
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Nov 25, 2001


This is the 14 chapter of this story of a youth and other youths having sex with adults and each other. If this is not what you want to read about then you should get out. The story is fiction even if seems it could be true at times.

If you have any comments about the story please send them to me at good or bad all comments are welcome.

Again this story is not true and all the characters are made up even though they might resemble people you might know or wish you knew.


Monday started off as usual with Paul dragging himself out of bed and forcing himself to get ready for school. He was still sore from the game, but the whirlpool or massage had helped. He was not ready for the treatment he received from the students and teachers. Everybody was stopping him and telling him how well he had played. People spoke to him that had never even acknowledged that he existed.

Paul was really enjoying the attention but by lunchtime it wasn't quiet as much fun as it had been. He actually was hoping to just sit alone with the few guys he normally ate with, but that didn't happen. He was surrounded by several of the football players along with two or three of the cheerleaders.

Bill walked by as though he was going to say something, but just said he would catch Paul when he was less busy and winked at him. Paul looked up at Bill and wanted to leave with him but couldn't think of a reason that the little group would except so he just stayed where he was. He kept feeling the cheerleaders as they rubbed up against his legs and put their arms around his neck. A couple of them gave him their phone numbers just as the bell rang to go to class.

Practice could not come soon enough for Paul, as he just wanted to get to something that was normal again. He was tired of thanking people and being polite to everyone that talked to him. He was sure Coach wouldn't make such a big deal of it. Of course Paul was half-right; Coach did make a little speech about how much Paul had helped win the game. He then turned it around to show how much people can really change and how much Paul had went from the overweight slow boy to the better than average football player, and how by next year would be a much better player. He spoke on how much Paul had brought the team together by having them pull for Paul while he was trying to lose the weight. All the talk about Paul had made him want to crawl away and just hide.

Coach went on to explain how if the team wanted to go even further in the State tournament that they would all have to improve even more, just as Paul had. The team they were to play had the best running back in the state in their classification. The only way they could win the next game was to stop this particular player. He told the team that the players would be having extra tackling drills for the next three days and he hoped that everyone would put their hearts into the drills. He then concluded his speech by letting Paul and about five other players know he had to see them before they left after practice.

Practice went along as usual with everyone finishing covered in sweat and just able to walk back to the dressing room. As they all got showers and dressed Paul remembered he was to go see Coach and was a little worried because of the other players that had been told to stay. He didn't know them that well but knew that they were always on the edge of trouble.

Bill walked up to Paul and said he would wait for him in the parking lot and that he had no clue as to what Coach wanted to see them about.

Paul walked toward Coach's office and noticed that he was the last one to get there. As he entered the office Coach looked up and said, "Good, all of you are here."

"Now, to start with Paul you are not in any trouble, so you can breath now." He said as he noticed how tense Paul had been.

"The problem we have here is that the other fellows here are flunking different courses and the six-week exams are this week." "If they don't pass the tests then they want get to play football Friday." Coach said as he surveyed the faces of the other players.

"Now this is what I hope will happen, but if Paul doesn't want to then that is his right." "If Paul agrees to it he will tutor the rest of you on the different subjects you are failing." "I know some of the subjects Paul hasn't even taken yet, but with his IQ and his common sense I believe he can help each one of you learn how to take test." "Besides I have several study guides that the teachers have supplied me with that will help each of you if you choose to try." "Understand that if you don't try, nothing Paul or I can say or do will help you pass these tests." "Now what I need to know from the rest of you is are you all willing to try." "Understand I am not going to tell you that you have to do this." Coach said as he looked at each boy.

Paul just sat there not knowing what to say he didn't feel comfortable with all the talk about his grades and how smart he was suppose to be. He also knew that if any of the boys wanted him to help that he couldn't turn them down.

All the boys decided it was worth the chance to let Paul help them. Coach set up a schedule for the boys to come to Coach's room after practice the next two days.

