Passion in Fashion


Published on Mar 26, 2001


Welcome once again Nifty readers! "Passion in Fashion" is celebrating a milestone: Twenty chapters! I want to thank all of you who continue to read and enjoy my work. I hope to keep you happy and well read for many more chapters to come.

@@@@@@@ DISCLAMER @@@@@@@

This work of fiction is for the sole purpose of my fellow readers to read and imagine as they see fit. You could say this is my term paper for the University of Smut!

"Passion in Fashion" - 20


Jaime and Danny returned to the backstage, which was now a real ghost town. Everyone had deserted this area long ago. Each footfall echoed through the empty space like a lone echo in the wilderness. As the two men continued their walk towards the tables of the backstage area, Danny became more confused. A few minutes earlier, he had sent the truck off with the clothes from the performance. Danny thought he and Jaime had removed all the clothing from the arena, but apparently he was mistaken. Jaime was now leading him back to the dressing room he and Lance had occupied during the concert. As Jaime opened the door he gestured for Danny to enter.

" Danny I need you to talk to someone for a minute." He said with a slight hint of concern in his voice.

Danny was slightly unnerved as he entered the room, but continued to look at Jaime as he responded, " Did I do something wrong?" he asked nervously. " Did we forget some clothes in here.." His words were cut in mid form when Danny turned his attention to the figure that waited for him in the room.

There, standing near the dresser table, was Craig, The show's choreographer. Craig's face was awash in concern and what Danny could only take as hurt. Jaime hurried in behind Danny, and shut the door.

" Danny," Jaime said, " Craig cornered me when you went to the truck and wanted to have a little talk with you." Jaime looked at Craig and nodded for him to begin.

Craig ringed his hands as he began to pace in the small confines of the room. He turned to Danny and motioned for him to take a seat on the couch,

" Go ahead and sit down Danny."

Danny sat quickly and focused his full attention to the two men, but to Craig in particular. Jaime took a seat on the top of the dresser, hands holding on to either edge of the small table.

" First off," Craig began," I want to say I know about you and Lance. Everyone knows by now."

Danny looked mortified and annoyed at the same time. " I don't think that's anyone's business." Danny shot back. Anger beginning to build in his voice. Danny was really treading thin ice, he thought, but his love for Lance was no one's business, and he resented anyone telling him it was wrong.

Craig sensed his anger and said," I didn't bring you here to talk about that though." He slowed his pacing, and let out a big sigh. " I brought you here to talk about Escobar."

Danny blinked, and instantly his resentment subsided, but a new fear gripped his heart. Did Jaime catching him and Es in that brief encounter, cause him to send out the protection squad. He hoped that they were not going to make a mountain out of nothing to Lance. This would really put a bad start to their budding romance, if it didn't kill it all together. He at least wanted to tell Lance his side if they made a beef. Danny found the words he was searching for.

" What about Es?"

Craig let out a sigh as he leveled his gaze squarely on Danny's. " Be careful of Es. He's a sexual predator."

Danny blinked in surprise. First off, he knew that there was something between him and Es that he had shrugged off as nothing more than a passing fancy. Now after the incident at the truck, Danny realized that it was more of a fancy pass. As Danny continued to digest the information he had accumulated, Craig continued his oration.

" Jaime told me that he caught you two kissing at the truck."

"That's not exactly true." Danny defended himself." He almost kissed me."

Craig turned to look at Jaime, then back at Danny, " Almost?"

"Yeah. He was talking to me, and the next thing I know he tried to land one on my lips."

"Well that's not what it looked like to Jaime."

" Well, Jaime caught the tail end of our discussion." Danny shifted his gaze to the sitting dresser. Jaime met his gaze with a look of pity and accusation.

" I didn't kiss him." Danny declared.

" Then why didn't you move away or tell him not to?" Craig shot back.

That response made Danny freeze. Why didn't he flinch? Why didn't he rebuke the closeness? Why didn't he back away? These questions would haunt him for awhile. Craig let out another exasperated sigh, " Danny, let me set you straight about Es."

Craig looked like he came to some sort of conclusion. " Escobar and I used to be lovers."

Danny's astonishment was registered by his now hanging jaw. " I had no idea."

"No reason why you should." He began to pace again, " A few years back, Escobar was a dancer with the group when they first toured Europe."

Danny nodded slowly in comprehension, " I remember him telling me he was a dancer."

Jaime continued for Craig, " Well Es was one of the best dancers the band had, and he was quite a draw. As you might have guessed, Escobar is gay. He and Craig gravitated towards each other, and in a short time, were lovers."

Craig took over again, " We had a two year long relationship. We toured together. I choreographed the dances, and he danced them. What I didn't know is that he was using his relationship with me to get special treatment with the other members of the band." He put a knuckle to his lips and bit it tenderly, as if the information he was telling Danny was hurtful. " I later found out that he was getting the others in the band to take sides. It got to the point where I could not get anyone to rehearse. Es and I had such a big blowout that Jeff fired him on the spot."

