
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Oct 10, 2001


This is the same disclaimer as the other eight chapters of the story Paul. There complete story is all fiction. Have slowed down a bit with this story. Also have other stories under the Historical catagory

Surviving the Depression and Young Cowboy. If you choose to read either of them let me know what you think. All comments are welcome at

Several more chapters are in the works for this story. The more comments I get the faster I tend to get them completed.

Thanks for the comments.


Everything was prepared for the game and the players were warming up. The coaches were walking among the players and inquiring if they felt alright and if they remembered there assignments on certain situations that could arise. Jeff and I walked around on the sideline and double check the water, gateraid, towels, tape, balls and any thing else we could think of.

"Jeff, I think everything is ready." I said trying to just make conversation.

He looked at me and said, "Yeah I think so."

I could tell he wasn't being his usual hyper self and was begining to wonder what was really bothering him. I had to make one try to see if he would tell me. I put my arm around his shoulder and said, "Jeff, what is really bothering you, your not your usual self and it's beginning the make me feel that is something I have done."

"Don't bother yourself, it's nothing you did, and please let's talk about it after the game on the bus." Jeff said.

I could tell he really was bothered with something but I felt he knew best as to when to talk about it, so I dropped the subject and slapped him on the back.

The team came running onto the field following the cheerleaders as the crowd was yelling at the top of their lungs. Our captains went to the center of the field and met the captains from the other team. The toss took place and we lost, thus had to kickoff to the other team.

The team lined up on the field, the officials blew their whistles, and the game began. The other team matched up against us very well and there was no scoring in the first half. We would have a great play and then they would hold us. They would have a great play and our defense would stop them. The players came to the sidelines with sweat running down the sides of their faces and their uniforms completely wet. Jeff and I got business making sure that all the players had plenty of water or gateraid to drink. Coach called everyone into a huddle and said, "Guys I want you to think about what I am going to say, I can not get out there and play for you and neither can the other coaches or managers." "If you guys want to win this game it is going to have to come from your heart." "I could get up here and yell and scream and even cuss as my old coaches used to, but if you truly want to win, it has to come from within yourselves." "All I am going to ask you to do is play each and every play as hard as you can, if you get so tired that you can't go I will send in someone for you, don't thank you are letting anyone down, all you can do is give everything you have." "I want you to think of this game as a race, if you run a race and give all you can you should pass out as you cross the finish line." "Your mind has a built in mechanism that shuts your body completely off when you have reached your limit, that's what happens when the runner passes out at the finish line, his body must shut down to regroup." "I don't want you to hollow and scream when we start back on the field, I want you to conserve as much energy as you can and then lay it all on the line the very first play of this second half." "You hit the other team with all your power, because if we can get just one or two of them a little scared we can win." "Now take your helmets and slowly walk back to the sideline, your crowd will be yelling and screaming at you , but just stay calm until the ball is kicked to us, them let it all out at once."

The players did as Coach said as they walked to the sideline, we could hear the different comments from the crowd such as, what's wrong with the team, are they giving up, they have no pep, what did that coach do to them. The players didn't waver as they all stood on the sideline looking out at the field. The kickoff receiving team took the field and showed very little emotion. The kick was make and the ball sailed high and long. The front line players back peddled for about fifteen yards and then planted their feet and picked out the person they were to block. They all took off forward and it looked like dominoes as the players from the other team were cut down. The deep man for our team caught the ball and started up the field, he made one move to his left and then made one more move to beat the kicker and was off with no one to stop him. He scored and the sideline went wild, and so did the crowd.

The extra point kick was good and the score was seven to zero in our favor. We kicked off to the other team and the game continued on as the first half had. We won the game and were celebrating on the side line. The players were giving each other high fives and hugging each other. Coach was hugging the players and the other coaches. He went up to Paul and gave him a big bear hug and Paul thought for a second he was going to kiss him, but was able to pull back before it happened.

They gather the equipment and headed to the showers. The players were a little louder and a little more playful than they usually were. The excitement had them all bouncing around the room. Coach walked into the dressing room and said, "Great game guys, now take your time and get dressed and there will be sandwiches and drinks for you when we load on the buses." "Drink plenty of water so you don't catch cramps on the long ride home." "When we get on the bus let's try to settle down and take a nap if you can." "I need to know if you have any nagging injuries when we get back to school, so we can start treating them for next week, again a great job."

