Pan and the Woodcutters

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 23, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a king and queen who were childless and longed to have a child of their own. One day, the queen was arranging flowers, some pink pansies, in a vase and the soft pink of the flowers upon the delicately white vase struck her as so beautiful that she sighed and said aloud, "If I could only have a child, a son, who was as beautiful as these flowers, with skin as fair as this vase and lips as delicate a pink as these pansies, then I could die a very happy mother indeed!"

And as it often happens in these stories, a fairy overheard her wish and was moved to grant her her heart's desire in every detail, so it came to pass that she conceived and bore a child, a son who was indeed as beautiful as if he were a vase full of lovely flowers, with skin as delicate white as the vase and pink lips the very same shade of those pansies. And when this queen saw her child, she knew that a goodfairy had overheard her wish and she sighed and said, "Yes, now I can die a very happy mother!" And she proved it by promptly dying on the spot.

So the child, whose proper name was something stately like Panegyric, was raised by his father and by various nannies who delighted in dressing him in lacy finery at every occasion and so he grew up rather spoiled and precocious. So he was on his tenth birthday, when his father brought a new wife into his house, a very beautiful woman but very cruel. And when his father followed his mother into death's door in his fourteenth year, and this new queen was appointed regent until this prince came of age at eighteen, she showed her cruelty by treating young Pan (for so he was known by everyone save those who called him "Pansy" instead, for the terms of his mother's wish was well-known) as though he were a servant in the house instead of the one who would become king in his eighteenth year.

He bore up to the duties of scrubbing the floor and sweeping the chimney and he went to bed covered in grime upon a rough-woven cot instead of the satin bed that had been his for so long. But he still would become the king upon his eighteenth birthday and as that day approached, his stepmother was fully aware that her own reign as regent would end upon that same day.

So the day before Pan's eighteenth birthday, she summoned a woodcutter, a man who was young, big and brawny stature and she paid him well to take Pan far away from her house and deep into the wild woods and there to cut his pretty head off his pretty body and leave him for the wolves.

This woodcutter came for Pan very early before sunrise, and Pan, who thought that he was being carried to his birthday party, was quick to chat amiably with the woodcutter. For his own part, the woodcutter found those beautiful eyes and wonderfully rosy pink lips so very enticing that there came a time when he reached over and placed his work-roughed hand upon Pan's thigh in a manner that could not be mistaken. "It is too beautiful a day for those woods we are about to enter." he said, and Pan agreed, for the woods ahead were indeed wild and overgrown. "Perhaps I can entice you to delay a short time with me under yon oak tree, whose leaves are so full and whose shade is so cool, and there I might enjoy those lips of yours that are as pink as the pansy your dear mother held on the day she made her wish."

Pan did not understand this part about enjoying his lips, but the day was hot and the woods were grim and the oak tree was indeed enticing. So he agreed and went with the woodcutter over and under the oak tree and there the woodcutter laid out a horse blanket he had and they sat upon the blanket under the tree and were cool and secluded between the long-hanging branches and the tall grasses still green despite the hot weather. And when Pan was settled beside the large, gruff woodcutter, he found out how the woodcutter planned to enjoy his lips, for the woodcutter began to kiss him ardently.

Pan had never kissed a man before, and only his nannies when younger, so he was unprepared for the heat and possessiveness of that kiss, but he returned it in all the ardor and enthusiasm he could muster, and felt he was doing a fair job of it when those rough hands that had seized him by the shoulders when the kiss began, now pushed his face down that rugged body and then undid the tie at his pants. "Now get those lips to moving," he said gruffly, "and if you can make my organ hum well enough, I shall tell you something you need to know greatly."

"I know nothing of these things." Pan demurred.

"Hah!" the woodcutter barked a short sound of laughter. "I should have thought those soft rounded lips of yours would have plied over many a man's tool before mine. But if you are unknown to the pleasures of the flesh, then I shall teach you. Now reach into my trousers and take out my dong."

Pan did as he was bade, and then the man said. "Now place my manhood between those pink lips of yours and with your lips and tongue as wet as you can make them, and draw upon it as you move up and down."

Pan did as he was bade and showed a distinct talent for this activity, for he found the flavor of this man's pud to be quite delightful, tasting of meat as it did after his years of eating only cold gruel and stale bread for his meals, and he found the woodcutter's hands gripping his head and urging him to move both deeper down and faster, and he complied and the woodcutter moaned most pleasingly to Pan's ear and he moved even quicker and the woodcutter moaned and his load exploded into Pan's mouth.

