Operation Manpower

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on May 2, 2020


Operation Manpower Chapter one: Lex Luthor's Sinister Proposal

This is a fan fiction.

All characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters.

Given how many continuities DC has run through in the past 30 years, it's anyone's guess which one this is set in.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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"Is this some sort of sick joke, Mr. Luthor?"

The British voice dripped with affronted incredulity the way only a British voice could.

Lex Luthor, evil genius (it said so on his business card), looked across the table at the representatives for the major world powers (such is the power of plausible deniability) and gave a practiced reassuring smile.

"I assure you, ladies and gentlemen, I have never been more serious."

He pointed at a projected holo-image floating over the table.

"The aliens have been here now for several months, as you well know, and contrary to all initial fears they have been the perfect guests. They're polite, engaged, interested in everything terrestrial, and almost as charming as I am."

He turned his head slightly so that his best side was showing.

"And best of all, they show no signs of that tired old science fiction cliché of wanting to take over the world." "True," agreed the Brit, "But what does that have to do with this proposal of yours—which is horridly obscene truth be told. If I understand it correctly, you are asking the governments of the world to help capture every superhero on the planet and hand them over to the aliens. Our guests have never once even hinted at wanting such a thing"

Luthor grinned, "Perhaps I have simply had more contact with them. Or asked more pertinent questions."

There was a stir at that. Nobody was comfortable with the idea of Lex Luthor colluding with the mysterious, inscrutable, and possibly all-powerful aliens. They knew so little about their guests who hid their bodies in color-shifting robes and their faces behind abstract masks

"You see, I know why they're here--and why they're still here. Basically, they hit a reef (an interdimensional reef), damaged their engines, and lost all their fuel. For all intents and purposes, they're marooned here."

That got every eyebrow around the room to rise.

"Thought that would surprise you," Luthor said, "Yes, marooned and eager to get home."

"Again," the SG said, "What does this have to do with your proposal?"

"You have all been dealing primarily with The Diplomat, as they call him. I, on the other hand, made the acquaintance of The Engineer. He let me know that while the aliens have repaired their Machine (the word "engine" apparently does not and cannot do it justice, and word "rocket" even less). They still lack fuel."

"Fuel? You mean like gasoline or hydrogen?"


"And what? Their Machine burns superheroes?"

Luthor laughed.

"Not at all, my friends, not at all. The fuel they need to allow their Machine to take them out of this dimension is much more specific. Human ejaculate."

"What?" sputtered the Chinese representative.

"Cum. Jism. Sperm. Man-goo. Whatever you want to call it. When the aliens have a secure supply of fuel, they will be able to go home. And if we supply them with what they need, they will show their appreciation by giving us some very advanced technologies. Technologies that could push humanity forward several hundred years."

"So, if all they need is men that can cum, why not simply empty the prisons?"

"Or the work camps?"

"Yes, we have billions of people we could lose without blinking an eye. I don't see why we should hand over men who have been the saviors of the Earth on multiple occasions"

"Ah, therein lies the rub. Ejaculate, as I said, is what our fiends need, but not just any cum will do. My labs tested thousands of samples and found that the only thing on Earth that fits the pattern within the toleration limits is the cum of metas. Aliens like Superman, collateral evolutionaries like Aquaman, paragons like the Batman or Green Arrow, or other enhanced males like the Flash or Beast Boy."

"Samples? Where did you get samples of meta cum?" the Russian rep demanded.

"I'm not going to say, and trust me you really don't want to know. Some details you would find quite disturbing. Just remember, I am an evil genius. I collect all sorts of things. I never know when I might need a dollop of Kryptonian sperm, or, to return to the point of this proposal, a guaranteed way to take down a meta."

Luthor was amused at how the American representative had remained silent throughout this exchange. The old man was clearly weighing up the possible benefits and comparing them against the possible costs. After all, it was an election year.

"I take it that supervillain cum would be just as effective?" the American asked. "Oh, quite."

"So why should we not simply empty Striker's Island and Arkham Asylum?"

"You'll definitely have to empty Striker's and Arkham," Luthor agreed.

"And why can't we just enlist the heroes into some sort of "milking" program? How many gallons do the aliens need?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, firstly, a program like the one you're thinking won't be enough. Think of the amount of sperm in a single ejaculation. All those swimmers would allow the machine to make a mere fraction of the first of maybe up to a million maneuvers. The aliens need more ejaculate than just what our metas, good and evil, can supply in one, or even several, milkings."

"And secondly?"

"The ejaculate needs to be fresh. It can't be refrigerated, or frozen, or dehydrated. The alien Engine requires it to be fresh from the testicles of the donors."

"But this proposal would leave us at the mercy of any remaining supervillains—villainesses, actually."

"And the female of the species..." the British representative began.

"Yes, indeed," said Luthor, "But to deal with the female villains you'll still have the female heroes. Equally deadly, let me assure you."

"You think that after colluding in kidnapping so many of their fellows, they would still...?"

"I have some experience in manipulating female minds, so I don't doubt that they will come back eventually. Maybe not all, but enough."

"And you have some plan on how we'd go about capturing so many metas? The way I see it, the minute we take one, assuming we can, the rest will be on guard. We can't overpower all of them."

"Not overpower, no, not in the sense you mean. What you need is for them simply to be so distracted, so unfocused that they can't fight back and won't know who to fight back against. And I have the solution for that problem. May I demonstrate?"

