Our Twin Cocks

By Jack Santoro

Published on May 25, 2005



Our Twin Cocks By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

Walt's cock was a twin of mine, although Walt didn't resemble me otherwise because he was shorter then my six feet, slightly flabbier, and had thicker hair. He appeared to be around my age, 50, or a year or two younger. I hardly knew him because he worked in the accounting department of my company, while I was in engineering. However, I did see him close-up shortly after I'd joined the health club down the road, not knowing that he was a member. We were in the shower room when I realized that there were only the two of us in there, and that Walt was staring at my crotch more intently than I had stared at his. Our cocks appeared to be exact twins, although we were very different in other ways. He had the same bulging glans and funnel-shaped foreskin as adorned mine, and the nipple his hood formed in front seemed to be exactly like mine. I turned off my shower head and padded out to the locker section, and while I was drying myself he walked over and opened the locker next to mine. Now we had perfect views of each other's bodies, and I saw the look of hot intensity in Walt's eyes. We weren't alone, though, so Walt just nodded his head when I returned his stare. He followed me out to the parking lot, where he invited me to follow him to his house, unheard by anyone else. He lived nearby, and soon we were inside, where Walt led the way to his bedroom. "You enjoy jacking off and jacking other guys?" he asked. I nodded, and he continued: "When I saw that hose of yours, I thought that I just had to get my hands on it. I'm really glad our interests are the same." "Me, too," I replied. We stripped and I again saw the penis that seemed to be a duplicate of mine, hanging in front of a scrotum that hung just like mine, as well. Unlike mine, it was framed in red hair, not brown. We sat next to each other on his big king-size, and his fingers closed around my cock, lifting the end. I lifted his cock and saw that they looked identical, except for the pattern of wrinkles around the pucker at the end of the foreskins. Mine was slightly more wrinkled, although the wrinkles were vanishing as our cocks swelled. "I really get turned on by a man's cock," he continued. "especially one that's uncut like yours. I like the feel of the skin sliding over the hard core, feeling the veins through the skin. I feel the long bulge under the shaft, where the cream shoots through, then I like going up to feel the skin sliding over the ridge. Yours is special, though, because it's so much like mine." His hand moved along my swelling member as he spoke, and I felt the familiar tickle deep inside my cock-root that told me that my lubricant was secreting. I reached for his, and squeezed the bulging head through the thick cover. I felt a throb between my fingers. "Ah," he said. "That feels nice. You know just how to make my cock feel good. Does this feel good to you?" The fingers of his other hand slid down to tickle the hairs on my ball-sac, and my cock continued swelling. "I know it does, 'cause I can feel you growing." His cock was now full-hard, and I slid my hand lovingly along it, feeling the gliding action of the loose skin as it bared, then re-covered, the big purple head. "I like a lot of skin," I commented, "because it lets me use long strokes on your dick. I like to watch the big shiny head as I pull all the way back, then see the big rim and the groove behind it." Walt skinned my rock-hard cock all the way back and said; "Your rim's as big as mine, and you've got the same little bumps on its back surface." I knew he meant the tiny nodules containing the many nerve endings that adorned our hot ridges, and that felt so good when squeezed or stroked. "Your tip's even the exact same shape as mine," "Like a Darth Vader helmet," I finished. "Your hole's got the same tear-drop shape, and you're wetting yourself just as I am." We both had large drops of clear liquid oozing from our tips, running down to lubricate our foreskins. I took long strokes on his cock, running the foreskin up over the bump of his corona, then downhill to form a pucker at the end. I felt all the compound curves of his big glans, from the ridge that swept down the sides to form a vee-groove under the head, to the blunt dome where his tear-drop shaped hole oozed lube. My fingertips ran along the long bulge under his shaft, which I knew would soon be throbbing as powerful gushes of cream surged along its length to erupt from the end. Walt's face was flushed, and he groaned slightly. "I thought we'd have a long session," he said, "maybe edging for an hour or so, but I think we're both too worked up to last much longer. I know I need relief." He dropped my cock, got up and ran into the bathroom, bringing back a large towel. "Here, let's sit on this," he urged. We arranged ourselves facing each other, legs spread, my thighs over his, and our cocks only inches apart as we continued to stroke each other. Both our ball-sacs were tight against our bodies now, and the mounting excitement had made our tips swell and darken as we stroked the long hoods over their sensitive surfaces. Walt's eyes were getting glassy, and I sensed him withdrawing into himself as I worked my hand up and down his cock. "Is your tip tingling yet?" I asked, as I continued to massage the thick skin over the head. Walt nodded, and I knew that he was feeling the same sensations I do when I'm close to exploding, a tingling in the rim that quickly spreads over the entire glans, then shoots down to my cock-root to trigger the orgasm. "Stop stroking me for a minute," I urged. "Just let me make you come, then you can do me." His hand dropped away from my prick as I renewed my strokes on his congested cock. His breathing became ragged, and I felt a powerful throb between my encircling fingers as the first gush shot from his tip. The white jet arced through the air to land on the towel between us as I looked at Walt's face, contorted with the sweet agony of orgasm. His eyes were closed, and he didn't see the next eruptions that pounded their way up his tube and shot onto the bed. Walt sagged forward against me as the orgasm overwhelmed him, and I continued to stroke his prick as the discharges continued. His prick was wet with thick, sticky gizm, and still throbbed as more fluid gushed from his tip. The throbs were weaker now, and Walt's gizm just oozed from the distended hope in his tip, running down over the glans, foreskin, and my encircling fingers as his excitement waned. I stopped stroking, sensing that further massage would be uncomfortable for him if his tip got as sensitive as mine does after climax. Walt opened his eyes, shook his head, and muttered "Thanks, That was great," before clasping my cock in his warm hand. I felt a throb deep inside as his fingers closed around my engorged prick, and I knew that I'd be wildly shooting streams of hot gizm very soon. He dragged my foreskin back, exposing my blunt purple helmet right to the ridge, which he caressed with a fingertip. I jumped at the unfamiliar intensity of sensation, and Walt quickly pumped my foreskin forward again. I saw that clear fluid filled the pucker in the end of my foreskin, and when Walt squeezed my glans another throb went through my prick.