Jeff and I had packed all the equipment on the bus when Coach came by and said, "Looks like the two of you need a shower also, go take one, it's a long trip home and no need to feel sticky and sweaty for six hours. We located our luggage and retrieved shorts and t-shirts and headed back into the showers. All the players were through and most of them had even dressed and headed out. Paul peeled his clothes off and noticed that Jeff was a little reluctant to do so. "What's the matter with you?" Paul asked.

"I never take showers at school, I'm scared to do it now." Jeff said.

Paul looked around the dressing room and said, "Come on no one is in the shower, pull your clothes off and get it there, I'll stand where no one can see you if they come back."

Jeff looked around and quickly removed his pants and ran into the showers. Paul moved to the shower head that completely blocked the view to where Jeff was. They both turned on the water and began to lather up when they heard some voices. It was a couple of the players coming back in to use the toilet that was right next to the showers. One of the boys called out, "Hey you guys quite playing with each other." The three of them just laughed at this and then left the dressing room.

Jeff looked at Paul and said, "Do you thank they really thought we were playing with each other?"

"No, they say things like that all the time when more than one person is in the shower, they didn't even know you were in here." Paul said as he looked at Jeff and noticed that he was sporting a hard-on.

"Looks like your still excited about the game or something, we'll have to deal with that on the bus." Paul said. "We need to be sure to get some towels and some skin lube and put it on the back seats with us."

Jeff just grinned at Paul as he agreed.

They left the dressing rooms feeling a lot better for taking the shower, and was handed a couple of sandwiches and drinks each as they climbed on the bus. Coach walked down the isle of the bus and checked to see that everyone had something to each and drink. When he got to the back of the bus where Paul and Jeff were he winked and said, "Be sure to clean up any mess you make, there are garbage sacks at the front of the bus."

He went back to the front of the bus and the driver pulled out as he followed the other buses. Jeff and Paul sat quietly eating there sandwiches and finishing off their drinks. When they had finished Paul moved in closer to Jeff and said, "Are you ready to tell me what was bothering you earlier?"

"I guess so, it happened when I was taping Bill and the other guys." "I was getting a hard-on as I could see up the shorts of most of the players." "Then Bill sat down and was rubbing himself, he was the last one to tape and I offered to help him out." "We went to the restroom so we could have some privacy, and I started sucking his cock." "What happened next was what upset me."

"Well, what happened?" Paul asked.

"He grabbed my head and actually raped my mouth and throat, he was holding my head and I couldn't pull away from him, it really scared me." Jeff said.

Paul waited a few seconds and said, "Did he say anything afterwards?"

"Yeah, he said he was sorry and that he normally didn't do that, but it still didn't feel good to me." "Besides I didn't get any relief either."

Paul said, "I know Bill and if he said he was sorry, he truly was." "I bet that it is still bothering him even now."

Paul reached over and placed his hand on Jeff's crotch and said, "As for not getting any relief, I can take care of that now."

Jeff looked at him and didn't say a word. Paul pushed his hand down the front of Jeff's shorts and grabbed his dick. Jeff just moaned and leaned his head back. Paul reached down and undid Jeff's pants and slid them down to his ankles. He then placed Jeff's cock in his mouth and started rolling the foreskin around in his mouth. Paul decided that this was going to be a long slow blow-job. He slowly moved his head up and down the shaft the whole time sliding his tongue in and out of the extra foreskin. Jeff was moaning and trying to force his hips up at Paul's face. Paul raised his head and said, "If you can't keep any quieter than that then stuff a towel in your mouth."

Jeff did as he said as he bit down on the edge of a towel as he rolled his head from side to side. He finally couldn't take it anymore, as he grabbed Paul's head and started driving his dick as far as he could into Paul's mouth. He pumped his hips about three times and shot his load down Paul's throat. He released Paul's head as the wave of emotions slowed down.

Paul pulled his head up and looked at Jeff and said, "Was that sort of what happened to you today?"

"Yea, I guess so, but I just wasn't expecting it, I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought it was." "Guess I owe Bill an apology." Jeff said. "Now what can I do for you?"

