
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Sep 30, 2001


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The next two days went slowly for Paul, he was excited about the idea of meeting Coach's friend Tom. Paul had been thinking about Tom every since he had helped him out with Chuck and his gang. He was intrigued by the life of a biker, but also the fact that he was gay and had spent time in prison. Paul wasn't really sure why Coach thought that Tom could talk to him about his problems, but he was very excited about meeting him.

Paul went to breakfast and was picking at his plate when his Dad looked at him and said, "Ok, spit it out, what's got your appetite?"

Paul jumped a little as he was surprised when his father spoke. He looked at his dad and said, "Well, you know the talk we had the other day, about sex, women, future life, and such."

"Yeah, I remember, you were in a low mood at the time, thought that had passed." "You seem to be your old self." "Is that still bothering you?" his father questioned.

"Feel better about that, also talked to Coach about it." "He said basically the same thing you did, but also offered his friend Tom a chance to talk with me." "He's the biker that dropped me off before." "That's not the problem though, the problem is he is coming at 10 o'clock today to talk to me." "He said it was ok for you to be here, but it would be easier if you weren't." "I don't want you to think I don't want you to stay, but I don't thank I can ask you to leave either."

"I understand, I'll stay here until he shows up, meet him and then leave for a few hours." "How does that sound?" his father said as he grabbed him from behind and gave him a hug.

"Thanks dad, besides you know I will probably tell you what goes on anyway." Paul said.

"Yep, you usually do." his father said as he started cleaning off the table.

At nine forty five Tom rode up on his bike. He wasn't dressed in his biker leathers and this was a little of a disappointment to Paul, but he didn't show it as he held out his hand to greet Tom. He looked at him and said, "Tom this is my father."

Paul's dad took Tom's hand and gave it a hardy shake and said, "Glad to meet you, Coach has told me about you, have a nice time and if you are here when I get back we might have a talk of our own." Tom knew that Paul's father wanted to talk to him after he had met with Paul. He looked at him and said, "Might wait for you to get back before I leave."

"See the two of you later." Paul's father said as he left them standing in the living room.

Paul looked at Tom and asked, "Want something to drink, tea, coke, water, coffee, or maybe a beer, dad keeps some on hand but never drinks it."

"Nothing right now, thanks" Tom replied.

"How about we just sit down and get down to the problem." Tom said.

As they sat down Paul sat on the sofa and Tom sat down and then leaned back in the recliner. He looked over at Paul who was staring back at him.

"What's on your mind Paul?" Tom asked.

"How come your not wearing the bikers clothes you had on before?"

Tom laughed lightly to himself and responded, "I only wear those when I am out bar hopping with my friends or if I'm trying to make an impression on someone." "Just like the night I met you and your school friends," "When you and your friends saw me and my friends weren't you afraid of us because of what we looked like?'

"Yeah." Paul said.

"Well that was for effect, and it worked." "I didn't come here to scare you so I came dressed as I am." Tom said.

"Now I understand that you have been sexually active with some men, who will remain nameless, even thought we both know who they are." "I also understand you had the pleasure of enjoying sex with a nice young lady, who I don't know the name of and want ask." "From what I can figure out after this encounter you started having some bad mood swings and kind of got the people who care about you worried." "Am I right so far?" Tom enquired.

"You have the story strait." Paul said.

"Ok, then for right now just listen, there will be a time for questions later." Tom said as he proceeded. "Let's see if I can get this right enough to do you some good." "If you remember as long as it was just you and your male friends having fun, there was only the risk of getting caught." "This I bet actually fed your excitement" "I'll even bet that you had a few great times and imagined that it couldn't get any better, but it did." "Each time you found something new that you enjoyed you wanted it more." "The time with the little gang from High School was probably the first time you had any sexual contact that wasn't totally pleasing to you." "You probably didn't enjoy any part of it because you were scared that the other boys would find out that you really liked what they were doing, even if you were not enjoying it at the time." "What was happening was that they were taking something that you had come to enjoy and was turning it into an act of aggression against you." "If you had enjoyed it with them you still would not have felt good about it." "You have to learn that what they did to you and what you like to do are not the same, when the emotions are removed from the act it is only a physical act." "This was a physical act on their part, the same as if they had held you down and beat you with their fist." "They were able to get some satisfaction out of it, but you weren't." "That's why you felt you had to do it with the farmer." "Not the wisest thing at the time, but very therapeutic, and you were lucky you found someone who didn't mind trying to please you."

"All of this along with your upbringing of man and woman, marriage and children, and the other stereotypes helped set the things in motion that occurred after your experience with the girl." "Your conscious went into overdrive then, even though you were able to perform sexually, you didn't enjoy it as much as you thought you should." "If you can understand the feelings you had with the girl and with the little gang were not the same but very close." "In one case you were being fucked and the other you were fucking, in both cases you felt you had to do it and had a preconceived idea of what it was suppose to feel like." "When it didn't feel right your subconscious was in turmoil, that's why you didn't feel right for a few days but couldn't figure out what was wrong."

