Panty Interview - Transgender - TV

By S M

Published on May 28, 2004



The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between two men. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

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Panty Interview

Going Online

I had written up some stories and posted them online. No big deal I thought. I'm a closet dresser, have been for years and desired something that I kept in the closet. Starting as a teen, I had discovered how good it felt to wear hose, panties and such. I'm masculine, but love to wear which is not all that unique -- there's lots of men just like me out there. I would get turned on when I wore and found that the thought of bi sex while wearing was a turn on. There was just no way would I ever share it with my wife, she's just a conservative woman and this would freak her out. I love her and our daughter very much and wasn't about to throw it away for my fetish.

So, I turned to the web. Finding people like me online, we would send emails, post pics that we took in private and sometimes cyber about having fun. It was such a great release for quite a few years. I looked forward to late nights, when I would be alone at the computer, wearing a pair of panties under my robe and stroking to the hot thoughts that my invisible friends typed to me.

I started reading erotic stories online. They were great but never quite what I was looking for, nothing that had masculine guys that wear. Every story I found was about some guy getting all dolled up with makeup, wigs -- totally not my interest. I wanted to read about men. Men that were masculine, straight acting normal guys that liked to wear and wanted to fool around together. Was that too much to ask? Apparently so. I decided to write some stories and found a few fans when I posted the stories online. The readers echoed what I was feeling -- a need for stories about men -- real men -- that wear lingerie.

It felt pretty good to find that I had an audience. Made the time writing worthwhile. Funny to picture, me writing on a laptop only a few feet from my wife and she would occasionally ask what I was doing, if she only knew.

The e-mail

Getting messages from fans was nothing new. I love to hear what people respond to. It would encourage me to continue stories or modify them based on the feedback. Some stories would go where I never even thought they would and others I thought were good would just quietly go away. Making readers happy can be tough, so I always keep an open mind and try to look for the suggestions that I think make the most sense.

Then I received a unique email. It was from a man who said he had been reading my stories with a growing interest. He had seen my online profile and told me that he was a guy that lived in the same general area as me. This isn't anything new, I would chat with people from all over, why not have a local guy as well. However, he was different; he and I traded a few emails back and forth. Starting with his comments and thanks for writing to some subtle suggestions for stories, we started to have a regular dialogue.

He confessed he was largely an admirer, one who liked to see men that dress. He liked men, masculine guys that wear and told me that the stories I wrote were very arousing to him. I was flattered for sure and we continued to email back and forth several times his compliments and he started sharing his desires. His name is Dan, and he works for a large company, he's 48, married, couple of kids in High School. Has really made a good life for him and his family. We talked about how a fetish and secret desire was hard to deal with. I wrote stories to help deal with it since I wasn't messing around with my wife; he read stories online and chatted.

After a few months, he and I became so comfortable we would email daily. About all sorts of things that weren't even related to dressing. Sports, family, holidays, it was like talking to a friend when Dan and I e-mailed. Then, one day, he took a big step; he asked if we should meet. I was petrified, how could I meet him? That is literally the line you fear crossing, going from fantasy to reality. The challenge is that you may find something as good, if not better than you had fantasized about. Then again, you may find a guy who is psycho and it could turn ugly.

I told him about my fears and he reassured me that he wanted to meet for all good reasons, nothing bad. I insisted that it was not the right thing to do, that we should keep it as is. But it was not easy; we had a good chemistry and seemed to have so many similar thoughts and desires. Dan did not pressure me, but he would never let me forget that he wanted to meet. I tried not to be rude but conveniently came up with excuses not to meet that were more significant than "I don't want to."

Finally, Dan came forward with something he said was an "offer I would be a fool" to refuse. He said he wanted to meet in his office. Not a chance I told him, no way was I coming to his turf. He insisted that it was all in good faith, and that it actually protected him. When I thought about it, he was right. If I came into his office, he would have to be on his best behavior; otherwise, his co-workers would find out and ruin his career. Dan and I even discussed that very fact; he stood to lose much more than me. I came around to the idea of meeting him; it was safe, much like the eye of a hurricane. I wrestled with the idea for days and Dan sent me an email with a rather elaborate plan.

