
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Sep 19, 2001


Please Note: This story is fiction and the characters only exist in my head.

Any comments are welcome. First time writing. Need input from readers to know if I should continue the story.

You can email me at

Paul - 1

It was the first day of two-a-day football practice and the temperature was already eighty degrees at eight o'clock in the morning. Most of the players were already dressed and walking out to the field.

Paul was in front of his locker struggling to get his practice gear on. He stands about five feet ten inches and weighs three hundred and fifty pounds. He had always been overweight, but was hoping he could make the team and slim down. He had tried losing weight on his own but didn't have the will power to stay with it. He knew with the strict guidance of the coaches and all the exercise, he would lose some weight.

He had managed to lace up his shoulder pads but his stomach stuck out further in front than his shoulder pads did. A person would have to go through about fifty pounds of flab before even reaching his chest. His chest were so large they hung down almost like a girls. Some of the boys in school were always kidding him about needing a bra to hold them up.

He pulled the triple extra large stretch practice pants over the large cheeks of his ass. They barely covered up his crack, but it would show the second he bent over. After struggling with the laces in the front of the pants he was able to tie the front together. His belly hung over the tip of his pants so far you couldn't even see the laces. He then bent down and tied his shoes the best he could. The exertion of putting on his gear had caused him to work up a sweat.

Paul grabbed his jersey and pulled it over his head, but when he tried to pull it over the shoulder pads, he found he couldn't reach it. Bill, one of the older linemen , came up behind him and pulled the jersey over the pads. He then turned around and said, "Pull mine over for me." Paul turned around and was embarrassed at first until he realized that everyone had trouble pulling on the jersey. He had thought Bill was helping out of pity, but realized different.

Bill turned back and said, "Don't forget your helmet." as he slapped Paul's ass and ran out the locker room.

Paul was shocked and embarrassed at the slap, but remembered seeing the coaches and players doing it all the time. He noticed that he was the last one to leave the locker room.

When he made it to the field the coaches were lining the players in rows. Paul was told to get at the end of the last line. They then began to go through several stretching exercises. Paul knew how to do them, but physically was unable to keep up. When the players were on number five, Paul would be on number three. There were other large kids, but most of them were older or better athletes and could keep up. The head coach walked around and yelled at most of the players. He really yelled at the better players and kept pushing them to do the exercises better and faster. When he passed Paul, he would lower his voice and simply say, "Keep trying Paul."

After the warm-up exercises the next thing was wind sprints. Each player had to get in a stance with his feet spread apart, bend over at the waist and place one or two hands on the ground out in front of themselves. When the command to go was given, the player would fire off as hard as they could and sprint for forty yards.

Paul was in the last group to go, and when he bent over he had to put both hands down to keep his balance. Before the first sprint the sweat was just rolling off his body. Coach noticed how much he was sweating and told the manager to bring a water bottle. Before he ran the coach walked up to him and sprayed some water in Paul's face and said, "We don't want you to pass out Paul."

When he bent over Coach noticed that his pants were half way down his ass. He grabbed the top of his pants and pulled up with all his might. "Got to quit showing off your best side." Coach said.

The command to go came and Paul was off, his running was more like a fast walk. When he was half way, the rest in his group were finished. They walked back to the starting line and waited. "Come on fellows, only nine more to go," Coach yelled. Upon hearing this Paul thought he would pass out. As he came by Coach he was breathing very hard and all his equipment was soaked with sweat. Coach sprayed him again and took a quick look at his face. When Paul bent over his pants again slid halfway down his fat ass, Coach reached to pull them up but instead squirted water right down the crack of Paul's ass. No one could see what he had done because Paul was the last one and everyone else was down in a stance. The cool water running down the crack of his ass and over his balls caused him to gasp.

After the second sprint, it was obvious that Paul couldn't keep up so Coach pulled him over to the side and helped him get his jersey and shoulder pads off. This left him with the half t-shirt on that didn't cover his chest at all, his breast were hanging out below the shirt and resting on his stomach. Coach walked him over to the side of the practice field and said, "Your in very bad shape Paul, I don't think you will make the team, but if you stay out I think we can work on this body of yours." As he was saying this he reached up and fondled one of Paul's breast. "We can maybe firm these up a bit."

"Now all I want you to do is start walking as fast as you can around the field ten times."

