
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Oct 28, 2001


This is the 13 chapter of an ongoing story between teenage boys and boys and adult men. The story is all fiction. Hope you enjoy story.

Please send any comments you have good or old to

Those that have been reading my production has slowed down due to other stories will try to get at least a chapter a week.


As they got to the school Jeff had to wake Paul up. He was so worn out that Jeff was debating if he would have to help him off the bus. He reached to help pull him up when Paul said, "That's ok, I can make it, just have to get moving first."

Jeff laughed at him as he pulled him to his feet and then pushed him forward. Paul stumbled but caught himself and slowly started walking. Coach was watching Paul and slapped him on the back as he walked past, then asked, "Your dad picking you up?"

"Don't think so." Paul said, "Believe Bill is giving me a ride home, why you ask?"

"I was thinking you need to set in the whirlpool so you want be so sore tomorrow, but it would be better if you come early in the morning." Coach said.

"Does it have to be very early?" Paul asked looking at Coach.

"No, you have a key just be sure to come use the whirlpool tomorrow." Coach said as he rubbed his hand through Paul's matted hair.

The players slowly moved around the dressing room, piling up there dirty uniforms and things, and putting there pads away. If anyone were to look in at them they would have thought they had lost. Actually those that had played were too tired to celebrate. One of the players yelled for everyone to listen up as he said, "Guys I know we were to have a party tonight, but looking at everyone I think we need to forget it for tonight and just go home and sleep." Most of the players agreed as they slowly began to wonder to their cars and headed home.

Bill walked over to Paul and asked if he was riding home with him, and said he was giving Jeff a ride. Paul said he needed a ride and could Bill drop him off first. Bill agreed and all three finally made their way to Bill's car.

As they drove home Bill said, "Did you two do anything on the way home?"

"Jeff did." Paul said, "I was too tired to do anything but cum."

"Yea, I even had to wake him up to get off the bus." Jeff said.

"Know what you mean, I don't think I have ever been this tired before." Bill said.

They rode on to Paul's house in silence. Paul got out and said, "See you guys later, Bill call me when you get up, Coach wanted me to soak in the whirlpool sometime tomorrow." "I still have the key so I'm not sure what time I will go."

"Ok, I'll call you, see you tomorrow." Bill said as he backed his car up.

"Bill you want me to give you some relief?" Jeff asked.

"Well I don't know if I could even get it up right now but wouldn't mind a little mouth action on it," Bill replied.

"When we get to my house just cut the car off and I'll see what I can manage." Jeff said.

"Don't worry my father is at work." Jeff said as an afterthought.

Bill pulled the car into the drive and Jeff was instantly at his crotch. He pulled Bill's cock out of his pants and started to pull on it and then placed the still soft dick in his mouth. He rolled it around in his mouth sucking ever so lightly. After a few minutes he raised up as he kept it in his hand playing with it and said, "You weren't kidding about not getting it up were you." Jeff said.

"Told you I was very tired, but it still feels good." Bill said.

Jeff was playing with it with both hands when he looked up at Bill and said, "Bill, do you think you will always want to do it with boys, I mean do you think someday you will marry and have children?"

"I want a family some day and I do enjoy sex with boys, I think I will marry someday." Bill said.

"Yeah, me too, but do you think that if you keep doing it with boys that you may not want to do it with girls?" Jeff said.

"Haven't really thought about it that way, hope not like both." Bill said.

Jeff noticed that Bill's cock had started to respond to the fondling it was getting, so he reached down and sucked it into his mouth. It immediately got completely hard and Jeff started in as fast as he could and Bill was shooting down his throat.

"Thanks." Bill said.

"No problem," Jeff said, "Figured it was better to get you off quick since you were so tired."

"Do you want me to do anything for you?" Bill asked.

"Thanks for the offer, but Nicole is coming over in a little while." Jeff said.

"Oh, that's the way it is." Bill said half way kidding with Jeff.

"Yeah, she really is nice, she knows I have nothing but says she likes me not what I have or don't have." Jeff said. "Don't know if I like her that much, but is nice to have her around."

"Good for you, enjoy it while it last because it may be something special." Bill said, "Have to go see you later and don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Jeff laughed and then said, "Thanks for the talk." as he got out of the car and headed inside.

Bill drove home and was hoping no one wanted to talk to him but his pillow when he got home.

Bill woke up the next morning at 7:00 o'clock when his father knocked on his door.

