Passion in Fashion


Published on Nov 19, 2000


Hello again readers! Nice of you to drop by for another bone jarring episode of "Passion In Fashion" Can you believe it?This is the 10th chapter! And I am not over by a long shot! I want to thank you all for writing and keep'em comming! Alfie, Joey, and the rest. Thanks for your continued support.

"Passion In Fashion" -10

************ DISCLAIMER ************

This is a work of PURE FICTION. All refrences to the sexuality of N'Sync is purely for story purposes.


The brawl was over as fast as it had begun. Greg had a grip like steel on Danny's Shoulders,J.C. was rubbing his bruised jaw, Joey and Justin were in a tangled heap on top of J.C., and Chris was standing over them, while getting a grip on Lance. There was a shocked moment of silence, then they all came out of their shock, and reality hit them. Someone had been down the hall, and had taken pictures of them during the brawl. Greg was the first to say anything,

" Guys, Stop him! If that film gets out, you won't even be able to get a job at Wal-Mart!"

Danny was the first to break away from the pack of men, followed by Lance and Chris. The three men sprinted down the hall towards the photographer, who was too busy clicking pics of them to run. By the time Rob thought about running , it was too late; Danny caught a hold of the man's shoulder and put the brakes on any hope of escape. Chris and Lance arrived a moment later. Chris came nose to nose with the photographer,

" Lemme see your camera, man."

Rob leered at Chris and snugged the Nikon under his right arm, " Nothing doing! This is my pass to a new car and lots of cash and women. But I guess you guys wouldn't know about women." He smiled a toothy shigrin.

Danny inched up behind Rob, and Lance and Chris moved in and filled the cornered Photographers vision. Lance looked into the man's face and grinned,

" Well.... We can give you more money than your paper could."

Rob laughed like Jabba the Hutt, " Like hell you will. This is gonna make you guys fade away like a bad dream! Why the hell would I want to stop that?" As the men spoke ,Chris and Lance edged them towards the elevator, while Danny walked in back of the man. Lance looked at Danny and flashed him a look that conveyed all that he needed to know. Danny hit the down button on the elevator. Chris continued,

" What you saw was nothing anyone would want to pay money to look at."

"Fuck that!" Rob retorted," People eat this stuff up. I will make managing photographer with this spread. Can you just see the headline in the next edition of the Enquirer: ' N'Sync N'Trouble!'"

At that moment, the elevator pinged, and Rob turned to look, but saw only a hand in front of his face, as Danny pushed the man down on his butt, while he grabbed the camera with the other, and rushed into the elevator. The man was held in place by Chris and Lance. Danny hit the close button, and the man struggled to get on his feet, but was held down by the two singers. The doors finally closed , and Danny was on his way to the lobby .As the elevator started its decent, Danny opened the back of the camera, and proceeded to expose the film to the light. As the film was pulled completely out, Danny laughed and said, " So much for his money and women."

Meanwhile, Chris and Lance pulled the man up and held on to him. Lance spoke first,

" Well buddy, looks like you lost your story. Too bad too. I was really wanting to see your new car." He gave the man a hard slap on the back.

Chris chimed in, " Well I hope you have a safe trip home. Oh and if you get smart and try to write a story about it, we'll sue you so you won't even be able to work at McDonalds!" Chris was ready to push the down button, just as the elevator pinged and the doors opened. Danny walked out of the lift with the camera and the roll of exposed film. He handed them to the stunned man and said,

" Here's your camera. I'm sorry but the film seems to have come out off the camera."

The man's face took on an evil stare, " You guys are fucked up, You know that?! Fucking fags!"

All three of them charged at the man just as the doors slid shut; As they did the man's face went white. Chris, Danny and Lance let out a sigh of relief and Chris slumped onto the door of the lift. He spoke to Lance and Danny,

" Well guys let that be a lesson to you. If you two are gonna be an item, be discrete."

Danny and Lance looked at each other. Lance grabbed for Danny's hand. Danny gave it to him, and he stroked it gently with his finger, " We will Chris .Believe me we will." Lance replied.


The three of them headed back to the rooms that the band was occupying. When they arrived, Greg was waiting for them with a glass of bubbling liquid. He gulped it down in one swallow and said, " I should invest in Alka Seltzer stock .I think I am gonna need more."

