
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Sep 25, 2001


This is the third part of this fictional story. Hope you enjoy it and would love to read your comments.

Again no part of this story is true, it all is from my imagination.

Have only been writing for about three months. Really do need any imput from readers to continue.

Please write to


The next few weeks went along as the days before, practice in the morning and afternoon with the occasional get together with Coach and Bill. Some days it would be with one and not the other depending on what was happening that day.

Paul walked to school feeling a lot better about himself since he had been meeting Coach and Bill, he had lost twenty pounds. He was now able to run over two laps without having to walk, and he had actually been able to run three wind sprints before he had to leave the team and do his own routine. He could see the progress he was making and so could the team. Several of them had said something to him about how he was getting better.

All of these good feelings soon left as he approached the school grounds. There stood the biggest bully on campus, and he enjoyed teasing Paul ever chance he could.

Chuck Johnson was his name. He was about six feet tall, weighted about 175 pounds, long oily hair, with a lot of teenage pimples all over his face. He wasn't intimidating by himself, but he always had his running buddies with him. There was the short skinny kid that was always running his mouth about what they were going to do to someone. There was the big guy almost on the fat side who was the muscle in the group. Then there was always two or three average guys hanging around willing to join in with whatever the others were doing. This group was always in some kind of trouble at school. They practically lived in after school detention.

Here was the whole gang and Paul had to go past them to get to the main school building. He wasn't sure what grade any of them were in, but he knew that Chuck was at least two years older than most of the seniors. As he walked past he could here the same old things that he had heard for the last few years.

"Hey, here comes Huey, and his friends, oh, sorry that is all Huey he has no friends"

"That wonder bra isn't working."

"Your so big, do you beep when you back up?"

"Careful fellows if he falls he could start an earthquake."

Paul just kept walking and didn't even acknowledge that he had heard them. He breathed a sigh of relief when they didn't follow him and taunt him as they normally did.

Paul went on to classes and the day went by with nothing happening out of the ordinary. All the students were catching up on what had happened during the summer, trying to find out who was in what class, who got stuck in the classes with the teachers that were from hell, and anything else that teenagers think are important on the first day of school.

Paul was feeling very good about himself as many of the teachers that knew him and a lot of the students had mentioned that they could tell he had lost weight. He was having such a good time that he was a little sorry when the bell rang for the end of the day. He collected his things and headed to the fieldhouse with the rest of the players for practice.

Practice for Paul went even better, during the wind sprints he completed four and was about to start his walking when Coach said, "Cone on Paul run one more with us, we can wait a few seconds on you.'

Paul jogged up to the line and started with the rest in his group and wasn't but about fifteen yards behind the others.

"Good job Paul." one of the other coaches said as he patted him on the back.

Paul grinned and jogged off to do his ten laps. He was able to finish five laps before walking, and actually jogged the last two laps after he walked three. Coach noticed and made sure that the rest of the team noticed. As he finished up his last lap the team stopped their drills and clapped for him. At first he didn't know what was going on, but then just threw his hands in the air in a Rocky imitation. The team just laughed and went back to what they were doing. Paul walked off to the locker room and then started feeling how much the running had really taken out of him. He sat down to remove his shoes and when he tried to get up he felt weak and his legs were very rubbery. He decided to use the whirlpool instead of the shower besides he could sit down instead of stand up.

When the team came in a few minutes later, Coach noticed Paul in the whirlpool and went to see if he as alright.

"Ever thing alright Paul?" Coach asked.

"Yea, Coach just a little weak from the run." Paul said.

"The whirlpool was a good idea, and your probably going to be extra sore tomorrow." Coach informed him.

Paul slid back into the whirlpool and decided to rest there for a few minutes more. Bill walked in and said, "Hey, you need a ride home, the rest of the guys are gone."

"Thanks, but I think I'm going to walk home today." "See you tomorrow."

Paul got out of the whirlpool after about fifteen minutes, dried off, dressed, and headed for home. He was about a block from the school when a car pulled up beside him and he noticed Chuck behind the wheel.

"Get in fat boy." He jelled as he pushed open the door on the passenger side.

"What for?" Paul asked.

"Were going for a ride and talk, now get in." Chuck ordered.

Paul not wanting to make him mad climbed into the seat. He shut the door and the car sped off down the highway.

