Orgy To Remember

By Ryan White

Published on May 17, 2018



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Enjoy the story!!! Ryan


So Lyle, Frank and I were 13, in the 7th grade at a Catholic middle school in the midwest. I'd been jacking off for a couple of years already, and had even fumbled around screwing my three girl cousins, which I enjoyed immensely but probably didn't do very well; still, I though it was great. I was a horny South African kid, ready to screw about anything.

Every night in bed I jacked off a couple times thinking of my current "love," one of the girls in my class -- my love changed now and then as I became fascinated by first one girl and then another. And that was on top of jacking off during the day whenever I got a chance -- at school, in the john at home, and just about anywhere that the mood hit me and I thought was safe.

Anyway, me, Frank and Lyle were good buddies in ninth grade. We talked a lot about sex, girls, jerking off, etc., which led to more and more joking around about us doing a "circle jerk." Sometimes my teenage prick would get hard and all creamy just talking about it. I noticed that the other guys' pants sometimes showed a hard-on or a wet spot as well, and that made me even hornier.

Frank was tall and thin, a nice looking. He had a habit of licking his upper lip with his tongue when he was "thinking," or searched his memory for an answer to some problem. I never knew if anyone else noticed or thought about that, but watching him do that always turned me on. I just found it very sexy. In fact, it probably was the reason I first started talking about sex with Frank. Lyle was about my height and weight, a really boyishly sexy kid with a good sense of humor, although a little shy.

Frank's and Lyle's families were both socially well- connected -- a businessman and a dentist, and they already knew each other well. I was something of a newcomer (no pun intended!), having transferred into Catholic school from public school in the seventh grade. But the guys gave me their friendship readily, and we became fast friends -- based mostly, I imagine, on our mutual interest in sex.

Finally one day after getting ourselves pretty turned on with talking about sex, we all three agreed to go to my house after school. Both my parents worked until 5:30 or so, and we got out of school at 3:30. We planned to jack off and even talked about "doing it" to each other, meaning we would put our horny fifteen year old dicks up each others' butts. I don't think I'd ever done that before, but I had so many sexual experiences as a young kid I'm not sure. Anyway, I was sure it would be fun so it (butt fucking) was fine with me. I soon learned that both of them had the same "let it happen" attitude, very open and uninhibited.

When we got to my place, for some reason we weren't the least bit embarrassed about anything -- probably because we were just so damned horny. We quickly stripped down our pants and shorts and for the first time enjoyed the sight of our three naked young teen boy pricks, stiffer than the big pointer our nun-teacher always carried around to whack our knuckles or heads with. Only these three rods were for a different kind of whacking.

All of us had creamed our shorts in anticipation until they were really damp in front, so I knew Lyle and Frank were as excited as I was. We laughed about "creaming our jeans," except being in Catholic school, we never wore jeans, only dress pants. So, there we were, naked as jaybirds with our hot rock hard pricks sticking straight out.

I wasn't about to waste time. I started stroking and playing with my dick and Lyle and Frank followed suit -- each of us watching the others intently. Soon, each of us was reaching out to hold a different prick and see what it felt like. It was strange, but nice. Their dicks definitely felt different from mine, and I'm sure mine felt different to them as well. This was by no means the first time someone else had touched my young, spermful dick. My girl cousins had more than touched it, and a guy in the park had shown me how to jack off a few years earlier. But I didn't remember their touches as being anything like this. Maybe it was because I was a little older, now, but for whatever reason -- Boy!

Did it ever feel good. Two things impressed me immediately. First, someone else's hand on my cock felt much, much better and totally different than my own hand. A kind of electricity passed when either Lyle or Frank touched me, and from our conversation they had the same experience. Second, I was immediately "in love" with anyone giving me pleasure that way. Too young, too naive, perhaps simply too horny, to know anything about being gay, I just knew I liked these guys very, very much and felt extremely close to them as their young hands played with my pride and joy and I played with theirs. Fuck putting a label on it. Gay or not, what we did felt good. At fifteen, that's basically all that matters.

Our apartment had a big couch that made into a bed where I slept at night. I quickly made it down so we could all fit on it together. It was clear we were getting really excited by it all. Frank was especially eager in his touching. He stroked my leg, then my balls and my butt as well as my prick. God, he made it feel soooo good. I was busy doing the same things with Lyle, lying next to me. We were lying on the couch-bed; with me between Frank and Lyle.

