expected R or X rating, you can get your money back as you leave. Until then, enjoy the drinks and the show – on the house!"

Music starts, and Viktor begins singing, "Stout Hearted Men." 3

Give me some men who are stout-hearted men,

Who will fight, for the right they adore,

Ten dancers come on stage, singing with Victor.

Start me with ten who are stout-hearted men,

Another twenty-five dancers/singers enter through all the doors, singing and mingling with the guests. They pay particular attention to putting their arms around the ladies who are there, without ignoring the gay men. But they left Cal, Howie, Jeff, and Robbie alone, although Robbie put his arm around the singer who stood next to him, so the man reciprocated.

And I'll soon give you ten thousand more.

Shoulder to shoulder and bolder and bolder,

They grow as they go to the fore.

Then there's nothing in the world can halt or mar a plan,

When stout-hearted men can stick together man to man.

The guests loved it and erupted in applause when it was over. Greta and Robbie signed "Thank you" to Dylan, which he acknowledged with a big smile and a nod.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much!" Victor used his best Elvis impression, even to swiveling his hips. "Now you will be able to see all our dancers in performance here on stage as they give an abbreviated show, so we can introduce all fifty dancers. Let them know if you appreciate their work. And thank all of you for being here this evening."

The rest of the evening had the dancers doing their `thing' on stage, dancing, stripping their shirts and shorts off, down to their tie-dyed bikinis. No thongs or G-strings on stage this weekend. There was a lot of acrobatic performances, nearly all the dancers worked out on the brass pole in the middle of the stage.

A bit about the stage: It's in four sections. The back part is behind the proscenium and the rainbow curtain. It can be used as part of the show or as a staging area for the dancers. The walkway stretches from curtain past the pole and has a rounded tip at the front. On either side is a round stage that can be raised or lowered as we want.

After the show, one of the choreographers came up to me while I was talking with Jeff and Jennine. I turned to him and commented, "Alvin, that is a great show. Will you do it again tomorrow night?"

"Thank you, sir. Yes, we will repeat the show tomorrow night, and want to add another number to it. But we need some help."

"What is that?" I asked.

We want to do "There's Nothing Like a Dame," and the guys insist I ask if this beautiful lady here would be willing to help us with it," Alvin replied.

"You'll have to ask her," I responded. "Jennine?"

"What do you want me to do," she asked.

"When we get to the whistling segment, we would like two of our guys who will be beside you to help you up on the stage to flirt with the singers up there. I detect a French accent, so it should be easy enough – and we won't ask you to do a can-can," Alvin answered, chuckling at the end. That got Jeff, Jennine and me laughing. She glanced at Jeff and me; we both nodded, vigorously, so she said, "I'd love to!" The people standing around us who were listening gave her a round of applause, which caused her to blush a bit.

"Thank you very much," Alvin replied, beaming all over and kissing her hand. "Rehearsal will not be necessary, and you can just be yourself." Then he left to tell the cast what to expect.

"Tomorrow is media day and night, so this will go over big with them," I told Jennine and Jeff. "It will allay some fears about this being a totally gay operation, because most of the guys are truly bi – some maybe even `gay-for-pay.' So, this will be a tremendous boost. Thank you, Jennine, Jeff. I appreciate it more than I can say."

"Hey, it will be fun, and we both will enjoy it. She can be a ham at times, and you know how sexy she is anyway. I'll never forget the way she came onto you when you first arrived in Bagdad. I thought you would die of embarrassment to begin with," Jeff said.

"Hey, I was on a new assignment and didn't know about the two of you being an `item.'"

"It was your initiation, and you've got to admit – you're hot! Even now!" she said. "You're still blushing." She leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, Jeannine," I responded, humbled.

Those of us from the palace left about a half-hour later, while the others stayed until they wanted to leave. The club closed at 3:00 a.m.

Friday morning, breakfast was ready for us at about 8:30. Media day would start about 2:00 p.m. at the video production studio. A dozen dancers from a couple of major dance studios in Atlanta were scheduled to arrive between 1:30 and 1:45 to show off the big studio which was set up as a ballroom in the eighteenth-century rococo style – gold trim, mirrors, fancy furniture. The ladies could change into their fancy ball gowns in their dressing room, the men into their tails in their dressing room. An ensemble from the Cobb Symphony would play for the dancers to perform a variety of dance styles appropriate to their attire. Video cameras were mobile on pedestals in three corners, and a fourth camera was already installed in the ceiling, reminiscent of The June Taylor Dancers' performances on The Jackie Gleason Show, countless years ago. We would record today's show to give our cameramen some practice. A table with refreshments was at one end, with properly dressed attendants serving the guest dancers throughout the afternoon.

The other two video studios were empty but had cameras in place. The first videos Majid planned to shoot was a series at my request, recreating beautiful dance sequences from the old MGM musicals. The audio recording studio had some of our musicians performing pieces they had recorded for the dancers at the club.

The next area we visited was the greenhouse and garden location. A walk through the greenhouses gave everyone an idea of how we could have year-round fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Then we came to the corporate offices, staff clubhouse, rehearsal hall and recreation areas. After that, we moved on to the resort section. The nine-hole par-three golf course around the building was looking very good, and several of our guys were playing on both sides of the driveway in sight of the visitors. Hassan was at the front desk when we arrived and welcomed the group. Then he took them to the atrium, through a couple of the rooms and on beyond the arc to a view of the river and beach we created leading to it. When one turns back toward the arc shape of the building, the six floors with the rainbow stripes of each floor, red on to down to violet, are beautifully visible.

The last stop on the tour was the Crystal Rainbow Club and Diner. The cast was going through a "rehearsal" of tonight's show, deliberately timed for the tour. The "house" lights were at about half brightness this time, whereas tonight they would be dark. The stage lights were full brightness and the sound system was fully functional. The cast was rehearsing the "Nothing Like a Dame" number. One of the hostesses from the diner was standing in for Jennine. When the number was over, a reporter asked me about women as audience.

"Anyone who would like to see a male review show is more than welcome to visit or become a member of the club," I told her. "There are no restrictions other than if you do not want to view male dancers performing on stage, then don't join us. Any women who want to become active members, are eligible to do so. Our performers enjoy dancing for women as well as men."

"I thought this was a gay club," the reporter commented, her video camera rolling.

"We expect a large portion of our members will be gay, but that does not exclude straight males, bisexual males — omni-males, or females any more than one's race will not exclude anyone for membership," I responded. "Our staff is made up of gay, bi, and maybe straight men who are — what you might call "gay-for-pay," and they are from every continent on Earth."

"What ethnic background predominates here?" she asked.

"Guys! What ethnic background predominates here?" I asked the performers. {Silence} "Well?" {Still silence} "They don't know either. Any other questions we might be able to answer?"

"Do you have any females on staff here?" she asked.

"Yes and no," I replied.

"What do you mean by `yes and no?'"

"We have six hermaphrodites, but they prefer to be thought of as `young ladies.' The one you saw being lifted onto the stage is one of the six. Any more of you girls here?" I asked. All six girls stepped forward, dressed in women's clothes with make-up and hair perfect. Each one of them is of a different ethnicity – African, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Welsh, and Semitic. "These are our `token females.' Next question?" {Silence still} The cast broke into applause.

"I know most of the media from the Atlanta region, but I don't know these gentlemen who have accompanied us. Who are they?" Ms. Foxy News asked.

"They are my guests for the weekend, and I've included them in this tour," I replied.

"Are they gay?"

"You know, I've never asked them that question, and I really don't consider it anybody's damn business, but theirs."

"Are they with a foreign news organization? I've noticed some foreign accents," she pressed.

"Not that I know of. I have traveled all over the world, and have made friends in every country I've been in. So, the fact that I've invited foreign friends to be here this weekend, is totally immaterial to anything. I have family and friends from Maryland visiting in my home, none of whom is gay, some are married, some are single. My sister and her fiancé – with one `e' – are here, six of my dad and mom's best friends are here for the weekend. In fact, four of them arrived while I was showing you around and was not able to greet them when they got here.

"Shall we continue the tour? The diner is upstairs." I turned and led them up the stairs. Two of the `girls' had preceded us and were at their station to welcome us. I gave them a wink, smiled as we approached and mouthed `Thank you' to them. They beamed big time.

"As you can see, the diners will be treated to the show on the stage," I continued. "The tables are arranged for full viewing. Seating is on three sides of the building. The far side can be used as a private dining room for birthday parties and the like. Guests can also see through the windows into the kitchen and watch the food being prepared. Service stations for the servers are at either end of the kitchen."

"Will you hire any females as servers?" Ms. Mouthy asked.

"Our `girls' are flexible in their duties, as are all our staff," I replied. "They have completed training at some of the best culinary and hospitality schools in the world. (pause) Shall we go back downstairs since this concludes the tour."

When we got back outside, Maji joined us. I asked the group, "Does anyone else have any pertinent questions?" Elliott Mackle identified himself as a founder of the Emory University GALA organization, and he had some excellent questions which dealt with membership requirements, corporation funding, drinking restrictions, and nudity, which is permitted in some Atlanta bars.

"There are strict regulations and our dancers are fully licensed as `adult entertainers.' Eventually, they may be `all male-all nude.' The law is very specific about drinking age," I said. "For the moment, guests will be stamped on the hand with a code for those under the age of twenty-one. Under eighteen will not be admitted – period. We are planning to have an ID card which is also a charge card for our members and bill them monthly. There are three attorneys who advise us every step of the way to ensure we are in full compliance with local, state and federal laws. We have a sanitation advisor who checks us monthly to make sure our kitchens and other facilities maintain the highest standards possible. Our kitchen staff has taken the sanitation training, so they know the requirements."

I paused, looked around, but there seemed to be no one raising a hand. "Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, for being here this afternoon. If any of you would like to return for the show tonight or tomorrow night, please get a pass from Mr. Jonas. He's the hunk in the teal shirt." {Some chuckles as Scotty turned red.}

"Elliott, may I speak with you a moment?

The persistent reporter started talking with some of the architects as the bankers gathered into a group of their own to chat. Several of the media people got passes from Scotty, and I spent some time chatting with them. I walked over to the architects' group, interrupting the reporter.

"Guys, what are your thoughts on how this project turned out, from your perspective?" I was thinking, `Give her some different material to use or ignore.'

"Kago, since you oversaw the layout of the property, how would you say the end results meets the expectations we were aiming for?"

"The part that impressed me the most was having eleven construction teams working fourteen to fifteen hours a day to accomplish the job in a third of the time it might have otherwise. They coordinated perfectly."

"Eleven construction teams?" Ms. Reporter asked.

"Yes, eleven," Kago replied. "Two for each building project. The morning team would work from six in the morning until two in the afternoon, and the evening team would take over then and work until eight at night. With your Daylight-Saving Time, we could get twice the work done each day."

"That's incredible! How did you think to do that?" she asked.

"That was Grant's original plan to move everything along faster. In the long run, it probably saved at least six million dollars on the total project," he said.

"Oh," she said. "Well, very good. Can I get a pass to come back tomorrow night?"

"Scott, this lady would like a couple of passes. She wants to see our guys in their full glory. Scott works with the dancers on their gymnastic routines to give their shows more pizzazz. Here are two passes, for you and a friend. I think you will enjoy it. Thank you for coming." `Bring your girlfriend, Lezzie!' I thought.

Maji and I left Dildar and Scotty to make sure the media got away and the bankers and architects got back to The Lodge, then we went back to the palace to say hello to the Allens and the Hopkins, who had arrived while I was on the tour. Everyone was in the sunroom enjoying tea and crumpets – well, maybe not crumpets, per se, but some hors d'oeuvres.

