Passen Through

Published on Mar 5, 1998



DAY ONE The Story Begins

I was just sitting there in my lonely room one night thinking about how I wished I was with someone. Here I am Mark Allan, 38, built like a brick shit house, horny as hell, hung like a bull moose, and divorced. Yeah, I'd done the usual peer pressure thing just out of college and married the sweetest girl you ever want to meet. We had formed a fun relationship that gradually become more intimate as time went on. More out of custom than anything else.

Our circle of friends liked to party as do most cliques in college, and on rare occasion, there would be more than one couple involved in some heavy petting. Her body was smooth as silk and warm to the touch. She was tight in all the right places and could get me started just by touching my skin anywhere under my clothes. But then, when I was in the gym, a couple of the guys could do the same thing while spotting for me. Do you have any idea what it's like lying on the press bench looking up at the crouch of a stud with muscles out to here and a basket to match? I was really confused about these mixed feelings. Brenda was turning me on on one hand, and some of the guys were doing the same thing to me on the other. I began to fantasize about being in the middle between a guy and his gal, smelling the odor of their love making and being made to submit to their every desire. I would go off on this for hours sometimes.

When I would snap out of my daydreams, I would spend some of my extra time working on my hobbies, weight lifting and restoring my vintage Mustang. I bought it while still in college. I worked hard to earn the money to purchase this dream machine, and guess I just sort of became more interested in the car and working out than in Brenda. Our relationship went down the tubes after the first year or so out of college. I wanted to experiment with a few kinky things and she wanted no part of it.

I had gotten my degree in law enforcement with an eye on becoming a top cop. I had always been drawn to the profession because the guys there seemed always to be in charge and I found this exciting. I entered the police academy in Kansas City right out of college. Talk about a busy time in your life. Just out of college, just married, career chasing and finding out about yourself all at the same time! Shit, what a world!

The academy was everything I had hoped it would be, discipline, structure, men everywhere. Sometimes when we were in the gym, I'd get the old fantasies again and really had a hard time suppressing them. I knew that if anyone had any idea of what I was thinking, I'd be bounced out on my butt in a flash. I like to do a lot of things with my butt, but that isn't one of them. When I'd go home, I'd try to get some satisfaction with Brenda, but always came away with a feeling of need. Poor Brenda, she would try, but just couldn't do what I needed done. I had a hard time satisfying her as well, so after ten years of marriage and no kids, we decided that maybe we should call it quits.

This is about the time that I really become interested in computers. I had done such a great job on the Mustang, and really liked to tinker in my off time that I decided to build myself the ultimate cyber surf machine. Some of the guys at the station were very knowledgeable about such things, so I spent a great deal of time picking their brains. I finally came up with this awesome contraption that could do just about anything ever expected of a computer. I taught myself how to use the net and the web, how to do graphics, on and on and on. I found several alternative life style boards that really caught my interest. Especially the bi-boards. The gay boards were a turn on too. The guys I met there were into all kinds of things that tended to feed my fantasies even more. Leather!!!!! What a revelation. I was fascinated by the concept. S&M. Wow! I was getting into something that was really occupying my fantasy play more and more. I met a guy I had been chatting with on the web and we got together a couple of times. He forced me to go down on him. He was definitely trying to be the master, and it worked for me, sort of. My first time with this kind of experience let me know that this was what I had been looking for all my life.

I was doing pretty well with my job, really making something of myself. Life was good, if lonely. How does a stud cop go out and tell someone that he wants to be tied up, beaten and made to do all sorts of kinky things? You don't, so I just contented myself with an occasional vanilla, and my computer.

Then one evening I received an answer to a profile I had placed on one of the gay boards. This guy sounded like he knew what he wanted. He said that he wasn't usually drawn to bi-men, but that I sounded interesting. We chatted back and forth for a couple of months, getting to know each other as much as you can on a computer. He had definitely peaked my interest. The stories he told me got me so hot that I wanted to explode. So it was with great anticipation that I invited him to visit the next time he was in my part of the country. And he said yes!

As the day of his visit drew closer, I found myself rushing around trying to make everything as perfect as I could. I washed and polished the Mustang, cleaned and re-cleaned the house. Worked out at the gym so that my body would be as tight as possible. I wanted to give myself to him as I had never done before.

When the day finally arrived, it was on a long holiday weekend and Harry was supposed to be here around 7:00pm. As the time came around, I grew more and more excited, but was determined to be cool. It was getting to be late and he hadn't called yet. I was beginning to think that this was just a hollow fantasy and was really becoming disappointed and let down when the phone rang. It was Harry. He apologized about being late, but his plane was stuck at the airport in LA because of bad weather and wouldn't be able to take off for another four to six hours.