Coach excused the other players and told Paul to stay that he needed to talk with him. When the others had left Coach looked at Paul and said, "Paul I know this is somewhat of a surprise, but I really need your help with these players." "I don't expect you to teach them the things they have refused to learn on their own." "All I want you to do is to show them any tricks that you use when you take test." "I have looked at your school records and found out that you score very high on all areas on your standardized test, you actually score higher than you are suppose to." "To me that means that you have a few tricks that you use to come up with the right answers." "All I want you to do is show these guys how you would take these study guides or how you would go about looking up the answers for these guides." "None of these guys are that bad off, but if they don't pass their tests then they will fail."

"Now do you have any questions?" Coach asked.

"I don't have any questions, but I wished you had let me known a little earlier." Paul said.

"I understand, but remember you are not going to teach them the subject matter, but only how to make intelligent guesses." "I don't want you to spend a lot of time trying to get them to learn the material, just want you to show them how you would reason out the answers." Coach said.

"Now does that make it a little easier for you?" Coach asked.

"Ok, that does make it easier, but what if they don't pass, they will blame me for it." Paul said.

"I will see to it that they don't say anything to you either way the tests go." Coach stated.

"Ok, then." Paul said as he got up to leave the office.

As Paul reached the parking lot Bill was listening to the car radio. "Well what's the story on the meeting?" Bill asked as he turned the radio down and turned the motor over in the car.

Paul went through the whole story as Bill headed the car towards Paul's house. When they pulled up in Paul's drive, Bill said. "Glad it's you and not me, and good luck."

Paul went on into his house but his father was at work and he decided to take a long soaking bath and then rest for a while. A few hours later Paul woke up when the phone rang and he moved across the room to answer it.

"Hello." Paul said still half asleep.

"Hi, this is Leah, and I was just calling to see why you haven't called." The person on the other end of the line said.

"Oh, I laid down and fell asleep, your call just woke me up." "Wasn't ignoring you or anything like that." Paul said as he realized that Leah was one of the cheerleaders that had given him her phone number.

"That's alright, I understand, but the reason I'm calling is that Bill's girlfriend is giving Bill a little surprise party this Wednesday and I was wondering if you wanted to take me to it." "You don't really have to take me but you can meet me at Bill's and be my date for the night." "I know that you and Bill are friends and if you can arrange to be at his house after school on Wednesday, then when we just happen to stop by you can go riding with us to the party." Leah said between breaths.

"Ok, sounds good to me don't think I will have any problem being at Bill's, what time are you talking about?" Paul asked as he remembered the tutoring he was to do.

"Around seven or seven thirty, is that all right." She said.

"Great, that works out just fine I have something I have to do right after school, but will be through in plenty of time to be at Bill's" Paul said.

"Good, then will see you Wednesday, bye." Leah said as she hung up the phone.

Paul put the receiver down and then stumbled back to his bed and dosed off again. He woke up when his father looked in asked him how he was feeling.

Paul looked at his father with a questionable look on his face, and his father asked, "What's the problem?"

"Oh, I think I have a date for Wednesday, but it may have been a dream, I'm not really sure." Paul said as he shook his head trying to clear his thoughts.

Paul's father just laughed at him as Paul was trying to determine if it was true or not.

"Darn, Now I have to call Leah to see if she called me, boy this could be embarrassing." Paul said as his father left the room giggling at Paul's situation.

Paul went to the phone and picked up the receiver and started to dial the number when he realized he hadn't gotten the number out of his books. He went back to his desk and located the piece of paper that had Leah's number on it. As he dialed her number he wasn't sure how he was going to enter into the conversation without letting her know that he wasn't sure if he had dreamed the earlier phone call. The phone rang and he waited for someone to answer.

The phone rang three times before someone picked up.

"Hello." The voice on the other end said.

"Hello, is this Leah?" Paul asked half way hoping it wasn't.

"Yea, this is she, is that you Paul?" She asked as she recognized the voice.

"Yes, this is Paul, I was calling to ." Paul said before he was cut off by Leah.

