Party at the Met

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jul 17, 2022



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-------------------------------------------------------------------- "Party at the Met" Starring Maluma and Shawn Mendes --------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note: This story is set in September 2021 at the Met Gala in New York City.


"Shawn, man, looking good!" Shawn Mendes turned to find Maluma walking up to greet him. His hand was quickly taken hold of by both of the Colombian singer's hands and pumped in a friendly handshake, which turned into a big hug. He grinned, unable to resist the positive attitude that the other man constantly radiated.

"Thanks! I wasn't sure about...this." His hand waved down his body, clad in only a leather jacket and pants. He felt a little exposed without a shirt.

"You weren't sure about what?" Maluma's eyes darted down and back up, taking in the Canadian's look.

"The whole no-shirt thing. Hell, Camilla's suggestion was to ditch the jacket out there." He thumbed over his shoulder, back towards the entrance and the red carpet walkway outside. He felt more comfortable now that he was indoors and away from the prying eyes of the media.

"Camilla has good taste." A wink and a grin, putting Shawn at ease...and sending a little tingle down his spine as well. He shook off the thoughts creeping into his mind, having seen Maluma in action. Maluma was always ready with a compliment and a smile...not in an annoying way, but it gave Shawn pause before thinking the other man might be flirting.

Chuckling, he agreed. "She does...and it's all I would have seen online for the next month or so."

"Ha! You're not wrong! But..." Maluma winked again, his voice settling into a quieter tone. "...sometimes it's nice to give them what they want." The two men enjoyed a laugh together as they made their way over to the bar.

"Oh - thanks for putting me in touch with Kors. You're right, he had some great ideas. I really do like this." Shawn glanced down again. As his eyes rose up, he found Maluma's eyes raking over his body...but again shrugged it off, since they were talking about his outfit.

"You're welcome." A hand clapped Shawn's shoulder appreciatively and then Maluma was leaning back against the bar. "Love his work."


"Donatella. Now that is someone you need to get to know." He watched as Shawn's eyebrow rose up with a silent question. "One, she knows her clothes."

"I see that." Maluma smirked as he watched Shawn's eyes travel down his body, taking in the red leather jacket gold shirt, and red leather pants. Those Not so slow that they lingered...but not so fast that it was just checking out the clothing. The dark brown eyes rose back up to meet Maluma's own. "And two?"

"Ah...two, the woman knows how to paaaarty." Shawn couldn't help but grin at the sexy way that Maluma stretched out the "a" sound before rolling it into a "r", the last syllable almost coming out like a purr. Again, that little tingle went down his back, imagining what else the man could do with his mouth.

"Ha - will keep that in mind. Let me find Camilla...but let's hang out tonight."

"Sure thing." A brief hug and Shawn was heading off. Maluma watched as he walked away, grinning hungrily as he made a mental note to tell Michael Kors thank-you for making some very nice choices with Shawn's ensemble.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Seriously, I'm jealous." Shawn tipped his drink towards Maluma before taking another sip.

"Of what - the blonde hair? You could try it." Maluma watched as Shawn tilted his head back and laughed, enjoying the way his Adam's apple bobbed up and down, picturing the sexy throat working on something else.

"Yeah, probably not." Shawn shook his head, curly locks of hair bouncing against his forehead. "The shirt. Should have thought of something like that. You just look...comfortable." Shawn blinked, catching himself before the word 'sexy' had popped out. He'd joined Maluma's table to enjoy the party - at the moment they were heading back to the bar for another round. The Latin singer had his mouth watering - he'd removed the jacket, revealing his toned and tattooed biceps which were left uncovered by the sleeveless gold shirt he was wearing.

"Yeah, the jacket was getting a little hot. Needed to let the boys breathe."

With a cocky grin, Maluma flexed his arm, putting on a little show.

"Is that what you call the tattoos?"

"Huh?, these boys, baby." Sticking out his tongue, Maluma flexed again, making sure that his pec muscles popped this time as well. He noted how Shawn's eyes were drawn down, unable to resist the sight of his arms or chest. "But the tattoos too." Winking, he patted his arm.

"They look good, man. I don't think I could pull off the look though."