"When you finish go to the dressing room and take a shower."

"I want to see you before you leave this morning."

Paul managed to finish the laps and head back into the locker room and take a shower. He was coming out of the shower when the rest of the team came in. Bill walked by and patted him on the ass and said, "Well you didn't die today, that's a start."

Paul got dressed and went to Coach's office. He was just coming out of his own shower when Paul entered. Paul turned his head away when he noticed that Coach was naked. Seeing this Coach covered himself with a towel, and said, "Come on Paul you have seen a man naked before, nothing to be timid about."

Paul turned back around and sat down on the sofa across from Coach's desk. He was expecting to be told that he didn't need to come back after lunch.

Coach started by saying he knew that the only reason Paul was out for football was to lose weight and he would do what he could to help. He also told him that if he was with the rest of the players that the coaches couldn't take it easy on him, however there was a way that Paul could workout with the team and not have to take the verbal abuse.

Coach had a deal for Paul. Paul could workout with the team as much as possible, but he only had to wear t-shirt and shorts. He would exercise and run with the rest of the team until he got far enough behind that he was slowing down the drills. When this happened he was to start his ten laps around the field, each time trying to run further and faster before he walked.

Paul felt very good about the deal but wasn't sure what to tell the other players. Coach solved that by telling him that he would tell the team that he had to meet a weight goal before he was allowed to wear pads. Paul was feeling a lot better now than he had before he entered Coach's office. Coach looked at him and said, "This afternoon practice begins at four o'clock, but if you can be here at two, I have a little secret that will help you lose weight if you choose to use it."

"Ok, Coach," Paul said.

Coach stood up and dropped the towel that was around him and walked over and put his shorts on. Paul had to close his mouth as he stared at Coach's dick and balls. Paul didn't know if he was large or small, he had only seen a few of the boys in the shower. He couldn't compare Coach's with his own because even when he used a mirror all he could see of himself was the head of his dick. Paul was so fat that you couldn't see anything but a small hole where his dick hid, and you couldn't tell where his balls started or ended. The only time he saw anything was when he played with himself and got a hard-on. When this happened his dick head and about two inches of shaft were present from the mound of fat between his legs.

Paul got up and said, "See you at two Coach," and left the office.

When Paul left the fieldhouse he was surprised to find Bill standing by his car waiting on him.

"Well are you still on the team, or has coached asked you to stay home this afternoon." Bill asked.

Bill's actions and questions were a complete surprise to Paul, because he and Bill had never even spoke to each other before today. Bill was a senior and Paul was a sophomore, and they had not interacted in any way. They didn't live close to each other or anything.

"I'm still on the team, but under certain conditions." Paul said. He then proceeded to tell Bill the deal he had with Coach, and asked Bill not to tell the rest of the team. Bill agreed and said he would see him later as he got into his car and drove away.

Paul walked the half block to his home. He went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water, and went to his room. His father was at work and he hadn't had a mother for over five years. She had left them for someone else and they hadn't heard from her since. He laid down on his bed and started remembering what Coach had looked like naked. Paul had no sexual experiences other than the few times he had jerked off and the wet dreams he had. He didn't jerk off much because it was too much physical work, and left him winded. At the present time his cock was hard and he was wanting to jerk off, but didn't want to tire himself out before practice. He just laid there and imagined what it would feel like to have someone suck his cock.

Paul jumped up when he realized that he had fallen asleep and was scared he had missed his two o'clock appointment with Coach. He glanced at the clock and was relieved when he noticed it was only one thirty. He got up, washed off his face, took a piss, and headed for the school.

Upon getting to the locker room he couldn't locate Coach, so he went to his office. He knocked on the door and Coach told him to enter.

"Have a seat Paul." Coach said. "I have a few questions to ask you."

"I need to know a few things before we go further."

"First how sexually active are you, what I mean is how often do you jack off, or if you jack off with someone else?"

Paul just sat there not believing the questions.

"Paul did you hear me?" Coached asked.

"Yes sir, just surprised by the questions."

"Yeah, I know they are personal, but what I want you to do can get very personal." Coach said.

Paul took a deep breath and said, "Coach I have had maybe a dozen wet dreams, I jerk off about once a month because it is so hard to do due to my size."

Coach said, "That's fine and I understand."

