Passen Through

Published on Mar 5, 1998



DAY TWO The Surprise

I awoke just as the sun was beginning to peek over the hills. The sound of the early morning world coming alive was new and wonderful to me. In my job as a cop, I had been given the late evening shifts. I rarely got an evening off to indulge myself in life's pleasures, so consequently, I spent my early mornings asleep alone in my bed. This was great, waking up in the wild with a man by my side. As I very gently rolled over and raised up on one elbow, I looked into the face of probably the only man to trap my interest and make me feel like I really was important. I knew that this would probably be a one time thing, but I had to thank Harry for showing me that all my fantasies were possible. At this moment, there wasn't anything I wouldn't do for him. Even in his sleep, he had the appearance of authority.

I decided that since I wasn't much help setting up camp the evening before, I could at least get breakfast. Being on my own for the past couple of years, I had to learn to cook in order to survive. Eating out all the time gets boring, especially by yourself, and damned expensive to boot. I slipped out of the bed roll as quietly as I could so I wouldn't disturb Harry, slipped on my Jockeys and proceeded to start fixing some coffee. It felt great to be out in the woods, nothing on but your briefs and feeling the cool, fresh, clean air on my body. I almost got a woody from the freedom. After coffee was going pretty good, I got out the bacon and eggs and commenced fixin' breakfast in earnest.

"Isn't it amazing how much better food smells when you're out like this?", Harry said from behind as he reached his hand around my waist and kissed the back of my neck. This man must have majority shares in GE the way he keeps charging my batteries. As I turned around, he kissed me ever so gently and said, "Mornings should always start with a gentle hello."

He put on his briefs and sat down at the table with a cup of coffee and watched me finish preparing breakfast. He said that I would make some man very happy once my training was complete. Training - complete? The statement was a bit curious, but I decided to let it go for now. I was sure that I would find out the meaning sooner or later. I put the plate in front of Harry and he kissed me again and said thanks.

As we ate, we talked about what we wanted to do today, and decided that a hike around the lake and up to the waterfall would be great. When we finished eating, I cleaned up the mess while Harry got dressed. I wasn't sure what he would be wearing, but whatever it was, I was sure that it would be hot. I was right. He stepped out of the tent in a pair of work boots, skin tight shorts clear up to his crouch and a tank top. His legs were ropes of muscles and his chest and arms matched. He had the tan of a California surfer, but then that's where he lived. I envied the asshole for all the sun and sea at his disposal, and secretly hoped that maybe some of it would rub off. I quickly changed into shorts and hiking boots and a torn T-shirt. I wanted to find something that would tease him, and figured this might do it. When I came out of the tent, he looked at me with an approving eye and said that he wasn't sure how long I would stay in my clothes. I didn't answer, just smiled and headed for the trail around the lake.

We hiked for an hour or so before we came to the waterfall with it's deep clear pool that was a favorite swimming hole for those of us who knew about it. The rocks were great for sunning, it was rather secluded, so nude was the way to go. The sun was up pretty good by now and the air was warm and sweet so what better way to enjoy it than in the raw, sunning yourself on a big rock.

As we stripped down, I couldn't take my eyes off Harry's body. You would have sworn that he had taken ballet in his youth, because his movements were as balanced and fluid as any dancer I had ever seen. As he pulled off his clothes, he was doing it in such a way that it reminded me of a very good stripper I had once seen back in my college days. He was doing it as though he had a much bigger audience than just me. When he was done, he came over to me and began to remove my clothes very slowly, making sure that he touched me in all the right places. As he removed my torn T-shirt, he lingered at my nipples just a little. Swirling his index fingers around them until they stood at attention. When that was done, he started with my shorts ever so gently undoing the waist button, and pulling the zipper down. When he had them completely undone, he didn't let them drop, instead, he lowered them slowly, feeling my thighs, knees and calves on the way down then he allowed me to step out of them.

