Patiently Obsessed

By Mike Natif

Published on May 17, 2002


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Patiently Obsessed- Part one copywrite 2002 By Mike Natif

Hi. I'm Mike, 27 years old and married for 10 years with two daughters. I have a pretty good job as a Tool and Die Maker. My parents live close by. The year is 1980 and I am NOT very happy.

You see I like cock. Not just the looks of it. The smell, the taste and the feel of it. I like different types of cock. Long ones, thin ones bent ones. I like them cut and uncut. I like them clean or a little pissy. I like cock.

This presents a problem in northern Illinois. I know most of the cruising spots in the area. So I can find a dick to suck. I even have some other married friends at work I can blow. Some will even return the favor. These are all supposed to be straight guys. I want to meet another "Fag" like me.

Everyone whispers rumors about a gay bar on HWY 32, Sheridan Road located just over the border in Wisconsin. They call it Lydia's. I've heard the stories since high school.

"Be careful where you stop on Sheridan Rd. You might get a big surprise. Eight inches in your ass." They would say jokingly.

I really need to find this place.

The first place to try is the Wisconsin phone book. Not having a book I'll use Directory Assistance.

"Yes, I'm looking for the number of Lydia's I think it's a bar in Kenosha (the first town north of the boarder)" I asked.

"L-Y-D-I-A-S I think

"I'm sorry I have no listing for L-Y-D-I-A-S" she said

Well so much for the simple approach. I will head out after work this Tuesday night. I should be able to find it and get home without being noticed. I work 2nd shift and everyone will be sound asleep whatever time I get home.

Usually I stop after work with my best friend Ray and have a few drinks. We stop off at "Clarks". Just in case you're wondering I would not attempt to have sex with him. He is attractive in a scraggly way. Ray is blond thin about 150lbs, strong and friendly. His beard is blond and thin making him look like a young hippy. I'm sure he is straight yet I have never seen him with a woman.

We stop almost every night. No, we stop every night we work. We get there at 11:15 PM and leave at 2 in the morning when the bar closes. I do check out guys in the John. It's hard not too. There is one long trough for a urinal. I have never picked up a guy at "Clarks".

"Never shit in your own nest." I always say

"Ray, I'm not stopping tonight." I said loudly over the noise of the milling machine.

"Why, what's up?" he yelled back taking a toke off his pipe." Your night to get some?"

"I wish! I just have some stuff I have to do," I said as he passed me the pipe.

The conversation faded off as we went back to our work and I continue planning tonight.

Since the border can be vague, I decided to hit every bar starting where I was sure it was still Illinois. First stop, "Sate line Inn"

It's a bit of a Honky Tonk bar. Only two guys in the bar. I ordered an Old Milwaukee and started watching. Looking around I was certain this was not it.

While I am here I might as well check out the John. Who knows, if I can't find Lydia's I may discover a good cruising place.

Not here though. They just have a "one person at a time toilet". I finished my drink and went on to the next bar.

Next was "Rick's Place". Jesus, did the same guy decorate all these places? The same smell the now yellow ceiling tiles and all that "cute crap" people Xerox and stick up on walls. This wasn't it either. So another beer and then another bar.

Three bars later and I am at the streetlights of downtown Kenosha. So, drunk and depressed I went home.

I slept till noon got dressed said nothing to Colleen. The kids were in school when I got up. I am not angry with her. We just don't talk much anymore.

At work Ray is all excited. He wants to tell me everything that happened at "Clarks" last night. All I here is the drum of his voice. I can't give up on my search to find people that are like me. What can I do to find that bar?

Wednesday night at the bar Ray keeps pumping me about yesterday. My silence on the matter just makes him more curious. I won't talk to him about it. He is all I have for friends. I can't take the chance. After a few cocktails he finally looses interest in the subject.

Thursday I got up at the usual time. Still depressed but very horny. It is time for a trip to the mall.

The Belvedere Mall is named for being on Belvedere Rd. It's one of the earlier Malls. Not very large but still new for its time. The mall has only one public restroom located at the end of a long hallway past the mall offices. Inside there is a pair of urinals next to each other without a partition. It is a great place to display your hard cock to the guy next to you.

I noticed a guy my age following me down the hallway. I got there first and unbuckled by belt and opened my pants to give the best view. I was already hard so all I had to do was wait and try to hold my dick as if it were soft until I could tell it was safe to "show".