When we got there, we greeted the new guests and apologized for not being available when they arrived, but since they knew everyone else they were comfortable. Greta had asked Dylan to join them, so he was more relaxed, without Maji and me around.

Cal was holding forth with Dan and Harvey while Mildred was grouped with Ginger and Beverly. Maji and I joined the men to begin with, then moved over to talk with the ladies. Greta and Robbie were glad to have someone to chat with and learn more about each other. I looked around for Howie, then Dylan told me he was in the pool with Jennine, Jeff, and Ryan. They had a volleyball that they were passing around and were having a great time. Maji excused himself to join the group in the pool.

We went to the Club dining room for dinner about 7:30. Everyone would order from the menu and have the opportunity to see the guys going through routines on stage. The bankers and architects had gone to the bar first, then joined us upstairs. Two of our `girls' were working the welcome desk and Avra showed us to our seats. When the others came up from the bar, Kimi showed them to their seats. We had six waiters and the same number busboys for the thirty-one people we were serving this evening. The hostesses and waiters were dressed in black, rather "skinny" slacks and tie-dye muscle shirts, also form-fitting. The busboys had the black slacks, but each had a solid T-shirt of the three primary and three secondary colors.

I took the opportunity to check on each of the tables and chat with all the guests while they were having their salads and waiting for their entrées – just as a proper dining room manager should! I told them they would receive a survey for suggestions to improve service and menu and leave them with Hassan at The Lodge front desk. The people staying at the residence could leave them in the library there. When it was nearly time for the show to begin, we all went down to the club and got tables there, or sat at the bar, or just stood around.

As had been done the previous night at 9:00, the lights in the main part of the club dimmed and the stage lights brightened. The DJ played the opening number for two couples to perform a hot Cha Cha Cha. Three other dancers tapped to a really jazzy song, followed by two more couples performing a variety of swing dances from the Big Band Era, including the Charleston and the Shag. When they took their bows, a different set of six dancers came on singing and dancing to "There's No Business Like Show Business." 2 When the song finished, the emcee for the evening introduced the performers and welcomed the guests. Like last night, Dylan sat on the floor of the stage interpreting for Greta and Robbie.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to The Crystal Rainbow. I am David and I'll be your tour guide this evening. This is a male review, similar to the infamous Chippendales. Don't worry, we're not going that far – I said, `similar to.' We've got more singing with our dancing and less stripping. Sorry, ladies. This will be PG-13 rated tonight. If you expected R or X rating, you can get your money back as you leave. Until then, enjoy the drinks and the show – on the house!"

The music started for the next song, which was "The Drinking Song" from Sigmund Romberg's "The Student Prince." 4 By this time, the cast, including the "Singing Security Studs," was spread out around the club. Each had a mug of beer in their hand, so they started banging the tables and the bar with the mugs as they counted:

Ein zwei drei vier

Lift your stein and drink your beer

Ein zwei drei vier

Lift your stein and drink your beer

Being a tenor, David (or Dawit in his Ethiopian language) had the solo.

Drink! Drink! Drink!

To eyes that are bright as stars when they're shining on me!

Drink! Drink! Drink!

To lips that are red and sweet as the fruit on the tree!

Here's a hope that those bright eyes will shine

Lovingly, longingly soon into mine!

May those lips that are red and sweet,

Tonight, with joy my own lips meet!

Drink! Drink!

Let the toast start!

May young hearts never part!

Drink! Drink! Drink!

Let every true lover salute his sweetheart!

Drink! Drink! Drink!

To arms that are white and warm as a rose in the sun!

Drink! Drink! Drink!

To hearts that will love one, only when I am the one!

Here's a hope that those soft arms will twine

Tenderly, trustingly soon around mine!

All I ask is the right to see those smiling eyes beguiling me

Drink! Drink!

Let the toast start!

May young hearts never part!

Drink! Drink! Drink!

Let every true lover salute his sweetheart!

Let's drink!

Drink! Drink! Drink!

To eyes that are bright as stars when they're shining on me!

Drink! Drink! Drink!

To lips that are red and sweet as the fruit on the tree!

Here's a hope that those soft arms will twine

Tenderly, trustingly soon around mine!

All I ask is a right to see those smiling eyes beguiling me

Drink! Drink!

Let the toast start!

May young hearts never part!

Drink! Drink! Drink!

Let every true lover salute his sweetheart!

Let's drink!

"Danke schön! Vielen Dank!" David told the audience to the enthusiastic applause. "What more do we need as performers than your showing us how much you enjoy our work?"

"Dawit, you are exactly right," Gyuri, one of our horticulturists from Greece, spoke up. "Performers have a need to please an audience, especially a great one like we have here tonight. But as men, we need something more." Several of the cast on stage vocally agreed.

The music started for their next number, "There's Nothing Like a Dame" from Rodgers and Hammerstein's "South Pacific."5

David asked the men, "What more do we need? We've got so much already." The chorus began to sing:

We got sunlight on the sand
We got moonlight on the sea
We got mangoes and bananas we can pick right off the tree
We got volleyball and ping-pong and a lot of dandy games!
What ain't we got?
We ain't got dames!

We get packages from home
We get movies, we get shows
We get speeches from our skipper
And advice from Tokyo Rose
We get letters doused with perfume
We get dizzy from the smell!
What don't we get?
You know damn well!

We've got nothin' to put on a clean white suit for
What we need is what there ain't no substitute for...

There is nothin' like a dame
Nothin' in the world
There is nothin' you can name
That is anything like a dame!

We feel restless, we feel blue
We feel lonely and in grief
We feel ev'ry kind of feelin'
But the feelin' of relief
We feel hungry as the wolf felt when he met Red Hiding-Hood
What don't we feel?
We don't feel good!

Lots of things in life are beautiful but, brother
There is one particular thing that is nothin' whatsoever
In any way, shape or form like any other

There is nothin' like a dame
Nothin' in the world
There is nothin' you can name
That is anything like a dame!

Nothin' else is built the same
Nothin' in the world
As the soft and wavy frame
Like the silhouette of a dame!

There is absolutely nothin' like a frame

Of a dame

While the cast was whistling, two of the guys on the floor escorted Jennine to the stage and lifted her up to two other men on stage. More audience applause and whistling.
Also during the applause and whistling, Halldór moved to stage right and Jennine to stage left of the front line of the hunky singers. On the first line of the verse, she rubbed her hand down Kim's face, looked out over the audience, grinned and gave a little wiggle while the guys, singing the musical line, turned their heads to watch her.

There are no books like a dame

As she stepped toward Colt, he took her hand, turned her half-circle to face the audience, and she leaned back against his chest. She rolled her shoulders against his taught pecs, much to his enjoyment.

And nothing looks like a dame

Ivan took her hand, guiding her around in-front of himself and she rubbed his biceps, then turned to the audience and feigned dizziness, and began to sink toward the floor. Ivan grabbed her by the elbows and lifted her to a standing position.

There are no drinks like a dame

Bret reached over, took her hand in his, and put his arm around her waist, and as in a waltz-step, turned her full-circle, and handed her off to Fabio next to him.

And nothing thinks like a dame

Fabio leaned in to kiss her cheek, she stepped back and playfully slapped his cheek instead. She looked out at the audience and winked at them. Altan stepped forward, turning a quarter turn to face her, took her right hand and she allowed him to kiss it.

Nothin' acts like a dame

Jennine looked at the audience with passion in her eyes, almost faint. Altan slipped his arms under hers to support her and handed her off to Cole.

She faced him and ran her hands down his chest and abdomen. He shivered as did she.

Or attracts like a dame
Her legs seemed to become weak again, but Cole and Altan make a chair-seat with their arms and allowed her to sit while she put her arms around their shoulders. They gently rocked her.
There ain't a thing that's wrong with any man here
That can't be cured by putting him near
A girly, womanly, female, feminine dame!

As Halldór hit the low note on the last word, he lifted Jennine up in his arms, holding her for a minute during the ovation, then giving her a kiss on the cheek he carried her back to the edge of the stage, knelt and put her in Jeff's arms. "Thank you both, very much," Halldór said to them.

"No. Thank you!" Jeff replied as he stood his fiancée on the floor. The two men then shook hands and returned to their groups.

David came to the front of the stage, in front of the pole, to make the announcement, "This concludes our singing portion of the show, now comes more of the dancing. But while everyone is here, I want to give a special shout out to our DJ for this evening – Harley Davidson! That's his real name, but to us he's just `Har-Har.' Right now, he's giving us what's sometimes called a `Hawaiian Wave.' So, let's all turn to the DJ booth and with the middle finger extended, wave back. `Har-Har!' Thank you all for being with us this evening. Enjoy the rest of the show!"

All but the six dancers who would continue the show left. Dildar whispered in my ear that the woman reporter was wandering through the crowd. She had some guy with her who looked like he might be the slave for her dominatrix. Dil and I walked over to her.

"Did you get to see the opening show this evening, Ms. Smitherman?" I asked her.

"I thought the `show' was just now starting," she replied.

"Oh, no. It's been going on for nearly an hour. Then about midnight, there will be a fifteen-minute belly-dancing performance from some of our dancers, showing various styles of belly-dancing. The rest is basically filler for the night," I said with a saccharine tone. "Tomorrow night we'll combine both last night and tonight's shows. You might enjoy that even more."

"Tonight, will be enough for me to learn what's going on here. And I'm sure there is more than meets the eye," she told me.

"If you find something that I don't know about, be sure to let me know. Have you had dinner yet? If not, please be my guest upstairs tonight. The dining room is serving for another hour," I responded.

"You're too kind," she said, then reconsidered. "But I might just take you up on that."

"I'll make sure you have a good view of the stage while you're eating. Mr. Fadel, please let the hostesses know Ms. Smitherman and her escort are my guests."

"Yes, sir, Mr. Richards," Dil acknowledged the directive, and left immediately to take care of it.

"I do have one more question," she said. "I notice that several of your top men are Muslim ..."

"Are you assuming they are Muslim because they're Mid-Eastern or Semitic?" I asked. "Their faith is totally superfluous here. We have staff who are Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Jewish, Sikh, Tao, Muslim. We have most of the Christian denominations represented, including Christian Kurds, and some Muslim denominations also. We are totally ecumenical. Does that answer your question?" {Silence} "Have a good evening," I told her, then went back to my group.

A few minutes later, Dil came up to me and told me he had warned the girls upstairs who was coming up for dinner, and to let the guys know they might be grilled for anything she could use against us.

And shortly after, Ando let me know the limo was ready whenever the older generation was ready to go back to the Palace. Ando is from Madagascar and is an outstanding auto mechanic as well as an excellent driver and escort. About a half hour later, the three couples who had been Mom and Dad's best friends, let me know they wanted to turn in for the evening. I escorted them to the car and turned them over to Ando, told them good night and they could have breakfast whenever they wanted to. The kitchen would be open after 7:30 a.m.

Greta and Robbie, Jennine and Jeff seemed to be enjoying the dancers and the music. The woofers were strong enough to feel the beat, which made me feel good that we had spent the money for the best. Most of the clubs that I've been in play their music so loud you can't hear yourself think, much less someone talk. So, I made sure the sound level was set at a reasonable volume for the performers to hear and not get feedback from the microphones as well as the customers could hear each other's conversations – without yelling. Howie was mingling with Maji, Scotty, the architects and bankers. He and Jim Guthrie were even cordial to each other. In fact, the two of them almost looked friendly at times. {I didn't think I'd had that much to drink tonight!}

Well, the opening seems to have been very successful. If the majority of the media gives us a fair review, anything Ms. Foxy has to say can be ignored. The ads in gay publications, including The Advocate, Q-Notes, Southern Voice, The Washington Blade, David Atlanta, Out Front, Wire Magazine – and Jim or Scotty knows only which other magazines we bought ads in. In Touch, maybe. Anyway, our promotion for opening week was free 1-year membership for those who join before the end of November. Our architects, and bankers would get charter memberships for being such an important part of getting this off the ground.