If Pan found the taste of the man's cock to be flavorful, that was as nothing compared to this liquid treasure that now flooded his mouth and he sucked it down for his stomach had been denied breakfast and he was very hungry, and when the woodcutter finally finished his load and lay back exhausted, Pan continued to suck upon the softening dong, and when it stirred and rose again after a moment, he happily resumed his servicing. This second time took longer, but the woodcutter was a man who spent many long days deep in the woods with no women about and this oral pleasuring he was getting from this young prince was more than enough to cause him to rise to orgasm a second time in less than an hour's time. Pan again sucked every dreg from this brawny man's body and would have continued further had the man not pulled his forcibly away from his fount of liquid ecstasy.

"Ah, young Palace servant!" the woodcutter sighed for that was what the Queen Regent had told him his charge was. "You are far too talented to be dispatched in the woods, no matter how much the Queen wishes it."

Pan was startled by this, but had the good sense to be quiet, and the man continued.

"I shall not kill you, but shall take you deep into the woods where my kinsmen live and you shall spend the rest of your days among them."

And the good woodcutter was as true as his word, and he carried young Pan deep into the woods and there Pan saw a fair sized cottage and into this cottage the woodcutter took Pan and left him there all alone and he returned to the Queen and told her that Pan had been killed and collected his fee. After all, money is money and the Queen was in no position to know that he was lying to her.

As for Pan, he could see that there were several men living in this cottage, for there were six beds and he wondered which one of them would be his and if none were, where would he sleep? But it was still only the early morning, and he felt that the least he could do while waiting for the other men to return would be to clean the place up a bit. If the last four years had taught this young Prince anything, it was how to be handy with a scrub-brush!

So he turned to and started a good stew with the meats and vegetables he found in the pantry, fixed himself a bit of the same for his luncheon, and spent the afternoon tidying up and getting everything well-washed and hung out to dry, every spot of the men's clothing (for it was all dirty and then some) and their bedding as well.

Then, very tired by his labors, he stripped off his clothing, crawled into one of the men's beds, and there Pan fell soundly asleep. His last thought was that this was the oddest birthday he'd ever spent.

He awakened to a strong male voice booming, "And what have we here in this bed, but a young man naked and pretty as a newborn piglet!"

Pan's eyes widened as he saw that the man who had spoken was surrounded by four more, and all of them were strong, broad-shouldered, magnificently male and the proud possessors of rather large dongs, and he saw that last for the simple reason that all five of them were stark naked!

"Please, sirs!" he called out. "I mean you no harm, I've cleaned your house, sir, as you can see!"

"So you have, and started a fine stew for us as well!" a second man said.

"But you failed to leave us anything clean to wear!" a third man said.

"And taken our bedclothing to wash out as well!" a fourth said.

"And our bedding, too!" the fifth man said, and Pan could see that the fourth and fifth men were identical twins, and all five of them were obviously men of the same family.

"And so having washed ourselves and dunked our day's clothing in the river before we came in here to wash out the sweat, we find ourselves with nothing to put on in place of our wet clothes."

"Did you wash the dishes first, or are we supposed to eat that stew with our fingers?"

"Sir, the dishes are clean and dry and in the cupboard." Pan stuttered. "The stew will be ready by now, sir." For it was now just after sunset, the room was darkening more by the minute.

"Then let us all eat!" the man boomed and the rest agreed. Pan was dragged out of the bed by his arm with no chance to dress himself and told to dish them all out a bowl of the stew and have a big one for himself, for he was a growing boy! Pan's reply that he had just turned eighteen years old and was no longer a boy only got him some raucous comments about in that case, he ought to have more length in that tiny thing between his legs! So he gave up and settled in to eat while these five big men devoured the stew and praised its flavor and another exclaimed how the house even smelled better than it had in many a day and on and on, they told Pan jokes and all laughed heartily and Pan felt that if he could no longer live in his father's palace, he could at least live among these jolly souls well enough.

The woodcutter who had rescued Pan returned as they finished their meals, and he was as pleased as the rest of them at their now-clean home, and as naked as the others, for he had done as the others had and bathed in the river and dunked his clothes as a quick form of washing them so he was as without clothing to wear as they all were, but he took his own bowl of stew and told them of how he had won a bag of gold from the Queen for bringing Pan to their home and they must tell nobody that Pan was still alive.

"He can stay with us long as he wants, all right!" the man who had first spoken to Pan said (Pan still didn't know any of their names).

"As long as he keeps on cooking like this." the second man agreed.

"And as long as he cleans like he did today." the third chipped in.

