Out in the Desert

By ripeworkingman

Published on Apr 22, 2022


Here's a story about a hot fantasy I have -- involves musk, raunch, older/younger, dom/sub, rough dudes, and hot man lust. If you like it, hit me up! Love to hear what y'all think... Ripeworkingman@protonmail.com

Dan was hitchhiking across Arizona, trying to get out west. It was hot and dry out here in the desert, and Dan was sweating. He lifted his arm and sniffed his armpit. Yep, he smelled strong. It was a sweet and earthy musk, baked in for a few days since he last got a shower. Nice, Dan thought. He stood on the side of a two-lane highway with his thumb out, looking for a ride.

Before too long, a dirty red pickup truck pulled over in front of Dan. He jogged up to the passenger door. The window was rolled down and a rough looking dude smiled at him from the driver's seat.

"Need a ride? Hop in, dude," the man said.

"Thanks, brother," Dan replied. He opened the door and swung his backpack onto the floor as he climbed into the passenger seat. "Where you headed?"

"Going to California," the man answered. "Name's Bo."

"I'm Dan, trying to get to Cali myself. Thanks for the ride."

Bo was wearing a button down mechanic's shirt with frayed cut off sleeves. His arms were covered in tattoos and also hair, thick around his forearms and spreading up his biceps and shoulders. He pulled a pack of Marlboro Reds out of his front pocket, pulled a couple out and offered one to Dan.

"You smoke, kid?"

"Yeah, man, appreciate it!" Dan took the smoke and placed it between his lips. He hadn't had a good smoke in days! Bo lit his cigarette and handed Dan the lighter. He lit up too, took a long slow drag, and leaned his head back and closed his eyes as he blew out a stream of smoke.

Bo put the truck back in gear and pulled out onto the highway. With the windows down, Dan's messy blond hair blew in the wind. The two men smoked as fuzzy desert rock played loud through the speakers. The guys chatted in between periods of nothing but music, sharing jokes and stories. Dan tried not to stare, but Bo was hot! He was a burly older guy, probably in his mid to late 40s, with a great sense of humor and a gravelly voice. Every now and then, he'd reach up, pull off his hat and scratch his head. Dan saw his armpit was full of thick, dark, sweaty fur, and he could smell Bo's musk was strong, even with the windows wide open.

Before long, the sun began to set. Bo spotted a sign for a "Scenic View Ahead" and suggested they pull off for a break, and to figure out what to do for the night. Bo backed his truck into a spot in a dusty lot off the highway.

"Man, that's beautiful," Bo sighed. "Hop out, Dan, we gotta take this in."

They both laid out in the bed of Bo's pickup and gazed over the guardrail. Rippling canyons and rock formations stood out under the huge sky, turning from bright blue to red and gold in the setting sun. Bo sighed and stretched, his big arms spread wide as Dan gazed into his furry pits. All of a sudden, Bo rolled over on top of Dan, straddling him and holding his big frame over the younger man. He grinned, his beard only inches from Dan's face.

"Hey man, what the fuck?" Dan said and tried to get out from under him. Bo pinned the boy down, pressing his big palm against the kid's chest.

"C'mon boy, nobody rides for free! Especially not a cute fuzzy blond twink like you."

Dan tried to wriggle away again, unsuccessfully, then gave up and let himself go limp against Bo's strong arms. The burly hairy man was sweating in the summer sunset, dripping his salty man juices onto Dan's t-shirt and face. Bo pressed his crotch into Dan's, his meaty cock bulging out from his jean shorts. He lowered himself onto the boy, and started kissing Dan's neck.

Fuck! As much as he tried to resist, this is just what Dan wanted. With Bo's strong male pheromones reeking out of every pore, Dan submitted completely. The big hairy man rubbed his bearded face against Dan's own short blond scruff, then dove his tongue in the twink's mouth. Dan surprised himself as his pretty lips parted and he began sloppily making out with Bo, feeling his own wet tongue wrestle the older man's. Bo's breath was hot and masculine. He tasted like cigarettes, sweat, vinegar, and dirt. Dan couldn't stop himself. He wanted this.

Bo ripped his shirt off, revealing a hairy barrel chest, as covered in fur and ink as his big arms. He growled like an animal and pulled Dan's sweaty t-shirt off, revealing Dan's lanky frame and smooth milky skin. Dan had spots of blond fuzz in the middle of his chest and below his belly button, leading to a thick dirty blond bush.

"Get naked, boy," Bo growled into Dan's ear, and Dan complied. He stood up and pulled off his shorts. He was wearing tight white briefs, with ruddy stains in the crotch and ass. He'd been wearing the same underwear for days after all, in the hot sun, with nowhere to shower.