I took Frank's circumcised cock (his was the biggest one of the three, too, maybe six inches long) in my hand, and started stroking him. I noticed that it got harder and kind of jumped a lot as I handled his prick and balls -- especially when I pulled the outer skin far down on his shaft. He'd moan when I did that, too. I was surprised how hot and hard another hard cock felt, and yet at the same time how fleshy it was, so that it "gave" when I squeezed it. I also noticed that when I squeezed it really hard, Frank moaned and that some clear stuff came out the end. Lyle watched us with his mouth open and his eyes wide open. With my free hand, I reached over and wrapped my fingers around his hand which was wrapped around his own prick. I was having a blast! A circumcised prick in each of my hands and another boy's hand on my own young teen hard-on.

Lyle was grinning and moaning and kind of humping his hips, so I figured he was having a great time, too. Frank was just laying there as I stroked his young cock, his eyes closed, and his hips were moving back and forth so he kind of jacked himself in and out of my hand. His prick was all slippery from his juices and that made my hand move over his little shaft much easier. Lyle was rubbing me wherever he could reach.

As we played with each other, we started talking about girls and things we'd like to do to them. One of us said something about how much he'd like to kiss and play with Beverly -- and we all agreed. Beverly was a really cute girl in our class whom everyone liked and lusted after I'm sure. I told them about the time on the way home when I saw Beverly fall and her school skirt flew up giving me an open view of her white cotton panties. I'm not certain how it started, but pretty soon Lyle and I were kissing, showing how we'd like to kiss Beverly.

Kissing him was just as nice as kissing a girl. I couldn't get enough! Apparently he couldn't either. We kind of turned toward each other, Frank's hand started sliding my prick-skin up and down. Then Frank closed up against me, pushing his cock against my butt and turning my head with his hand to he, too, could kiss me and then Lyle. Pretty soon the kissing didn't have anything to do with Beverly, it just felt real, real good.

And sexy, Wow! Kissing Lyle and Frank was every bit as exciting as kissing any girl, I was sure... it just felt wonderful. I'd never really kissed a girl, though, so all I could do was guess. Our young dicks just got harder and harder as we kissed and played with each other. Man, were we ever creaming now! We were really getting hot -- hotter than I'd ever been.

Pretty soon, Frank gave another hard push against my butt and his cock slid between my thighs. He sighed and said he wished he could slip it into Beverly. Lyle and I agreed quickly, repeating, "Man that would be so great," over and over as we played with each other. It wasn't long before we were talking about "corn-holing" and how that worked, as we jacked off and kissed.

When Frank finally offered to let me put mine in his bottom if I wanted to, I was eager to try it. I got really excited, and kissed him more and harder. Soon, he rolled over onto his stomach, and kind of pushed his butt into the air. I got on my hands and knees above him, my prick bouncing around down by his young, slim butt. He reached back and kind of pulled his cheeks apart a little. I found his hole and started pushing it in.

It took a while to get the head of my dick inside his butt, none of us knowing then anything about how much easier some lubrication would have made it. Still, with all of clear, slippery stuff I was creaming, pretty soon I just kind of "popped" inside his butt. I pushed slowly in and out, going deeper each time until it was all the way in -- all five or so inches. Then, God, it felt like heaven. I almost passed out it was so overwhelmingly good.

When I started fucking in and out of him a little, Frank started moaning with pleasure. I forgot about Lyle until, after a few minutes, I felt him moving behind ME. I looked back at him, and saw him looking down at my ass, and I could tell he wanted to do to me what I was doing to Frank. That turned me on so much more than I already was -- the idea of him doing me while I was doing Frank. So, I told Frank to just lie still for a minute. I reached one hand behind me to help Lyle by pulling my ass cheeks apart.

He kneeled up close and started pushing his dick into me. It felt so strange, his young knob pushing against my hole. He had the same problem I'd had, not quite enough lubrication, but I instinctively pushed back against him, opening myself up a little, and with all his cream he soon gained a foothold and then slipped into me for a full entrance. Pretty soon, Lyle was pushing in and out of me, and after a few fumbles we three got a rhythm going with our teenage bodies. There was something about the feeling of Lyle's prick up my ass that really made it feel even better to have my prick up Frank's. I didn't know anything about prostates then. I just knew it felt ... not just good, not just very, very good, but superbly excellent. In addition, there was a feeling of comradeship among the three of us that was especially warm and intimate.