"Come in." Bill said as he rolled over and noticed he was still dressed in the clothes he had on the day before.

"Didn't want to wake you but wanted to remind you that Paul and his father were suppose to come over today, and needed you to do some things while me and you mother were at church." "Knew you wouldn't feel like going this morning." Bills father said.

"Oh, yeah almost forgot about the lunch date." Bill said as he sat up. "What you need me to do."

"Not a lot just pull the grill out and fill it with charcoal, also need some items from the store." "There's a list on the table with some money, now don't forget." His father said as he left the room.

Bill laid there for a few minutes collecting his thoughts then reached for the phone and dialed Paul's number.

"Hello." Paul said through a sleepy fog.

"Wake up you sleepy head." Bill said.

"Why so early?" Paul said as he recognized Bill's voice.

Bill went through what he had to do and wanted to know if Paul wanted to go ahead and go to the fieldhouse this morning since he was going to have to leave anyway.

Paul said. "Alright I'll get up and be waiting for you when you come by."

"Give me about fifteen minutes and I'll be there." Paul said as he hung up the phone.

Paul was walking out the door as Bill pulled up the drive. He climbed into the car and said. "I am so sore, hope this whirlpool does the job."

"It will help some." Bill said as he backed out of the drive and headed to the fieldhouse.

When they got inside they had to fill the tub which took about 15 minutes. They sat down on the training table when Bill said, "Want a massage?"

"Sounds great." Paul said as he removed his sweat suit and laid down on his stomach on the table.

Bill stood up and started rubbing Paul's shoulders and running them down his back to the top of his ass. He did this for a minute before he moved down to his legs and started squeezing the muscles on his legs. He finished one leg and then moved to the other. As he finished the legs he moved his hands on Paul's ass and started rubbing hard on his cheeks. Paul moaned a few times, as Bill continued his massage he noticed how Paul's legs started to spread each time he ran his hand close to the crack of Paul's ass.

"Do you really want me in there?" Bill asked looking at Paul

All Paul did was nod his head as he felt Bills hands slid down inside his ass crack. Paul pulled both knees up as high as he could causing him to look like a frog, with both knees about even with his waist and his ass and balls raised a few inches above the table.

"Hey I like that, makes it easy to get at you asshole." Bill said as he ran his fingers along Paul's ass. Bill reached on the shelf and grabbed the skin lube and spread it on Paul's asshole. He slid two fingers in with very little resistance.

"I thank your ready, but I am not going to stand down here and fuck you." "Pull yourself up and make room for me to lie on your back. Paul pulled himself up on the table and spread his legs and pushed his ass up in the air as far as he could. Bill climbed up between his legs and placed his dick at the entrance of Paul's asshole. He slowly pushed his dick in until he had enough in that he could lie down on top of Paul. Once in position he slid his arms under Paul's armpits and grabbed the top of the table just above Paul's head. He then pushed his hips forward and felt his dick slid further in. He moaned as he felt Paul push his ass back against him.

"Now were going to take it nice and slow." Bill said as he started pumping.

Bill said nothing just moaned.

They continued to fuck for about five minutes as both of their bodies were covered in sweat and there was a squishy sound coming form Paul's ass as Bill's dick went in and out.

Bill whispered, "We need to get this over with before the tub runs over."

"Go ahead." Paul said as he pushed back against Bill.

Bill pulled his arms up and raised himself up enough that he was able to place his hands on the sides of Paul's hips. He then started pumping as fast as he could. He started grunting as he finally blasted his cum into Paul's ass. He pulled out quickly and ran over to cut the water off.

Bill looked back at Paul as he was sitting up and stroking his dick.

"Hey let me help you with that." Bill said as he placed his mouth on Paul's dick.

It took Paul by surprise and he almost shot right then. He then grabbed Bill's head and held it still. Bill was doing a great job of just sucking on Paul's cock and he just wanted to enjoy it. Paul pumped his hips a couple of times as he filled Bill's mouth and Bill drank it all down.

"Let's take that whirlpool bath now." Bill said as he raised up and lightly kissed Paul's chest.

They both climbed in the tub and Paul had Bill set between his legs and lean back against his chest. He then wrapped his arms around Bill and placed his hands on Bill's cock and balls, just holding them as the water swirled them around.

"Boy that feels good." Bill said as he leaned back against Paul and closed his eyes.

The two of them sat there in that position for fifteen minutes, when Paul said, "We better get out before we melt away."

