Park Sex

By Richard UK

Published on Feb 21, 1999



This is a work of fiction featuring gay sex to be read by adults over the age of 18 only.

A colleague had left work and a number of us had been out drinking all afternoon and into the night. It's fair to say we were pretty pissed. Around 9 o'clock Dave and I decided to get a cab up to our local pub for a nightcap before returning home. The pub was surprisingly quiet for a Friday night but then we remembered there was a match on down the road. We would have time for a couple of pints before the pub was invaded by hoards of fans.

We got the drinks in and found a quiet corner of the pub - although there were few people in the music was pretty loud and, wanting to talk, we moved away from the speakers. We chatted about work and how the leaving do had gone that day, who'd mad a tit of themselves and, inevitably, women. I was married and 100% straight as far as my mates were concerned but I had known from an early age that I was truly bisexual, although so far I had not had sex with a man. Dave to me was the epitome of a heterosexual guy and someone who had the looks to pull any woman he wanted. Even in the midst of the sort of uninhibited man to man chat that can only take place between men who are pissed I couldn't tell Dave about my true sexuality - he was too straight. So the conversation went on, chiefly generated by Dave, rambling on about all the women he had fucked. "How about you Rick, have you strayed since you got married?" "No" I replied honestly. Dave had been talking so long I hadn't really been paying attention to what he was saying and his question through me a little. "Come on, there must have been someone" he continued. "No" was the uninspiring answer. I guess I was tired and couldn't really concentrate on conversation. "You must have been tempted though". "Oh yeah, but I should be so lucky". "What do you mean? You're a good looking guy Rick - lots of women would be interested in you. I wondered if he was taking the piss - yes I'd had good relationships in the past and I'd looked after myself but good looking? Average looks more like. "Come off it, you're the one with the looks. You could have any woman you wanted - you're good looking, fit, you wear great clothes." It was hard to think that I would talk to anyone but my closest mates like this but the drink was loosening my tongue. I had fancied Dave for ages. He was shorter than me but of similar, slim build. He had a fresh, clean complexion which ensured he looked a youthful 24 (eight years my junior) despite the fact his short black hair was fast receding. Dave played a lot of sport very competitively and was incredibly fit. His body was lean and strong. I looked after myself in a gym and whilst I was fit and slim, Dave was simply in another league. I'd never played sport with him so hadn't seen a lot of his body but I knew from the shirts he wore that he was hairy and when Id met him during the summer wearing shorts I'd admired his tanned, muscular legs. There he was talking me into an affair with a woman when all I wanted to do was fuck his brains out.

"Listen to us two" I said. "Talk about a mutual admiration society". "You sell yourself short Rick. Lots of people admire you. In fact I think a lot more of you than that". As he spoke his hand moved under the table and touched my leg. I looked him in the face and swallowed hard and uneasily. I'm sure I must have looked panicked because my heart was racing, my face was reddening and when I spoke my voice trembled! "What the fuck are you doing" I asked quietly, not wishing to attract attention. I don't know why I asked it - I was just scrambling for something to say other than what I really felt which was fuck the arse of me. Despite the challenge Dave's hand stayed where it was. "I'm coming onto you you dick head. What do you think I'm doing? I meant what I said before. You're a good looking guy and so am I. I reckon you're game. Am I right?" "Yeah, but what about your missus. You're fucking straight aren't you?" "I reckoned you fancied some cock and I was right. Well I fancy some too - yours. What more do I have to say?" "Jesus, I had no idea. I need another pint" I said as I drank the dregs of my pint and got to my feet. I headed towards the bar, fumbling in my pocket for some money and adjusting my cock to disguise the bulge that was beginning to appear. I bought two more pints, collecting my thoughts as I waited for it to be poured. I wanted him so much but where could we go? Our wives would be at home so we couldn't go to either of our houses. And what if my haste to leave the table had frightened him off? I returned with the lager with more than a little trepidation about how matters would unfold.

