Passen Through

Published on Mar 5, 1998



DAY THREE The Parting

As the sun arose in the sparkling bright sky, the earth was coming alive with a soft warmth that gladdened the heart and eased the mind. Harry was the first to awaken. As he looked at Brian still snuggled up to him, his youth belying a much more mature soul inside his beautiful body. Harry gazed upon him and silently thanked the One for his gift.

Harry quietly stepped outside the tent and stretched his body in the warm sunlight. His muscles rippling in the fresh air made him feel like he had been reborn into a new body. He couldn't help but smile as he went about getting coffee ready for the rest of the guys. He was sure that the smell of the fresh brew would get everyone up shortly.

First to appear was Brian. "Why didn't you wake me when you got up. I turned over and your weren't there. For a split second I thought that last night had been only a dream." "A dream that will continue for as long as we want it to," Harry said. With their good morning kiss, something was beginning to awaken. Harry said that they could surly wait till after breakfast. Brian looked down at their two erect cocks and said if they have to, but it wouldn't be easy.

By now Jeff and Mark were making sounds in their tent suggesting that they decided not to wait until after breakfast. Harry and Brian looked at each other and began to laugh. As the sounds grew louder, they laughed harder until they were almost rolling on the ground. It was really a sight to see, a tent shaking violently, grunts and growls and Harry and Brian, naked as Jay Birds laughing and rolling around. Every time "Fuck me, Fuck me" came out of the tent, they would laugh even more. When the coffee boiled over on the fire, it finally broke the spell and brought everything back to earth.

When Jeff and Mark finally came out of their tent, completely naked, Jeff wanted to know what was so fucken funny. Harry handed him a hot dog bun and began to howl again. Jeff looked at Harry like he had completely lost it. Brian chimed in that if he thought those buns, pointing to Mark, were so good, try the hot dog bun, and started cracking up.

"Oh, you think that was funny do 'ya," said Jeff as he grabbed Brian and holding him in a head lock, started giving him a Dutch rub. Everyone squealed in delight and came together in one big mass of hot male bodies, hugging and laughing like school boys. When they finally broke apart, Harry said that the coffee was ruined and he would have to make a new pot. Jeff and Mark said that they wanted to go down to the lake and take a bath before they started breakfast, so everyone headed down to the lake for a quick refresher before setting about the day.

Mark took off first, his bare ass shining in the sun. Jeff was right behind and catching up fast. As Jeff caught up with Mark, he grabbed him from behind and they both went tumbling into the water with a great splash. Laughing and splashing around they didn't notice Harry and Brian coming down the path. "I think I've started something," Harry said with a smile. "I knew that they would be great together, I'm so glad to see that my matchmaker is still working." "Yeah, a real Dolly Levi," said Brian, "You didn't do to bad for yourself, either." "Funny you should mention," Harry said as he picked Brian up and threw him into the water. Brian came up sputtering and splashing with delight as Harry jumped in next to him. They met in an embrace, holding each other and looking into each others eyes and grinning broadly as lovers do.

At last, they looked around, they saw Jeff had pinned Mark against a large smooth boulder and was giving his cock a hot and heave workout. As his head bobbed up and down, Mark was heaving and thrashing as much as he could under Jeff's masterful grasp. As Mark began to pant wildly, Jeff pulled his mouth off his cock and said, "I want your cum, man. You drive me wild, let me have it." As he went back to his sucking, Mark gave a loud wail, "I"M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING, SHIT, I'M CUMMING. TAKE IT JEFF, SUCK ME DRY!!!" He arched his back, throwing his muscled stomach and erect tipples in the air. Jeff didn't stop until mark was completely drained and totally at his mercy.

As Harry and Brian looked on, they couldn't help but get in the mood. Brian said, "Fuck breakfast, I want you now!" He pushed Harry down on a humongus flat boulder and started licking and kissing him from his face all the way down to his crotch. Harry tried to protest, but Brian wasn't taking no for an answer. To Harry's surprise, Brian was quite strong and held Harry firmly to the rock by his wrists. With nothing else to do, Harry decided to let Brian have his way. As Brian nibbled on his nipples, Harry began to take short gasps of air at the sweet pain Brian was inflecting shot through his nervous system. Brian took great delight in being able to elicit such responses from Harry and was spurred on in his efforts to satisfy the man who had resurrected him.

Brian moved down to Harry's muscled stomach, tracing the cleft between his abs with great care. As he reach his navel, he lingered there inserting his tongue in quick darts. Then sucking at his navel until Harry thought Brian was trying to suck his guts out! It all felt so fantastic. Where had this man been all his life. He thanked the powers that be again and again. By this time, Brian had reached Harry's cock which was so hard that he thought the head would blow off any second. Every time Brian touched his cock, Harry was sure that it would all be over. He was having a bitch of a time keeping from shooting his wad. Brian was a master of what he was doing and moved down to Harry's ball sack and started to manipulate it with his tongue. Then he sucked one ball into his mouth and rolled it around, then the other. Harry couldn't believe what was happening. This man was only 19, and was doing things to him older, more experienced men had never done!

Brian let go of Harry's wrists and grabbed his ankles. Throwing them up in the air, he plopped his face in Harry's ass. This sent new thrills through Harry's spine that made him quiver and shake all over. Everyone had always taken him as strictly a top. He had wanted someone to take his ass for a long time, but every time he tried, the mood was lost. This guy was going after his ass like a starving dog. Licking, nipping, inserting his tongue, doing all the things Harry had dreamed of, but had never had done. He was waiting for Brian to insert his wonderful cock and fuck him proper, but to his amazement, Brian backed off, lowered his legs and looked up at Harry and said, "I love you more than I ever thought possible, this is my gift to you. Lay back and let me do what I have wanted to do all my life." Harry didn't know what to say, but at this point, words were not necessary, he and Brian had bonded, heart to heart, and soul to soul.