Needless to say, by this time I was as rigid as any of the tall trees surrounding the rocks where we were. He told me to lay down, that he had to go take care of something and would be right back. As I lay there, all sorts of things began running through my dirty little mind. What was it really going to be like when I finally got his hot dick up my ass. As I lay there thinking about this and almost ready to cum, I heard a commotion in the woods not far behind me. As I jumped up and turned around, I saw Harry with a kid coming my way. Harry had the kid's arms pinned behind him in such a way that the kid was nearly lifted off the ground. He was kicking wildly and trying to escape from Harry's grasp, but wasn't having any luck. As they approached, I could see that the kid had the fly of his jeans unzipped and his cock was hanging out in a nearly erect state and flopping in the sun. His shirt was unbuttoned showing an outstanding youthful physique, smooth and hairless with the abs chiseled deeply into his stomach.

"Look what I found in the woods spying on us. The little fucker was beating his meat while he was hiding in the woods watching us." The kid protested that he hadn't seen us until Harry grabbed him from behind. "Oh, yeah! Then how is it that you allowed me to sneak up on you. You were so busy watching Mark here that you didn't know what the hell was going on until I grabbed you." "Honest mister, I wasn't watchin' you, I just happened to be there and I got horny and decided to take care of it."

"Don't lie to me, you little cocksucker, I know a voyeur when I see one. I can't stand a liar. Now that you're here, let's see if we can help you find out what it's all about." Harry told me to finish taking off the kid's clothes and let's see what he was made of. This had me excited beyond belief. As I began to take the kid's clothes off his well formed young body, I could tell that he had to be at least 18, maybe even 20. I could feel his heart pounding, and his dick was getting harder so I knew that he was enjoying the hell out of this experience. As Harry held him firmly, I removed his boots and jeans and out popped the most gorgeous honey bun ass you have ever seen. By this time, his uncut cock was really reaching for the sky with little bits of honeydew drops glistening in the clear sunlight. He had to have at least 10 inches. I'd never seen a cock this big on a kid before.

Harry asked "What would you do with him if he were yours?" with a broad grin on his face. I asked him "Why, are you giving him to me?" "He's yours for now, I want to see what sort of use you can make of him." I turned to the kid who had a really strange look on his face. His mouth was open and his eyes were big as saucers. He was wriggling in Harry's grasp and begging to know what I was going to do. "Shut up, you little shit," I said to him as I moved in. "Harry, hold onto him tight, I don't want this little jewel to get away, not yet." Harry tightened his hold on the kid which made him cry out arching his back, thrusting his nipples almost into my mouth.

I stepped back just a couple of inches and looked him in the eye. "What's your name kid, and how old are you?" "My name's Brian, and I'm 19 Sir. Please don't hurt me!" "I have no intention of hurting you unless that's what you want." I reached out my right hand and began to touch his beautiful face, all peaches and cream, just like a Norse God. Running my fingers through his long dark blonde hair. I got a feeling of silk or spun gold. It was as soft as anything I had ever touched. I couldn't resist his full lips, slightly parted in anticipation, so I planted a lip lock on him that would have made a vacuum cleaner proud. I felt him go limp a little, guess he decided that this wasn't going to be too bad a deal after all.

Harry loosened his grip a little and Brian moved his left arm around my neck and started sucking back. For a youngster, he really knew what he was doing. He kiss was a long, hot, wet bit of paradise much like the one Harry had given me before. Did you know that there can be as much stimulation from a kiss, properly given, as there can be from actual sex? I don't know what this kid had been practicing on, but I wouldn't have minded sparring a couple rounds with him.