"Look, I'm sorry if I upset you" Dave blurted out as I put the glasses on the table. "I was out of order, I know that. Just forget about it". I sat down and took a long drink of the ice cold liquid. I put the glass down and stared at it. I couldn't look him in the face as I spoke because after what he just said I figured things could go either way. "I don't want to forget it. I told you, I'm game. O.K.?" I looked across at him as a smile returned to his nervous face and his hand to my thigh. "Fuck I want you so bad" I said but where can we go?". "Don't worry, for now here will do fine but I've something in mind for later". Dave's hand moved upto my groin so that it was nestling just below my balls. Even through my trousers his touch felt so hot and the swelling in my pants accelerated. "You know I've fantasised about you for ages but I never thought this would happen" I said. "Hey how could you not lust after a good looking bastard like me?" Dave replied trying to make light of the situation. I smiled and he grew more serious too "I've wanted to get you into bed pretty much as long as I've known you" he said. "At first I thought about a foursome with the girls but I didn't think they'd go for it. Besides, I don't want to share you". I wanted to kiss him so much but this wasn't the place. "I need a piss, how about you?" I asked leadingly and headed of to the gents, hand in pocket trying to hide my growing erection. I turned slightly as I walked and saw him get up too. I walked through the double doors and found the toilets were empty - thank god for the match I thought. Dave came in soon behind me. No-one else was coming and as soon as the door shut behind him I grabbed the back of his head, pulled him into him and rammed my tongue deep into his mouth. Our tongues wrapped around each other for what seemed like hours and somehow the mingling saliva and taste of lager made for a heady cocktail. Dave's hand was upon me again but this time he'd gone straight for the object of his desire and was stroking my bulging hard on through my trousers. I thought about a quick fuck in one of the cubicles but I didn't want us to be interrupted - we needed some time. I'd only wanted to kiss that mouth, to release some of my feelings. Christ if I hadn't I'd have wanted to fuck him over the table in the bar. I moved his hand from my groin- "not here. Let's drink up and get out of here"

We returned to our table but didn't sit down. We downed the lager and I lead the way out.

We both lived in the same direction but when we left the pub Dave turned in a different direction. "Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see". We walked for a few minutes then turned in the direction of home again but why by this route? Neither of us had a lot to say on the way. The reality of what we were doing was setting in more as the fresh air and the walk served to sober us up a little. I wondered if he'd bottle out and just go home but hen he stopped and I realised we were outside the small park, just around the corner from our homes. "I want you. Do you still want to go through with this?" he asked. "Too right" I said. With that Dave held my forearm and lead me onto the field and behind the nearby shrubbery. It wasn't an ideal place but we would have some privacy and shit we were desperate.

It was a warm, clear moonlit night so we could see each other well. For a few moments we just stood facing each other then it was his turn to initiate a kiss, just on the lips at first but quickly followed up with some really skilful tongue work, his right hand holding the left side of my face and pushing his fingers through my hair. He came up for air and looked at me. "This is going to be so good, I know it" he said and we kissed again, this time pressing our groins together, cock on cock through both our trousers. It was the first time I'd felt another man's dick and I reckoned there was something formidable inside that material.