I was to come to his office as a prospective employee. His secretary would escort me to his office and then, behind closed doors we could meet face to face. Dan sent me the address and I was stunned, this was a huge company and when I saw his last name for the first time, I realized that he wasn't just a normal guy. He was the CEO of a very, very big company. I was to bring a fake resume with the name of Steven Lace. His secretary had been told I was a consultant that he had met on a business trip and he was trying to hire me to help his marketing department. His only request was that I consider wearing some lingerie under a suit, so that even if he didn't see it, he knew that I was wearing it and near him.

It was so convenient, he had made it so easy and I couldn't find a way to say no. I could take a few hours off of work for this "interview", heck if my boss knew that I was meeting with this guy, he'd tell me to wear panties to make him happy if it would get us more business. I laughed to myself with the irony of the situation, I had been talking to a very powerful businessman and now I had a chance of a lifetime. I couldn't find a way out of it easily, he had planned well.

Going off-line.

The night leading up to meeting was a wreck. I slept a grand total of about 10 minutes. My wife wanted to know if I was ok and I tried so hard to just act normal but the thoughts in my head were racing. I slipped on some stockings, panties and garter belt under my suit, who was I to refuse a request from someone who had much more to lose than me? The "interview" was set for 10am. I went into work and did a few small things and then went on the road to visit a client. It was almost like a dream when I walked towards the business office Dan worked in.

The security guard checked me in, the name Steven Lace worked like a charm, and it felt unreal. The elevator to his floor took me to the 33rd floor. High enough to see the entire city and most of the neighboring counties. I smiled as I thought about the odds against me walking into the executive floor of a major corporation wearing lingerie under my slacks, too much.

With a bell ring, the doors opened and I was on the executive level. It was amazing how much space there was on the floor. Looking around, it was quite a sight how much wood there was on the floor, outfitted with artwork and lush carpet. I saw a woman behind a grand desk and approached her. Before I could even say my name, she looked up and smiled, saying: "Mr. Lace? You're expected." I stood rather surprised as she rose and started walking, leading me down the hall. Through a grand set of double doors we entered a sort of medium sized room. It was a kind of waiting room just outside of a huge office. The receptionist went to a large door a bit and motioned for me to enter; she looked into the office and said: "Mr. Lace is here sir." She turned, smiled and made a gentle motion for me to enter. She was totally polished, and amazing looking, easily the kind of woman that all the executives would die to get in the sack with. I would have put her at about 35; with a killer body and face of an angel she had a polished look that amazed me. Of course, I was trying to sneak a peek of the sheer stockings she was wearing under her skirt.

"Thank you" I said as I entered the door.

Looking in, it was more of what I had seen. Huge spaces, decorated with artwork of all manner. In the corner of the office, was a large desk, fitting for someone with the title he had. Dan sat at his desk, looking over several papers, he looked up and nodded at me and went back to his papers. As if I didn't exist, I felt awkward, as If I was invisible. I stood for a few moments, as I watched Dan work at his desk, signing papers, flipping through several others. It was obvious he was busy; I stood in front of his desk and looked around until I finally heard his voice.

"Steven my boy, I'm so glad you made it here today. Please, sit down." He said as he motioned to a chair in front of his desk. I sat and smiled, giving him a nod as I relaxed in the fine leather chair.

D: "So you found your way in without any trouble?"

S: "Oh it was just fine; It's really remarkable how this place is, very impressive."

D: "Ah, it's all just a window dressing for a very few of us to enjoy. With my job, I find that I'm always running to presentations and meetings, my time is always very limited. If you hadn't come to this office, I don't know if we ever could have met."

S: "I was very surprised that you invited me, when you said who you were, I half thought this was a joke."

D: "Well, your stories on the web have me so interested. I always maintain control but something about the way you talk about sexuality, I just had to find a way to meet you since you live so close by."

S: (Blushing) "Well, I know we've talked about so many things, I just wonder what you want from my visit."

D: "First, it was to put a face with the man who writes the stories, and second, I'd really love to see if you are wearing any lingerie."

S: "Well, I couldn't let you down could I?" (Smiling)

D: "Oh, that is excellent Steven, would you please let me see what you are wearing, and I would really like to see you in something soft."