Harry took Brian's left arm from around my neck and pulled it around behind his back so that his hand was on Harry's cock. This caused Brian to moan a little to which I said, "Hang on kid, you'll have to earn that." I started down his body with my tongue, licking at first one nipple and than the other. Moving down to his navel and then his uncut cock. I licked the tip just a little and Brian jumped slightly, so I licked up under the foreskin a little more. He started to vibrate all over like some body had just given him an Eveready enema. At this, I slipped his huge cock all the way into my mouth and sucked as hard as I could. I wanted this monster as deep inside my throat as I could possible get it. Damned near lost my cookies on that one, but it really felt good. Brian started pumping his cock down my throat in a slow sensual motion. Then he asked if he could please have Harry's cock up his ass, he always wanted to have some guy fuck him as he was fucking some other guy. Harry looked over Brian's shoulder at me, and I nodded my approval. So Harry bent down and started eating out Brian's love hole. Brian was really grooving on this action. He put his hands on either side of my head and pumped into my mouth with a rotating motion that made his fuck stick touch every sensitive part of my throat.

Harry stood up and pressed his thick cockhead between Brian's honey bun ass cheeks. Brian immediately began gyrating and pressing back against Harry. As the length of Harry's cock began to penetrate Brian's sacred place, he really began to moan. Harry began to feel Brian up from the crotch to the nipples, swirling those beautiful upright nips between his thumbs and forefingers. Brian laid his head back on Harry's shoulder and really began to make animal noises. I started to fondle Brian's navel with the middle finger of my right hand as I tugged on his balls with my left. More animal noises! I could feel that Brian was getting close to shooting his load 'cause his nuts were really drawing up. Harry was beginning to make sounds like he was going to go over the top any second and was beginning to really lay it on to Brian's tits. Since Brian seemed to love a little pain, I felt that I would start pounding on his stomach. It was tight as a drum and the abs were in huge knots, so I let fly with my fist. POW! Brian groaned and locked his arms around Harry's butt cheeks. WHAM! Brian shouted "DO IT, DO IT, GOD DON'T STOP," KA-WHAM!!! I laid one on his gut as hard as I could and VAROOM!!, all hell broke loose.

Brian started screaming "I'M CUMMIN', I'M CUMMIN', AH GOD, I'M CUMMIN', HARDER MAN, HARDER, FUCK MY ASS, TWIST MY TITS, DON'T STOP!!!" At this, I started shooting cum all over the place and I could hear Harry going off like a volcano. He was pumping so hard and deep into Brian's ass that he was nearly lifting Brian off the ground and giving me whip lash. Three bull moose could not have made half the noise we were making. When we were all finished unloading our balls, we crumpled to the ground, panting and heaving in complete exhaustion.

As we came around little by little, we decided to go for a swim and wash off some of the love juice we had managed to get all over ourselves. With a little horse play thrown in, we were ready for a second session soon, but Harry called a halt to this scene real quick. "I have something special planned for us tonight, and I don't want anything to spoil it." Reluctantly, we pulled ourselves out of the pool and lay down on the warm rocks to dry out. Harry placed himself between Brian and myself to make sure that nothing happened. Nothing would have. Harry had said no, and I figured he was the Master, so it was my obligation to obey him. Besides if I ever expected to get that fucken' cock of his up my ass, I would do anything he said. Harry asked Brian where he was from and what was he doing out here. Was he alone?

"I'm from a little wide spot in the road you've probably never heard of called Oconto, Nebraska, it's about 22 miles south of Broken Bow. My father has a farm just out of town. When he found out that I was a fag - SLAP - Harry hit him across the face. "DON'T EVER LET ME HEAR YOU CALL YOURSELF A FAG AGAIN," Harry said in a very low, sort of growling tone. "You are a real man in every sense of the word, equal to any other man in the universe." "But you saw what I like to do," said Brian with tears in his eyes as he rubbed his cheek. "I've got news for you, kid," Harry said, "It takes one hell of a man to make love to another man the way you just did, so don't ever discount yourself as less of a man for it. You're more of a man than a lot of men I know, and don't you ever fucken' forget it, OK? Now go on with your story," Harry said.