Paul asked, "Where we going?"

"You will see when we get there, set there and be quite." Chuck said.

All at once Paul's face was covered with some type of cloth. He reached up to pull it away but someone grabbed his hands from behind him.

"Sit still and don't fight us or you will get hurt." Chuck said.

Paul was beginning to really get scared so he lowered his hands and let whoever it was behind him tie the blindfold. The person behind him started running his hands over Paul's shoulders and down to his chest. When the person squeezed his breast he reached up to stop him.

Chuck said, "Don't move," and slapped Paul across his face.

Paul jerked back at the pain and knew he was in trouble. He decided to do what ever they wanted him to do and maybe he could get out of this unhurt. The hands moved back to his chest and started squeezing and pulling his breast.

About ten minutes later the car came to a stop and he was ordered to get out. This was a little relief for Paul because the fondling was beginning to hurt. He climbed out of the car and someone grabbed him by the arm and started leading him.

"Steps." someone said as he and Paul had to climb the steps.

They walked inside a building and Paul could here the door shut behind him. He was led to the middle of the room and ordered to strip. Paul hesitated and was slapped again across the face. Paul grunted when he was slapped this time more from surprise than pain. He then straighten up and started removing his pants, shirt and then his underware.

"That's better," Chuck said.

"Now get down on all fours like the big porker you are." Chuck said as he made a sound like a pig grunting.

This brought out some laughter from the others. Paul wasn't sure how many but imagined at least five.

"Now you will do whatever we tell you or you want leave this place." Chuck said. "If you do get to leave here you want tell anybody will you?" he continued.

"Answer me you slut pig." Chuck yelled.

"Ok, I want tell anybody about what happens here, but don't hurt me, please," Paul begged.

"That's better, now you may remove the blindfold." Chuck said.

As Paul removed the blindfold he looked around and noticed that all the guys that were with Chuck at school were all here now, and were naked. They all stood there with their cocks either sticking out in front of them or sticking strait up on their bellies. Paul was thinking to himself that if they only knew that he really wanted to suck them and be fucked by them that he could really enjoy what was apparently going to happen. As it was he was going to have to act as though it was not what he wanted, and he hoped his dick didn't give him away. The fact that he was so fat helped hide his hard dick, and since none of them had seen him when he was hard, they couldn't tell.

Chuck yelled at Tom, the muscle man of the group, to mount the pig. Tom moved and Paul said, "No don't, at least use something so it want hurt."

Chuck looked at the others and said, "Anybody have anything.?"

The little motor-mouth weasel said, "Sure" and walked over to the old crumpled down bed and pulled out a jar of Vaseline. "Keep it here just in case."

He handed the jar to Tom. Tom reached in and got a lot on his hand and then rubbed it on his cock. Paul was thinking, what a waist of vaseline. None of the boys were very large in the cock department, and Paul could have taken them easily without any lubricant.

Tom lined up behind Paul's ass and pushed forward, Paul screamed out as though it hurt, but actually it was all an act on Paul's part. Tom didn't last long at all as he was grunting and shooting his load inside Paul's ass. Paul had placed his head down on his arms and was rolling it back and forth as though he was still in pain. The other guys didn't know any better.

As soon as Tom was through another boy would mount Paul's ass, and Paul would scream as though there was pain. This went on until he had taken every one of them including Chuck.

"Let's make him suck our dicks" someone behind Paul said.

"Not me." said the weasel, "He might bite it off."

"Let's clean up and get out of here." Chuck said. Since he had just cum he was not feeling very sexy at the time. Three of the others were jerking off and decided to finish it by blasting there loads all over Paul's back.

They all got dressed and then took Paul's clothes and left him. Here he was in a place he didn't know, and naked. He got up and went to the door and could see that he was in the country, close to a farm. The house he was in had been abandoned years ago. He looked around for something to cover himself up with but there wasn't anything. He left the house and started walking down the road toward the farmhouse in the distance. He had walked about ten minutes when he heard the sound of a motor coming toward him. He stood beside the road and tried to cover himself up as much as possible. He looked up and noticed a tractor getting closer to him. He waved at the man driving to get him to stop.

The farmer pulled up beside Paul and just blinked his eyes several times before he spoke.