"There is one problem we still have to solve." the fourth, one of the twins, put in.

"And that is, where is he going to sleep?" the fifth and other twin concluded.

"I was wondering that myself." Pan said. "At the palace, I slept by the fireside sometimes in the winter."

"Oh, I think we can squeeze him into one of our beds." the woodcutter that had brought Pan to the cottage said. "Young Pan here turns out to be very good at cleaning chimneys, too."

"I've done that." Pan said, as the others laughed.

"He cleaned mine this morning." the woodcutter said. "Twice."

That caused a stir among the men, as Pan slowly realized what the woodcutter meant. "You mean that if I stay here with you men...."

"You get to keep not only this cottage clean and our clothes clean." the third woodcutter said. "You get to take care of all six of our chimneys at night."

"Think you're up to it?" the fourth woodcutter asked.

Pan slowly grinned. "Well, I can certainly try."

In the spirited debate that consent started, he learned their names, all of which were selected by their mother from the signs of the Zodiac. The one who had saved him from the Queen Regent's betrayal was the eldest, named Sagitan. The first who had spoken to him while he was abed was Aquaran, the second Arian, the third Liberan, and the twins, the youngest, were Castellan and Poloxon. Their ages were from Sagitan's thirty-two years of age to the twin's twenty-one years.

As for the order in which Pan would service them, Sagitan wanted it to be eldest to youngest, but the others pointed out that he had already enjoyed Pan's favors earlier, and so his need was less. The twins then suggested that the youngest be first, but that was rejected, especially since none of them remembered which of the two were the younger of the twins. Other criteria were offered, Aquaran said it should be alphabetical order, while Poloxon said reverse alphabetical order would be fairer. His twin Castellan rejected his twin's suggestion on that, and so the argument went on.

Pan grew tired of this after a time, for he had been an only child and didn't understand family squabbling. "Can't you just draw straws or something and get it over with?" he said irritably after a while. "Whenever you do decide which one gets me first, come and get me. I'm going back to bed." And he crawled back into the bed in which he'd been asleep before the family returned to their cottage, which was the first bed on the left. The arguments from the six men put him very much in mind of the fights of the servants, the cook and the butler squabbled constantly about the menus, usually at the time when Pan could finally rest and sleep, so the sounds sent him off into slumberland once again.

He awakened shortly after to find himself with a companion, the one named Arian was crawling into bed with him. "Have you all decided how to divide up your time with me?" he asked.

"Yes." Arian said. "I get you first tonight." And with that, Arian straddled Pan's chest and fed Pan his cock. It was a large, fat one, much larger than Sagitan's which had been of a good size but not nearly as big around, and Pan had to struggle with taking it deep enough to make his services effective.

Arian was gentle with him, though. "You're not the first one to choke upon this monster of mine." he said compassionately. "The way that those who have been able to take it is to first build up extra saliva in your mouth and then..." and Arian talked him through the best way to take a huge-sized dong, which was to open his mouth wider thus-and-so and so let his tongue and throat deal with the extra size as much as his lips. Pan managed this and Arian was soon moaning and groaning.

But nearly as much were the other waiting men in their beds who had to wait until Arian's pleasure was done before they could take Pan for their own. And when Arian finally blew his load, he deliberately was vocal in his delight, moaning and groaning heavily and huskily in the darkness lit only by the embers of the dying fire that still held the leftover stew in the pot atop it.

And when Arian finished, one of the remaining men, Liberon, got out of his own bed and came over and dragged Pan bodily out from between Arian's legs. "I get you next, and I'm taking you right now!"

"No fair!" Arian protested. "He hasn't licked me dry yet! Sagitan said he sucked him totally dry after each time!"

"I did!" Pan said but then Liberon had him fully now, he was tossed over Liberon's shoulder and ferried to the last bed on the right, and dumped onto it. Liberon followed the bouncing lad into the bed and he and Pan ended up head to toe, side-by-side, and Pan quickly caught Liberon's cock in his mouth and the size of this man was such that he took the entire length of it easily.

And Liberon's own mouth closed upon Pan's prick and Pan nearly lost every bit of his ability, the pleasure of it was so much. Liberon sucked Pan while Pan sucked Liberon and Pan found that sucking a cock while being sucked was quite a bit different than the straight sucking of another, for his own attention was more than diverted by his own pleasure. But Liberon's own actions taught him and taught him well, and when Liberon's ecstasy took him, Pan was able to drink him down even as his own climax clawed at his brain.