We liked each other a lot, and trusted each other. All in all, it was very rewarding, very excellent. Pretty soon I reached around and under Frank's belly to grasp his stiff cock. He raised up a little to give me access and I can remember to this day how wet it was and how hot and "manly" he felt in my hand, especially with my dick up his butt and Lyle's dick in my own butt -- all of us moving and moaning and "ooohing" and "aaahhhing." So it didn't take long until I knew I was going to cum and cum my fucking ass off.

I got lost in the feelings of letting myself go inside Frank, moaning and grunting; and then heard Lyle moaning real loud. At the same time, I felt something wet in and around my bottom that somehow made my own "feeling" God-awful intense. It may have been one of the best, most enjoyable cums in my life; I almost passed out. Later, both Lyle and Frank said it was the most fantastic thing either of them had ever felt.

That was our first time, but not our last. Over the next months, all three of us hung out together, kissing, jacking, and fucking each other every chance we got. Sometimes we'd go to my place, and other times we went to the fenced back yard of a deserted old shack about a block from school and got naked among the weeds there. We laughed and played and satisfied our little peckers to no end.

It wasn't long before we started sucking each other, and that was another "fun thing" to add to our play. It may have been the best, 'cause it was really great and didn't involve the unpleasant aspects of using each other's poop-shutes. The only bad part was that we didn't want to suck each other after we'd been up one or the other's butt, so we finally figured out that if we jerked off and sucked first ... then we could fuck, if we wanted to. We had some really great times.

I never enjoyed a closeness and trust anything like that again. But I sure remember those times, and get hard as a rock remembering we three handsome young highschool dudes going at it with each other so much. Over the years since, I've probably jacked off a hundred times to those memories. However, all good things were coming to an end, my dad was transferred halfway across the damn country. I cannot tell you how much it hurt leaving them behind. But ofcourse, like the macho, highschool guys we are, we didn't allow our true feelings get out. We all three knew what our hearts was telling our big AND small brains that this was way more than just friendship. Society and stigma forced our feelings shut.

But about four years later, we moved back there. I went to public school upon our return, and never ran into the guys until I started roller skating at a big new skate arena in our town. I'd been skating there about a year when all a sudden Frank started skating there, too, and we got reacquainted. Oddly, we didn't even mention sex for a long time; too embarrassed, I guess. Lyle, I found out from Frank, had been sent off by his parents to a military school. I've always liked to think he had a great time there.

Then one night after practicing for an upcoming skating show, I had my old beat-up Chevy and Frank was going to call for a ride home. So I offered to take him, and he took me up on it. First we stopped at a nearby MacDonalds and had a snack. Skating is hard work, you know. Finally, we got to talking and our eyes started kind of making that "contact" where you know there's something more than usual there. Then for the first time, we talked softly about our past times together, chuckling and grinning as we remembered.

When we left, I suggested a drive out through a new subdivision. It was a beautiful spring night, balmy, pleasant, and full of life energy -- sexual energy, of course. The moon was big and full, and there were pleasantly cool fall breezes. I drove out to the deserted subdivision, parked and turned out the lights. We talked about the skating show for a while, then got around again to remembering times before.

One of us -- I don't remember which -- said something like, "I'd like to do some of that again... wouldn't you?" I know I looked down at Frank's trousers and they were tented up just like mine were. I slowly reached over and filled my hand with his pants and cock, and he quickly did the same to me. We had leaned toward each other to do that, and just naturally fell into a soft, sliding, brushing kiss.

This kiss was different than four or five years ago. Then it had been kisses of innocence with that special "first time" excitement. This time, it was more about pure sexuality, and both of us felt the difference, I'm sure. Our kisses were more adult, gentler yet more skilled and more passionate. I soon felt Frank's hand working on my zipper, which gave way and slid down. He reached inside my boxers and Damn! His hand felt so super on my hard cock. "You're so wet," he said, chuckling.

"Aren't you?" I asked, already working his pants open. My question was soon answered as I reached in to free his cock from his boxers: Yes, he was wet all over the head and most of his shaft.

I was immediately surprised to see how much his had grown -- his cock was probably in the 7" range, maybe a little longer. It was thin, but not overly so.. My own cock was exactly 6-1/2" hard (I'd measured several times!) and a little thicker. I remember thinking right then that we had a pair of really good looking, well formed cocks. And right then, I wanted to taste Frank's.

