Passion in Fashion


Published on Nov 11, 2000


Welcome one again my fellow Nifty readers. Time for another erotic laced installment of " Passion In Fashion". I hope that you become ardent readers of this story, if you already haven't;-). I love EMail so keep it comming!!! My thanks go out to all who have written thus far , but I want to say Thanks to my dear close friend Alfred, who loves my stories. Alfie I hope I keep you entertained for a long time to come:-) Now on with the show............

"Passion In Fashion" -9

*********** DISCLAIMER ***********

This is a work of complete fiction. No libelous material is here, just good healthy sexual erotic writing. N'Sync is whatever they want to be:-)


Danny and Lance were headed on the I-5 towards Anaheim. They were able to get out of Newport easily enough, but by the time they got closer to their destination, the traffic increased accordingly. Danny let out an exasperated sigh,

" We'll just barely make it." He said cautiously.

Lance glanced at his new lover and smiled, " Oh we'll make it, " he replied, " The guys will wait for me."

The brown Mazda finally reached the offramp that would take them to the hotel. After a few minutes, they arrived at the Valet parking line at the Anaheim Hilton. The attendant gave Danny a claim ticket for his car and both he and Lance headed on into the hotel lobby. As they entered, Lance's eyes darted in every which direction, Danny caught him glancing about and wispered cautiously,

" Lance? Whats wrong?"

Lance met the young man's concerned glance, " I don't want to get mobbed like we were in Miami. I was almost skinned alive by some crazy girls."

Danny instinctively inched closer to Lance. The two of them headed off in the direction of the bank of elevators on the far side of the lobby, As they neared their destination, Lance let out a sigh of relief, but let it out too soon. From the far end of the lobby came a ear piercing shriek. Both Danny and Lance's heads snapped in the direction of the noise and discovered it origin: some twenty young girls were decending like locusts upon the two men. Lance's eyes went wide with horror. Danny looked at Lance and saw his suprised reaction. Instinctively Danny grabbed for Lance's arm and tug it to let him know he was on the move. Danny dragged the momentarily stunned singer to the elevator and stabbed the 'up' button. Danny then glanced back to see a line of young girls rush up like a wave.Lance spoke to Danny with a tone of pure fright,

" Danny get me the fuck outta here!"

" I'm trying Scoop, but we're trapped.The elevator is only a floor away." Danny said nervously as he repetedly hit the button. as if that were going to make it move faster.Amid the throng of teens, a man wearing a brown fedora moved closer to the two men. He was holding a camera, and aiming it at the two men. As he zeroed in on them with his lense, he was jostled about by the onslaught of girls rushing past him. As he looked back into the viewfinder of the Nikon, He saw somthing that made him smile with devilish delight. What he saw thru the lense was his E ticket to the front page of the magazine he worked for.......The National Enquirer.He saw Lance Bass and an unidentified young man, hand in hand waiting to get into an elevator. ' This is fuckin' great!' he thought to himself, ' Good thing I was skulking in the lobby waiting for that flea bag Buttafuco, but I got a bigger fish on my line now!' The photographer began to snap away with his camera, catching images of Lance, Danny, thier hands locked together, and the best shot of all: Danny pushing Lance into the lift with his body.

The photo hound's mouth watered at the sight, " Megabucks here I come!" he shouted over the din. The throng of girls arrived at the closing doors of the elevator a few seconds too late; The doors closed, just as Hotel Security tried to break up the melee of females. As the doors closed and the elevator started its ascent, Danny slumped on the side support rail. Lance went up to him and took him into his arms.

" Thanks Lover," he said as he kissed the haggared man on the cheek.

Danny returned the kiss, " Is that what we have in store for us?"

Lance looked at Danny concerned, " Hon, it comes with the territory, but not like that. Where was security when I needed them?!"

Danny looked at Lance and chuckled," Lance, we came in the front and without security. I'm just suprised we weren't assaulted!"

Lance smiled and replied, " Well I had my Sir Lancelot to protect me." he leaned in and kissed Danny on the lips.

" C`est Moi!" Danny replied between kisses.

" Oh My, you are a man of the World." Lance cooed.

Danny hugged Lance as he continued to kiss as he said, " Baby you rock my world!"