"Glad you called I forgot to tell you that if you could bring some cokes or drinks Wednesday it would help out at the party." She said.

"No problem was calling to see if there was anything I needed to do for the party." Paul said as he let out a large sigh, because he didn't have to embarrass himself and ask if she had called earlier.

"Ok, is there anything else that I need to do?" Paul asked.

"All right then I'll see you tomorrow at school if you think of anything else." Paul said as he hung up the phone.

Paul walked back into the kitchen and walked up behind his father and wrapped his arms around him and gave him a big hug.

"What was that for?" His father asked.

"Nothing just wanted to hug you." Paul said as he told his father about the party, the new notoriety Paul had acquired, and finally the tutoring he was going to give the next few days.

Paul's father walked back over to Paul and gave him a hug and then looked right in Paul's eyes and asked, "Does any of these things present a problem for you?"

Paul looked back at him and said, "No, just everything is happening so fast."

The next morning Paul rode to school with Bill and told him not to wait on him after practice that he would be an hour or so late because of the tutoring he had to do after practice. The rest of the day went as the day before. Paul received a lot more attention than he wanted and the classes seemed to drag on forever. Football practice went along as usual with a little more tackling drills. They all showered and dressed and headed home, except the ones that headed to Coach's classroom.

As they got there Paul looked at the other boys and said, "Now I have no secrets about taking test so don't expect any." "I will show you how I try to figure out the answers when I am not sure." "All you have to do is us a little common sense and you will be surprised how many you can reason out."

"Now some of you are taking the same test so to make it easier we will go over them first, the others of you can get the study guides that Coach left and start working on them." "Only answer the questions you know for sure, I will show you how to make a good guess on the others when I finish with the test I am working on now."

"Since most of the teachers like to give multiply choice test, that makes it easier for us." "We can rule out one answer as being way off, another answer usually can be ruled out fairly easy." "That will leave us with two answers and we know that one of them has to be right." Paul said as he took a deep breath and looked at the boys in front of him. He really didn't know how they were going to take him telling them what to do, but they all seemed attentive and there was not anyone that appeared as though he was uneasy about the situation.

The boys worked for about forty five minutes when Paul said that he was tired and that if they all put in a little extra time at home then they would be able to finish up tomorrow. The boys were also tired but they all took home some of the study guides and said they were going to work on them at home.

As they were leaving Coach walked in and asked Paul to stay for a few minutes. When the others had left Coach looked at Paul and said, "Well, how did it go?"

"I think it went fine, they listened and actually I think it will help them." Paul said as he looked at Coach.

"Tell you what, Paul, when this football season is over I think I will take you off for a weekend and we can just relax with each other." "How does that sound?" Coach asked as he reached up and massaged Paul's neck and shoulders.

"Sounds great to me, and want come anytime too soon." Paul said.

"I can give you a ride home if you want." Coach said as they walked out the building.

The next morning was no different than the three previous days and Paul was actually happy when he met with the boys he was tutoring. They had all worked on the study guides and had gotten more than enough of the answers correct to pass the test.

One boy in particular was having a little trouble with some of his math and Paul wasn't sure if he could help him. When the other boys left Paul stayed in the room with the other boy. He was one of the linemen that started on the offensive side of the ball, and was probably the most valuable to the team of the boys Paul had tutored.

He and Paul were still working when Coach came by to lock up the room. Paul told Coach that he thought they were making progress but needed a few more minutes. Coach said that that was fine and he would lock the doors and all they had to do was to be sure that they closed them when they left.

Paul and the other boy studied for about ten more minutes when finally the other boy said he thought he had it and thanked Paul for his help. He then looked at Paul and said, "Paul do you fool around with boys?"

Paul looked up at him real quick and said, "Why do you ask?"

"Was just wondering, I think a lot about boys and since I hadn't seen you hanging around the girls like most of the jocks I thought you might have the same feelings I have." He said as his face turned red and he got up to leave. "Never mind what I asked," He said.