They climbed out and went to the showers and cleaned each other off. Gathered there clothes and headed back to Paul's house. When they got there they were met by Paul's dad who asked, "You fellows eaten yet?"

"I haven't." Paul said, "Don't know about Bill."

"Me neither." Bill said.

"Well sit down it's already on the stove." Mr. Jones said, "Oh, yeah great game yesterday, both of you."

"Thanks." They said together.

They then dived into the food that Mr. Jones placed in front of them, as Mr. Jones just watched and sipped on his coffee.

"Mr. Jones aren't you going to eat." Bill asked as he noticed he wasn't seated with them.

"No, stomach is a little nervous thinking about meeting your parents today." He said.

"What's to be nervous about you met them yesterday at the game." Paul said.

"You don't know the whole story about me and Bill's dad, and I guess his mother too."

Paul looked up at his father and then at Bill and said, "You were suppose to tell the story yesterday." Paul said looking at Bill.

"I'll tell him after you leave." Paul's father said looking at Bill, "Now the both of you finish your breakfast."

"What time your parents expecting us any way?" He asked looking at Bill.

"Probably about one, if it's not I'll call you and let you know." Paul said as he pushed his plate away. "See you there he said as he got up and left the room"

Paul's dad sat down at the table and started to tell Paul the story of how he had met Bill's father years ago. When he was through Paul didn't say anything just got up and hugged his dad.

Paul and his father arrived right at one o'clock and Bill greeted them at the door.

"We're on the patio follow me." Bill said.

Bill's father reached out and shook Paul's hand and said, "Great game yesterday."

He then grabbed Mr. Jones hand and pulled him to him and gave him a hug. "Sorry felt like a hand shake wasn't enough." "Now meet my wife."

"Sue this is Mr. Jones, Mr. Jones my wife Sue." Bill's father said as his wife walked up to Mr. Jones and through her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.

"I feel like I owe you much more than that." She said looking at Mr. Jones as his face turned red.

"If it weren't for you we might not be a family." She said.

"Thank you, but can we talk about something else?" Mr. Jones said, looking over at Bill's dad.

"Sure no problem, just wanted you to know how you really helped out those many years ago." "Foods ready, lets dig in." Bill's dad said.

They all grabbed plates and filled them with salad, baked potatoes, and steaks. The meal and conversation went along with nothing really important happening. They caught up on what each had done from the time they first met until now, and Bill's father noticed that Paul and Bill were getting a little bored at the conversation.

"You two can leave if you want to, I can tell our talking isn't that interesting to you." Bill's dad said.

They looked at each other and then got up and said, "We'll see everybody later." They walked back into the house and went into Bill's room.

Bill's mother raised up and started cleaning away the dishes and said, "You guys can set and talk, but I have to be at the church in an hour." She gathered the things and went back inside.

"Well John did you ever see that fellow after he left that day?" Bill's father asked.

"Well yes I did, but it wasn't a purity site." John said.

"Apparently he had been pulling his same stunts across town after he left my neighborhood."

"This was about two years after your experience." "Apparently he picked on some younger boys and was caught by a couple of fathers." "They had taken him out to one of those ruff biker joints and taken him into the back and let the bikers do what they wanted with him short of killing him." "I happened to be working for the ambulance service that picked him up, I was the driver." "He was really messed up, they had used his asshole so many times that it looked like his insides were hanging out and just stayed gapped open." "They had removed his nuts, someone in the group had been a doctor and had actually done a great job on him." "He had been stitched up like a professional." "They had tattooed his body." "He had I suck dick across his chest, and I love big dicks here across the top of his ass with an arrow pointing to his asshole." "The other tattoo was on his stomach and said only used for peeing with an error pointing to his dick." "I heard they had kept him there and used him for days before someone called an ambulance." "He wasn't in any physical trouble when we picked him up." "When I saw him I had to ask him if he knew who I was, but I don't think he did." "Heard he had been arrested a few months later for robbery or something." "Had a friend that said he heard the fellow was a big hit in prison."

"Sorry it happened, but actually feel a little justification for it." Carl said.

"Yeah it wasn't pleasant seeing what had happened to him but glad it was him it happened to" Paul's father said.

"How about a beer John?" Carl asked. "Have some in the work shed."

"That would be nice right now." John said as they got up and headed to the shed.

As they were going to the shed they heard Sue as she pulled out of the drive. Bill then called and said they were going to visit Jeff, and would be back later.