I had never heard his voice before, and was amazed at the deep silkiness of it. Just the sound brought on thoughts of seduction. I was melting on the phone. He said that he had lots of time and would I mind talking for a while. He started to describe what he wanted to do with me when he arrived. He was going to touch me all over, explore every crevice, mound and curve of my body with his hands and tongue. Twist and pinch my tits until I begged him to stop. Play with my ass in ways I hadn't ever imagined, touching, rimming, hand balling. He asked me to close my eyes and imagine his touch. His breath against my skin, to feel myself all over and know that it was his hands doing it. Feel the length of my shaft, feel it enclosed in a hot, hungry mouth, sucking, swirling, penetrating. Before I knew it, he had me so hot that I was whipping it out and beating my cock until I shot all over myself. It's a good thing that I had just stripped to take a shower when he called. I had cum in my hair, on my chest and on the wall over my head. If this guy could do this over the phone, what in the name of Heaven was he going to be like in person?

When we were through, he asked me if I had any camping equipment and was there a place we could go to have total privacy. I said that I didn't have any, but would borrow some from a friend. I knew of a place on a lake where we could go and have privacy for a couple of days. He said great, pick up the camping equipment and some groceries and he would be here about noon the next day.

When I picked him up at the airport, I didn't recognize him at first. He wasn't as tall as I had pictured him, and I must outweigh him by at least thirty pounds. He was older than I had anticipated, but that seemed to make the experience even more interesting. Needless to say, I was a little surprised that this little man had such surprising qualities. He came toward me dressed in leather from head to toe. When he stuck out his hand to shake mine, I noticed that he was wearing a narrow wrist band made of leather with studs and snaps on it. I'd never seen anything like this, but from his appearance and the leather duffel bag he carried over his shoulder, I guessed I would find out before the holiday was over. As he squeezed my hand, the grip was very firm, but not overly so. It definitely had the feeling of authority, and I was getting to feel I really needed that from this man. He sized me up and said in a quiet but distinctive voice that he thought that I would do very nicely. What he meant by that I didn't know, but it was reassuring to know that someone was turned on my me.

As we went out to the car to get going on our camping trip, he found a couple of opportunities to grab my ass. It was almost like he hit me with a cattle prod. The electricity damned near knocked me off my feet. As we slid into the font seat, he reached over and placed his hand on my leg just below the crotch. As he let his hand rest there, I started to get the grand daddy of boners. He looked at me and with a firm squeeze said, "Save that thing for later, I have big plans for it." His look let me know that this would be an adventure I wouldn't soon forget!

Harry asked how far it was to the campsite and did I want a bite to eat before we got going. I said that I was a little hungry and suggested a little out of the way place I know of that was sort of a late night hangout for me when I was feeling down. The food was good, the price was right and best of all the cook was a knockout. When we arrived, the first thing I noticed was the easy way that Harry seemed to move. With the leather he was wearing, he reminded me of a panther on the prowl. This also caught the eye of Jeff, the cook. He nearly dropped his jaw when we walked in.

Delilah, the rough and ready waitress, told us to set anywhere we pleased so we positioned ourselves where Jeff could be observed. I was really getting my eyes full. With Harry on one side and Jeff on the other, I damned near had whiplash. Delilah must have noticed too 'cause she had an all knowing smile on her puss that as much as said she knew I had bitten off more than I could chew. Who knows, maybe she was right.

We ordered and Delilah brought the food and plopped it down in front of us with a wink and walked away. Harry said "What do they think we are, fieldhands?" The portions were a little larger than usual, but then I had noticed Jeff looking our way a lot. We made the usual small talk over dinner. I learned that Harry had been in middle management and had retired. He was just traveling to work off the frustration of a major change and had no particular destination in mind. I told him about the campsite I had picked out and I thought that we would have a great time. We were both nearly ready to hit the road.

After we finished our meal, Harry excused himself and headed for the men's room for a quick piss before we got back in the car. He seemed to be gone a long time for just taking a piss and I was getting a little concerned when he came around the corner with a shit eatin' grin on his face. He said that he had been waiting for a long time for that relief and was ready to get going.

As I lead the way to the car. Harry reached beneath my jacket from behind and touched my stomach. BLAMMMMM!!!! Electricity again. He has the habit of doing something unexpected and catches me off guard every time. I hate him for this teasing, but I can't wait for the next time.