"Anyway, my father had some of the other farm hands beat the shit out of me, said it would make a man out of me. The ol' man had always been a super macho son of a bitch, always bullying me and my brother around. But after the beating, I decided fuck it, I'm not staying around here and get the shit kicked out of me everyday, do I got all my stuff and got ready to leave. My father said fine, leave and don't come back, faggot. He didn't want a pussy for a son and not to show my fucken' face in Nebraska again or else. I didn't have the guts to tell him that his Forman had been fucken' me since I was 11 years old. I hated it, but was to scared to say anything, until I got older and found out that it was really what I wanted."

"I took my old van and hit the road, doing odd jobs here and there to make ends meet. I heard about this lake and waterfall from a trucker in Lincoln who passes through here once in a while. He said that I might be able to find a job in Kansas City, so I headed this way. I got here the other night, but until you guys showed up, I haven't seen a soul in three days. I figured that I'd hold up here for a couple more days until my food runs out and then move on."

Harry asked him if he would care to join us for awhile. He got a bright look on his face and said that if he wouldn't be in the way, he would really like that. Harry said that he would be delighted to have him and turned to me and asked if I would mind having Brian along. I said that I thought it would be fine. All the while thinking to myself that this little shit had had Harry's cock once, he'll not get it again until I've had some of it!

We put our clothes on and headed for Brian's van to gather up his stuff and move him over to our camp. He had managed to park within a hundred yards of the pool. What was interesting was weaving in and out of the rocks, boulders and trees to get back down to the road. I asked Brian why he had parked where he did and he said that he didn't want to be found. He was right. If he hadn't lead us to where he was camped, we would have never known he was there.

When we finally arrived at our camp, there was a strange pickup truck parked next to my Mustang. I was ready to go in kicken' butt. I figured that someone was robbing our camp. What a surprise when we got out of the van. There stood Jeff. God, what a sight. Wearing painted on jeans, a plaid flannel shirt tucked in and open to the waist and western boots and hat. I had never seen him in anything but his cooks whites, and then only behind the kitchen window. In full view, he as the answer to every fantasy I had ever had. He was a Tom of Finland double for sure. He had to be at least 6'8". Long blonde hair like spun flax. His shoulders were at least three feet wide, and his chest was fairly bustin' out of his shirt. Everything tapered down to a waist that couldn't have been more than 32 inches. Through his painted on jeans, I could see a basket that could easily choke a mule and his well muscled thighs and calves. And that Butt!!!! I nearly fainted. All Harry did was grin his shit eatin' grin I had seen before. "Hay, Jeff, glad to see you could make it," Harry said. "Thanks, I had a hard time convincing my mom to let have a couple days off. She can really be a slave driver sometimes."

I looked at Harry and then over at Jeff. The surprise on my face must have been very obvious 'cause they both said at the same time "Yeah, we know each other." As we all opened a soda and sat down, Harry began to explain the connection between him and Jeff.

"Jeff had been an apprentice slave of mine a couple of years ago, and we kept in touch after his training was complete. When I ran into you on the Internet, I contacted Jeff to see if he knew you. Sure enough he had seen you coming into the cafe on several occasions and staring a hole through him. He was interested in you as well, but under the watchful eye of Delilah, his mother, there wasn't much he could do about it."

"Yeah," Jeff said, "my mom is really an over protective bitch. She means well, but she smothers me too much. Actually I was with Harry here for over two years. I just couldn't get some of the training down." He and Harry began laughing their heads off. "He kept telling me that I was ready to go out into the world and be the Master of my own slave, and I didn't want to go out on my own just yet. Eventually, he convinced me that I should leave. I still wear the scars of your last lesson, ya' know!" "They make you all the more beautiful, my friend." They hugged each other for a long time and said how much they missed each other. Brian and I were beginning to get jealous at this buddy, buddy shit. When they broke off their greeting, Harry turned to us and said, "This is Nomad, he is one of my best students and the nearest to my heart. He is known only in our circles by this name. Tonight, my friends, you will be offered a gift that few men ever receive or are even aware of. Now, it is time that we had some dinner and rested a while. Mark, will you help Jeff prepare a feast befitting this evenings activities? Brian, will you help me prepare as well. We need to clean up our surroundings and form a Sacred Circle back in the forest."