"Sure you could. We could put some Canadian animals here, like a moose or something." He pressed his fingers against Shawn's shoulder. "Put some mountains going down your arm..." The tips of his fingers tapped down Shawn's arm. "Maybe a big maple leaf here." His fingers pressed down again, this time against Shawn's exposed chest. "Put some syrup dripping down." A finger trailed down, just barely grazing the perky looking nipple. "No?" The question just brought more laughter out of his new friend, causing his grin to grow even wider.

"Yeah, going to pass on that one." Glancing over, he saw that there were just a few more people in line as they made their way up to the bartender. "But I'd still go for a shirt. Even something thin or sheer so it's kinda see-through, but then I could take this off. It's getting warm." He plucked at the elbow of the jacket, feeling a drop of sweat roll down his back.

"Well, you could take it off. Media is outside."

"And lots of phones with cameras inside. You and Camilla..." Shawn winked, knocking back the last of his drink.

"Me and Camilla...?" The bleached blonde head tilted, confused.

"She's made the same suggestion a couple of times."

"Well, she has a good eye." There was that sexy wink again, throwing Shawn off.

"I just..." The words trailed off. Looking over, he found Maluma with one eyebrow raised, waiting. "I just enough. Without the jacket, it'd be even more. And the pants don't help."

"What's wrong with the pants?" Looking down, Maluma enjoyed having an excuse to stare down Shawn's body again.

"Oh, nothing - they're great. They just hang really low, even with two belts!" Both men let out a chuckle, with just the slightest hint of tension. "You were smart, getting something with a higher waist." He pointed at Maluma's red leather pants, which had a bejeweled edging on the seams and the fly, his crotch catching and reflecting the light.

"Yeah, but there's always a trade-off." He looked up, making sure he had Shawn's attention. "They cover more up here..." He lifted the bottom of his shirt, showing off his abs. "...but a high waist kinda tightens up around here." His hand was flat, sawing in the air in front of his crotch. He watched as Shawn's eyes were fixed on that area, the tip of his tongue just barely peeking out to slightly lick his lips. The corner of Maluma's mouth curled up. "I mean, the media is going to have a field day with you anyway."

"What do you mean?" Reaching the bar, Shawn took Maluma's glass and set both down on the counter, asking the bartender for another round.

"Well, Michael knew what he was doing. No shirt...low-hanging pants...these..." Fingers trailed along the long cord that hung from Shawn's neck. " draws the eye."

"It.." The slightest pause as Shawn swallowed. "...does?"

"Oh, for sure." His digit reaching the end of the cord and its beads, Maluma let his finger shift to the right and forward, tapping right above Shawn's navel. "It's all designed..." His fingertip grazed ever so lightly down along Shawn's happy trail, pulling away right before he reached the waistband of the black suede-leather pants. "...the draw the eye." He noticed that Shawn swallowed harder this time. Looking up, he held Shawn's gaze.

"That's, good point." Shawn looked down at his stomach, as if he was confirming what the other man had said.


"So why didn't you go shirtless?" A nervous grin stretched his mouth as Shawn pivoted the attention away from himself. The grin grew less nervous as Maluma let out a friendly laugh.

"Didn't want to compete for attention. Besides...sometimes it's good to leave things up to the imagination." Winking, he handed Shawn a glass.

~ ~ ~ ~

Back at the table, the group found themselves deep in a conversation, comparing interview stories. Who had the strangest question, the funniest question...and now going around with tales about the cutest question. Realizing that everyone's attention was elsewhere, Maluma decided to push the envelope a little and see what kind of possibilities the night might have. His toe worked at his boot, slowly kicking it off and freeing his right foot, which he began sliding forward. Waiting for the current storyteller to reach her punchline, as the table erupted into laughter, Maluma flexed his leg, raising it and bringing his foot to the front edge of the chair immediately across from him. A moment later, his toes made contact with their target - Shawn's crotch.

He watched as the sexy Canadian's jaw tensed for a second, the eyebrow twitching with a slight bit of confusion. Turning, Shawn's gaze became locked with Maluma's, holding still as if he were hypnotized as the toes flexed, caressing his bulge.