Nervously, they followed Luthor out of the room and down a secret staircase to an observation room overlooking a secret lab. At the near end of the lab stood something that looked like a space opera ray gun, and at the far end were two men in the skin-tight uniforms that were common among superheroes, red and white on the larger man and blue and white on the smaller. The pair stood bound spread-eagled, and to their credit they were still struggling manfully against their restraints.

"Ladies and gentlemen, meet Hawk and Dove. A couple of second-tier metas."

He switched on a microphone and said, "Gun Team, prepare for demonstration."

A crew of jump-suited men scrambled all over the ray gun. They flipped switches, turned dials, and watched meters until the crew chief gave Luthor a thumbs up sign.

"Fire at level one on my command. Three... Two... One... FIRE!"

An evil look sat on Luthor's face as a purple-white ray shot out of the gun and enveloped the target metas. Their muscular physiques stiffened, and what could be seen of their faces flushed, as if they knew something was happening to their bodies but were powerless to do anything about it.

"You notice how the ray looks purple?" Luthor lectured, "It's not really. The ray itself is colorless, but the effect it has on what surrounds it makes it look as if it were that regal hue. More intriguing is that it has the ability to be non-linear in its propagation."

"Non-linear?" the Japanese representative said.

"It can shoot around corners," Luthor smiled.

"How," began the French representative, but Luthor cut him off.

"Don't ask. It's frankly embarrassing that I didn't foresee the possibility since after the first test I had to replace a couple of dozen henchmen. Just take my word for it that it can and does. This gun, though, is set up only to fire a coherent beam. Ah! Now, watch closely."

Luthor dialed the cameras in for a close-up of the captives' crotches.

"Increase the ray to level two... NOW!" he ordered.

The ray flashed to a slightly higher intensity, and the crowd gasped as the crotches of the heroes' uniforms distended to accommodate the hard cocks that the two were now sporting.

"What the fuck?" the American burst out.

"No fuck—at least not yet. Increase the ray to level four!" Luthor shouted into his mike, and as the more intense ray hit the two metas again he pressed a button that released the captives' restraints.

"Watch now," he chuckled, "Here's where things get really interesting."

The two young men staggered forwards, not towards the door and freedom, not towards the gun that was bathing them in unearthly light, but into each other's arms. The handsome studs tore away their face masks and kissed like they had never kissed before--and never would again.

"Good god, they're..." said the Egyptian rep.

"Yes," Luthor confirmed.

"But they're brothers!" the American said.

"I believe so," Luthor said, "But that makes no difference to the purple ray. Increase the ray to level six!"

The ray hit the young men at its new power level, and the brothers began to tear each other's costumes away, revealing acres of sweaty muscles and finally two rock-hard dicks. The pair fell to the floor and, twisting around, started to suck one another's pricks. Hands explored the rest of their bodies and began even to tease assholes. Nobody in the observation room had any doubts as to what level 8 would do, but Luthor was dead set on giving his audience a full demonstration.

"Increase ray to level 8, now!"

Hawk suddenly whipped Dove around onto his back and aggressively spread his brother's legs wide before plunging his pole of weeping fuck-meat deep into Dove's man-pussy. Dove howled as Hawk planted himself to the root, and he kept crying in passion through what followed. Hawk, on the other hand, grunted like a pig as he proceeded to pommel his brother's guts.

"This... This is," the Spanish representative gasped.

"Genius. Pure evil genius, yes. You're welcome. Those two are consumed with the need to engage in sex, and not just sex but specifically what we call homosexual relations. Man sex. And as long as they remain under the influence of the ray, they will be the biggest pig faggots on the planet. And I—er, I mean we--can keep them in that state for as long as we want. Incidentally, the ray inhibits orgasm until you hit them with level 10."

Luthor pulled out a remote with a big white button labelled "X".

"Normally I'd order my minions to do this, but, hey, evil geniuses deserve to have some fun, too. Watch closely. Level 10 now!"

He pressed the white button, and a bright white-purple light enveloped the fornicating brothers.


The young men stiffened. Hawk pulled out and shot jet after jet of cum into the air to land on his brother's heaving belly. At that same moment Dove came too, easily doubling the amount of white goo coating his body. Then they both collapsed in a spent heap of sweaty, gasping man-flesh.

"That is perfectly obscene," the Egyptian representative said, tight-lipped (although she was imagining using such a ray-gun for crowd control—and she was not the only one thinking along those lines.)

"When correctly viewed, everything is lewd," Luthor agreed with her, "But right now these two are not going to be putting up much of a fight, not for several hours. In fact, in this state, they could go straight to the aliens and start supplying that cum that our guests so desperately need. But since our guests are not yet ready, I'll have to store them someplace secure until the Machine is fully repaired and modified to accept this fuel source. And to manage that, I have two more devices in my arsenal."

He displayed a phallic device and a large ring, both made of a material that looked like a swirl of purple and white.

"These will keep our volunteers under the influence and unresisting for as long as we need. The plug fits up into their anal cavities where it can be modified to best stimulate that channel. The ring goes around the base of their penises, and then the scrotum and testicles get slid through. The plug and the ring radiate a low dose of Purple Ray, just enough to keep even the strongest superhero in a state of confusion and lust until it's time to deliver him to the aliens."

He clapped his hands together as his minions fit the gear onto and into the brothers and turned to face his audience.

"And it's just that easy. So, what do you say?"

What could they say? The inducement of the alien technologies outweighed the obvious immorality of the proposal, so the reps all headed off to mobilize their governments to turn over all the world's male metas to alien subjugation.

Once they were gone, Luthor saved the video of Hawk and Dove's incest scene to his dark cloud. He could enjoy jerking off to that now for years to come.

Next: Chapter 2

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