Paul looked around and said, "Good there is no window on the bottom of the door." "This is what I want to do." "We can place the bags with the towels in them on the floor in the isle." "We can stack the coolers and other bags in front of us, that way if we get down in the floor no one can see us unless they come all the way back here."

Jeff agreed and pulled his shorts up as Paul started moving the bags around. When they had finished Coach looked over the edge and said, "You two getting ready for a long ride home?"

"Yes, sir," Paul said as he looked up at Coach.

"Don't make much noise and I think everyone on the bus is asleep except me and the bus driver." "Enjoy yourselves, and again don't get very loud."

As Coach left Paul pulled his shorts off and grabbed the skin lube. He put some on his hand and ran it in the crack of his ass. He looked at Jeff and told him to take his shorts off, and then reached up and put Jeff's cock in his mouth and started sucking on it. A few seconds later it was hard and he pulled it out of his mouth. He laid down on the bags and pushed his ass up towards Jeff. Jeff moved in behind him and pushed his dick all the way in.

Paul looked back at Jeff and said. "I need for you to get you feet against the door and start pumping, don't change your position at all." "I am going to move around until your dick is making contact with my prostate, when it does I will tell you to fuck me harder." "If we do this right I will be able to cum several times before you do."

With this said Jeff placed his feet against the door of the bus and started slowly pushing and pulling his dick in and out of Paul's ass. Paul would move a little left , right , up , or back until finally he felt Jeff's dick make contact with his prostate. "That's it, now fuck away." Paul said as he laid his head down on his crossed arms and started moaning into his arm. Jeff started pumping faster and faster, he could feel Paul's body contract as he hit the right spot, within seconds Paul was cumming and having to bite down on one of the bags to keep from making too much noise. Jeff felt the sides of Paul's asshole as they clamped down on his dick. He thought he was going to shoot also, but was surprised that he couldn't move his dick backward or forward, this allowed the pressure in his balls to subside. The asshole would then relax and he was pumping again. This went on for about an hour with Paul cumming at least ten times. Paul noticed that Jeff was getting very tired as he wasn't able to thrust as hard as before. Paul looked back and noticed that Jeff's body was covered in sweat and he was breathing hard.

Paul said, "This time you fuck until you come then just rest on my back."

As Jeff started pumping Paul started pushing his ass back at him. This allowed Paul to control the action and keep from cumming because he knew what was happening to Jeff. Jeff thrust about eight times and then groaned as he shot at least seven streams of cum deep in Paul's ass. He then laid down on Paul's back and let out a long sigh of relief and hugged Paul.

Within seconds Paul knew that Jeff was asleep as his breathing had settled down and the only movement was the beating of his heart. Paul started squeezing his ass muscles as though he was milking Jeff's dick, after about six times Paul could feel Jeff's dick get hard again. He decided to just lie there and enjoy the warm feeling he was getting from Jeff's dick.

Paul was awaken by a tap on his shoulder. He looked up into the face of Coach and realized that he was still lying in the isle of the bus and Jeff was still on top of him asleep.

Coach grinned at Paul and said, "Thought you might be doing something like this back here, you need to get up and get ready to get off the bus, were going to stop for a restroom break and get something to drink." "You can wake Jeff, I don't want to embarrass him."

Paul waited for Coach to leave then he rolled half way on his side as he felt the foreskin on Jeff's dick snap out of his asshole. Apparently Jeff's dick had gone soft but with all the extra foreskin on it, it had been trapped inside Paul's asshole.

Jeff's eyes opened and he looked at Paul to see if anything was wrong. Paul told him to get up and clean up a little because they were about to stop. Paul then raised up and took one of the towels and cleaned the cum from his groan area. Just as he was getting his shorts on the bus pulled into a service station.

The players got off the bus and complained about being so stiff, but Paul and Jeff looked at each other and thought how relaxed they felt. They all took a bathroom break and a few got something to drink and then they were off again. They were about half way home.

As Jeff and Paul got back on the bus Paul sat down beside Jeff and just leaned into him. He looked at Jeff and said, "Is it ok if I just lean against you, want some body contact but not necessarily sex, just body contact. They rode along for a while without saying anything to each other. All at once Jeff turned quickly and said, "How did you know we were about to stop?"