Maluma saw Shawn swallow again...and felt the soft mound under his toes begin to harden as the tip of Shawn's tongue darted out and wet his lip nervously. Emboldened by the lack of negative response, Maluma curled his toes and began stroking the front of Shawn's crotch, enjoying the soft feel of the suede leather. The lump became larger and more stiff as Shawn began lightly chewing on his lower lip.

Glancing around, Shawn realized that everyone was too engrossed in the conversation to notice anything. With his gaze still being held by Maluma's dark brown eyes, Shawn subtly rose one eyebrow and slowly spread his legs. He saw Maluma's grin grow every so slightly in response, feeling the toes begin to stroke at his leather-clad manhood with more determination.

Movement caught Shawn's eye. Looking down, he found Maluma's finger slowly sliding back and forth along the tablecloth, matching the motions of his foot underneath the table. He continued watching as the finger slowly made its way over to a napkin holder, sliding into the ring and then out, and then in again. Swallowing, he looked up and found Maluma intensely staring into his eyes as he continued fingering the napkin ring, one eyebrow raising as he silently asked a question across the few feet separating them.

Shawn answered by shifting his hips, pushing his crotch forward and backward...and then again, gently humping against the other man's foot. Biting his lip again, his eyes darted nervously around the table...and found that everyone was oblivious, wrapped up in listening to someone as they told another funny interview story.

The screen of Shawn's phone lit up as he received a message.

Seeing Maluma's name, he quickly tapped the notification, thankful that they'd already exchanged contact info. A text message came up, with an address for a hotel nearby. Another message came through, this time just a 3-digit number that he figured must be a hotel room. Pressing down on the message bubble, Shawn tapped the thumbs-up icon and then locked the phone in case anyone might look over. Another message - this time reading "wait 10, then go." Without looking up, he nodded very slightly...but it was enough to be noticed by the man across the table, who withdrew his foot.

A quick round of good-byes and Maluma was gone, leaving Shawn with a hard-on that was starting to finally go down despite his heart racing. Whispering to Camilla, they made plans to meet up in the morning.

"I want all the details." She grinned eagerly as she stroked her fingers through Shawn's curls.

~ ~ ~ ~

Lips pressing hard against lips, a tongue sliding into his mouth, Shawn let out a little moan...and it grew louder as strong hands squeezed his ass. They slid upward, taking hold of his jacket and peeling it off, dropping it onto a chair as the pair shuffled their way across the hotel suite, making their way towards the bedroom.

Breaking the kiss, Maluma licked his lower lips, eyes flashing eagerly. "Looks like you finally took off that damn jacket." Chuckling, he dove in for another kiss.

Maluma's eyes raked down Shawn Mendes' body, taking in the sight of the bare upper body and leather-clad pants. Shawn's slim toned chest was rising and falling with eager anticipation, covered in a light dusting of chest hair. A flat smooth stomach lay below, with a faint treasure trail that disappeared into the low-hanging pants...and below that, a bulge that was begging to be unwrapped.

"Too many fucking belts, man." Maluma growled with a grin as he undid the straps around Shawn's waist, undoing the fastening of his new friend's pants before yanking them down, leaving them to fall to the ground around Shawn's ankles. Ripping his lips away from Shawn's neck, he gazed at the hot twunk before him, left standing in nothing more than a pair of black Calvin Klein trunks and a silver dice necklace...and then pushed him onto the bed.

Shawn moaned as the bearded mouth tickled and licked up the insides his thighs, teasing his cloth-encased cock, and continued up his torso until those lips were on his again. He slid his hands up, peeling the gold shirt away and throwing it off to the side. His fingers worked furiously to undo the red leather pants and push them away, pulling down on Maluma's bare ass, feeling a hard cock push against his own. Taking it in his hand, he felt it throb against his palm, heat radiating from the rod of manflesh...and he let out a sound that was half-whimper and half-moan...and 100% horny.

"Yeah baby, you want that?" Shawn nodded, his forehead rubbing against the side of the other man's face. "Yeah...tell Maluma where you want that verga."

"Everywhere." The words came out hot and heavy, Shawn's breath rolling across Maluma's neck. "My mouth. Fuck, my throat, actually. My ass." He grinned as he spoke - the Colombian referring to himself in the third-person was both cheesy and hot at the same time. Naked and hard, 'hot' was winning out in Shawn's mind.

