Parking Lot Rim

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Aug 4, 2001



"Mmmmm, look at that guy, Ray...yum!" He looked back.

"Really? He isn't that hot. He's even kinda homely."

"True, but haven't you ever seen a guy that's plain, even sorta nerdy, but just hits you right between the balls? Makes you wanna get down and lick his ass sight unseen?"

"Sure, I guess. He does that to you?"

"Better believe it!"

"Hold on." He walked after the guy and caught up with him. They stood there whispering together--the guy shaking his head several times before shrugging and nodding. He strolled back to his friend, grinning. "Come on. One ass-lick coming up! He's got a van in the next aisle."

"Are you serious?! What'd you say to him?"

"Just what you told me. That he grabs you between the balls. He's not gay. No blowjob or anything. But he's never had his asshole licked, so he agreed if we leave it at that."


"Um, yeah. He said he didn't mind if I just watched," he winked.

"Heh! Whatever. Won't be the first time you saw me rim a dude. Damn! He's actually looking our way...waiting. FUCK!"

"Yeah. Looks kind of impatient, too. Bet he's got a boner already." They walked up to the van. The guy had a pleasant, but curious expression.

"Hi, again. Mark, right? Mark, this is my friend Jeff. Don't mind his drooling," he chuckled, "you'll really like what he does to you. Believe me, he's good. Speaking from experi- ence." He jabbed Jeff in the ribs, making him flinch automatic- ally, just as he was holding his hand out to shake with Mark.

"Hey, how's it going?" Mark smiled, finally taking the guy's hand. "Okay, um...he told ya that..."

"No blowjob or stuff, right?"

Mark grimaced, looking around guiltily. "Jeez! Let's not announce it, okay? Let's get in the van."

He opened the back doors and climbed up--both guys checking out his perky Levi-clad bottom, and giving each other smirks. Mark turned in time to catch it, causing him to blush and gulp.

Jeff shrugged, giving him a innocent-little-boy grin. They got in the back and secured the door. Jeff immediately went to his knees, expectantly, causing Mark to blush again, and stammer, "Uh, b-better go check the f-front doors." He knew they were locked. He'd locked the van before going into the mall theatre. He just needed to catch his breath and shake off his nervousness.

When he slowly came back, biting his lip, he seemed ready to call it off--not able to look directly at Jeff. He glanced at Ray for just a second.

"Relax, man. We're just as advertised. Jeff would rather kiss an asshole than most anything. Wouldn't you, buddy?"

"Yep...shamelessly! I'm gonna do more than kiss it. You just turn me on something fierce, Mark. Turn around, okay? Mind if I reach around and undo your pants? I'd like to unveil the treasure myself if it's alright with you. I promise you, no grabby feelies. Actually, I feel kinda honored you're letting me do this!"

"Okay. Sorry I'm so nervous. Never had a guy touch me before. Well, not like this. Hell, you know what I mean." He awkwardly knelt in front of Jeff, facing toward the front of the van. Standing straight was out of the question, and just bending over was unthinkably lewd!

Ray was behind him, too, sitting on his ankles to watch the show he'd brazenly arranged.

Mark flinched as Jeff patted his bottom and fondled it through the material. He took several loud breaths, then froze at the touch of Jeff's fingers manipulating his belt buckle and undoing the top snap. The sound of his zipper going down nearly made him pass out.

Jeff was a bit mesmerized at what he was doing, but he had the sense to think talking would probably relax him more than anything. Talk was what got them here.

"God I'm excited! I'm as nervous as you are, Mark. It's not like we go around doing this, you know? This is just as erotic for me. Oooh, gonna slip your pants down, man. Pull your shirt up and pull it around you, okay? I want a total unveiling."

He grasped the material on both sides of Mark's hips, ready to slip them down. Just then, Mark reached back and started to put his hand down the back. Instantly, Jeff stopped him.

"What're you gonna do?"

"Um...just thought I'd, you know, check it out first," he said softly. "Um, maybe I should get a rag and wipe it...just in case."

"Don't you dare!" Jeff chuckled. "I'm a veteran, remember? I know I'm taking my chances. Don't worry. I like a guy natural. That's why I lick buttholes, man. I dig the way a stud smells...especially back here. Don't worry about embarrassment. I'll tell you just how it is."