Paul looked at Jeff and said, "Coach woke me up to tell me, and yeah he saw you too."

"Oh." was all Jeff said.

"Bill is going to have a party tomorrow at his house if you want to come." Paul said. "There will be some girls along with some of the players." "He told me about it at the service station, and also said to invite you, if you don't have a ride, Bill said he could pick you up when he came to get me." "He also said that we could sleep over if you wanted to, if you don't that's ok." "I thank he is feeling a little guilty about what happened between the two of you." "So what's your answer Jeff?"

"I would like to go, but have to ask my dad first." "I'll call you in the morning to let you know." Jeff replied.

The rest of the trip went along with nothing happening. They got to school and unloaded the buses and all the sleepy players wondered to their cars or their parents and headed home. The coaches told Jeff and Paul to leave the laundry and bags alone that they would take care of it tomorrow. Bill was waiting on Paul to give him a ride home, when he noticed that Jeff was looking around for someone.

Bill said, "Who you looking for Jeff?" as Jeff continued to scan the parking lot.

"Was looking for my dad, but isn't here yet, he may have gone to sleep at home and forgot about me."

"You can ride with us if you want to, I don't mind driving you home as long as it's not too far?" Bill said.

"It's only about fifteen miles." Jeff said as he waited for a response from Bill.

"That's not too far, come on and get in."

The three of them all got into Bill's car and Jeff gave Bill directions to his home. When they got there Jeff's father was about to get into his car. Paul looked at Jeff and said, "Why don't you ask your father if you can come to the party now, that will save you a phone call."

"Ok," Jeff said as he hopped out of the car and went to his father. Bill and Paul could see that there wasn't a lot of affection between the two as neither of them showed any sign of greeting. They could see Jeff speaking to his father and his father speaking back. Jeff ran back to the car and said it was ok, and it was alright if he stayed over night as long as he had a ride there and back.

"Fine." Bill said, "See you tomorrow about six o'clock,"

Paul and Bill drove off as Paul began to speak, "Jeff told me what happened before the game and he was a little upset about it, said he felt as though he was raped."

""Yeah, I knew it was bothering him, that's why I invited him to sleep over, wanted to make it up to him somehow, but don't know how." Bill said.

"He understands it better now, but I think it will be a touchy item for a while." Paul said.

"Well did you have any fun on the bus ride home?" Paul asked, knowing he didn't but wanted to brag to Bill about what he and Jeff had pulled off.

"No, and I guess you and Jeff did." Bill responded.

"Yep,, sure did, will have to tell you about it sometime." Paul said as they drove up to his house.

"Your terrible, you know, getting me excited and then leaving me with a hard-on." Bill said as Paul climbed out of the car. Paul then stuck his head back into the window and said, "If you want me to suck you off , you have to come inside."

Bill cut off the car and raced Paul to his door. They went to Paul's room and on their way noticed that Paul's father wasn't there. Bill started taking his pants off before they were in Paul's bedroom. Paul saw how excited Bill was and figured it was best to get him off so they could both get some sleep before tomorrow.

Bill stopped and said, "Can I stay hear tonight, I can tell my parents that I am too tired to drive, and as long as I am home by nine in the morning it will be ok,"

"Sure." said Paul.

Bill went to the phone with his dick sticking out in front of him. From the conversation Paul could tell that Bill's father had answered the phone, and he said it was ok, as Bill said, "Love you dad," and hung up the phone.

Paul was already naked and lying on the bed when Bill walked across the room.

"What do you want?" Paul asked looking at Bill's dick bouncing up and down as he walked across the room.

"I'm so excited if you blew on it it would squirt." Bill said as he got closer to the bed.

"In that case then how about a quick blow job and we can cuddle up and get some sleep." Paul said as he reached out and swallowed Bill's cock before he could answer. Bill grabbed the sides of Paul's head and started to pump his hips forward, but all of a sudden let go of Paul's head. Paul knew what this reaction was from as he removed his mouth from Bill's cock and said, "It's ok, I'm expecting it, remember Jeff wasn't."

Bill grabbed Paul's head and it only took three thrust before he was shooting down Paul's throat. When the last ribbon of cum shot out of his cock he collapsed on top of Paul and they both fell back on the bed. Paul wrapped his arms around Bill and they both drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 10

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