
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Sep 26, 2001


Again the characters in this story are all fictional. Like to here comments from readers. Thank I am ahead of one particular reader.

Thanks for reading. All comments are welcome good or bad.


Paul and Bill got dressed and slowly went to the kitchen. As they walked in Paul's father was placing the plates with eggs, bacon, toast, and jam on the table. He looked up at them and grinned.

"Well this is a different feeling around this table." he said. "Have a seat and dig in."

Bill and Paul looked at each other and sat down, neither knew what to say or do. After about five minutes and most of the meal gone, Paul's father cleared his throat and said, "Ok, it appears neither of you want to start the conversation, so here goes." "First, I know about you two and Coach?" "You see the trips that I go on ever week or so, well they are not totally business." " I frequent some of the gay bars in the neighboring towns." "I'm not totally gay, I'm what is called bi-sexual." He paused to see the reaction from the two boys, but they both just sat there with their mouths open and didn't make a sound.

"Well on one of these trips I ran into Coach, he was embarrassed, not because he was at the bar, but you see we went to school together many years ago." "We weren't best friends or any thing like that, we barely new each other back then." "Coach remembered me and knew I was Paul's father." "We sat down and he decided since I was at the bar that it wouldn't be the death of Paul if he told me what had been going on." "He didn't tell me who the other boy was, but I figured it out because Bill was giving you rides home and to school." "Now what I want to know is what happened that caused me to find the two of you cuddled together this morning." "You two have been careful to this point, now what happened."

Paul's father stopped talking and looked right at the two. Bill just looked at Paul as he began to cry. Paul's father looked at him and said, "It can't be that bad, I understand the feelings you two are going through." It's not as far in left field as you think, I believe that all men and boys have fantasies about other men and boys, they just don't get a chance to experience them." "Now stop crying so we can talk."

Bill looked at Paul and said, "You want me to tell him?"

Paul nodded his head as he was trying to control his sobbing.

Bill looked at Paul's father and said, "Something happened yesterday to Paul, and it's not easy for me to tell you, so please don't say anything until I have completely finished." "Paul was forced into a car after school yesterday and taken to an old house and raped by five boys." "After they did this, they left him out there without his clothes." "He met a farmer, called me, and I brought him home." "When I got home he called me and said that you were out of town, and could I spend the night with him." "I had to tell my dad what had happened , but didn't tell him who it was, before he would let me come over." "When I got here Paul started crying and we ended up in bed hugging, but nothing happened, just hugged each other." "I think that is all."

Paul's father looked at Bill then Paul and said, "Are you sure you are all right Paul?"

"Yes, just don't know what to do." Paul said between sniffing and wiping his nose.

"Did you call the police?" his father asked.

"He didn't, he felt that it would get all over town what had happened to him, and the boys threatened him if he told." Bill provided.

"I see." Paul's father said.

Paul's father got up and began cleaning the table. The boys could tell he was in deep thought and they didn't want to bother him.

He turned around and said, "You two get ready for school and don't tell anybody about this." "I will call Coach and inform him of what happened, that way Paul doesn't have to go through this again." "Who were the boys?"

Bill looked at Paul and then spoke for him, "Chuck and his gang." "Coach will know all of their names."

"You going to be all right son?" Paul's father asked.

The boys got up and proceeded to get ready for school. They said very little to each other on the way. When they got there they were surprised to see Coach waiting for them, but both knew he had been told. He walked up to them and had them follow him to his office.

"Your father called me and filled me in on what happened." "I don't want you to say or do anything, I believe me and Paul's father will handle it" "Just go to class and be as normal as possible, if you have any trouble just tell the teacher you need to see me, they have been told that you have a pinched nerve and might have to have it looked at throughout the day." "Bill are you going to be alright?" Coach said.

Bill looked at Coach and said, "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Good, now go to class, and if those boys bother you, you come strait to my office or class." Coached said while looking right at Paul.

The two left the Coach's office and went to their classes.

Paul was able to keep his mind on his books and didn't see any of the boys until between sixth and seventh period. Paul noticed the little weasel mouth boy walking down the other side of the hall. Paul turned his head so he wouldn't have to look at him, but the boy made a grunting noise like a pig as he went by. Paul's face turned red and he felt the tears start to swell up in his eyes. He started to go to Coach's office but decided not to.