"Okay," he said resignedly, "you're the gambler." He subconsciously licked his lips, waiting, then closed his eyes momentarily as his jeans and shorts were suddenly yanked down to his knees! His hands automatically covered his privates in front. But even his own touch aggravated the ticklishness of his dick. It was getting hard.

"Mmm, nice cushy buns!" Jeff blurted, fondling them in his palms and squeezing gently. "You've got wonderfully smooth skin, Mark. Real nice ass...real nice. You don't mind this, do you? I sure like feeling them."

"N-no, that's alright. I figured you'd feel my butt up. Go ahead."

"Gotta admit, pal," Ray interjected, "I never suspected you'd look this hot without your drawers. My buddy's got a good eye for butts."

"Yes, yes," Jeff muttered, leaning down to plant a wet kiss on each cheek...licking the soft flesh...feeling it tense and relax. He brushed his nose along the tightly-clenched asscrack and sniffed long and hopefully. It was the only sound in the van at that moment, and thundered in Mark's ears. He gulped, feeling his prick twitch and jerk.

"Don't hide it, man," Ray peeked around. "You'd be some kind of a freak if your cock didn't get stiff. It'll get a lot harder."

"Mmmm, some sweet fumes escaping, baby," Jeff moaned seductively. "Don't tighten up. Lemme sneak a big whiff! You've been sweating in there all day, hunh? Yeah. Hope it's nice and moist. I love to lick the sweat off a guy's nuts and asshole. Just let me pry you open a little bit and sniff your crack. Then you can get on all fours and I'll really give you the treatment! Hope you're not in any rush, guy. I'd sure like to make this last awhile!"

"N-no, no big rush," his voice squeaked.

Jeff put his thumbs together just a hair into the fault line and pried the fleshy globes apart. His nose was there-- ready. He took a salaciously loud whiff, drawing the aroma way up into his head.

"Oh, lord! Man is that ever pungent!"

"Aw, don't...don't then!" Mark cried, trying to scoot away.

"No, baby," Jeff grabbed him, holding his hips in place. "I love it! You're perfect back here, believe me. Hot and spicy... the way a stud's asscrack should be. We're not like chicks, man. Fags get off on a dude's sweat and stink. Relax and we'll both enjoy it. All of us. You catchin' this zesty fragrance, Ray?"

"Sure am. I go for tangy buttholes like that myself sometimes, you know. It's got my prick on the rail. You mind if we pull our cocks out and jerk off, Mark? You're gonna beat off too, aren't you? No sense wasting a good opportunity."

"Yeah," Jeff agreed. "I'll be climbing out of here with jizz dripping down my leg. That wouldn't look right."

"Oh, go ahead. I don't mind," Mark turned and said over his shoulder, thinking he'd said it much too agreeably. Actually, it wasn't so much he wanted to check out their pricks. He just didn't want to be the only one masturbating. And if he didn't let his boner stick out soon, the pressure of hiding it would make him spritz in his hands.

"Ah, this is teasing me enough. Mind if I pull your pants all the way off, Mark? So you can spread your legs. I want you wide open back here so you can experience it freely. This ass deserves my best!"

"I guess." Mark lifted one knee, then the other, slipping his pants over them so Jeff and Mark could pull them over his tennies. Still a bit apprehensive, he reached back to take them and lay them in front of him. Silly, but he felt better knowing where his wallet was.

"Alright, sugarbutt," Jeff cooed, lowering his butt onto his ankles and running his hands in broad, circular strokes over the pretty butt, still more youthful than most guys in their mid-20s. From this angle, nobody'd suspect he wasn't a teenager. "Go down on your hands and just push your pretty butt back in my face. And be nasty about it, too. Thrust it up and wiggle it at me, man. Remember, I'm here to lick the fuck out of it. You're the boss...I'm the slave asslicker!"

Jeff braced himself for the first peek. But he wasn't quite ready for the obscene sight suddenly exposed. Not from those cute buns! Jeff loved assholes...all kinds of them. But especially large and fleshy raunchy-looking assholes. He'd never expected one like that to come popping out from these sweet cakes. The only thing he'd been right about was the light ring of hair surrounding it. With no hint of fuzz on his cheeks, Jeff figured Mark wouldn't be very hairy. But he'd never imagined the guy could--or even allow himself to--possess such a crude looking purple shithole like this!