"The reason I'm asking is did you know that when a person has sex, they burn off a lot of calories?"

"I read somewhere that a person can burn off 600 calories each time they cum."

"My secret that I said I would tell you about is that I am willing to help you in this area."

"What you need to know about me is that I like men, not just any men, I like what people call chubby men."

"I like to have sex with them."

"Do you understand what I am saying?" Coach asked.

"Not really," Paul replied.

"Well if you feel like it I can show you." Coach offered as he looked at Paul to see his reaction.

"I guess so." Paul said as he felt his cock push through the fat pouch it was covered with.

Coach looked at Paul and said, "follow me."

Coach led Paul to the training room and locked the door behind them. He had him remove his clothes and crawl upon the padded training table. Paul laid on his back and just looked at Coach. Even though he had a painful hard-on, Coach couldn't tell because all he could see was the cock head. Coach walked around to the end of the table and spread Paul's legs, this allowed him full access to Paul's cock. He then bent over and slid the head and about two inches in his mouth. That was all that would go in because of the layers of fat. Coach started sucking and running his tongue around and over Paul's dick head. Paul couldn't believe the feelings that were going through his body, he started pumping his hips up and moaning. Coach bobbed his head about three times when Paul screamed out. His dick pumped and spewed cum right in Coach's mouth. He was surprised that Coach just sucked all the cum right down his throat.

"How was that Paul?" Coach asked.

"Great, Coach, what's next?" Paul responded

"Roll over on your stomach and slid down until your feet are on the floor."

Paul did as he was told and coach grabbed his large ass and spread it open as far as possible. He leaned forward and started kissing Paul's asshole. Paul moaned and just laid there as Coach slid his tongue in and out and then up and down the crack of his ass. Paul felt a warm feeling start at his asshole and go all through his body. He could feel his asshole open up as Coach kissed it. He then felt a sharp pain as Coach inserted a finger. Coach felt Paul's asshole clamp down on his finger and he knew he needed something.

"Relax for a minute," Coach said as he went to the cabinet and got some skin lube. He squirted some right into Paul's asshole. He then pushed his finger back in and it felt a lot easier as he proceeded to push in and pull out. He then put two and three fingers inside. Paul's asshole was getting use to the treatment and started opening and closing right along with Coach's fingers.

Coach heard a moan of pleasure come from Paul and he knew he as ready for the real thing. Coach placed some lube on his cock and moved in behind Paul. He grabbed Paul's hips and lined his dick up and pushed. There was a little resistance at first but then the head popped in. Coach froze as he felt Paul tense up from the pain.

"Just relax and wait." Coach said. "It will ease up and then feel real warm."

Paul relaxed and he felt the pain just melt away. Paul realized that the pleasure was increased when he pumped his ass at Coach. Coach felt Paul's movement and knew it was ok to continue. He pushed all nine inches of his dick into Paul and started a slow in and out motion. Paul felt his own cock get hard again as Coach kept hitting a warm spot inside his ass.

"Faster, faster, Oh!, Fuck me harder." Paul screamed out. Coach started pounding with all his strength as Paul's dick erupted into the table. Coach kept pumping and said, "Get ready I'm going to cum." With this said his dick began to swell and Paul began to scream again. Coach's cock erupted inside Paul, and he could feel the hot cum spreading around deep inside himself. Paul's body kept convulsing as his dick kept squirting on the table.

"Roll over and slid back up on the table." Coach said. Paul did as he was told while he was trying to catch his breath. Coach leaned over and licked up all the cum that was spread on Paul's dick and stomach. He slid his tongue down the little tunnel where Paul's dick had disappeared, and licked around.

"How many times did you cum?" Coach asked.

"Once in your mouth and three times while you were fucking me."

"Good job." Coach said as he continued to lick Paul clean. He then raised up and walked up to Paul's head and placed his lips right on Paul's. He gave Paul a long kiss and hugged him.

"What's that taste?" Paul asked.

"That's your cum." Coach answered. "Want to taste some more?"

"Yeah." Paul said.

Coach raised up and placed his dick at Paul's mouth and said, "Lick me clean."

Paul started licking and actually enjoyed the taste as well as the feeling of Coach's cock on his tongue. He then reached up and swallowed as much of Coach's cock as he could.