"What the hell are you doing out here, and with no clothes on?" he asked as the dog sitting beside him barked.

Paul looked up at him to speak, but only started crying.

"Ok, Ok, it's alright, just don't see naked large boys out here every day, calm down."

"Climb up on the fender here beside Rex, don't worry he want bite unless your food." He said as he reached down to help Paul up.

"How did you manage to get in this situation any way?" the farmer asked.

Paul told him how the other guys had brought him out to the old house and what they had done to him. The farmer looked at him and said, "Are you alright, your not physically hurt are you?"

"I'm ok." Paul said as he held back the tears.

"We can call the police and an ambulance when we get to my house." the farmer said. "Rex, stop that." the farmer said as he noticed that Rex was licking all over Paul's back.

"No! We don't need to call the police or ambulance, if I can call a friend and you tell me exactly where we are, I will be ok."

The farmer just looked at Paul as he pulled the tractor into the drive next to the farmhouse.

Paul asked, "Is the rest of your family at home, I don't want them to see me naked."

"Don't worry, no family here with me, children moved away and wife died years ago, no one here but Rex and me." he replied.

As Paul rose up to get off the tractor, he turned and his ass was facing Rex. Paul could feel the cum running down his legs and out his asshole. Rex sniffed the air and moved in toward Paul. The farmer had gotten down on the other side of the tractor and couldn't see what was going on. Rex licked up the sides of Paul's legs and then pushed his tongue right in Paul's asshole. He started lapping up the cum he found, and Paul let out a loud moan. The farmer walked around the tractor and could see Paul leaning over and noticed Rex behind him.

"Rex, stop that." he yelled.

Paul's face turned red as he looked at the farmer.

"Don't feel ashamed about that, Rex doesn't know his manners." "Besides when you live on the farm by yourself and work from daylight to dust, you get sex where you can, not a lot of time to go out, if you know what I mean."

"Come on down from there and let's get you cleaned up." he said.

Paul climbed down and followed the farmer into the house. He made Rex stay outside, but it was obvious that he was very excited. Paul followed the farmer to the bathroom as he showed him where the towels and toiletries were.

"If you need any help just call out, oh, sorry about the absence of the door, don't need one with only me here." "I'll go fix some hot coffee, might make you feel better." "When you finish we can talk about what you want to do."

Paul climbed into the shower and cut the water on. The farmer went to the kitchen and waited. When he came out of the bathroom, he was trying to cover himself with the towel that wouldn't reach half way around him.

"Ok, what do you want me to do?" the farmer asked.

Paul looked at him and said, "I think I just need to call my friend to come and get me, and if you could just forget about what I told you." "The ones that did this to me said that they would hurt me if I told anybody." "So if you would just forget it." Paul said as his eyes watered and tears started running down his face.

The farmer looked at Paul and said, "Calm down, I'm not going to tell anyone, it's your body and if you can live with it then so be it." "You don't have to worry about me."

The farmer walked over and put his arm around Paul's head as Paul began to sob uncontrollably.

"This is probably the best medicine, just cry it out." he said.

Paul turned and wrapped his arms around the farmer and pulled him in closer. It wasn't until he was rubbing his face against the farmer that he noticed he was rubbing the farmers dick and balls. The farmer tried to pull back, but against the pressure he was unable to move. Paul paused for a second and then looked up at the farmer and said, "Mr. would you fuck me, please"

"What," the farmer asked.

"Look, first of all I think I am gay, and when they forced me before I acted as though it hurt." "I really wanted to be fucked but not by them, I felt really used and discarded." "I just want someone to hold me and make me feel wanted or needed or something." "That's why I didn't protest when Rex did what he did." "At least he wanted me for something."

The farmer just looked at Paul as though he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Paul knew that the farmer heard him and was actually responding as his dick started to grow against Paul's face. Paul still wasn't sure about the farmer, so he slowly moved his hands to the front of the farmer's pants. He found the zipper and pulled it down. Paul was pleased when he found that the farmer didn't have any underware on, and he had a musky odor that made Paul's nostrils flare and his dick harden.

The farmer grabbed Paul by the shoulders and pulled him up and planted his lips right on Paul's, At first Paul didn't respond, because this was new to him, he had never kissed a man before. As the farmer pushed his tongue into Paul's mouth, Paul did the only thing he could think of as he sucked the tongue and pushed on it with his own tongue. The farmer moaned and pulled away. He led Paul into the bedroom and said, "What do you want me to do?"