He looked me straight in the eyes as he bent forward, undid his pants and pulled out his cock. He relaxed his muscle and started his flow of piss. He then took a step back and started stroking slowly, the piss still flowing. He was growing to a firm 6 1/2". I stood back and he reached over and stroked me, stroke for stroke, matching his cock to mine. We then heard the tap tap of shoes walking down the hallway. We had plenty of time to pack in our hard cocks zip and buckle. I really didn't want this to end.

He leaned in towards me and whispered, "Do you have a place?"

"No" I said too quickly.

"I'm staying at a motel near hear. Do you want to go?"

I have never gone to a guys place before. I nervously answered "Sure"

He showed me his car and told me to follow. I imagined tomorrow's headlines. "Naked Man found dead". Well what is life without risks?

We arrived at the motel. He was certainly on a tight budget. I didn't know this motel existed and I lived here for 10 years. The room had only a dresser and a double bed. There was a little bathroom but I did not see a shower or a tub. He kissed me and put his arms around me. I held him too.

His hands started to travel all over my body. Still dressed he was feeling me everywhere. I pushed away a bit and started to undress him. His body was long wasted. With a light fur all over. His hair trail pointing to his cock was just a little darker than the rest. I undid his belt and his pants plopped to the floor. He had no waste or hips to hold them up.

Naked, he dropped to his knees and began to work on my pants. With my pants off his mouth went directly to the head of my cock. I entered his warm and wet mouth and became a bit dizzy. He must have noticed because he motioned towards the bed. His mouth never left my cock as I side stepped and he crawled to the bed.

This was all so cool. To be naked with a hot man and not having to rush was a rare occasion. I was getting to close to orgasm so I pushed him off my cock.

I got him to lie on his back and started to work on him. He was cut but still had plenty of loose skin. I slid the skin over the top of his organ with my face so close I couldn't focus my eyes, memorizing everything for future jack-off fantasies. He moaned as I added the feeling of my tongue flicking across his slit. There was a salty taste of piss but that just made my cock harder.

He put his hands on the back of my head and using my ears as handles guided my face putting his cock into my mouth. With his helping hand his cock slid into my mouth. I was so excited I thought I would cum then and there. I then spun around the bed putting my cock near his mouth. We continued the play for just a short time when, in my mouth I felt his cock become harder and bigger still. I knew he was close to cuming and that brought me too the edge too. I could feel the cum pulsing through the shaft of his cock traveling on the way too my mouth.

I don't know what he was feeling but I was pumping my load into his face and down his throat. There was nothing to clean up. Every drop was swallowed.

Silently we started to dress. I wanted to ask him if he knew where Lydia's was. I couldn't tell if this guy had the illusion of being straight or not. If he thought he was straight he would be offended. He just fucked me in the mouth. I didn't want to burst his bubble. Ah what the hell.

"You wouldn't know where a gay bar is around here would ya?" I asked cautiously

"Yeah, there's one on Sheridan Rd just over the border.

"I've been to every bar from Winthrop Harbor to downtown Kenosha. And I couldn't find it.

"They don't have a sign or anything. They have to be careful. People throw things at the cars and yell obscenities. It scares people away.

" Can you tell me where it is exactly, I've been looking for it for ages?"

"It's the first bar across the border on the left. There is no beer sign and no lights. It is across the street from a Church. You can't miss it."

"Yea right, I'm not going to tell you how long I have been looking."

"If you go at night especially Friday or Saturday night you will see the parking lot will be full and cars will be parked up and down the highway for at least a quarter of a mile both directions.

He gave me a warm kiss as I walked to the door. I was totally satisfied sexually but just a bit sad that we didn't know each other's name or if we would see each other again.

At work later that evening:

"Hey Ray. I'm not stopping tonight," I told him firmly

"Ah come on I'll buy if you're short of cash. I'll kick your ass in pinball." Ray answered

"Naw I have money. I have something else I have to do tonight."


"I can't talk about it." I didn't want to lie to him

"Come on you can tell me."

"Ray, I can't talk about it. I'll stop with ya tomorrow."

"OK it's a deal."

I don't understand why this is so important to me. To be able to go to a gay bar will give me some kind of satisfaction. But I don't know how. I do know I am not going there for sex. Sex I have at home with Colleen. Cock I can have whenever. It's even a bit exciting hunting cock in the straight world.

