Passen Through

Published on Mar 5, 1998



DAY TWO The Ceremony

Harry awoke at 11:00pm and gently stirred Brian awake. He motioned to Brian to get up and put on his robe. He then went to the tent where Mark and Jeff were sleeping and woke them very softly. As they all gathered at the table in the middle of camp, Harry handed each of them a white candle, lighting a larger white candle placed at the center of the table he said, "We light out candles from the One which signifies life. By doing so, we pledge our unity, faith and love to each other and to the One who is our life. Let us now proceed to the Sacred Circle to complete our joining." As they turned to go, Harry picked up a bag from the table and taking the lead with Jeff, then Mark and Brian in the rear, they moved down the path in silence. Each deep in thought and anticipation of the coming event.

As they arrived at the clearing, Harry motioned for the three to wait outside the circle of stones. Harry stepped inside the circle from the east and proceeded with the erecting of the temple. He placed a yellow candle on the eastern stone, a red candle on the south stone, a blue candle on the west and a green candle on the north stone. On the stump topped with the white cloth, he placed the rest of the tools he had brought with him. Dishes of salt, water and sacred oil, along with wild flowers he had picked along the way from camp, wine, a small sweet sounding bell and a libation dish.

He moved to the alter, standing so that he faced east and said "Be it known that the Temple is about to be erected; the Circle, about to be cast. Let those who desire attendance gather in the east and await the summons. Let none be here but by their own free will."

Harry took his candle and moved to the eastern point and light the yellow candle said, "Here do I bring light and air in at the east, to bring illumination and the breath of life to our temple." He moved deosil, clockwise, to the south candle and lighting it he said, "Here do I bring light and fire in at the south, to illuminate our temple and bring it warmth." Moving to the west candle, he lit it saying, "Here do I bring light and water in at the west, to illuminate our temple and wash it clean." On the north, he lit the candle saying, "Here do I bring light and earth in at the north, to illuminate our temple and to build it in strength."

Returning again to the eastern candle, he turned and moved to the alter. Placing his candle in one of the holders, he picked up the Athame, dagger, and returned to the eastern gate. While pointing the tip of his Athame at the circle, he slowly walked around the circle from east to south to west to north and back to east putting power in the circle. When he returned to the alter, he rang the bell three times before placing the tip of the Athame in the dish of salt and saying, "As salt is life, let it purify us in all ways we may use it. Let it cleanse our bodies and spirits as we dedicate ourselves to the glory of the One," placing three portions of salt in the water, stirring it with the Athame he said, "Let the Sacred Salt drive out any impurities in this Water, that we may use it throughout these rites." Taking the water, Harry again walked slowly around the circle, sprinkling it as he went. When he returned to the alter, he removed his robe and became skyclad, nude, and placing a pinch of the salt into the oil, he stirred it with his finger, and anointed himself with the Celtic Cross in Circle, Pentagram and Inverted Triangle.

Looking up at the three who remained outside the circle, he moved to the eastern gate and with his Athame, drew a Pentagram in the air. Then he made two slicing motions over the circle and bid them enter, one by one. As they did so, he welcomed them with a kiss and motioned each to stand facing the alter at the northeast side. Once all three were inside the circle, he made a closing motion over the circle with his Athame, sprinkled a little oil over it and made the sigh of the Pentagram to seal the opening. When he was finished, he replaced his Athame on the alter and moved over to the three starting with Jeff. He removed Jeff's robe, with the oil he anointed him with the Celtic Cross in Circle, Pentagram and Inverted Triangle saying, "I consecrate thee in the name of the One who bids you welcome to His temple. Merry Meet." Harry asked Jeff to stand at the northeast corner of the alter. He then moved on to Mark and welcomed him in the same manner asking him to stand at the southeast corner of the alter. When he came to Brian, he very carefully and lovingly removed his robe and let it fall to the ground. Brian's body shone in the moon and candle light like a beautiful living golden Greek statue carved by the Gods. Harry took the sacred oil and anointed him first on the forehead with the Celtic Cross in Circle, then the Pentagram on his muscular chest just below his throat and then the Inverted Triangle starting with the left nipple, moving down to the base of his beautiful cock, up to his stiffening right nipple and left again to the very firm and extended left nipple. He then said, "I consecrate thee in the name of the One, who is our Father, and bid you a loving welcome to His temple. Merry Meet. Please stand behind me at the alter, and remain silent until I again speak to you."