The rest of the day went on without any other thing happening. At the start of practice Coach walked up to Paul and enquired if he felt up to working out. Paul said he wanted to practice to keep his mind off of it. Paul managed to get through practice and dress to go home. He was a little bewildered when he noticed that Bill had already left, but thought little of it. He left the fieldhouse and started the walk home.

He had gotten about a block away from school when two boys came up from behind him and grabbed his arms. He turned to look and realized that the two boys were from the day before. Paul gasped and wanted to run but they held onto his arms. He dropped his books as they led him around the corner. At he curve sat the same car with Chuck behind the wheel grinning at them.

"Time to go play farmer pig boy." Chuck said. "Now get in."

Paul got in and didn't put up any struggle, he let the little weasel mouth pull on his breast as he did before. Paul wasn't feeling anything. He had gone completely cold and just sat there staring out the window. Ten minutes later they pulled up at the old abandoned house, and proceeded to go in just as before.

"Peel them off pig!" Chuck yelled.

Paul slowly started moving his hands to his belt when he noticed that the rest of the boys were already undressed. He was reaching down when he heard a deep voice from behind him.

"Don't move you slimy cocksuckers."

All the boys including Paul just froze as about ten big dirty bikers walked into the room.

The one that had done the talking walked up to Paul and put his arm around him, and then looked around at the other boys.

"Looks like to me that these here boys were about to have some fun at your expense son, is that right?" he asked Paul.

"Yes, Sir." Paul said with a little shakiness in his voice.

"Well, I tell you what, you come over to the bed with me and we can enjoy the show."

"My friends here like a little sex, especially when there are so many here that appear to be willing to do what ever they want." As he said this the other bikers were circling the naked boys and pinching them on their asses. Paul could see the fear in the eyes of the boys as they were being herded into the middle of the room. The leader of the bikers grabbed Paul and pulled him down on the bed with him, he leaned over and whispered into Paul's ear. "Relax, nothing is going to happen to you, we have a mutual friend that explained your previous situation."

Paul jerked his head around to look at the man speaking to him. Paul was sure he didn't know the man and couldn't imagine who the friend was."

Paul could see the boys as each had at least two bikers with them. There was different stages of dress as the bikers were pulling off their clothes. Some of the boys had been pushed to their knees and had a cock shoved down their throat. Several of them had tears running down their faces, but Paul didn't know if it was from pain or shame of embarrassment. He heard one boy yell out in pain and looked to see him on all fours as a hard cock was rammed in his ass. Every one of Chuck's gang was either being fucked up the ass or in the mouth. However Chuck was just standing there with no one paying any attention to him, or so he thought. He started to walk when the leader said, "Don't move!"

Chuck froze in stride and took a deep breath. Paul thought that Chuck was going to cry, but he just stood there.

"Relax big boy, your friends are the main meal, but you are going to be the desert." the biker said.

Paul could see the fear in Chuck's face as he realized what the man had said. Paul looked around the room and it appeared that most of the bikers had already cum at least once. The boys either had cum dripping out of their asses or mouths. They had either serviced two bikers each or were in the process of servicing the second.

"Lunch is about over, time for desert." the leader said. "Come here boy." he said to Chuck.

Chuck walked over to the biker that was speaking to him with tears running down his face.

"On your knees boy." "I understand you are the leader of this little gang so as the leader you get to enjoy pleasure from everyone." "Now this is what is going to happen, you are going to suck every bikers dick until he cums, then you are going to suck every one of your gangs dicks." "While you are sucking all these dicks, you are also going to take everyone up your ass."

Paul thought Chuck was going to pass out as all the color left his face, and he all but fell to his knees.

The biker continued to talk as he pulled his large cock from his pants. "Since you want to be so bad while you are young , we decided to show you what life would be like in your next home which will probably be the state pen." As he said this he pushed his cock down Chuck's throat and started forcing in all the way in. It didn't take very long and Chuck was choking on all the cum spurting down his throat.

