Passion in Fashion


Published on Sep 17, 2000


Hi folks! This is my first attempt at writing a story for the Nifty Archives. I love reading all of your stories, and I think now is the time for me to contribute one of my own. I would love feedback from anyone. EMails will be replied to and good story ideas will be incorporated into the plot..if it's good;-) Send all Comments to Flames will be cheerfully ignored.Now on with our show.......

*********** DISCLAMER ***********

This story is a work of Fiction. This story is not to imply any member of 'N'Sync" is Gay or given to that persuasion.but oh how we wish they were;-) Please treat this as just a playful fantasy and good ol' fashioned semi-erotic writings:-)

"Passion in Fashion" Part-1

Life is a complex thing. Many books have been written about the nature of it,and several people make a living talking about it,and how to get along in it. Too bad there is no guide book for it at birth; We'd all have perfect ones if that were the case. Take love for instance. We all love something or someone once in our lives. Sometimes we meet and fall in love with someone who makes our life complete and worth living...And that my friends, is the start of our story.


Danny Briggs was a run-of-the-mill 23 year old guy. He stands 6' 170 Light brown almost chestnut short straight hair , and plesant Jade hued eyes.He has a somewhat toned body; Not an athletic one mind you, but one that was pleasing to look at,as had been demonstrated by all the glances by girls and guys alike. Golden skin ,made possible by the plentiful sunshine he was exposed to. His skin glimmering like a British Gold Soverign in the light.Many have compared his looks to an Abercrombie & Fitch model, but Danny was content with an ocasional glance by a admirer.

Danny resides in the fair city of Anaheim, California : A town maked famous for its abundance of Motels,constant hustle and bustle and of course as the home of the Happiest Place on Earth: Disneyland. Danny was used to living near the Magic Kingdom,many of his online friends used to ask to stay at his place if they ever got out that far. Danny being the good natured guy he was,always offered his home,but so far no one has made good on his offer. Life in Orange County is always in a state of flux,the beach,amusment parks,and arts and cultutre are only a quick car trip away, and Danny loved every minute of it. Since Danny graduated from Cal State Long Beach,with his Batchelors in History last Spring, he had been restless and not ready for the challenges of graduate work; So taking a year off from school, Danny got a Full time job at Neiman Marcus at Fashion Island in the Men's department to pay the bills.

Although retail was not Danny's forte in school, he settled into the job quickly enough, selling Versache, Boss, And other coutiers sold at the store.Life was flowing along at its leisurely pace for Danny: Working mornings,off at 6, a quick bite and on to his retreat from the word: Newport Beach. Danny had grown up going to that beach every Summer with his family,and now that he was older,came to this beack to relax,revive and renew his soul.

It was Newport, Danny always said, that really makes him relax. That and his music. Danny was immersed into his music. He loved smooth jazz and lite pop the kind of songs you loved to sing your heart out to on the freeway.With earphones on and the latest N'Sync CD in his Discman,Danny went walking out on the shoreline for his evening constitutional of a solo walk along the beach. Sunset at the beach was always a religious time to Danny. The Setting sun,the sound of the crashing waves, the aroma of the brine, these were they things that replenished the soul ,and cleansed the mind.

While walking on the shore,Danny started to sing along to the hot N'Sync hit "It's Gonna Be Me" Picking up his stride as he sang the chorus,Danny moved along the beach as if he were as lite as air and had not a care in the world. As the sun dipped below the water,Danny let out a sigh of content and headed on back to his car to go home.


Home............HA whatta laugh. A single bedroom apartment on Beach Boulevard,but it was clean and rather safe but it was missing one important thing: someone to fill it. Danny had lived on his own since moving to college, but now he was really alone. No dorm mates to chat or hang out with,just silence and lonliness. It was into this dwelling that Danny came to every night to rest his weary head and rest.Ever since he went to college, Danny was able to express himself sexually. He came out to a few close friends and dated some, but no one ever got ahold of his heart. Now comming home to the silent apartment, Danny longed for someone to come home to.