Harry returned to his place at the alter facing east with Brian a couple of feet behind him. He rang the bell three times and said, "May you all be here in peace and in love. I bid you welcome. Nomad, now let the Quarters be saluted and the Gods invited. Jeff bent down and drawing his Athame from his robe, moved to the eastern gate. Raising it above his head, he made the sign of the Pentagram and said, "All hail to the element of Air; Watchtower of the Ease. May it stand in strength, ever watching over our Circle." He kissed the blade of his Athame in salute. At the south gate, making the sign of the Pentagram he said, "All hail to the element of Fire; Watchtower of the South. May it stand in strength, ever watching over our Circle." He kissed the blade of his Athame in salute. At the west gate, he made the sign of the Pentagram and said, "All hail to the element of Water; Watchtower of the West. May it stand in strength, ever watching over our Circle." Again he kissed the blade of his Athame in salute and moved to the north gate. Making the sign of the Pentagram, he said, "All hail to thee. element of Earth; Watchtower of the North. May it stand in strength, ever watching over our Circle." Kissing the blade of his Athame once again, he returned to the eastern gate, turned and moved to stand where he had been before.

Harry raised his Athame and said, "All hail the four Quarters and all hail the Gods! We bid the One welcome and invite Him and the Gods to join with us, witnessing these rites we hold in their honor. All Hail!" Jeff replied "All Hail." Harry turned to Brian and Mark and said that they should also take part in the responses, to which they replied "All Hail." "Let us share the Cup of Friendship," Harry said as he poured a little of the wine in the cup and in the libation dish as an offering to the Gods. He passed it to Jeff who took a sip from it and passed it on to Mark who did likewise passing it on to Brian. When Brian finished, he handed it back to Harry who took his sip. Replacing the cup on the alter and ringing the bell three times, he said, "Now are we all here and is the Temple erected. Let none leave but with good reason, till the Temple is cleared. So Mote It Be". To which all replied, "So Mote It Be."

Harry raised both arms above his head and said, "Father, tonight we have before us two men in our presence for the first time. We ask you for your blessing as they take their place among us." Looking now at Mark, he said, "Who are you?" Mark gave his name. Harry then asked if he was here of his own free will. The answer was yes. "Be it known to you that each of our brothers has a secret name. His secret name is not to be used outside the circle. I have selected a name for you based on your birth date and sign. "Your birth date is the 18th day of January, in the year 1959, is it not?" Mark answered yes. "Your sign is Capricorn, is it not?" Again the answer was yes. "Knowing of your interest in Nomad, who is the wonderer, born on the 24th day of June in the year 1961 and a Cancer, and knowing of your desire to serve one man, I have selected the name Ganymede which means cup bearer of servant. Does this name please you?" Mark was really affected by this and with tears in his eyes, he said "Oh, yes." "So then let be known that from this time forth, you are known by the name Ganymede to your brothers."

Turning to Brian, Harry asked, "Who are you?", To which the reply was "Brian." "Are you here of your own free will?" Brian answered with a heartfelt yes. "Know you also that you must receive a new name, as a sign of rebirth into the light of love and understanding that is the soul of our brotherhood. Do you wish this joining?" The answer was all choked up in Brian's throat. He hadn't expected this kind of love and acceptance from anyone based on his experiences. When he finally got the answer out, it sounded like someone was strangling him, but it was definitely from the soul, "Yes." Then with much feeling in his eyes, Harry said, "Your birth date is the 21st of April, in the year 1978 is it not?" Yes was the answer. "Your sign is Aries, is it not?" Brian thought for a second, "It think so". "Than hear these words I have for you. I am known as Manaen, the comforter. My birth date is the 25th day of September in the year 1940, I am Libran. In my dreams, I have foreseen your coming many times. In the past hours, you have confirmed yourself as the one with whom my destiny is locked. You have shown interest beyond question, so I have selected for you a name. Your name shall be Caleb, meaning dog or slave. Both carry great loyalty, of which little else is prized more highly. Do you find this name pleasing?" Brian was completely undone by this show of affection and with great joy in his heart, he replied, "definitely." Harry nearly had tears in his eyes by this time and with a choke in his throat he said, "Then be it known by all present that from this time on you will be known as Caleb the Loyal, friend to Manaen and brother to Nomad and Ganymede."