About midnight, Maji and I checked with Halldór to make sure everything was quiet and asked if he saw the reporter and her monkey leave.

"Yes," he said. "And she looked like she had eaten a Trinidad Scorpion raw."

"What's that?" Maji asked.

"It's the hottest pepper on the planet. More than two thousand SHU – Scofield heat units of capsaicin."

"They wouldn't! Would they?" I asked, horrified that they might have served her something they shouldn't.

"No, the kitchen staff would not do that," he laughed. "She probably did not find anything to criticize, and that tasted bitter to her."

"I hope that's it."

"I feel sorry for that little guy who was with her," Halldór said. "I bet she's taking it out on him right now."

"Oh, he probably would enjoy it," Maji commented. "Maybe he's shooting his third load all over himself right now."

"I can hardly wait to shoot my first load when I get off – from work, that is!" Halldór joked.

We all laughed, said good night, then Maji and I left.

I wanted to talk with everyone who came in contact with Smitherman about what went on with her.

Saturday morning, everyone at the residence was down for breakfast about eight o'clock. They were enthusiastic about the show last night. Jennine was bubbling about her performance, and Jeff looked very happy too. Must have had their own `after show' party. That's great, the rooms are sound-proofed. Mom and Dad's close friends were equally complimentary of everything we have going here.

"When does the money run out?" Cal asked, with his usual tact. The wives chastised him for that.

"Oh, in about fifty years," I answered, flippantly. "Then I guess we'll live on Social Security and Medicare."

"If they still exist," Jeff injected.

"If what still exists?" Howie asked, just walking into the dining room.

"If Social Security and Medicare still exist in fifty years," Millie answered.

"They wondered what we'd live on if the money runs out from this place in fifty years," I added.

"Not a chance of the money running out that soon," Howie commented. "Grant's got some sharp men running the operation, including himself. They'll make money hand over fist if everything continues like it's set up to. I'm just sorry now that I didn't take you up on the offer that Jim has. But he's better qualified than I am."

"What do you mean by that?" Dan Hopkins asked.

"I lack a very important qualification to be involved with the running of this company." Everyone looked at him for an explanation. "I'm not gay!"

That got laughs all around, and a "Thank God!" comment from his mother. It also got her glares from Beverly and Ginger.

Millie made an observation about her son. "You seem more relaxed this weekend than I've seen you in years." Several of her friends agreed.

"I am," Howie agreed also.

"Howie. How about spending the next week with us here? You don't have to be in Washington until the first of next year, so you could stay with us. Even go into Atlanta or spend a day at Six Flags over Georgia. Just be carefree for a week."

Maji interjected, "That's a great idea, Grant. We could hire a professional escort to show Howie around." That shocked everyone, then laughter, applause, and a few "Yeah!"

Howie actually blushed – then recovered. "Majid's escort service has women available?" More laughter.

"You'd be surprised what we offer!" Maji shot back. "You've seen our `girls.' I'm sure one or two of them would be glad to show you a good time."

"They're not just cross-dressers?"

"No. They've got all the qualifications you could want in a woman – and more," Maji teased.

"It's that `and more' that concerns me. But I've got to admit, they all are gorgeous," Howie replied.

"I've got pictures of all of them in the personnel site, so you can take a look and choose one or two you'd like to get to know," I suggested.

Howie got his breakfast, sat with us and the conversations went in other directions.

After breakfast, I went up to my office and made some phone-calls. First, was to one of the girls' condo, asked Ceri, who answered, to round up the others and meet Howie at The Lodge for lunch with him there. I warned her that no mention of sex was to be discussed, or if he brought up the subject, let him sample the most prominent area at the top but anything below would not be for sampling. He did not know about their over-abundance below, but if they wanted to service him, it was their choice entirely. I wanted each of them to spend a day with him, showing him the attractions of Atlanta – the Aquarium, the Zoo, Six Flags, Underground Atlanta, the World of Coca-Cola, and the Jimmy Carter Library/ Museum. She agreed that they would be at The Lodge restaurant at 12:30 for lunch.

"Ceri, you and Juana worked last night, didn't you?

"Yes, we did. Was there a problem?" she asked.

"That's what I want to ask you and Juana. If you two would meet me in the Administration Conference Room in fifteen, I'll only keep you a few minutes. And please do not mention to Juana why I want to talk with you. I'll fully explain when I see you. And, no, nobody is in any trouble. I promise! I'm crossing my heart." {Chuckle}

"Yes, Mr. Richards."

"It's not even a "Mr. Richards" thing. Just a Ceri and Grant conversation. And a Juana and Grant conversation. Promise."

"Okay, see you in fifteen – boss!" {Giggles}

Next, I called the kitchen and dining staff to learn about their experiences with Smitherman. I said I'd meet them in the Administration conference room in thirty minutes. As I was leaving for this meeting, I saw Howie and told him to meet the girls for lunch. They were going to show him the sights of Atlanta over the next week. He seemed happy as a lark.

When I got to the Admin. Building, everyone was seated around the conference table. A place at the end was saved for `yours truly,' so I just stood there.

"Thanks to all of you for being here on such short notice. I want to emphasize that there is nothing wrong. I just want some individual feedback on everything that you noticed while the TV reporter and her toady had dinner and what they ordered. {Laughter} I'll ask each of you, one at a time to tell me in private what you saw and heard while she was in your area. Now, I'm going to ask you to please not discuss that information among yourselves until after you leave this building. So, think about the events, and be ready to give me a scenario from your perspective. Okay? {Affirmative responses} As I told Ceri, this is not a `Yes, Mr. Richards' event, just a chat with Grant to let him know what he wasn't there to see. {Chuckles} Ceri, you ready?"

"Yeah, boss!" {More laughter}

Over the next hour, I got basically the same story from everyone. Smitherman was picky about everything, changed her {alleged} mind about what she wanted. Her steak wasn't pink enough – her salad had too many ribs on the Romaine and the tomatoes and cucumber were diced too small – her cake was not moist enough – the coffee tasted like it was left over from yesterday. Chef Henri was about ready to give her a raw steak to take home in a `doggy-bag,' or as Henri called it, `a bitch bag,' – but he didn't. Her escort seemed to enjoy everything he was served. She glared at him anytime he seemed to enjoy his food. Everyone agreed that Jason and Bret, her waiter and busboy, were perfect in their service. So much for the `dyke bitch.' I saved the most important confirmation of what went on the night before.

"Everyone is accurate in their assessment of what actually occurred in the diner last night," Jamal corroborated. "The only thing they left out was that the female would kick the male in his nuts every time he looked or sounded like he was enjoying his meal. I think he enjoyed getting kicked as much as the food."

After lunch, it was almost time for the politicians to show up for their tour. I made sure Cal and Howie were on this tour because they would know several of the people in this group. I asked Howie how he enjoyed his lunch with the `girls,' and after learning he had a great time, told him I wanted to hear all about it later.

The `politicos' assembled in the lobby at The Lodge. Jim, Scotty, and Hassan were there to greet them as they arrived. Senator Chamblee, Senator Irwinton and Governor Pardee all knew Cal and the two senators knew Howie. Mayor Frankum of Atlanta, and several of the officials from the nearby towns and counties joined the group. We gave them the opportunity to walk through the rooms, around the pool and through The Lodge's restaurant. From there, everyone could see down to the beach leading to the Chattahoochee River. The bankers and architects were housed on the upper floors, so all the suites on the first level were open for inspection. Marc, Evan and Myron came down from Myron's room to join the tour; Marc and Evan to mingle with the politicians and Myron to get a feel of outside reaction to the entire layout. The lawyers might even spend the night...

I had arranged for limos, including one stretch limo, to take the guests to each facility. The musicians and dancers were performing when we arrived at the studios. Maji greeted them in the Control Room and told them a bit about the operation we had planned. The first series of videos from Crystal Rainbow Productions would be inspired by the MGM musicals from the mid-1950s. As we had done the day before, cameras were live, and everyone could walk through the control room to see all the equipment and production crew.

The ensemble from the Symphony Orchestra started playing "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" by Johann Strauss Jr. The dancers gathered on the dance floor and began their performance. It was magnificently choregraphed for our needs. When that was over, a quartet from the Atlanta Gay Men's chorus performed two of the songs from one of their recordings, "Gloucestershire Wassail" and "Irish Blessing." The orchestra and dancers then beautifully performed "The Count of Luxembourg Waltz" by Franz Lehar. Our guests thoroughly enjoyed it.

Then we got back in the cars to drive through the garden area and a ride-around of the apartment complex. We then stopped at the club and everyone went in.

As the day before, the cast began `rehearsing' the show with "No Business Like Show Business." Fabio did the standard opening, giving it his own personal flair and tailoring it somewhat to the group there. When the music started, he went into his number, from Rodgers and Hammerstein's "South Pacific," "You've Got To Be Taught." 6

You've got to be taught to hate and fear,

You've got to be taught from year to year,

It's got to be drummed in your dear little ear

You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid of people whose eyes are oddly made,

And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,

You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,

Before you are six or seven or eight, to hate all the people your relatives hate,

You've got to be carefully taught!

You've got to be carefully taught!

The six dancers from the opening number, each obviously from very different ethnic backgrounds, surrounded Fabio to sing the last line pensively and slowly.

The tour burst into applause, so the cast took a bow, throwing kisses to them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is just a sample of our show," I told the group. "If any of you would like to stay and see the entire show tonight, we'll arrange a room for you to relax in, then have dinner either in our diner upstairs, or the restaurant at The Lodge, and come back over here for drinks and the full show. Think about it – actually think about driving during peak drive time in Atlanta." {Chuckles} "And yes, everything today is `on the house." {A few more chuckles and applause}

Cal interjected a comment, "I hope you will take Grant up on his offer. The food is excellent, and the show is as professional as any I've ever seen. I think you will enjoy it. Millie, Howie and I have seen two versions of the show so far and we'll be here for tonight's show. Plus, we're having dinner at The Lodge, I understand."

"Thank you, Senator. We appreciate those kind words. Our weekend house guests will be having dinner at The Lodge tonight and would enjoy getting to know all of you much better. The designers of this facility will be there also. So, let's trudge on to the last part of the tour, upstairs to the Crystal Rainbow Diner. The elevator is available for those who do not want to climb the stairs."

When we got up to the diner, Kesi and Avra were greeting the guests and offering to show them to tables. Glasses of cold water and cold Coca-Cola were on the table, and everyone drank something as a refresher. As they looked down on the stage below, some of the dancers were working on routines, including some of the gymnastic parts, and some were working the pole. All the guests were amazed at their athleticism. The music from the DJ booth was being piped softly into the diner, so their rhythm was evident.

"We have a full menu which changes nightly, and standard sandwiches and salads which are regulars on it. Of course, Coca-Cola products are also standard here at The Crystal Rainbow. I won't go into details about a childhood experience involving a competitor's product. Needless to say, I've drunk Cokes ever since." {Chuckles} "Now it's Q and A time. Who's on first?"

One of the local city officials raised her hand and I acknowledged her.

"Mr. Richards, is this — project, if you will, more closely akin to the Rainbow Coalition or the rainbow flag?" she asked.