As Harry and Brian left camp, Jeff and I got started with our "feast." When Jeff came up in his pickup, he had brought with him all the food we would need. We were going to have a feast of the earth, Jeff said. All natural things that were the gift of Mother Earth. There were fresh mushrooms, onions, potatoes and every kind of vegetable I had ever seen. There was also fresh fruit and berries. Wine had been made especially for the occasion from berries and herbs. This was going to be the strangest feast I had ever attended, but with Jeff, Harry and Brian, my heart was pounding with anticipation.

Jeff dug a pit and lined it with red hot stones he had prepared in the fire he had started before we arrived. In the pit, he layered wet leaves, the vegetables and roots then covered them with more wet leaves, hot stones and earth. With the herbs he used, it wasn't long before the aroma was intoxicating. I was fascinated by the way he did everything. I wasn't sure what was about to happen, but I was sure anxious to get going on it.

I asked Jeff about what was going to happen, and he said that I'd just have to wait. That the Master would show me what to do. He said that he had noticed me the first time that I came into the cafe, and wanted to get to know me, but that his mother had always been around and wasn't able to do it. He was really glad that Harry had arranged all this. "Harry arranged all this????" I said. "Yeah, when he met you on the Internet, he immediately got in touch with me and said that he had found someone that he thought I would like, and would I be willing to meet you. When he said who you were, what you drove and what you looked like, I immediately knew who you were and agreed. I've wanted to meet you from the beginning."

"I always wanted to meet you to, but was too scared to approach you. You look like you would be the type to stomp the shit out of any guy that made a pass at you. And besides, your mom was always watching me." "She has a knack of making guys feel uncomfortable when she thinks they're going to come on to me. After seeing you several times, she came to me and said that you were a real sweet guy and she thought that you and I would be suitable. My mom, playing cupid?, go figure. Anyway when she found out that I was meeting you up here, she reluctantly gave me the next couple of days off. She doesn't know anything about the time I spent with Harry out on the coast, and I'd just as soon keep it that way. She knows I'm gay, and is OK with it to a point. She's just afraid that I'll get tangled up with some dude who'll fuck me over." "Not likely," I said. "You'd scare the shit out of anyone who tried. I have to admit that even though I was really attracted to you when I first saw you, I was a bit intimidated. Thanks to my masochistic side, though, I couldn't stay away from your cafe." "I'm glad you came back," said Jeff kissing me deeply, "Now help me finish cleaning up this camp. Harry and Brian will be back soon and I want to have it ready for dinner."

As Harry and Brian stepped out of the woods into a small clearing, Harry said "This will do." The forest surrounding them was particularly dense so it provided a sense of seclusion and oneness with nature. "What are we going to do, Harry," Brian asked. Harry said, "We're going to set up a Sacred Circle for tonight. We will hold a special ceremony for Jeff and Mark that will codify their union. They have a special kind of bond that very few men have, and we will make that bond special for them. Mark is just now finding himself, and couldn't be with a better man than Jeff to make the transition from someone who is searching and one who has found himself."

"Did you and Jeff have that kind of bond?" Brian asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice. "We still do," replied Harry with a twinkle in his eye. "Once this bond is made, it is rarely broken. Time and space can not alter what two people have set to bond. Many lifetimes can be spent spiritually responsible to each other. The only way to separate two people in bond is to come together in a similar ceremony and declare their separation."

