Passion in Fashion


Published on Mar 23, 2001


Hi-Ho Nifty Readers one and all! I am here with another piece of the puzzle called "Passion in Fashion". As always I continue to thank you all for your support and readership. I'd like to welcome Mike to my fellowship of readers. I hope I continue to please you and all of you in my quest for literary romance!

()()()()()()() D I S C L A I M E R ()()()()()()()

This work of FICTION is for the pure pleasure of me, and my readers! If you are offended by my words, Don't READ THIS!! Gay love is no different than Hetro love. We just do it with more semen....

"Passion in Fashion" - 19


Jaime and Danny continued to load the rack of Lance's clothes. He marveled at the amount of clothing that Lance had for ONE show! A few moments into his hurried racking, he turned to Jaime and started up a conversation.

" Wow! Does Lance need this many wardrobe changes for one show?"

Jaime laughed, " The reason we have so much is in case they change their minds on what they're wearing." He continued to rack and sort in sections as he spoke. " One time two minutes before the curtain lifted, Justin wanted a new sweatshirt, because the one he was wearing was too loose, and he wanted to show off his nipples!"

Danny stopped and looked at Jaime, " His nipples?" He asked slightly shocked.

Jaime nodded as he continued his racking. As he finished with the rack, he got behind it and began to push it towards the door. As the rack neared the door, he motioned to Danny to open the door. Danny shot past him, and opened the door.

"Yeah, " Jaime answered, " We had kittens when it happened, but we got thru it." Jaime pushed the rack out the door and towards the loading dock. Once both men were out of the small room, Danny closed the door and looked towards Jaime who had stopped the rack, and motioned to Danny to take over.

" Here," He grabbed his hand and put it on the rack, " Take this out to the truck, and I will meet you back here in a few minutes," Danny nodded as he began to push the rack in the general direction that Jaime had been pushing. After a few minutes he arrived at the truck loading area. The bay was opened and a truck was open and waiting for him. He wheeled the clothes in and secured them in the hold. As he placed the last fastener on the rack he turned to go and was momentarily shocked to see Escobar behind him, leaning on the wall of the doorframe, legs crossed, arms folded and looking very relaxed. Danny started with a slight sound of surprise.

" Oh Es. You startled me. " He said slightly out of breath. " What's up? I thought you left with the others a while back?"

Escobar remained in place as Danny walked back out of the truck and turned to close the door. He had a moment of trouble getting the rope, but suddenly Escobar reached past him and yanked on the rope. The door slid down and set with a metallic clank. Danny bent over and secured the lock and banged the door twice to signal the driver to head off. The truck began to pull out and Danny returned his attention to Escobar.

"Thanks." Danny said respectfully. " I didn't know that door was so heavy."

Escobar smiled and continued to look at Danny from behind those glasses. " Anytime, and anyplace."

Danny looked at him for a moment with a slight glint in his eye. " I'm sure of that. I bet you say that to all the girls." He began to move past the leaning accountant, but Escobar put up an arm to bar his way. Danny turned to face him and he was face to face, mere inches from the man's face. Danny could smell the essence of him, the light musk, intermingled with a hint of cologne Danny thought smelled like one he recognized. Es' eyes were like siren calls to his soul. Calling for him to venture deeper into their depths. He struggled to find the right words. But Escobar beat him to it.

" I wouldn't say that to the girls, besides, " He inched his face closer towards the now stunned Danny. Danny was so caught up in his eyes that he didn't move. Es inched closer as he continued.

" You're more lovely to look at, and smell better too."

Danny broke the eyeing to respond, " Speaking of aroma; What is it you're wearing? Smells familiar?"

"Boucheron." Escobar replied; ever so slowly continuing his advance." I think it is light enough to wear well."

"Among other things.' Danny retorted as he eyed Escobar's ensemble once again. He looked back at Es as he said. " You must have spent a few bucks on this outfit. At Nieman it would have set you back a few hundred."

Escobar broke into a wide grin. " Well if you want to look like a mint, you have to spend a mint."

Danny scoffed, " Well in any case, you wear it well."

The hunk of an accountant leaned in for the kill, " Well if you think I look great in them.." He trailed off just as his lips made contact with Danny's. At that precise moment that the two men's lips touched, A loud cough could be heard from a few yards away.

" Danny! There you are? I was wondering if you went off with the truck?" It was Jaime, fits on hips with a look of glazed over surprise. Evidently his look of shock was not about Danny's loss, but to what found Danny. He looked past Danny to the now fully retracted Accountant.

"Es? I think Greg wanted you to ride back to the hotel with him and the guys, but they left without you." He said in mock pity.