"Who's Jeff?" Danny asked confused.

"The band manager before Greg." Jaime answered.

Craig nodded as he continued, " Es left and was forgotten, except by me. It took me a long time to get over him."

Danny nodded in agreement. He knew the gut wrenching hurt that came from the end of a long-term relationship. A hollow feeling that nothing could fill. Only time would fill the void, and that was poor filler. Danny's eyes glazed over as his past came up to meet him headlong. For a few moments he was lost in a sea of past turmoil and lustful promises and pledges of what seemed to be a lifetime ago. He shook the specters from his thought and focused on Craig.

"Greg was informed of Es, and we thought all was well. But when our last accountant quit and we needed a new one, Es used his old contacts with the band and got the job. Much to my dismay."

"Who was his contact?" Danny asked.

Both Jaime and Craig looked at one another and then back at Danny. They answered as one, " Lance."


The Elevator doors parted, and the group of men piled out. The six men separated into their respective camps; Justin and Joey went into their room, J.C. went with Chris. Lance went into J.C.'s room. Greg went into his room. Joey and Justin entered and shut their door. Immediately Justin hopped into Joey's arms, and the two began a fierce kissing contest. After a few minutes, Joey broke the embrace.

" Let's call room service for dinner." He suggested, " I am so hungry I could eat a fuckin' cow!"

Justin laughed, " I got somethin' for you to eat." Justin made a grand display of aiming his ass to Joey and slapping it like a farmer slaps a cow's hind. Joey's eyes twinkled as he thumbed through the menu, and eyed Justin's butt.

" So what do you want to eat?"

"I don't know. Surprise me."

"Hmmmm ok." Joey picked up the phone and cradled it to his ear as he crooked his neck. "Yeah, this is .... Oh this is Mr. Fatone. I'd like to order some dinner."

As Joey spoke with room service, Justin began to strip seductively as the hapless Fatone watched. Joey didn't know what was more mouth watering, His hunger for food, or for Justin. He momentarily lost his train of thought as Justin began to shimmy out of his tight pants.

" Umm sorry. Yes let me have the Filet Mignon and Lobster for two."

Justin let out a loud " Yumm" as he continued his private stripping show.

"Yeah, and let's have two salads with Bleu Cheese, rolls, butter, and the works. For dessert? Strawberry Cheesecake. And could we have some strawberries and Champagne?" Joey looked at Justin again. The singer was clad only in white briefs. Slowly turning for Joey to see. Justin's butt was so curved and so firm, Joey thought it was a shame he had to sit on it. That is unless he sat on his face. Joey looked at Justin as he said, " What kind of champagne do you want?"

" Dom Perinion." Came the blonde's response.

Joey repeated Justin's request, and after a moment or two hung up the phone. Justin's firm and shapely arms soon encircled Joey.

" Well sounds like we're gonna have some chow?" He cooed to the now grinning Fatone.

" Well we need our strength." He replied, " I don't want you to collapse on stage from no food."

Justin began to peck the red head's lips." Well I know with good food and excersize, we'll be fine." Justin sank his lushious boy lips on to Joey's. The tow began to kiss again, more tenderly than the last time. Their tongues intertwined as the pure energy crackled between them. Joey's hands slid down to the thin fabric separating his hands from the bare skin of Justin's ass.

" Why don't you get in the shower, while I wait for the food?" Joey said.

Justin snuggled up to Joey as he placed his head on the Italian's shoulder. " I want you to shower with me."

"One of us has to wait for the food." He answered.

Justin snuggled even more on the hunks' shoulder, much the same way a cat would, not wanting to give up it's prime spot. It was these things that made Joey melt for Justin. He was so right, he felt so good, Joey thought, that if given the oprituniuty, Joey would hold Justin in his arms forever. Joey began to sway gently as Justin smiled and closed his eyes. They stayed that way for several minutes, until a loud knock came at the door. Justin scurried off to the bathroom, as Joey went to the door. Looking through the peephole, Joey saw a man in a white jacket and with a large rolling table. He opened the door and gestured for the man to enter. The waiter laid out the table, and offered up the tab to Joey. Joey took the ticket and signed and added a tip for the thankful server. As the waiter went to the door, the sound of a shower began to come from the marble lined bathroom. The waiter, caught off guard, reflexively turned towards the sound. The waiter blinked in surprise. ' Naah' he thought. I must be seeing things. The waiter exited the room, not knowing if the image of a naked young man masturbating in front of the rapidly fogging mirror was for real. 'Joey of N'Sync Gay?' he mused. 'Naaaah' He shook his head and went down the hall.


