Past Imperfect

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Feb 1, 2019



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Past Imperfect

Craig Werner had led a perfectly charmed life. He grew up in Cedarhurst, a lovely, upscale suburb of New York. It was on the south shore of Long Island. His family had plenty of money, and he and his brother lacked for nothing. He was accepted to Princeton University, where he earned his BA degree, and then to the Wharton School of Business in Philadelphia where he earned his MBA.

After graduation he got an entry level position with a publicly listed company, and he was promised a bright future. Once he was making a good salary, he rented an apartment in a gentrified lower Manhattan neighborhood, and he started to go clubbing a little too often.

Craig was very handsome, and he had no trouble scoring with the ladies, until he met Marla Drake at one of his favorite clubs. She was, he thought, the most beautiful woman he had ever gazed upon. He made a play for her, but much to his chagrin she refused to go to bed with him on a first date. He pointed out to her that they weren't on a date, and Marla just laughed. She was just as smitten as Craig was, but she decided to play hard to get.

She handed Craig a card. "Call me," she said as she left the bar.

He did, and they started to date. He was wild about her, and she was wild about him. Her parents loved Craig, and his parents loved Marla. They had a whirlwind romance, and they began to plan their wedding. The only fly in the ointment was that Marla, who was an attorney, made more money than Craig did. It didn't bother Marla at all, but it agitated Craig. Shortly after the wedding he got a promotion and a hefty salary increase, which helped him to put all that ridiculous macho male stuff behind him.

They took up residence in Craig's apartment, which was larger and much more spacious than Marla's. They had no trouble adapting to life as a couple in the upper echelon of New York society. They had a slew of friends, attended all theater openings, and had subscriptions to the opera and ballet. Even an opening of a new exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art found them in attendance.

The Werners had no idea what a charmed and perfect life they led. It had been that way since they were born, and it just continued on for them in their adulthood. If they had given it any thought at all, they would have assumed that it was their birthright.

Nothing can stay perfect forever, not in real life anyway. Their ideal existence started to unravel. At first it was in little ways, but then things seemed to accelerate, and the problems became more and more serious.

Craig's older brother, Michael, was a commercial real estate broker, and as the real estate market continued to burgeon in New York City, Mike had become a millionaire. He was only a year older than Craig, and the two boys had shared a bedroom growing up. They were exceptionally close, not merely as brothers, but as friends.

Mike did not seem to date much, preferring to hang out with Marla and Craig. Wherever they went he was with them. Naturally Craig saw nothing wrong with it, but Marla was getting irked. To her credit, she knew how close the two brothers were so she kept her annoyance bottled up.

One day Craig broached the subject of starting a family and moving to the suburbs.

"Hell no," Marla screamed. "My career is just taking off, and we have plenty of time to start a family." She was so adamant that Craig backed down, but now he was the one who was upset.

Along with his promotion, Craig had to travel more and more for business. He was away a good deal of the time, and Marla was beginning to resent it.

These may have been minor annoyances, but one day the other shoe dropped, and it was a heavy shoe.

Craig found himself on business in Cleveland, and negotiations went very well. He wrapped up all the loose ends a day earlier than he expected, and rebooked his flight home. He didn't call Marla. He wanted to surprise her.

He didn't get home until 11 PM, and he crept into the apartment as silently as possible. Although the bedroom door was closed, he could tell that the light was off. He reckoned that Marla was asleep, and he planned to get naked and hunker up to her. He undressed in the living room and left his clothing on the sofa. He opened the door as silently as he could.

The room may have been dark, but there was some light coming from a baseboard night light, and there were plenty of soft, murmuring noises coming from the bed. His brother was screwing his wife.

"What the fuck," he exclaimed. He ran back to the living room, dressed hastily and ran to his car. His phone rang incessantly. His brother and his wife were both trying to reach him. He wasn't ready to talk to either one of them. He knew he would eventually have to talk to Marla about a divorce, but he seriously doubted that he could ever talk to Mike again, at least, not right now.

He sat up all night in his car, and when it became necessary, he went to an all-night diner for food and to pee. He had not informed anyone at work that he was coming home early, so he took the next day off. It was a Friday, so he actually had the whole weekend off. He needed all that time to get his head together, and he was glad to have it.

In the morning he positioned himself where he could see the entrance to his building, but he remained out of sight. As soon as Marla left for work, he entered the building. His first stop was his storage bin in the basement. He retrieved two medium-sized suitcases. The one he had used on his trip remained fully packed, and was still in his auto.

The first things he did were to shit, shower and shave. Then he put on fresh clothing. Finally, he filled the two suitcases with only essential needful things, and brought them back to his car. He knew he would have to find an apartment quickly, but he couldn't think about that now. It was too early to find a hotel to stay at; it was still check out time. He reasoned that he would expend the effort for tonight after dinner. All he could brood about right now was how different his life would be from now on. He had no idea just how changed it would be.

Early that evening he drove to his favorite neighborhood bar. It was not a pick-up bar like the ones he attended when he was single. It was a quiet establishment, tucked away on a side street. He didn't expect it to happen, but when he got to the bar he actually found an available stool. What's more, he knew the guy sitting next to him. It was one of his co-workers, Marty Crane.