"OH, GAWD, I'M IN HEAVEN!" Jeff cried, sniffing wildly and scooching up closer with his hands caressing along Mark's upper buttocks and applying slight pressure to coax Mark to arch his back more. "Do you believe this, Ray? Isn't that an amazing surprise? Who'd have guessed?"

"Wow. Nothing innocent-looking about that bunghole, that's for sure?! You been holding out on us, Mark?"

"Hunh? Whadda you mean? Is it dirty?" He was confused, then became self-conscious and whined, "Hey, w-what's wrong with it?"

"Not a thing, man. Not a damned thing. It's spectacular! I just wasn't expecting this, that's all. Smells fuckin' hot, too. Matches up perfectly. Just perfect! Gonna smell you ALL up!"

"Wait, tell me what you're gawking about first!"

"Can't wait, baby. You tell him, Ray. Mmmmm!" He crammed his nose into the lush valley, poking it around, collecting the sticky moisture.

With Jeff imbedded like that, there wasn't anything for Ray to see anyway, so he slid forward along the van floor and leaned on his elbow. Mark twisted his head to the side, leaning it on his arm. His eyes shot open and he blanched at the sight of Ray stroking a massive cock--quickly averting his eyes-- knowing he'd been painfully obvious.

"Heh! Sorry for the shock. Had a few hungry cocksuckers react the same way. But they still managed to burp it."

"It's, uh, big alright," he gulped. "Now what's the joke?"

"None, man. Believe me, you're not the 'butt' of a joke." He let out a chuckle at his own humor.

Mark might have been amused if he'd been able to concentrate. But his eyelids were fluttering as the sensation of a guy's snout poking around his craphole, getting off on his stink of all things! He felt the guy's nose rubbing along his crack--right against his asshole. When was he gonna start lickin' it?? My damn pecker's leaking already. He hadn't been aware that he'd been jerking off so fast.

"Hey, give it a break, Mark. He hasn't even started yet! Let it go and just fiddle with your balls or something. Don't rush it. Nice prick you got there. Real nice. Too bad you won't..."

"J-jus' tell me..."

"Oh, okay. In a nutshell, a pretty, hairless butt like yours suggests an equally pretty, darling asshole. Instead--now don't get mad before I explain--you spread open and expose this purplish, fat-lipped shithole that looks anything but virgin!"

"I...I have an ugly asshole?" he asked, increduously.

"Well, ugly's in the mind of whoever's licking at the time. Some guys would say so. Some might call it gross-looking. I'd say it's wonderfully raunchy, and Jeff no doubt agrees."

"Oh, I didn't know," he mumbled, hurt. "Never seen it."

"Now that doesn't mean the same as a festering pit of vermin that turns the stomach. No sirree! You've got a fantastic asshole, Mark! It's lewd and obscene...just what a dedicated rimmer dreams about. More than a butthole, see? A juicy, suckable pooch that reminds the nasty guy with his face in there that he's sucking a real shithole! See?"

"He means it's fuckin' beautiful!" Jeff blurted. "Greatest one I ever saw. Now let me enjoy it, okay? Anything that smells this good, must taste even better! Hold your horses, Mark. I'm gonna eat you out!"

"Oooh, aaah," the guy moaned, feeling the wet tongue lapping up and down his asscrack.

"GAWD IT'S FUNKY! MMMM!" Jeff cried, eagerly swirling his tongue right over the asshole and tweaking the bloated anal lips. "Man, have people been missing out!"

"Yeah, let's see, Jeff. Lemme see you lickin' it! Fuck, if I'd known, I would have included myself in this deal."

"Aaaah!" Mark was loving it. He couldn't help rotating his butt a little as the tickling, wiggling tongue explored him back there. A tremor of illicit lustiness shot through him, realizing that Jeff wasn't just simply performing this unorthodox act to pleasure him, but was experiencing even more personal excitement from licking his asshole clean! He was, you know. And he knew it before he even started. He was licking his asshole clean. Smell-ing his crack. Lapping up his reeking, humid sweat and...and shit. He knows it. Dude licks assholes like he does, knows all that stink don't come from sweat. Knows damned well a lot of it's from the shit he took this morning. No doubt. Bet he'd even admit it if I asked him. Bet he would. Jeez! That tongue's jabbing in!