We kissed for a long time before I took the lead and started to loosen his tie. Dave just stood there looking me in the face as I removed the tie and began unbuttoning his shirt. One by one the opening buttons revealed more of this guy's gorgeous chest. When I reached the waist, I pulled the shirt from beneath his trousers and unfastened the last couple of buttons so it was fully open. I figured I'd leave it on like that just in case we were disturbed but I liked the thought of him keeping some clothes, that some parts of his body wouldn't be readily visible. Dave's tanned chest was covered in thick, straight black hair but not so thick that you couldn't see his chest through it, somehow being able to see every hair against his bronzed skin accentuated his hairiness. I had a hairy chest myself but liked bare skin or hair in another man. Generally I thought guys with broad chests looked better smooth skinned, if you've got it don't hide it under a load of chest hair! Most of the time I think slimmer guys like myself looked better with hair - there may not be as much chest to explore but the hair added a new dimension to it. I touched his upper chest for the first time, just below his neck. My right hand rubbed his skin against the grain of his hair, each standing momentarily erect as my fingers moved through them whilst my left hand held him around his waist, underneath his shirt. Dave closed his eyes, savouring my touch and my fingers found his left nipple. I rubbed it gently with the tip of my middle finger before rubbing it between my thumb and forefinger then alternating the two. He moaned lightly and my hands roamed further down to explore his exquisite flat stomach. This too was covered in hair but it narrowed the further down his torso I went so that at his waist the band of hair was only perhaps eight inches or so wide. It made for a lovely contrast, rubbing my hand across his hard hairy stomach then finding silky smooth bare skin that matched the velvet softness of his back. I lost myself in the feel of his belly, a part of the body that really turns me on. I stroked it for ages, my finger tips often glancing along the waistband of his trousers. How I wanted to plunge my hand down his waistband now and grip his cockmeat there and then but I knew this would be more special if I took my time. I kissed Dave's chest now, taking in his gorgeous man scent and flicking my tongue over the brown nipples that were standing proud of his hair.

Throughout this time Dave had stood pretty motionless, hands at his side and head thrown back, enjoying my first touches. Now his hands came up to my neck and repeated the process of first removing my tie then unbuttoning my shirt. As he pulled the shirt bottom free of my trousers he felt the wetness of my precum that had leaked through my underwear. "You have got the hots for me haven't you" he said "you're fuckin right I have" I said, grabbing the back of my head and kissing him hard, my tongue determined to explore every part of his hot wet mouth. His hands roamed over my chest, stroking my left nipple and the soft downy hair on my stomach. That felt so good - the skin and hair on my belly is so sensitive. I love stroking it when I'm wanking myself off and it's guaranteed to make me shoot my load. Dave's hands were now unbuckling my trousers and within seconds they were unzipped and down around my thighs exposing my tight cotton briefs. Of course my cock was fully erect and hadn't been affected by my drinking which was now just a distant memory. The bulge in my briefs ran up and slightly to my left. Measured from the top I knew I was a good six inches but the underside which now faced Dave through my briefs was obviously longer, leading upto my ball sac and the bulge was therefore about eight inches long. I knew I looked fucking good. Dave rubbed the palm of his hand along the bulging material and stopped at my cockhead to feel the wetness in the material. He held my cock firmly between his thumb and forefinger just below the mushroom head and pulled up, forcing my foreskin forward and another pool of precum into my underwear. His fingers then left my cock and squeezed the material just in front of my wet knob, forcing the new hot liquid through the already wet material onto his fingertips. He raised his hand so that it was between our faces and rolled his wet thumb and forefinger together, clearly enjoying the slippery wetness. He breathed in to take in the scent of the liquid that had just leaked from the end of my cock then slowly licked the juice from his thumb. He clearly enjoyed it and offered his forefinger to me to lick, just as if he had just tasted a new food and was eager for a second opinion. My tongue licked the manjuice from his finger, kissing it before it broke away.

Now I wanted to see more and I eagerly reached for Dave' belt. I quickly unfastened it, pausing to rub the massive rod pushing through his pants before lowering his zip. His trousers dropped to his knees then to his ankles and he stood before me with only a pair of grey fitted cotton boxer shorts between me and his meat. I savoured the sight for a few moments. This type of underwear was great because it simultaneously left nothing and everything to the imagination. It was very close fitting from the lower abs down to the thighs. Of course his dick was very prominent through the material but so too were his balls. I could clearly see the outline of his scrotum and even each of his bollocks. The shadows produced by the bulging material seemed to accentuate everything. His cock appeared to be a couple of inches longer than my own and he too had a large damp patch at the tip. I had to taste it.