Craig and Marty were not really close, but they were friendly enough to have lunch together once in a while. Marty was gay, out, and proud. He never hid it at work, but most of his co-workers, including Craig, chose not to socialize with him. They didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. As soon as they spotted each other they shook hands.

"What are you doing here?" Craig asked. "I would have thought you would go to a gay bar to drown your sorrows."

"I live right next door. This place is more convenient. Besides, I don't want to run into any of my friends right now. I couldn't face them."

Craig knew just how he felt.

"How did you know that I'm drowning my sorrows, anyway?" Marty asked.

"I didn't; it's just an expression. Are you drowning your sorrows?"


"How come?"

"My boyfriend dumped me for a twinkie. It's an old story, but I never thought it would happen to me."

Craig started to laugh, but anyone could tell that it was a sardonic laugh.

"What's so funny?" Marty asked.

"Try this one out for your drowning pool. I came home early from my business trip last night, and found my brother fucking my wife."

"Wow that is heavy. Order something strong; the first one's on me."

That began a long night of drowning their sorrows. They lost count of how many drinks they each had. Tomorrow was Saturday and they weren't going to work, so they didn't bother to ration themselves.

Finally, the bartender informed them that he was closing. It was 2 AM.

"Shit," Craig said, "where did the night go. I gotta go find a hotel, and quick."

"In all good conscience, I can't let you drive in your condition," Marty said. "Why don't you use my guest room, and we can get sober together tomorrow?"

Craig was too drunk to say no. For one fleeting moment, he realized that he would be alone with a gay man, but even that didn't bother him. He needed to get into a bed and quickly. He had no recollection of the short walk to Marty's apartment or of climbing into bed.

The room was dark when he woke up, and he thought that he hadn't slept very long. He glanced out the window to see if the dawn was upon them. He realized that Marty had blackout shades and they were drawn. He glanced at his watch. It was 11 AM. Damn. He had to freshen up and check into a hotel.

The clothes he wore yesterday were on a chair. He hated to do it but he put on his twice-worn boxers, and went to find Marty. He wanted to borrow soap and a towel. He needed to shower badly.

He heard noises coming from the kitchen and headed that way. Marty was standing at the stove frying bacon and eggs. He was totally naked, and of course Craig checked him out. He was about four inches flaccid and uncut. Craig was about the same size, and also uncut. Marty caught Craig staring at his prick and it began to rise. Within seconds he exposed a hefty seven inches to Craig.

Craig was embarrassed, so he said, "If you have to pee, go do it. Don't let me stop you."

"I don't have to pee."

"So how come you have an erection?"

"Craig, you are so naïve. You're the best looking dude in all of New York, and I've got major hots for you. You don't have to worry. I'm a perfect gentleman, but that doesn't stop me from getting hard."

Craig turned ten shades of red. "You're not so bad looking yourself," he told Marty.

"Sit down and have breakfast," Marty said. "I've been slaving over a hot stove all morning. After breakfast we'll shower."

"Then I've got to check into a hotel, and look for an apartment."

"Don't be a jerk. Stay here until you find an apartment. I told you I wouldn't come on to you, much as I'd like to."

Craig turned away from Marty. He couldn't look at him when he said, "It isn't you I'm afraid of."

Marty's jaw fell a few inches, and he was speechless. When he recovered his vocal chords, he asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'm afraid of my own feelings."

As shocked as he was, Marty got the courage to ask, "Have you ever...?" He couldn't even mouth the words.

Craig nodded.

"You don't have to," Marty continued, "but I'd like you to tell me about it."

"It was only one time."

"Nevertheless, I want to hear about it."

Craig met John in Accounting 101 during his first semester at Princeton. They became instant friends, and began socializing together. The only thing they didn't do together was have a threesome with some lucky girl. They were both very handsome, and confined their sexual activities to one on one. Craig's one on one was with a girl. Unknown to him, John's one on one was with another guy. Craig had no clue that John was gay. John really had the hots for Craig, and it took all his restraint not to act inappropriately.

In the spring of their freshman year, they looked for an off-campus apartment to live in for the rest of their stay in Princeton. There was no question that both their families could afford it. They found a lovely one-bedroom furnished apartment in downtown Princeton. Neither of them was bothered by the fact that there was only one bedroom. It was furnished with twin beds, not unlike their dorm rooms. There was a sleep sofa in the living room, and they agreed that if either of them brought home a playmate the other would use the sofa.

John never told Craig that he was gay. About two weeks after they moved in, John texted Craig that he was bringing home a fuck buddy. He apologized and asked him to please use the sofa that night. John didn't know how starved Craig was for sex so he texted back: You'll only use one bed. I'll watch from mine. Maybe she'll let me share her.

He was only joking, but John texted back: You are more than welcome to join in the fun.

John and Craig sat in the living room waiting for John's "date" to arrive. Their doorbell rang and John jumped up. "I'll get it," he said.