Lance giggled and kissed him again. The lift signaled its arrival at the floor the band was staying on.As the doors parted, the two men collected themselves and exited as if they were good friends, and not as lovers. Lance led Danny down the hall to where the band's block of rooms were. Danny asked Lance as they walked down the long hall,

" Do you think the guys were talking about us?"

" My guess is that they were too tired ar psyched up about tonigt to care. Besides knowing them like I do, they probably are showering for the tenth time."

Lance's guess was not far off the mark......


Justin was feeling positively good. He had just gotten the best fuck of his life, and he was feeling loose from the hot jet of water that rained upon him. He soaped himself up and began to clean his tight body in ernest. He lathered his abs and pecs , and drifted down to his teen meat. He stared at his cock for a moment, remembering how hard it was while Joey pummled his ass.

" Hehehehehehe." he laughed out loud.

"I'm glad you find yourself so funny Goldy." A voice said from behind the shower door. It could only be one person.

" Well why don't you find out what's funny Supes." Justin replied playfully.

The door parted and Joey entered the steaming shower and closed the door. The hot water began to drench the hunky Italian as he sauntered up behind the soaping Timberlake. Justin did not turn to face him but continued to wash himself and said,

" I love what you did to me out there Joey. I hope I can get my crack at bat on you."

" All in good time love," Joey said quietly, as his hands probed the teens wet back. The hands on Justin's back were better than anything he could have asked for at that moment.Justin scooted back into Joey and was impailed on the red head's manhood. Justin wiggled his butt so Joey's cock slipped in between the cheeks. Joey continued his massage of Justin's back and lowered his lips to the bare shoulder of the relaxed teen. He kissed the alabaster skin and swirled his tounge on the sleek shoulder blade.Justin moaned softly as his shoulders were given the royal treatment by Joey. Both of them began to motion back and forth, as ass and cock began their erotic movements. The steam was enveloping the two young men in a shroud that mimiced thier thougths at that moment. The haze of lust and underlying emotion was infusing itself thru the very fiber of thier existances.

" Ohhhh Joey...............I love you." Justin said sounding totally captivated.

Joey paused briefly from kissing Justin, and embraced the blond's mid section, " Are you sure you feel that way Goldy?"

Justin nodded emphatically, " I just feel so right in your arms. I knew in the Limo on the way to the store today that I had to let you know soon that I loved you."

Joey tightened his hold on Justin," Its a big step Goldy. I mean how would we handle it with the rest of the guys? Hell how would our families handle it?"

Justin sank into Joey's chest, " We'll get by. To everyone we'll be the guys we look to be, but in private..." He took hold of Joey's right hand and kissed the inner palm.

Joey stood motionless behind Justin as his mind thought about what had just been said. After a moment he said, " Gold...........Justin......... I don't want us to get hurt."

Justin spun to face Joey, " We won't. I think we're right for eachother. Fuck the World!"

Joey pulled him into his chest and kissed his cheek, " I already got to fuck the only one in my World."

Both laughed at the comment. " C'mon let's get ready for the show." Joey said, and both began to shower. " Besides, we will talk about it more after the show How's room service sound after the show?"

Justim purred," Like Heaven."


J.C. walked down the hall towards his room he shared with Justin. All the while his mind spun with the events that had transpired in the past few hours. Lance meeting Danny, his jealousy over the whole thing, walking in on Justin and Joey, and Chris' advances. Josh shook his head to try to clear his thoughts.' Whatta fucked up day!' he thought,' I need to get ahold of Lance and talk some sense into him. I love him, and I know he loves me too.' He paused momentairly as he walked past Joey and Lance's room. Earlier he has barged in on Justin and Joey in the middle of some serious lovemaking. He wondered if they were still at it? 'I bet it was a rockin'!' he mused. Just as J.C. had reached his door, he caught sight of two guys walking towads him from down the hall. He squinted to get a better look at the two men. It was Lance and Danny, returning from wherever they had gone since the band split up at the store. J.C. eyed Danny as if he were a virgin at an Aztec sacrifice. He looked at Lance and saw a glow he had never seen on the blond's face before. J.C. looked inbetween the two men and caught sight of somthing that made his jaw tighten and his eyes narrow: Lance and Danny were walking hand in hand towards him. The sight was more than he could bear.