"I said get naked. Give those to me," Bo commanded gruffly. Dan pulled off his briefs and handed them to the older man. In that moment, he realized he was relying on a complete stranger to not leave him butt naked in the desert, in the middle of nowhere.

"Damn, you're a pretty sight," Bo told Dan, ogling the naked boy backdropped by the Southwestern sunset. "Hold tight, kid, I gotta get a photo of this."

"Ah fuck man, no..." Dan started, but Bo was already rummaging through his glove compartment. Dan realized he didn't really have any power here. He needed a ride out of here, and anyway, it was kind of hot. He felt the sun and evening breeze on his bare skin, sweeping his balls and buttocks like a gentle caress.

Bo returned with a Polaroid camera in one hand and Dan's dirty briefs in the other. He held the boy's raunchy underwear to his nose and loudly inhaled.

"Fuck! You're a dirty boy!" Bo exclaimed, sighing and taking another huff. Dan stood there naked and felt his cock begin to rise against his will. He tried to act cool and reached his hands back behind his head.

"Shucks man, it's been a hot week," he blushed as Bo took a picture. He pulled the Polaroid square out of the camera and laid it on the seat in the truck.

"Turn around," Bo ordered. Dan did as he was told. Bo took another picture.

"Now spread your legs and bend over, boy. Look back this way and smile," Bo grunted, chuckling. The boy followed the instruction and bared his ripe butthole for the camera. "Fuck kid! You're smoking!"

Bo dropped the photos and camera on the seat and stepped forcefully to the young man. He wrapped his strong arms around Dan and pulled the naked twink against his hairy body. Bo forced his open mouth onto Dan's and palmed the boys perky butt. Dan could feel the man's calloused fingers rub his ass, then press against his hole. Bo wiped two rough fingers from Dan's taint all the way across his greasy hole and up his entire ass crack, then brought his hand to his nose and sniffed long and deep.

"FUCK, bro! You're ripe as hell. You smell like my kind of heaven!"

With aggressive motion, Bo turned Dan around and pushed him over the guardrail. Dan gazed into the setting sun as he felt Bo get on his knees and push his bearded face into his raunchy crack. Dan's mouth opened involuntarily, surprising himself as a guttural moan escaped his throat. He felt the man's beard bristle against his soft butt, then a hot tongue poke directly into his anus. Bo's tongue flicked lightly then went berserk, lapping and sucking at Dan's dirty butthole. Dan knew it was dirty not only because he hadn't showered in days, but also because he ran out of TP when he took his morning dump at the gas station.

Bo didn't mind. He was rooting in Dan's young ass like a pig in shit. The older man snorted and grunted as his tongue probed Dan's hole. Dan's big cock pointed straight out towards the darkening sky as he groaned in ecstasy. Staring into the sunset, getting his raunchy ass eaten out by a pro, he had never felt more pleasure. He felt Bo's tongue trying to reach further, and the boy submissively relaxed his hole. Oh fuck!

Before he could stop it, Dan farted right in Bo's mouth. Bo grabbed the boy's hips with both hands and pulled his juicy ass into his face, sucking the twink's hot gas into his mouth and nostrils. He gave Dan's butt a few more licks, then stood up.

"Fuck kid, you're raunchy!"

"Sorry, man, didn't mean to, uh..."

"Rip a fart in my mouth?" Bo finished for him, grinning. "No worries, I'll get you back."

Oh shit, Dan thought. Who knows what he had in store? The sun was really setting now, so Bo tossed Dan his clothes and told him to get dressed.

"Think I saw a sign for an exit up ahead. Probably a motel there we can crash at for the night. Unless you wanna find another ride," Bo said, daring Dan to turn him down.

"Sounds good man," the boy said, as the two guys hopped back in the truck. Dan took the camera and photos off the passenger seat and took a look. Damn! There he was, butt naked and fully exposed, posing with a chubbed cock against the most beautiful sunset he'd ever seen. Whoa! And that was his butt, spread wide open for the world to see. He could tell his shithole was raunchy just looking at the photo.

"Turned out pretty good, right?" Bo prompted.

"Uh, sure... Say, what are you gonna do with these?" Dan asked.

"Don't worry about it, boy." Bo smirked and put the camera and photos back in the glove compartment. Then they were off. Hard stoner rock poured out of the truck speakers again as the cool night air tickled Dan's skin, arousing him even more than he already was. His cock was still hard, and he had no idea what was ahead of him tonight. Before too long, Bo pulled off at an exit and into the parking lot for a seedy looking motel. There were only a few other cars in the parking lot, and the neon vacancy sign buzzed bright.

"You hang out here. I'll get us a room," Bo declared, and he walked into the motel office. Dan opened the glove compartment and pulled out the photos. He looked at the picture of himself, nervous but glistening with sexuality in the burnt sunset light, when he noticed there were other Polaroid pictures in the glove box. He checked to make sure Bo wasn't coming then started thumbing through.

