By Robert Thomson

Published on Apr 12, 2021



This story includes sexual activity between teenage males. Anyone likely to be offended by such material should quit this site at once.

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Catching up with Pat long after our schooldays were over, I eventually dragged out of him something else that happened.

He had only just started his apprenticeship with a firm of architects when he had a text message from the school. It told of an upcoming rowing match against another school, inviting him to watch. He begged a day off, driving the car he'd recently bought himself. It was a used red Mini in fine condition

Arriving there in good time for the start and parking near the boathouse, he was chuffed when his old team won. He saw how the boathouse had been repainted. When he went inside, so many things had changed. There was a neat line of named hooks for the crew's clothes, two showers with hot water in place of the big sink with only a cold tap but the same old table with some hard-backed chairs.

He waited in there for the crew to empty water out of their boat before carrying it inside, hearing the shouts as they threw the cox into the water. He was in for another surprise when the crew came in with boat and the cox, dripping wet.

The cox was a black boy. He & all the crew were in tight Lycra suits, same thing like wrestlers wear. They came down past their knees with the straps over their shoulders, their feet in some kind of thin plastic sandals and with like fingerless gloves with padded palms to protect their hands when rowing. With the crew lifting the boat aloft, he couldn't help noticing a few hairy armpits. His biggest surprise came when he caught sight of Ian, the crew captain.

He had to look twice before he recognised him. Of course he'd grown a lot: taller, broader, strong legs & arms, different haircut. When he raised a hand, Ian had recognised Pat, shaking his hand. By that time, some of the crew had got out of their Lycra, crowding into the showers. Ian wanted to talk to Pat. Finding his clothes, they made for his car, Ian still in his Lycra and the plastic sandals on his feet.

Once into the front seat, Ian throwing his clothes into the back seat, they had sat looking at each other before Pat said anything, starting to say he was sorry for what he did to Ian all those years ago. Right away, Ian had stopped him, grabbing his hand, saying `Never mind about all that', suggesting it was partly his fault for leading Pat on after touching his cock, and he'd never asked him to to stop.

"But I must have hurt you?" "You did, more than I ever let on, pain like nothing else. Felt I was being split open. Once you had it all the way in me, it wasn't so bad, and I knew from the way your arms were tight round my waist that you were loving it.

Anyway, Patrick, you were very nice to me afterwards, buying me those underpants. I must have had a nerve to ask you to buy me them. Then there was that other thing."

"What other thing?" "Giving me that wank. It was really amazing. Sure, I'd tried doing it for myself a few times. Nothing much ever came until you did it for me. Never had anyone else touch my cock before you." "It was a surprise for me too. Didn't expect to see so much come out of you." "When it came, my head was going round & round." "Saw how it shook you, Ian. Could see your heart pounding. That's why I let you get your breath back. You were lying on that table with your knees up, both hands on your balls." "Well, they felt different, that's all.

Want to see how big I've grown?" "Suppose you're going to show me anyway." He had pulled the straps off his shoulders, turning down the Lycra suit to show a lot of curly fairish hair, a big cock and hairy balls, holding them up proudly. "Just as big a cock as yours was when you did me, right?" "Suppose you went on with wanking?" "You bet I did. Couldn't stop doing it. Soon started to come whiter & stickier. Didn't matter how often I did it, always came plenty." "You still doing it?" "Sure, not so often now. Found how like saving it up always feels better. Tell you something else.

Maybe you started like a tradition when you did me. After that, many coxes, First Year boys got done, always using condoms. It's like they expect it to happen. They just take a few hints, nothing too obvious, see." "So it doesn't put First Years off from wanting to be cox?" "Never, there's usually several put their names up. Captain of the time sees them all, hears what they have to say, has them stand on the weighing-machine just in their underpants. Lightest is almost always chosen. A couple of years ago there was one. His name was Anthony. Didn't like being called Tony." "What was so special about him?"

"Him? Looked really innocent, wore specs when we weren't rowing. He enjoyed getting done so much he let two of the crew do him one after the other the same afternoon, all three of them naked. The first one had a good-sized cock, long but not thick. He was OK with that. The next one to do him was famous for having a thicker cock than any of us.

When he got going on him, Anthony was making a lot of noise until another crew member started to suck his cock, like to distract his attention from getting done. Some others of us were watching what was happening. Didn't take long for the second one to finish. When he felt it coming, he raised a hand, crouched over his back, gripping the boy's hips.

The one sucking him suddenly gasped, throwing back his head and screwing up his face, swallowing, because he'd got a mouthful of Anthony's spunk, but he still managed to go on sucking & swallowing until there was no more. Once the one who was doing him had finished, when he pulled his dripping cock out, the condom had come off inside him." "Wow! What then?"

"It took three of us to hold him until the one who'd just done him managed to get his fingers inside, getting hold of the condom. It hadn't burst, but it was full of his white spunk, the top like close to bursting. This was just after our boathouse got these showers in. The pair who'd done him went into the shower with Anthony, making sure he was washed clean." "How was he after all that?" "Got dressed and went off home. He was back at school next day, like he was OK. Went on as our cox for about another three months."

"These Lycra things comfortable?" "Very, keep everything in place, no matter how big. Just show outline of cock & balls. We have our surname on a tape inside at the back, see?" He showed me. Pat had forgotten than Ian's surname was Johnson. He pulled the suit right down over his feet, sitting there naked for a moment while I reached for his clothes. He had boxers with buttons on the front.

As he was getting his shirt on, Pat said something about his hairy pits. "Thinking about shaving them. Some of the team even shave their cock hair, helping each other to do it." "Not a good idea, Ian, that's my advice. When it starts growing in again, stubble's very uncomfortable. Besides, it's your last day as captain, so what does it matter?"

He'd only had time for a drink of water and was still thirsty. He showed Pat the way to a coffee shop not long opened. Pat bought both of them coffee & cake. He was pleased to see Ian again, happy that he'd been so friendly, not in any way bothered about what had happened when he was barely 13 and Pat was more than two years older. (End)

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