Jeff was wrenching his anus apart, teasing the stinky gash lips and tentatively poking inside with little lizard stabs. It was a treatment that never failed to elicit begging from virgins. Especially straight guys that instinctively knew they might never feel a tongue up their ass ever again without turning queer. He wanted Mark to beg. Not to humiliate make him open up and let loose. He slowly slid his tongue in a couple of inches, then suddenly snapped it out with a loud, lascivious noise. Mark gasped and shuddered.

"Oh, wow! That was...mmmmm. Feels so good. You're tasting shit. And you don't even care. Sonofabitch!"

Ray chuckled. Jeff slurped up the spit he'd accumulated in the pit and pulled off, a bit surprised. Almost every straight guy getting a rimjob for the first time elected to totally ignore voicing the obvious fact. But Mark gushed his amazement. Jeff couldn't resist that, getting off on the truth.

"And loving every luscious lick, man! Don't turn off about it, guy. You're not filthy back here. Just slick and greasy enough to taste leftovers. Yeah. We both know you took a shit today, don't we? That's alright. Even a neat guy leaves a tad asslickers like me can find. Sweet 'n spicy, that's what it is. Open up and let me in. Totally relax and let me lick out your creamy shithole!"

"S-sure, Jeff! If you like it...go ahead. LICK IT RIGHT OUT!"

Jeff plunged into the musky pit that had suddenly loosened up. The loud slurpings were incredibly vulgar-sounding in that tight space. He'd lap furiously up and down the crack, then plunge in again. His strokes expanded until he'd included licking along the back of Mark's heavy, hanging balls.

"H-hey, um..." he started to protest, "ah, never mind. Lick my balls, too. It's o-okay. That's incredible!"

"Whew! I can almost feel it myself, Mark," Ray gushed. "I know how his tongue can probe in there. Fuckin' lick out a guy's rectum like he might never shit again and he's going for that last taste!"

"Mind if Ray gets a taste of this, Mark? I know he'd like to."

"Uh, okay by me. Sure."

"Aw, thanks man!" Ray scooted over as Jeff moved slightly away, catching his breath. "Yeah, I'll suck this big pooch... suck this hot asshole!" He attacked the mushy hole with a vengeance!

"AWWW, FUCK! You guys sure do know how to suck a guy out!"

Ray and Jeff traded off tongue-fucking the guy until his anus was so open they could just snap their lickers in and out.

"Mmmmm, damn you taste good, Mark!" Jeff gushed, his mouth wet.

"Yeah? You still taste my shit?"

"We can when we run our tongues around the inside of your hot rim!" Ray said. "Bet you had some sweet poopy when you were about 13!"

"Gawd! You guys lick little boy's buttholes, too?"

"No. I just remember doing it to them when I was 13!"

"AH, SHIT!" he cried, quickly turning onto his back, pounding his big piece of meat--unashamedly rolling his balls around in his other hand and driving a finger up his gaping hole. "Well? You cocksuckers gonna just kneel there jacking off? This big prick's gonna blow a huge wad any second!"

Not waiting for another invitation, they dove at it from both sides! They wildly slurped up and down the sides of the shaft while Mark squeezed the base, holding it straight up for them.

"Uhhhhh uhhhhh uhhhh uhhhh," he moaned, shaking all over while obviously trying to hold back the explosion. He strained to keep his head up--watching them lick. Then just as their lips reached his bloated, purplish knob he cried out in agony seeing his prick squirt gush after gush of thick, creamy sperm all over their faces, lips and tongues! His whole body jerked in pleasure seeing the two hungry fags slopping up his warm goop!

He layed back, gasping, and watched them spin into a 69 and give each other tremen-dous blowjobs! He even reached down in hopes that his prick would get hard again when he saw how they expertly took the big loads and gulped it all down without losing a drop!

Stepping out of the back of the van with big grins--trying to act casual--they prepared to say their goodbyes and separate. Just then, two giggling boys about 14 stepped away from the side of the van and pointed at them, laughing.

"Hey! You two fuckers been sneaking around?" Jeff accused.

"You kidding?" one snorted. "Every shopper walking by knew there were queers in there licking assholes! Who coulda missed it?"

"Jeez!" Mark blushed, looking around.

"Well," Ray shrugged, "why'd you squirts hang around? Hop in the back and drop your drawers...or take a hike!"

"Ha! Forget it, mister. I ain't lettin' no fags lick MY butt! Come on, Rudy!"

"Uh...yeah, let's go," he agreed, somewhat reluctantly. His eyes said he wouldn't mind lettin' a fag lick HIS stinky butthole!

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