Outlaws Second Christmas -- celebrity

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Dec 21, 2023



The Outlaws' Second Christmas Evan Andrews 2023

Have a Merry Christmas, or a Salacious Saturnalia, or a kick-ass whatever floats your boat.

This is a fan fiction. The characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters. Don't ask me in which DC continuity this story takes place because I've given up trying to keep track of the retcons. Or the retcons within retcons. Just know that it is a sequel to An Outlaws' Christmas.

Santa and his right-hand elf are based on Silverjow's Ulric and Wei. If you don't know this artist, google him.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of any of the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are, please stop reading now. Thank you.

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The town in which the Red Hood, Jason Todd former Robin, had decided to Christmas in had two banks that the Bat Computer had identified as potential targets for the Christmas Eve Bandits. There was no way Jason could cover both, so he took one bank while his partner, Roy Harper, Arsenal, took the other. When those damned elves showed up this year, they'd be going down!

It turned out to be a bust, naturally. Midnight came and went uneventfully, but Jason gave it a couple more hours before giving up in disgust.

Oh well,' the sort-of hero thought, It could be worse. I could have had both banks to try to cover.'

Climbing down off the roof of the building across the street from the bank, Jason went from shadow to shadow until he got to his bike. Revving it up, he pulled off his telltale face mask and nosed out onto the street. It took him only a few minutes to get home. After rolling his bike up into Roy's van, Jason mounted the deserted stairs up to his fifth floor apartment.

The apartment he and Roy had shared for the past month was dark except for the blinking lights of the mangy Christmas tree Roy had drug in. Jason wasn't a Christmas person. Bruce, Batman, had always made a big deal of it, but then he had a front to maintain. One his own, Jason would probably have `celebrated' by drinking spiked eggnog until he passed out.

The tree might be here, but Roy, who had promised to wait up for him, wasn't. Jason was sure that if the Christmas Eve Bandits had hit the other bank it would've been all over the police radio. So where was his redheaded partner in—well, in whatever it was that they did. They weren't villains, but they didn't reach the level of hero either. Oh well, it looked like Jason would be the one who waited up. It's what partners and—were they lovers? Fuckbuddies, yeah, but Jason wasn't sure they were lovers. In any case, that what buddies did.

Slipping off his coat and hanging it on the wall, Jason sat down and pulled off his boots. And that's when he saw them.

A plate of cookies and a large glass of milk (that were definitely not there when he'd left earlier that evening) sat on the coffee table.

Cookies and milk—that was Alfred's department back at Wayne Manor. The little homey touches that most people missed. For a second Jason just stared. Then he leaned forward and grabbed one of the cookies. Chocolate chip with peppermint, just what Mrs. Claus prescribed. Having finished the first, Jason grabbed the other two cookies in one hand and the glass of milk in the other. He snarfed down the cookies (Well, it had been eight hours since he last ate) and took a sip of the milk. Roy, or whoever, had flavored the milk, but Jason couldn't identify with what. Oh well.

Jason downed the milk and then lay back into the secondhand sofa. There, for the first time, he noticed the big present sitting between tree and galley kitchen. Really big, as if it held a piece of furniture.

Walking over, Jason picked up the label and read:

"To Jason, from your Secret Santa."

"Secret Santa," Jason said. Right.

Any other time Jason would have gone into paranoid land, but nobody except him and Roy knew they'd holed up in this apartment. Not even Dick, though Jason figured that if his big bro' wanted to find them he could. This meant that Secret Santa' could only be Roy. But—then where was he?

Shrugging, Jason lifted the box (It was covering the present, not holding it) and found, of all things, a combination seat and fucking machine. One of those thing you saw in pornos where the guy sat, parked his on a silicone dildo seat, and leaned back while the machine fucked you into fidgets.

On a hunch, Jason turned the tag over and saw the words, "Get it warmed up for me."

Jason smiled, that clenched Sata's identity in his mind.

You didn't run with the Bat Family without learning early how to take and appreciate a hard cock up your ass. If a villain wasn't fucking you, then the Robin squad was getting it on together. Sometimes, even Bruce got into the Wayne family orgy. Jason discovered early that he liked to bottom, but his ego wouldn't let him. He had to be the one calling the shots, which usually meant topping, so he didn't get fucked as often as he would have liked. (Yeah, he knew about power bottoms, but that still didn't fit in with the image he wanted to present.)

