
By Neaux Name

Published on Jan 13, 2021


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The following is fiction. Any resemblance to real people, places or events is coincidental. ***********************************************************************

I had finally landed what seemed like a very rewarding job. I had done some labor jobs and customer service, but I was looking for something that would be more rewarding. Using my college degree as my primary qualification, I applied for a job with the Department of Corrections. The position was titled "Inmate Transition Coordinator".

Basically, when a state inmate would be released, their parole officer would require them to meet with me to begin seeking full-time employment, high school equivalency diplomas, etc. I had always had a heart for people who had gone through hard times and the idea of helping them re-establish themselves seemed like the ideal job for me. I would travel all over the state and meet the inmates at a hotel room, or a restaurant, close to where they lived.

I was also excited because I would only be assigned male parolees. I had always been attracted to very masculine, straight men who were a little "rough around the edges". I didn't really think I'd get to do anything sexual with them, but at least I was looking forward to some great eye candy.

The day before my first assignment, I received an email instructing me to go to Hattiesburg, MS. The hotel confirmation was there along with the names and contact numbers of the parolees I would be meeting with over the next couple of days.

At 8am that Tuesday morning, there was a knock on my hotel room door. I had set up the hotel's desk in the middle of the room with a chair for the guys to sit in, so we could talk in a somewhat professional manner.

I had arranged for Justin B. to be my first meeting of the day. When I opened the door, a man standing about 6'3", 190 lbs, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes was standing there. He had on a tight fitting pair of Wrangler jeans and a cutoff denim shirt that showed off his well defined biceps that were covered with tattoos.

As I looked through the file, I saw that he did not have his GED, so I made a phone call and set him up for his GED classes. He also did not have a Drivers License since he had been in prison for 8 1/2 years. I made arrangements for him to go to the local DMV to get that taken care of. I told him that should be enough to keep him busy until we could meet the next day to start looking at prospective employers and I set him up for 8am the next day as well.

While we were wrapping up the meeting, I asked him if he had any questions.

"Actually, I do have one question, but I don't want to sound stupid", he said. I told him that we could discuss anything in these sessions, and the only things that would be reported to anyone would be the matters that directly pertained to his parole.

"In that case, I was wondering if it would be okay for me to go out to a club a couple of nights per week," he asked. "Unfortunately according to the terms of your parole, you are not allowed to enter establishments whose sole purpose is the sale of intoxicating beverages", I responded.

"I figured so", he said. "But I haven't had sex in almost nine years. I figured that would be a good place to meet a chick" he confessed.

At that moment, i could feel a stirring in my crotch. This incredibly gorgeous tatted man was confessing to me that he was horny. "Look Mr. Evans", he said. "I only jacked off occasionally in prison. I haven't even had a blow job or anything. I really need to feel a mouth, or a pussy, or something on my cock"

I decided to try my luck and hopefully not lose my job.

" know I told you that things that happen in this room stay between you and me, right?" I reminded him. "Yeah....what does that have to do with this?" he asked.

"Well, I think I can help you out with this problem you are having", I said. "Okayyyyy..." he said hesitantly. "How can you help me", he asked. I responded, "Justin, when you came in this room today, I could smell marijuana on you. If I reported that you have been smoking marijuana you could possibly have your parole revoked" I reminded him.

"So, we both have a problem", I stated. "You need something done about you being horny, and I need a reason to not report you for smoking pot."

"Mr. Evans", he said. "I can't go back to prison. They would make me do 5 more years. Whatever it is you are talking about, I'll do it", he begged.

Looking straight into his piercing blue eyes I said "Justin, if you let ME suck your cock at each of our meetings, I will put my own urine in the cup for the mandatory drug test", I offered. "It's up to you..." and before I could say anything else he said "Let's do it!"

I motioned for him to come around to my side of the desk.

"Justin, my only other requirement is I want you to be completely naked while I do this" I said.

He slid his button down denim shirt over his head without unbuttoning it. He had obviously spent lots of time out in the sun. He had probably been working in the fields of the Mississippi Delta. His skin was tanned a beautiful bronze color. Both nipples were a shade darker, and his abs were incredibly well defined. Light blonde hair covered his forearms, and I could see dark brown hair in his underarms.

Then he unbuttoned his blue jeans and began unzipping the zipper. He kicked his boots off, and slid the jeans off of his legs. He was wearing a pair of brignt yellow boxer briefs with a bright blue trim. As impressive as his upper body was, his legs were incredibly well defined, and they had just the right amount of light brown hair on them. As he reached for the waistband of his underwear, I asked if I could take over. He hald his hands up and nodded his head yes.

I could see that he had a beautiful bulge under those briefs. As I placed my thumbs in the waistband, I began pulling them down. He had a beautiful treasure trail headed down his abs, and it ended at a well trimmed bush of the same light brown hair.

As I pulled them down further, I began to see his shaft. If was clearly beginning to thicken as I continued pulling off his underwear. As I fully exposed his partially erect cock, I was taken aback by how perfect it looked. It appeared, in that state, to be about 7 inches long,and it was nice and thick.....And, it was still growing!

As I leaned closer to his groin, I stuck my tongue out and slowly licked from the end of his shaft up to the head of his dick and back down again. I did that over and over, and in less than a minute, his cock was fully erect at about 8 full inches.

As I licked down to his head again, I began circling my tongue around the head of his cock. He moaned his approval and I noticed a drop of precum form at his slit which I leaned forward and tasted.

I couldn't wait any longer and I place my mouth over the head of his cock. I began applying suction as my tongue made circles around his dick. I then took more and more of his cock in my mouth until I finally had my nose right in his bush. Then I began working back and forth and up and down slowly sucking his cock while his precum oozed into my eager mouth.

After a few minutes, I noticed he began rocking his hips back and forth. I then let him take control and he began fucking my mouth. As I looked up at him, I could see his eyes were closed and he was throughly enjoying himself.

His thrusts became stronger and his breathing became somewhat irregular. He was moaning and telling me to "Suck My Thug Cock". I then opened my throat up and allowed him to fully enter my mouth. That sent him over the edge and he told me, "take my load in your mouth". He then began shooting about 6 or 7 huge ropes of cum into my mouth. There was so much cum that I wasn't sure my mouth would hold it all, but I managed to swallow every bit of it. As his breathing regulated and he was beginning to go soft, I continued to milk his cock until I made sure I got every drop of cum.

Without saying a word, he began getting dressed. Once he was fully dressed I reminded him about the GED program and going to the DMV. He then thanked me and said "Is there any way I can come back at 8:00 tomorrow morning?" I said "I'll put you on the schedule right now."

As he walked out of the door, I glanced at the clock. It was 9:58am. My next session was at 10:00. I couldn't believe I had cut it that close.

As I glanced out of the window of the hotel, I saw Justin talking to a guy who had just parked his car. As they were talking, Justin pointed toward the door of my room, and started walking to his car. I noticed him saying something, and the other guy turned around. Justin walked up to him and whispered something to him. The second guy looked toward my room and gave Justin a high five.

It was time for my next session to begin.

Next: Chapter 2

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