"Yeah, man. You're my little tragaleche, eh?" The Latin singer kicked off his pants and crawled forward, his knees straddling either side of Shawn's arms. "Little joto..." Gripping his cock by the base, he smacked it against the Canadian's chin, watching as the younger man angled and turned his head, trying to catch the meat with his lips. "That's it, puto...get that polla." Grabbing the top of Shawn's head, Maluma pushed his hips forward, sliding his cock into the hungry mouth, watching as Shawn closed his eyes, moaned, and began sucking away eagerly. "Yes baby...that's it, get what you've been craving all night."

Maluma watched as Shawn bobbed his head, slurping at the couple inches of hard dick that he could reach, both of them letting soft moans of pleasure roll out of their throats. Suddenly, Maluma patted Shawn on the head and shifted his body, climbing off of the bed and heading to his suitcase. "Have something you might like." Winking, he reached down.

Rummaging through the bag, he pulled out a short strip of leather with a silver and gold buckle - one that looked similar in style to the buckles on Shawn's belt. Mendes raised an eyebrow as Maluma sauntered back over to the bed, his fingertips trailing along the slim body.

"A collar?" He watched as Maluma said nothing but responded with just another wink and a grin, letting the black leather collar hang in the air from his other hand. A wicked gleam shone in Shawn's eyes. "Well, damn daddy."

"Matches your belt. Well, belts."

Shawn glanced over at his discard pants and then back at Maluma, confused. "Wait, Michael...?"

"Kors doesn't know about this, no. But he and I are good friends and he shared what he was cooking up for you. Was pretty excited. Have to say, the thought of you in leather...I got pretty excited too." Another wink, coupled with a motion down below as Maluma's cock bobbed up and down in the air. Shawn watched as a shiny drop of precum dropped down to the ground, his mouth watering at the sight of the other man's juices. "Want it?"

"Hell yeah!" Shawn lay there, resting his weight on his elbows, grinning ear to ear. When Maluma patted the edge of the bed, he flipped over and crawled across the bed on his hands and knees until he was at the edge of the mattress, looking up and waiting.

Maluma reached down and stroked the firm jawline. "You want this collar?"

"Yes." Shawn felt fingers tug at his hair, tilting his face up to see Maluma with an eyebrow raised and head tilted, waiting. "Oh. Yes sir." Shawn's grin got even wider as he got into playing the role play. When a finger reached his lips, he opened them just wide enough to let it slide in and he began sucking on it, doing his best to give a preview of what he had in mind for the 7 inches of meat that were tantalizing close.

"I've been wanting to fuck you the entire evening, since you walked into the party showing off that hot little body of yours." He felt Shawn moan around his finger. "You're mine until morning - going to fuck you all night." The moan intensified. "Yeah, you like that, don't you baby?" He watched as Shawn nodded, eyes wide and his mouth clenched around the digit still sliding back and forth between his lips. "But first, this..." His other hand grazed along the length of Shawn's neck, curling underneath to feel his throat. "If you can get all of this..." The hand withdrew so that he could grip his manhood. "...down your throat, you can have this." He waved the collar in the air. Setting it down on the bed, he stepped forward and used his thumb to guide Shawn's mouth open, resting the head of his cock at those sexy lips.

He watched as Shawn's mouth wrapped around the end of his pole and slid down, taking half of his length in one gulp, stopping when Maluma's cockhead was lodged at the back of Shawn's mouth.

Reaching around, Shawn grabbed Maluma's ass - keeping his eyes locked on the other man's, he tilted his head and pulled with his hands, causing the rest of the seven inches to disappear. Maluma felt the end of his rod slide into the tight ring of Shawn's throat, hugging his shaft, letting out a deep growl. "Daaaaaaaaaamn. Someone's hungry." He let Shawn bob up and down his length a few times before pinning Mendes' head in place, his face rested in Maluma's close-cropped pubes, the big balls mashed up against his chin. The collar reappeared, draped over the back of Shawn's neck and then buckled, the leather cool against the heat of his skin. Taking hold of the strap, Maluma pulled Shawn's head back...and then pulled him forward again, using it as a grip to face fuck the twunk.