Paul stood up and said, "I have fooled around a little, but tonight is not a good time for me."

The other boy's head perked up when he heard this and a smile came across his face.

"Tell you what, why don't we plan to meet after practice tomorrow and we can talk or do something together." Paul said.

The boy agreed as he picked up his books and headed out the door. Paul cleaned up the papers and headed out the door.

Paul arrived home at about six o'clock, cleaned up, tried to figure out a good story in order to get Bill to come over and give him a ride to the store, and then back to Bill's house before the girls arrived.

Paul called Bill and asked if he was busy and could he come give him a ride to the store to pick up some things for school, and if they could hang out at Bill's house for a while. Bill agreed quickly since the two of them had not been alone any during the week.

Bill pulled up in the driveway and honked his horn as Paul came out the door. They drove to the local grocery store and Paul started picking up some school supplies and then picked up some cokes and cups and they headed to the checkout line. Bill noticed the items but didn't think anything of them even though he thought that Paul was buying a lot of soft drinks.

As they got back into the car Bill asked, "You having a party or something tomorrow?"

"Not really, need the cups for science and just decided to pick up the sodas." Paul said as he looked away hoping that Bill couldn't hear the change in his voice as he lied to him.

They drove back to Bill's house without saying anything to each other. They had just pulled up in the driveway when Leah and Bill's girlfriend pulled in behind them.

"You guys busy or could you perhaps ride around and protect a few helpless girls?" Leah teasingly asked.

Bill looked at Paul, then looked back at the girls, and finally whispered to Paul, "Do you want to go with them, if you don`t I can make an excuse and we can stay here."

"No, its ok, we can go riding with them, besides you shouldn't stand up your girlfriend." Paul said low enough that only he and Bill could here him.

Bill and Paul walked back to Leah's car as Bill's girlfriend got into the back seat and they motioned for Paul to sit in the front seat. As they started to pull off Paul said, "Wait, let me get my things from Bill's car and we can drop them off at my house as we drive around."

Leah stopped the car and grinned at Paul as he ran back to Bill's car and retrieved his packages. Paul placed the packages between Leah and him and told her to drive on. They drove around for a few minutes and then as they pulled into Bill's girlfriends house Bill said, "Hey what's going on here, why are all the cars here for?"

"Surprise." Leah said. "We decided to give you a party since we didn't have one after the last game, and no there is no drinking allowed here either." "Now get out and start enjoying yourself."

We all entered the house and were greeted by most of the football team and the rest of the cheerleaders. Leah grabbed Paul by the arm and started showing him around as Bill and his girlfriend mingled with the rest of the guest.

Bill looked at his girlfriend and said, "Why all the secrecy about the party, I would have come to it if you had just asked."

"We figured it was easier to have a surprise party and not give the players a chance to make an excuse and back out." "The only player that knew about the party was Paul, and we had to tell him in order to get him to meet Leah." " We made it seem like he had to be with you so we could get you here."

"Ok, I guess." Bill said with a little puzzled look on his face, not sure who was set up here, he or Paul.

"I need to find the men's room if you don't mind." Bill said as he walked off looking for Paul.

When he found him he motioned for him to meet him in the restroom. When they entered Bill looked at Paul and said, "Do you know that you have been set up with Leah?"

"I kind of got that idea the other day when she called and asked me to help her get you here." Paul said. "Don't worry I'm all right with it." Paul said.

"Good, I just wanted you to know that this was none of my doing." Bill said. "I would never get you into something that you might not like."

"Thanks, but everything is ok, now let's get out of here before the people out there start talking." Paul said.

As they left there didn't seem to be anybody that noticed that they came out together. Bill headed off toward his girlfriend as Leah called for Paul to join her in the kitchen. Paul looked around and noticed that most of the football players were there, but not all had dates. There were some in the living room dancing to some loud music, while others sat around in groups eating sandwiches and drinking sodas. He also noticed the boy he had helped with the math tutoring and waved as he also noticed Paul.