"Both — and neither. The rainbow, as a symbol of Hope, began with Noah in Genesis. And so it is today, a symbol that people who are outside the mainstream of society have Hope that they will be accepted someday. Accepted for who they are as human beings, not as some second or third-class individuals or some weirdos who are out to corrupt society. Anyone is welcome here. As you have seen, we have people, men and women, who are from almost every country on earth. Countries like Andorra, Lichtenstein – the Vatican – are not large enough to include, but countries like Mongolia, Tibet, Siberia – we do have a representative from each of those countries. There is not someone from every country in Africa, but we do have a representative sample. One of our architects is from South Africa. One from each China, France, Israel, Japan, Sweden. We are all humans from everywhere on this planet, living in peace and harmony. I would dare say that almost everyone is what you might refer to as `Bi-sexual," rather than _homo_sexual or _hetero_sexual. It's really not about a `label.' Does that give you a better idea of what we are all about?"

"Yes, thank you," she replied.

I paused and looked around. "If there are no more questions right now, let's head across to The Lodge, where you are welcome to check in and spend the rest of the afternoon, or overnight if you desire. While everyone is together, we at the Crystal Rainbow appreciate your being here today. You're welcome to return anytime you want to. Identify yourself at the gate and your visit will be our treat." I led the group back downstairs and out to the limos.

Several of the men, including the two senators and Mayor Francke, decided to check into The Lodge. Howie, being the dutiful Senator's Chief of Staff, joined his dad and the others in conversation at the bar in The Lodge. I went home and dropped. Millie asked me about `her' two men, and I told her they were politicking! She laughed and fully understood.

I had slept about an hour when Maji awakened me. I checked the time, jumped in the shower, then dressed so we could head back to The Lodge for dinner. Cal and Howie had returned to the Palace to rest a bit after doing their thing with the `D.C. delegation.'

Those of us at the Palace got to The Lodge a little after 7:00 and went into the bar where several of our guests were already gathering. It was a nice mix of bankers, architects and politicians. The bankers maintained my story that they were looking after `their' investments and pleased at what we had done with a minimum of expenditure. The architects explained some of what had transpired when putting their ideas into reality. Charles-Arthur clarified what was needed for each of the restaurant kitchens, and they had to meet local inspectors' specifications. Cal and Howie really could `talk their language.'

The salad bar looked great! Everyone ordered from the menu and Chef Yo was spot on with his food and plating. He trained with some of the chefs in Tokyo who would go on to start the Macho Café. We only heard compliments during the meal, and most of these people have been around. Cherries Jubilee was the desert that was a big hit with everyone. Several of the guests insisted I bring the kitchen staff out for an ovation. Hassan and I were beaming like crazy! He grabbed me in a bear hug and laid a closed-mouth kiss on my lips. It was a great honor to all of us from such an influential group. Not to be ignored, the waitstaff was almost choreographed in their service. Hass and I were very happy! Every one of the politicos commented to us that they were glad they had stayed.

It was about 8:45 when we got into the cars for the five-minute drive over to the Club. We all got a drink at the bar. With four bartenders mixing and pouring, it didn't take long to get everyone served, so the show was only five minutes late starting.

The show started with "No Business Like Show Business" again. A third set of dancers/singers was on stage. Our Mongolian smokin' hunk was the MC for the night.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to The Crystal Rainbow. I am Altan and I'll be your tour guide this evening. This is a male review, kind of like the infamous Chippendales. Don't worry, we're not going to strip like they do. We've got more singing with our dancing – and more clothing. Sorry, ladies. This will be rated PG-13 tonight. If you expected R or X rating, you can get your money back as you leave." Altan picked out Ginger Hopkins and spoke to her, "Honey, let's talk about this later. Until then, everyone, enjoy the drinks and the show – on the house!"

The music started for "Stout Hearted Men" and Altan had the solo.

After the applause died down, the DJ brought up the music for "The Drinking Song," and the guys started banging their beer mugs on the tables, then David was magnificent with his solo as the Student Prince.

As "Nothing Like A Dame" began, two of the cast came up on either side of Jennine and whispered to her, "Last performance tonight. Break a leg!" She replied, "I'm ready." Jeff joined the other three with big smiles on their faces.

When it came time for Halldór to lift her up, Jennine wrapped her arms around his neck, and leaned her head against his shoulder. Then after he finished singing, she gave him a hot closed-mouth kiss on his lips, and told him, "J'adore quand tu me fais ça avec ces gros bras musclés." ***** Halldór turned red in the face, and as he laid her in her fiancés arms, told him, "Jeff, she's ready for you to carry her over the threshold, so you'd better get it done soon. I might just come looking for her!"

Jeff faked a terrified look and said, "Yessir, Master Super Hulk." Then Jeff called out, "Is there anyone here who can perform a marriage?"

Mayor Francke was standing nearby and answered, "If you have a Georgia marriage license."

Governor Perdue added, "If she won't, I will!"

Jennine and Jeff both turned red at the ready offers and thanked both officials. Then they escaped to the bar, to the sounds of enjoyable laughter.

Fabio had come up to the brass pole and leaned against it. The music started for "You've Got To Be Taught," also from "South Pacific," then David and Altan joined him.

Fabio You've got to be taught to hate and fear,

You've got to be taught from year to year,

It's got to be drummed in your dear little ear

You've got to be carefully taught.

Trio You've got to be taught to be afraid

Altan Of people whose eyes are oddly made,

David And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,

Trio You've got to be carefully taught.

Fabio You've got to be taught before it's too late,

Before you are six or seven or eight,

To hate all the people your relatives hate,

You've got to be carefully taught!

Trio You've got to be carefully taught!

I was amazed at the beautiful blend of the voices and the close harmony they produced. I was choked up at the end of the song, and the applause was deafening.

The cast encircled the stage from the floor and gathered around the trio for their finale number. Many of the cast had cans of Coke in their hands as they sang "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing," 7 which Coca-Cola had commissioned to be written as a commercial and then it became a tremendous hit — back in 1971, if I'm not mistaken.

I'd like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow-white turtle doves

I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company

It's the real thing
What the world wants today
That's the way it will stay
With the real thing

It's the real thing
Won't you hear what I say?
What the world needs today
Is the real thing

I'd like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land

It's the real thing

I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
A song of peace that echoes on
And never goes away

It's the real thing

I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I like to hold it in my arm
And keep it company

It's the real thing

At the end, those who had the Cokes took a swig of it, and then those who did not have a can grabbed one close to them and took a swig for themselves. It was a tremendous ending for the show!

Altan stepped forward and announced: "The cast will take a short break so the rest of you can get refills of whatever you're having with your Cokes. We'll be back in a few." {More applause}

Several of the older people wanted to leave then, but the younger city and county representatives stayed for what was next on the program. So, the drivers took some back to The Lodge, and others up to the Palace.

After a fifteen-minute break, three of the dancers came back on stage and began their solo routines on the three levels of the stage. One of the younger county commissioners came up to me and asked, "Does the design of the stage have some symbolism which is supposed to be subtle?"

"That's the design the architect gave us," I told him. "The side circles can be raised and lowered for a variety of uses. Rather than having the runway end straight across or come to a sharp point, he suggested a rounded tip ..."

"...which represents a circumcised cock and balls. Right?" he queried.

"Is that what you see in it?" I asked.

"You know damn well that's what it is!" he countered.

"Well, if that's what you see in it, that must be what it means to you."

"I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, especially for this place. In fact, I think it's damned hot!" he replied. "For women and gays." He reached out his hand to shake mine. "I may have to get a membership."

"Sign up for it tonight and you'll get a charter, lifetime membership for free. You'll just have to pay for food and drinks – and of course cash for any lap dances you buy," I told him.

"Show me the way to sign up."

I took him out to the reception area and set him up for his membership. We got the cornea identification system, which he found fascinating. I left him with Halldór and his Security guys to complete the process. When he came back into the bar, he located me, showed off his rainbow wristband with the infinity symbol for lifetime membership, grabbed me in a hug and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I told him he could pick up his membership card which is also a charge card for everything at Crystal Rainbow by next weekend.

While he was waiting at the bar for his drink to be made, a couple of the dancers came up to him to welcome him as a member. They worked him over pretty well because I saw him tucking some cash in their bikinis and rubbing them all over. He was eating it up and so were the dancers. They told him to let them know whenever he came into the club. When his drink was ready, a rum and Coca-Cola, they thanked him by rubbing their tongues in his ears. I'm surprised he didn't lose his load right there.

Or, maybe he did!

Other dancers were talking with the bankers and architects whom they had met on previous nights here. By midnight, I was ready to turn in. I went around and spoke to the bankers and thanked them for being here since I might not see them before they leave the next day. Scotty was with Landon and Ethan and they expressed their pleasure that he had adapted so well to the environs here in Georgia. I confirmed that he was a tremendous asset in so many ways I couldn't count them, and we appreciated their recommending him to us. I gave them both a hug and a kiss before telling them good night.

Maji and I went home – and crashed.

Sunday morning was very busy, both at the Palace and The Lodge. The guests were preparing to `check out.' Breakfast at both locations were buffet style. At the Palace, my family and friends were a bit nostalgic about leaving me here while they were returning to Chevy Chase. About half way through the meal, Dylan asked me if I would mind his singing a special song for my group of friends and me. Jamal told me that I should allow it – obviously he knew what was coming, so I agreed to it. Dylan spoke and signed what he had to say and the songs they would sing. If you've never seen an artist sign an inspirational song, you're in for a thing of beauty. The grace and flow can equal a waltz danced any day.

"Mr. Richards has given me permission to sing one of my favorite songs for you who are so special to him, and you who have become extra special to me," Dylan aimed that last to Greta and Robbie. Three of the house staff backed him up with the song, "Bless This House." 8

Bless this house, O Lord we pray,
Make it safe by night and day . . .

Bless these walls so firm and stout,
Keeping want and trouble out . . .

Bless the roof and chimneys tall,
Let thy peace lie overall . . .

Bless this door that it may prove,
Ever open,
To joy and love . . .

Bless these windows shining bright,
Letting in God's Heavenly light,
Bless the hearth, ablazing there,
With smoke ascending like a prayer!

Bless the people here within,
Keep them pure and free from sin . . .

Bless us all that we may be,
Fit O Lord to dwell with thee . . .

Bless us all that one day we may dwell,
O Lord! With Thee!

When he finished singing, I was in tears. I went over to him and gave him a big hug, thanking him for his thoughtfulness. He has a magnificent full, rich, baritone voice ... and all of them must have perfect pitch because they sang a capella. I asked him if he had another song he could sing for us, and he said they did. So, I sat back down to listen to the quartet.

Quartet When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, you have taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

Dylan It is well ...

Trio It is well ...

Dylan with my soul,

Trio with my soul,

Quartet It is well, it is well with my soul.

Dylan It is well ...

Trio It is well

Dylan with my soul,

Trio with my soul,

Quartet It is well, it is well with my soul. 9

The last line was sung very slowly. Then the four singers backed out of the dining room, with Dylan signing `Thank you very much' to all of us as all of us in the room signed `Thank you very much' in return.

Bev Allen commented, "That performance was one of the most meaningful of the trip here." She got lots of agreement.

Millie added, "With people like that working here, this place cannot fail."

Ginger agreed, "Grant, it's nice to know there are such caring people working for you."

"It makes me feel really good that we've been able to find qualified, nice guys to work with us," I added. "But it all started when I met Jeff, Jennine and Majid. We became a team in the best sense of the word. While I'm in love with Majid, I also love Jennine and Jeff for being such great people to work with — but they also became good friends. Love you guys."

"I didn't know you could get mushy," Jeff said to me. "I thought you were always the hard-ass newsman. Get the facts. Nothing but the facts."