The first few were of some guy - he looked older than Dan but still pretty young. He was by a lake, naked like Dan had been, posing in different positions, mostly showing off his ass. Then there were a couple with Bo in them too! He was naked, and fuck, his whole body was really covered with hair. He was holding the thickest cock Dan had ever seen, pissing on this guy's face while his mouth was wide open. Another one showed the guy licking Bo's big hairy butt! Dan's cock was as hard as it'd ever been. He heard the motel office door open and shoved the pictures back where they came from and shut the compartment.

"Alright Dan, we're in Room 5."

Dan grabbed his backpack and Bo grabbed a pack from behind his seat. They walked toward Room 5, and Bo opened the door.

Inside was a basic motel room. Queen bed, a TV, bathroom, alarm clock. Bo threw his pack on the floor and Dan set his own under a small table and sat down on a wooden chair to take off his shoes. Bo lifted his arm over his head and took a whiff of his armpit.

"Phew! I reek, boy!" the man bellowed. Dan had noticed earlier. He smelled fucking amazing, thick and pungent with the kind of BO only a hairy blue collar man can produce. Bo started rummaging through his pack and pulled out a big glass bottle of whiskey.

"You old enough to drink, Danny boy?" the older man asked, more as a joking jab than a real question.

"Suuure, course I am," Dan smirked. He was still just a teenager, but it's not like he'd never drank before. Mostly just a couple beers his buddy had snuck from his dad every now and then, but hey, he was down.

Bo opened the bottle and took a swig, then handed it to Dan.

Dan hesitantly took a sip. The whiskey burned his tongue and throat and he coughed a little. Bo chortled and smiled at the young man.

"Take another swig, buddy," he suggested. Dan did, then handed the bottle back. Bo took another swig himself, then started to get undressed. Watching as he took off his shirt, Dan was in awe of how hairy Bo's back was. Then the man pulled off his shoes and jean shorts, revealing he was going commando. His thighs were like tree trunks, and his butt was huge - two big, muscular globes covered in thick fur.

"Alright, come here boy," Bo snarled, grinning. Dan took a couple steps towards the man, and Bo pushed him to his knees, grabbed the back of his head, and shoved his face between his beefy cheeks. Right away, he ripped a loud rumbly fart in Dan's face, then busted out laughing.

Maybe it was the booze, maybe he was just tired from a long day, or maybe he was subconsciously turned on... but Dan stayed on his knees and breathed in Bo's gas, savoring the smell. His fart stank bad, like eggs and gas station tacos. As the gas dissipated, Dan lifted his nose closer to Bo's hairy butt and sniffed. The scent was as strong as his BO, but different. He smelled the man's sweat and pheromones and quietly moaned, before he could help himself.

"Oh, you like that, huh? You're a real pig boy, Dan!" Bo said. He pulled Dan up, smiled big at the boy, and started kissing him. "We're gonna have some fun tonight!"

Dan got undressed as Bo called in a pizza delivery. He laid down on the bed naked, his cock sticking straight up and leaking.

"You ever tasted a man's dirty ass, kid?" Bo asked.

"No sir," Dan responded and nervously licked his lips.

"Sir, huh? Alright, I'll show you how it's done. You gonna do what I tell you?"

"Yes sir," Dan said. Damn, Bo really had an effect on him. Back home, he was a rowdy boy who didn't follow anybody's rules. He got in trouble a lot, with his parents, his teachers, even the law. But he wanted nothing more than to follow orders from this big, gruff, smelly man.

"Lay your head back," Bo commanded. The big man climbed onto the bed and got on all fours, hovering his hefty buttocks over the blond twink. "Now, smell my dirty butt, but don't touch, boy."

Bo lowered his ass towards Dan's face, his cheeks spreading. Dan stared up at the older man's big, sweaty butt. He was unbelievably hairy. Dan saw Bo's butthole up close and personal. Between his two enormous buttcheeks, in a nest of sweaty ass fur, the man's butthole winked at the boy. It was dark pink, almost purple, wrinkled and delicious. Dan had never felt like this before. He'd seen his friend's asshole (and licked it till his buddy busted his load all over his stomach), but they were smooth young guys. This was a hulking bear of a man, opening his most private crevice for Dan to enjoy.

Bo hadn't lied - his butt was dirty. Dan was hit by Bo's butt stench, even more overpowering with his ass spread wide on top of him. He could see a smear of shit between the soft ridges of Bo's asshole. There were damp dingleberries hanging off a few of his butt hairs. Dan wanted to be disgusted, but his raging boner indicated otherwise. Dan reached for his cock and started jacking off furiously, the way teenage boys do. Bo grabbed his wrist and held it to the mattress.