I dropped to my knees and pressed the flat of my tongue against the underside of his prick. His cock felt so hard against my tongue and the material didn't dull what I could feel - as I pressed along his shaft I could still feel the bulging vein down the centre and the heat transferring from his meat to my mouth. I did this a few times before flicking my tongue across the underside of his bell end. I knew the feel of my tongue lightly pressing the material against this most sensitive of areas would get him hot. He grabbed hold of his dick, pulling it clear of my body, signalling that he wanted more attention to his cock head. Even in the moonlight I could see that his grip had sent more precum oozing onto the material and I quickly engorged his knob so I could gently tease it through the material with my tongue and into my mouth.

I now had Dave's cotton covered dick head exactly where I wanted it and I began to head bob him through the material. I knew he'd like it because I'd often jacked myself off inside my briefs and I knew the unique sensations that cotton on knob produced, never mind without introducing a sucking mouth into the picture. I hadn't even seen his dick yet but I knew he was uncut because I could feel a ridge of foreskin behind his helmet and knew it was rolling forward slightly on my backward strokes. Dave's hand was still holding his shaft. He was moaning and breathing hard now. His hand pressed his cock down hard adding to his erection. I guessed he liked the feel of doing this because I did myself. His entire length was now entirely clear of his body and I thought about taking him all inside me or releasing his cockmeat from the confines of his boxers but I reckoned he was too heavily into what I was already doing. "Fuckin hell Rick, I'm gonna blow my load any second. Just don't fuckin stop" he groaned and I quickened my pace eager to taste his seed in my mouth. I was impressed that he was leaving me in total control - he hadn't started bucking at all but suddenly his legs went rigid and he thrust his pelvis forward in one insistent push. I managed to maintain my stroke as I felt the material around his cock head swell with cum. I kept bobbing him but my tongue came into play more, helping me suck and push the cream of his balls through the material. His jizz oozed slowly into my mouth. Momentarily I detected the cum filled bulge ahead of his dick subside before being filled with another jet of cum. I continued sucking his cock juice through his boxers enjoying the feel of it being replaced by new spurts of cum. The barrier of material seemed to make the whole experience last so much longer - without his boxers his cream would have simply shot down my throat and been done with. This I could really taste and enjoy.

Finally his cockmeat stopped pumping but I wasn't ready to get off my knees. I waited a few moments whilst we both recovered then peeled his soaking underwear away form his rod. His cock was still every bit as hard as it was when I was bobbing him and I figured he could take a little more before it was my turn. I pulled his tight boxers halfway down his thighs and buried my face in them, inhaling the cocktail of smells that had been left by his balls, sweat and of course cum. There was still a trail of cockcream inside them and I removed it with my full tongue, savouring the taste of the slippery liquid as it smeared across the whole of my cock licking tongue. I left his boxers where they were. He looked kind of cute with then around his thighs and anyway I liked the thought that they'd restrict him a little, keeping me firmly in control. His cock was gorgeous. About the same thickness as mine but an inch or two longer, very hard and with just the right amount of prominent veins ridging the surface. His shaft shone in the moonlight and a bead of cum dripped from his slit. I figured he needed cleaning up and was certain I could get his hard cockmeat off again so soon. I held his cock and pulled his foreskin back real hard so that the first couple of inches behind his mushroom head were all tightly stretched wet foreskin. Then my mouth moved in licking his now supersensitive cockmeat clean of the cream his balls had just produced before taking his entire length into my mouth, hot and wet with anticipation. I gagged slightly and retracted to catch my breath before slowly taking in those last couple of inches. Slowly I retracted, my tongue on the underside of his prick making sure that it brought his foreskin forward with it. Then down his length again, my lips holding him firmly to ensure his skin rolled back until my nose was buried in his thick, black sweaty pubes. I'd always had quite a thing for pubic hair. It was probably born out of the fact that I didn't develop mine until about 13 whilst at school I would shower with guys who had been hairy since 11 or 12 with cocks and bushes every bit as developed as an adult. When you don't have it yourself it's easy to become fascinated with those who do and I'd always eye up my mates in the shower and locker room, trying hard (unsuccessfully on one occasion) to suppress a hard on. I particularly like really thick black mounds which, from above, serve to hide the first couple of inches of a guy's dick and hey, here was Dave providing me with just that cockmeat heaven.