"Save that for Joe Friday," I replied in my monotone, Jack Webb impression. "I may have been that way before I got to know Maji, but then everything changed. After all, what's love got to do with it? Even the Grinch can have a heart!"

"How many clichés can you string together?" Jennine asked me.

"You want to energize me to keep going, and going, and going?"

The entire room said "NOOO!" together. {Laughter}

* * * * * * *


About two hours later, we got the green code from Dildar:

All the ladies have left the ranch! {And Elvis was never here!}

We set up the `traffic light' codes for when visitors were at the facility. `Code Red' means there are ladies on the property and all men must wear shorts or cut-offs to avoid embarrassing the ladies. `Code Yellow' indicates there are visiting men at the facility and swimsuits or thongs are minimum covering. And `Code Green' means there are only Crystal Rainbow people here and clothing of any kind is strictly optional. Of course, when deliveries are being made, or anyone has an appointment in Administration, then everyone goes to Code Yellow. If the appointment is a woman, then it obviously is Code Red. Front gate security is always properly dressed for any situation: moderately tight-fitting pants, usually bare chest, with the Security badge pinned through their left nipples, where they have been pierced. When they're not on duty, they wear a standard barbell there.

At the Palace, the staff was busy cleaning up after the guests had left, and the rest of us were enjoying relaxing in the pool. Maji, Howie, Jim, Scotty and I were `skinny-dipping.' Luther and Ryan were both on lifeguard duty. I was amazed at how well Jim and Howie were getting along. They both had toned-down their aggressions, but not their competitiveness. They raced in the water, played water-polo with the rest of us, and behaved almost like friends. Jim appeared to respect Howie's being straight, and Howie seemed relaxed. It was a great way to release the tensions of the opening weekend. After a couple of hours in the water, I was ready for a nap, as were the others. Maji, Howie and I went upstairs, and Jim and Scotty went to their apartment. The three of us who stayed at the Palace went to bed – Maji and I together, Howie alone. {Poor guy, we would have welcomed him to join us — but, that may never cum to pass!}

The kitchen buzzed us at 5:30, letting us know supper would be in the staff dining room. I went around to Howie's room to let him know he had a half-hour to get his bum downstairs if he wanted supper. Maji was just getting out of the shower so I took his place, although it's large enough for three or four men to enjoy together. We were ready to go down in a few minutes.

The staff dining room had half-a-dozen round tables, each seating six people. There was no established place for anyone to sit, so at some time or other, everyone got to sit with someone different. Because we frequently are nude all the time, chair covers are changed after every meal. This was the first time since our guests arrived that all of us had eaten together. Howie was late arriving, and he wore his Bermuda shorts. When he walked in, the rest of us took our napkins and put them on our laps – as if choreographed.

"What the hell is this?" Howie exclaimed.

"If you don't want to reveal your shortcomings, we don't want to show our assets!" Maji quipped. That got a good laugh.

"Thank God for small blessings!" Howie replied and took a seat. That got more laughter.

After dinner, Maji, Howie and I dressed and went over to the club. There were some customers eating in the diner, and more already at the bar. The three barbacks were wearing their black spandex biking short-shorts and tie-dyed, fish-net tops. A couple of the dancers were mixing with the customers already, wearing their tie-dyed Bikinis. Both barbacks and dancers were promoting the free lifetime memberships one-night only. There was one bartender for the early part of the night. Another would come on duty at 8:00, and the third at 10:00. The first one would leave at midnight, the second at 2:00 a.m. and the third would close and ensure everything was ready for the next night.

This was the first night the six dancers started with their regular routines and not a song and dance routine as the past three nights. They were dressed in regular jeans and shirts and proceeded through their stripping down to the T-bars. After their 20-minutes on stage they came out into the audience with bikinis on over their T-bars. Their stripping was as smooth as any I've ever seen. They had no problems with getting their clothes to slide off easily. At midnight, when the choreographed show was to take place, two of the dancers came on stage in Spandex bikinis. They each had a small squeeze bottle of baby oil which they used to squirt oil on the other. Then they began rubbing the oil all over each other in a muscle-worship performance. The exotic and erotic music playing accented the performance. They didn't need to `go for the goods;' the audience was eating—it—up. The men were tossing bills on the stage in appreciation of the dancers. Maji, Howie, Scotty, Jim and I were sitting at a table, and we were about ready to tip them too! The finale of their show had each taking a washcloth and wiping oil off each other, with special attention to their most prominent feature. When it was over, they took their bows, scooped up the money lying on the stage, and knelt for the crowd to place more bills in their very brief covering.

Howie left after the show because he had an early date with Juana to tour Underground Atlanta the next day.

When the two-man show was finished, the dancers continued the solo performances until 2:45 a.m. The bartender gave a "Last Call" and all six dancers came out and sat around the edge of the stage to have a more personal access for those customers who were still there. The lights in the club were turned off, except the ones over the bar, and only some "Black Lights" aimed at the stage were on. All the dancers had on Day-Glo G-strings or T-bars, and the guests got up-close-and-personal with the group at the stage. At 3:00 a.m., the lights came back on, the dancers kissed the customers and left the stage. The bar was closed and the barbacks were cleaning up.

My group spoke to the DJ, bartender, dancers and barbacks, thanking them for giving us a very successful "First Night!"

* * * * * * *

Maji and I slept late Monday morning and didn't show our faces to anyone else until we took care of some personal business just between the two of us. He rolled over on top of me so that he could conveniently hide my morning woody where we both wanted it. I was providing enough lube to ensure easy movement for the driest pisston. While holding me under him, and working his charms with his mouth and tongue, Maji guided me into the deep recesses of his inner being. Sliding himself lower and lower on my Leaning Tower, Maji worked his way to the base until I was fully inside him. Then he began a rhythm with his sphincter that affected L.G. (Little Grant) as much as all the pumping in the world could accomplish. At the same time, he used his hand to manipulate my nipple – pinching, rubbing, flicking, squeezing, twisting – repeating the process while flexing his ass-muscle to stimulate my flow of joy juice. When I released his tongue to get some breath, Maji moved his mouth down to my other nipple and alternated licking and biting it. By this time, I was gasping for breath, while involuntarily pumping the flow of my love potion from the depths of my balls to the fountain of release. I tried to ebb the flow for a while, but he would have none of it. He kept up the flexing and releasing, changing tempo to throw off my concentration. Finally, I had to relax a moment and he pulled every ounce of liquid I had in me into the depths of his bowels, draining me of all I had to give him plus the energy to produce any more. Maji collapsed on top of me, laying his head against my shoulder, then rolled off onto my outstretched arm.

"I love you," I whispered to him.

"I can prove I love you more," he replied.

"How can you do that?" I asked.

"I still have you inside me," he answered. "And I'm going to hold onto you for as long as possible. You're locked away inside and can't get out until I let you out!"

"You think I'll last nine months inside you?" I quizzed.

"I'll be ready for a repeat long before that."

"Me too. This is a wonderful journey we've embarked on, and it would never have happened if circumstances had been different."

Back to the kissy-kissy and recouping from the morning workout – until Mother Nature insisted we get our lazy bodies out of bed.

Monday was pretty much what one might call a `normal day' around the `ranch.' Maji and I met with Scotty after lunch to determine the numbers for the first three days of the Club's operation. With all the freebies, I didn't expect much, but Sunday when we started charging for food and drinks, we did well meeting expenses. It seems that we have priced our menu fairly and would be operating at a `break-even' level. The tips the dancers made would be theirs, and they were ecstatic about the boon they received for their work. They had met earlier with Scotty and agreed that each would share 10% of his tips with the DJ of the night, because he was as important to the performances as they were. That made me extremely proud of those guys.

Maji was working on the first of his `private' videos with two of the Security guys. It was a `no-holds-barred' wrestling match. He was using two floor cameras run by his production staff. A third camera was suspended from the ceiling and remotely controlled from the director's booth. The two wrestlers were wearing posing briefs, and by agreement, there would be no nudity nor overt sex involved. We were waiting until Majid, Dildar and Hassan's naturalization process was completed so there couldn't be any screw-ups with the government's using that as an excuse for denying citizenship.

The two wrestlers are about six-foot and weigh about 200 pounds of solid muscle. And for their size, they are extremely agile. This also keeps them sharp as bouncers at the club, if that ever becomes necessary. Mostly they're there as "eye candy." It was a hot match, and they both were going for the submission. Each camera fed into a separate recording unit, both video and audio, so Maji could edit it all together later. The guys were pretty much equally matched, and they wrestled for twenty-five minutes before one could get a submission hold that his opponent could not power out of. Both men were sweating profusely and looked tired at the end of the round.

Maji got on the intercom between the control room and the studio. "You want to go for two out of three rounds?"

"Sure, why not?" the winner answered.

"Well, take a break and see you in five minutes," Maji told them.

The winner flashed a birdie, and the loser hollered, "Fuck you!"

The two cameramen hollered to the wrestlers, "We'll hold him down for you!" and then laughed.

Then Maji clarified, "Okay, make it tomorrow at the same time. Same gear, but a light sheen of oil all over your bodies to simulate sweat -- or fifteen minutes of push-ups in the steam room."

"How about just a jock strap for tomorrow?" one of the wrestlers asked.

"Not now. We're starting out conservative with these and will take it a step at the time for the next few months. The ball grabs and `Father Nelsons' are suggestive enough early on, with the nipple torture and bulge biting."

I spoke into the intercom to the guys in the studio, "It looked great in here, guys. You worked really hard through the entire match, and I've already messed up the control room with what I'll have to clean up now. Thanks a lot! {Laughter from the studio at my sarcasm} Tomorrow, some fist and elbow blows will add some excitement to the brutality. I loved the leg scissors with faces buried in the crotch, especially when you used your teeth to extricate yourself. Nice close-up – it was hot!"

"Thanks, Grant!" the four men said.

It was about 8:00 when I went over to the Club. I got a Disaronno fruit punch to nurse for the evening and took a booth to watch everything going on. There were about twenty-five guests, plus the architects who were there every night. Howie walked in a little later, spotted me and came over and sat opposite me. He looked exhausted.

"Have a good time today?" I asked.

"I am worn out!"

A barback approached our booth and asked if we needed anything from the bar.

Howie said, "I'll have what he's having – but make it a double!"

"Yes, sir," he said, punching the order into his hand-held pad. He looked at me, and I shook my head.

"Thanks," I replied. "So, Juana kept you busy, huh?"

"I feel like I have walked all over Atlanta today. And all of it underground. It was interesting. I came. I saw. I didn't bother to conquer. It's a once in a lifetime experience. We came back topside for dinner at a nice restaurant. The steak was excellent, perfectly cooked. The wine was spot on. Then we headed back here."

"And that was it?"

"Well, not quite." By this time, Howie's drink was served.

"You're leaving something out," I chided him.

He took a sip of his Disaronno. "Hmm, good! Juana drove us to a nice, secluded area and offered some additional, close up and personal attention. Was she supposed to do that?"

"That was her choice. She must have wanted you to thoroughly enjoy your day," I responded. "Don't stop now. What happened?"

"Grant. I do not kiss-and-tell! What occurs in her car – stays in her car."

"So, she kissed you and you kissed her back."

"I did not say that."

"Then she went deeper than just a friendly kiss."


"Then she rubbed her hands over your chest and started to unbutton your shirt."

"NO! (Pause) Yes."

"She worked her way down to the belt line and found something that stimulated her curiosity, forced into a vertical position and needing — shall I say — release from the confines of pants that were being stretched — and maybe some other kind of release?"

"Do you have all the cars wired for video as well as audio?" Howie asked.

"Really, Howie? You think I was born yesterday? Come on, now. I'm an adult man and I've been on a few dates and parked in a car with beautiful women – and men. I know the routine. I've been around the world too."