Carl got them each a beer as John looked around the shed and said how he liked the set up. They chatted about things they liked to do with their leisure time, when Carl asked, "Can I ask you some personal questions?"

"I guess so seems lately that's all everybody has been asking." John said.

"Well you know what happened to me but what you may not know is that during it all I was unconscious." Carl said.

"Didn't know that, when he got me I was only too drunk to fight back." John said.

"Well one thing that has been with me ever since then is the desire to know what it really feels like to have a cock up my ass." Carl said watching John for his reaction.

"I can understand the wandering, wanting to know if you did something that made him pick you out." "Believe me you just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time." John said.

"Yea, I thank I got over the guilt feeling of thinking it was partly my fault, but I still have that desire to have someone fuck me up the ass." "Don't know anyone I could do it with other than you that I would feel safe with." "I guess what I am asking you is would you fuck me." Carl said, waiting on some kind of reaction from John.

"If you really want me to, I wouldn't mind at all fucking your ass." John said.

"Right now ok?" Carl asked a little excited.

"Fine." John said as he drank the rest of his beer and started removing his clothes.

Carl started removing his clothes as he was watching John. He gasped when he saw the size of John's dick. It was around nine inches long and very thick.

"Wow." Carl said.

"If you don't want to do this just say so." John said as he started toward Carl.

He reached down and grabbed Carl's cock which was a nice six inches of cut meat. He rubbed the head with his thumb as it started leaking some pre cum.

"Stop, stop, I can't take much more, lets move to the sofa and get that monster in my asshole before I cum." Carl said as he moved away. "Here take this." Carl said as he handed John a jar of vaseline. Carl then bent over the back of the sofa and spread his legs for John. John took a lot of the vaseline and pushed it in Carl's asshole. John noticed Carl's body tighten up as he felt the vaseline and John's fingers enter his asshole. John rolled his fingers around trying to be sure to get as much lube inside the channel as possible.

"Now, put your dick in now." Carl said as he was straining against the pressure in his ass.

John moved in and pushed his dick in. The head along with a few inches slid in easily. Carl took in a deep breath and then started to breath normally again. John leaned over Carl's back and whispered, "You want to really enjoy this or not."

"I want to enjoy it, please." Carl begged.

"Then relax and let yourself go." John said as he slowly slid the rest of his dick up Carl's asshole.

Carl gasped again but then relaxed. John started moving his dick around inside trying to locate Carl's prostate. When he noticed Carl's body contract and Carl let out a moan, he said, "Get ready for the fuck of your life." John said as he started pumping his dick faster.

Carl couldn't believe the feelings that were blasting through his asshole and charging into his balls. He moaned a couple of times and then said, "Shit, I'm cumming."

John noticed Carl's body jerk as he felt his asshole clamp down on his dick with each jerk. Carl relaxed thinking that it was over since he had cum, but said, "What's happening." As he felt John's cock still pumping in his asshole, and he was still getting the charges in his asshole and balls. Within a few minutes he was cumming again and now was just lying there and enjoying the rocking of his body as John continued to fuck his asshole, this time he was cumming even faster. John could tell that Carl's body was spent and he decided to go ahead and get off as he picked up the pace and then emptied his balls deep inside John's asshole.

"Wow, that's incredible." Carl said as he felt the hot cum coating the inside of his asshole.

John collapsed on Carl's back and said, "Was that what you wanted."

"More, never knew it could be like that, now I'm jealous of the boys." Carl said.

"Well if you ever want to do it again don't hesitate to call me, might even let you enjoy the pleasure of being on the top." John said as he pulled his dick out and started to dress.

Carl raised himself up and just gawked at all the cum that was running down the back of the sofa.

"If you think that's something you should see what's running out of your asshole." John said watching Carl.

"Better clean myself up, why don't you get us some beers." Carl said as he went into the bathroom and started toweling himself off.

They sat down and talked for about thirty minutes until Bill and Paul returned and entered the shed. Bill sat down on the sofa between the two and asked if they had caught up on everything. He then looked around and said, "Strange smell, you using some new chemical in here dad." Bill asked winking at Paul.

"No, nothing new, son." Carl said as he grabbed Bill's head and put him in a head lock, and then kissed him on his forehead.

"Aw dad," Bill said as he tried to wipe the kiss off.

"Well I think we need to go, the boys need to start getting there rest for next week." John said as he rose up to leave. They all said there good byes and Paul and his dad left.

Next: Chapter 14

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