"No no, boy. You're not gonna blow your load till I tell you to," the big man said.

Dan groaned and reached his face towards Bo's spread ass. He huffed deep, inhaling the man's potent stink. He was like a bitch in heat, except he was craving a grown man's filthy shithole. Pre-cum was pouring out of his cock, a thin clear stream pooling up in his belly button.

"Ahhhh," Bo sighed. "That's right, Danny boy. How's it smell down there?"

Dan moaned out loud. He'd never been this turned on, and it was overwhelming him, especially not being able to stroke his dick.

"FUCK, MAN! It smells like shit! Your ass fucking stinks!!" Dan groaned.

"Bet you wanna get a taste of that ripe, dirty man trench, don't you boy?"

"Yes, sir, please! I wanna eat your nasty ass, Bo. I want to taste your shithole."

Dan tried his luck and stretched his neck to get his face into Bo's ass. Bo reacted fast, stood up on his knees, and held Dan down with his strong arms.

"I said don't touch boy!" Bo barked. "You're gonna learn how to be a good boy for me tonight, Dan."

Still holding Dan to the bed, Bo squatted right over the twink's face and farted. Dan watched his butthole press out, enlarging into a swollen, dirty purple donut until a burst of rotten air shot into his face for what felt like a long time, thundering loudly out of Bo's stinky ass. The massive fart dwindled into a soft hiss, then Dan was left with only raunchy man gas to breathe.

Right then, there was a knock on the door.

Bo laughed out loud. "Pizza's here!" he said. The burly hairy man hopped off the motel bed.

"You're not gonna jerk off, boy. Don't get any ideas," Bo told Dan. He pulled his belt out of his shorts and tied the boy's hands tightly behind his back. He did it so quickly and efficiently, Dan knew he must have done the same thing before many times.

Bo pulled on his shorts, which weren't doing a good job hiding his thick hard cock, and answered the door.

"Thanks, brother. How much do I owe you?" Bo said to the delivery guy as he took the pizza.

Dan lay on the bed, tied up by a stranger, nearly panting from arousal. He could still smell the rotten air expelled from deep in Bo's ass. Bo opened his wallet and handed a couple bills to the delivery guy.

"Hey, thanks for the tip, man," the delivery guy said. Dan could see him looking into the room, and all of a sudden, they made eye contact. Dan was naked as the day he was born, and his teen cock stood up straight like an arrow.

Bo chuckled. "My friend here is a raunchy little fucker. He's been getting off to the smell of my dirty butt."

"What the fuck?" said the pizza man, grabbing his crotch. Dan's face went bright red.

"Right?" Bo said, laughing. "Thanks again brother. Have a good one."

The delivery guy got one last good look, adjusted the bulge in his shorts and walked back towards his car while Bo shut the door.

"Alright Dan. To teach you a lesson, I'm gonna eat this pizza while you're all tied up," Bo explained.

"Aw man, I'm really hungry!" Dan complained.

"You're in luck, though. I'll let you lick my ass while I have my dinner. Get over here."

Bo sat in the wooden chair by the table, his bulky body making it look tiny, and he spread his legs wide. Dan rolled off the bed, hands still behind his back, and walked over to Bo. He dutifully got on his knees as the big older man scratched his balls. Bo took a slice of pizza from the box and pushed his butt forward, offering his juicy shithole to Dan.

"Get to work, boy," Bo commanded. And Dan did what he was told. Bo ate his greasy pizza while Dan lapped away at his dirty butt. He tasted fucking foul! His ass tasted just as raunchy as it looked and smelled, maybe worse. Dan stayed rock hard as he cleaned the older man's hairy butt. He licked the sweat and grease off his crack, sucked the dingleberries out of his butt hair, and dipped his tongue into his filthy hole, cleaning any residual shit smears and swallowing it. Dan thought he should be disgusted, but he also could tell this is what he'd been craving his whole life - he just hadn't realized it till now. He rubbed his face around in Bo's ripe butt crack, getting his scent all over his blond peach fuzz scruff.

"Aww fuck yeah, kid, clean my nasty hole. How's yesterday's lunch taste, you pervy fuck?" Bo said, talking dirty to Dan with his mouth full of pizza. "Glad I picked a raunchy pig like you up, I needed a good ass wipe. Even better you're cute."

Bo finished his first slice of pizza and grabbed a second. He lifted his right leg a little and blasted a fart in Dan's mouth. Dan just grunted and kept shoving his tongue in Bo's dirty butthole. His cock was dripping all over the motel carpet. Bo looked at him, a beautiful young man with a great body and a handsome face, burying his hot tongue in a stinky dirty hairy farting butt, and loving it.