Dave's hips had begun to thrust now. I figured having cum so recently he'd last longer but I guess my wet, slippery mouth was doing the business. His hand reached behind my head as his thrusts grew stronger and faster. I was being face fucked for the first time and it was glorious. I was a little worried in case his now frantic thrusting would make me gag again but somehow my throat just seemed to stretch to accommodate the bell end banging away at it. His forward strokes brought his mound into my face faster and faster while his hairy, still heavy balls swung under my chin. My tongue action on the forward strokes must have been pushing saliva onto his balls because each time these hit my face they were wetter than before. I reached up and placed my fingers behind his ball sac making sure I kept up with his rhythm. I just knew the presence of my fingers fondling the area between his balls and ass would get him even hotter than he was already. By the time he was telling me he was about to release his load again his balls were slapping me wet and hard under my chin and his shirt tails were brushing against my ears. Dave tensed and began to drain his balls into my mouth. His thrusts stopped, I don't think he could keep going this time as his cockmeat throbbed and pumped, but I was determined to milk him dry and my mouth resumed the strokes on his cock that he had previously been in command of. "Oh that's it Rick. You do it. Suck the cum out of me" he moaned almost in submission. I just knew the first of his ejaculate was a long stream because I felt it splash on the back of my throat and snake around my mouth. Subsequent spurts were shorter but still powerful and I imagined how his jizz would feel jetting up my ass.

Slowly his cockmeat began to shrink in my mouth. He rested the palms of his hands on my shirt covered shoulders and I kept him inside me for a few moments, licking lightly to ensure I had everything he could give me. Dave's soft dick flopped from my mouth and he leaned forward slightly, placing his hands under my hairy armpits and lifting me to my feet. He kissed me, his tongue wrapping round the mouth that had just drank everything his balls could produce. He'd be able to taste his own cum in my mouth and the thought of this sent more precum flowing from my cock slit. The anticipation I had felt while servicing his cockmeat was now at an end as his hands ran down my stomach and beneath the waistband of my briefs.

Dave had obviously made his mind up that this was no time for preliminaries. His hand gripped by pulsing cockmeat firmly and he began pumping my rod. It felt so good having a strong masculine hand, other than my own, wanking my dick. However I sensed he was having difficulty jacking me off inside my briefs while we remained standing facing each other. I turned my back to him and he quickly adapted, his right hand reaching round and grabbing my hard prick, this time from the outside of the material. My briefs were restrictive but I was comfortable - my foreskin was rolling with his hand nicely and was well lubed up with precum. "Is this OK for you or do you want my bare hand on your dick? He asked. "No this is fucking great" was all I could muster in reply as I started to get lost in the sensations coming from my hot cockmeat. I felt Dave's left hand lift the bottom of my shirt then lower the back of my briefs so they were clear of my ass cheeks. This put some additional strain on the material surrounding my dick but the compensation was his hot, hairy mound was now nuzzling against my backside. His cock was still limp but this felt nice and anyway I knew it wouldn't stay that way for long. I began grinding my arse into his groin, enjoying the feel of his package against my cheeks as the pressure I applied fluctuated but never lost contact. I could feel his gorgeous cockmeat growing thicker and longer and he pressed it harder into my crack. His dick was still pointing down my ass and I could feel new precum dripping down the top of my thigh as his rod began to swell and rise. I knew he would be seeking out my hole any moment and I stopped my gyrating to concentrate on getting off on his hand. "Dave, I want you to fuck me but I need to blow my wad first. I'm so close. Don't stop. Rub my stomach" Obediently his left hand reached round and began stroking my hairy belly with a mixture of light circling strokes, scratching and firm downward strokes from my stomach into my cock hair. It was a heady feeling getting jacked off from behind, having my stomach stoked and the back of my balls nudged by the horizontal pole that was between my legs and the combination tipped me over the edge as I exploded into my briefs. Wad after wad spurted from my cockhead and welled up inside the material. Dave kept on jacking me off to get all he could from my heavy balls whilst his left hand turned to the well of cum in my underwear and squeezed some through onto his fingers, as he had done earlier with my precum. He had a good supply on his fingers as he lifted them to his mouth behind me and licked them clean. "Even better than before. So much creamier" he said as he offered the last of it to my mouth. I knew my ball cream tasted good and gladly licked his fingers clean of my remaining manjuice.