Absently, Jason unbuckled the belt of his patrol pants and let them drop to the floor. He stepped out of them, and, wearing nothing but a t-shirt, stepped up to the machine.

It was all put together (Don't ask how Jason knew that) so Jason shot oil into his hand and lubed up both his ass and fucking machine's dildo. Straddling the device, he relaxed his anal muscles and slowly sat down on the dildo. It must have already been powered up because the minute Jason's butt cheeks hit the seat the mechanism whirred to life and the fucking began.

Jason sighed, leaned back, and grooved of the feeling of thick hard cock (even if only a substitute) driving deep inside him and running its textured length over his prostate.


He closed eyes and prepared to enjoy the ride.

In and out, Jason gave himself over to the action. After only a few minutes, he pulled off his t-shirt too, and jaybird naked he started playing with his nipples.

"Thank you, Secret Santa," he sighed.

"You're welcome."

Jason's eyes flew open, and he found himself staring up at tall white haired white bearded man in of the traditional Santa uniform. Well, most of it. The red coat was open, showing off a pair of well-developed pecs and a stairway of abs that Jason could count. Fuck! This guy, whoever he was, was built like a brick shithouse. And-- if the bulge in his pants was anything to go by then Santa's North Pole was huge! At a guess, it rivalled Bruce's 10 inches.

Smiling, Santa unbuckled his belt and dropped trous, removing all doubt. Fuck yeah, he was definitely hung like a horse!

Jolly Old stepped up to the self-gratification machine and straddled the sometimes hero, his massive cock in hand.

"Fuck," Jason whispered.

"No," Santa said, "Suck. I want you to suck my big dick, you bad bad boy."


"Do it!" Santa suddenly ordered, and involuntarily Jason let his mouth fall open.

He watched as the fat cockhead slid into his mouth. Once it was there, Jason let his lips close, and he began to suck. Suck the way that drove Bruce mad.

"Yeah," Santa said, "Show Santa how good a bad boy you can be!"

Jason shut his eyes, and sucked, but Santa played his part too, and began fucking back as good as he was getting.

"Mmmmm," Jason moaned. Sucking cock well was also something Robins learned about.

"That's right, bad boy," Santa chuckled. "Suck me and suck me good!"

While Santa took his mouth and the machine took his ass, Jason starts to jerk himself off. At 8 ½ inches he didn't rival Bruce, nor Dick though that one was closer, but it was enough dick for him to add his own to the fun time.

As Jason sucked, a slime of saliva, phlegm, and probably Santa's precum filled his mouth. It coated Santa's shaft as well, and the excess (and there was excess) dripped down onto Jason's hairless chest.

"You ready, bad boy?" Santa asked.

Jason's eyes shot open wide. Had he dozed off? How long had Santa, or whoever he was, been fucking his face? But Jason was a man of infinite resource and sagacity, and he nodded—well, nodded as well as he could with a throat full of dick.

"Ready, steady... Ah!"

Santa cried out as shot his wad. The blasts of cum hit the back of Jason's mouth and as the blasts got less powerful, Jason flogged his meat furiously until he blew his load as well.

The pair rested after the two powerful orgasms. Jason nursed on Santa's cockhead for a moment, and then—Oh! That was the taste that had been in the milk. Santa's milk had been dosed with Santa's milk.


"Figured it out did you?" Santa laughed. "Yeah, you ate my cookies and drank my milk, so for tonight, at least, you're mine."

Grinning wickedly, Santa pulled back and then crouched down, lining up the North Pole with the dildo that was still plugging Jason's cunt.

Jason, incredulous, watched.

He's going to do it!' he thought, He's really going to DP me! Fuck!'

The North Pole slid in alongside fucking machine's dildo, and as Jason desperately tried to relax his hole further, Santa stretched Jason's ass wide.

"Argh!" Jason cried, thanking providence that they'd taken the top floor apartment in an under-occupied building.

The ability to take two cocks up your butt was also something you picked up when you ran with the Bat Family. That said, Jason had to admit that it had been a while since his ass had faced a double assault—let alone a double assault of this caliber.

Mouth and eyes both open wide, Jason moaned, "Oh! Oh! Oh!" in time to the thrusts.

Oh god,' he suddenly thought, What if Roy comes back now and find me being fucking fucked by fucking Santa Claus?!'

"No worry," Santa chuckled.