Paul pulled the farmers pants down and was surprised to see the longest dick he had seen to this date. It had to be over 12 inches, but was not any thicker than Bill's. Paul immediately tried to swallow the whole length, but found that he couldn't. He had to back off and slowly work the dick down his throat. The farmer just stood there and enjoyed all the pleasure Paul was providing. Since it had been a while since the farmer had had a blowjob, he didn't last long. He started pumping Paul's mouth and throat full of his cum. He had to grab Paul's head to keep from falling. When the waves of pleasure subsided he was waiting for Paul to release his dick, but he was still sucking. To the farmers surprise his dick had not gone soft, it was still standing at attention.

Paul pulled his mouth off of the farmer's cock and said, "Now you can fuck me, and I mean hard."

Paul leaned on the edge of the bed and stuck his ass up at the farmer. The farmer looked down at Paul's ass and said, "Do we need anything to lube up?"

"Try and see." was all Paul said.

The farmer placed the head of his cock against the puckered entrance of Paul's asshole and leaned forward. The dick slid in with no pain to Paul, he just grunted and pushed back against the farmer. The farmer started thrusting with all his might. Paul was really getting into it as the farmer started making contact with Paul's prostate. Every time he pushed against it Paul's body would tighten up as though he was going to squirt. The farmer noticed this and leaned forward and whispered softly, "How many times do you want to cum, son?" "I can ride you for hours, and I have found that magic button inside your ass."

Paul didn't answer but just grunted repeatedly.

The farmer said, "Get ready for the best fuck you ever had."

With this said the farmer grabbed Paul's hips and raised them even higher as he drove his dick in with all his might. Paul immediately started spraying cum all over the bed, his dick pulsed and pulsed and the farmer kept driving home his dick. When Paul would catch his breath, the farmer would grab his hips and it would start all over again. This went on for about fifteen minutes, Paul had cum so many times that his dick was now shooting blanks, it would pulse but there was nothing left in Paul's balls. The last time Paul shot he let out a little different cry, and the farmer figured it was time to relieve his on balls. He let go of Paul's hips and started pumping faster. As he reached his climax Paul just pushed his ass back and enjoyed the feeling of the hot cum blasting inside him. The farmer collapsed on Paul's back and said, "That was great, I had forgotten what it was like to fuck to please someone else." "If you want I can get Rex to clean you up, if you have never had a dog clean you up you are in for a surprise."

Paul didn't say anything as he was still in a fuzzy stage. The farmer went to the door and let Rex in. Rex ran immediately to the bed and saw Paul lying there with his asshole gaped open and cum running out of it and onto the inside of Paul's thighs. Rex stopped a couple of feet from Paul and sat down. The farmer looked at him and said, "Go." The dog dove in face first and started licking the cum from Paul's legs. He then ran his tongue up the crack of Paul's asshole and started snaking his tongue inside. Paul couldn't believe the feeling of Rex's tongue, especially as it would drive deep in his asshole and scup up some cum and pull out.

All Paul could do was moan and grind his ass back at Rex. Paul felt Rex as he climbed upon his back, but then felt him jump off as the farmer shouted, "NO!"

Paul looked back at the farmer and wonder what Rex was about to do when he yelled at him, but noticed that the farmer was hard again. Paul, looking at the farmer, said, "Can you put that back in and just hold me for a few minutes, please, just hold me."

The farmer walked over and very gently slid his dick in as far as it would go, he then reached up and grabbed as much of Paul as he could. They laid in that position of about ten minutes, when the farmer noticed that Paul was about asleep. He started pulling his cock out and said, "I think it's time to call someone to come get you, don't want them to worry."

Paul raised up and said, "Where's the phone."

Paul called Bill and with the help of the farmer was able to tell him where he was. Bill agreed to come and get him, but was curious because they didn't give him any details about why Paul was there, and why they needed some clothes for Paul.

It took Bill about fifteen minutes to get to the farm. He was met at his car by Rex who acted as though he was happy to see him.

"What's going on?" he asked as he handed Paul a t-shirt and shorts and looked at the farmer.