Bo started stroking his cock. It was thick and short, and stood straight out with a big head. His balls bounced over Dan's forehead as the twink kept eating Bo out. Bo finished another slice of pizza, grabbed the whiskey bottle, and took a chug. He handed it to Dan, who took a small swig, then another big gulp.

"I'm gonna fuck you, boy. Get up," Bo ordered.

Dan stood up, hesitant. "Aw man, I don't know..."

"You're gonna love it, kid. Get on all fours on the bed."

"Can you at least untie me now, dude?" Dan pleaded.

"Sure thing, bud," Bo answered, and removed the belt from Dan's wrists. He grabbed Dan's bulging dick and gave it a few strokes, then lifted the twink by the waist and tossed him on the bed face down. He laid over him, holding him down, and wrapped the belt around his wrists again, this time tying the belt to the headboard of the bed.

"Fuck man! Really?" Dan said, flustered.

"That's right, boy. You gonna do whatever I tell you?"

Dan hesitated. Then Bo got behind him and pushed his tongue into his still ripe, sweaty asshole and starting licking around.

"Ahhh, yes sir, yes sir, I'll do anything you want. Fuck me, sir!" Dan cried, his hard cock grinding into the mattress.

Bo ate out Dan's fuzzy blond butt then spit into his hand and lubed his cock up with it. He pressed his cock head against Dan's slimy hole. Dan moaned and pushed his ass back against Bo's thick rod. Bo slid his cock all the way in and Dan groaned loudly. The big hairy man laid his full weight down onto Dan's young, lanky body and rutted in his ass, grunting into Dan's ear.

Dan submitted completely, taking the man's cock. He winced every now and again, but he craved Bo's thick cock and wanted his seed deep inside. Bo started taking longer strokes, fucking Dan's tight, blond boy butt slow and deep, sliding all the way out then pushing back in. Dan moaned loud, long, and low. Their animal fuck sounds were fighting against noise in the parking lot, revving engines and loud men talking. It sounded like a biker gang pulled up.

Bo reached his arms to the headboard, stretching open his pits right next to Dan's face. The boy turned and rubbed his nose in Bo's sweaty, furry armpit. The strong smell of his pit musk mingled with the raunchy ass scent on his face from earlier. Sweat spread all over Dan's lips. Bo started pounding the twink's ass, hard and fast. Dan almost screamed, short, jolting shouts coming from somewhere deep in his throat every time Bo's cock punched his prostate.

"The fuck's going on in there?" a voice said from outside their door.

"Sounds like two dudes getting it on!" another responded.

Right then, the door busted open, and a group of bikers swarmed in. They were all rough men with beards and leather gear, who reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke.

"Ha! Fuck! Look at this, brothers!"

"Damn that's a hot boy butt!"

"Aw shit, is that Bo? I knew that was his truck!"

Dan couldn't believe a bunch of guys just walked into the room while he was getting fucked, tied to the bed. Bo pulled off of him and got up, his cock all wet and sticking straight out in the air.

"Fuck, Reg, the fuck you guys doing just walking in here like that?" Bo said.

"Shit, Bo, if I hear two dudes fucking, I wanna get in on the action, or at least get a look!"

"Yeah man, should've locked the door!" said another guy.

Dan didn't know what to do, but he couldn't really move anyway, so he just lay there.

"Well, you're in for a treat. Picked up this twinky little hitch hiker this afternoon. He's a raunchy pig boy too, had him begging for my dirty shithole!" Bo said. "Dan, you're in luck."

Bo walked towards the head of the bed and shoved his cock in Dan's face. It had just pulled out of his raunchy ass and smelled like shit.

"Clean me off, boy," Bo whispered. "And I'll let your hands free."

Dan took Bo's dirty dick in his mouth and started sucking, putting on a show for the bikers who'd just caught him in the act.

"Fuck kid," a big man with a ginger beard said. "You like cleaning your stink off that cock?"

Dan moaned, his cock pressed hard against the bed. Bo pulled his cock out of Dan's mouth and let the young man lick his ball sack too. Then he untied the belt. Dan turned over and sat up. Five rough looking biker guys were staring at him, some rubbing their packages and eyeing him up like a piece of meat at the market.

"Hey, there's pizza!" one of them noticed.

The bikers helped themselves, and one of them - a tall quiet guy with long blond hair and a braided beard - handed Dan a slice and winked.

"Shit, there's whiskey too!"

The bikers helped themselves. Bo just rolled his eyes and laughed. The gang passed the whiskey bottle around and Dan took another big swig. He was starting to feel really good and loose! All these men in the small motel room were starting to stink up the place, and it was really turning Dan on. He and Bo were both still butt ass naked, and some of the other guys were taking off their jackets and other clothes too. The big ginger guy finished his slice of pizza and let out a loud rip, reverberating through his jeans.