After a few minutes of riding the tight throat, he was curious to see what Shawn could do with that mouth. Pulling out, he went back to the suitcase and retrieved a gold and silver leash, attaching it to the buckle on the collar. Climbing up onto the bed, Maluma made his way towards the headboard, turning over and stretching out comfortably with his legs spread. A light tug on the collar summoned Shawn closer, who dutifully crawled between the thick tanned thighs and inhaled the Latin meat one more time, furiously slurping up and down its length, eager to get his mouth flooded. Maluma used the leash to control Shawn's pace, occasionally pulling down so that his rod was lodged down the other man's throat until he needed air before letting go...and at other times pulling up and holding Shawn's face away from his cock, teasing him, only letting the tip graze his lips until Mendes was begging for it. Before long, he felt that wonderful tingling sensation in his balls. Resting his hands behind his head, he let Shawn go to work, showing off his talented mouth as he hungrily hoovered Maluma's pole. As he got closer to the edge, Maluma's broad tattooed chest rose and fell more quickly, his breathing getting heavy. He watched as Shawn pulled almost all the way off, his lips wrapped around the ridge of Maluma's cock head, fingers sliding up and down the shaft, stroking him past the point of no return. Gritting his teeth, Maluma growled again as his entire body went rigid, nutting onto Shawn's tongue. The other man's throat worked quickly, sucking down every drop, whimpering as his mouth was coated with the thick taste of Maluma's nectar. Even once the orgasm was finished, Shawn kept his lips in place, working to suckle out any remaining juices, his eyes glazed over with pleasure and lust. Placing his thumb at Shawn's forehead, Maluma pulled his hips back, his meat sliding out and landing with a heavy plop against his thigh. Taking hold of the leash again, he pulled, watching Shawn crawl up over his body until they were eye to eye again, leaning forward and latching his lips to Shawn, his tongue sliding inside again. His fingers slid under the waistband of those cute black trunks, getting a feel at last for Shawn's ass...already anticipating pounding it.

Once again, he flipped Shawn over, face down onto the bed. He slid down until he was between Shawn's legs. Tugging the leash again, he moved Shawn onto his hands and knees. Dropping the chain, he reached down and took hold of the black cotton fabric, both hands pulling outward, ripping a giant hole in the back and exposing Shawn's rear. The toned cheeks were covered in a light peach fuzz, a dusting of hair coating the crack of Shawn's ass.

Grinning and licking his lips, Maluma dove down, burying his face between the cheeks, hearing Shawn squeal in delight. He worked over Shawn's hole with his tongue, his fingers teasing the fuzzy low-hanging nuts, turned on by the whimpers and moans that Shawn kept letting out. When his tongue punched through Shawn's ring, the singer pushed his hips back, loudly groaning "Mooooooore....pleeeeeease"...and getting it. After about a half hour, Shawn was a quivering mess, badly needing to be fucked...and Maluma's cock had filled out again, hard and ready to help.

Rising up onto his knees, he slapped his dick against Shawn's hole. The slim toned ass rose up into the air as Shawn arched his back, letting out a small moan. "You want this?" He continued slapping his meat against the little knot of flesh that he was eager to spread open.

"Yes..." The last part of the word came out as a long hiss of anticipation as Shawn felt the thick cock head graze against his entrance. The leash jerked a little, getting his attention. "I mean, yes sir."

"Show me."

Shawn wiggled his butt, sticking it up in the air a little more. Turning to look over his shoulder, he was smiling ear to ear.

"No - really show me how much you want this." A hearty smack sound filled the hotel room as Maluma's dick smacked against Shawn's rear again. The leash pulled again, bringing Shawn's face down to the mattress.

Shawn licked his lips, thinking...and what came to mind was his buddy Nick Jonas, who could put on quite the little "fuck me like a slut" show. With his smile growing wider, Shawn arched his back as deep as he could, - at the same time, he moved his knees apart, spreading his legs wide. He flexed his ass, causing his hole to wink at the Latin stud behind him.

"I really want it, sir. Please Maluma, I need it. Fuck me. Fill me. I'm..." He spread his arms out on the mattress and gripped the sheets, somehow sticking his ass up even further. "I'm just a hole."

"Fuuuuuuuck, baby." Maluma licked his lips hungrily, blood boiling with lust at the horny bottom slut display Shawn was putting on for him.