After much congratulating around the Circle, Nomad said, "May I speak?" Manaen nodded his approval. Turning to Ganymede, knelt on his left knee and asked, "Wilt thou, Ganymede, bond with me, share my life and all that I am?" Ganymede was completely surprised by this offer. This was the dream he had had over and over for years but never hoped in his wildest that it would ever come true. Tears of joy began turning into torrents falling in uncontrollable rivers down his cheeks. Nomad arose and taking him in his arms began to sob with him.

As Nomad calmed himself, he said, "There are those in our midst who seek the bond of Handfasting." Manaen said, "Let them be named and brought forward." "It is I, Nomad and this man, Ganymede." As they stood before the alter, Manaen, said, "You are Nomad?" "I am." "What is your desire?" "To be made one with Ganymede in the eyes of the One and the Wicca." Turning to Ganymede, Manaen asked, "Are you Ganymede?" "I am." "And what is your desire?" "To be made one with Nomad in the eyes of the One and the Wicca." Manaen took the wand from the alter and handing it to the couple indicating for them to hold it with both hands, raised his arms skyward and said, "Father, here before you stand two of your folk. Witness, now, that which they have to declare."

Taking the Athame and walking around the alter to Nomad, Manaen held the point to his chest at the heart and said, "Repeat after me: 'I, Nomad, do come here of my own free will, to seek the partnership of Ganymede. I come with all love, honor and sincerity, wishing only to become one with him whom I love. Always will I strive for Ganymede's happiness and welfare. His life will I defend before my own. May the Athame be plunged into my heart should I not be sincere in all that I declare. All this I swear in the name of the One. May He give me the strength to keep my vows. So mote it be'." Manaen lowered the Athame and turned to Ganymede. Placing the point of the Athame at his heart, he said, "Repeat after me: 'I Ganymede, do come here of my own free will, to seek the partnership of Nomad. I come with all love and sincerity, wishing only to become one with him whom I love. Always will I strive for Nomad's happiness and welfare. His life will I defend before my own. May the Athame be plunged into my heart should I not be sincere in all that I declare. All this I swear in the name of the One. May He give me the strength to keep my vows. So mote it be'." The Athame was lowered and Manaen returned to the alter.

As Manaen picked up the two rings that he had had made specially for Nomad and Ganymede, he handed Nomad the ring for Ganymede and handed Ganymede the ring for Nomad. On them were their craft names carved in Runic characters . Made of the finest silver to indicate the purity of their bonding. Each took the ring in his right hand while still holding the wand with his left. Manaen said, "As the grass of the fields and the trees of the forest bend together under the pressures of the storm, so too must you both bend when the wind blows strong. But know that as quickly as the storm comes, so equally quickly may it leave. Yet will you both stand, strong in each other's strength. As you give love; so will you receive love. As you give strength; so will you receive strength. Together you are one; apart you are nothing."

"Know you, that no two people can be exactly alike. No more can any two people fit perfectly in every way. There will be times when it will seem hard to give and to love. But see then your reflection as in a woodland pool; when the image you see looks sad and angered, then is the time for you to smile and to love, for it is not fire that puts out fire. In return will the image in the pool smile and love. So change your anger for love and tears for joy. It is no weakness to admit a wrong; more is it a strength and a sign of learning." Turning to Nomad, he said, "Place the ring on Ganymede's ring finger and repeat: 'With this ring do I show and seal my bond to you'." Now turning to Ganymede, he repeated, "Place the ring on Nomad's ring finger and repeat, 'With this ring do I show and seal my bond to you'."