"Any port in a storm, swabbie!"

"Then you reached over to check out the generous Hispanic boobs. And found them extremely desirable."

"Enough already!"

"What did she say when you went for the lower extremities?"

"She refused to let me go there. Said she was wearing alligator jaws which would bite my finger, or anything else off if I tried," Howie said.

I raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Oh, that's a good one. I haven't heard that before."

"That's what she said. Then she unzipped me and went down on me, all the way first try! Damn! She's good. She edged me for at least fifteen minutes. I was about to lose my mind."

"Good for her!"

"And when she did let me come, she took everything I had in me down the throat."

"So, she satisfied you?" I asked.

"Is this what I can expect for the rest of the week?" Howie inquired.

"It's entirely up to the girl what she wants to do. I just asked them to take a day to keep you company, so you wouldn't wander aimlessly alone. I thought you might like that, and the girl who will drive you around will not work the diner that evening, so you'll have all the time you need. You may want some of our industrial strength vitamins before bedtime and tomorrow morning. You need your stamina, Stud-Horse!"

"Fuck you!"

"Oooh, make my night!"

"I'm outta here!"

"Rest well! Love you, cuz!"

He signed, `I Love You' as he turned to leave.

* * * * * * *

The rest of the week was mostly like Monday, and by Saturday night, the crowd at the Club was amazing. The bar crowd was profitable, and the diner was busy, mostly between 7:00 and 9:00. Then those customers came down to the Club. We got a half-dozen reservations for The Lodge that weekend, and several dozen for the weekends through December. Howie had a similar story with each of the girls' taking him to Nirvana every evening for the entire week. They were all wearing their `alligator jaws' each day, and they all totally satisfied him using the fellatio method.

One of our drivers, Gerhard, took Howie and me to Hartsfield International for his flight back to D.C. We sat in the back and had some quality time together, the first since moving from Chevy Chase.

"We haven't had much time together this past week, but I hope you're totally drained," I commented.

"Always a way with the words!" He replied. "It's been a great experience, and one I needed bad. I hope you'll let me come back occasionally."

"You know all you have to do is book a flight and let me know when to pick you up. We might even put a sign on the door, `Howie's Room.'"

"I wouldn't put you past it."

"Anything for you, cuz. I'll even lend you one of my Bikinis for the pool, if you're ashamed of anybody making comparisons," I teased.

"You wouldn't remember, but there was a time when the `M' in Y_M_CA actually stood for `men.' And swim lessons were in the nude. So were swim classes at Maryland when the Cole Field House was first operational. You only wore jock-straps for diving."

"I'm glad I did not have to endure that when I was at College Park. I'd have had a hard-on in every class," I replied.

"I heard that guys who signed up for swimming the first semester the Field House was open, nobody could take the course because the pool sprang a leak, and everybody got credit for the swimming but also the class they actually took."

"You're kidding! They actually gave credit for it without taking it?"

Howie nodded. "That's what I heard."

"You hear anything from your ex?"

"Yeah, I hear from her occasionally. Her dad is thoroughly pissed with her and he'd like to kill me, I think," he answered. "She still needs to grow up. But that's fine that we separated, I've found where I can come when I need some intense relief."

"Anytime. Mi casa, su casa."

"While we're on that subject," Howie started. The girls are not all girl, are they?"

I just looked at him, concerned where he was going with this. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. I'm not totally clueless. Those girls were as good at taking me to Nirvana as Majid was last year. No girl gives that good a blow job. Level with me, Grant. Please! I didn't think you would lie to me about their being transgender..."

"I didn't lie to you. Maybe some political deception, but they are not transgender, as such. They are hermaphrodites. They were born with both male and female parts."

"You're shittin' me!"

I shook my head, `no.'

"What do they do, tuck it between their legs in their panties?"

I nodded my head, `yes.' "Probably. Next time you visit down here, you can try it for yourself. I promise. No alligators or crocodiles to stop you. I'm sure they would enjoy your attention, with your attributes."

"Have you tried it yet?" Howie asked.

Again, I shook my head. "Nope, not yet. Sometime next year maybe. You want a full report on the results of my survey?"

"Hell, no!" Howie exclaimed. "I want to conduct my own survey."

We both laughed. "Go for it, stud!" I told him.

"Grant, there's one thing in particular that I noticed this week – well, actually since you've been back from Iraq."

"And that is?" I asked.

"Your relationship with Dad. You still refer to Mom as `Aunt Millie,' but you've dropped the `Uncle' when you mention Dad. Did something happen over there to change how you feel toward him?"

"Chip off the old block, huh? You get right to the point, don't you?"

"And I think you mentioned that you learned about his relationship with Uncle Craig then."

I nodded my head.

"Did Dad come on to you in Bagdad?"

"Howie, you've heard me say many times that what happens in the basement stays in the basement. Well, what happened in Bagdad stayed in Bagdad."

"I thought so."

"I really didn't have much choice if I wanted some help from his office on getting the guys over here. And by the same token, I would have something to remind him of when I need his help."

"That's the political game we are part of," Howie said. "It sucks!"

I smiled and nodded my head to his observation. "Well put, cuz!"

We arrived at the airport and Gerhard got Howie's cases from the trunk. We said our good-byes with a hug, and I rode back home up front, where I could get a much better view of the hunk who was one of our automotive mechanics.

"Gerhard, I'm glad I have this opportunity to know you better. Do you prefer to speak German or English?"

"I am comfortable with either, Sir."

"So am I. And the "Sir" formality is for when outsiders are around. I'm `Grant' when we're `one on one.' I hope you'll be comfortable with that."

"Zat is very generous of you – Grant."

"The only name I don't want anyone to call me is `ass-hole,' unless you want to use mine."

Gerhard glanced at me and burst out laughing. "I'll remember zat. You can call me `ass-hole' venever you vant to use mine too." He continued laughing.

"What does the name `Gerhard' mean?"

"I don't know," he replied.

"What, Jamal? Oh! `strength of the spear.' Thank you."

"You ver talking mit Jamal?" Gerhard asked.

"Yes, I stay in constant communication with Jamal and Majid does the same with Arman."

"He said my name means `strength of zee spear?'"

"Yes. We'll have to find out how strong your spear is."

Gerhard laughed again. "I sink your spear is strong too. You sink it all zee way in my ass-hole and fill my inside mit your cum?"

"That's the idea, stud!"

"I like zat!"

The conversation kept going all the way back to the ranch_. `Maji and I will have to get Gerhard in bed with us soon! I'm about to lose a load now!'_ I thought.

Gerhard took me directly to the Administration Building where a lunch meeting was to be held in the Conference Room. Maji, Dildar, Hassan, Jim and Scotty were waiting in Reception for me, so we went directly to our meeting.

When I opened the double doors, six voices said, "Hi, Boss!" in unison. Our newest young men were waiting to meet us. They had not been given clothes yet. All six were under five feet tall, exceptionally handsome and perfectly formed, muscular midgets. One had to be no more than two and a half and three feet tall. And when I say, `perfectly formed,' I mean down to their incredible physiques and impressive appendages rising in salute to us. We gave them a round of applause as we chuckled at the greeting.

They came around the table to shake hands and tell us their names. Dildar was the first in our `receiving line' and leave it to him to kick things up a notch. With his right hand, he shook the newcomers' extended hand — and with his left hand, he shook the newcomers' extended cock. Each of us in turn followed suit, and I did not remember anybody's name at that point.

Scotty pulled off his Tee shirt and stripped off his shorts. "I'm getting comfortable and ready for lunch," he remarked.

"Sounds good to me," Hassan said as he followed Scotty's example, stripping.

Soon everyone was naked. I had previously suggested that we alternate big guy – little guy at the table and had arranged for thicker cushions in every other seat to accommodate the "little men's" height. I pressed the hidden buzzer under my foot to let the servers know we were ready to eat. They were wearing only a tie-dye apron around their waist with them tied at the back and the long strings hanging between their "cheeks."

As we ate, we told the newcomers about life here at the Crystal Rainbow and what would be expected of them.

"What would you guys say is our number one priority?

The hot ginger sitting next to Majid raised his hand and said, "Money!"

"Nope! That's down around number five," I told him. "The number one thing for us is the satisfaction and pleasure of our guests, clients, and customers. Just think about it. If they are happy and satisfied, the money will come, more guests will come, the sex will come." I looked at him and asked, "You know what I mean ..." I looked at Ginger, hoping he would give me his name again.

"Verndale McGillicuddy. But I go by Vern."

"So, you know what I mean, Vern?"

"That I do! I get to suck them or let them fuck me anytime they want to!"

Shaking my head in frustration, I replied, "I wouldn't have gone that far, but that's the extreme of what I'm getting at."

The entire table was laughing, except for Jim, who interjected a clarification. "I am going on record here and now that we would NEVER ask you to do anything that you would find offensive, repulsive or objectional. When it comes to sexual interaction with anyone, guests or staff, you're your own man to decide what you want to do or not do. You will have TOTAL freedom in your personal choices. That goes for guests, or any of us. You have absolute freedom to say, `NO!'"

"You will be asked to perform for our guests at times," I continued. "It may be on the stage of the Club, or a private party I'm having at the Palace, or being featured in a video for Majid. You are always free to say, `No' if you don't want to participate. Butt – with two `t's' – Scotty is our gymnastic trainer, and there are several dancers who may create a routine for you guys on stage. You're welcome to go nude whenever you want to — except when we have a Code Yellow or Red alert. Dill?"

"That will mean Bikini style swimwear will be the minimum required because guests are on site from the general public," Dildar said. "Code Yellow means male outsiders are visiting, and they are usually here on business. Code Red means female outsiders are visiting – Period! Front gate security will signal which is required."

"Scotty," I said, and he picked up the briefing.

"We meet in the gym most mornings for a couple of hours workout," Scotty picked up. "It may be any variety of practices, from acrobatics, calisthenics, dancing, gymnastics, pumping iron, wrestling. We always finish up swimming laps in the pool – or horsing around in the pool!" {A variety of excited reactions!} "Starting Monday, we'll go through some exercises to learn what you're good at and what you enjoy in the fitness realm."

"Your first public appearance will be at our party at the Palace the weekend before Christmas," I continued. "You will portray Santa's elves, passing out gifts to a group of guests. Elves are reputed to be good for some outrageous hijinks, and I hope you will be up for the occasion." {Enthusiastic, positive reactions!} "During the week leading up to Christmas, you will appear at the Club in your elfin costumes, playing up to the customers. Just don't outshine the dancers. They might get pissed – and they're bigger than you are." {More laughter.}

"Then New Year's Eve, you will appear at parties at the Palace, the Club, and the Lodge as `Baby New Year.' Yes, you'll wear a very skimpy diaper and a sash with the `New Year' on it. Scotty and the choreographers will work out the routines with you after Christmas.

For Valentine's Day, you'll appear as Cupids. And the costuming will be minimal, except for the wings which will allow you to fly."

"No shit!" "Fukkin' A!" "Hot damn!" "You gotta be shittin' us!"

"I shit you not!" I replied. "Does everybody swim?"

The responses ranged from `Like a fish' to `You gotta see my dolphin strokes.'

"Perfect, because I'd like for you to put on mer_men_ costumes and perform for some of our guests. We have an aquarium with real tropical fish that will give the illusion of your swimming with those fish as viewed from the other side of the aquarium. Then the March Palace party will have all of you Leprechauns celebrating the Luck of the Irish. These are just a few things you will be involved with."