Es smiled again and looked at Danny then at Jaime, " Oh I can hitch a ride with you and Danny." He returned his attention to Danny. By thins time Danny had recollected him self, and went towards Jaime and began to apologize.

" I'm sorry for keeping you Jaime, but Es had something He wanted to go over with me."

Jamie eyed him wearily, " I know what he wanted to go over you with.' Jaime thought. He shook the thought from his head and spoke, " Well its ok. We'd better get a move on if we're gonna catch the ride back to the hotel."

Danny looked back at Escobar then at Jaime, " Lance said he was going to send a car for me."

Jaime answered him. " Well before they left, Greg asked me to get you back there. He talked it over with Lance." He glanced at his watch before continuing, " We should be done in a half hour. You can ride with Es, and me back to the hotel." Jaime glanced past Danny towards Escobar, who was now approaching the two dressers. He had chagrin and quickly interjected his thoughts.

" Sounds like a plan." He said with a hint of glee. " Well, Daniel, " He held out his hand for Danny to shake it. Danny returned the gesture slowly. Jaime continued to eye the pair with suspicion. ' I better set the record straight.' He thought. Escobar nodded at Jaime and headed off towards the offices. Jaime and Danny watched him go until he was out of earshot. Jaime motioned for Danny to follow him. The salesman quickly followed the dresser and eventually caught up with him.

"So did you and Es have a good talk?" Jaime asked with a tone of a prosecuting attorney.

Danny looked at him with annoyance. " Umm He just has some stuff to go over with me, that's all."

Jaime let out a "HA" As they came to the next rack of clothes to be taken to the waiting truck. Jaime collected him self as he continued, " Danny it's time I set you straight to Escobar, and of his ' reputation'."

Danny leered at the fashion coordinator, who was now busy moving racks to the trucks. "Do tell." Danny said as he again chased after Jaime. He let out another chuckle as he began his narrative, " Well let's start at the beginning."


The limo was waiting in the same place that just a few hours earlier had deposited the band for its concert. The door was open, being held by the real chauffeur. One by one the members of the bad piled in to the waiting luxurious depths. Joey and Justin were the first to arrive. The piled in with playful chatter. A few minutes later, Lance and Greg piled in. And after a few more minutes, Chris and J.C. brought up the rear. As the last two men got in. the door closed and the car began to roll. As they exited the underground parking area, all of the men began to engage in mindless conversation. Mostly about the concert and their individual take on the show. As the stretched car whizzed south on Harbor Boulevard, Greg spoke to the men.

" O k guys another knockout show! I hear the Box office was the best they ever had."

The young men were all smiles as Greg continued with his plaudits. " I am surprised we didn't have any trouble with fans like some other times."

Joey broke in to Greg's report, " Yeah, but we had a wacky photographer try and sink us, and he almost got away with it. Yeah I'd say we had a smooth ride." As usual Joey's response had a sarcastic tone to it.

Justin nudged him in the arm. " Oh c'mon Supes." He chided him. " He was caught, and everything was great. Don't go givin' Greg a migraine."

Greg flashed Justin a wan smile as he replied, " Thanks Justin. At least someone is happy with my work." He let out an audible sigh as he continued, " Its not easy work keeping the five of you out of harm's way and in a safe environment."

Chris broke into the discussion, " Guys, we all had a long day, and a well deserved day off tomorrow. Let's put today behind us and relax."

Greg chose that moment to ask the men the question he has been holding back for the last half hour." Chris and Joshua said that you men don't need a meeting tonight?"

Joey, Justin and Lance looked at the two other singers, then back at Greg. " Well I don't think we need one." Lance said matter-of-factly.

Joey and Justin chimed in with similar responses. Greg wiped his brow with a handkerchief. " Fine, have it your way guys." He retorted. " I just thought that we needed some clarification, and earlier today you men were seemingly in agreement."

"Well now we are in agreement that we are fine." Chris said. " So, thanks Greg, but no thanks." And as he finished his sentence, The limo came to a halt in the back of the hotel. The driver opened the door, and all six men exited the car and headed back to the elevator. There was extra hotel security present, an added necessity given the events earlier. As they entered the waiting lift, Greg again addressed the men.

"O k guys, tomorrow is a free day. I think it would be best if we all had time to do what we wanted."

Joey smiled as the doors closed. " Greg." He put a hand on the manager's shoulder, " That's the best thing you've said all day!"


OK folks, Another chapter, setting up the next thrilling installment of Passion In Fashion, Coming soon to a PC near you! Ciao!!

Next: Chapter 21

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