Brian went to work again, sending lightning bolts through Harry as he took Harry's cock in his mouth and started to suck. He used his tongue like a probe, searching out the sensitive parts of Harry's manhood. With Harry's cock completely in his mouth, Brian began to tickle his balls with his tongue. Then Harry felt a finger at the door of his inner most area. He willingly relaxed the sphincter and allowed Brian's finger inside. The channel was so hot and moist, it pulsated with the strokes of Brian's sucking mouth on his cock. Harry encouraged Brian with the sounds he was beginning to make deep within his throat and the movements of his body. As he took his mouth off Harry's cock, Brian again took Harry's ankles in his powerful hands and raised them up in the air. Lifting them up, he placed his cock head between Harry's ass cheeks and knocked to enter. Harry moved into Brian and opened the door. As Brian moved inwards, the release of Harry's desire moved outward in a rush of breath. Harry grabbed Brian's head and pulled him down to a deep surrendering kiss. Brian started a nipple attack that sent Harry through the roof. These sensations Harry had imagined before; had only dreamed of. But Brian had one last trick up his sleeve. As he forced Harry down, Brian moved his own knees under Harry's ass and by wrapping Harry's legs around his back, he lifted him up nearly to his chest lever. In this position, Harry's tortured cock was right in front of Brian's mouth. As Brian thrust his own manhood into Harry's incredible ass, Harry's cock bounced in the warm morning air. Displaying crystal clear love drops glistening in the sunlight. Brian started to twist Harry's nipples which by now were swollen and standing out from Harry's chest waiting for him . Harry started to moan loudly and cry out, "GIVE MY YOUR COCK, FUCK ME! SHOOT ME FULL OF YOUR CUM, I WANT YOU, I LOVE YOU!" As the hot sweet juices began to swell in both of them, Brian bent down and took Harry's cock fully in his mouth, and they exploded together. Harry was screaming a primal scream that sent waves of sound for miles, and Brian burying himself in the pleasure he was finally able to give someone. They had given the greatest gift one man can give another. They had given themselves freely and completely to the man they loved. This was going to be a bonding that time could not destroy.

They lay there on the rock with the sun streaming down, completely lost to the world around them. Their reverie was broken only when Jeff and Mark came over and lay down beside them. As Jeff and Mark hugged Harry and Brian, they said that that had been the most beautiful sex that they had ever witnessed. It was a privilege to have seen the sharing of such intense giving. Brian and Harry were embarrassed by this outpouring of emotion, but said that they had all witnessed something very rare and very special that weekend. "We should get together here next year at this time and join again in our brotherhood and commitment to each other," Harry said. The others agreed.

By now, the heavy activity had taken it's toll on everyone and hunger was letting itself be known with growls in everyone's stomachs.. At the first growl in Brian's stomach, they all laughed. Then as the growls began to come from everyone's stomachs, the laughter became hysterics. They could hardly contain themselves well enough to stand and head up the trail to camp.

When they finally reached camp, Brian and Harry started a new pot of coffee while Jeff and Mark started cleaning up camp and packing up the tents. As they set about their business, there was atmosphere of joy in the air. Everyone was either humming or whistling and good naturedly kidding each other. Brian finished preparing breakfast for the group and sang out that the table was ready. As they sat down, Harry said that he would like to say a blessing. The others bowed their heads and clasped hands around the table as Harry began, "Father, we recognize your presence within our selves and within all nature. We are truly grateful for your generosity which has provided this food, our brothers and this love we share. To you be the glory, and the thanks. As we leave this place, let us go out with joy and peace in our hearts, letting your light shine through each of us. We thank you for your truth that has set us free. We acknowledge one God, ever present, all the time; through whom we live and move and have our being. So it is; so we let it be." They all said "Amen" and turned their attention to satisfying the hunger their stomachs were so eloquently reminding them. The food tasted terrific and they all congratulated Brian on his culinary expertise. With shy embarrassment showing on his face, he said thanks. That after his Mom had died, the cooking fell to him, and feeding all the farm hands, you learn to cook, or else. Harry looked at him with an approving smile and squeezed his hand.

After the food was completely consumed, every one did their part to clean up the dishes and police the campsite for the final time. Putting Harry's belongings into Brian's van, Jeff asked where they were headed. Harry said, "I've been fucked in California, it holds nothing for me anymore. I was thinking that maybe I would like to buy some property back in the Ozarks where I was raised and just enjoy myself. An old farm would be nice, maybe turn it into a retreat for men like us who need a place to get in touch with themselves and nature. With Brian's help, whatever happens will be terrific." "What about you guys?" was Brian's question. "We'll go back home and give Mom the good news," said Jeff. "And then we'll have to work out whether Mark moves in with me, or I with him. Maybe we'll just set up a new place for both of us." Sounds like a plan said Harry. They all hugged and kissed each other goodbye and headed out into life with a new feeling of wholeness, already looking forward to their reunion here next year.

----- All the characters in this story are fictitious, to a point. There is some of Harry, Brian, Jeff and Mark in all of us waiting for that long overdue release. Joy and peace to you my brothers, I hope you have enjoyed my tale. The world these four have entered is not yet done. Who knows what tale will be told next. ----


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