Spitting onto his cock, he pressed the head up to Shawn's entrance and pushed inside, hearing the other man hiss with pleasure and pain as he was penetrated. Maluma rocked his hips, slowly working an inch or so of cock inside, continuing to spit down where his cock met Shawn's ring, easing the friction slightly. He pulled away, leaving Shawn waiting on the bed as he disappeared into the bedroom and came back, waving a bottle of lube in his hand. Slicking up his pole, he proceeded to sink his entire length in with one long slow thrust, watching as Shawn pushed back, helping to impale himself at last. Taking hold of the slim hips, he began pounding away, happy to finally be balls deep in the Canadian singer's ass.

Shawn egged him on, a constant string of "yes sir, more sir, god damn, fuck me baby, more, more, YES" rolling out of his mouth. The hungry bottom's voice got loud enough that Maluma began to worry about the next room complaining. Sliding his hands up Shawn's back, he placed his palm on the back of Shawn's head and pressed down, shoving his face into the padding of the mattress, muffling his cries of pleasure. Keeping the twunk pinned in place, he picked up the pace, drilling the tight little hole, feeling hips bucking back to meet his thrusts. The pair went at it faster and harder, skin slapping against skin. Shawn found himself suddenly flipped over again, now on his back with his legs held up in the air, Maluma's sweat drenched body slamming back inside Shawn's rear. The black CK briefs got shoved into Shawn's mouth, gagging the loud moans as he begged for more, for harder, for please fill his hole. He felt a hand on his shaft - a couple of tugs and he cried out again as he came all over his chest and stomach, his nuts aching from the intensity of his release. Looking up, he watched as Maluma let out a loud groan, his head thrown back and his chest heaving as he slammed forward one more time, his balls emptying their load, flooding Shawn's guts.

Maluma curled downward, his body covering Shawn's, the sticky mess between them coating their stomachs and chests as their lips wrestled against one another. Rolling over, Maluma turned Shawn as well so that the Latin stud was on his back with the Canadian crooner laying on top. A hand stroked up and down Shawn's back, eventually drifting downward between his ass cheeks, a finger disappearing as it probed the ravaged hole. Moaning lightly at the feeling of his insides being stroked, Shawn wiggled down a little, his lips and fingertips exploring the tattoos covering Maluma's chest and arms.

"You know, something else could use attention..." He looked up to find the Colombian hottie winking at him. Shawn reached down to take hold of the meat between Maluma's legs. "Not that, baby. It's had plenty of attention." Maluma slid his legs apart, Shawn's body dropping down between them. "Mmmm, yeah, right there." The dark brown eyes closed and the beard stretched with a smile as Maluma felt Shawn's fingers slide inside his rear.

"Right there?" Shawn found what he was looking for and curled his fingers, stroking the love nut buried inside.

"You up for fucking me, little puto?" His eyes still closed, Maluma heard the sound of a plastic cap opening and closing, followed by the wet sound of lube on skin. He felt the younger man moving around - opening his eyes, he found that Shawn had shifted forward, his face hovering right above.

A white tooth appeared, biting into a cute lower lip as Shawn rolled his hips forward, working a couple of inches inside, his grin growing as Maluma's sigh turned into a moan. "Yes...yes sir." He shook his head and chuckled, slipping back into the role play. "Going to fuck my man real good."

"That's it, bebe." Reaching down, Maluma took hold of Shawn's ass and yanked him forward, burying the rest of the nearly seven inches inside, closing his eyes and purring in delight. Hands guided Maluma's legs up, cradling them over Shawn's rear, the slim hips working into a gentle but firm tempo as Mendes explored Maluma's inner depths with his cock. "Tell me what you were thinking of at the party, mi hermoso angel." Maluma continued purring and groaning as Shawn's lips came down near his ear, that cute voice almost as low as a whisper as Mendes described all the dirty thoughts he'd had that evening, watching Maluma strut around the ball in his sexy red leather outfit. Words were punctuated with licks, kisses, and nibbles, each one driving Maluma a little crazier, until his calves were sliding up and down Shawn's rump - as much as he enjoyed the hard cock sliding in and out of his hole, he was becoming eager to feel Shawn paint his guts with this seed. Now it was his turn to arch his back and bite his lip, trying not to beg for a harder fucking. Instead, he moaned louder and louder as the pace of Shawn's hips picked up. A hand covered his mouth, muffling his cries of pleasure, Shawn muttering dirty little comments right into his ear.