Jaso looks up into face.

"What?" Jason gasped.

"Roy, finding you. He's sort of busy right now."

Santa snapped his fingers, and bedroom door swung open. There, spread eagled on the bed, Roy lay, his ass being bred by a smaller but still impressive dark-haired muscle stud. Fuck! And Roy wasn't tied down to the bed, no. He just lay there, legs spread, taking the stranger's cock, accepting the fucking, apparently, of a lifetime.

"Handy and I got started on your friend hours ago, when he came back to the apartment," Santa said. "By now, at a guess, he should be pretty much in a cum coma."


"Well, that's just a term. More like he's been filled with so much cum that he can't do anything but wait for the next load to deck his halls."

With the door to the bedroom open, the sound of men fucking and being fucked filled the apartment. Roy, beyond words, gurgled his breeding while Jason still had access to his vocabulary.

"Gugh! Gugh! Gugh!" from the bedroom.

"Fuck me, Santa! Give me that daddy dick!" from the living room.

At last Santa's eyes rolled up into his head and he went stiff.

"Urgh!" he trumpeted, and he unloaded a generous dose of sperm up Jason's butt.

The feeling of Santa's massive daddy dick pulsing inside him pushed Jason over the edge.

"Fuck! Cumming!" Jason screamed, and he shot round number two up onto his belly.

Gasping, Jason recalled that where he had cum multiple times in a night of fucking before, he had never jizzed twice so close together.

"How?!" he said, "How can I be coming again already?!"

"Call it a Christmas miracle," Santa said with a wink.

Then, pulling out, he scooped Jason up off the fucking machine into a bridal carry.

"Let's go see how Roy and Handy are getting on."


In the bedroom, Jason saw Handy's tight ass working overtime, forcing his generous cock in and out of Roy's man-cunt. A froth of whipped sperm leaked from Roy's sphincter around the invading pole of fuck-meat, and the bed below his hips stank of Roy's own spending.

Santa carried Jason to the left side of their queen-sized bed and laid him down on the mattress on his side so he could see Roy being fucked. The ginger archer, who had had his eyes screwed shut, now turned his face towards Jason, who still wore the slime of Santa's face-fucking. His eyes opened wide in amazement, and his mouth gaped as he grunted in time to Handy's thrusts.

Handy... Jason looked up. Santa's partner in fucking was inhumanly handsome, with thick dark hair and—fuck. Pointed ears, just like the Christmas Eve Bandits.

Santa licked Jason's ear and said, "Of course he's an elf. Who do you think I'd travel with?"

But Roy suddenly found his words again.

"Jason! Oh fuck! It's so... so..."

Jason just stared. He knew the look on Roy's face. His buddy was really getting off. The dark-haired antihero (Yeah, Jason had taken to dyeing his hair black again) felt his sphincter pulse, and more Santa sperm leaked out of his tight butt.

"Handy," Santa said, "Have you cum yet?"

"Three times, boss," Handy boasted. "Bad boy here's a hot fuck."

"Well, go ahead and finish yourself. It's my turn again."

"You got it, Boss," the hot elf said, and leaning down close to Roy's tousled red hair he said, "Brace yourself, boy."

The elf's ass went into overdrive. Roy's eyes got even larger, if that was possible, and a whine began in his throat

"Jay!" the archer keened.

Handy went stiff, and, with a howl, the elf's balls blew another wad deep into Roy's guts.

"Jay, I'm cumming!" Roy screamed as he felt the hot cum fill him again.

The ginger stud's body spasmed as his dick sent another flood of sperm into the sheets. (The laundry was going to be interesting next time.)

"Ah," Roy gasped as he cycled down after his marathon fuck.

Jason waited until Roy's eyes cleared before asking, "How many was that for you, Roy?"

" I... I lost count, Jay."

Santa slapped Handy on ass and said, "Get off him, you hot to trot elf."

"This is what happens when they don't have anyone to fuck but each other most of the year," he confided as Handy clambered over to the right-hand side of the bed.

Santa slipped his hands under Roy's hips and pulled the redhead up into doggie position.

"Bad boy," he said to Jason, "Get up here and drape yourself across his back. I want a choice of bad boy boy-pussy."

Jason straddled his lover and lay down on his sweaty back. With sweat and sperm, they were instantly glued together.