Chris and J.C. entered Chris' room. As the two men settled in the room, Chris picked up the phone.

" Who ya callin'?" Josh asked.

"I'm leaving word downstairs for Chuck and Chad to be allowed up."

J.C. nodded in approval and went into the bathroom. After all the singing and dancing and moving around, he was ready to piss it all away... in the toilet that is. Josh was overwhelmed with relief as his bladder released all the pent up urine. As he was urinating, Chris came in to the bathroom.

"It's all set. " He said, " They'll be let up by security." Chris leveled his gaze on the golden stream that J.C. was expelling in the toilet. Although Chris was not into watersports, watching someone as handsome as J.C. pissing fascinated him.

"Getting a good enough view?" Josh asked sarcastically.

" I like what I see, yeah."

Josh laughed, " You like piss?"

"No, but I like what's doing the pissing." Chris retorted.

The stream ended with a quiet drop. J.C. shook it a few times as he began to rebutton his pants. Chris let out a curt laugh, " They say if you shake it more than once, you're playing with it."

Josh paused as he looked at Chris. A wide grin spread on his face. " Well you'd know all about playing."

Chris was taken slightly aback. " What do you mean?"

" You have played with my cock enough to be considered part owner." J.C. shot back.

Chris inched closer to Josh. His fly was still open, and just a pair of boxers separated Chris from his quarry. Josh made no motion to move away from Chris. His hand began to massage the now hardening phallus. Josh looked down at the hand massaging his ever-hardening cock. Chris was bemused.

" Does this bother you?" Chris asked.

Josh continued to look at the hand action." Feels better than being slugged."

"What about all that trippy shit that you were saying today?"

J.C. closed his eyes and began to roll his neck." I'm coming down from being all worked up. I think we'll have fun tonight. I can't wait to get Chad into bed." He finished his sentence with a loud crack of his neck and a sigh.

Chris was surprised. " Chad, eh?"

J.C. nodded. He continued his relaxation, and Chris continued his handy work. Chris began to vigorously rub the fabric over the cock, until he felt the telltale sign of arousal. Josh's cock began to stiffen as blood rushed into the flaccid penis. He decided to take it a step further, and slowly pulled the boxers down. J.C. stood motionless as Chris pulled the boxers down to get a better shot at the now rigid cock that bobbed before him. Still looking at Josh's face for any sign, Chris slowly began to kneel to the rod before him. Finally, Chris sank his lips onto the flesh, and began to suck. Slowly at first, still looking up at J.C. Josh stood there now looking down at Chris. He nodded his approval and Chris began to orally stimulate him in earnest. Chris' tongue flickered across the rosy head of the cock, and darted in and out of the piss slit, fresh with a hint of urine. Chris delighted in the taste. Slightly bitter, salty, and warm. It assaulted Chris' tongue with a barrage of senses that he was more than willing to experience. Josh thrusted his hips towards Chris, and the cock responded in kind. The cock began to slide in and out in rhythmic movement, and Chris' tongue and head compensated for the movement.

"Yeah, Suck the piss right out if that fat cock." Josh said harshly.

Chris was now completely absorbed in his work. He made quick licks and movements on the mushroom head to give total stimulation to this prime example of male perfection. J.C. removed his shirt and tugged at his pants, to lower them to the floor. Chris paused momentarily as he freed Josh's legs from their fabric confines. In a moment, J.C. was now completely naked. Chris marveled at the fine chiseled features of J.C.'s body. His strapping legs were tone and well formed. A light dusting of hair grappled the curves and bulges of these trunks that held up the godly body of flesh. His cock was in an arroyo of soft brown hair that arched away in a slight vee to the well-formed abs that led up the chest. Chris sighed as he dove back on the waiting dick. A broad smile formed at the edges of Josh'' face as he felt, for the first time today, completely in control. Chris looked up at J.C and said breathlessly,

" Let's take this to the shower."

J.C. wordlessly moved towards the shower and leaned in to turn on the water. In that short interval, Chris quickly undressed and no stood in front of Josh completely naked. It was not the first time Josh had seen J.C. naked today, but he reveled in the well-packed and thick man before him. Chris' heritage did him well; a fine formed physique, alabaster skin. The faint dark hairs that grew across the chest and stomach of this man, was making Josh think of all the lovely things that could be done when two men had sex. Steam began to billow out of the open shower door, and Josh entered its foggish depths. J.C.'s finger protruded from the foggy reaches and slowly seductively urged him forward. Not saying a word, Chris entered the shower, and slowly closed the door behind him.


Ok folks, I want to take a moment to say that this story is made possible because of you. Let me know what you think of this epic work. Also, if you have any ideas for this story or for a spin off, LMK. I was thinking of spinning off Escobar into his own story of torrid sex and relentless seduction. I would like input. Well until next we meet, Ciao!

Next: Chapter 22

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