"Actually you came through it in very good condition." "I have seen a lot of men, not all gay who have tried to kill themselves over less than what you have gone through." "The fact that your father and Coach are so open and understanding probably helped you out." "Now time for question and answer time."

"I think it makes since to me now." Paul responded. "I still don't know if I am totally gay or what."

"That's a question you may never be able to answer, you may meet some girl that you can't live without, I have seen it happen to a lot of gay men." Tom said.

"Paul you have something going for you that a lot of the people I meet don't have, including myself." "You know you like men and have gradually experimented with it." "Most of the men I deal with didn't like men and had it forced on them, those in jail had it forced on them daily." "When they get out of jail they find that they can no longer function as they had before, either out of shame or being so acclimated to male on male sex that they can't get off any other way." "Those that came from a strong social family are the ones that usually try to attempt suicide, and most succeed."

"I don't think we have to worry about you trying to hurt yourself, unless it is trying to fuck yourself to death." Tom said as he motioned to the bulge in Paul's pants.

Paul looked down and was embarrassed when he saw the bulge in his pants and the wet spot on them. Tom laughed and said, "Hey don't let that bother you, that's probably the best sign I could find." "If you are sexually aroused now then your conscious is happy with itself." "Now anything we can do about your present dilemma?" Tom asked.

"We can go to my room if you want too?" Paul said, trying to get a better reading on Tom.

Tom looked at Paul and said, "I'm willing, if you are, besides I don't pass up many offers of sex." "The house is yours so you call the plays."

"Great," Paul said as he jumped up and led Tom down the hall.

As they got to the bedroom, Paul turned around and started to removing Tom's clothes. He pulled his shirt off, unbuckled his belt and had him step out of his pants. Paul was surprised that Tom didn't were regular underware, he had on an athletic jock that had his dick and balls pulled up tight. Tom noticed the look on Paul's face and said, "I ware a jock every time I have to talk to someone, it helps hide my excitement from the patient."

Paul looked at Tom, grinned, and pulled the jock to the floor. Paul was looking right at the purple head of an eight inch dick that was bouncing up and down. Paul could see the pre-cum dripping from the little slit. Paul reached out with his tongue and licked the head clean. Tom moaned and tried to push his dick forward. Paul grabbed the base of the shaft and placed the head in his mouth. He licked around the head and then up and down the shaft. Tom moaned and started pumping his hips at Paul's face. He had to grabbed Paul's head to keep from driving his dick in too hard.

"I'm about to cum, what do you want me to do." Tom asked, as he wasn't sure if he should cum in Paul's mouth or not.

Paul pushed the full length of Tom's dick down his throat and held him there. Tom took this as a sign to blast away. He rammed his dick as far as he could and yelled out as he shot stream after stream down Paul's throat. He held onto Paul's head as the weakness started subsiding from his body. It was at this time that he realized that Paul had not stopped sucking, and his dick had not gone soft.

"Oh, shit! what have I got a hold of?" Tom said as he rubbed the top of Paul's head.

Paul moved his mouth off of Tom's dick and smiled up at him and said, "Time to move to the bed"

They walked over to the bed and Paul crawled up on his belly and stuck his ass back up at Tom. Tom looked down at Paul and said, "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Fuck it! Fuck it hard, please" Paul said in a half whimpering voice.

Tom started laughing and patted Paul's ass.

"Don't worry Paul I'm going to fuck that beautiful large ass of yours, as a matter of fact I think I will have you begging for me to stop."

"Want to bet on that?" Paul asked as he giggled at the thought.

"We'll decide on what the wager is afterwards." Tom said as he slid his dick into Paul's ass.

Paul started pushing back into Tom and knew just how to move his ass so that Tom's dick rubbed against his prostate. Tom had set up a pace that he felt he could continue without the fear of cumming. Paul started moaning as Tom's dick massaged his prostate. Tom could feel Paul's body as all the muscles in his body contracted and he knew Paul was shooting. He grinned to himself and was ready to release his own tension as Paul started pushing back against him. Paul then raised his head and said, "That's one, now don't slow down."

Tom froze for a second when he heard these words. He then started ramming in as fast as he could, he figured if he could get Paul to cum once more he would be warn out. To his surprise Paul shot off six more times and was just moaning and pushing his ass back at Tom. Tom was about to stop from fatigue, when Paul raised his head and said, "Why you slowing down?"

This kind of made Tom mad and he started thrusting even faster, which was actually his downfall. His dick started swelling and his balls drew up beneath his dick and he was squirting deep inside Paul before he even knew it. With a loud grunt he fell on top of Paul's ass and back and then slid off onto the bed.

Paul rolled over and kissed Tom full on the lips. Tom a little surprised but too tired to fuse, just laid there with a grin and a look of a satisfied man.

"Well you owe me," Paul said, "But since you came over to help I guess we can call it even." "Let's go take a shower."