When Paul got to the kitchen Leah attached herself to Paul's arm as she started chatting about the next game and anything else that came to her mind. Paul was wondering if she would ever run out of things to talk about when she finally suggested that they go into the living room and find a sofa to relax on. As they sat down Paul noticed how casually she had placed her hand on his thigh. She started rubbing her hand up and down Paul's leg and he was sure she wanted to do more than talk. Paul turned his face to where he was looking right at Leah and gave her a big kiss as her hand moved up to Paul's belt.

Paul decided he might as well enjoy himself as much as possible as he wrapped his arms around Leah. They kissed for a few minutes before either came up for air.

"Why don't we go look at something upstairs?" Leah suggested as she stood up and grabbed Paul's hand. Paul followed along as she hurriedly went into Leah's room. She then closed the door and locked it behind her and then all but jumped into Paul's arms. She was groping at Paul as he was trying to caress all of her body.

Within seconds Paul and Leah were both naked and rubbing against each other. Paul was actually enjoy this a lot more than he had the first time he had sex with a girl. Paul placed the nipple of one of Leah's breast in his mouth and sucked on it just as he often sucked on the head of a cock. Leah was moaning and wrapping her arms around Paul's head and trying to pull his head even harder against herself. Paul picked her up and carried her to the bed and laid her down and then slid his face down between her legs.

As Paul located Leah's clit she grabbed his head and pressed it into her now wet pussy. Paul was nibbling on her clit as she locked her legs around his head and started thrusting her pelvis into Paul's face. Paul reached up and cupped each breast in his hands and just squeezed them as he flicked his tongue at the hard little clit in his mouth. Leah was moaning and squealing as Paul work on her pussy. He then slid a finger inside and felt how moist and warm it felt.

He pried his head free and slid his body up Leah's body as she locked her legs around his ass and reached down to locate his penis. She lined it up and then thrust up towards it forcing the head inside. She grabbed Paul around the neck as he thrust the rest of his dick inside. She gasped when it entered but then started pumping back at Paul.

Paul started thrusting his hips as hard as he could and couldn't believe how much he was enjoying having sex with Leah. As she dug her nails into Paul's back he knew that she was having an orgasm and he felt he could let himself go. With a few more thrust he was shooting his hot cum deep inside Leah's hot channel. He gave a few deep groans and then collapsed on top of her with his now softening dick still inside.

"It's kind of late to ask, but are you on something for protection?" Paul asked as he realized he hadn't used a rubber.

"Your safe, Paul I have been on the pill for a couple of years." Leah said as she reached up and kissed Paul on the forehead.

"Whew that's a relief." Paul said as he felt his dick pull out of her pussy. "Can I help you to the bathroom and help clean you up?"

"That's ok, I would rather do it myself." Leah said, "but thanks for offering."

"We better hurry before we are missed." She said as she got up and went to the adjoining bathroom.

"I'm going back down will catch up with you when you get there." Paul said as he finished dressing and moved to the door.

As Paul got to the bottom of the stairs he ran into Bill who gave him a sly look and said, "How do you like the bedrooms?"

"Not bad, not bad at all." Paul said as they both began to laugh.

The party didn't last too much longer as the next day was a school day and the adults were due back at 10:30 so the party broke up at 10:00. This gave Paul, Bill, Leah, and Bill's girlfriend time to clean up the place before Paul and Bill had to leave. Leah was spending the night there and didn't have to worry about driving home.

Bill looked over at Paul and said, "Well did you score tonight or did my girlfriend go upstairs with someone and mess up her bed?"

Paul looked at Bill and said, "Yeah it was Leah, and I and it was a lot better than the first time with the girl you set me up with." "I wasn't worried about satisfying her as much as I did the first time." "It was a little scary when I realized I hadn't used a rubber but she said she was on the pill."

"Yeah, Leah is a good girl, but I think you should know that she has been with a lot of the football players and I don't want you to get attached to her and not know her history." "If you and her do become an item that's all right by me just want you to know the score before you fall in love or lust which ever the case is." "Oh, yeah she also has a steady boyfriend that attends college, but is only home on the weekends.