"You should save that for Dan here," Bo said, winking at Dan. Dan blushed hard and took another shot of whiskey.

The big ginger smiled at Dan, walked towards him, turned around, pulled his pants down, and farted again. His butt was smooth on the cheeks and had wiry red hair coming out from the crack. Dan immediately got on his knees and stuck his face between his chubby buttocks. He breathed in the biker's stink, which was strong from riding in the sun all day.

"Fuck!" the man said. "He IS a raunchy boy!"

Bo stood up and took hold of Dan's shoulder. He led him to the bed and lay him down on his back.

"You gonna do whatever I tell you, boy?"

Dan smiled and lifted his legs up. "Yes sir," he said.

"I know a couple of these guys. I want you to show these men a good time. When they're done, I'll let you nut," Bo said.

"Yes sir," Dan said again. He could tell the bikers were staring at his furry blond butthole, soaked in spit, sweat, and ass juice from Bo fucking him and eating him out.

"Have at him, men!" Bo told the bikers, grinning. He stepped out of the room and shut the door. Like a group of soldiers, the men got in position. The big ginger and a short, stocky guy with a handlebar mustache flanked Dan on either side and started stroking their cocks in his face. Dan turned his head back and forth, licking their sweaty nuts as they stroked. Two other men who looked like brothers each held one of Dan's legs back. One of them reached down and slowly stroked Dan's cock while the other fondled his balls. The tall, quiet man with long blond hair and a braided beard got on his knees in front of Dan's ass. He held his nose close to Dan's used, raunchy hole and inhaled slowly, savoring the smell. Then he put his open mouth on Dan's sloppy hole and started making out with it.

Dan was moaning, and feeling a little drunk. He felt his hole let loose a wet, sloppy fart into the blond man's open mouth. The man groaned and dove his tongue into Dan's raunchy anus. He heard Bo come back in the room.

"Fuck! That's a hot scene," Bo said. He held up his Polaroid camera and took a picture while he stroked his cock with his other hand.

The man with the handlebar mustache climbed onto Dan's face. He spread his hairy ass and let Dan get a good whiff. His butt was well wiped, but it was really sweaty and ripe. Dan motorboated the man's ass, his beefy butt cheeks jiggling around his face.

"Aw fuck yeah, kid!" the biker said, jerking off his cock.

Dan dug his tongue into his sweaty butt, licking furiously in and around the man's hairy shithole. He tasted ripe but not too strong, and Dan was in heaven. As he cleaned the man's hole, he felt a hard cock pushing into his ass. He moaned into the biker's butt, his face rubbing back and forth against his cheeks and taint as the cock pushed in and out of his furry twink butt.

"Fuck, that's hot," the man getting his ass ate said, stroking his cock faster. Dan felt his hairy balls brushing against his forehead, and he pushed his tongue as far up the man's hole as it would go, twisting it around and savoring the taste of man ass. He heard Bo take another picture. The biker suddenly pulled off Dan's face and backed up, jacking his cock at high speed, and blew his load all over Dan's face. Several ropes of thick cum shot over Dan's face, landing in his hair, on the headboard behind him, all over his face, and in his open mouth. As the man who just busted got off the bed, Dan held his head up to see what was going on.

Bo was standing by the bed, still stroking his cock. The big ginger had his cock pumping Dan's sweet ass, his beer belly hanging over Dan's cock and balls. The two guys who looked like brothers were making out. The tall quiet blond biker leaned over and pushed his lips into Dan's. Dan could feel semen slippery between their lips. Even with this gorgeous man's mouth on his, he could smell rank man butt all over his face.

"Fuck, I'm getting close. You got one tight sweet ass, boy!" the ginger biker said. "Let me at him, Odin."

The blond man, Odin, pulled away and smiled at Dan while the ginger biker started pumping faster in his hole. The big ginger leaned over and started making out with Dan. He pressed his big hairy body against Dan's taut young frame. His bushy red beard bristled against Dan's face and neck as he tasted the man's tongue. The man's big belly and chest rubbed against the teen's body as he pumped faster and faster.

"UUUUAAGH!" the man shouted. "Take my load, boy!"

Dan felt his ass fill with hot cum and moaned into the ginger's mouth as the man collapsed over him. He lay there, breathing hard for a few moments and slowly pulled himself off. He gave Dan a big smile.

"Thanks, little bro," he grinned.

Dan was in ecstasy. He was panting, his cock harder than he'd ever felt, breathing in the stench of a small room full of sweaty men. It smelled like body odor, cum, farts, and sweaty dirty butt.

"Hey Reg, lemme bum a smoke," the ginger said to the man with the handlebar mustache.

"Sure thing buddy," Reg responded. The two men pulled on their biker gear and headed outside for a smoke.