"The shower sounds great, but do not touch the family jewels, please." Tom said, "I can't take any more today, if I had you around all the time I think I would go back to girls to get some relief."

Paul and Tom both laughed at this as they walked to the bathroom. Paul set the water temperature and stepped in. Tom stepped in behind him and wrapped his arms around Paul's chest and rest his head on his shoulder. He then got the soap and lathered Paul's back and ass up and then put his body against Paul's and started sliding up and down. Paul moaned and pushed back against him and said. "Thought you were through for today?"

"I am, but this just feels so good I couldn't pass it up, let's rinse off and get out of here." Tom said.

Paul's father entered the living room and noticed that Paul's and Tom's hair was wet.

"It appears that we at least got cleaned up while I was gone." He said looking at the two as they both turned a little red.

"Did we get anything else worked out." he asked as both Tom and Paul started laughing at his choice of words.

He looked at Paul and said, "Go bring in the groceries in from the car, so I can talk with Tom"

"Sure," Paul said as he got up and left the room.

Paul's father looked at Tom and said. "Well how is he, is he going to be alright?"

"You don't have anything to worry about, he had really already dealt with his demons." "He is a lot healthier than you or me or most of the men I know." "By the way I think you probably know what happened between us, and I am really sorry." Tom said.

"Did he enjoy himself?" Paul's father asked.

"Almost killed me trying to stay up with him." Tom said.

"Well if he is pleased, then I am pleased." "You are welcome back anytime you want, or Paul wants, what he does sexually is his business, I just want to try to keep him from getting hurt."

Paul walked back into the house carrying the packages and the two men got up to help. Tom said his goodbyes and handed them a card with his phone number on it and told them to call whenever they felt like it. He got on his bike and rode off. Paul walked up to his father and hugged him as hard as he could, he then leaned over and kissed him on the neck. His father just hugged back and said, "Glad your feeling better son."

The next week was back to normal around school. Paul went to classes, had his weigh in, had his practice and he and Bill had their evening together. The football team was winning more than they were losing and had actually made it into the playoffs. They were making plans to spend the night in a hotel before their first playoff game because it was a six hour trip by bus and the coaches felt it was better to get a good nights sleep before the game.

The coaches were making room assignments and planning on what had to be taken, who was going, who wasn't and so forth. Paul was talking to Bill and telling him how happy he was that they were in the playoffs and hoped they won the game. Paul was sure that he would be one of the ones that would not be taken.

Coach came out of his office and started reading the list of players that were to make the trip. He read off the list and everyone just listened for their name. Coach had explained that because of the cost of the trip that only the players on the varsity were going along with a few non-varsity players that may be used if someone got hurt. Those players on the varsity that were hurt would also go.

When he got through with the list no one said a word for a few seconds, then Bruce, one of the injured players spoke up and said, "Coach since my leg is in a cast and it is hard to ride, bathe, or even dress, I think I will be going with my parents to watch the game." "Since I was on the list to go, I would like for you to let Paul go in my place, after all he has been a big part of this team even though he only stands on the sidelines in a jersey." "He has probably saved us from running hundreds of extra sprints, and I don't recall anybody passing up the extra water breaks he got us." "He has lost almost one hundred pounds and in some ways he is more than a coach to us." "He lets us know that playing football is not something we should take for granted." "We, or I feel he should go, and since there is an opening."

"Ok, Bruce, I understand and if anyone feels different, they can come by my office before tomorrows practice and air their opinion, nothing will happen to anyone who wants to talk on this subject." Coach said. "If no one disagrees with what Bruce said then Paul will go, now let's hit the practice field."

Paul was able to finish all the stretching exercises with the team, and for the first time finished all ten of the wind sprints. He was feeling so good about himself that he went and ran all ten laps without stopping. When he finished the whole team had stopped and were applauding. Paul thought he couldn't feel any better about himself at the time.

The next day at practice Coach noticed that Paul would be going with the team. The room assignments had been decided upon and were posted in the locker room. Paul had to see who he was to room with, because he had never had to share a room with anyone before. He hoped it was going to be Bill.

Paul looked down the list and found that he was to room with Coach. He was a little disappointed but felt Coach had a reason for the assignment. As they were leaving the practice field Coach walked over to Paul, put his arm on his shoulder and said, "Say you reading the room list, also noticed you looked a little disappointed."

"No, not disappointed about rooming with you, just was hoping it was Bill." Paul said.

"I figured that was it, but I didn't put you in his room on purpose, I didn't want you to tire him out before the game. Plus, I think I could use something to relax me before the game." Coach said as he grinned at Paul. "Of course that is if you feel like it."

"Sounds great to me, but does Bill know?" Paul asked.

"Haven't spoke to him yet, you can tell him if you want." Coach said, "Besides that will give you two a chance to get together today, and no sex tomorrow for Bill."

Paul looked at Coach and grinned, he wanted to hug him but knew that Coach wouldn't allow it, not out on the practice field or anywhere else that someone could see them.

Next: Chapter 7

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