Paul looked at Bill and at first was a little mad because he had told him about Leah, but soon was thanking him for letting him know exactly what was what. As they pulled into Paul's driveway Paul leaned over and rubbed the back of Bill's neck and said he appreciated everything he had done for him, and thanked him for looking out for him.

As Paul went into his house he heard his father moving around in the kitchen and he walked in to see what was happening.

"Well how did the party go tonight?" His father asked.

"How did you know that we were at a party?" Paul asked.

"Called over to Bill's house when you didn't come home and they told me." His father said.

"It was great and who knows someday you might become a grandfather after all." Paul said.

"Oh, did we do something that I should worry about tonight?" His father asked as he turned to look at Paul.

"Nothing to worry about like that." Paul said as his face turned red. "Just had a good time with a beautiful girl that's all."

"Ok, I understand now, and don't scare me like that again." His father said as he turned back around and finished washing the dishes.

Paul walked up behind his father and hugged him around the waist and laid his head on his shoulder. "Dad, would it really be bad if I had gotten some girl pregnant?" He asked.

"No, it really would be nice knowing that you would have a son or daughter to love and help as he or she grew up." "But don't you go off trying to get some girl pregnant you here."

"I'm not just was wondering how you would really react if it did happen." Paul said as he kissed the back of his father's head and then went off to his room.

The next morning Paul woke up with a little more energy than usual as he got ready for school. Today was the day when the boys he had tutored were to take their tests and practice was always easier on Thursdays. Paul noticed Leah at lunch but she acted as though nothing had happened so Paul didn't act any different either. Even though it did bother Paul a little that she could have sex with him and then act like she didn't want people to know about it. Paul had figured that when he had sex with a girl it was all right if people thought that they had. He knew that what he and Bill had been doing together was best left between them, but now he felt as though there wasn't any difference and this didn`t feel right to him.

After school coach informed us that all the players had passed their exams and everyone was eligible for the game on Friday. He looked over at Paul and smiled but didn't say anything because he knew that Paul didn't want the attention. As they all got up and started to the practice field the boys that Paul had helped all came by and patted him on the back and thanked him for the help. Paul said as little about it as he could but he knew that Coach had told them to be sure to thank him. The one that had the trouble with the math was the last one to catch up to him and said that he really was grateful and if Paul didn't want to get with him after practice it was ok with him.

Paul looked at him and said, "No, I want to get together with you after practice."

"Great, great will see you then." He said as he ran off to one of the drills.

Practice was over earlier than usual and most of the boys were still very active as they ran into the field house. Paul deliberately dressed slow as he noticed the other boy doing the same. Bill came by and asked Paul if he needed a ride, but Paul said he wanted to walk home today. When all of the players except Paul and the other boy had left Coach walked in and said he was on his way and be sure to lock up after they left.

Paul looked around and told the other boy to follow him to the training room. He followed along but Paul could tell he wasn't to sure about what they were about to do. As they moved into the room Paul decided things would probably go better if they both got into the whirlpool together. He walked over to the whirlpool and turned the water on and checked the temperature. Paul then removed all his clothes except his underwear and moved back to the whirlpool.

He noticed as the other boy slowly removed his clothes that he also kept his underwear on. It was apparent that the other boy was a little excited by the mound in the front of him. Paul called him over and said, "It's apparent you have never been with a boy before so to make it as easy as possible we are going to take a bath together." "That should loosen you up and will give us a chance to play around with each other before we get into anything a little more serious."

He looked up at Paul and wanted to say something but changed his mind and just watched the water as it filled the whirlpool. Paul took the opportunity to see what kind of reaction he would get if he touched the other boy. He reached over and ran his hands down the other boy's back and rested them on his ass. He could feel the boys muscles tighten up as his hands moved downward, but then relaxed as his hands stopped on his ass cheeks.

"How does that feel?" Paul asked as he started to squeeze the plump cheeks.