"Tell me what you want...sir." Shawn laughed, a soft gentle sound rumbling against Maluma's ear, struggling to balance a cocky attitude with the submissive collar role.

"Fill me..." Strong fingers dug into Shawn's rear, pulling him in further, fuzzy balls slapping against Maluma's ass. ""

Shawn pushed himself up, his arms locked straight as if he were doing a plank. His curly brown locks of hair were clinging to his forehead, wet with sweat, as he furrowed his eyebrows and began plowing the other man, eager to give Maluma what he wanted as his own balls began to boil. Harder and faster, turned on by the writhing stud beneath him, ankles digging against the backs of his legs...and then he went over the edge, clenching his eyes shut, nostrils flaring as he groaned long and loud, his cock throbbing almost painfully as it began firing its release deep into Maluma's guts.

Suddenly, Shawn's manhood was gone, leaving Maluma feeling empty. Looking down, he caught sight of his own cock for a half second before it disappeared, swallowed down Shawn's throat. The lips bobbed up and down his pole, hungry muffled whimpers coming out of Shawn's throat as he worked fervently for another taste of Maluma's sweet juices. As much as he teased his friend Nick Jonas for being a bottom slut that craved getting bred, Shawn openly admitted that he was a hungry cock sucker, eager to swallow every drop until a man's balls were drained dry.

One hand massaged Maluma's thighs, the other roaming over the toned torso, mouth working up and down at lightning speed until he felt it stiffen even more and then begin throbbing in his mouth, the beautiful taste of cum coating his tongue and splashing against the back of his throat. Eyes locked onto Maluma, Shawn held his lips firm as he worked his throat, pulling at the spasming dick like it was a big thick straw of the tastiest dessert on earth.

Satiated, he crawled back up, his lips and nose nuzzling against Maluma's neck. "Shower...mister Maluma?"

"Mmmmm....too tired. First thing in the morning." Shawn found his body moved into a cuddling position on his side, his mouth stretching into a yawn to match the lion-like roar of sleep coming from his new (but exhausted) lover. "Besides..." Maluma's nostrils flared as he took a deep breath. "I'm going to sleep good smelling my little sweaty cum-covered joto cuddled up next to me."

"Mmm, yes sir." Shawn's words came out as a mumble as he fought to keep his eyes open. A long day of partying and hard sex took its toll, sending both men off into the land of slumber.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Yessss...." Shawn's head rolled back as he rode up and down, fingers digging into Maluma's chest as he rode the Colombian stallion. "You still owe me a load in my ass."

A gentle tug on the leash reminded him of his role. "Sorry. You still owe me a load in my ass...sir."

"You already got..."

"I know. One for breakfast." Shawn's eyebrows went up as he stuck his bottom lip out, pouting. "But you promised me another." The roar of laughter from below caused him to giggle...and then begin bucking his hips with zeal. He could still taste Maluma's nectar in his throat and was eager to get more in the other end.

While Shawn was riding Maluma's cock, his fingers trailed over the numerous tattoos, exploring them and asking about their meaning. Maluma grinned, providing the story of each work of ink. As Shawn made his way down the stud's left arm, Maluma reached over and picked up the phone, calling down to the front desk and ordering room service. With both men distracted by Shawn's ass working up and down Maluma's pole, neither one was really worried about what to eat, so he asked the guy at the front desk to just send up a variety...and because they were busy, for the server to just knock and let themselves in. Hearing the sounds of pleasure through the phone, the lobby clerk's voice had a knowing and amused tone, saying that he'd make sure that the guests were taken care of.

Soon after, a knock was heard at the door. Maluma reached up and gripped the collar, preventing Shawn from turning to see who was walking in. A handsome fellow pushed a cart over next to the bed. Glancing down at the name tag on the gentleman's chest, Maluma grinned and looked back up. "Good morning, Grayson."

"Good morning, Mister Maluma. How can I, you this morning?" His responding smile was wide and bright, remembering the service he'd provided the previous morning to this same room.