Brian turned away slightly and with his head down, quietly said, "That would be a dream come true, but nobody would ever want me, my father didn't even love me." Harry took hold of Brian's shoulders and turned Brian toward him. With his left hand, he tenderly touched Brian's chin and turned his face up to his. As he wiped away a small tear in the corner of Brian's eye, he said, "Someday, little one, you will be ready for such a ceremony and he gathered Brian in his powerful arms and kissed his lips with a tenderness only a man who really loves can possess. As they parted, they looked deeply into each others eyes, and they knew that something special was happening. Finally Harry said that they had better get started on preparations or they wouldn't be ready for Mark and Jeff.

They laid out a circle of stones approximately twenty feet in diameter with a larger stone at each of the four corners of the compass. In the center of the circle, Harry placed a large tree stump he found in the woods. It was just about table height, and flat enough on top to function quite effectively for this purpose. On this he placed a white cloth he took from the nap sack he had brought along. He then placed an ornate silver cup, some candles, a couple colored crystals and a very beautiful dagger on the cloth. He then turned to Brian and said that they had finished for now, and they should return to camp. As they turned to leave, Brian slipped his arm around Harry's waist, looked at him and asked if he minded. Harry said no, that he rather preferred it there. They walked off into the woods following the trail that had brought them to this special place.

When they reached camp, Mark and Jeff had everything prepared. There was a second tent pitched on the other side of the camp, the area was immaculately cleaned, the food was nearly ready and the atmosphere of anticipation fairly crackled in the air. Harry said that they should bathe before dinner and prepare themselves for the evenings activities. So they stripped off and headed for the lake.

Once in the water, Harry said that they should each take turns washing the other, paying special attention to their manhood and asses. Mark, Jeff and Brian would wash each other in turn, and then all three would wash Harry. This was to be done with great respect for each other, Harry explained, even though they would each be sexually stimulated, there would be no sex involved. As each washed the other, they were to say, "I wash away your cares and sorrows, my brother, for you are very special to me and One with the Great One who is the Father of us all. With this cleansing, I give you my peace, and anoint you with my love." When they had finished, they turned to Harry and each did his part washing his body with the cool, pure water of the lake saying, "We wash your body, Teacher, with the pure water of this lake which is the gift of life from the Great One. We give to you our peace, and honor you with our hearts." These words came to them as naturally as if they had been trained to say them. Each looked at the other with a new sight that they hadn't realized before. This was definitely going to be a special event.

As they raised from the lake to dry themselves, Harry instructed them not to put on any cloths. Instead, they would put on white monk like robes that Harry had brought along for the occasion. Harry had brought only three robes, so he quickly fashioned one for Brian out of a clean white sheet and placed on his young body. The robes were ground length, open in the front except for a tie at the neck. Even though the material was heavy in weight, it was soft and flowing. As they sat down to eat, Harry gave a blessing. "We come together, in unity and love to partake of the gifts of the earth which are given freely by the One we call Father. It is through his blessing that we live and breath and have our being. For these things, we are eternally grateful. So it is, so we let it be. Now eat in silence, my brothers, for the sun is nearly down and we must rest ourselves before tonight's ceremony."

As they ate in silence, there was a feeling of oneness in their gathering that made each feel as though they were truly a part of each other. Each seemed to know what the other needed without having to say a thing. When Brian wanted more vegetables, all he did was look up from his plate and Jeff handed him exactly what he wanted. The thanks was said with their eyes. When Mark wanted more wine, Harry poured it for him without a word being spoken. When they had satisfied their hunger, they silently cleaned up the dishes and table. Harry signaled Mark and Jeff to go to the second tent to rest for a while. Brian turned to Harry and started to say something but Harry put the index finger of his right hand to Brian's lips to silence him. He removed Brian's robe slowly and let it drop to the ground and Brian did the same for Harry. Harry then pulled Brian to him and they lay down on the King size sleeping bag. Harry pulled Brian to him with his back to Harry's firm belly. Brian began to move into Harry but was stopped and signaled to go to sleep. Reluctantly Brian did as Harry commanded, falling into a warm fuzzy sleep with visions of Harry dancing in his dreams.

Next: Chapter 3

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