Walt began a regular pumping action, long strokes that provided a deep and satisfying friction to my prick as the loose skin slid up and down my sensitive tissues. My glans swelled, and Walt said; "You're gettin' harder. You're real close." My breathing became labored as the sensations mounted, and I felt the rising tension deep in my cock-root even though I tried to remain totally relaxed to make it last. I felt the drops of lube crawling up my tube, emerging to coat my swollen glans and lubricate my sliding hood. The hot, familiar tingle began in the ridge of my glans, slowly spreading all over the engorged head as my nerve endings triggered each other, dragging me to the brink of orgasm. Walt yanked down my thick hood, totally baring my hot purple tip right to its flaring rim and putting tension on my gee-string. This pulled the front of the head down, and I felt the nerve endings humming as my excitement peaked. "I want to watch you come," he said. "I'm gonna watch the cream shoot out from your big purple tip." His rough fingertip grazed the nerve endings in my ridge, sending me over the brink. My cock-root convulsed, and a milky drop, part lube, part gizm, oozed from my tip. Then the first stream of white semen rushed up my tube, erupting from my distended tear-drop into the air and landing on his shrunken cock. My eyes closed as another hot jet shot up my tube, and Walt's fingers closed around my swollen glans. "I like to feel the tip throb," he said, as another surge of cream blasted its way up my prick. His touch was exciting, and my entire body quivered as my cock juiced again and again. Now my flow slackened, and warm dribbles ran down my cock onto his encircling fingers as I began to relax. We collapsed together on the bed, trying to regain our strength, because we knew that we'd want to do this again soon, this time making it last. I really looked forward to edging with a cock that was a twin of mine.