"Better let him tell you." the farmer said pointing to Paul.

"I'll tell you about it in the car, now can we go." Paul said looking at Bill.

Paul turned around and looked at the Farmer and Rex and said, " Thanks for everything, if possible may see you some time."

Bill and Paul walked to the car, got in and drove away. Paul filled Bill in on everything that had happened excluding the farmer and Rex. Bill looked a little bewildered and then got really mad when he realized what Chuck and his friends had done.

"What you going to do about Chuck and his gang?" Bill asked.

"For right now nothing, I think I will tell Coach, but I don't want everyone knowing about it." Paul said.

"Ok, your call." Bill said as they pulled up to Paul's house.

Paul got out, shut the door and started to walk away, then turned back around and said, "Thanks for being there when I needed you Bill, and forget about Chuck and the others it will work out."

Paul went into his house, called for his dad, but found a note on the table explaining that his dad would not be home until real early in the morning. Paul felt very cold and alone. He had planned to have a long talk with his dad about what had happened, but now only felt like crying. He waited for about ten minutes for Bill to get home and phoned him.

"Bill can you come over tonight, my fathers not here and I need someone here. Please come over and if you can spend the night."

"I have to tell my parents something before they will let me stay over night, but give me a little while, if I can't make it I'll call you back." Bill said as he was trying to come up with a story that his parents would believe.

Bill went down stairs to his dad's shop where he knew his dad was. He started to make up a story, but knew he couldn't lie to his dad. He finally told his father that he had a friend, a male friend that had been raped by a gang of boys and needed him to go stay with him because his father was out of town and he had no mother. His father first wanted to know if the boy was alright, then he wanted to know if the police were involved. Bill explained that the boy was physically alright, and didn't want to go through the humiliation of telling the police and thus having everyone hear about it. Bill's father understood, but wasn't sure if it was ok for Bill to spend the night.

Bill looked at his father and said, "The boy is on the football team, and you know how hard it would be to live this down, if it got out."

Bill's father took a deep breath and said, "Ok, you can spend the night, but call me at any time if it gets too heavy for you to handle." "I will give your mother some story about football players, studying, needing to help." "So if she ask later you will know what she is talking about."

Bill went to his dad and gave him a big hug and said, "Thanks."

"Hey, that felt pretty good , need to hug more often, now be safe," his father said.

Bill pulled up at Paul's and was greeted immediately with a big hug as he entered the house.

"Thanks for coming over Bill, I started feeling upset and lonely, when I found that my dad wouldn't be home tonight." Paul said.

Bill could tell that Paul had been crying and wondered what had happened after he had let him off. Paul said he just needed to talk through everything that had happened to him. He proceeded to tell Bill blow by blow of everything that had happened, including the farmer and Rex.

Paul explained that he thought that the farmer was what he wanted because of the empty feeling from the gang rape. At the time it felt right, but as he thought about it, it only muffled his true feelings of shame, embarrassment, and a feeling of being a coward for not fighting back. As he said this he started crying again and Bill sat down beside him, rapped his arm around him and consoled Paul the best he could.

Paul looked at Bill and said, "Can we get naked and cuddle together, no sex just hold each other."

"What ever you want Paul." Bill said.

They both went to Paul's room, undressed and laid down on his bed. Paul laid his head on Bill's chest and wrapped his arms around him. Bill just started stroking Paul's head as he went to sleep. A few minutes later Bill fell to sleep himself.

The alarm went off, Bill and Paul both woke up and looked at each other.

"How you feeling today?" Bill asked Paul

"Much better." Paul said, as he reached down and pulled on Bill's cock that was rock hard.

"It's always like that in the morning until I take a piss."

Bill got up and started to the bathroom when he looked at Paul and said, "Did you shut your door last night after I went to sleep?"

"No, not me." Paul said. "Why"

"Just thought it was open when we went to bed." Bill said.

"Come on boys, breakfast is served in five minutes." Paul's father yelled from the kitchen.

Bill stumbled back to the bed and said, "Do you think he saw us in bed together?"

"I'm sure he did how else would he know that there is someone else in here besides me?" Paul said. "Relax my dad is cool, he didn't sound mad just now, just relax."

"If we have to I will tell him what happened and why you are here, he will understand even about us both being naked."

Next: Chapter 4

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