But he beat me to it, dropping toward my lap to kiss my glans, then slipping it into his warm, wet, mouth. I felt like I was melting like a chocolate bar in the sweet heat of his mouth. I couldn't reach his cock while he sucked me, so I just leaned back and relaxed and let Frank work his magic. And he did. He pulled my pants and shorts down and I kicked them off one leg so I could spread out for him. His hands found my balls and shaft, and massaged them. It all just felt great.

He swirled his tongue around my glans, around and around, focusing on that super sensitive spot on the underside just below the slit where the glans separates and is tied to the shaft. He slipped his mouth off and back onto me, taking only the head into the moist eat of his mouth... on, off... on, off... twisting around and back. My cock was twitching and swelling in pulses, and I could feel my anus clench in what I knew was a pre-cum frenzy. My buttocks were moving, pushing my cock into his face.

I took his head in my hands, roughing up his hair, rubbing his neck and shoulders. Suddenly, he plunged slowly but insistently down onto my shaft, taking me deep into his mouth and throat until I felt his lips pressing into my hair around my balls. He was moaning deeply, and I could feel the vibration of his moaning in my shaft and nuts as his mouth kind of rotated back and forth. That was all it took.

"Oh god! I'm cumming, Frank," I warned him, but he didn't even pause, just kept on sucking my young cock. I groaned aloud and raised my hips in the air to help him and in that balmy night air, like an animal in the throes of pleasure, as I shot off in his mouth, my hard young prick a fountain of cream, squirting jet after jet into his hot, willing mouth. I was surprised at how quickly it had come upon me and how intense it was..

If I had thought that Frank would mind me cumming in his mouth, I'd have been dead wrong. Frank sucked me dry and made soft mewing noises as he did. I collapsed into a heap, breathing as hard as if I had just run the mile. When he straightened up, he was looking into my eyes and we just gazed at each other for a few minutes. Then I glanced down at his cock, still exposed and still hard as a rock, now all shiny with its own slippery juice spread liberally.

That sight was like a powerful magnet to me. I just leaned over and sucked his head into my mouth, at the same time starting to pull his pants and shorts down so I could get to him better. And then I made love to his beautiful cock. I couldn't take all of him, but I took most, and gave him as good as he'd given me I think, playing with his balls and rubbing his thighs and buttocks as I sucked and slurped and twirled him with my tongue. I consider myself kind of an artist in sex, very sensitive and tender. I must have done well, because soon he moaned out, "Ohhh, I'm almost there... I won't be able to stop..." I knew that was his way of asking if I wanted to pull away, but I also knew that after the way he'd taken me I couldn't possible not do as much for Frank.

So, I just mumbled, "Cum for me, buddy..." and I had no sooner gotten it out than he did just that. Hands on my head, he pushed himself even deeper into my throat and started squirting and moaning, humping my face. My hands on his butt pulled at him, showing it was okay. He finally tensed hard, let out one final groan, and then relaxed back into a limp heap, exhausted.

I had never taken a guy's load before, although I had sucked cock a couple of times. Not knowing exactly what to expect, I was kind of stymied with the thickness of his cum. It didn't taste bad, just a little salty and musky -- which I kind of liked -- it just was kind of hard to get down my throat. But after a few swallows, I managed to handle it. A few sips of what was left of my Coke from MacDonalds washed it down and made everything okay again.

I sat up, watching Frank. He looked really happy, really relaxed. I leaned back down and licked his still half-hard cock clean. It was heavy, I remember thinking, a weighty piece of meat. I sucked it into my mouth again one last time and felt Frank kind of pull back.

"It's so sensitive right now," he said. Yeah, I knew what he was talking about.

After that, Frank and I became close buddies. We never actually thought of ourselves as lovers, although we repeated our sexual contact several times. We never got around to corn-holing as we had as kids, but we did a lot of sucking and jacking together, and one night we got into a heavy petting session -- intentionally, this time, just to get ourselves turned on intensely before sucking each other.

Then Frank left for college back east, and I never saw him again. I think about him a lot though, and always wish for another, similar relationship with a guy where we had the trust and intimacy Frank and I enjoyed.

THANKS FOR READING!! Any comments? Ideas for more stories?? Lemme know xx

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