As he unlocked the door and stepped in to the house. he saw the light on his answering machine blinking, he had a message waiting for him. He stabbed the play button and waited for the tape to cycle back and play.

"Hi Danny it's Mario " Mario was Danny's boss, and a rather cool guy to work with. "Listen, Charles is taking tomorrow off to go to some concert or somthing and we are one seller short. I was wondering if you could come in tomorrow and work for him. I know its your day off, but I would really appreciate it. Gimme a call ASAP. Ciao"

Danny let out "Just my luck! Charles get tickets to the sold out N' Sync Concert,and I get stuck with his shift!" " Some guys have all the luck."

Danny had neen envious of Charles for months since he found out that Charles had tickets to the N'Sync concert at the Anaheim Pond. Danny himself had tried to get tickets to the event, but he was not rich enough to pay the scalper prices on eBay for decent seats.The tickets sold out the first hour they were on sale,and Danny was awestruck to learn Charles had a friend who fineagled the tickets from someone who worked at the Pond.Well not friend exactly.Ya see Charles, like Danny is Gay,and his boyfriend Chad got the tickets from a friend of his that worked at the Pond,and who owed him a favor.Charles was so excied when Cahd gave him the tickets,that he gave him a night of pleasure he woudn't soon forget.

Picking up the phone, Danny dialed the store and got the store switchboard to connect to the Men's Department.Mario answered the phone.

"Men's Department, Mario Speaking."

"Hey Mar it's Danny."

"Hey Dan-O glad you called back. So will my #1 salesperson be able to work tomorrow?" Mario asked in his chiper tone.

"Yeah I'll be able to come on in,do I come in at 11?"

"No," Mario said excidedly. "I need you to come on in at 9. Some special customers are comming in an hour before we open,and the brass said to accord them every whim.."

"Oh great!" Danny moaned. "Talk about a double-whammy! Charles gets to go to a once in a blue moon event, and I get stuck selling socks to some muckity muck."

" Well it pays the bills Dan-O." Mario said."Besides, don't you even care who hear who's going to be your special customer,or shall I say customers tomorrow?"

"Yeah!" Danny chided. "Who is it? Some Arab sheik and his 40 wives looking for $300 Armani shirts to give as door prizes?"

"Nope. Your special customers will be some music group. In the sink,or In blink or somthing like that." Mario said.

Danny felt as if a lighting bolt shot through his body. "Do you mean N'Sync?!"

"Yeah," Mario said suddenly remembering the info. "Yeah N'Sync. They will be here around 9:00 to shop.They have a concert at the Pond later on tomorrow night and their manager called and wanted to reserve the whole men's department for them."

'What a stroke of luck!' Danny thought,' Wait till Charles finds out I got to see N'Sync! And not just on TV but in the flesh and close up!! He felt his head get light and a big smile spread on his face.

"And I thought since you are young and know of the latest things, you can wait on them." Mario continued. "Charles will really miss out on some sales tomorrow."

'And a whole lotta things.' Danny thought.

"Well I'll be there at 9 sharp boss,lookin' my Sunday best."

"Thats the spirit Dan-O! See ya then. Ciao."

Danny put the phone back on the cradle and started to dance around the room.N'Sync!!! Of all the things that could have befallen him,to be able to wait on the five most gorgeous men in the whole world was far better than what he had planned for his now cancelled day of tomorrow. Danny's mind raced with possiblities of what to wear,what colonge to wear,what tie goes with what suit.There wew a million things to consider.WOW N'Sync! In my Store tomorrow!!!

"Well I better get to bed then and make sure I have plenty of rest.With my luck I'll wake up late and screw it all up." Danny thought.

Changing out of his clothes into his night wear, Danny stopped to admire himself in the full length mirror in the bedroom. Nice face,decent muscled arms,flat chest with a hint of a six pack. Nicce shaped thighs and feet. As his eyes drifted to his crotch, he slid off his briefs and let his raging cock out of the confines of his Calvin Klein's. Ever since he explored his sexuality in College,Danny was enamored with his cock. He liked the way it curved slighty to the right and was 8" hard. The tip was a well shaped mushroom with a slight tinge of purple,anf the shaft was thick. he hefted his manhood in his right hand and began to pump it loveingly to the image in the mirror.