Part II The following week we met again, this time determined to practice edging, and we did. We kept each other near the brink for almost an hour before blasting off in pure relief. Next weekend, though, was special, because Walt introduced me to his son, Walter Junior. Junior, as Walt called him, was 23, married, and as tall as I was. Junior's wife Jennifer was out of town for a week, and Junior had come over for a mutual masturbation session with his dad. Walt was a widower, and I'd never married, preferring my own hand or that of another man for sexual satisfaction. Walt had told me that he'd encouraged his son to enjoy the pleasures of his own body from the time he'd been a teen-ager. My curiosity regarding what he was like under his clothes was soon satisfied because Walt suggested that we strip and get into the hot tub he had on one corner of his enormous bathroom. I saw that Junior's cock was just like mine and Walt's, big tip shrouded by a huge foreskin, but that his pubic hair was blond, like the hair on his head. Walt tweaked his son's foreskin nipple and said; "When Junior was born, I was enjoying my foreskin so much I didn't let the doctor cut his off." Junior looked at his father said replied; "Am I glad you did that, Dad! I don't know what it would be like without this hood. Wouldn't want to find out, either, 'cause I really enjoy beating off with my skin." We got into the hot tub, and Walt turned on the pumps. A rush of water jets filled with air bubbles surrounded us, but surprisingly, it wasn't uncomfortable the way some others had been for me. "This isn't too hot," I commented to Walt. "No, I don't like it too hot," he replied. "Neither do most people I know." Walt shut off the air flow, but kept the pump going, so that we could see clearly under the water. He skinned his prick back under the water, and I did the same. Junior retracted his ample hood a second later, and we enjoyed the hot water swirling around our naked tips. The effect was inevitable. A minute later Junior said; "Dad, hand me the tube. Gotta pee." Walt took a long polyethylene tube with a clear plastic cup at the end from a compartment in the wall and handed it to his son. One end of the tube remained attached to a fixture inside the recess, and I soon saw that the plastic cup was made to fit over the head of the penis. Junior placed the cup over the end, and Walt pushed a button. A pump began running, and a second later I saw a yellow stream distend Junior's pee-slit and flow up the tube. After he'd finished, he offered it to me. "Gotta go?" he asked, and I took it from him. I placed the clear cup over my naked glans and felt the rush of water being sucked up the tube. The water swirled over my tender tip and stimulated the flow of urine, and soon my yellow stream was being sucked up into the tube. Walt held h is hand out for it after I finished. "Avoids contaminating the water," he said, as he let go with a thick stream that went the way the others had. "Fixed it up myself. Nobody else has one of these," he said as he replaced the tube and cup into the compartment in the wall. The hot water relaxed us, loosening our foreskins and making our balls drop down, and our big purple tips engorged until they were almost erect. Walt reached over casually and pinched my tip lightly, stimulating a reflexive throbs deep in my cock root. He did the same for Junior, and we watched our cocks become fully engorged. Walt's cock got hard without doing anything to it, and he spoke; "See how Junior's cock is longer than ours? It's close to seven inches because he doesn't have that fat pad in front of his pubic bone the way we do." "Yeah, you're right," I said. "I remember my cock measured almost seven when I was younger and 30 pounds lighter." "Let's get out of the water and have some fun," Walter suggested, and we rose as he turned off the water pump. We dried ourselves in the warm air, then trooped into the bedroom where Walt placed a couple of towels in the center of the sheet. He then had me lie on my left side on the king-size bed and arranged himself so that his head lay on my right thigh. He had Junior lie on his left side, head on his thigh and his thighs under my head. Our bodies formed a triangle, and Junior's cock was right in front of my eyes. All three cocks were stripped back and ready for action. The delicious odor of freshly-washed male flesh filled the air, arousing me further. Walt's warm hand closed around my shaft, gently pushing my foreskin forward to engulf my bulging glans in one long, sensual stroke. Junior's fist enveloped Walt's cock and began pumping it slowly. I grasped Junior's