Wasting no time, the brothers got in position. They both had dark brown shaggy hair and long beards. One of them, covered in tattoos and wearing a cock ring, pulled Dan up and flipped him over onto all fours. He slid his cock into the boy's used hole, slimy from the spit and cum inside and loose from getting fucked hard. Dan groaned as the other brother got in front of him and put his cock in the twink's mouth. Dan looked at the man in the eyes while he smiled, watching his older man cock sliding in and out of the boy's beautiful pink lips. Bo got near them and took a photo - a hot blond twink, face dripping with cum, sucking cock while getting fucked doggy style.

The man fucking him didn't last long before he grunted and shot another load up Dan's hole. He and his brother switched places, and Dan sucked the slime off his cock while he was getting fucked again. Before he could tell what was happening, the tattooed brother starting pissing in his mouth. Dan's cock twitched, discovering a new turn on. He swallowed gulp after gulp of the man's salty hot piss while his brother pounded his ass hard. As the piss stream slowed to a trickle, the cock in his ass pulsed and busted a hot load.

He felt the cock pull out of his ass, then it was in front of his face. He cleaned the other brother's cock and drank his rank piss too. He had to pull off, but the man's stream didn't stop. Hot yellow piss splashed all over his face, dripping into his mouth and down his chin onto the motel bed. Bo grinned and took another photo. The man laughed, turned around, pulled his ass cheeks apart with his hands, and blew rumbling gas into Dan's face.

He and his brother got dressed then too, high fived Bo, and headed outside to join the others for a smoke.

Now, it was just Dan, Bo, and Odin, the tall blond biker.

"That's a good boy," Bo said, and Dan just smiled goofily. He was drunk! Beyond that, he was having the best night of his entire life! He never imagined he'd get the chance to experience such raunchy pleasure, with a whole group of hot older men no less.

"Let me see that sloppy boy butt," Bo demanded, as Dan exposed his freshly fucked hole, dripping with dirty cum. Dan grinned as Bo took a picture of the boy's used up butthole. Odin got on his knees behind Dan's ass and started lapping up his messy hole. He could taste his biker buddies' jizz mixed with Dan's own musk and ass juice. Dan moaned and relaxed completely. His ass produced the loudest, sloppiest fart he'd ever heard. His butt lips rippled like a balloon as he farted three men's big creamy loads all over Odin's face. The blond biker groaned and pressed his open lips over Dan's butthole. He kept farting for what felt like forever, all the air and fluid that'd been pumped up his ass releasing into the man's willing mouth. He could feel Odin's tongue lapping around his sloppy asshole. Damn, his fart smelled raunchy! The scent of teenage boy musk and creamy dirty cum churned in a well used ass filled the room.

"FUCK!" Bo groaned. "You're one dirty boy!"

Odin cleaned up Dan's butt, then Bo said, "You still gotta take my load up that cute little ass of yours, Dan."

He pulled Dan closer and leaned him over the foot of the bed. Bo slid his cock in the boy's well-lubed butt with a satisfied groan and began pumping.

Odin ran a big hand through Dan's messy hair and pulled his face in for a kiss. Dan tasted the raunch, the sweat, the shit, and the cum from his own ass on Odin's tongue and lips. Then, the tall blond biker smiled and got on all fours in front of Dan, exposing his ass for the first time.

He was really hairy for a blond guy. He had beefy, muscular ass cheeks, that looked huge spread wide in front of him, completely covered in blond fur. Dan looked at his big dirty feet, then placed his palms on Odin's hairy butt cheeks, shaking the big mounds of ass around in front of his face. Bo pounded away behind them. Dan gazed into Odin's furry trench and moaned with sublime arousal. He was entranced. Right in front of his face was the most beautiful, ripe, hairy, raunchy shithole he'd ever seen. From inches away, Dan could feel musky heat emanating from the man's sweaty, hairy crack. He could smell the most intoxicating fumes he'd ever experienced. This was the butt of a god.

Odin's butt was the right kind of filthy. He smelled like he hadn't washed his ass in a week. The scent of pure man wafted into Dan's face. Dan thought about this tall, hot biker taking fat dumps in the public bathrooms of gas stations and rest stops before full days of riding in the hot summer sun. The swampy ass in front of him was proof of this man's virile manhood. The strong butt musk drew Dan in like some kind of raunchy, masculine magic. He rubbed his face in Odin's moist, hot trench and huffed those delicious fumes. He thought Bo's ass was the smelliest, raunchiest, hottest butt he'd ever seen, but Odin's was even hotter.

He pressed his tongue against Odin's dirty shitter, and immediately felt hot air push out onto his tongue. He could taste and smell it, the pungent gas of a man who ate well, worked hard, and enjoyed his life. Dan moaned and started lapping the man's dirty ass like a hungry dog. He wiped his tongue from Odin's taint to the top of his crack, over and over. He would willingly give anything to become human toilet paper for this god of a man. He could taste days worth of Odin's sweat, musk, and shit stains.