"It's gonna be me!" he sang as he stroked it for all its worth.he then closed his eyes and began to stroke in earnest. As he lost himself in his activity,his mind drifted to those five gorgeous men who would be changing, dressing, and trying on clothes in his store just a scant few hours from now.

Danny gave a low groan and shot his pearly white rope of manjuice at the mirror.It struck the mirror image of himself and started to ooze down the mirror to the floor.Danny came out of his erotic haze and went to the bathroom to get a paper towel to clean up his mess.After cleaning up, he took a long hot shower,and came again after dreaming of N' Sync. After drying off and getting into his night clothes,Danny put on some soft music and went to sleep, to dream of what awaited tomorrow.



The alarm jolted Danny awake from his beauty rest. "Oh it's too early!" Danny groaned and laid back down. Then as if hit by a bolt of energy he bolted out of bed. "Oh My God,I meet N'Sync today!!" Quickly Danny looked at the clock. 8:02 AM. "Phew! I have time to get ready and head on to work!" As fast as Mercury, Danny shaved and brused his teeth. Racing to his closet. he selected a Navy Blue Boss suit with a white Van Husen undershirt and yellow silk tie.As he raced to to front door,Danny stopped in the kitchen to get a quick Rasin Bagel,jam it in his mouth,and head on out the door. Getting into his Mazda, Danny checked the time "8:21 Ok I will just make it."

Racing down I-5, Danny's mind wandered to what he could expect today. He always wanted to meet the five who composed the mega Boy Band N' Sync, and now he was getting his chance.

" I wonder what they will want to try on or buy?" he thought. " I hope I dont gush like some teen girl in heat." he bemused, " Or I will look like a pathetic queen for shure!" Smiling to himself he made the fiinal connections to take him to work: Neiman Marcus.

As he pulled into the employee lot, he glanced at the radio/clock......" 8:56. Barely made it" he said under his breath.Racing into the employee entrance,Danny put on his jacket and straightened his tie.As he came on the floor, Danny was amazed by the amount of security that was ringed around the Men's Department. Mall security,Store security and private security were all lining the entrances into the department. as he neared his area,he was stopped by a big man in dark glasses holding a clipboard.

"Who are you" the man asked.

"I.......I'm Danny Briggs. I work here in this department."

The man glanced down at his clipboard and said, " I don't have any 'Danny Briggs' on my list." as he leered uneasly at Danny.

Danny was confused? He was asked to work today. He was just about to say somthing when he hear a familiar voice call from behind the man "It's Alright Dutch, He's working in the department as a last minute replacement for Charles Ross." It was Mario, comming to save the day! As the big man stepped aside, Danny say his boss,and he looked positively nervous.

"Hey Boss,I made it...Say whats with all the precautions? Has there been a threat?"

"No," Mario said slightly winded, "This is just in case the female population of Orange County decends on us. We don't want to lose our special customers to other customers." he said with a slight chuckle.

Danny smiles "Nope we shure don't. Well what do I do now?Stand behind the register?"

Mario gave Danny a sly look, "No Sport,you are going to greet and escort the guests thru the department and help them with whatever they need."

'Oh boy will I do "Whatever they need"' Danny thought deliciously.

Suddenly there was a comotion near the Store entrance ,the security men were all abuzz on their walkie-talkies.N'Sync had arrived!!!! their limo pulled up to the front of the store entrance.As it did Mario motioned to Danny "Ok Dan-O it's Showtime."

As Danny walked to the front of the store, his heart raced ,along with his stride to the front of the store............and to the company of Justin,J.C.,Joey,Lance, and Chris the five men who made up the group N'SYNC.

To be continued........

Please let me know how you like the story so far.I Live for comments,and I hope you all like reading it as much as I love writing. And send me your N'Sync stories,I love to read other peoples work,and I hope to make new EMail Pen Pals.

So long:-)

Next: Chapter 2

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