Passions of the Young

By Suma L

Published on Dec 25, 2001


The Passions Of The Young And The Restless Guiding The Light At General Hospital As The World Turns

A new soap opera created by Sum for the kind folks at Nifty

Disclaimer: All this is fake. Fake, fake, fake! I made it ALL up out of my imagination!

Plays dorky theme music

The Passions Of The Young And The Restless Guiding The Light At General Hospital As The World Turns Theme Song

Oooo The young are in love Oooo Passions of the young and old Oooo And they're restless Oo Oo Oo Guiding the liiiiiight Oooo at General Hospital Ahhhhh As the world turrrrrrrns World turns...

Episode 3

~Scene 1:~

Justin Chasez paced the room anxiously. Joshua was not home. Joshua had not been home in 4 hours. He was only supposed to go to the market to get some flour for the souffle. He should have been home by then, yet he was not.

The phone rang.


"Mr. Timberlake?" A voice demanded on the other end.

"Yes, this is he." Justin replied nervously, gnawing on his stubby fingernails.

"We have Joshua."

"What do you mean!?"

"We have him. And we're not giving him back unless you leave 500,000 dollars on the stump in the middle of Perkins Park at 5:00 pm tomorrow. If you do not, we will kill him. Don't tell the cops, or we'll kill you as well."

"Oh my god! Yes, yes, okay, I will!"

"Good. BE THERE!" Click.

"Oh my..." Justin whispered before breaking into tears of despair.

~Scene 2:~

Lance Bass and Christina Aguilara tiptoed down the hall to the fabric room. "Lance, we can't! We mustn't!" Hissed Christina, frightendly.

"It's okay! No one will know! But I MUST have that new green polyester blend I saw them ship in."

"But we're breaking into someone elses fabric warehouse!"

"I KNOW! Shhh! But I need to have it before anyone else has a chance at it."

They crept around the corner and saw a room full of different shades of green fabric.

"I have a bad feeling about this, Lance..." Christina whispered, but went unheard.

~Scene 3:~

"NO, BRITNEY, NO!" Mandy Moore screamed.


"Don't put those dishes with those tumblers! They don't match!"

"Oh, my, you're right." Britney Spears put down the orange plate, and picked up the blue one. "Better?"

"Much! So, when's Christina supposed to be here?"

"Soon. Very soon."

"But she never RSVP'd..."

"She's coming anyway. I can sense it! If she doesn't, then I will be very angry, won't I?"

"How angry?"

"Let's just say, angry enough to put a bullet in her head and around the corner."

"Ooo, that's goood..." Mandy snickered, and went back to assisting Britney in her organization.

~Scene 4:~

Lance ran his fingers along the fabrics. "OH MY GOD! Is that taffeta? I LOVE taffeta!"

"Shh!" Christina hissed. "Someone might hear us."

"GOT IT!" Lance screeched as he yanked the roll of green polyester of the shelf. All of a sudden, they both heard quick footsteps coming right to the door. "RUN!" Lance shrieked, and pushed Christina out of his way.

He ran out the door, and back to his hot pink mustang, completely forgetting about his assistant.

A security guard came running into the green fabric room, and yanked her to the ground, cuffing her. "Noo!" She cried out, but no one was there to help her as she was taken to the police station.

~Scene 5:~

"Why, Mandy, that is a tight skirt your wearing." Joseph Fatone said to the whiny blonde.

"Why, yes, it is!"

"Want to come back to my place?"

"I can't. Brit's party! Christina is supposed to be coming here soon!"

"I highly doubt it."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I just saw a police car go by on my way here with her handcuffed in the back."

"OH MY GOD! She's going to tell them about my heroin addiction!" Britney shrieked from the kitchen.

NEXT TIME on Passions of the young and the restless guiding the light at general hospital as the world turns... "Why can't you just let me be who I really am? A woman..." "Oh, Lance! Yes, that's IT!" "And to think, I was going to let her use the fine china!"

Not my best. Obviously. But it's Christmas Eve, and I really wanted to get SOMETHING out there! :) I still love you all! Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday!


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