Maji picked up at this point. "Everybody loves midget wrestling, and I want to do some videos of you guys in wrestling matches. These will not be staged and totally unscripted. It'll be REAL wrestling, with the loser — uh — paying homage to the winner on camera. Winner's choice of his reward."

Six excited little muscle men, jumping up and down on their chairs, and so excited I thought they would shoot loads all over the table.

About this time, the servers brought in our dessert, a large male cake brownie with whipped cream and a cherry on top. That got everyone's attention and our newcomers calmed down for some more food. {It's male because it's got nuts!}

Before lunch was over, I told our newbies about the sports car perk our guys have. Akio exclaimed, "I know what kind I want!" We all looked at him. "I want one that a miniature Jedi could drive!"

"What kind is that?" Dildar asked.

All the Munchkins shouted at the same time, "A Toy Yoda!"

I gave Akio a stern look, pointed at him and announced, "You're fired!"

Everyone looked at me, stunned, and Jim asked, "Who do you think you are? The Donald?"

"Nobody! – nobody! – is allowed to make worse puns than I do! Comprendez?"

Everybody at the table, in unison said, "Yes, boss!"

After lunch, Dildar took our newbies to their apartments which were specifically designed for their smaller size. Everybody else went their own separate ways. I went to the Palace and saw that the live 15-foot tree was in place in the center of the entrance hall, at the curve of the stairs. There were a thousand miniature lights of all colors on it, and all kinds of ornaments from top to bottom which expanded this year's theme, The Twelve Days of Christmas. Jamal and Arman determined what the entire staff would like to have and arranged to have their gifts wrapped, labeled and delivered. The house staff were piling the presents under the tree, which for a hundred plus people took up a lot of space. Dylan was supervising the operation.

Maji, Dylan and I were transported to Chevy Chase for Christmas Day and spent it with Greta, Robbie and the Staunton family. New Year's Eve was a big event at the ranch with big parties at the Club and the Palace.

* * * * * * *

When we first got settled in at the Crystal Rainbow, we bought half page ads in several of the major gay oriented magazines, using Scotty as our featured `hot stud' with some of the dancers in their tie-dye Speedos in the background. There were pictures of the Club, the Lodge and the Palace in the layout. At the same time, we sent invitations to those magazines inviting their owner/publisher/senior editor and a guest to join us for our New Year's Eve blowout. We got acceptances from The Advocate, David Atlanta, Blue Boy, Freshmen, Black Inches, Men, Mandate, Playguy, Out Front, and XY Magazine. Our reply to their acceptance reminded them that they and their "Plus-One" would share a King bed for the two of them, and a bathroom with another couple. The original ad had been accompanied by a six-month contract; their acceptance of the invitation got them a full year contract for a half-page ad, and two round-trip first-class reservations from their home office on a flight to and from Atlanta, except the Atlanta-based publications. They would arrive on December 30th and leave January 2nd.

The meet-and-greet cocktail party was held on the deck of the "Tropical Rainforest" (Palace pool area); dress code: Bikini Swim Suit. A dozen of our staff mingled with the guests, and each got an offer to appear in a future issue of the magazines. They all turned down the offers since they were closet-clones and not the host hunks!

As the evening progressed, we adjourned to the basement O.R. (Orgy Room), and our little mermen got to perform in the pool for the guests. Some of those little guys could hold their breaths for an incredibly long time, and they put on one helluva show. They chased each other around the pool, pretended to butt-fuck each other and grab at each other's frontal bulges that were covered with realistic fishy-looking, form fitting Lycra that ended in large fins. You've seen mermaid costumes like this. Each had a different color fish tail, accented with contrasting colored scales all over it. But all had flippers of rainbow colors.

Kato and Manu, two of the Munchkin mermen, got into a scuffle underwater near the aquarium. Some of the other guys tried to break it up, but the two were not having any of that. I called up to the deck to learn what was going on. Ryan and Caleb were the lifeguards on duty. Caleb answered the phone.

"What's going on in the pool?" I asked him.

"Just some horsing around," he replied. "They told us before they went in the water you said to put on good show, and since they can stay underwater the longest, this is their show. They just popped up for air— now they're going back under. We're on this, boss."

"Good! This is more than I was expecting as a good show. Tell `em when they finish, it was a damned great show! Thanks, Caleb. Just keep a close eye on them."

"The other little guys in there know about it, and are ready if they need help," Caleb assured me.

"I don't need a stroke tonight!"

"Well, if you do – I'll come down and stroke it for you," Caleb commented. "Bye!"


Maji came up to me, with a questioning look on his face. "They're horsing around," I told him. "It was planned with Caleb and Ryan ahead of time."

"As the Brits would say, `jolly good show,'" Maji replied with an English accent. "These guys here are eating it up."

I looked over his shoulder and saw the orgy was well underway. "Shall we join them, or just observe?" I asked.

"Let's join them. Hell, it's fresh meat," Maji replied. "And we'll get to know each other better."

The next day, we gave our guests a tour of the entire property. After breakfast, we went over to the studio and watched Maji's group record a wrestling match between two of our hunks. Carlos is from Brazil and Zak from Peru. They both work in the gardening and landscaping areas. They're not tall, but they're solid muscles. Both wore loincloths traditional to their countries.

The wrestling ring is at floor level, rather than raised. Seats are set up on two sides with two rows on each side. The cameramen are shooting from the two opposite sides, so audience can be seen in the background from both ringside cameras. The overhead camera covers the ring only, and is used for cut-away shots, if needed. All three cameras have microphones attached, but the overhead mike picks up the sound we normally use on the recording. The floor manager is the bell-ringer and time keeper.

The match was rough and raunchy. Gut punches, body slams, ball grabs, nipple twisting, and claw holds were all very real. There were no punches pulled, and each took as good as he gave. Our guests seem to really get into the action. They yelled, cheered, heckled, and acted like pro wrestling fanatics. Of course, they got good views of some elements that may be edited out in the earlier releases, then re-edited to include them after a few years. {Read that as exposed body parts which would be for their eyes only!} They loved the scissor holds with the face buried firmly in the crotch. It took about twenty-five minutes before there was a tap-out and submission.

Pete, the floor manager, set a container of lube at the side of the ring. The winner stripped off both loincloths, pushed his opponent to the mat, dripped some lube on his fingers and rammed them up a waiting rectum. He added some to his very adequate manhood, aimed his canon at the winking hole, and shoved all the way in. His `victim' hollered in pain. {Probably acting, because he's taken that much and more, frequently.}

The audience was visibly reacting to the show, rubbing themselves, and becoming increasingly caught up in the action. After about five minutes of fucking and pumping, both wrestlers showed signs of reaching the point of no return. Both were watching the men at the side of the ring, and with perfect timing, the winner pulled out and both released simultaneously. Several of the men reacted more than others, as their pants showed evidence of their release.

{You really thought I would tell who won and who lost? You'll have to see the video to find that out! Sheeze!}

The tour moved from the studio to the Lodge for lunch. Dildar and Sasha were escorting the group, so when we got to the Lodge, they took them on a brief tour of the pool area, the rainbow arc shape of the rooms, the bar and into the dining area. Hassan stopped me for a moment.

"Grant, when you get a minute, I have a question, but it can wait," he commented.

I stopped to talk. "This is a good time, because they're going for the food."

"This morning we had a package delivery. Our usual driver was training another man, and they both came inside. The young guy was looking around, including out onto the pool area. Two of our guests were enjoying each other's company to the fullest, and the trainee saw them, naked, kissing and playing with each other. He was getting upset by what he saw. Bert tried to calm him down and told him not to have a hissy or a conniption. What are a hissy and a conniption? I've never heard of them before."

I had to laugh. "You probably saw both in action by the trainee right then," I told him. "Sometimes they're referred to as fits. I probably would have told him not to get his bowels in an uproar. Or maybe chill out. A hissy fit and conniption fit are a couple of expressions used here in the south, basically meaning temper tantrums."

"Well, Bert said that he had warned the guy that this is a gay resort and to not be surprised by what he saw. Then they left with the guy still muttering something. Do you think there will be any trouble because of that?"

"The kid could be hooked up with some ultra-religious group that thinks we're going to hell because we're not following the teachings of their cult," I replied. "Let me know when another delivery is due, and I'll talk with Bert. He's a super, level-headed guy. Everything should be okay."

"Thanks, Grant. I just wanted you to know."

"No, thank you!" I told him, smiling while patting him on the shoulder. "I'm going to lunch."

After lunch I made an announcement to our guests. "The rest of the afternoon is pretty much free for whatever you want to do. If you want to hang out here at the Lodge, we've got rooms you're welcome to use. The pool area is clothing optional, if you want to meet some of our other guests staying with us this weekend. You can go back over to the house and relax and use that pool, fitness center — or the `other' activity room on the lower floor. {I wiggled my eyebrows like Groucho to their chuckles} Dinner will be at the Club and we'll leave from home about 7:30; dress will be casual. We'll go down to the club afterward where party stuff will be available for the New Year's Celebration at midnight."

"Usual party stuff or special party stuff?" one of the guys asked, to laughter and clapping.

"Usual party stuff — hats, noise makers, masks —stuff like that. We. DO NOT. get into that other type of crap. That's the fastest way I know to get fucked up, and the fastest way to get banned from this property. If you're into that, you'll have to wait until you get home. Poppers are about as much as we'll allow here at the Crystal Rainbow. Do I make myself clear?"

"Loud and clear," the questioner replied.

"Good! That's taken care of. Private dances in the club will be our usual fee of $20.00 for ten minutes. This is because all the customers pay the same amount. Admission and drinks are on the house for our guests who are staying up at the Castle. The service staff always appreciate any tips that you want to give them. So, we'll see you all at the Castle later. Enjoy!"

I went directly into the Lodge office, Hassan was at his desk and looked up when I walked in and closed the door. Jamal appeared as soon as I sat down.

"Did you find anything?" I asked him.

"Nothing that shouldn't be there. Everybody is clean," he replied.

"Not even marijuana or opium?" I asked.

"They're all clean. If they have any drugs, it's not in their rooms," Jamal confirmed.

"Good! Thank you," I told him, and he disappeared. Hassan looked inquisitive. "One of the men asked about the kind of `party' we were having for New Year's Eve. I told him it would not be the kind he might be thinking of. That anyone with that kind of crap on him would be banned from the Chrystal Rainbow for life. I didn't add that he would lose all our advertising as part of the ban. Let him draw his own conclusions."

"And I was thinking about turning one of the spare rooms into a hookah lounge!" Hassan smirked as he said it.

"Interesting thought," I replied. "That might be something to consider down the road. Let's get established and engrained in the area and keep that in mind."

Hassan looked surprised that I would consider the idea since I never smoked nor liked being around it. Regardless, having to deal with it in my travels. "Or not!" I added. I walked out, and Hass' mouth was still open wide.

That night at the Club was a huge success. The place was packed, and we got fifty-some new members just that night, including twelve who were a really big surprise. A dozen men who had worked on the construction crews showed up for a different perspective of their work. Dildar was working the "front desk" and paged me when they identified themselves. Maji and I went out to the lobby, and although we had met some of them, I wouldn't have known the hot, muscle hunks without their "work clothes" and hard hats. They knew Maji and me and seemed very glad to see us again. Naturally, I authorized lifetime membership for all of them, because without them, this would not be.

"Like what you've seen so far?" I asked.

"It's a lot different from six months ago," one said.

"Oh man, I can't believe I was a part of this!" said another.

The comments indicated how awed these guys were by the final results.

"These wrist bands will get your drinks on the house tonight, and free entry forever. We'll have ID and house charge cards ready next time you're here."

"No shit? We get lifetime membership for free?" another asked.

"Just because we worked on the project?"