Coach moaned as his dick began to harden. Paul was having trouble trying to suck Coach's cock, so he pulled it out and told Paul to take it slow and just let it slid in until it got to the back of his throat and then swallow. When he tried it he was able to take all of the cock down his throat.

After a few minutes Coach lost control and started pumping his cock as hard as he had when he was fucking Paul's asshole. Paul became a little scared but could see the pleasure that Coach was getting from it, so he just endured the action.

Coach grunted and let fly a volley of cum, Paul started swallowing as fast as he could, but still was unable to get it all. He had some run down his chin as Coach's cock started to soften.

"Sorry about being so rough Paul, are you ok?" Coach asked.

"I'll live." Paul said.

Coach leaned over and kissed Paul and then licked the cum off of his chin.

"Paul you just stay here and take a nap, I'll wake you before everyone gets here," Coach said.

With this said Coach left the room and went to the showers. Paul felt so relaxed and content lying on the table, his breathing was nowhere near as hard as it had been when he jacked off. He just laid there with his eyes closed as he recalled what had just happened. He could feel his dick start to harden and start to snake out of its little hiding place. He just laid there and dropped off to sleep.

Paul woke up in a dreamy state, it felt as though something was sucking on his dick. He quickly noticed that it wasn't a dream, someone was between his legs sucking on his dick and trying to pull it out from it's little cave. He finally raised his head high enough to look over his enormous belly, and saw the top of Coach's head.

"Oh, it's you Coach," Paul said.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Coach asked as he reached up and patted Paul's jelly like belly.

"No, just surprised is all." Paul responded.

"Stop talking so I can finish up down here," Coach said as he continued to suck on Paul's dick.

Paul gasped as Coach's tongue slid up and down on his shaft. Paul could feel the pressure building up in his balls and started to scream as he let go a load in Coach's mouth. Coach took all that Paul could shoot and licked his dick clean. He then trailed with his tongue after Paul's dick as it slid back into its little cave.

"Oh, that feels so good," Paul said.

"Enough for now, go get a shower and get ready for practice," Coach ordered.

"I will see you after practice, and I want you to help me with the laundry."

"That will give you a reason for staying later than the rest of the players."

"You will be sort of a trainer if the players ask."

Paul rolled off the table and started to get dressed when the Coach told him he could walk to the showers naked, no one was there yet.

Paul showered and was drying off when the Coach came back into the dressing room. He had the tube of skin lube in his hand. Coach grabbed the towel from Paul and proceeded to dry his back and ass off for him.

"I know how hard it is to dry yourself so I figured I would help." Coach remarked. "I also know that it doesn't feel good when your thighs rub together when you try to run, so I had an idea."

"Let's try putting some skin lube between your legs to see if it helps."

Paul looked at Coach and said, "Ok."

"Bend over and spread your ass." Coach said.

Paul leaned over and placed his hands on either side of his ass and spread his legs. Coach walked up behind him and squirted the lube all up and down the crack of his ass. He started spreading it up and down the inside of Paul's thighs. He put the spout of the tube in Paul's asshole and squirted. Paul could feel the cool lube as it entered his asshole.

"Why do I need it up there?" Paul asked.

"You will see later," Coach said. "Now get your shorts on and don't worry about the lube showing on your shorts, everyone will think you are sweating."

Practice went on as it had that morning, but Paul was able to jog about half a lap before he walked the rest of his ten laps.

Coach had watched Paul and was pleased that Paul had tried a little harder and was making an effort. He also had noticed how slick Paul's ass crack was from the lube when he bent over to run his sprints.

Paul was walking along at a faster pace than he had during the morning practice. The lube actually was helping. His legs were rubbing together but not burning. He then felt the lube start to slide out of his asshole and run down to his balls. When this happened his dick decided to appear to the world. No one could see it because his stomach completely covered his groin area. The rubbing of the shorts against his dick head was giving Paul a warm feeling, and he realized that the faster he walked the more intense the rubbing was. Paul picked up the pace for several laps and then slowed down again. Coach had noticed and had a good idea of what was going on.

Paul finished his laps and started to head in to take a shower, but decided to see what Coach wanted him to do. He walked across the field and was enjoying the way his thighs and ass felt as they slid against each other. Coach saw him coming and decided to meet him half way.