"Great just great, never thought it would feel like that." He said as he kept taking in deep breaths.

"The water level is about right so let's get in and enjoy the bath." Paul said as he slid his underwear off and stepped into the tub. The other boy removed his underwear and stepped in quickly trying to hide himself from Paul's view.

"Ok, so we can get over the shyness I am going to stand up and let you see my dick." "Then you can show me yours." Paul said as he stood up and placed his dick and balls right in front of the other boy's face."

The other boy took in a deep breath as he just stared at Paul's dick and balls and his mouth gapped open. Paul reached down and took a hold of the other boy's hand and guided it to his dick. He placed it on his dick and watched as the boy's natural instinct took over and he wrapped his hand around it and started pumping back and forth.

"That's enough for now." Paul said as he pulled his dick away from the boy. "Now it is your turn to show me what you have."

The other boy slowly stood up as Paul sat back down in the tub. Paul grinned as he reached out and took hold of the already hard seven inch cock and started to pull back and forth on it. Paul could tell it wouldn't take much to have the boy cum, but he decided he could get him back up quickly besides it had been a while since he had sucked on a cock.

Paul reached forward and slid the dick in his mouth as he heard the boy let out a gasp in amazement. He grabbed Paul's head and started pumping uncontrollably. Paul was able to swallow the boy's entire dick and then relaxed and let the boy finish what he was doing to his mouth. The boy grunted several times as he shot stream after stream of hot cum down Paul's throat. He stepped back and sank down into the water with a big smile of relief on his face. All at once his eyes popped open and he realized what had happened.

"Sorry, I am so sorry." The boy said as he felt a hand grab his dick and start fondling it.

"It's ok." Paul said. "I will have him back up and ready for action within seconds."

The boy just sat there as Paul worked his hands on his cock and started rubbing around on his belly. The boy's dick started rising and Paul suggested that they should move to the tables. As they got there Paul had him sit on the edge of the table as he started sucking his dick again. He then had him lean back and raise his legs up until his feet could rest on the edge of the table. Paul then proceeded to kiss along either side of his balls and then down to his asshole.

The boy was really enjoying the attention he was getting and couldn't believe how it felt. He wanted to do something but didn't want Paul to stop either. Paul continued to lick down until he found the little asshole he was looking for. He licked around the entrance and then flicked his tongue right in the center of the asshole. Paul could tell he was giving the boy fits as he teased his asshole. Paul took a deep breath and then placed his lips around the entrance and pushed his tongue in. The boy started trying to hump his asshole on Paul's tongue but was having a hard time doing it.

Paul couldn't stand it any more as he had the boy get up as he lay down on the table. He told the boy to get the lube from the shelf and climb up behind him. Paul pulled his legs up as far as he could and offered his asshole to the boy. He told him to rub some of the lube on his asshole as well as on his own cock. The boy didn't have to be told twice as he readily applied the lube. He then looked at Paul waiting for his next instructions.

Paul told him to place his dick at his asshole and push. When the boy did he was surprised at how easily his dick slid inside. He didn't have to be told what to do next as he instinctively started pumping his hips. Paul placed his legs against the boy's shoulders as he started trying to pump back as the boy thrust forward. Paul was getting that warm feeling around his asshole and was also receiving a lot of pleasure as his prostate was being massaged.

The boy just stared down as he noticed Paul's dick throbbing as he pumped into his asshole. When it started shooting cum he just gasped and stopped what he was doing, causing Paul to yell, "Please don't stop."

The boy started pumping even faster as the cum splattered against his own belly. He then started groaning as his own dick started shooting away. He then collapsed on top of Paul as he tried to catch his breath.

"That was unreal." He said as he looked down at the grin across Paul's face.

"Do you always cum when someone fucks you up the ass?" He asked as he felt his cock starting to grow again.

"Just about every time." Paul said as he started wiggling his ass as he felt the boy's dick getting larger.

"Do you think I would cum if you fucked me?" He asked as he slowly started to pump his dick in Paul's ass.