As they crouched there, waiting to see what would happen next, Santa applied his fingers to both holes, testing them to determine which would be the most fun to mount. At length, he reached a decision and shoved the North Pole back into Jason's ass again.

"Fuck!" Jason cried as his sphincter was forced open again.

"Fucking ah! Ah! Ah!" he moaned as Santa continued his anal assault.

Meanwhile, Handy, coming around to the head of the bed, tossed all their pillows together to produce a makeshift hassock. The hot elf sat down, and the heroes found themselves eye to eye with Handy's generous endowment—right there at easy sucking level.

"Roy," the elf said, "Start sucking this candy cane."

With no hesitation, the ginger hunk took hard the elf cock into mouth. Handy braced himself against the bedhead and pushed insode to fuck the boy's face.

"Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!" Roy hummed, as articulate as he could get with dick in his throat.

After a few minutes, though, the Christmas crew traded who they were fucking. Santa dropped a few inches and filled Roy's creamy cunt while Handy pulled Jason's face down onto his dick. After a few trades of this sort, Santa and Handy traded off which end of the boys they were pounding.

Oh fuck!' Jay thought as he and Roy got fucked into paradise. I never... Nothing like this! Ever! I hope morning never comes.'

After four tradeoffs, Jason felt his urethra tingle with inevitability. Then his rod jumped around and he came, blowing his wad down into Roy's ass crack where it further lubed that hole for Handy' breeding.

"Cumming!" Jason cried around Santa's shaft. "Oh fuck! Santa, I need you to fuck me!"

Santa pushed Handy aside and once more filled Jason's hole while Handy rushed around to Roy's head. Unfortunately, he couldn't get his meat into the ginger's mouth in time and was forced to paint the boy's face with ropes of sperm instead.

"Sorry, Boss," the elf said.

"Don't worry," Santa said. "He looks good wearing cum," and, that said, Santa pulled out of Jason's butt and delivered several hot and heavy thrusts into Roy's guts. It proved to be just the right thing at the right time, and the ginger archer shuddered as he jizzed too. Jizzed again, that was.

Jason's prayer that the morning never come could never be granted, of course, but by the end of the night both Jason's and Roy's asses leaked dick juice. Their mouths, while not leaking sperm, definitely had the taste of Santa's (and Handy's) Christmas gifts of cum in mouths, ropes of white gold dripping down their faces, and stray wads of cream in their hair. After being fuck all night long, the sheer amount of jizz, in fact, pushed them both into cum comas.

The last act was Santa and Handy rolling the boys onto their backs while the flogged their poles.

"Yeah, Santa," Jason managed, "Cum on my face!"

"Cum! Face!" Roy echoed, and Santa and Handy both jerk off one final load into the boys' beards.

Jason lolled out his tongue and managed to snag a taste of their combined sperm before passing out.

"And to all a good night," he thought he heard the jolly old elf say.


Hours later, with the sun streaming through the window, Jason woke to find himself spooned up against Roy's naked body. Smiling, he leaned over and kissed the top of Roy's head. Unsurprisingly he could distinctly smell the cum in his lover's locks, and furthermore tell the difference between Santa's sperm and Handy's. But it was Roy that claimed his attention.

Jason nibbled at Roy's ear until the ginger woke and turned his to kiss his lover. Like the scent in Roy's hair, the taste of Christmas cum lingered in his mouth, and the traces of those last loads hung in Roy's stubble. Jason supposed the same was true of his own beard, and the two fell into a messy salty and sweet French kiss.

"Jay," Roy protested, "I have cum in my beard."

"Yeah," Jason agreed, "And it's the best nog I ever tasted."

Roy chuckled before asking, "Shower?"

"Bite your tongue, Harper," Jason said. "I've got you right where I want you, and I'm not letting you go."

The lovers kissed again, and Roy said, "Mmmm. Well, if you insist."

The more they kissed, the harder their overworked cocks got.

"Merry Christmas, Roy Harper," Jason said, taking hold of the archer's hard 9 inches.

"Merry Christmas yourself, bad boy," Roy said.

Jason broke their kiss and rolled Roy onto his side, lifting one leg up into the air to bare the ginger's hole to his morning wood.

"Oh fuck!" Roy moaned as Jason slid into him. "After last night, how can you?"

"Let's just call it one last Christmas miracle," Jason said as he began to pump.


When all is said and done, isn't that what being with your love on Christmas is?

A miracle?

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