"Not a bad job, Paul," Coach said, "Just wait on the side line over by the water jugs until practice is over, it will only be about ten minutes."

"You can then help me with the laundry."

Paul did as he was told and went in the dressing room when the rest of the team did. The players all got undressed and tossed their socks, shorts, t-shirts, and jocks into a large basket with wheels. There was another basket for towels when they had finished showering. Paul sat by his locker waiting for everyone to leave.

Bill walked up in only his jock and asked, "How do you feel now Paul?"

"Think you can stick it out?"

"I'm ok," Paul responded. "Think I'm going to be sore tomorrow though."

"Yea, you probably will, why don't you ask coach if you can use the whirlpool while you are doing the wash, it will help with the sore muscles." As he was saying this Bill slid his jock down and off, he then reached down and grabbed his dick and balls and pulled on them. "These old jocks just squeeze everything into a ball, have to stretch them back out every time."

Paul was watching Bill and had focused his gaze on Bill's dick when he pulled on it. It was about six inches long and much thicker than coach's. His balls hung below it about five inches and were the size of eggs. Bill noticed him watching so after taking a look around the room and noticing no one else there he grabbed the foreskin and pulled back releasing the head of his dick. His dick began to swell a little as he repeated the movement several times. Paul just stared but didn't say a word.

Bill looked at Paul and said, "Hey, if you ever want to play around a little let me know and maybe we can arrange it."

Paul jumped as he realized what he was doing and what Bill had said. "Maybe." was all Paul could say as Bill grabbed his towel and headed off to the showers.

"Paul," Coach called out.

Paul struggled to his feet and headed toward him.

"Anybody left back there?" Coach asked as he was pointing to the showers.

"Just Bill." Paul said.

"Ok, lets get this laundry started." Coach said as he grabbed the basket and started rolling it toward the training room.

As they got there Coach turned around to Paul and said, "There isn't much to the washing, just fill the two washers up, jocks and socks in one, t-shirts and shorts in the other. Add a cup of detergent to each and hit the on button. When they are through we take them out and put them in the dryers and push the on buttons.

"There is an up side to this job and that's the smell." Coach said.

"Every time I get around a bunch of sweaty jocks the aroma causes my dick to get hard."

"If you look you can see that it is already hard."

"Lock the door and come here." Coach said.

As Paul locked the door, Coach was removing his clothes. When Paul looked back around, Coach's nine inches was sticking straight out from his body and dripping pre-cum on the floor. As he got close, Coach reached out and with one quick jerk had removed Paul's shorts. Coach grabbed Paul and told him to turn around and lean against the wall. Paul immediately started gasping as Coach rammed his dick all the way up Paul's ass, the shin lube was still present and helped out tremendously. Coach moaned and said as he laid against Paul's back, "Been wanting to do that all evening." He then started pumping in and out rapidly. Paul could feel the warm sensation increase with each push. Coach slowed down and said, "Got to get deeper in you, got an idea." They moved over to the side of the table and Coach had Paul lay across it with both feet on the floor. He then raised Paul's left leg and placed it up on the edge of the table. This raised one side of Paul's ass up and left his asshole exposed. "Now." Coach grunted as he rammed his dick home again, this time about seven inches went deep into Paul's ass. Paul grunted from the force, but then just laid there and relished in the feeling spreading over him. Coach had all but lost control and was thrusting so hard that his feet were coming off of the floor. It didn't take but about three strokes before Coach was grunting and grabbing onto rolls of fat around Paul's waist. He started gushing inside Paul's ass and Paul started cumming all over the table. Coach collapsed on Paul's back as the sweat just rolled off of him and Paul.

"That was great." Coach said as he slid his dick out.

"Oh, leave it in," Paul begged.

"Not right now Paul maybe we can do it again in a few minutes." "Right now I need to clean you and the table up."

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Coach grabbed his shorts and shirt and got them on in a few seconds as he approached the door. When he opened it Bill was standing there. "Coach have you seen Paul, I was wanting to talk to him and thought he might be here using the whirlpool?"

"Yea," Coach stammered. "He is right over there getting ready to use the whirlpool, why don't you come in and show him how it works."

"That way I can go get some of my office work done."

While this conversation was going on Paul had managed to get off of the table and walk over to the whirlpool and turn on the water.

Bill walked in as Coach walked out and said, "Need any help with the whirlpool?"