" Well we stopped him," Chris began, " And we got the film, and exposed it."

Lance continued, " I don't think he'll give us any more trouble."

Greg looked at them and replied, " I'm sure off it. Hotel security nabbed him and gave him the business when he got off the elevator. I hear he left with his tail between his legs. Let this be a lesson gentlemen. If you want to keep your private life's private, for corn's sake be discrete!"

Lance looked at Danny and vice versa. Chris continued, " Where are the others?"

Greg took a moment to answer, " Joey and Justin are getting ready for the show, and Josh is in his room cleaning up." He looked at Lance, " And he is gonna need some foundation to cover the bruise you left on his cheek, Lance. Maybe you should give up music and try boxing instead?"

Lance cracked a small smile, " Well maybe I should go and apologize to Josh. Tell him let bygone be bygones."

Danny looked at Lance with a concerned gaze, " Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Lance shrugged, " Hey, we're like family, and he is a co-worker of mine, regardless of howhe may feel about me."

Greg looked at Lance with a puzzled look, " Is there somthing I missed Lance? Are you and J.C. having problems?"

Lance looked at the older man, " It's somthing that J.C. and I need to work out on our own Greg. I'm sure I'll get him feelin' better.Now if you'll excuse me."Lance edged passed Greg and headed on into J.C.'s and Justin's room. Greg turned to Danny, " You can wait in Chris' room Danny. I'm sure he woudn't mind?" Greg looked to Chris for his approval.

Chris replied, " Sure. Danny are getting to be fast friends." He put a hand on the salesman's shoulder.

Danny looked down and smiled, " Yeah, faster that a speeding bullit."

"Speaking of which, " Chris continued, " Where is our man of steel?"

Greg let out a quick laugh, " After he and Justin collected themselves, they went into Joey's room to get ready. I think after the concert tonight, we'd all better have a meeting to discuss off duty behavour."

Chris nodded in agreement, " Sounds good. I'll let the guys know.Well Danny, let's get you a drink and a seat till we have to leave for the concert." And the three ment broke their inpromptu hallway meeting and went into their respective rooms.


Lance entered the dimly lit room. he called out quietly, " Josh? Josh can I come in?"

A voice called to him from the bathroom, " Yeah Scoop, c'mon in." J.C. sounded distant, as if his mind were in another place.

Lance entered the bathroom to discover Josh in front of the mirror, shirtless and applying foundation to his chin, which was jutted towards the mirror for a better view in the mirror. Lance and Josh locked eye contact in the mirror and looked at eachother for a moment before Lance broke the silence,

" Josh, I'm sorry for hurting you. I didn't know I swung at you that hard?"

J.C. grinned as he continued to apply the cosmetic, " You have one hell of a right cross."

Lance smiled, " Well I do try to keep up on my slugging."

Josh's face took on a serious look, " I'm in love with you Lance."

Lance froze, he knew the subject had to be broched, but he was supprised when J.C. broke the ice that quickly. He took a moment to respond, " You know I am in love with Danny."

J.C. turned to face the blond, " Are you?"

Lance was unnerved by that. Of course he was in love with Danny, but having Josh question him about it, in that tone of voice, was enough to rattle anyone.

" Yes. I'm sorry if you don't see that. Josh, we're brothers and I love you as a brother, but we can't be more than that." Lance edged closer to Josh to let him know he cared about him.

Josh glared at Lance. Tears welled up in his eyes, " You never saw how I looked at you? Never saw how my heart and soul cried out for you and your embrace?"

Lance was taken aback by Josh's words. He felt the level of passion in the kiss that Josh had given him at the store earlier that day, but now he knew the depth of the feelings J.C. had for him, and they ran deep.

" J.C. you will always be close to my heart, but I can't love you in that way."

' For God's sake why not?!" J.C. said in a whisper. The tears began to roll off his well chisiled face. It began to smear the makeup he was using to cover his wound. Lance grabbed for some tissue and handed it to the tearful singer. Josh continued,

" Do you know how much I have cried for you? I came back to the hotel today and cried myself to sleep. Dosen't that mean anything to you?" He dabbed the tears from his face.