The biker pulled his dick out and said, "Next." The bikers lined up in front of Chuck's face and started filling his mouth every time he opened it. The main biker went about the room and made the other boys get in line. He then went back to Chuck and forced him on all fours. He stroked his cock until it was hard again and got in behind Chuck. He waited until the biker who was pumping in Chuck's face was pulling his dick out, then rammed his cock all the way up Chuck's asshole. Chuck let out a loud scream from the pain, and his mouth was immediately plugged with one of the other bikers dick. The biker who had his dick up Chuck's ass was showing no mercy as he pumped with all his might. Paul noticed as he stiffened and then filled Chuck's ass with his hot cum.

"This end is free." he yelled as he pulled his dick out and pushed it back into his pants.

He walked back over to the bed and put his arm back around Paul's shoulders and said where only Paul could here him. "If there is anything you want to do or try with any of these boys, now is the time." "I don't think they will bother you or anyone else again."

Paul looked up at the man and said, "No, don't want to do anything to someone who doesn't want to do it, but thanks anyway."

"Good that's the way it should be, we don't go around doing this." "You see we have all been in jail and this type of action happens all the time in there, and if you didn't participate willingly, then you participated like those boys over there did" "That's why we are able to do it, it has been done to us and we get a little relief from all the pent up pressure from prison." "Need a ride home?" "I have a nice bike you can ride back with me."

Paul looked around the room and noticed that the muscle man of Chuck's gang was fucking Chuck's mouth and the little weasel mouth had his dick stuck in his ass. One of the bikers were yelling at them to fuck harder, make him feel it. These were the last ones to fuck Chuck.

"I think I would like that ride mister." Paul said as he grinned.

Paul went out back of the house and climbed on the bike with the biker. He was pleased when he had to put his arms around the bikers chest in order to hold on. The bike sped off as they left the others still in the house.

As they got to Paul's house the biker helped Paul off and then said, "Don't tell anyone what happened except maybe your closest friends."

Paul looked at him and started walking toward his house, but turned around to ask the biker how he knew where he lived. It was too late the biker was riding off.

Paul walked into his house and was glad to see that his father was home and cooking their supper.

"Who was the fellow on the bike, a new friend?" his father asked.

"Sort of." Paul said.

Paul looked at his father and said, "Dad we need to talk about a lot of things."

"Ok, shoot." his dad said.

"First, did mom leave because of your business trips?" "Yes, next question."

"Second, have you always liked men?" "Probably, always daydreamed about them but didn't have my first real encounter until you were about eight years old. Next question."

"Third, have you ever dreamed about me." "Yes, next question."

"Fourth, when did you think I was playing around, or did you think I was before Coach told you?"

"The morning you rolled out of bed and had those fingerprint bruises on your love handles, I was pretty sure, I knew it wasn't easy to play with your self as large as you are and I hoped you would find someone to help you out. Masturbation is normal and healthy not to mention just plain feels good."

"Last, did you have anything to do with what happened this afternoon."

"What you talking about?" his father inquired.

"Never mind." Paul said as he stood up and hugged his father.

They sat down to supper with very little talking.

Paul woke up to the alarm and got up to the smell of breakfast cooking. He felt as though everything was going to be alright again. He was eating when Bill's horn went off and he jumped up and said goodbye to his father.

"You feel better today?" Bill asked as Paul got into the car.

"Feel great." Paul replied.

As they got to school Coach was standing in front of his office with some books in his hands. As Bill and Paul approached he said, "Paul I think these are yours." He handed Paul his books and walked back into his office.

Bill and Paul started walking off when he realized that he had dropped the books the day before when the two boys had grabbed him. He stopped and turned as if to go back to the office when Bill said, "Yeah, Coach got your books from where you dropped them." "I was watching from down the block when they grabbed you." "Coach had told me to let you walk home, but to watch you from a distance." "I ran to Coach's office and he made a phone call, and then went and got your books." "He told me to go home that everything was taken care of, and not to ask you anything." "You know I have to ask, what happened?"

Paul proceeded to tell Bill the whole story being careful to not leave out anything, including his talk with his father.