J.C.'s demeanor perked up as they approached him. Lance was the first to speak up,

" Hey Josh! Man were we almost mobbed.downstairs. Those chicks are somthing else. Are the other guys getting ready?"

J.C. looked at Lance, then gazed harshly at Danny, " No I didn't know that Lance, maybe next time you shoudn't go out without security." His tone was slightly cold.

Danny and Lance glanced at eachother,and Lance replied," I'll remember that. Josh is everything ok?"

Josh looked into Lance's eyes, " Lance I need to talk with you. Can we have a minute alone Danny?" J.C. shot Danny a look that said " Don't fuck with me!"

Danny was unnerved by the look Josh gave him. He replied slightly shaken, " Uhhhh Sure. I'll wait out here."

Lance looked at J.C. with growing ire, " What you have to tell me can be said in front of Danny. We're going steady." He tightened his grasp on Danny's hand to emphasise the point.

J.C.'s jaw tightened again, " Lance, I need to be alone with you for just a few minutes, I'm sure he woudn't mind."

Danny looked at the floor, not wanting to meet Josh's glaring eyes. Clearly Josh was not keen on the idea of Danny and Lance's budding romance. Lance loosened his grip on Danny's hand,

"J.C. what the fuck is your problem? I know you have a crush on me, but it will never be more than that, a crush. I love Danny and we are going to be together." Lance was positively getting angry.

J.C. inched closer to Lance and Danny and Lance looked at him as if he were a wild man, " No you listen to reason Lansten! Who has been there for you now and always?! I have!" J.C. was now shouting at the two of them. His loudness was enough to draw the attention of Joey and Justin, who heard J.C. shouting and opened their door. Both were wearing towels.Joey spoke up,

" J.C. is everything ok?"

"It's fine Joe, go back into your room!"

'Woah buddy! Wait a minute! What the FUCK is the problem?!"

J.C. faced Joey and Justin, not even noticing both were wearing a white terry cloth towel.He responded to Joey's challenge,

" It's between Lance and me. Why don't you ask Danny to wait with you guys in your room for a bit. I need to talk to Lance."

By this time Chris and Greg had come into the hall and had gathered around the group of men. Greg tried to get in between Danny and J.C.,

" Guys?What's going on?"

"Nothing!" Josh replied, "We're just chatting."

"It didn't sound like a cozy chat in my room," Greg replied. Chris chimed in, " Josh are you ok?"

"WHY THE FUCK IS EVERYONE ASKING ME IF I'M OK?! WHAT THE FUCK?! I want to talk to Lance, without his BOY around!"

Danny moved into Josh's space, " Whatever I am to Lance is not your business J.C."

J.C. Didn't even let him continue.............................Nor did anyone hear the elevator ping in the distance.


After security cleared the throng of girls from the elevator, The Fedora wearing reporter was able to see where the elevator stopped, and pushed the button to get one and ride it up to the floor. The doors to the elevator opened and the man stepped in. Quickly he punched the button that would take him to the floor Lance and his 'friend' rode to.The lift started going up and the man prepared his camera. 'If my hunch is right, I'll be able to buy that Ferrari. The guys would kill for this op.' The man thought to himself.' No one is gonna scoop Rob Salem!' The doors parted and Rob exited. He cautiously went to the hall entrance and glanced down the corridor, first looking right, then left. What he saw was enough to make him drop his jaw.Quickly he aimed his camera, and aimed it down the hall, he adjusted the lense and began to snap away at what he saw.......................

J.C. swung his left fist at Danny. Danny jumped in suprise, and bairly dodged the swing. Just as Josh swung, Justin and Joey went for J.C. and Greg got ahold of Danny. When The two towled men went for their fellow bandmemember, their towels fell to the floor. At that moment they all noticed the Pulse of a flashbulb go off at the end of the hall. They all turned in the direction to see the photographer taking pictures. What that picture showed was enough to spell doom for N'Sync........................................

The picture captured the naked forms of Joey and Justin land on J.C. as Danny was being held by Greg and Lance lashing out at J.C....................... making contact with the man's wire tight jaw.

'BINGO!!!' Thought the eagle eyed photographer, ' In your own words guys: BYE BYE BYE!'

TO BE CONTINUED....................

Well folks, thats it for now. I hope tis adds more twists to the story. Damn I love drama! EMail me soon. Ciao!!

Next: Chapter 10

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