Craig was no dummy. He had begun to suspect that John was gay for some time now, so he was not entirely surprised that a mature older man walked in. Mature or not, he was very good looking, and he was Craig's Professor of Economics, Dr. Kenneth Warren. When Ken and Craig saw each other there was an awkward silence. Ken broke the awkwardness by saying to John, "I didn't expect to do a threesome with the two handsomest men in the university. Thanks, John."

Craig was at a loss what to do. His first impulse was to run away, but he was horny and curious. He decided to join them. He told himself that all young men and boys experiment, and that it meant nothing. He was convinced that they could never turn him gay.

"Tell me what to do fellas. I'm new at this."

"A virgin," Ken proclaimed. "This is better than I thought."

Ken and John taught Craig how to give head, and then they formed a daisy chain. Craig was shocked at how good cock tasted. He was admonished not to cum, and Ken stopped the action just in time. John broke out the condoms and lube. The experienced men taught Craig how to prepare an asshole for entry. As they spoke to him he was filled with fear and apprehension, but he was also filled with lust. When they finally fucked each other, they placed Craig in the middle.

Ken left after everyone was satisfied. John was afraid to say anything to Craig. To break the silence, Craig said, "John, that was super fun, but it's not what I do. I'm going to look for another apartment for the next two years, and I don't want roommates."

"Please don't do this. I love you, and I promise not to come on to you. It was you who asked to join us. I swear it won't happen again. I'll tell any potential fuck buddy that I have no place to entertain, and he'll have to provide the playroom for us."

Craig didn't answer. He turned away from John and rarely spoke to him for the remainder of the school year.

"What happened?" Marty asked. "Did you remain friends?"

"No, I avoided him. I was convinced that I wasn't gay, and he frightened me. I don't know where he went after graduation."

"Why did you say that you were afraid of yourself?"

"You see Marty, I did enjoy myself. I enjoyed it too much, and I was scared. I wanted more but I could never tell John. After a while I buried the whole incident, but being here with you now has awakened old desires."

"I know that I asked you to tell me what was bothering you, but now I wish you hadn't. I want to make love with you so badly. I would never have asked you to stay here with me, if I only had one bedroom. I'm afraid of myself also."

"I'm done with restraints and constraints," Craig said. He jumped up and hugged Marty. Then he kissed him with closed lips. "Let's have a go at it," he said. Then he kissed Marty again, but this time they grew passionate and their tongues sought each other out.

Suddenly, Craig's phone rang. It was his brother. He knew he couldn't avoid him forever, and he decided to answer it.

"Please," Mike pleaded. "Don't shut me out. Let me explain. Where are you? I have to see you."

Poor Mike sounded so desperate that Craig relented. "Do you mind if my brother comes over?" he asked Marty.

"I don't mind delaying our love making, but if this will change your mind, I won't like it much."

"I promise you, it won't change my mind. Remember I'm going to live with you for the foreseeable future."

Marty smiled, and Craig said into the phone, "I'm at a friend's apartment, but I don't know his address. I'll put him on."

After Marty hung up the phone, he looked longingly at Craig. "Will you do one thing for me before your brother comes over? Will you kiss me again? Kissing you before was so sweet."

Craig smiled, and the two men wrapped themselves up together.

When Mike arrived he grabbed Craig and enveloped him in a bear hug. "I'm so sorry," he said. "I never meant for it to happen. Please let me explain."

"What can you say to me to alleviate the pain of my best friend, my brother, fucking my wife?"

"In my defense, I had no idea that you were away on business. I came over after dinner on Thursday evening just to hang out. Marla told me that she was particularly lonely this trip, and asked me to stay over in the guest room because she was afraid of being alone in the apartment. I couldn't say no to her.

"I was just climbing into bed when she came into the room. She was naked. In an instant she was all over me. She kissed me and fondled me. I tried to pull away, but she held me tight. I'm afraid that my flesh was weak. I asked her why she was doing this, why she was betraying you. I hate to tell you what she said."

"Tell me, big brother. I can take it."

"She said that you made love like a faggot."

Marty and Craig could not contain themselves, and they broke out laughing.

"Craig and I were about to test that theory out when you interrupted us," Marty said.

"I guess I am a faggot," Craig said. "Marla is all yours."

After Mike controlled his amazement he started to cry. "Thank you," he said. "I called Marla at work, and we agreed to continue what we were doing, and what you interrupted, at the earliest possible opportunity. I've always loved Marla. That's why I hung out with you guys all the time, so I could be close to her. You don't know how I envied you."

"Wow," Marty and Craig said simultaneously.

"Just tell me that everything is cool between us," Mike said to Craig.

"Of course it is. I love you. I could never stay mad at you forever."

"Then I leave you two with my blessing. Marla invited me to brunch, so I'm off and running."

He kissed Craig and Marty on the lips and ran off.

Craig looked at Marty. "You'll have to give me a refresher course," he said. I only did it once many years ago."

"It'll be a pleasure," Marty said, leading Craig to his bedroom. "We'll start with a lesson on giving good head."

"That's great, but how long do you think it will be before you teach me how to get fucked and how to fuck?"

"Not long; in an hour or so."

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