"Not, just because, but because you put so much effort into making it happen," I replied. "Without you guys, this would not exist. Welcome to our family."

Maji and I shook hands with each of them and pulled them into a hug before they went into the bar area.

Marc and Evan were here also and brought several of their friends, including some hunks from their law office. Usually we have three or four bartenders and the same number barbacks working. New Year's Eve had double that number, working shifts. At quarter to midnight, a new set of dancers came on stage in outrageous and scanty costumes. The guys who had been performing earlier in the evening disappeared to change their costumes.

One of our landscapers is tall and lanky – oh, he's got the muscle on him, but is not as beefy as the security guys who are also about 6'5". He came on stage wearing a full-length black hooded robe and a ragged sash over his shoulder with the old year on it, growling, "Where is that little punk?" and other trash-talk like that. Hiding behind one of the dancers was one of our Munchkins wearing a tiny diaper and a white sash with the new year flashing on it. He was hollering, "Don't let him get me!" When `Father Time' found `Baby New Year,' and picked him up, the little guy began fighting, pounding the big guy, even kicking him in the lower torso. `Father Time' dropped the `Baby' on the stage and received a hard fist to the same area of the body from the little one. The big guy doubled up, turning his back to the `Baby.' The little guy rammed his fist at the back of the cloak and said-fist disappeared up the `old man's' backside. `Father Time' reacted to that, standing and picking `Baby New Year' off the floor, carrying him off the stage that way. {Thanks to our jinn.}

The entire ensemble gathered on stage, and around it on the floor, all in outlandish costumes, singing `Auld Lang Syne.' Balloons and confetti dropped from the ceiling, and everybody went around kissing everyone else. The barbacks served everyone champagne, and for the next fifteen minutes, we got to meet everyone in the place and wish them A Happy New Year.

The full ensemble of dancers performed on stage or on the floor. They gave every customer full attention and some of — uh — what they wanted. The café was open for those who wanted a free `breakfast' and lots of coffee. A coffee urn was set up in the Club, so no one would be driving totally soused. Sausage-cheese balls were stacked for everyone to put more food in their system than booze. As they left, Security gave everyone a gumball designed to absorb excessive alcohol in the body's system. A five-minute sobering gum developed by Arman.

All of us at the Palace slept late New Year's morning. Fresh coffee, dark roast and strong, greeted everyone when we came down for breakfast. Angel kept freshly scrambled eggs, link sausages and toast on the serving board. The Rose Parade was not on because it was a Sunday, so everyone just chilled for what was left of the morning. There were no hangovers, thanks to Arman's gumballs; just a bunch of tired men wanting some more rest.

As the new year's afternoon went on, some watched the pro games on the tube, and others spent it in the pool. The Munchkins came over to enjoy the pool and the `big guys' using it. Dil and Hass showed up later in the afternoon, but Jim and Scotty stayed secluded for the day.

The next day, all our guests returned home, and we were left to a so-called `normal' routine.

* * * * * * *

Our next major event entertaining guests would be over Valentine's Day. Jim, Scotty, Hass and I got on our computers to find gay couples who have recently gotten marriage licenses. Our own print ads invited couples who are newly married or engaged to email us for the opportunity to spend Valentine's Day at the Crystal Rainbow as our guests. We would have a half-dozen little Cupids shooting arrows at the guests, injecting them with `Love Potion Sixty-Nine!'

For our March promotion, we would invite gay Irishmen to join us for St. Patrick's Day, when a half-dozen Leprechauns would share some of their gold hoard with the guests.

A couple of weeks later, we would celebrate April Fool's Day. Our jinn would search out gay pranksters around the globe to invite for our own pranks on them. Memorial Day weekend would be devoted to wounded veterans. We would invite a dozen gay amputees to stay with us at the Castle. Another dozen with PTSD would be invited to stay at the Lodge. Of course, their service animals will be equally welcome. We would repeat for Independence Day (4 July) and Veterans' Day (11/11). These would become annual events.

* * * * * * *

Life settled into some sort of routine at the Crystal Rainbow. Majid produced about one wrestling video each week. It wasn't until after the new year that he started the dancing videos in the `Grand Ballroom' studio with the orchestra members and the dancers from Atlanta. Majid, Dildar and Hassan passed their naturalization exams with flying colors and were sworn in as citizens of the United States of America. Jim, Scotty, and I were joined by Marcus Goldberg and Evan Tyner, our Atlanta attorneys, to be with them for the ceremony in Atlanta.

Marcus and Evan invited everyone back to their condo for a reception. Maji and I were ready to reject the invitation, but Jim and our jinn urged us to accept. Obviously, they knew something Maji and I didn't. What convinced us was Arman and Jamal's private conversation with us, suggesting this was something we should do, for us, for them, for international relations. We accepted.

Their guests were the guys whom we met on New Year's Eve — several of the attorneys from their firm and some of their gay friends from the Atlanta area. Imported Champaign flowed from a fountain, other wines were also available on side tables. Finger sandwiches, crudités, fresh fruits – a veritable meal fit for royalty. We were glad we accepted the invitation and appreciated the guys' efforts.

The other guests began to shed their coats and ties. Marc disappeared with a couple of his friends. Evan kept us chatting until one of their friends tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, everybody," Evan announced. "Marc wants us upstairs for a show."

Maji and I looked around at the others. I looked over at Jim; he had shed his coat and tie and had his shirt unbuttoned nearly to his belt. The other men were doing the same. Maji and I didn't move as everyone else headed upstairs. Dildar, Hassan and Scotty looked at us for guidance. Jamal and Arman said, `Go with the flow,' in our heads. We still hesitated.

As Maji looked at me, he said, "Let's get out of here." Arman urged him to reconsider. `Why?' Maji mentally asked.

`You may regret it in the long range,' Arman replied. `This ultimately is for you. It's his way to apologize for his behavior last year.'

`Fuck that!'

`That's what he wants. He wants you to fuck him in front of all his friends,' Arman told us.

Maji and I were both shocked.

"No!" Maji said out loud. That got Dil and Hass' attention. "He wants what!?"

`They've all gone to a lot of trouble to set this up. And it'll possibly make you feel better toward him,' was Arman's response. `He's willing to take anything you can give him.'

Majid nodded his head. "Okay, let's go." He pulled off his jacket, tie, shirt and pants, leaving them on a chair. Wearing just his undershorts, he headed for the stairs.

I stripped completely also, as did Hass, Dil and Scotty; then we followed Maji upstairs.

Everybody else was in the playroom that was set up as a dungeon torture cell. Marc was totally naked and blindfolded, with his arms stretched above him so he had to stand on his toes, and his very adequate cock was locked in a cage to prevent a full erection – one form of torture. A spiked leather collar was around his neck, along with a ball gag in his mouth.

Everyone, who could, applauded as Maji walked in. Maji just looked at Marc hanging from the ceiling, and ordered, "Take him down!"

That surprised everyone. Evan got on a step stool and released Mark from his handcuffs and chains. The blindfold, collar, ball gag and cock cage stayed in place.

"Leash!" Maji demanded. Evan produced a leather strap leash that would attach to the collar. Maji put it on Marc and pulled on the collar until Marc went to his knees. Then Maji removed the ball gag and tossed it into a corner between two of the naked guests who were stroking their cocks.

Maji led Marc over to Dil and indicated that Dil should fuck his face. Dill went for it, ramming his engorged cock nearly all the way down Marc's throat, pulling out before the humiliated attorney gagged. A few more times and Marc could take the entire cock to the base. Dill pumped a few times, then held it in place for his victim to suck on it. Marc had had plenty of practice on Evan, and who knows how many of the others in the room he had sucked off. If any. He may have topped all of them, and that's why they were enjoying this show so much.

When Dil was pumped completely, Evan opened a condom package, putting the contents on Dildar's waiting unicorn. Evan then coated the ramrod with lube and squirted some more on Marc's upturned ass. Dil lined up on his target – and shoved half way in. Marc gasped at the intrusion. While Marc's mouth was still open, one of his friends stepped up and fed him some fresh kosher beef. The beefy attorney was being bombarded from both ends, and he looked like was enjoying it.

Dil pulled out of the ass, and the other man took his place. One of the associates from the law office stepped up to the face, placing his `Black Bomber' bat in place for hitting a homer. A few minutes later, he took his place behind the catcher, and was replaced by the `Wonder Boy' which was long, slim and fully packed. Poor Marc was having trouble with the length and curvature, so `Wonder Dad' reversed his stance allowing the curve to slide down Marc's throat. Marc was concentrating so much on what was going on in his mouth, he didn't realize just how much pounding he was getting from the `Black Bomber' until it was time to switch off again. `Wonder Boy' went to the end of the batting order, as Hass took his place in the line-up with his `War Club.'

By this time, some of the other guys were on overload and were shooting all over Marc. This was too much for Hass and he shot volley after volley down Marc's throat. The totally submissive man on his knees took every drop and tried to suck more out. When Hass pulled out, Marc collapsed on the mat, thus disengaging the `Wonder Boy' at his other end. `Wonder Dad' pulled off his protection and shot all over Marc's ass. Marc was lying flat on the mat, his hard cock under him, unleashing his own substance for him to lie in. He didn't care. He was exhausted.

Evan took his blindfold off and used a towel to wipe up all the pools of semen floating on his lover and partner. Marc didn't get what he originally wanted from this, but he got more than he expected. Majid was not part of the orgy, but Marc did suck Dil's Arab-Christian cock, Hassan's Arab-Muslim cock, and lots of Jewish cock in between.

We cleaned up, thanked our hosts for the reception, and went home – fully sated.

* * * * *

Back at the ranch, Maji and I took the opportunities to invite each of our household staff to spend a night with the two of us at the Palace. I think they enjoyed the experience as much as we did. Each one brought their unique personality to the occasion. Then we extended the invitation to everyone on the Crystal Rainbow staff roster. It took the rest of the year to complete the first round.

* * * * * * *

Acknowledgements: Characters and situations in this story are directly out of my mind – which pretty well describes me. This is a fantasy! Character names were picked from an on-line collection. Names of celebrities are used for interest only. Thank you!

And a special shout out of appreciation to all the gay military men and women who have served our country so honorably in the days when being gay was as reprehensible as desertion. These are the people I most admire! My heroes! If you will let me know who you are, I would like to thank you personally for what you have done for our country. HornyHankHorne

* * * * * * *

1 "Let the Rest of the World Go By" – Songwriters: ERNEST R. BALL, J. KEIRN BRENNAN © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

View original video: `Let the rest of the world go by'. DICK HAYMES –

2"There's No Business Like Show Business" Songwriters: IRVING BERLIN © IMAGEM MUSIC INC

3 "Stout-Hearted Men" From "New Moon" (Sigmund Romberg / Frank Mandel / Laurence Schwab / Oscar Hammerstein II)

4 "DRINKING SONG" (aka DRINK, DRINK, DRINK) From the Broadway Operetta "The Student Prince" (1924) (Sigmund Romberg / Dorothy Donnelly)

5 "THERE IS NOTHIN' LIKE A DAME" (Oscar Hammerstein II / Richard Rodgers)

6 "YOU'VE GOT TO BE TAUGHT" (Oscar Hammerstein II / Richard Rodgers)

7 "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing" Songwriters: WILLIAM M BACKER, ROGER F. COOK, ROQUEL DAVIS, ROGER GREENAWAY © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

8 "Bless This House" Words and Music by Helen Taylor and May H. Morgan (a.k.a. Brahe), 1927

9 "It Is Well" Songwriters: DON WYRTZEN, P P BLISS, HORATIO G. SPAFFORD © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., Universal Music Publishing Group, Capitol Christian Music Group

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