The rest of the day went by as usual except Paul wasn't teased by any of the boys from Chuck's gang. They were all in school, but all appeared very tired especially Chuck. When they all sat down for lunch they did it very gently. When Paul noticed this he had to turn his head and laugh, Bill just looked at him but didn't say anything.

After practice Paul went by Coach's office and told him he had figured out that Coach had something to do with what had happened to Chuck's gang. He then told Coach he would like to show him how much he appreciated it by having sex with him.

"Thanks, but no thanks for the offer." Coach said. "Don't ever think of sex as a way to thank someone for something. Sex is something you share and if you want to have sex with me because you feel obligated to me then no thanks" "Maybe tomorrow, besides I have to go help a friend tune up his bike."

Paul walked back into the locker room and noticed that everyone was gone except Bill. He looked at Bill and said, "You still got the key to the fieldhouse?"

"Sure, why." Bill asked looking sheepishly at Paul.

"Let's go to the training room and get naked." Paul said.

They all but ran to the training room discarding clothes as they went. When they entered Paul whirled around and grabbed Bill's cock. He started sucking it all the way down his throat as Bill moaned and grabbed Paul's head. Bill lasted only a couple of seconds and Paul took everything he could give him.

Paul said, "That was fast, what got you so primed?"

"Actually you." Bill said. "I was recalling the way you said the farmer fucked you and I was ready to explode," "Let's move to the table so I can give you some relief."

Paul climbed upon the table and spread his legs. Bill dove in like he was bobbing for apples and sucked all of Paul's dick that was showing. He was more aggressive than usual and Paul was shooting in seconds. Bill swallowed every drop then licked up Paul's stomach and french kissed his belly button.

"That was fast for you too." Bill said.

"Yeah, thinking about yesterday and watching Chuck and his gang getting fucked."

"What now?" Bill asked.

"Let's try and see if you can fuck me like that farmer did since it turned you on so much." Paul volunteered.

"Sounds good to me." as he tried to roll Paul over on his stomach.

Paul chuckled as he saw how excited this made Bill. Paul rolled over and slid his legs off of the table and then raised his left leg and placed it on the table. This opened his ass cheeks as much as he could. Bill got the skin lube and squirted a little right in the asshole. Paul moaned as he felt the cool lube. Bill pushed his cock in until his pubic hair was mated against Paul's ass.

"What do we do now?" Bill asked.

"Push in and out slowly and do it at different angles." "We have to find the right angle before we get to carried away," Paul said.

Bill started pushing in and pulling out as he changed the angle he was pushing from. He did this about six times when all of a sudden Paul's body tensed up and Bill shouted, "Is that the spot?"

"Yes," Paul said barely able to talk as he was trying to catch his breath. "Now grab my hips and push in and out on that spot." "When I cum keep pumping until my body relaxes." "Then start all over again."

Bill did as he was told as he started pumping away. He noticed that Paul's body would tighten up and then seam to convulse. It would do this about six or seven times then relax for six or seven pumps of Bill's dick. Bill noticed that Paul's asshole was contracting with each convulsion and he was having to let go of Paul's hips in order to keep from cumming himself.

After Paul had cum about three times Bill said, "Man you are really sweating and your asshole is on fire I don't know how much longer I can do this."

"Just a few more times then you can cum," Paul grunted out.

Bill took a deep breath and continued to fuck Bill in the same manner. After about ten minutes Bill said, "I have got to come before I get cramps in my legs."

When Paul started cumming so did Bill as his dick throbbed and throbbed as his semen blasted inside Paul's ass. Bill let out such a loud grunt that Paul first thought he was in pain. He then fell on Paul's back to weak to pull his dick out. He laid there for several seconds and said, "That was unbelievable Paul, wish you could do that to me."

Paul rolled his face over and kissed Bill on the mouth. Bill was too tired to pull away and just let Paul push his tongue in his mouth.

"Maybe we can visit the farmer some day and you will get your chance to see what it is like." Paul said as they both got up."

"Holy cow Paul look how much cum you shot on the floor." "How many times did you cum?"

"Lost count after the third time, but the last few times hurt a little because there was nothing left." Paul said.

Next: Chapter 5

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