We arrived at the campsite in the early evening and began to set things up. Luckily Harry had some experience at this sort of thing. I had never really taken the time to do much camping. Without much delay, camp was ready and we had time to relax. Harry asked if I liked to swim and I replied that that was a favorite pastime. So we stripped and headed for the lake.

As we glided into the water, I noticed that, for his age, Harry had one hell of a body. Mother Nature had evidently been a very good friend to him. He had said that he was in his late fifties, but you couldn't prove it by me. He went in first and waded out so that the water came up to his neck and said that it felt great as he watched me slip in. As I moved toward him, he slipped his arms around me grabbing my wrists and drawing them to my back. As he held me there with our bodies pressed together, he kissed me tenderly at first. Pulled back and looked into my eyes with a smile and than planted his mouth over mine with a force that really surprised me. He forced my mouth open and started to move his tongue in and out in a way I had never had done before. I had done a lot of kissing in my life, but this guy was driving me nuts with his mouth. He sucked my tongue into his mouth and nibbled on it ever so tenderly then went for my nose, eyes, chin, neck, ears and back to my mouth. His assault had completely undone me, I moaned and whimpered and shot load after load into the cool lake water.

As we began to return to the land of the normal, I reached down and touched his cock for the first time. It was not the biggest cock I had ever encountered, but it was certainly the most perfectly shaped and hardest I had ever had in my hand. He turned me around with my back to him and I could feel his prong tight against my ass cheeks. I began to move into him and he said that that was for later. For now, just relax and enjoy the moment. We stood there up to our necks leaning against a large boulder and watched the rest of the sunset fade from deep shades of amaryllis red to purple velvet to black satin with diamonds strewn at random. I had never had an experience like this. Beauty and the Beast and I was caught between them.

We finally got out of the lake, very wrinkled and very tired. When we reached camp, Harry took a large beach towel and began drying me off. I said that that was a strange thing for a master to be doing to a slave. He looked at me from his kneeling position and said "There are more things to a Master/Slave relationship than S&M". When he had finished, he tossed the towel down and told me to get a towel and do the same for him. I was his willing slave by this time and was ready to do whatever this man wanted of me. As I dried him off, I got a chance to touch him all over. My hands were having a field day exploring every curve and muscle of his body. Harry moaned softly as I caressed him which made me even more willing to do whatever he wanted. I wanted to please this man as I had never done to another. He pulled my head to his chest and indicated that he wanted my mouth to do the exploring. Oh, God, how can I contain myself. He is making me move slowly, and a want to eat every inch of him as though I were a starving animal.

I moved to his perfectly erect tits and swirled my tongue around and over them. As Harry moans and thrusts his tits into my mouth, I get the feeling that I am doing what this man wants without any choice. He has led me into a world of sensual delights that had never existed for me before. Here I was serving a man who was treating me with respect and tenderness, yet retaining the position of master and slave. This was too much for me to take in at one time, so I just concentrated on giving Harry the pleasure he craved and I wanted to give.

I moved down his body with my tongue and lips, kissing and licking every inch I could reach. By the time I came to his naval, I could feel my heart pounding like a Japanese festival drum. I wanted this sensation to continue for as long as possible, so I slowly moved around his waist to his back and started up one side to his neck and shoulders and slowly descended the other side until I finally reached his ass cheeks. By this time, he had taken complete control of my face and forced it into the crack of his ass. It didn't take long before I was eating him out like a kid with his first Banana Split. Every thrust of my tongue took me to the brink of a second cumming. It was all I could do to hold off. Harry told me that he wanted me to fly, to see me really get the most out of what I was doing, so I let go. I could feel the heat building in my lower stomach, the muscles tightening, my balls drawing up tight against my crouch, my cum building up like a pressure cooker on overload! When I was nearly at the brink of climax, Harry suddenly rolled over and flipped me end for end putting us in a sixty-nine position. He shoved his cock into my mouth and started pumping like a wild man. We both moaned, grunted and wailed like a couple of werewolves. Harry shot his cum down my throat in great threads of hot sticky juice that surprised me. It was the sweetest, muskiest, most wonderful taste I had ever had in my life. This sent me over the edge and I spilled my hot wad into Harry's even hotter throat. We both went into spasms of ecstasy and collapsed in a very satisfied heap, our sweaty bodies wrapped tightly together.

We must have dozed off for a while, because when we awoke, there was only the clear sounds of the night. We hadn't even taken time to build a fire. We got up and headed to the lake for a quick dip in the cool water to clean up and refresh ourselves. We got back to camp and dropped into bed with great relief. We had experienced a fantastic day and didn't want to loose any of the high we had gotten. We curled up together in the sleeping bag, Harry against my back with his arms around me. We drifted off into a very contented sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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