And he had no more than shot the last of his wad down Liberon's throat when he was again snatched by another horny man. This time it was Aquaran and he guided Pan over to his own bed (left center) and lay back on the bed, presenting his very, very long prong for Pan's attention. Pan regarded the long dong and wondered what he could do with this majestic organ to provide it with proper justice.

But again, the man came to his rescue, Aquaran told him to lick it and thus to lubricate it that way, and when it was all greased up, Pan found he could take it down quite a length into his throat that way, and he moved up and down the long length and nursed the man-hose in a way that earned him lusty groans, all the way up until Aquaran groaned and the hot liquid gushed again into Pan's mouth and he drank it down again, loving that essential man-flavor.

And again he was grabbed, this time by both of the twins, and they ferried him to the last bed on the right.

"Which of you are next?" he asked as they deposited him on the bed's bare mattress.

"I was to be next, with Castellan after Sagitan." Poloxon groaned. "But we agreed that we could not wait. You want to learn to please a man, you need to learn how to please two at once anyhow."

"At once?" Pan was dubious but willing, and the twins knelt on either side of him and pressed their cocks together. Pan found fitting two puds into his mouth even more difficult than the thick one of Arian, but he found the technique of extra lubrication and the popping apart of his jaw taught him by Arian worked equally well here. He was blissfully working on these pair of identical prongs, thinking how wonderful it would be if they would ejaculate together, and then he felt his legs being lifted up.

It was Sagitan, irate at being passed over in this manner, and he was pulling Pan's legs up and apart, and sliding himself into the space between. "If I can't get you anything but dead last, I'm going to take your cherry for payment." he growled. And Sagitan's prong, well oiled by him beforehand with some goosefat, was probing at Pan's virginal ass.

Pan would have objected, but having two cocks in his mouth and throat made speaking very difficult, and the groans of the twins made them deaf to any pleading he might have made, so he held still while Sagitan rammed his greasy prod up Pan's ass. Pan felt the huge dong penetrate him and he moaned, a second climax struck him instantly, and he sprayed the three men indiscriminately as his come flew in all directions. The men laughed and Sagitan rammed him as he sucked the twin's cocks, and soon Pan was nearly swimming in jizz.

And that made the other men want to plow Pan's butt as well. The sex went so far into the night that it seemed he had barely closed his eyes before the new day had begun. This was the first of many enjoyable nights for Pan and the six woodcutters. They taught the young prince every possible sexual position and how to take a man in every conceivable way and still bring and receive pleasure. And so for a full year, they lived like this, but on Pan's nineteenth birthday, he unfortunately let slip the truth of his birth and these six woodcutters were abashed and insisted on helping him to recover his kingdom from the Queen Regent, who now that Pan had vanished without a trace for a full year, was ready to assert her own claim for the throne itself and become Queen in full rather than a mere Regent.

So Pan and the six woodcutters traveled out of their woods to seek his kingdom again, and they found themselves soon enough picked up by a troop of a hundred of the Royal Guards riding on a patrol. Two of the older men in the troop recognized Pan but their captain was uninterested in such things as Pan's birthright.

"I know that the Queen Regent is most generous to all of her Guards and pays us well for our loyalty." he said. "And you were but a cleaning boy in her court and I think you spent a worse year with these ruffians, so why should we follow you? What can you offer us that we can't get better from the Queen when she takes the throne?"

Pan only smiled. "Well, there is one thing I can do that she can't."

It took him quite a while to work the cocks of a hundred and one men (the Captain of course got first dibs), but by using both mouth and ass together, he made it in only fifty-one sessions. This took a good part of the day, but by the end, he had these men's loyalty.

Of course, that left the remainder of the army to win over. Pan set out to accomplish this and spent a week of marathon sex that became a legend in its own right.

So then came the day when he walked into the palace and stood before the Queen Regent and demanded her immediate abdication in his place.

The Queen saw the men arrayed behind Pan and she said, "I see that you have swayed the hearts of some of my men, but you can't offer them more than I, who control the very treasury of this kingdom. What can you say to that, impudent son of my departed husband?"

"Only one thing." Pan said. And turning to the men, he said, "If you'll make me the King, I promise to give you the same thing I gave you all these past few days."

And the Queen, squawking, found herself tossed unceremoniously out the window and splashed into the moat. And the moat was full of stale pondwater and green scum, too!

So Pan became the king and his first act was to set up a steady rotation of the men so that he could give them each the attention that was as important to him as it was to the men, for his lovely pink lips and soft white skin remained as lucious and flawless as it was on the day of his birth. He moved the six woodcutters into the palace with him and they all shared his bed every night.

And they all lived (fucking and sucking) happily ever after!


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