I seem to be patiently obsessed with finding this bar.

Its Thursday night and I'm going to try it again. I know he said to go on Friday or Saturday but I can't wait. While driving up the now familiar Sheridan Rd I have to watch the cars behind me. I'm driving so slow I don't want to be rear-ended. Up ahead of me I can see a cars brake light come on and his left turn signal flashing. I can barely see a driveway with a parking lot.

There are about five cars in the lot and no lights at all. No lights in the parking lot and no lights coming from the windows.

I pulled in the parking lot. My heart is pounding with excitement. I couldn't see where the people in the car went. I got out of my car and went to the front door.

I could hear a loud base going " pa bum. pa bum. "

I walked to the left of the building and then around to the right. The back had a fence around it. I could find no other entry. Frustrated I went back to the car to wait.

About fifteen minutes later another car pulled in the lot. I got out of the car at once and unashamedly followed closely behind them. In the back of the building there was a tall wooden fence. It was laid out like a little maze. If you didn't know where it was you would not find it in the dark.

Inside there was a large open space that you walked trough to get to the bar. There were lights and things hanging from the ceiling that I had never seen before. I presumed this to be the dance floor. No one was dancing.

At the bar there were 5 guys and one girl, correction a woman, sitting together at one end of the bar. I still wasn't one hundred percent sure this was the place. It certainly was different from the other bars on this road.

The bartender walked up and said "Hi Mike, what can I get for you?"

My chin dropped in amazement and my legs trembled with fear as the bartender said, "You don't remember me do you? Your dad's name is Bill isn't it?"


I still work with him at A E Hamson Mfg. I'm Jesse, you know the homo that works in shipping." he laughed.

"Oh yea, sorry Jesse I'll have a Old Style please."

I didn't remember him but I did hear my dad talk about him. He told be about a gay guy in shipping that had a roommate. I could remember the roommate name, Taco Tom, but not Jesse's.

Dad didn't mind having him working there. It was just another of his amusements.

The music was playing constantly Michael Jackson, Donna Summers and It's Raining Men Performed by The Weather Girls

Hi - Hi! We're your Weather Girls - Ah-huh - And have we got news for you - You better listen! Get ready, all you lonely girls and leave those umbrellas at home. - Alright! -

This was a new song to me. Everything here was new and strange. I would have to take it slowly. This is where I needed to be for certain. I still don't know why.

I noticed just like regular bars there was a pinball machine and a pool table. I even noticed a dart game. I thought I would get up and try the pinball machine when the woman got up and walked towards me.

"Hi I'm Betty, would you like to dance?" she asked

"No thank you. I don't dance."

"Oh come on. Dance with me." She insisted

"I'm sorry I don't know how to dance."

"Neither does anyone else in here" she said, "I'll teach ya."

Fuck, this is not my idea of a good time. I certainly have no intention of dancing with a woman at a gay bar but I surely do not want to cause a scene my first time here.

She grabbed my arm and dragged me onto the dance floor. Just the two of us. No one else seemed to be watching. I am probably not her first victim.

I started the dancing the few steps that I knew. She grabbed my hand and twirled me around. Then she took both my hands and we were both twirling around the floor. She was definintly doing all the leading.

I was kind of enjoying myself allowing her complete control of my movement until she whipped behind me and started pumping herself on my ass. Now the rest of the group started to pay attention. We twirled around and around again. As we got near the bar I noticed a newcomer had arrived and was sitting alone.

As we got closer I yelled over the music, "HELP ME Please"

Round and round we went.

Again, "HELP cut in Please.

He stood up and like a brave soldier took my place. Now this guy could dance. He took charge and spun her like a top. I saw arms twisting into two-handed turns. I don't know what they were doing but she was not happy anymore. She apparently enjoyed dancing only when she was in charge, now she was done and they both went back to their seats.

I smile at the young man as he sat next to me. He introduced himself to me as Pete.

"She won't bother us any more tonight," said Pete

"You saved my life you know, Thanks"

"It's Ok. My pleasure." He replied.

He reminded me of a white knight in shining armor. Could he be my White Knight?

End of Part One

Your helpful comments will be appreciated Email: Mike Natif

Next: Chapter 2

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