"I think I know how to use it, but you can check and see." Paul said, still a little embarrassed at almost getting caught. He wouldn't look at Bill because he knew his face was red, and Bill would want to know what the problem was. Bill noticed the cum running off the side of the table as he walked by, but wasn't going to say anything about it. He walked over by Paul and looked at the water controls and stuck his hand in the water to see if it was hot enough. When he got close to Paul he got a big whiff of something that no boy couldn't recognize. The strong smell of sex and cum was all over Paul. "What have you and Coach been doing in here?" He asked. Bill then noticed the slippery white juice running down Paul's ass and legs. He looked at Paul and waited for an answer. Paul just stood there and started shaking from the tears and sobbing that had taken over his body.

Bill a bit embarrassed wasn't sure what to do except hug Paul and try to get him to settle down.

"Hey, it can't be that bad."

"I saw the cum on the table and that running down your ass and legs."

"Did Coach do this to you?"

Paul just nodded his head yes as he tried to control his crying.

"That bastard." Bill said. "We can get him fired for that."

"NO!, NO! he didn't force me I wanted to do it." Paul said as he was now becoming scared.

"Ok, ok, Paul I thought he had raped you or something, didn't know you wanted it, as a matter of fact the reason I have been talking to you was because I wanted to do it with you."

"Why were you crying for anyway?" Bill asked.

"I just knew you would figure out what we had done, and would tell everybody." Paul said as he finally looked at Bill.

"You don't have to worry about that ." Bill said as he rubbed his hand in the crack of Paul's ass and felt the sticky cum still running down it. Paul didn't protest or anything. He just let Bill feel all he wanted to. Paul felt that warm feeling again and started to spread his legs so Bill had better access to his asshole. Bill ran three fingers up inside Paul's asshole and just moaned at the warm smooth feeling. Paul started slowly pushing his ass back into Bill's fingers.

"You really like this don't you Paul." Bill asked.

"Yeah, but until today I didn't know it."

"You mean today was the first time you have ever done anything like this?" Bill questioned.

"Yes, Coach was the first, want to be the second?" Paul asked.

Bill was a little taken back by this and had to think a second before he responded. "Sure" was all Bill said, as he started pulling off his clothes.

Paul stayed leaned up against the whirlpool, as Bill came up behind him and pushed his fingers back inside Paul's asshole. He moved them back and forth and started a squishing sound from the cum and juices running out of Paul. Paul had started rocking his hips and moaning. Bill looked at Paul and said, "Are you ready?"

"You mean you don't know?" Paul asked.

"I have never done this before, so how am I suppose to know?" Bill said.

"Ok, I'm ready now stick it in," Paul growled.

Bill pulled his fingers out, lined his dick up, and thrust forward. It didn't go in but instead slid up the ass crack. Paul laughed at this and said, "guide it in with you hand." Bill grabbed his dick and placed it against Paul's asshole. This time when he pushed it slid in, but not without some resistance. Paul's body drew up from the unexpected pain from the size of Bill's cock. It was not longer than Coach's but was a couple of inches thicker.

"Easy, easy ." Paul said as he tried to catch his breath.

Bill stopped pushing in and waited for Paul to tell him what to do.

"Ok, you can go on now." Paul said

Bill started pushing in some more and his dick started sliding slowly inside. He wanted to pull it out and just ram it home as hard as he could, but he knew that this would hurt Paul, so he slowly pulled out and slowly pushed in.

"Fuck me harder, and faster." Paul said.

That was all Bill needed to hear as he started thrusting as fast as he could. He was slamming his hips and legs into Paul's ass so hard that his balls were slapping into Paul's. Paul felt Bill's dick rub that place inside his ass as he began to cum, his body was bucking and thrusting as he sprayed cum all on the side of the whirlpool. Bill wasn't sure what was happening as it was all he could do to stay on and inside Paul's ass. When he felt Paul's balls shooting his own started drawing up and unloading inside Paul's ass. He had never cum this hard or this long before in his life. When it was over he collapsed on Paul's back as they both tried to catch their breath.

"When you guys get through with the whirlpool clean up the table and the floor, and here is a key to lock up the fieldhouse when you leave." "See you both after practice tomorrow morning." Coach said as he placed a key on the table and left.

Next: Chapter 2

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