Lance found his voice and replied, " Josh.... You are a caring and fragile person. I know now how much you love me, but my heart is with Danny. Would you really want me if you knew my heart waswith someone else?"

J.C. shook his head in response, " No I suppose you have a point. But you've only known him less than a day. We have a history together, Scoop. We know eachother and what we want and need.What more could you ask for?"

Lance stared into his eyes as he inched closer, " Danny and I made a connection, and we both feel the same. He is someone I need and want in my life right now.."

Josh's face took on a shocked look, " And I we had no connection? You don't need me in your life?"

Lance looked at him with bewildered shock, " No Josh, that's not it. I have you in my life, and I always will, but he is someone I am joined with him in mind and soul."

J.C. finished wiping his tears away, " Lance, I won't stop till you are mine."

Lance felt the rage build up in him again, " J.C. you're wasting your time. Nothing you can say or do will make me...." Lance was stopped mid sentence by Josh's lips on his. Lance tried to push away, but J.C. gripped onto his back and pulled him in. They continued for a few more seconds til J.C. broke the kiss. He looked into the green eyes of Lance Bass,

" I can say alot and do even more. I know you felt that kiss, Lance, don't deny it."

Lance looked away from the intent gaze of J.C. and looked at the floor. J.C. was right, he did feel somthing, but it was in direct conflict with his heart. ' I love Danny' he kept saying to himself.

He looked back up at J.C., " I just came in here to say I'm sorry for hitting you, now I'm going to go get ready for the show."

J.C. grabbed after Lance and caught his arm, " Lance, face it, You and Danny are doomed, here is where it's at. Don't fool yourself , it's gonna be me."

Lance threw off Josh's grasp and stormed on out of the door.' Never!' He thought to himself, 'NEVER!'


After the skirmish in the hall, Joey and Justin collected themselves and went back into Joey's room to get ready. After the door closed, they both removed their towels and began to gert ready for the concert in the buff. Joey trimmed his goatee and Justin was admiring him, while sitting on the counter.

"Talk about getting some trim." Justin chucked.

Joey replied while concentrating on the task at hand, " Well after getting your trim, I need to trim mine." He smiled into the mirror.

Justin smiled back, " I really liked this afternoon, and I want you to know that. Tonight I'll show you that lighting can strike twice."

Joey stopped his cutting and looked at Justin directly, " I know we're gonna rock the house!" He leaned over and kissed Justin. Justin broke the kiss, and proceeded to jump off the counter, and head to the cammode. He lifted the seat and stroked on his cock. he aimed it at the toilet and began to piss. Joey watched him thru the mirror,

" I don't know if it because you're hung or if I'm a sicko, but watching you take a leak is a turn 8on."

Justin grinned as he continued to urinate, " You pervert! Maybe one day you'll take a drink from the golden stream."

Joey rolled his eyes, "Fat chance of that Goldy! Aside the gold hair and skin you got, I don't need any more of your 'Gold Treats'."

Justin finished with a good shake, and flushed the toilet. He turned to head out of the bathroom.Joey finished his shaving, and followed Justin out of the bathroom. Both began to get ready, as Lance walked in to the room. As the door closed he looke at his two fellow singer and asked, " Where's Danny? Is he in here?"

"No," Justin replied, " I think he's with Chris."

Lance flopped down on the bed and let out a loud sigh, " Boy I tell ya, whatta day."

Justin and Joey laughed, and Lance turned to face them, " What's been goin' on between you two?"

Justin and Joey embraced eachother and kissed in front of the shocked Lance, " I can see what's new! Man oh Man is this one screwy day. So you guys are gay and an item, huh?"

"Well," Joey said, " Seems like you and Danny are gay and an item too." He wagged his dark eyebrows at Lance.

Lance smiled briefly, then his face sagged in the realization of the past hour's events, " J.C.'s in love with me."

Justin annd Joey were shocked into silence. After a moment, Justin spoke up, " Scoop....What are you gonna do?"

Lance sagged onto the bed deeper than before, " Well I am gonna keep Danny, that's for sure. He makes me feel alive and needed in the way I want. J.C. is another story. If he keeps his advances up, I might have to drop out of the band."

TO BE CONTINUED..............

Well folks I will have the next chapter next week, so stay tuned. Ciao!!

Next: Chapter 11

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