Manaen continues, "Ever love, help and respect each other, and then know truly that you are one in the eyes of the One, and of the Wicca." At this every one replied, "So Mote It Be."

When the Handfasting Ceremony was complete, everyone was joyous, with hugs and kisses all around. Even Brian was greatly impressed by the event. He had never seen this much love and openness shared by real men before. His impression was that all gay men were supposed to be faggots, limp wrested and lisping. This was truly an eye-opening lesson. Every word Harry had said about life was for real. He was overjoyed for Jeff and Mark, their joy was boundless; but at the same time, he was a little depressed. Now that the ceremony was over, and they would be parting tomorrow, he felt alone again. So alone that he wanted to cry. Harry sensed this and came over and stood in front of him and smiled. "Why are you so sad, little one? There should be great joy in all our hearts tonight." Brian looked at him and said, "The ceremony was really beautiful, and I have learned so much today, but now it's over and I'm sorry to see us split up and go our own ways. You will be going back out to the coast, Jeff and Mark will be going their own way, and I'll have to get my ass to Kansas City to find a job." Harry pulled Brian to him in a great big bear hug and said, "This isn't the end, my friend, I have more planned if your interested?" "Sure, what have I got to loose," was the reply.

They broke their embrace and again Manaen returned to the alter. Raising his arms upward, he said, "Brothers, hear me, I have something I wish to declare before this gathering and before the One. Into my life has stepped one who has appeared to me many times in my dreams, coming to me for comfort and learning. It is my desire to ask Caleb to join me in life as my son, student and partner. I will pledge my love, my honesty, my support in return for his love, honesty and support. This will I declare before this gathering and the One, if he will have me." At this point Nomad took the alter and turning to Caleb, who was standing with his eyes wide and his mouth open in amazement, said, "Caleb, you have heard the offer of love, honesty and support given you by Manaen, do you accept this offer with all sincerity?" Caleb ran over to Manaen and threw his arms around him and sobbed out loud, "Yes, yes, by all that is holy, yes!"

Then it is time to seal this sacrament with the most powerful Magick of all, said Manaen. Come my brothers, let us raise our power to the heavens and the One who will seal this gathering for all time. As they came together, they knelt on the ground in front of the alter close enough that their shoulders were nearly touching. Manaen was facing Caleb and Nomad was facing Ganymede. As the warmth of their bodies became apparent, they began to touch each other tenderly all over their bodies. Each feeling the others body and raising the lever of their sexual power, touch by touch, kiss by kiss. Manaen was the first to say anything. He instructed the others that no matter what happened, keep the focus on solidifying this union, making it strong in the bonds of love. Take it slowly and concentrate on the power they were building.

As the excitement grew so did four very excited cocks. There was a rhythm beginning to build in the circle of bodies. You couldn't really hear it yet, but it was there all the same. The breathing began to synchronize, the movements on the cocks began to move in sync. Hands were all over their bodies, lips were coming into play with kisses, deep and wet. Moans were beginning to be heard. Nipples were being stimulated by eager fingers. A slap could be heard now and then. The animal sounds began to be heard. You could almost see the shaft of powerful light streaming toward the sky from the intensity being generated from the concentration of the four.

Ganymede was really becoming the center of all the effort. He was beginning to feel like he was having an out of body experience and invited all there to use him as they wished to build the power with him as the center. At this invitation, Manaen and Nomad lifted him to the alter and lay him on his back. As the three moved in around him, each found his place. Nomad at his head. With it hanging over the edge of the alter, his face was in the right position for a good throat fuck. Manaen stationed himself between Ganymede's legs and began to finger his throbbing ass hole. Caleb had everything in-between and was relishing the experience.

Nomad began to invade Ganymede's throat with his more than manly dick, slowly moving in and retreating and moving in again. Manaen was gradually opening Ganymede's ass with one finger, then two, then three. Caleb was working on Ganymede's nipples until they were the size of grapes and as red as cherries. Ganymede was moaning and heaving like he was nearing climax. Manaen told him no, relax and go with the rhythm. He must hold off until the power had been built in all four of them.