"My friend here is hungry."

"Yes sir. I can see that he's worked up quite the appetite." Grayson struggled to maintain his composure, watching Shawn continue to swing his hips up and down, eyes sparkling full of mischief. "What would Mr. Mendes like to eat?"

"A banana." Out of the corner of his eye, Grayson saw Maluma roll his eyes and then laugh.

"Yes sir, right away." Reaching over, the server plucked a banana off of the cart and peeled it, sliding it between Shawn's lips, watching as it was quickly devoured and swallowed.

A variety of fruits and pastries followed, providing much-needed fuel that both men needed after an evening and morning spent fucking each others' brains out. Shawn's toes curled as he recalled drilling Maluma's rear in the shower early that morning.

"Will that be all, sir?"


"Yes sir?" One eyebrow rose up, with both curiosity and humor.

"You forgot the creamy filling." Dark brown eyes darted down and back up, the corner of a bearded mouth curling up.

"Of course, sir." Grayson bent down, taking Shawn's meat in his mouth and began sucking away in earnest. Mendes bucked his hips, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through his dick and ass as he was worked over from both sides. Within a few minutes, he was shooting his load into the hotel employee's mouth, feeling the cute pair of lips work...but strangely, not swallowing. He watched with curiosity and then lust as Grayson held still until Shawn's balls were finished unloading...and then swung over, the server's lips meeting Maluma's as they opened, feeding the Latin sex machine Shawn's load. Their tongues wrestled in a sloppy kiss, jizz escaping and trickling into Maluma's beard.

With a growl, Maluma ended the kiss, rubbing Grayson's hair and then swatting him on the rear, sending the clerk on his way.

"Will Mr. Maluma be wanting breakfast tomorrow morning as well?"

"Oh hell yes, of course, Grayson. See you in the morning, stud." A wink sent the server on his way, the door closing with a click.

Reaching up, Maluma pulled Shawn down, kissing him while he pounded his hole from below.

"When's your flight home?"

"In like...two days." Shawn's words were punctuated with little moans.

"Stay here. With me. Until you leave." Hands squeezed Shawn's globes, causing those sexy eyes to flutter.

"Hell yeah."

"You'll stay?"

"Fuck yeah. I'm yours. Sir." A grin reminded both men that Shawn was still wearing the collar that Maluma had brought out the night before. "Actually..." Mischief lit up Shawn's eyes again. "...I might know a friend who would like to hang out too?" His eyebrow rose, silently asking a question.

"That'd be hot. Who?"

Without speaking, Shawn leaned over, taking care not to drop the dick from between his ass cheeks. Taking his phone, he quickly found what he was looking for and tapped the screen, the familiar sound of a video call initiating.

"It's early."

"Early bird gets the worm."

"Mmmm. Looks like you're getting something. Looks more like a trouser snake than a worm though." Both men laughed...until Shawn moaned again when Maluma rammed his hips up. "Damn dude, looks like you're getting that good dick."

"Oh yeah. Want in on this?"

"The dick...or your sweet little hole?"

"Ha! Both. And more."

"And more? Color me intrigued. Who's the lucky stud you're riding?'

Shawn glanced to Maluma, who nodded. Tapping the screen, Shawn switched to the rear camera, making sure that it was pointed down at his own cock, which was smacking up and down against the tattooed abs. He tilted the phone slowly upward, taking in the toned and tanned view of Maluma's body before revealing his face.

"Get the fuck out!"

"Nope, it's fucking in. All of it. In my ass."

"And your mouth, I bet, you little cum-hungry hoe."

"Want to come over?'

"Shiiiiit. Where?" The other man listened as Shawn revealed the name of the hotel. "Oh fuck, that's like...ten minutes away. I'll be right over."

"Oh - wait!" Shawn laughed as he turned the phone around. "You two haven't met yet."

Maluma laughed as he saw Lil Nas X's face on the phone. "Ten minutes?"

"Fuck that - I'll be there in like...five. Watch." Winking, Lil Nas X tapped the end-call button.

"You're going to like him. He's...mmmmmm. Very good. At a lot of things." Shawn and Maluma chuckled as their lips met again, Maluma's cock continuing to drill Shawn until they heard a knock at the door.

The End

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you.

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