Bo leaned over, still pumping his thick cock in Dan's hole and started kissing the boy's neck as he continued to lick every inch of Odin's rank furry butt. Dan wished he could spend days in this ass. Odin farted again, rumbling thunderous gas in Dan's mouth and all over Dan's face.

"Brother, you smell fucking RAUNCHY!" Bo said, getting a whiff from behind them. He started rutting quicker in Dan's ass. "Man, I'm gonna bust!"

Bo started fucking Dan harder, the force of his pounding pushing the boy's face deeper into Odin's dirty butt crack. Dan let it happen, submitting completely and letting his body go slack. He could feel the blond biker's butt cheeks bouncing around his face, feel his swampy ass fur rubbing against his skin. Odin farted again, a long one, pushing a stream of gas up Dan's nose and into his open mouth. Dan dug his tongue in the man's dumper, tasting the inside of his ass. He'd never been so turned on. He would've done anything in this moment. He would have let Odin shit a big log right in his mouth. He just kept tonguing that sweet, dirty man hole, tasting every inch of filthy butt he could, letting the pheromones, sweat, and raunch mix with his spit and flow down his throat.

Bo moaned loudly as he pumped shot after shot of hot cum into Dan's ass, the fourth load of man cream he'd taken up his ass that day. At that moment, Odin farted again, a sloppy wet one, right into Dan's mouth. He tasted the raunch filling up his throat and moaned into the man's butt. This was heaven.

Bo pulled out of Dan's ass and lapped up the mess he'd made of the twink's fuzzy butthole. Dan farted out Bo's load right back into his mouth, and without him meaning to, his hard cock started spraying piss everywhere. Bo flipped Dan over and swapped spots with Odin. One more load to go before Dan had successfully drained the cocks of all the men he'd just met.

"Alright buddy. Get your tongue back in my dirty shithole," Bo commanded. Dan complied and starting licking and sucking Bo's hairy butt as Odin lined his big cock up with Dan's messy fuckhole.

"I'm feeling gassy as hell after that pizza and whiskey, buddy. You're gonna get a mouthful!" Bo told him, and Dan shoved his face up towards Bo's raunchy trench as far as he could. Odin hocked a loogie into his hand, rubbed the lube all over his long girthy cock, and slid it all the way up Dan's butt. Odin's was the biggest dick of all the guys. Even with his hole used up and loose from getting fucked hard all night, Dan felt his hole stretch against Odin's big tool. He moaned. It hurt a little, but he wanted this nut more than any of the others.

Bo ripped ass in Dan's face and laughed out loud.

"Smell that nasty gas, brother! You love big stinky men farting in your face, huh?"

Dan grunted into Bo's ass. His own ass was getting pounded hard. Odin had long, powerful strokes, easing out then pushing in with force. With his cock all the way in, Odin furrowed his brow and pushed out his own big fart. Bo pushed some more gas out too, a small puff right into Dan's open mouth. Odin's balls bounced against Dan's fuzzy taint, and Bo's butthole was starting to get really swollen and loose from Dan's mouth. Before long, the big blond biker busted his nut into Dan.

The blond twink had started the day sweaty and ripe, but now he was a total mess! He had cum and grime all over his face and in his hair. His butthole went from tight, fuzzy, and ripe to stretched out and sloppy, covered in cum, spit, snot, and shitty butt juice. He had piss all over him too! Every man had busted a nut except Dan. Bo pulled up off the boy's face and headed back down to his nasty crack. Odin took his place, squatting his still raunchy and ripe shitter over Dan's face.

"Fuck, kid, you smell raunchy as hell. Look at that fuck hole! How about you shoot your load?" Bo said, and he started making out with Dan's ass. Dan stuck his tongue back in Odin's ass as the blond man pushed out. Dan grabbed his cock and started jacking off the men helped him get off. Bo was rooting in his fucked ass, and Odin was sitting on his face, farting nasty man gas on his tongue. It didn't take long for the twink to bust, shooting what seemed like endless ropes of thick, white cum, more than he'd ever seen from anyone! He collapsed under Odin's big hairy, dirty, ripe butt, his face wedged in his raunchy crack between the two hottest cheeks he'd ever seen.

Bo grabbed his camera and took another picture. Then Odin got up and Bo got one last shot of Dan, a used up, fucked hard, pig nasty, pretty boy.

The room stank, and it was a pig sty. The other bikers must have gotten a couple rooms of their own, but Bo, Dan, and Odin fell asleep in their raunchy mess, three sweaty men covered in man stink.

Next: Chapter 2

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