Nomad began to pump into Ganymede's throat deeper and deeper until he was penetrating all the way up the shaft and his huge balls were banging against Ganymede's forehead. By this time Manaen had Ganymede's ass so relaxed that he was in up past his wrist. Fist fucking Ganymede made him very hot as he was beating Ganymede's cock in time with the thrusts of his fist. Caleb was really turned on watching Manaen working over Ganymede. He was beginning to pound on Ganymede's hard stomach. With every whack of his fist, he could feel the juices in his own groin beginning to burn. Finally he couldn't stand it any more and mounted Ganymede's chest facing Manaen. As he humped Ganymede's chest, he was keeping time on his stomach with his fist. The sight and sounds of this orgy was building an immense amount of power. It Couldn't hold out much longer.

Nomad reached around Caleb's body and started to manipulate his nipples making Caleb cry out at the top of his lungs with pain/pleasure the likes of which he had never experienced. The sight of Caleb so excited made Manaen lean over and take Caleb's throbbing, bouncing, fully erect cock in his hot mouth and swallow it whole, clear up to the balls. By this time, no one could hold out any longer, the cum in all four of these powerful bodies was on a course of eruption that couldn't be stopped. Caleb turned to Nomad who placed his beautiful hot wet mouth on Caleb's and locked there. They all four exploded at once sending up such a power surge so strong that it could literally be seen if anyone were in the area. To them it seemed that a whirling shaft of light was being shot heavenward in rays of gold and silver, liberally dashed with diamonds! Manaen cried out, "It is done - All hail to the One". The bonding was now sealed for all time! They fell to the ground wrapped in each others arms, heaving and gasping for air, their effort draining them and bonding them forever!

When they had recovered sufficiently, Manaen got to his feet first and donning his robe, requested the others to do the same saying that it was time to close the Circle. As they regained their composure, they put on their robes and stood around the alter as Manaen began the closure.

Manaen spoke, "We came together in love and friendship, let us part the same way. Let us spread the love we have known in this Circle outward to all; sharing it with those we meet." Manaen and Nomad raised their Athames in salute as Manaen said, "Father our thanks to you for sharing this time together. Our thanks for watching over us; guarding and guiding us in all things. Love is the Law and Love is the Bond. Merry did we meet; merry do we part; merry may we met again." All replied, "Merry meet; merry part; merry meet again."

Manaen took the sacred salt, water and oil and pouring them on the earth, said "All these do I return to the earth from whence they came. Accept them as tribute to the One who is the creator of all. With this offering, this place is made holy so that we may return when the time is meet."

Manaen said, "The temple is now cleared. So Mote It Be." All replied, "So Mote It Be." All remained within the Circle as Manaen moved to the eastern gate and with his Athame made the sign of the Pentagram in salute, bent down and extinguished the candle with his fingers. With a sweeping motion of his Athame, he cleared the Circle to the north gate. There he again made the sign of the Pentagram and extinguished the candle. Moving on, he did the same at the western gate and the southern gate returning to the east. At this point, her returned to the stump in the center and extinguishing the candles, placed all the tools in the keeping bag used only for this purpose.

All embraced each other with much feeling and satisfaction and turned to leave. As Harry took the lead with Brian's hand in his and Jeff and Mark not far behind, the moon shown brightly, illuminating everything with a soft velvet glow. This was like the Dream Time when all men were one with the earth. There was a communication between earth and man that had long been missing from our consciousness. These four had accomplished what we had forgotten over generations of self direction.

When they arrived at camp, Jeff and Mark turned to their tent and saying a soft good night to Harry and Brian, slipped inside to sleep and dream on the nights events. Harry took Brian in his arms, kissed him softly and said, "My friend, my love, my son. We have a lot of life yet before us. May we live it to the full." Brian replied, "I will remain with you as long as you will have me, for I have found myself in you." they removed their robes, leaving them outside the tent and slipped inside to lay together feeling complete for the first time.

Next: Chapter 4

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