S: "Right here? Is it safe?"

D: "Of course, Dianne, the receptionist won't come in unless I ask for her."

S: "I'm sure I could."

With that I stood, Dan watched as I undid my belt and zipper. I felt as if I had to do it quickly or I would chicken out. My pants fell and I was standing in his office in a dress shirt, with a tie and panties, garter and stockings. His smile was broad as he sat back in his chair. Standing, he walked over to me and asked: "If I may be so bold..." His hand went to my pantied butt; he rubbed it and caressed it. I groaned, he was so forward but it somehow felt so right. He whispered to me that he thought I looked incredible as he used his free hand to unbutton my shirt; he helped me out of the rest of my clothes as he felt my pantied bottom.

I was hard as a rock and so turned on as he felt me up. Dan then told me that he loved looking at men in lingerie and I was the first he ever had a chance to touch and he loved what I was wearing. I let out soft groans as his hands felt me all over, legs, thighs, hips and cock, all in lingerie. Suddenly, he stopped and asked, would I like to sit in his chair? A turn on for him was to see me in panties in his chair, how could I refuse? Sitting in his chair was tremendous, he was one of the most powerful businessmen in the country and I sitting in it wearing some dainty lingerie. He complimented me, telling me he loved how I looked in it. So much so that he dropped to his knees.

Placing a hand on each of my knees he urged them open, spreading them. Silently, he leaned his head down and started kissing my leg in hose. Sliding his hand up and down my legs in hose as he kissed them. I lightly moaned to encourage him, his tongue felt warm and hot as it darted out onto my legs. One of his hands wasted no time, going to my panties and squeezing my cock. Pulling them aside, he free my cock and took a hold of it, I arched my back as he stroked me. Using my legs, he pulled the chair forward and started to nibble my cock. It was pure heaven. He used his lips and tongue on the tip of my cock while his hands continued to caress my legs.

Just then, the receptionist's voice broke the air and I almost jumped out of my skin.

"Sir, I hate to interrupt you but your wife is on the line." It was her voice, clear as a bell but out of the intercom.

Dan hardly seemed to notice. He lifted his head from my cock, using his hand to stroke me as he reached the intercom.

"Yes Dianne, tell her I'm in a meeting will call her back when we finish."

His head immediately resumed back on my cock. I had to fight off the urge to moan as he sucked me into his mouth.

"Yes sir, and Mr. Craig wants to meet with you as soon as possible."

Again, he lifted his head and stroked me as he responded

"Tell Craig that I'm in the middle of an important presentation, and I have to make sure I see it all. Don't disturb us until I finish with Mr. Lace." He said, returning to sucking me without waiting for an answer.

"Yes Sir" Diane said.

He raised his head just a moment to say: "Oh Steve, Oh Lacie, your cock is greater than I ever imagined, I love the taste of it, with you here in my office. Such a hot cock you have, and I know that you are so hot, I want to suck the cum right out of it. And what I say in this office, in this building, I get -- I get what I want and I want your pantied cock."

I groaned as he started sucking me deeper, leaning back in his chair I gave him a better angle to take me all. His hands gripping my hips as his head bobbed up and down on me. I couldn't hold back, my cum was building, I wanted him to taste it.

All I could do was moan and whimper, he was giving me the best head I ever had.

Like a jolt of electricity, my body got stiff and my cock exploded in his mouth. No warning given or needed, he greedily took my load. I came deep down his throat, sitting in the palatial office of this powerful man who had given me a powerful orgasm.

He drained me, sucking till I was spent. I collapsed as he finished sucking, feeling as if I had no energy, like he had sucked it from me like my cum. Catching my breath, he smiled at me and said I was a beautiful sight. I could barely speak, Dan rose, and straightened his suit. "That was better than I ever expected Lacie. I want you to know, you are the kind of guy I could use here. Now, please, consider this an `interview' if you will. Think about this tonight, I could use a friend here in these halls, and if you'd like, I can arrange it."

A job, this guy was offering me a job to be his secret affair. I smiled broadly as I walked out of his office, to tell my wife I had an exciting new job with one of the most important men in business.


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