"We can try, but it may not happen if this is your first time." Paul said, "And there may be some pain at first, but if you want to try I am willing."

"Ok, let's try." He said as he pulled his rock hard dick from Paul's asshole.

He rolled over on his back and pulled his legs as far as he could toward his chest. Paul grabbed the lube and placed the opening of the tube in his asshole. He squeezed the tube until it ran out around the top of the tube. He then applied some to his dick and started rubbing the head of his cock up and down the crack of the boy's ass. Paul then took a finger and gently applied some pressure to the opening, rubbing ever so lightly in little circles.

"Hey that feels real nice." The boy said.

Paul then pushed the finger in and waited as the boy's asshole clamped down on it.

"Ouch, that hurts a little, but don't stop." He said.

"Just relax and I will take it nice and easy until you are ready for the real thing." Paul said as he started twirling his finger around inside the hole. The boy started moving his ass around and Paul knew that what pain he was feeling was now gone. Paul then placed a second finger and then a third, waiting each time until the boy was able to take it with no pain.

"I think you are ready, but it will still hurt a little at first." Paul informed him.

"Ok, let's go for it." The boy said as he pulled his legs even higher.

Paul moved up behind the boy and eased the head of his dick in and then waited to see what reaction the boy would have. Since there was no sign of discomfort, Paul pushed more of his dick in. This time the boy's body contorted from the intrusion so Paul stopped where he was. The boy took several deep breaths and said, "Go ahead and this time push it all in."

Paul pulled his dick out a little and then with one forceful push buried his entire dick inside. The boy yelled out but then relaxed as he tried to push back against Paul. Paul then knew that the boy was feeling very little pain and was ready for the full treatment. Paul slowly pulled and pushed inside the boy's asshole as he was trying to locate the boy's prostate. Paul kept up the action as he watched the boy's limp dick because he knew that when he found the right spot that the best indicator was the boy's dick. After about ten thrust Paul noticed the boy's dick jerk and then start to grow. It also caused a moan to come from the boys throat.

Paul started pumping rapidly in the same manner and the boy's dick was now at full erection and the boys eyes were closed as he rolled his head from side to side. Paul knew that it was only a matter of seconds before the boy would cum, and when he did he must have shot his cum three feet into the air. The second shot hit Paul right in the face and the boy just yelled out as his balls unloaded.

He looked up at Paul and had figured that that was the end of it but felt the feeling start to build up again, as Paul had not changed his pace. Before the boy could say anything his dick looked like a water fountain as it was spraying cum into the air again. This time it was too much for Paul as he grabbed the boy's hips and thrust as hard as he could and released his cum as deep as was possible.

"Wow, that feels so good." The boy said as he felt Paul's cum coating the inside of his asshole.

Paul fell forward as he tried to catch his breath. They both got up and stumbled back to the whirlpool as they slid down into the hot swirling water and closed their eyes. A few minutes later Paul said, "Well was it what you thought it would be?"

"Actually it was much better." The boy replied.

"I hope you understand and it has nothing to do with you, but we can't keep doing this." Paul said as he looked right at the boy.

"Yea, I know, but I have a friend at school who has been trying to get me experiment with him and I have been refusing." He said. "Boy will he be surprised when I take him up on it the next time he asks." "I really do appreciate you being so nice and showing me how good it can be, and by the way I made a 95 on my math test."

"95 that is good and I am glad you have someone else to play with." Paul said. "Right now I don't have enough free time to be with anybody else, and I am glad you understand."

"No problem but if you find yourself with some free time let me know and I will be sure to meet you whenever or wherever." He said. "I will be asking if you have any free time to help me study every time I see you and between you and me it will really be to get together." "Just say you don't have the time and I will understand, don't feel like you ever have to get with me." "Now what do we do?"

"Grab some soap and you can wash my back and I will wash yours, then we have got to get out of here and head home." Paul said as he started rubbing the soap all over his cum smeared belly.

Next: Chapter 15

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