foreskin and nudged it forward, watching it slide downhill over the long glans taper. "We're not gonna be edging today," Walt announced. "Junior's less than half our age and he always comes fast. You ought to see the way he shoots his load, too. He doesn't dribble like us." I knew what Walt meant, because often when I beat off alone, my juice just dribbled out in large drops. I only ejaculated in hard jets when I was really horny, not having done it for a while, or jacking with another guy. Junior was certainly quick on the trigger, because I felt his body tense as soon as I touched him, and after a few long, slow strokes I felt the core of his cock stiffen and swell under the sliding skin. His cock-head darkened as his balls tightened against his body, and he muttered; "I'm close, really close." I skinned him back all the way, putting tension on his gee-string, because I knew this was supremely pleasurable on my cock, and figured he'd enjoy it too. Watching and feeling his excitement aroused me, and I felt a familiar tingle in my glans as Walt continued to slide my skin back and forth over it. Junior's prick dripped lots of clear lubricant, and I swept his foreskin forward again to spread it over the sensitive head. When I skinned him back, I felt Walt's hand release my penis as he said; "You're really close yourself. Your balls are right up against your body, and I don't want to make you come before you're ready." He was right. If I blasted off now, I wouldn't be able to give full attention to pleasuring Junior's cock. Junior was grunting with excitement now, and I tugged hard on his hood, making the glans dip down as the gee-string pulled on its underside. Walt's fingers came up to strum Junior's gee-string as his thumb caressed the flaring corona. Junior howled as the rush of sharp sensations filled his glans, and I felt his cock throb in my hand. I pressed one finger into the underside, pinching his tube to trap the jet, and Junior cried out as the unfamiliar back pressure built up in his cock. When his cock throbbed again, I let go and saw a long ropy string of white juice shoot a foot out of his engorged tip to land on the towel. Walt stroked his naked glans again, and Junior grunted again as another strong stream shot from his prick. Junior's hips were bucking as he shot again and again, until his orgasm relented and his breathing slowed. I wiped the residue from his glossy tip with a Kleenex and pulled the protective hood up over his tender tip. My cock was rock-hard, stimulated by what I'd just seen and felt, and when Walt grasped it again I felt a deep thrill in the head and shaft. "You're ready to pop," he said, as he began stroking my hood lovingly up and over the precious head, making the tip tingle. My tip was seeping lubricant, and Walt skinned me back hard and grasped my naked glans in his other fist, applying a twisting stroke that made me jump. I heard myself howl in the distance and saw a red flash before my eyes as the intensity of orgasm overtook me. My prick was on fire and I shot jet after burning jet as Walt stimulated my glans with rotating strokes that drove me into ecstasy. I was utterly helpless, paralyzed by the overpowering sensations of a hot orgasm, and thrashed on the bed as Walt pulled jet after jet out of my prick. When it ended and I once more became aware of my surroundings, I saw that Junior had revived from the daze that had gripped him after his climax, and was now rubbing his father's cock between the palms of his hands. I was familiar with this stroke because a friend had introduced me to it a couple of years before, and I knew the acute sensations it produced. Walt's foreskin twisted between Junior's palms, dragging the gee-string with it, and I saw the tip of Walt's engorged glans gushing thick viscous lube. Walt's lips were drawn back, his eyes closed, and he looked as if he were being tortured, but I knew that he was feeling the most acute sensations a man can experience, when loving hands stimulate his cock to orgasm. Walt grunted with each twist, and a few seconds later he cried out as a long stream of cream shot from his tip. He'd rolled onto his back, and the jet landed on his chin. Another gush surged from his swollen glans to land on his chest, and the third jet poured out onto his abdomen. More jets erupted as Junior continued to twist his father's foreskin between his palms, intent on giving him the most intense orgasm possible. When Walt was totally drained, he relaxed. We folded up the towel between us, and Walt put it into the hamper in the bathroom.

The end

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