As the cum pouring from my slit subsided and my cock softened slightly, Dave reached in to the underwear which was now heavy with my jizz and scooped up some more. This time his slippery fingers bypassed both our mouths and he pulled back slightly, extricating his cock from between my legs, leaving a trail of precum along the top of my hairy thigh as it went. I looked behind and saw him smearing my cockjuice over the swollen mushroom head of his throbbing meat. His left hand turned my face forward and his right applied pressure to my back bending me forwards to receive him. Then I felt his wet, bulbous head probing my hot ass hole. His hand guided the hard bell end over my hole, teasing and lubing the tight, puckered opening. I sensed him squeezing his shaft of more precum and felt the warm liquid slide slowly along my hot hole and down my crack. The sensation sent my cock swelling rapidly and when his hard knob again began to probe its way into ass I was erect again, harder than at any time that night. Then suddenly his cockhead was inside me, my hole suddenly yielding to his gentle but insistent pressure. He waited, allowing me to adjust to the feel and relax before easing his way in. Slowly, inch by short inch, he pushed forward, each time allowing me to become acquainted with the new feeling and the pain which he assured me would ease once I had taken his full length and he began fucking. Within moments the whole length of his veined, thick cockmeat was inside me, aided by a lube from my own balls. His first backward stroke began and I could sense every vein and ridge of his thick dick as it passed along my tight channel. It felt as if he was going to withdraw because I felt his foreskin roll over the head of his rod as the tip of his prick reached my ass hole again but he expertly pushed back in at the optimum moment and I could feel my tight opening rolling his skin back down the shaft again. A few strokes on, his fucking started in earnest and he steadied us both with a hand to the middle of my back and one to my ass. My own cock was so now so fucking hard that I just had to give it some attention myself and I began wanking myself off hard and slow, pulling down hard enough to elicit pain in my foreskin which was truly, fucking gorgeous. "That's nice Rick, jack yourself off while I fuck your ass hard and fast" said Dave as he pounded into me, spurred on by my wanking. His thick pubes pressed against my cheeks with increasing frequency and his long heavy balls slapped against my ass, almost making contact with my own silky sac each time. My wanking had picked up to match his strokes but this was now impossible. It was now a free for all and I jacked my thick cockmeat furiously. "Fuck Rick, this is too much, here I come" I heard as I felt both of his hands grip my hips, his pelvis buck violently and a jet of hot cock cream squirt up my ass. He carried on pumping as his cockmeat lubed up on the jizz he was pumping inside me. The feel of his increasingly slippery hardness inside me now sent me over the edge and I sent cum splashing onto my belly and the ground beneath. I continued my hard wanking strokes until I could hardly breath with the pleasure and my balls were drained.

"That was fucking fantastic" I told him. "You were pretty good yourself" he said, reaching round to give my limp, wet cock one last affectionate squeeze. We helped each other dress which wasn't difficult, our shirts had remained on our backs throughout whilst our trousers and underwear were at various stages between our thighs and ankles. We headed home intent on another fuck and suck session as soon as possible.

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